If Sony Animations Villains Were Charged For Their Crimes #2

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[Music] goodness if you have Expressions other than my is a malfunction so how' it go gavl we were just going to come looking for you teeny weeny chat Smiler is the leader of the emoticons and gets to make all the decisions but she rules with a lot of force it seems and chooses death over normal recovery when something goes wrong so I will classify this as attempted murder tell our Bots to follow those men I'm really good at making plans you guys rights why is that mailbox wearing a tuxedo it is revealed the trolls got deleted to the trash and that gets emptied at the end of each day so these Dirty Boys did actually survive uh his appointment is with technical support uh his appointment is for tomorrow maintenance uh actually it's to erase the phone welcome new [Music] players we got to go they can't dance downloading Funk protocol [Music] the annoying James Cordon hand also got dragged into the trash but managed to survive although I wouldn't mind if he didn't devil Emoji said it was illegal so yeah I will classify this as legal weapon possession or something two attempts to kill she also intimidates Mr mcfar Poop what did you do to my beautiful [Music] [Music] B tank the shredder Evans tank nine times role model no a kid should try to uh pretend that they're tank how to surf and spend some time with the kids this is my Wave Always smile on your brother keep your girlfriend out of this he's a dirty trash can full of poop my mom put me right on there I think she pooped me out just put me right on there center of attention because it's really where I should be for the rest of the first and second movie he is just surfing and not doing anything illegal except for this in part two learn to serve from a real master right gang yes just send me your parents credit card information thank my arms are getting tired it's part of your training you want to learn how to shred for real sign up now with purchase Ser etiquette okay getting fired for this don't touch anything this place is booby trapped huh Michelle you didn't take that from the tomb did you no no no this is my old [Music] board for a town stuck eating sardines this is totally Mana from Heaven this is going to be big this F weather Lo what hi weather food weather what this could be even bigger than sardine LM really no if I you got to do it again oh you got to be kiding L my boy can you do lunch you keep making it rain the snack ofos I have taken out a very high interest loan to convert this tourist utop Make It Rain food three meals a day every day for the foreseeable future we hold a grand reopening of the island as a cruise destination everywhere is going to love you think so I know so convincing Flint for a crazy business plan with a highin loan is really risky but as long as all parties agree totally legal the danger is in the yellow I don't know what to do I do delicious no waa I'm think impostor I know you won't let us down I think there's something you should see what the machine uses microwave radiation to mutate the genetic recipe of the food the more these food molecules could over mutate food is getting bigger blah blah blah SI s sze bigger bigger is better SI my dad thinks I should turn it off I've always felt that you were like a son to me Flint when you cut that ribbon saved the town so here's the cheese get everything you've ever wanted or you can turn it off and no one will ever like you Joyce Joyce bigger is better right Flint explains to the mayor that it's dangerous to continue the big boy mayor on the other hand wants the success and manipulates Flint into continuing in the end they run this business together and Flint has to make the final call so Flint would have to take all responsibility for what's about to come out of this pasta unsupervised and endangering themselves by eating jelly beans till they die is actually not legal as you might have guessed for the unattended children he would get a charge for 5 years and $5,000 of [Music] me we have an actual weather emergency oh no oh what are you doing here why there's something going on you got to stop the machine me Flint spawned the padoo so he cannot charge the mayor for it but Mr shelborne is in the laboratory also known as Flint's house without permission which is trespassing know oh well I'm out of here I can still Stu the order with a kill code sending kill code I'm back got to get the it's been nice to beat [Applause] you what exactly did you order H you can eat buffet not only did the mayor order an all you can eat buffet whilst knowing this is highly dangerous he tried to squish Flint into his belly and decides to throw a beat at Flint with a really pointy end which could have pierced flint and ends up creating an explosion indoors a macaroni on my [Music] head the mayor destroys his own City with his food addiction and endangers everyone this will get him some more years for gross negligence this is all his fault get him far back and forth hey I'm as mad at Flint as you are I know Flint Lockwood made to food but it was made to order go go go we can do it come on move it move it good job that's what I'm talking about I have an important announcement see you suckers woohoo homeboy eyes don't have a [Music] ke get back o the L [Applause] that's the me bagel extra [Music] mustard you are about to be crushed by a giant corn and is now spreading to the rest of the glob because of the mayor's action the entire world is getting bombarded with huge food there are high odds someone died because of this this makes it gross negligence manslaughter which will give him a life sentence seems like he is going in for good I hope they can find a cell that's big enough and as a cherry on top let's not forget about the high interest loan he took on with him going to jail or in hiding he probably won't be able to pay that back which would bankrupt his business [Music] [Music] [Music] you shall all return home before you know it you are going wait wait wait no no no you are going to join me at Liv cor are you guys sure sure this is the best day ever sir I've taken care of everything the locals have been evacuated has no idea of a real plan contact me as soon as operation capture the invention succeed well nothing we can do here yet although it seems like Mr V has an evil scheme in his lab vest with approval of the United Nations everything is legal for now bad news sir we lost contact with search teams X and Y situation is grim sir should I send in team Z are you mad Barb we're running low on think when out we need someone Expendable someone who knows the island inside and out someone who idolizes recently hit rock bottom where are we going to find someone so desperate I think we already have [Music] Barb ah young Lockwood can't explain everything I thought I was going to meet the real Chester not me yes it's me Mr V you're real met with expected complication before we began our cleanup 3 days ago there's only two of us left we need help what we don't want to create a worldwide Panic mustn't tell anyone not even your closest friends and family sir I won't tell a soul Sam I got to tell your secret Sam the food attacks are unexpected and nothing to really do about but with such a Development Chester V was ordered only to clean up in a case of hostility he should not continue and call in real backup like police or the Army his people are in danger and he is not acting right sheep galops higher ecosystem of living food the world should know about this of course I've been rolling since we landed can't let these friends tell the world anything want to try some of the special stew it's killer qu will continue thank you Brent like we're just in your way we work together that weather girl is ruining our plan we'll miss our deadline to release food bar 8.0 causing drama and manipulating is perfectly fine and I better hope your food bar 8.0 is already made and you are missing your launch party cuz otherwise this is kind of sussy beguet Mr V don't have to prove anything Lockwood your friends are distracting you from our mission be a [Applause] hero a mother what if we're making a big mistake about shutting off the ficer we were just attacked by a giant Tacodile some of the food's actually been friendly mosquito see even the tiniest creatures are attacking us about the weather we are talking about f food friendly food cannot love what if he's wrong live up to your full potential walk away and let the food monsters destroy Lady Liberty see you back on the boat no Sam Sam Sam Sentinels keep them safe she's not mean she's just a little beefy waa what's it doing she doesn't like backpacks no the food creature know something we do not I knew it Chester up to something terrible run [Music] run that's four people falsely imprisoned and an expensive camera destroyed marshmallow [Music] this is a mistake oh dear I can't do this oh okay I will let go of me Lockwood [Music] this no the bsusb GRE programmed it was never going to turn off the machine your machine is what I wanted all along of course of course I lied to you but you were my idol I was just using you to get your invention launch operation slice and dice that device is probably worth a fortune so stealing it would give you Grand lassy and now that I've got what I want I no longer need you let you go wait no no please [Music] Sam in the gang oh oh it looks like a a um a sentinel of [Music] safety Factory he is now transporting the prisoners without their consent which also gives him kidnapping times 4 and as our berry friend explains he has built a factory this is unauthorized [Music] construction what's going on Sam's backpack they were here you're still alive give me back my friends of course hey Flint but I'll let them go right into my super siiz food bar machine food bars you're going to turn them into food bars so using your foodimal as ingredients would make my product super delicious water you're a monster they hide they fight back they want to live I can pave your Island and work in complete secrecy now if you want your friend back I suggest you drop your can drop the cans or I drop your pens oh no flip this is embarrassing I changed my mind Bobb grind them monkey you are [Music] dismissed is it me or me yellow police tape the one thing I can't break my family put that on their tombstones I'm not alone I've got hologram I think it's time to [Music] [Applause] [Music] celebrate thanks L [Music] partner I've got what I want uhoh taco supreme now hand hand over the flitz toer save me monkey I'm an a give that back Bad Monkey my Holograms save me with my Holograms oh fudge saved myself [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animated Courtroom
Views: 445,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: if villains were charged for their crimes, dreamworks villains charged for their crimes, mousait, dreamworks, sentencing villains, Sentencing villains for their crimes, villains, sony animation villains charged for their crimes, animated courtroom, cloudy with achance of meatballs, cloudy with achance of meatballs 2, sony animations, sony animations ranked, sony animations villains, the emoji movie, smiler emoji movie, mayor shelbourne, tank evans, surfs up, surfs up 2, chester v
Id: iH_jAOW7bPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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