00 - The Signs Of The End

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[Music] a man once arrived in medina and he was wearing exceedingly white garments and he had exceedingly dark and black hair and it seemed as if he wasn't one of them and as he came he knelt down by the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he began to ask the prophet some questions tell me about the last hour and to that the prophet replied that the one who asks the question knows no more than one who is being asked meaning neither you nor i know the details precisely about when the last hour will be and then the man said then tell me about the signs of the last day what are those preceding events those things that will happen before the last hour comes upon people what will happen and the prophet began to enumerate some of those signs the first thing he said is that when you see the slave girl giving birth to her mistress that it means there will be some kind of a social involution a social reversal means that children will show impiety towards their parents that children would become like masters over their parents the kids would become the dominance and the parents would become the subordinates in another hadith said when the son he chooses his friend closer and distances his father away never existed in their days even among the christians and the jews this didn't exist it was a time that was very unusual to the people that the mother will give birth to her daughter who when she grows up she acts like she's the master and boss over her own people will curse their own fathers it means that people no longer value parenthood people no longer value the relationships of people with others they'll wipe them off they'll curse them they'll have hatred and people only think about themselves the prophet sallallahu described a world of deceit where you will disbelieve the one who is speaking the truth and you will believe the one who is lying and you will place your trust in the one who is treacherous and you will regard treacherous the one who is trustworthy complete reverse in sahih muslim in bukhari you find the hadith of the one the prophet described the situation like this and said it will get to this stage where one man will say about another person who lives far off because there's so much dishonesty and treachery i don't know who to trust anymore that someone will say about another person living in a far distant or that person what a good person that person is and how strong he is and how good he is but the prophet said but that person doesn't even have an atom's weight of humanity informed i have informed he was sad what is he saying i saw in hellfire a group of women for example whom i've never seen the likes of before meaning of the future they are dressed but undressed they walk in a seductive manner and they do fashions upon their heads in order to in a type that attracts attention told us this something of the future he's never seen the likes of before not among the romans the byzantines of his time he did not see them among the persians of his time he did not see them among the mushrikeen of his time or among the muslims of his time this is something which the humans begin to do at large muslim non-muslim and he said among my ummah from my nation subhanallah the last hour will not come until you find yourself that if you are among 20 young men more or less when you are a believer you're a good believer and you looked at you know and found out that none of them fear allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala then it is time for the hour what is he saying he's saying when you see young men there are many of them and there are large numbers together hanging out in certain places or going together and you cannot see any signs of fear of allah in their faces as a whole then wait for the last hour to come we're talking about from the um of the prophet what does this mean in the nightclubs they go in groups in mixed weddings singing and dancing they're in groups going out to meet two or three girls they're in groups a concert happens where a singer comes along or a dance or whatever and they go in groups not one or two in groups they go to commit fahisha neglecting the prayer neglecting the isha prayer neglecting the fajr prayer because as soon as they get home they're too tired wasting their bodies wasting their energy wasting their youth wasting their health on what on just fulfilling the desires of this body everywhere in the world they exist brothers and sisters said when you see this then wait for the last hour to come one of them that the prophet muhammad peace be upon him said that one of the signs would be that intoxicants would be widely used nakedness that people would begin to remove their clothes and he said until it would get to the point where people would actually walk around in the marketplaces in shorts with their thighs fully exposed he said also that people would have sexual intercourse in front of other people he said that it would get so bad that you would see people fornicating on in public places and the best people would be people who would say can't you do that somewhere else another one would be speed in travel he said great distances would be traversed in very short times and he said also that people would hop between the clouds and and the earth and he said that there would be musical instruments would be everywhere and he said that also that people would dance with instruments on their head which some have interpreted as headphones and they would spend the whole night dancing like that he also said that you would see singing women prevalent in public spaces because traditionally that was something people did in private things but he said it would become out open into the public um and he said that there would be many people with which would be whisperings like there would be many confused people that would have a lot of psychological type of problems the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said there shall come a time upon my ummah when their prayers are not prayed correctly and when high buildings spread in every place when people swear in the name of allah a lot about everything without fulfilling their oath people curse each other a lot bribery and adultery prevails people neglect the hereafter in order to buy the luxuries of this world in exchange for the hereafter so people become materialistic if you see this happening in your time then seek refuge seek refuge in one hadith the prophet was mentioning something and then said to ziad ibn may allah be pleased with him that this will not happen until knowledge goes ziad was confused how will that be rasulallah if we recite the quran and we teach it to our children and then they recite it and then they teach it to their children how will it be that knowledge will go allah and the prophet said may your mother be bereaved of uzia do you not see these jews and christians reciting the torah and the injeel and not acting according to anything in those two books meaning it won't simply be about reciting that will save us but it will be about internalizing and acting upon the revelation it is easy to recite and it is harder of course to act but the salvation is in the acting upon but in merely the reciting so knowledge will be lifted and jahl and ignorance will prevail upon the people from the signs of the end of time that there will be that the most that the happiest person on earth will be the fool the one who is unintelligent the one who is like a clown he is the one who has like an adult body but a child's mind not because of an illness but simply because that's the way that he's fashioned himself and another hadith the last hour will not come until there is a prevalence on the earth of the luca ibn luka this fool the son of the fool a situation of idiocy a world where you have silly people who are speaking and silly people who are enjoying themselves everyone of course knows that we are living in the age of of celebrity culture may allah be pleased with him describe the situation how will you be when fitna clothes you the one who is young will grow older and one who's old will grow older a time of confusion it continues when your quran recites become many but your fukaha your scholars become less and when your money increases but your trustworthiness decreases in muslim he will sell his religion for a small price from this dunya people who will leave islam people will abandon islam and in light of this you have that hadith where the prophet mentioned that before the end of time there will be there will be imposters and liars and they will come to you with a with a talk that neither you've heard before or your fathers have ever had before new talk like a revisionist islam a revised version of islam a re-packaged redefined islam to suit everyone but the prophet said beware of them and your fathers should be aware of them they should not misguide you they should not be a trial for you allah before the end of time you will see this prevailing sign what is it there will be afflictions afflictions afflictions trials tests of hardship afflictions that are like smoke filling the air darkness with dark clouds above you and it will weaken the heart of a person just like his body weakens in the morning he is a believer and by the evening he becomes a disbeliever and in the evening he is a believer and by the morning he is a disbeliever so much fitan confusion deception lies a person in the evening is a believer by the morning they went on the internet and it confused everything about their religion to the point where they become atheists they become something other than their own religion we live in this time today and he said when there will be more evil people than the good ones to the point when listen to this when the believers will hide themselves too ashamed or too embarrassed or too scared to show themselves that they are believers just like the way just like the way hypocrites today hide themselves that the believers begin to feel shy to show that their beliefs are too afraid they don't want to get up and feel proud of it because they're afraid that they'll be blamed by their friends and told look at you you're acting like a muslim now the prophet described a world my dear brothers before the end of time a world of difficulty and a world of trials and a world of tribulation and when hadith he said the last part of this um will be given as tests and trials but the beginning of it was given as preservation and the people will become shaken up by that difficulty and then it will go and then allah will come and the believer will say hadiya muhaliketi in this trial is my destruction and then that will pulse apart and then another one will come and the believer will say this one will destroy me and then that will also go and so the prophet said whoever wants to save himself from the fire and enter paradise let him let his death come to him whilst he believes in allah and the last thing he said they will come upon a people a time a situation of difficulties so much so by him in whose hand is my soul this world will not go until a day comes upon the people in the world when a man will pass by a grave and he will roll in the dust of that grave and he will say i wish i was in the place of this man in his grave and that is not because of day not because he has any debt but it's because of tribulations and hardships and difficulties that people would prefer to be in the grave than to be on the earth because of how many things are enveloping and overwhelming them in one hadith the prophet also mentions who in the nations of the world will gather to eat of you fight you the way they gather to eat a meal partake in eating a meal and the companions they were shocked and they said ya rasulullah will we be a few in number on that day you will in fact on that day be many many people allah will take the fear out of the hearts of your enemies and place that affair into your hearts you'll be like the froth on the sea you'll be like scum despicable utter rubbish no regard for you worthless anything could happen to you there's no reaction nothing blind death nothing and you will have one you will have this disease called in your hearts and they said what is that ya rasulullah you will love dunya you will hate death you will not have the willingness to make any effort for anything if you're infatuated and in love with the dunya and when hadith the prophet described it when he said sallallahu alaihi that before the end of time that time will be brought close that is not simply some kind of mass media cliche or a perceptual illusion that we think as if time is speeding up there are some truths about the time that we're living that no one can deny for the last 50 years the speed in which technology has emerged and changes made in the last 50 years are perhaps more than the changes made in the world in the demographics of the world in the politics of the world in the social structuring of the world in the speed of technology of communication of mass media of networking between people more changes than in the last five six seven eight hundred years in the last fifty years so we are experiencing the world in a much faster way in the way that we travel in the way that we view and even see events so when the prophet described and said sallallahu that the year will become like the month and the month will become like the week and the week will become like the day and the day becomes like the hour and the hour becomes like a spark of fire there are things you can do now in a month that would previously take you a year to do and things that people can do in a week that will previously take them a month to do and things people can do in a day that would take them a week to do and things people can do in an hour that will take them a day to do before where did tell us that there will come a time when upon my ummah they will begin to follow them step by step foot by foot that if they were to enter the whole of the lizard they will follow them they said o messenger of allah do you mean that we will be following step by step the customs and traditions and morals of the christians and jews of that time he said yes who else the romans will be the largest in number and power and influence this is a hadith from the prophet islam you find it inside muslim tells us i want you to listen this beautiful hadith which is in bukhari and muslim he said what will you do when iraq is denied its currency what will be your state and what will you do when a sham when its currency is denied and what will you do when egypt its currency will be denied and you return to where you began in the first place what does this mean when a country falls its currency falls as well doesn't it the rasul was asked how will it fall and he said by foreign intervention detrimental hadith he said there is no good in you o muslims when the day comes that the people of shem are corrupt their state is corrupt they're neglected their state is destruction there is no good in you as though saying sham is the heart of you and if its people are not looked after anymore what is wrong with the ummah of the muslims of the world something is terribly terribly wrong we can blame the leaders and rasul assalam did say that there will come a time when you will have leaders who are former in the form of dictatorship and they are unjust and they will lead you in tyranny and he also said when the time comes the trust is given to the person who cannot hold it but what about you and me who are not leaders another sign of the day of judgment is that you will see the barefooted half-naked destitute shepherds they will compete with each other in making the highest buildings who are these shepherds the messenger said you look today subhanallah the tallest building in the world is in the bay just just under 800 meters and now the in kuwait they want to build what a building which is called mubarak a thousand and one meter just over a kilometer all the architect drawings are made so then the saudis are now want to bring make the kingdom tower they will be the arabs but see all these buildings but no issa you have no say on the world stage the more you build the more you ridicule you have all that wealth but nobody takes you seriously nobody's ever taken people serious because of the cars that they drive because of the building that they live in people take you seriously with what you contribute to humanity the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said a time will come that the belly of makkah will be cleft open cleft means to make a hole in something to make a hole in the surface and river-like passages will be dug through now this narration baffled the the best interpretation they could come out with that makkah today is a very dry place a day will come that makkah will be a very moist place a very wet place if you look historically at makkah makkah was in the center and then it's surrounded by mountains today makkah is on each side of the mountains the ulama say now today we understand this narration of the prophet sallallahu alaikum they actually meant that the belly of makkah meant the mountains will be cleft open and you will have river-like passages if you look at anything all those tunnels look like rivers turn the other way that's what they look like rivers turn upside down and say now we understand this narration and then the message of allah he said that the buildings in makkah will be higher than the mountains subhan allah you look at that monstrosity that they have in makkah today it's one of the tallest buildings in the world the prophet described a world where sins will increase and open sins will increase and adultery will increase and all these signs before the end of time signal bigger things that will come my dear brothers major signs before the day of judgment one of the last of the minor science because it's not included in the major science that come from the hadi is the appearance of the mahdi people would want to pleasure allegiance to him and he will reject refuse the first time and second time he will accept and then between the rookin and the makaam of ibrahim in the area where the kaaba is he will accept and then the muslims will give the authority to him but the idea is that he will be a khalifa he will be a muslim ruler and he will rule with justice and unite the affairs of the ummah the sahabah were talking on one occasion and the prophet asked them what are you talking about and they said we're talking about the last hour and the prophet said the last hour will not come until you see before it ten signs now this is the hadith one of them that details the 10 major signs before the end of time so he listed them not in order however and the descent of isa alayhi salaam and the dajjal and but he represents a major sign before the end of time uh and the coming out of these two tribes of people yeah and mahaduj and again these are human beings these are not strange looking short people and there will be three earthquakes or earth splits one in the east and one in the west and one in the arabian peninsula and the rising of the sun from the west one of the last of the signs of the end of time and after of course we have the hadith after that sign there will be no repentance accepted from anybody ever right and a creature who will come before the end of time he will he will be have the stature of a human meaning with arms and with legs uh a creature a beast and he will brand people on their heads in terms of their belief or their non-belief the a smoke very thick dark black smoke towards the end of time and then there will be a fire from yemen that will gather the people for the judgment you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 172,846
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Id: qU8aqpfLk7U
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Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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