Top 10 BEST Base Locations on Ark Mobile!

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[Music] yo what's up guys this is soup here with the top 10 base spots in arc mobile we're going to be starting off with pve and then going into pvp you can find pvp at 750. the reason we're doing pve first is because the majority of arc mobile players are pve ears and the majority of our watchers are pve ears also so these are base spots in my personal opinion otherwise let's get into the video i hope you guys enjoyed remember to leave a sub let's go to the first spot [Music] spot number one on our list is the volcano a very popular known spot as you guys can see uh there's a lot of metal already and there's a lot of stone let's start off with the location the cords are 42.3 and 38.2 in another sense you guys can find this on the center of the map as you see right now it's very very you have an equal distance almost to every single part of the map so you if you are building up here on pvp or pve you will have an equal distance and be able to fly to places pretty easily you guys can again see as i'm sitting up here there's a lot of stone up here and there's a lot of metal up here i'd say this is a pretty good spot for a large tribe or a medium-sized tribe you could be a small tribe you would need to get a flyer of course to get up here you could also run it and then build the base up here sadly with the materials there are not there's no wood there's no berries you can probably find them on the small sides of the mountain but you'd have to run all the way down to get the wood i know another thing is is if you run up here there's actually a quest that you can do to get a little bit of xp while you run up here and it's actually very nice you have a very nice view it's a kind of flat area so it's not too bad for building otherwise this is a pretty good spot to build on pve and it's very popular let's get on to the next spot [Music] so for spot number two on our list we have herbivore island this is a very popular spot very well known and a very good pve spot in my personal opinion as you guys can see there's a lot of materials such as metal ore you guys can see fiber you guys can see stone and you guys can see wood there's also some silica if you guys want to make turrets or electronics using that with location you guys want to go to the bottom right hand uh island and then you guys don't want to go to the top right hand map or island because that is carno island and you will probably insta die if you try to go there there's obviously rex's there's raptors there's stuff like that speaking of animals on this island there's mainly there's all herbivores actually you guys can see the occasional titan spawn here there's things like parasaurs there's uh pts there's brontos there's trikes there's stegos there's all herbivores obviously you guys know the temperament of them so some of them will attack you if you try to attack them but for the most part you guys can get pretty easy hide there's also i forgot there's ankly inkies here which is what is very nice for the metal so with this spot is sadly it is on an island so you guys will have to fly here or whatever or get here on a raft or even swim here swimming here might be a little dangerous there's obviously megalodons and other creatures in the water which might kill you this is a pretty good spot you guys should definitely check it out for spot number three on our list we have what i like to call arc island because you can see the giant rock formation right here which looks like an a or arcs logo you can build underneath that as a nice little spot you guys can see the materials around here you guys can see wood stone you can see beaver dams which makes up for the stuff that you can't get our herbivore island you can also see fiber with the location you can find it at latitude 84ish and then longitude 58ish or 60 ish if you want around that so it is surrounded by water you guys can get like fish and stuff like that in the water it's a very nice spot i would consider this a small tribe spot so just for starting up a small pve location or base like that there's not really any metal here so otherwise let's get on to the next spot [Music] and we're back at number four as you guys can see as i'm flying around there's plenty of resources and plenty of creatures that you can tame there may be the occasional dangerous colitherium or therazino and maybe a raptor here or there but they shouldn't be too bad i would say this spot is mostly for a medium or large tribe you could start out here as a small tribe it's a pretty flat area let's look at the map so you guys can check the chords uh as you guys can see the chords are at lat 22 and longitude 67 let's just say 70 for that and you guys should be able to see a small little lake on your map it's kind of up north by carnot island which is actually very nice you do have pretty close access as you guys can also see with the resources there are beaver dams here so you guys can get plenty cp for that uh as you just saw there's also mega piranhas which may be nice for getting special types of meat there are a few ruins here that may mess up your building if you wanted to build in that area but you may be able to find a note or two while you're here to get some xp [Music] and for spot number five on our list is the obelisk it's number five for a reason because it's probably my fifth uh least favorite or the lowest ranking on the list that we came up with or that i came up with as you guys can see there's plenty of materials here and it's a pretty flat location you guys can see a lot and a lot of stone a large amount of fiber you guys can see some wood but not necessarily the metal you're looking for this could i think this is probably be a medium-sized tribe maybe a large size tribe if you really wanted to build here you can definitely store plenty of teams here and there's a natural water source that you guys can build on you can get some pretty aesthetic cool builds if you guys want to go check out my video i'll post that in the uh description but you guys can see i actually built at red off one time and red ob is in the bottom left hand corner while blue up is in the top left hand corner and green is at around 60 lot and 70 long so it's not they're not bad spots to build that it's just not my favorite but otherwise i do really hope that you guys enjoy this first part of the pve based location so let's go into pvp okay guys now that we're starting off with pvp this is carno island our number one on the list so this is actually a very very nice location it's a very large large island much bigger than herbivore island it also can be a bit more dangerous it's not as dangerous as people uh make it sound and i think it's a bit overrated for danger wise but it's really not that bad i really really like this space location i know that on official arc there's actually a cave um an artifact cave which is amazing and impossible to rate it's really big you can definitely do a lot of spam there's plenty of resources here there's not necessarily metal but there's also more teams and stuff that you can tame and it's not a bad spot you guys should definitely check this out this is in the north east location of the mount let's go into the next one for spawn number two we don't necessarily have a direct spot but we have a region and i i like to call it the pillar region or the river region i'll show you the cords right now the lot is 40 and the longest 65 you guys can find this river and go all the way down it uh there's obviously beaver dams it's very very pretty and as you guys can see right now so this is meant for pvp of course so as you guys can see it's really flat and it would be quite hard to raid if you could you wouldn't necessarily need to spike off the side spike walls aren't they're not too bad but you could definitely put turrets and you could even get cliff flats let's go to the other bigger pillar i would say this is generally for medium i wouldn't say this is for a large stripe you could have a base on both of these as you guys can see right there there's actually a note right there and there's plenty of metal everywhere there were any resources on the other one that i saw but there's a large amount of resources on not a large amount but there's a good amount of resources and this is a really really nice base location you obviously have to have a flower get up here but it's not a bad spot you guys should check it out back on our list at number three we have the volcano sorry for the lag right here we have a base that's actually built here because it's such an amazing spot there's also a ton of metal a ton of stone and there's a good amount of obsidian and crystal here that you guys can use for turrets and stuff like that obviously it's a very spacious spot it's you can build some pretty comfortable builds and have plenty of room for your diners and stuff like that you can put turret towers around the edge and again you can do plenty of spam so you can get cliff flats go down the entire side of the volcano and then when you can't really put cliff flats anymore you can start doing actual spam and do metal foundations and stuff like that here's the chords really quickly lat 42 and long third 40. let's get into the next one number four on our spot is one of the more amazing pvp spots let's first talk about the ledge that you guys can see that's going around the uh basin right here so you guys can place a lot of turrets or turret towers even spam and it's pretty flat as i'm flying out you guys can see the icebergs you guys can see oil and stuff like that so you don't want to actually build on the icebergs because most people will check those and they'll greet you and destroy you obviously there's penguins which you can get the polar the organic polymer for and this is actually pretty amazing spot you can see metal right here you can see wood right here you can see crystal right here and stone and there might be a little bit of fiber i can't see any on my map right now uh it's in the northwestern region or you can check the lot it's 25 and then long is around 17 or 20 ish and it's a pretty easy spot to find as obviously you can see a drop right here so drops do spawn here and there's a nearby cave that you guys can check out and then go to the blue ob and then try attribute it for some loot or stuff like that let's get into the next one [Music] and for number five on our list we have pearl caves now this is not one location but it's a multiple place location i'll give you the chords of this specific pearl cave right here it's around 50 and then long is 10 so you guys will need really good oxygen or you'll need a swimming pet to get down here and that's actually one of the positive things about it sadly flyers are no use and lane teams are no use but it is a very nice spot as you can see right up here you can put turrets and then you can put turrets on the outside as long as they're connected to a jenny through wires you guys can put behemoth gates and stuff like that uh there are some weird mesh spots as you can see uh it like it's like you're floating water but you can't actually get water from it and you can see right here there's plenty of crystal there's plenty of silica and there's plenty of oil which is pretty useful when you need to get turrets or other stuff like that otherwise i hope you guys enjoyed this spot i hope you guys enjoyed the video of my top 10 base spots obviously there was pve and pvp and these are all my personal opinion you could be built at any one of these spots and be rated any day but let's hope you don't because these are amazing spots said by me so uh otherwise if you guys aren't subscribed already make sure to leave a like and subscribe uh sub to soup and peace
Channel: SoupStuff
Views: 117,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R3fJidrUveo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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