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I haven't used a calculator in the longest way there's a story to this what's going on oh yes welcome to cringe Mountain we are at the peak [Music] territory oh my our territory on cringe Mountain with my content oh yeah there's Splash Mountain there's Thunder Mountain but nothing compares to cringe Mountain Courtney's cringe Mountain my old youtube channel specifically is cringe mountain I've never heard of this really I've never talked about it I've never heard about anything that's in it oh and there's something called comedy reel on there that's what I auditioned for Smosh with and we hired you after watching that apparently a little bit you look like a Disney Channel original movie from 2005 good thing I watched those every day 2010 that's like 20 years ago we were still we were five years into making videos of them I know I wasn't even on Disney yet sucking on your mom was too nice what I'm sorry I got really graphic this one's 16 second long so okay a lot to digest there the thing that really came to mind is you haven't changed a bit nope who is filming your sister my best friend Marissa okay she's really sad a few of these videos today was that planned yes I asked her to film that thing because I was doing it in real life this is what's important to me is Cirie's I had called no vacancy there's a bunch of different characters all in one bedroom I see episode 8 how many are they I think nine or ten wow you're really dedicated to it I honestly let's just watch reading diurnal advocate it's all very important exposition where's my calculator where's your calculator this is like a Lele pons video all you have to do is calibrate them I'm pretty sure you reacted to the scream before oh yeah it is it hurts your brain when you talk like that like what on the nuke a new character is entered okay so we have four characters at this point no I think five five at this point nos track oh four so far you're not establishing their backstories let me tell you giving you a little taste and then I'm gonna let you know what they are after the video is over it prevents me shadow Courtney already in her death note I just like right now it's like it's like I'm just I'm reading Courtney I'm nerdy Courtney I'm dark Courtney I'm I'm sassy Courtney there it's a good riddance good range in the longest time wait there's a story service what's going on what does this say my thoughts yes oh no oh I got a call they were trying to save me from this dirty thanks boss what what what boy so using the bun to bed all along she had the calculator and threw it from my side of the bed and I also like reading whoa whoa whoa just get this video over with no we're gonna watch this again another character there's more Courtney's in there smash what what is go wrong from crazy but okay the one under the bed is not crazy No do we use learn more about the characters as a series carries out have you ever heard of a pilot what how long it take you to shoot that episode no uh no but we don't have to watch another one of those doing oh we're about to watch episode three it's just a lot of work you put into and to make sure you didn't make friends in high school [Applause] efforts like how do I guarantee I had names never the nerdy one the smart one Tasha was the one in pink dress Nino is the email journey is the gale was the like goofy one under the big one who lives under the bed Shannon is the crazy I think the rabbit one wearing the onesie in the side ways yes that is her fan that was all the characters and there's more there's also there's also Sally the hillbilly is a cowgirl there's got all these quirky characters emotion I literally use Gale in my audition Oh smash this episode sorry I'm sorry this is my sister wanted to direct this one she really wanted to be involved she had this this was her video idea and so she really took the reins on this one creatively you open new titles I know she concept icing help me edit it this one a little bit she's my sister oh no back in the room again here comes Shannon art of ours you have piss off journey Oh No Gayle she's gonna get you this is some next-level oh god no this is one take oh she's in Gryffindor but she's gonna marry you nice nice great awesome this is murder that was the famous feel laughs what was the process of developing this character cuz I don't know I want to know what work you put into this Courtney it's like mostly a lot of inside jokes compiled into a person for most of these characters was it your idea to choke your sister nope my sister what had the idea she had very good but we can be clever it Sally we one new character here comes Pippi Longstocking this is your simple Jack character what's now you mean what's what's EMP Oh Courtney Miller productions oh say whoa this low neck what if I get super frigging dark to a point where it's like it seems that you and I are like crap we gotta get rid of her she's messed up the madness so Daisy this camera was like partially broken at this fight okay here comes Gale assume where's this enjoyment takes everything else home approach to those problems listen girls out of membership Oh Garage Band music right on - oh oh sure it's very small we talked about how you developed and created the plot of split you know for M night Shyamalan did I just wish my friends were enduring that content these friend yeah real real I do and you Oh Shane explains we tell we yeah but yeah I haven't even shown you a my friends vlog I'm gonna misplace oh I'm sorry I need to go back to my mom's house did you do this yourself did you tie your son that's like that's like some Scarface level ending where it's like it doesn't end good for the characters you know that's that takes a real artists mind you got like a breaking bad vibe where you know it's like I serve comedy elements of comedy here or is it mainly just scary soon as a Wes Anderson right Oh Wes Anderson vibe here let's let's critique mm-hmm I'm realizing the wrong side up pops I hate you both oh why did you beat on it parody Oh moonrise kingdom here we come you got any more dialogue guys what bottle rocket I'm about to snap I just let you to watch my scripted oh hey I'm an artist okay go tomorrow some told us gale again that works very fine this one's Nev Moonrise Kingdom or fantastic let's keep them right there this is a hat I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry this is use of my life it's great make fun of it make fun of it Ronna lap around a pool there's exercise another program right there she goes no come back he'll need you to run like you've never run before nice animating there you go there's your dog Doge oh nice Oh Sonny's I looked at some physical humor right there that's some physical comedy yep oh well you do your own stunts oh it's that baby Wow back then you were like I gotta jump in the pool for Utah five years later you doing insane things on smog cuts me sex was on jumpin at pool [Music] that's probably yeah I seen the came full-circle you fell five years five years before signs for siwash okay well I need do I need a stick to buy it on for like supreme you might you wanna buy on this hat you gotta have for this don't why do you have your hat here I have double hats listen sometimes if you get to double up on the hats which one of One Direction is that which member my favorite one idol you look like cool Sprouse to be Disney stuff alright this next video is I used to do these a lot where I would just kind of borrow my sister's a laptop and just use the webcam it was just us like hanging out and being random you know this is probably the last video of that we're showing today we just for our health yeah I'm free to go or health this is a sleepover sleepover and welcome to CMV trauma but I saw my high school med school best friend put things together dude bangs on same day I remember I remember those days that's a good car camo necklace actually this is literally like an old Ian and Anthony hamburger first body Mitchell Davis Oh I knew this thing that we saw on that Mitchell Davis and his friend did you want to do it or me my either sign my favorite room with my sister so that was first aisle apparently if you like if you if you put your arms at your sides and then someone does this to you and you try and fight them for 30 seconds and they like oh your arms start to float up this is what happens the kids don't have drugs is this seriously stupid sleepover you're so 14 do I would cut in between the boring stuff and the interesting stuff to keep you interest on like a true artiste you know it's actually kind of funny is you as a teenager look a lot like me as a teenager and it's kind of we ha ha ha ha ha oh that picture of me from icarly we kind of just look the same you got longer hair though I got the mullet anybody who's you know watching this who's you know in in middle school early high school and you're thinking god I'm such a weirdo look at this weirdo here this teenage weirdo and go oh cool I have the opportunity to grow up to be even weirder yep in my 20s love them they're amazing I can't even need you text me and now you're gonna like watch it and be like what the f this is the most 14 year old thing I've ever seen I feel so old I feel like I'm aging rapidly watching this turn on the camera it's hard for like oh we let it roll for like thank you what's up yeah as a sick dude so be like that word that was like jy even you don't think it's the center of this it was I'm gonna tee off center it yeah I think it's a good stopping point okay okay ho save more for later you get a eight you know much more Macy's or you do that wait are you to make these videos public and I started acity no you should probably should put some of these on your Twitter or something I I'm going to I'm okay I'm cutting up some of them cuz like you know you can only put like two minutes so Kourtney's like let me show you a part of my life we're just that's very precious to me I like how I'm over here like you look dumb and I was roasting it but it is actually cool to watch it's fun it's awesome to see that you were aspiring to be a youtuber and hey look look at you now I do I do honestly want to see more so if you guys want to see more maybe we'll watch Lou watch something yeah how much more no vacancy I have some other serious products I did love you guys so much hope you enjoyed your time on cringe Mountain we really conquered it we're gonna we summited that mountain now we're on our way back down love you guys so much hit the bell don't miss the next part of the series if it becomes a series probably not I really don't enjoy sitting in the same disaster look out for Gale look out for Gale alright okay goodbye see I'm pink clover out now good mythical morning thank you guys so much for watching this very very awkward video and just so you guys know we just launched our new clothing line I love it especially the sweater it's freakin badass if you guys want to check that out go to Smosh dot store or click the link down below also click the video on the screen to watch our new show eat it or eat it [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,975,463
Rating: 4.9673691 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, WE REACT TO COURTNEY’S OLD YOUTUBE VIDEOS, courtney miller, shayne topp, ian hecox, reacting to old videos, reacting to old youtube videos, comedy, funny, react
Id: KC_quez-9_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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