the fastest 15,400 IQ Among Us JESTER does it again... (custom mod)

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[Music] all righty another jester game time to act like a fool all right that's just starting to stay alive stay alive stay alive so all i gotta do is have some fun and not do anything there we go jesus guys me young's dead i was doing my upload wait peter's dead i just saw him uh oh oh no wait are these recent yeah yeah they had to be extremely recent um oh so peter i just saw him at lights and then he died and then miyang i was doing upload and then her dead body was behind me well me leslie ivani have been deacon tam i was their first okay so you're all clear yep um i can't confirm i saw three heads indeed contempt i was on admin table oh you said that after they revealed oh well where did you see everyone else uh i did see two in um uh comms okay so i also revealed that i found the body there haven't but i i saw edison there so i think he's clear wait so you know how to sit in posture oh god no i don't know that doesn't leave bretman in toast unless it's otto and edison i said no it's not me because i was alone half of the round i did see everybody but i was like and i saw uh peter meung dead and i immediately went to check admin to try to scope out the body i do believe that okay well toast what do you think i already voted myself don't worry [Music] no guys like according to the stories i've heard right if edison's telling the truth and auto voucher for him they both must have been in that area which only leaves bretman in toast right yeah i already voted myself it didn't mean that's a little sus but oh is he jester do we have just wrong yeah i just do you have jester on but oh look guys according to the the facts right according to the facts it's probably toast and bretman it could be you yeah yeah yeah he's he's playing guys i don't see how oh oh this guy's toasty all right i'm the guardian this round that means i can keep people alive by protecting them unfortunately i believe this is the game i die where's leslie i need guard some i feel like i'm gonna die cause i've won too much and i deserve to die all right edison you're protected oh my god it's the entire civilization protected edison oh [Music] garden you guys heard that right you guys heard it no i think leslie was protected edison who touched you wait oh is edison well you guarded me edison someone who touched you four seconds ago tried to kill wait there's so many people around me the only other person i saw there was i mean i was in the area but it wasn't me oh [ __ ] i'm gonna die i'm gonna [ __ ] die bye tony leslie's around me bretman i think i saw leslie right by editing like leslie danny i was like you're trying to kill your finances oh someone tried to stack kill me someone tried to snap me leslie guys my time my time has come leslie which downloads leslie where i'm at which room is that yeah [Music] oh god oh god glove feeder uh body top left engine leslie cleared oh my uncleared oh yvonne was right by bretman yeah yvonne was there yeah looks like it was yvonne but i headed right and i passed toast and edison and shifting oh well i just ran into it's like no it's just bad timing um it must have been the shape shifter uh the the the morphling i'm gonna wear you right now i'm in uh the electrical weren't you just in camps i just saw you go over there no that was that wasn't more uh yvonne you gotta believe me as the morphine wait cycling didn't you say you just saw yvonne though it was the morphing it had to be the more fling i'm gonna okay i'm gonna check the body and then we can find out whether it is all right sounds good detective autos on the case wait wait wait hold on it had to be the morph link the shape shifter guys how can you how can you detect that that was a morphling bretman there's different lines no no but i mean couldn't like only how am i saying this only an imposter could kill a crewmate right so how would a morphling have died no i mean the killers are done by a morphology oh you can actually figure that out yeah the detective baby okay yes sir oh i just know all the the lines because i wrote them also [Music] all right all right let's go let's give him go with auto to the body to make sure he doesn't get killed protect me i'm always protected justin casey all right all right let's get it killed leslie first sheriff skip you [ __ ] guys who's voting for me guys listen it was the more fling otto will prove it he'll it'll prove it was the morphling um i'll go with him to prove it no one else come okay oh no all right it's odd it's supposed to go top left engine your troll it was the morphling it was the morphe no it said that the puncture wound was made by a knife it was a if it was a morphing it would have been like a syringe or like uh this is cheating guys yeah the killer headed wait the killer headed south well that's dude that's where yavon saw me come from but sakura also said he was an electrician i know it looks really bad but well who's the sheriff just let the sheriff get mad you know what that's fair i'm gonna skip so sharon can kill somebody the sheriff can yeah if i'm really the imposter just yeah i'll just let the sheriff get me oh no he's gesturing what if the sheriff's dead holy sakuno is you know what if president was the chef the odds are pretty little imposter i voted for myself i'm the jester see i'm the jester don't kill me where's that kudo where is seikun no um peter's no don't try and kill me i'm the jester remember all right where's peter's body i have to talk you stick what's up here's why on the left side outside of electrical now it's going to go down to fix the lights last person i saw with peter was otto first of all i saw i was on cams and i saw you two walking together like you walked past cams you walked down i think is there a way to like like like have proof that you're a detective not other than you know right now i don't know i'm just asking that i could know all the lines or they died i mean it's probably not otto i trust him uh yeah i should trust me we have anything else i mean it could not be honest electrical oh it's like the left not like outside like directly from the hallway left side thingy okay i'll inspect the body but i'm still suss of you okay wait you think he's self-reported is that what you're saying yeah i mean he's the only person i saw next to peter uh so how recent do you think i think this happened like in the last five seconds it had to be pretty recent yes very recently because i'm with yvonne toast and leslie in deep electrical right now but we've been there for at least five to ten seconds i'm doing my task one two three on the right i'm gonna go ahead and vote for myself because i'm jester we know seikuno just let you guys know now we know yeah me young found me out too fast guys i'm not going to win um i'm just trying to help you win oh yeah he's helping me win yeah i'm just going to vote myself because i'm clearly jester right what an early light call what a very early light call danny you're kind of sus danny [Music] i the body was green but then the body was cycuno wait what what was green no no but it's light green i saw it and i was like finance and then it was like oh i think it was a double kill is that just an oh so edison must have been sheriff and then kills dicuno wait no but does this is it possible that edison it's actually cicuna's body but edison was saikuna was dressed no second was dressed as edison i'm dizzy oh you're talking if the sheriff got acting the sheriff would come out and say it oh right okay what the sheriff got that who's the snitch and who's the guardian it used to the help of the help okay i have i inspected uh peter's body and i know that the killer headed east so they headed towards electrical it was the same person who killed bretman um and i know that peter was a normal crewmate well well wow yvonne what do you have to say for yourself yeah you can actually buy it yeah yeah yvonne guys i haven't done [ __ ] okay i've been going around doing my thing yeah i haven't done anything but kill kinda suspect i'm with you guys when someone die remember an electrical oh okay so it must be toast and yvonne because toast is throwing a bomb no no that's so true okay okay no no cap no cap it's me what no it's not actually it's yeah that's why edison was like protected when there was me young and leslie around him me i literally have been i've had leslie's i'm guardian you know i'm guardian because i claimed it you know i'm guardian i can't lie about that yvonne [Applause] [Music] i'm guardian oh my god wait no wonder me young knew i was the jester she was the imposter though i can't believe you were pretending no i said that i would protect you and i did oh i made sure you didn't die wow leslie good job unfortunately uh i told you you're being protected by the imposter ah jester how do i get voted out well i need to stay alive first how do i stay alive well i just need to not die okay how do i not die well just by staying alive i can not die passed by hmm is he doing attacking here he ran straight through kind of weird auto i gotta lie auto kind of weird where's the body's it's dead right outside of what is it the is that top special oh wait you reported it yeah the group table where everyone meets up it's like right off the bat didn't you just just pass by there no no i'm right next to me i'm like right behind her i also saw otto all right yeah that was a good name guys say your name and we go specimen say a name yep give me a name to vote for cycuno you're wrong no i'm not look guys just vote me i'm a regular crewmate with no powers what's the point what's the point do it do it i'm a regular special guest no i'm not even the gesture i'm a regular crewmate with no power oh don't worry cool don't worry who voted i didn't follow through dark green lime and purple wait we sussed out the impossibility where's the best place to hide in this game it's probably on the top left no one will ever find me here and i just hide here for an entire game and get sussed out oh jesus oh my people are dead oh my god oh wait we're not on six i thought we were on six oh there's gonna be a lot no it's like you know you did the right thing i did because i know who one of the imposters are oh who is it whom's there wait a second wait a second yeah it might be guys i think peter has some trauma we we can't necessarily you know uh i have trust issues okay yeah he is peter you know he's got he's got clouded all right trauma of being oh that's about that's so brutal because i saw nothing why do you think it's me toast edison because i know you the way you talk the way you act that's interesting you guys leslie hit him with the secret weapon leslie are you claiming that you know edison beareth and leslie yes yeah leslie hit him with the question finance is it you guys guys i caught more imposters he said it wasn't him to leslie there's no actually you know what if you guys vote me off okay i'm okay with you guys voting me off if we promise to get toast off here okay yeah let's do that yeah let's let's do it too no no here's what's here's what's going to happen the game's not going to end after this if you guys promise to vote toast off i will vote myself here percent that's edison you're jester one of them is just her the chances are highlighted leslie i'm trusting you on this what are you doing no no no no no no we're with you last night who's the sheriff damn being right is so hard when you're surrounded by lower iq people don't let them bait you guys i need to walk away from a body wait i cannot why did you why did you check vitals why'd you check vital psycho now why'd you check vitals [Music] all right leslie is extremely clear why why why i have my ways of knowing anyway i was by myself in weapons how did you know that by yourself no you weren't yeah yes i was i was lurking in the shadows like a hyena from wait how do you how are you able to see her and she can't see you well i wasn't doing weapons i wasn't really looking yeah she was in weapons she was running outside she ended right by the uh the vent uh slightly to the left wait i saw danny with bretman it's not me because i was doing detective stuff i was looking at the bodies any counter claims any counter claims okay it's my first time being detective please let me live well what what did you did you find out anything from it um i was looking at the body i think ship's body okay uh-huh i keep forgetting to press the v what did it say when you inspected it um i inspected yvonne's body and i expected inspected like past bodies though i didn't see that that's okay what did the um it said that one of the bodies that was right next to the specimen room i guess the the killer went west and there was four nearby bodies okay i believe this and there was no are you going to say why no no i don't like giving away my secrets i see what if we killed two women voted on toast and then edison i actually think no edison and then toast i think and then once the game doesn't end you realize that i'm innocent okay and this i still do think wait guys wasn't the safe thing to do to be vote off peter here what yeah that would be the safe thing to do but i'm going to do whatever you want i'm listening to you one time tote you didn't even vote for edison toast didn't even vote for edison wait three people didn't vote i think toast i think three people didn't vote but i'll be honest i was voting i've tried to vote myself there but the game [ __ ] out no no that's so sad that's so sad is were you really yeah get [Music] look you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 2,003,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay pc, among us impostor gameplay, Jeter toast, jester speedrun, Guardian toast, toast mods, toast custom roles, among us mods
Id: mLs-HD27WOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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