The FASTEST Way to Gain XP in Ark Mobile

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here's a really short video while i'm working on a longer project probably uh this is my extremely fast experience farm in hardcore brutal arc right now as you can see i'm in the snow cave also known as the yeti cave located around 30 30 on the map i built up a wall with stone structures here's one stone doorway that i can shoot through and i'm trying to lure this yeti over now yetis are very vulnerable to headshot damage to take three times the amount of damage when shot in the head as you can see there i just hit him for about a thousand damage which is pretty good uh the bow i of course got from the hunt dillo pursuit uh right now i'm just gonna whittle this yeti's health down and yetis actually give a significant amount of xp especially in brutal where they're higher level and also get a bonus from the amount of xp that they drop when killed obviously yetis have a very high health pool so it takes a little bit to kill them we have to speed it up a little bit this one decided he wanted to go for a swim but unfortunately uh that pool it doesn't really look like it meets the minimum chlorine requirements to be a sanitary pool so uh we're gonna have to put him down because he's probably infected with cholera now anyways i'm on level 34 on this profile uh keep in mind i'm playing on a hardcore brutal which means my xp gain is about a tenth and even with that i get a full level up just from killing that yeti which is very fast especially at this stage in the game i'll show you my setup for a later on stage in the game and then we'll finish the video okay we're back and this time i have two raptors one male one female for the make boost bonus in case you didn't know me boost gives a 35 damage reduction which is pretty significant i have this raptor fully imprinted which gives me a further 30 damage reduction or it would if arc made this very easy and would allow me to fully imprint with three imprints but actually it's 29 damage reduction it's fine it's close enough i also have it equipped with a 165 armor saddle so our total damage reduction is looking at about 97 we're blocking most of the damages coming in and this is what the xp farm actually looks like so i have some stone walls or stone door frames set up here in a way which makes it kind of difficult for onyx to get through or at least they come through in a staggered fashion right now i'm just sniping off a direwolf with my long knife rifle remember both die ropes and yetis have massive headshot bonuses so that's where you want to aim additionally the raptor can pin both types of uh direwolf and onik as well as even yetis they can pin them and when when they're pinned they cannot attack back nor move away right now i'm just kind of softening these guys up a little bit and i want to kill them with ideally my sword or the long rifle rather than the raptor because that gives my player more experience another easy kill that was a level 810 direwolf so it would be a lot of experience now we're just going to jump on this one and uh kind of you know just smack with the sword a little bit this is a much faster way of killing things and doesn't require as much effort but i would not recommend it if there is more than one enemy out there because you can very easily get swarmed and die as you can see i just got from level 57 to 58 on brutal which is actually a very large amount of experience right now i need some water for some reason because i didn't bring any in so of course we're just going to take a little bit of a dip in the most freezing water on the entire earth right now i'm looking for yetis or i'm looking for direwolves and there happens to be yeti right here so i guess we'll just greet him with the traditional arc greeting of a high velocity long neck around the skull everyone knows that greeting it's a classic very friendly as well this yeti has a very high health pool again but this long neck is just way more powerful than any bow that you could possibly get and it makes pretty quick work of them when there's just one wolf coming at you like that you can kind of pin it and then kill it with your sword that's my recommended strategy for pretty much everything in the cave when there's only one of it if there's more than one of it say two or three you're probably gonna run uh wanna run away and hide behind that stone wallet you made up and just kind of snipe them off because swarms are very dangerous as you can see i got a full level from 58 to 59 in this cave and overall i leveled up to 64 in a matter of around 20 minutes you can of course boost the xp gain from this by getting explorer notes buying intense focus bringing up wrath of enlightenment something like that uh overall this is a very effective strategy however you need to be very careful because the ice cave is kind of deadly anyways my name's been silver and i'll see you next time also subscribe to my channel we're very close to 100 subs thanks you
Channel: JustSilver
Views: 23,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark, Ark Mobile
Id: xRzNSpj6rqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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