The Minor Signs

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Hey [Music] father of the alarm who says one day we were sitting in the company of the prophet salaallah alayhi wasalam and the man all of a sudden entered the room he came to the provincial molarity was set up and he placed his knees next to the knees of the Prophet said Lamar at a sermon and he says that none of us recognized and no were there any signs of travel upon him and then the answer prophet sallal our lives and of what is Imam then he asked about Islam then he asked about Asia and then he affirmed the answer and Ramallah says before this very strange you asked a question and then you affirm the answer and then he said Matassa when is the final hour and the message of allah salla larson said that the one who is being asked there knows no more than the one who's asking maybe you don't know nor do either so then he said tell me the sign of the final hour nobody knows when it's going to occur but what llahi there is no doubt that it will occur a man came to rasulallah he sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he asked him a question when will the last hour be a messenger of allah rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam responded to him with an amazing wise word a question to his question what have you prepared for it in other words he is asking him what have you prepared for your death for your death rasul allah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us towards the last hour there will be extreme display the trials and tribulations will be displayed before you just like the pieces of straws in a straw mat the fittin will be so many on that day that you will look at them you'll see them all at once in front of you and you recognize that each one is out on its own fitna after fitna after fitna after fitna all displaying themselves in front of you he said there will be two hearts one type of heart will be pure and the other type of hard with murky stinky and ugly and dark the pure heart will be the ones that reject these fittin and try to go against it and the fit and the heart which will be dark and murky are the ones who take it and accept it and love it rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is very advent the fact that he came was already a sign of teamö he said I have been sent as close to Kiama as this and he pointed with the two fingers no other nabi could do that because each nabi was sent and another nabi was going to come after him but when rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was sent who was going to come after him no other nabi i am the final messenger there is going to be no messenger after me anyone coming to you telling you that i am a messenger of allah they are lying Rasul Allah a wasalam said a time will come that the belly of Makkah will be cleft open river like passages will be dug through this duration baffled the papacy they couldn't work it out why because it didn't make any sense then the best interpretation they could come out with that math God today is a very dry place and they will come that Makkah will be a very moist place a very wet place the ulema say now today we understand this narration of the Prophet SAW Malala was alone they actually meant that the the belly of Muhammad the mountains will be cleft open and you will have river like passages if you look at anything all those tunnels look like rivers turn the other way that's what they look like and the red of our side now we understand this narration and then the Messenger of Allah saw all of our they were still having the same duration he said the buildings in Makkah will be higher than the mountains of Hama you look at that monstrosity that they have in Makkah today all this dunya but no respect you have no save on the world stage the more you build the more you ridicule you have all that wealth but nobody takes you seriously he said when sexual obscenity becomes a widespread norm in my own mouth and it will never happen except if they start committing it publicly and publicizing it openly it means that when you're at school for example at high school and you hear your friend talking about going out with a boyfriend or a boy saying I've been out with this many girls they're actually lying to you it's not true and then you go and do it because you think everybody else is doing it today on social media to publicize in an indirect way how the way girls and boys pose on the Internet to other people that type of posing is a sexual posing my brothers and sisters in Islam the way they do with their mouth and with their eyes and with their faces rustle along so I seldom told us they publicize dinner he is telling the Ummah he's saying my Ummah they will be in that and then sallallahu alayhi wasallam he said then mark my words is it terminal illnesses diseases and pain that had never existed in their ancestors before them war can't become widespread among them a woman will give birth to her boss subhanAllah so people might interpret it saying you know nowadays the women are giving birth the children are becoming bosses the children are ruling their women that is one explanation but let me tell you what is happening in the Western world Allah women who do not want the beautiful stretch marks on their stomachs so what are the women of the West doing they take the embryo husband and wife they make the egg and the sperm meet in a third party we want to use your womb for nine months to do what for the gestation period of our child and we will pay you for that and what are these women doing out of desperation they are renting out their wombs wallahi I am telling you what is going on around us in the world and then what happens nine months later they get their payment have they not given birth to anything but their bosses subhanAllah is that not a sign of teamö tempering with the signs of Allah with the creation of Allah cursing and insulting and swearing alcohol drinking becomes normal wearing silk for men but what it means figuratively is that men will imitate women along the AMA will hire dancing women in their functions in restaurants in weddings and so on and so forth they will cheat in their business and trade as a livelihood and that's when drought will come upon them meaning poverty dictating rulers and oppressive rulers upon them people will earn their livelihood with their own tongues meaning hypocrisy they'll say things which they are not they'll claim things which they don't have there will speak hypocrisy to earn money lies upon lies this is the world we live in from among my own men will follow and imitate the non-muslims social practices and beliefs palm by palm step by step among the last hour things that people will do among my Ummah and others is suicide person will pass by a grave and will wish that they were in the grave instead of the other person people will begin to compete in masajid that means oh that's my message if that's our Masjid that's their mischief it's happening already Masjid of Allah the house of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala even the one who contributed towards building it to Allah he he cannot say it is my Masjid the jail will appear we are in a de jure like situation though that jail himself is not in our midst but his entire system has already fallen into place he is preparing us and our children for the day he comes to Allah it is reported majority of the world including the so-called Muslims will follow and that last day is soon upon us now that's what the Prophet said then 1400 years ago how close must it be now the Prophet Muhammad mentioned that amongst the signs of the last day is that you would see the barefooted Bedouins compete with each other in building tall buildings this is remarkable now you will find the people who only 60 years ago were barefooted Bedouins competing with each other in who can build the tallest building in the world the mosques would become like palaces the fact is that they have become more and more fantastic and more and more money is being spent on these mosques with golden domes of laws and everything to match with so much lavish chandeliers and carpets like palaces as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasalam said would happen that there will be shouting in the mosques something that is prohibited in Islam and it's something that I have witnessed myself and also the Prophet said the worst and the most ignorant people will become the leaders the Prophet also said that there will be an increase in literacy in fact so many people will be able to read and write but actually knowledge will decrease that religious knowledge would decrease not by the books disappearing but the scholars so that only ignorant people will remain and people will ask them for religious verdicts and they will give it even though they are ignorant and they will misguide themselves and misguide others also the Prophet mentioned that trust worthiness would disappear so much soul that a person would be able to say I know a trustworthy person in such-and-such town the increase in the use of River which means usually interest credit cards mortgages things like that to the extent that no one would be able to escape the dust of it everybody will be affected by it also the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that there will be such an increase in musical instruments and muslims will make it lawful even though it is forbidden some muslims will make it lawful he mentioned that women will be naked although they are dressed I don't think this is a better way of describing the dress of some women today with the clothes that are so tight they describe every shape of the body also he mentioned that a man will obey his wife and disobey his mother something really contrary to the teachings of Islam he will rather listen to his friends than listen to his father and this is something that we have find happening in the Muslim world even both this is so against the teachings of his land people will abandon the religion of Islam for a small worldly game and keeping on to the religion will be whole like holding two hot coals the earth will be filled with oppression and injustice till my brother a Saleh his Salam arrives to fill it with justice and peace from the south and a wind will blow and at this time when the wind will blow that no Muslim will be left on the face of this earth and then shortly after this the copper will be destroyed and then Allah spaniard Allah will command is Raviv to blow the trumpet the messenger of allah so allah alayhi wasalam said since surah field was told that he will blow the horn he has never moved his eyes from the arishok allah because he does not want to delay the hokum of allah even equivalent to a blink of the eye the messenger of allah salla allah wa sallam said how can I rest when is reveal is waiting for the trumpet to be blown and the Sahaba of the Ilana found is very difficult when a messenger will loss and then they could have relaxed either can you imagine the day that that some Pig will be blown
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 211,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minor sighns, hereafter, major signs, dajjal, ya'juj and ma'juj
Id: BjxywR9Unz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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