The First ENDER WOLF Story In Minecraft!

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today we learned the story of the first enderwolf in minecraft her human origins and how she came to be from a baby with a curse to today five years native yeah we got it to protect the village do you think you're ready yes sir i will be brave and strong and [Music] what are you saying [Music] [Music] career sir please put me my down i don't feel very good keep getting dizzy wait a minute did that wolf bite you yes it did oh no it's okay let's let's take you home come on children we're all going home all right now stay here i need to go check on the others you feel so good wait wait wait mr mayor wait i got bitten by a wolf am i gonna indicted no nonsense it's only a flesh wound i'm sure you'll be fine now get some rest in there man i hope they have training fun oh let's go [Laughter] [Music] look what i found for you sorry i'm sorry better have a good reason for the i i hate hey i found a child that was bitten by a wolf [Laughter] perfect she's right for this experiment [Laughter] hold still yeah eat it eat this i'm not eating this this is dumb do what i say now eat it please oh that's a good little girl is it doing what we said only time will tell as long as the mirror is intact we can bring the end here breaks everything and we'll go with it let's keep these [Music] [Music] looks fine to me wait a minute no no no no no no there was something here i promised and i went to the witches side and they fed me and it was there's a witch i'll find it wait a minute i don't know i think you just had a bad dream maybe you just need to lie down more yeah don't worry uh we're gonna protect the house so you just get some rest okay that happened right it actually did happen i remember this broke and this was all broken wait [Music] oh i need to get higher to look at it it's so pretty and it's so beautiful i don't know what about the moon today just makes me wanna ow what the huh wait what what's happening to me how did this happen wait a minute oh no oh [Music] [Music] we're ready to defend the village mr mayor where is this what happened to me what is going on [Applause] oh [Music] i gotta get out of here [Music] my house but i found she wasn't there she wasn't there she wasn't everywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] what is this place was that a dream at this point i don't even know what's going on oh okay all right let's see um maybe if i step on this huh what's happening [Music] [Music] maybe back to the village so i can explain everything going on and they can actually believe me what if they don't like me anymore [Music] oh man i stepped off those things oh it's fine it's fine i'm gonna go tell this witch what's what [Music] no not even a bit now you're interrupting my work lady you're the one who did this to me you did something what is this thing i'm telling you pierce there's got to be something cool here yeah but like wait where did you find this this is so weird i don't know hang on sliders ah [Music] no do you have any weapons or like yeah uh sure here uh take some of this uh i don't know what is here anyway come on guys we gotta get out of here somehow we can't we can't stay here i think i was training with this bow i can handle anything oh also uh if we get home and you notice that your stuff is missing we totally didn't take it oh great [Music] what is it it's a giant bug oh no no no no why is the book so big it's it was a thing there maybe maybe this is hot it maybe it was breakfast [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait you gotta have your what no nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] that's it i'll take care of myself [Music] okay so i'm gonna need to grab one of these on like this [Music] if i put this necklace on [Music] i can see a human perfect oh look how pretty it is oh my gosh okay um i guess i gotta get these two back to the village yeah so you guys just fell down after um i guess farting or something party i okay that's the last time i'm eating raw potatoes that was a bad bad potatoes are no good you know i'm never gonna eat a potato again yeah actually potatoes are terrible wow you guys are just so nice are you gonna eat broccoli [Music] then eat your potatoes they're good for you and then guys pillagers are attacking what good let me get them let me out of here get round let's go forward [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] day oh [Music] we've been dreaming about the wolf before and now i gotta take it down also afternoon apart don't worry why does that wolf sound like okay i don't understand [Music] what uh it looks very scary did i get some minions huh oh jesus look what are these things what get them i think they got them [Music] [Music] so so what what what does that mean about that [Music] oh no okay we cannot have such a dangerous end to welfare even if she is [Applause] [Music] yeah she she just kept us safe from all the pillagers trying to invade the village i did save you guys i like her she's nice let's go uh-huh [Music] [Music] but i did but you guys are with me and that's all that matters of course we got you your friends yeah friendship give me back myself oh um okay we got bigger things to worry about but uh here you go [Music] where's the ender dragon oh it's over there guys uh wait i think it's going down the winch is hot you gotta go get it yeah okay hey you guys take care of that i'm gonna keep an eye on the mayor make sure it doesn't cause any more trouble fine but we gotta go be safe guys how are we gonna be the dragon guy this isn't the witch's hut anymore what happened like she got an upgrade wow [Laughter] together with my magic mirror soon the end will end the overworld and nothing but dread will come over the server dare you interrupt my speech let's hear your little toys play against my powers [Music] [Music] who's down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we've been [Music] not if i have anything to say about it [Music] [Music] everything is crumbling down miserable brats [Music] yeah she talks too much okay come on guys wait a minute come on guys we gotta get the mirror mirror is that where they all came from actually i think you have to do something with the curse and i don't know it's a long story but if we destroy the mirror everything from the end will go back okay if you're connected to the mirror too and destroying it you might disappear forever oh no why i'm the first enderwolf which means i'll go too and i'll never see you guys ever again well we just don't destroy it then no we have to or else yeah there's got to be another way no yeah the endermites will come back and so will the ender dragon and then the endermen will come here everything's gonna be we can fight them we'll be we're good at it we can do it everything's gonna turn into the out even us you that's what the witch said we don't want to see you go [Music] okay here i've been i've been saving this for something special [Music] okay all right guys ready three everyone back up two i have bow what [Music] you're supposed to be in jail hey guys listen up now i'm sorry i i misjudged you i i only saw you as something evil from the end but what i failed to see was the little girl that we all loved [Music] also here take this it isn't much but it might help this it's an artifact i found from the end and it just might help you stay here [Music] all right i think it's on me and i think i'm ready to destroy this okay okay good luck you got this two [Music] guys i can live with you as the first enderwolf [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,747,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, no cursing, clean minecraft videos, aphmau wolf, minecraft wolf, aphmau ender wolf, ender wolf in minecraft, aphmau plays as a wolf, aphmau minecraft wolf, aphmau the end, aphmau story, aphmau playing as ender wolf, aphmau first enderwolf, minecraft first ender wolf, aphmau ender wolf story, aphmau beats minecraft, aphmau wolf minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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