The FIRST Ender DRAGON Story In Minecraft!

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Hi aphmau

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ShadowFighter948 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2022 🗫︎ replies
this is a story of the first ender dragon in minecraft we get to see how she came to be and how the end became her home and it all started on a rainy night with a mysterious baby left at a villager's door okay let's see i just got to put this down right here and i'm almost done putting all the crops up for the day it perfect all right let's see i got all this here um maybe i should harvest some of this no oh away shoo oh man hey half mel you know what i'm doing now how to really blame that villager they have a right to be mad at you you know huh what do you mean well my parents said that since you come to the village more and more monsters have been attacking hey yeah my parents have said the same thing i do and it's all your fault yeah you know that little necklace here that ugly little necklace i bet the monsters want that how do you know that what if it's because of all your ugly oh oh guys i'm so hurt she called us ugly well maybe it's all that gold your parents just give you how dare you i mean i do hear monsters like gold actually yeah that's true i heard that too what not no it all happened ever since she came to the village more and more mobs have been attacking and it is your dumb necklace no oh yeah well how about you uh give me your necklace i'll make sure it goes away never oh yeah get it guys come here come here run run run i'm jumping on your crotch did you do that what happened yeah making fun of me [Music] oh um hi mayor villager are you here to make me do more chores by myself again oh no no not at all why are you crying everyone is mean to me even you guys wow that's tough anyway uh why don't you come with us i would like to show you something show me something yes right this way young lady it's a very interesting spot almost there just right up this hill what is this [Music] i'm sorry but we need you to protect us from the pillagers we're going to attack how can i do that easy no will she be all right as long as the crystal doesn't shatter everything will go according to plan excellent what happened that was a weird dream did this go out more weird i wonder what this place is it's so cool that is so cool it looks just like my necklace i can use it to make a big necklace i can make everyone necklaces out of it so dummy and won't be jealous of me maybe he won't be mean to me maybe we can be friends that'll never happen oh let's see wait wait where is my necklace wait a minute what if i were to touch this what's happening huh what's going on huh wait a minute that crystal hey it's back on my neck turn back i have no idea what that was i need to tell the others oh that's right i can't fly um okay oh yeah and what were you doing out in the forest huh [Music] yeah yeah and hey hey oh why is your arm weird you weirdo weirdo you got a weirdo [Music] [Music] okay i'm out of here what was that that's so weird hmm all right kids the pillagers are attacking and we have to defend our home now i'm going to bring you children in charge [Music] yeah they built a lot of walls overnight you could never have too many walls we need more i like this [Music] i have something to say i think this is all bad girl's fault in her necklace yeah it all started with you oh i think you're right and i think that we should exile her wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what no she didn't do anything i mean she's been tired [Music] too late i already made up my mind come here guys i got the girl for you right here oh [Music] oh my gosh what is that does everyone see what i [Music] all right guys it's gonna be okay as long as there is your work was a bit sloppy but good very good huh what happened huh wait a minute oh you're awake i am awake did we win what happened yeah but no thanks to you you passed out we had to bring you back here now there's those weird pillars outside the village what do you think they mean what wasn't there over here before oh wow yeah when you were out there there were a bunch that sprung up like that they're everywhere you probably caused this [Music] hello there kids hi mr mayor how are you all doing now this is just part of our new defense system that we have what what do you mean well son we found a way to make sure we will always be safe and no one will be able to come near our village again with our secret weapon this is just the beginning wait wait so what does that mean damn come back here that dragon thing wasn't a dream it's never been a dream that means that i i'm doing this am i really that dragon what does it have to do with my crystal this is so mean [Music] what is that oh no it's happy oh it's okay don't worry um let me see if i can help you it's something like this hey that actually helped you oh it's so nice to meet you puppy you want to be my friend oh that's so nice here you go come on this way follow me um what do these mean what do they need oh everything [Music] you've got a puppy so you're all right you guys want to be friends now i'm [Music] [Music] all right time to go to the festival puppy doesn't our house look so much better i'm so good at minecraft ah it's just the best i can go meet all my friends i'll see you later okay bye oh my puppy's so good i'm so excited i'm so ready to see what's going to happen this is going to be the best festival ever not with her around who invited you oh all right everyone thank you as you know it's time to crown a new mayor cutting right to the chase son and without further ado i present him [Music] now as a new mayor i'm going to get to the bottom of safety in this town what are you doing in my house get out of my house get away from my dog sorry i'm not in a good mood right now especially since [Music] ann doesn't find on my secret i should be i should be fine [Music] what are you doing here ian go be the mayor outside get out of my house why don't tell people to stop coming into my house's cinema uh i i i said they should do that what do you want ann listen i know i know everything you know that i'm a dragon i know and i know that you're gonna help me help the village what what do you mean you know exactly what i mean you're gonna help me save this village uh oh okay sure good glad we had this little discussion we were almost there oh no you see this village that's a pillager village what are we doing here oh you're going to attack them for us what no i don't want to do that that's mean oh yes you will you're gonna do it if i say you're gonna do it [Music] you can't do that why are you doing this now don't attack them no i don't want to oh yeah well then your little dog is gonna get it you can't do that that's so mean i know check the village yeah don't want to attack people who didn't attack us see how do i do this do i just um like that and oh oh no no no this isn't good this is like i can't do this i'm sorry i'll save you it's okay hold on no no no don't run into this remember you are a weapon for us stop that all right if i can't control you i'm gonna get your little friends back home no i never go back home i got me i gotta beat him there oh no i need to get back before ian hurts anybody he's not a good mayor i need to make sure that they know about that he's over there see if i can come down here guys guys attacking [Music] [Applause] it's trying to hurt us i smell it i will protect this village that thing is a menace hang on hang on where'd the dragon go it's there it's there no thanks dragon get out of this village i don't think you can understand me this isn't good i'm from though this necklace was no good i knew it what hey give me that bring that back to the dragon dogs you're both trainers you're trying to attack the village no it's not that and is a bad mayor no no no no guys she was going to attack the village you all saw right he was trying to make me attack another village and they didn't even tell me oh um no no oh uh no no i put the bow down listen listen listen listen listen listen explain they were going to hurt us i was just being uh proactive you know showing our force attacking first so you attack a whole another village and use athmel to do your dirty work well um yeah she works for me i'm i'm the mayor listen listen listen listen listen being the mayor is really hard okay and you know i always wanted to be athlete's friend but i didn't know how to act and you're so popular and everyone likes you and even the dogs like you and you guys are mean to me when i was younger and you should have just told me we're sorry i mean easier said than we know we were meeting you when we were young and we wanted to make it up to you it's okay maybe we can be friends after all yeah i guess i'm sorry it's okay ian you were just trying to protect us but there's better ways to go about it now wait a minute what's that sound can you hear that yeah it's like rumbling and uh oh what huh guys what is that [Laughter] [Music] soon everything will be engulfed and there's [Laughter] i've got this i've got this if i do something like this and then what are you doing what are [Music] what about you don't worry go go get all right everyone you heard me i'm the mayor get out of the village let's go what is this place it looks just like my village it's quiet here and and i won't hurt anybody maybe this is a wait what the what are you what enderman weird you're like a really tall minecraft player um huh be friends i mean i did just lose my friends you know what yeah we could be friends you know what we could do we could play village i will be the uh mayor of this place i cannot play villagers just you and me but if i use this on me let's see nothing happens but if i use this on you can i shatter you what that works amazing now you can really have a little village here it could be me and you guys and i'll protect you guys from everything and you guys just keep building okay um looks like it might take you a while but i think you got this all right you know what i think i'm gonna be perfectly safe here i'm just gonna stay here and uh oh i guess i'm the first dragon here i'll make sure everyone here is safe at least maybe then i can get over losing my friends it'll be okay all right everybody this way follow your mayor are you sure about this it'll be fine don't worry about it i'm here to lead you yes so much of that weird rock that showed up in our village years ago what is that what is that it's me the dragon it's necklace girl i forgot her name you guys came here why of course yeah stop looking for you you didn't we're your friends we go to the end of the earth to find you again yeah it took years to find this place wow thank you guys it's so nice of you i give you a hug but i can't really do that i can't i don't have my necklace anymore so i can't turn back don't worry we made you a new one a new one oh thank you so much i don't think it has the same powers as my other necklace has but you know what let me let me give it a shot wait a minute it worked it actually worked yeah everyone come [Music] and you helped us get here puppy that's a good fight [Music] well you guys can hang out and everything but if you're here to destroy me to beat the game i'm unfortunately gonna have to say i have to fight you so uh good luck no problem it'll be easy we are the best minecraft players [Music] they seem really mad they seem really angry okay but ouch girl your friends are lying oh your friends do not like being looked at dragon from hey i thought we were friends we are friends but if you're here to try to beat me you got to beat me i'm here to be your friend friendship hurts
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,108,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau dragon, aphmau plays as a dragon, aphmau ender dragon, aphmau minecraft dragon, aphmau the end, minecraft the end, aphmau story, aphmau first ender dragon, minecraft first ender dragon, aphmau ender dragon story, aphmau playing as ender dragon, aphmau playing as dragon, aphmau beats minecraft, aphmau dragon minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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