Top 10 Rarest Creatures in ARK

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there's an absolute wealth of creatures to tame in Ark today enough to keep you forever hunting for the ultimate trophy time and with that I wonder on what really is the rarest creatures you can claim so to make the fairies list possible the following were sorted by a chain of variables more confusing than I expected when researching this so how many Maps it spawns on what spawn instances It's contained within for example a giga is told to spawn within its own group but an Ovis can rotate its spawn with a number of different creatures spawn count whilst most spawn instances use a Max population of 40 creatures there's a limit on how many of that creature can spawn within that instance so let's say a Max of four true duns within a group of dinos that spawn in the Redwoods meaning you need to kill other creatures for True lands to spawn and allowing a threshold distance to make between any player and the area to allow a respawn how many spawn locations across each map it can spawn within if it can be bred or cloned and a very difficult to judge spawn cooldown a variable that can be reflected on other creatures or its set spawn chance and also worth noting if a dino is Idle or stuck the game removes them after a certain amount of time so even finding the rarest of rarest creatures can become even rarer than this list might make out so what are they make sure to hit that like button subscribe share around and let's get into it in a number 10 the noglin the mind-bending brain slug just enters the list above the former Ode to another variable on top as well as being found only on Genesis Part 2 which you'll need to head within Rockwell's innards or somehow miraculously find one within the garden trench and then actually see one with your own eyes being one of the smallest creatures in the game without a tech suit thankfully offered for free and using its visor could be otherwise impossible to distinguish from the fleshy sphincter eye sockets decorating the walls and then you've got the overwhelming difficult task of luring it to a safe location away from the Devil's Pit of Arc hell incarnate to a large enough spot to claim with your newly tamed Max void worms or brontos against a concerning Battle of possession you're never too sure if we'll go just right and then games that's your lot unless you want to repeat the process again no breeding or cloning these bite-sized extraterrestrials for you in a number nine the gigger an obvious entry but argued against the Larger than Life meat running Powerhouse certainly holds a huge issue to add to its Rarity it's Slumber found in very specific locations across nine Maps will still find youth visiting a number of them to find one of the two spawns it will appear within and especially on some maps like the island if attempting to kill to respawn a higher level can find and incredible respawn cooldown awaiting a new Champion due to appear owed to a low spawn cane percentage within its own container recommended to farm on Center for a guaranteed instant respawn with a smaller search radius trapped with a few Dino Gates or Captain fat dog pillars special just make sure you're packing plenty of trunks knocks and exceptional kibble if you want to ride one once found and lest we forget the even rarer to find our variants on gen 2. in number eight the car car despite sharing the exact same spawn locations as the Giga reducing the likelihood of either to appear it just tips its like sized friend Ode to a chance of having the right required dinos in range to actually tame based on a wonderfully complex two-step taming process we've covered in depth in a previous vid essentially you'll want weighty creatures in the area on top if you even plant a tame one and then after that as many passive tanky creatures to kill creating a whole new element of chance upon its already rare find with my recommended location Extinction despite likely offering you less chance to find a high level of the anti-gigger hero in a number seven the titanosaur expected to attend the list the seventh largest creature in the game despite generally only spawning one at a time can become even rarer if sharing a map with players who all want to tame one themselves luckily adopting a giant rendering range it's not too hard to track down once knowing its several spawn locations across seven Maps more commonly killed for some tasty experience points there's two viable methods 2 KO with Mex clinching the most recommended but either being an overwhelming expensive tree to Slugger through and if racing others a desire to get in quick with only up to three allowed on a map before any more will naturally spawn and if playing vanilla offers you a limited time before it starves and dies with no cloning or breeding to boot so make the most of its frankly squishy but devastating attacks and number six the leoploridon possibly could come in a little higher within this list the Derpy mini mosa looking Houdini isn't too difficult to find providing your diving at mach 10 speeds within the deep blue but barely breathe on it and you'll quickly find it execute a stunning magic trick of wall pulling itself out of existence for you to then track down again documented as the least tamed creature in the game it's a difficult one to execute and needing to be passively fed with instantly decaying honey with a great tip to use fishing rods for a helping hand and once tamed its buff just doesn't feel enough to be bothered with especially with a time limit before you lose it and need to tame it again as well as a lack of breeding and cloning allowed that could have possibly tipped this into being a more desirable creature in at number defy the Rhino Natha the final creature to drop to Arc one and they start sucking Sky serenade at that offered only on two maps and in very specific locations with a limited spawn count you're then tasked with needing to find both genders to initiate a questionable mating ritual in any circumstance needing to kill males to find pheromones to then feed to your best Drag weight creatures possible recommended to use brontos giggers or carcas attracting a female you'll also need to find and damage to below 10 Health to shoot her Offspring into your host who of course then needs one of at least 23 items fed when prompted to carry your best stats over into the soon to burst out baby rhino killing your host in the process and hopefully carrying every stat intended out with it with this being the only method allowed to breed one though can be cloned combined with its popularity in beating people to find their limited spawns could see you searching for a good level for a very long time in a number four is the Unicorn hitting the super rare to find creatures now arguably the first to truly adopt the trophy tame title it can become a never-ending story to find a horny white Equus variant out in the wild with only one spawning at a time within each of its six Maps being a feeble horse and spawning across dozens of locations also rounded with meet hungry carnivores without an ability to pick up to a safe location could result in one of the most frustrating searches you'll encounter fortunately through a guaranteed spawn each time just a small bit of preparation can go a long way to sneak up and bear back the gleaming Beauty popping in simple kibble when prompted to allow you to tame an opposite gender and never have to worry about timing one ever again yeah number three is the Phoenix making you wonder what on Earth could rank above this flaming Pearl pooping mythological flyer it's very clear to see why this next trophy team is a rare gem indeed spawning only unscorched Earth is just the start of your problems you'll then task to await one of the four random weather conditions to Nestle in namely a heat wave to allow the fire spitter to even appear from its hidden location on the map and with its spawning practically anywhere on the map you've now got a short amount of time to find it and use any fire burning resource available to tame it before the heat wave ends and your prize turning to Ash and disappearing through to the ground below and awaiting the next one fortunately though there appears to be up to three or four available to spawn on the map and if simply equipped with a Paris saw in radar detective mode can allow you to find its spot on the map and prepare a noob Letty trap with oil jars in hand whilst you await the next Heat Wave surely for most this is the rarest creature in the game especially being unbreedable though cloneable but in some Game of Thrones reference irony in a number two the fenria The Ice Cube Nordic wolf deservedly comes in high Ode to not just being a one map creature but an unspawnable wild you can't just tame nor breed or clone with a monstrous requirement of beating the final boss of fjorda one of the hardest Guardians in Ark to Simply prepare for through the variety of pre-quizzets to just face to drop even more punishments only the player who initiated the terminal fight will be rewarded with a cryo-containing one no one else and depending on difficulty can reward you with an inferior fenria needing you to beat and defeat Alpha fairy sulfur which even then will reward you only one good stat role meaning to be rewarded with a decent health or melee femria could see you needing to fight the giant furry blizzard dozens of times for something let's face it you will never want to take out into the wild because of what it took to claim and believe it or not there's something even rarer than this and before we get to that let's take a quick look at the creatures that didn't just quite make the cut foreign [Music] number one zombie wyverns that's right there's creatures in Ark you can't even tame anymore there's no possible way to legit tame a zombie wyvern in vanilla Ark survival evolved anymore because the slightly stronger lightning fire and poison variants were offered as a reward for beating the very difficult giant menacing dodo wyvern during a fear evolved event introduced with the second Halloween based time limited update would require you to visit scorched Earth await midnight every third day to then track down the multi-breathing hybrid monster whilst avoiding it's accompanied zombie wyvern friends to allow to claim when slaying the dodo headed flyer offered every Halloween since its introduction action it was announced late last year that events would no longer be dropped to Ark survival evolved and as a result No More Zombie wyverns for anyone unless you're one of the lucky ones that got given a cloned Undead draconis because they can't be bred either leaving one to wonder will these ever change oh is this doomed to be the ultimate rarest tame in Arc one thanks all for watching did you agree or what more top 10s would you like to see comment below let me know my name is Ross Clark don't forget to like share and subscribe and as always up
Channel: Raasclark
Views: 138,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival evolved, ark new creatures, ark new map, ark official, ark, raasclark, ark raasclark, ark top 10, ark tlc, ark community voted creature, ark top 10 creatures, ark fjordur, raasclark top 10, ark top 10 best, Top 10 Rarest Creatures in ARK, ark rare dinos, ark phoenix, ark fenrir, ark rhinognatha, ark giga
Id: ncJbDOd6rbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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