The Fake Pokémon Game

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so there's been this not an elephant a pal in the room you may say um as pal world has gone trending like crazy right 5 million sales in like 4 days or something but there is a lot of back and forth on if this game is legit if this game is a con if this game is a fun game if it is a complete cash grab so I wanted to take these two beautiful men today Chris and get our thoughts out about this game first and foremost what is your personal experience with this I think I'm like 30 hours into to the game I played quite a lot yeah I know I'm kind of pading around low key I think right now I'm sitting it at like if it's like a technical level a seven or 7 and half out of 10 raw like just fun a 9 and a half ohe the last game I played all weekend non-stop until my eyes hurt was Elden ring and this game I played all weekend with buds until my eyes hurt and sometimes my eyes hurt at some of the designs I just started playing the night before because I wanted to be more informed rather than just looking at it on Twitter for this discussion when I ended playing last night I was firmly at a two and this isn't just po world's fault this is all survival games they're not fun for at least like eight hours of the game mhm I got my base to like level seven I think and that is when it started to click for me so I would say now I'm sort of at like a five you guys like those survival games like Ark and the forest and that sort of stuff or is that not really a sort of game genre you you play with a lot the only one that's honestly ever click for me is Lego fortnite it's actually go to I still play it and it's honestly the only Survival game that's ever clicked for me the only one that ever like super clicked for me that I just literally ran through until I had everything was the Suns of the forest oh and also uh V Rising that vampire one those are the two that like only really connected with me I might be known as for Nintendo Guy online but I adored Ark even with how awful it was in so many ways I loved it to bits with me and my friends I guess for the embodiment of like those fake Instagram app store games you guys know what I mean where it's like Mafia level one Mafia level two no you're a Mafia Boss it's like if that game was real what a ringing endorsement M there definitely some which I think rain way better from a game design perspective project zomboid and valheim obviously is like phenomenal you know what it is for me it's the second the game is like hey yo you're dude is hungry I'm like I'm yo and in this game it's not just you who's hungry it's you and all your little creatures oh what am I a parent now first thing I did when I was loading up my world was I turned the hunger Sliders in the difficulty mode all the way down to like 0.1 my dude hasn't had to eat in like a week they're on a juice cleanse you put them on a juice cleanse dude oh thanks to these new Renovations I finally have spice to cook wait just a second last I'm Winston cocklet a living time machine if my theory is correct you're cooking right now would cause a massive catastrophe what do you mean was was I going to set fire to something oh no your cooking's just land and it pisses me off as an omnipotent being okay shouldn't really care what other people think but um for argument sake I guess I'll use facta sponsor of today's video facta helps you avoid take out and ordering in with delicious and nutritious zero nonsense food that's ready in a pinch fact is Chef prepared meals make it so easy to eat well so you never have to eat junk food as a clutch would you consider yourself annoying lad yes oh good news for you factor offers KET calorie smarts Chef's joice vegan and veggie options fancy La L back the meals R pre-prepared and ready to eat in 2 minutes really nice that is perfect for busy Lifestyles and lazy people and cooking takes up so much time buying groceries cooking groceries attempting to make good fooding up for food and having to eat it anyway doing all the dishes cooking can be fun but having a meal I can have ready in a few minutes that's actually decent and not take out is great when you're in a pickle I'm not going to play with my food I'm going to enjoy this why do I keep so they waiting for that make sure to use code get mads 50 to get 50% off your first Factor box at the link below that's code get mads 50 for 50% off your first Factor box at the link below thanks again to factor for sponsoring this video food just in my experience with this game I've had friends play it for 1 hour and immediately refund it but I think as you go through with this game it really showcases that this isn't necessarily Pokémon with guns it's more of like a factorio micromanaging sort of game which works so well with that survival crafting aspect I think these games are really Quantified at least for me how good they are by how quick you get like automation having just the general like Pokemon RCS feel of I got to go walk over there and steal that thing from living that combined with automation really quick like I have not had to feed a pal since like my first 2 hours of gameplay and I have over 20 ,000 berries in like a little wait wait you have to feed them yes M they a bunch of corpses and we have like farming automation we have stone collecting wood collecting automation we have egg harvesting and they're all running around doing their tasks and animations and all the animations are like Dynamic that's why I think this game's actual creativity is tangible because all of them having like they have animations if they're sad stressed if they're in a spa if they're hurt if they're overworked and all of them running around kind of like doing their tasks and like watering plants cuz it's you'd think a watering animation would be like the Pokemon would Shake around a little bit I said Pokemon LOL the the pal would the little the little pal palamon would shake a little bit and spray water in po world like the penguin shoots water out of both of his THS and some of the creatures shoot out of their mouth some of them like do a little back flip and shoot it out of their tail all of them when you task them with watering a plant is completely different looking I was like even like even with the deer we have two of those like purple deers I can't remember the name of them not see us yeah so the two purple xeres they working on our wood Farm they bash their head into the wood to collect it there's a pal called a depresso which is very funny it's like a sad little bear guy if you put a depresso on one of the like mining stations he looks so sad he walks up and he just like very slowly Taps Taps and I'm like oh my God no so what's interesting to me about this game is I almost feel like the survival mechanics are at odds with the monster collecting genre as a whole because for me how I play these games is I want to get out there and just explore and continue moving forward in the world it almost seems like the game doesn't want me to do that it wants me to keep coming back to my base and that's where like I would say I'm probably having the most hard time with it right now is because I'm just itching to keep exploring and just keep catching Pals but in order for me to be able to do that I have to keep going back to this base and leveling it up it's weird in my mind there's almost like this contrasting relationship between the two genres I think that's fair definely so a lot of people online and I think this is most of the case for people who have yet to play the game you sort of assume this is a monster taming game when really it's a case of it is a survival crafting game with monster catching mechanics and it's like that is a big difference cuz I think like games like cassette beasts 10 Dragon Quest Monsters y watch all of those games they're more closer in genre whilst this is closer in genre to like art but at the same time like even me I really haven't enjoyed Pokémon that much with the recent ones like I really liked archus loved it but then scarlet and violet I really didn't like I know that's sort of like controversial to say like I've said that to a few of my friends who are obsessed with Pokémon and like what you're insane go kill you I I think we're probably in Good Company here I firmly agree with that I made a whole dang D video about Pokemon art styles and stuff I mentioned that Rus absolutely was my favorite Pokemon game in a minute for weirdly enough kind of the same reasons of what I feel about power world is it kind of broke a lot of the systems I thought were like archaic with Pokemon so power world I think its Touchstone to the genre is Pokemon RCS it's not like you know these kind of more linear Pathways defeat trainers that also have parties of Pals you know definitely feels like rcus 2 kind of so I and I get that and Scarlet and violet I have a Baseline level of fun with all the Pokemon games but scarlet and violet it was fun at that Baseline whereas like arus or black and white blow past that Baseline and just stand on their own as good gam scarlet and violet actually think have some of my favorite designs in modern Pokemon like I thought the Gen was actually extremely good but yeah it was just the game felt bad and looked bad and ran bad so it's like all of the love and like art designs and artists that worked on that game kicked ass so like I genuinely not try oh dude Pokemon freaking sucks now CU their design team and all that stuff is goed and I'm always going to be a little Pokemon chill I have too many Pokemon cards to ever say that I'm not a Pokemon fan I think the passion of the Pokemon designers is a good segue into talking about maybe lack of passion or maybe passion with the power world monster designs because this is by far what is getting the most controversy without a doubt people are looking and comparing the pal designs the Pokémon designs and saying that is exact one to one ripoff that is these two combined that's that that's this overall do you guys think this is very much so plagiarism or do you think taking inspiration but taking heavy inspiration I think there are levels to it I think often with discussion people look at things in black and white there's absolutely some like chimaras in this game where they go like this is seven ideas in one this is you know and sometimes it like works and sometimes I think it border on plagiarism there's these statues in one of the areas that just genuinely is the different forms of Pia like they're just like one to one and it's like okay that sucks then there's just like penlet the smaller penguin is a little blue penguin he's got like a red gem Angry Eyes little toughed on his head and people say it's like a pipl ripoff and the only thing that's a ripoff is it is a penguin it has completely different eyes proportions Design Elements hair everything is different it is just a blue penguin or the like grass monkey trenzy like they keep trying to say it's Sim sage and it's like no they're both green monkeys but one is like very different yeah you look the round sheep and people think Wu but this sheep in this game looks closer to like a harvest moon I think the the main problem is is that the pals that are egregious are really really egregious and when it gets as bad as some of those are it becomes easier for people to lump all the designs in or just starts training people to look for similarities where maybe there aren't as many and I think that's at the root of the problem to me is that some of these monster designs are genuinely very very cool but because of the number of designs that are direct inspiration we'll say it almost delegitimizes the hard work of the creatures that aren't ripoffs you know 100% I've come across some Pals that I'm like oh wow that's a really cool idea like the manay that you can also use as your glider that's really cool totally separate from Manti and mantin and Pokemon but like I guarantee you because you know there was water Superior there's someone playing this game was like oh that pal is just a ripoff of mantin and man type besides being based on the same animal it's very much its own thing this is something which I found out while was doing a bit more extra research this morning I found an article of a conversation with the developers they said that this is the first game where they hav't outsourc models this was their learning experience of learning how to make 3D models and designs and stuff and hearing that we think oh this sort of feels like the game design version of tracing to learn look at these muscles yeah yeah you know what I mean it's like oh yeah SpongeBob I'll put that up against a piece of glass and put a piece of paper over in TR do you guys ever do that when I was like seven I used to get photos of SpongeBob print them out get piece of paper put it on top and then yeah again it's the corporate industry version of that cuz I feel like creativity is a skill it's a case of taking time to do it and learning that stuff hearing that someone who isn't experienced or developers who aren't experienced with making 3D models and they're making a game heavily inspired by the monster catching genre well of course these designs would seem similar I think po World partially was meant to be a sort of parody like there is a level of like oh haaha Pikachu holding an assault rifle is funny like you know I think they tried to have a line where they're like yeah there are original designs and there are literally like jokey haha almost Pokemon and you can do that to a degree but when it's mixed in with nonp parity and really good ideas it's like well is this a parody Or is a theft and that can get really confusing if they leaned into it totally and had something called I don't know peek at you and it was like a Pikachu that was a weird creep right oh it's it's clearly a joke at that point but now at this point it kind of looks like oh they were trying to hide it yeah I don't think they were trying to hide it cuz I think the marketing even from the first trailer of this game was proving like Hey look it's Pokemon with guns yeah they probably expected this game to sell like 100 copies day one you know what I mean and when it blew up it's now beaten Counter Strike for concurrent players I think no one on planet Earth expected this I I think the thing going against them if you look at the developers other games the one before this craftopia is just a straight breath of the wild rip off like the enemies are like oh it's a b Goblin but blue that's crazy when the game first came out I saw people be like oh hey like it's sort of tacky that the pals are very clearly Pokémon ripoffs as people learned more about the devs and their history that's when I saw the conversation shift to like oh no like these guys are just like chills I get like the fundamental especially as a freaking YouTuber I get the kind of benefit or you kind of like look at this like Star eyy thing it's like okay this is going to be the game that gets our studio off the ground right you're taking pieces that they were so popular in other games you know people forget that Ubisoft made a direct onetoone kind of you know grab of breath of the wild and it had some cool stuff for it but clearly clearly was in every way heavily inspired by breath the Wild gench and impact a lot of people said that was a clone then of course it carved out its own identity so I see these arguments and you know I get there's like literally with craftopia it was like straight up a breath of the wild clone meant to cash in on breath of the wild money I think that is totally fair to say but I think it's also pretty fair to say that sometimes these genres spill and people can craft out their own versions of these games through it like I think power world clearly it takes from Elden ring it takes from bre the wild it takes from Arc it takes from Pokémon if 5 years down the line they run with this and they really make it their own I think the tune will completely change but right now they have to change some things to make that tune change yeah and I think that's the big thing for me if they want to be anything more than the survival game with all those ripped off Pokémon I need the next big update that introduces new Pals to the world really divorced from Pokemon I just want to say before we get called out for it they have a few designs where they totally yed fakon from fans and Twitter and deviantART that's messed up I don't like that yeah don't steal from fans stealing from Pokemon or stealing like you know Ken sugam mori's eye art style or whatever and slapping it on your own creature whatever sucks but stealing from a fan and Fon and artist and Deviant Art that's not okay in anyway yeah screw that if anyone listening is developing their own monster taming game and are struggling to come up with designs higher some people who are so passionate about it they make their own like fake mons and stuff that's giv work to artists which is great get really cool designs and you'll probably get something different you'd be able to really get a cool unique Style with it look at dark domain that did the illustrations of the Tanuki lab characters style they they have made so many Fon that are just absurdly creative and gorgeous and yeah come on P hire them I thing with like Pokemon company they're very Cy on how they interact with fans power world is in a perfect position here to like do the opposite of that with being the big viral success that it is like reach out to fans doing fan art or people in the Pokémon community that are artists and be like do you want to design a handful of monsters for our game yeah that sounds amazing wao guys we're fixing power world we're fixing power finishing there I just wanted to quickly send you guys this image because I think it's quite [Laughter] funny is powered here to stay or do you think it's a cash C given the Developers past history of abandoning their games at certain development stages I'm inclined to say that it's here for a little bit but not for the long term I think what about you Chris I have too much trust in them so few years I could definitely see happening and then after that who knows if it wasn't from the success I wouldn't have much confidence but because it's been so successful they're leaving money on the table by ditching it it also all depends on how efficient Nintendo's Black Ops snipers are I last thing I want to say is 5 minutes into my gameplay of Po World there was a tutorial human I threw the pow ball at a pal and the human jumped in front of it and with a 3% chance rate I captured the human and I didn't know you could do that and when I captured the human it said capturing humans as Pals is considered inhumane and you will be hunted down by the authorities and my compound was raided and I was shot to death and I think that's really funny bred human trafficking would you recommend this game to someone if you're just someone that jumps on games and plays them for the games and you're not truly invested in the internal like discussions of like the art and the plagiarism and stuff like that which is totally valid discussions to have I think if you just truly hop on games and play them and then you don't care I think this could totally be a fun experience but if you really have true Hang-Ups about the morality of the art style and things like that which again I think is fair I would not recommend it I would say Hey you know maybe let's see what they do in a few weeks and how they respond to the criticism and then you can make your decision or wait until it's out of Early Access and you can really make your decision but if you're just playing games with Z playing games it's 30 bucks and it's pretty damn fun I'm going to put any possible Hang-Ups about the thievery or lack of thievery whatever aside if you like Monster hunting and collecting RPGs I would maybe say don't play it if you like Survival Games definitely play it because it feels like probably one of the more unique versions of those that I've play my point is is if you're scared of Early Access games don't get it but if you're fine with getting an early access game with all its bugs and everything that comes with it go ahead but really it's up to you don't feel forced to play it or don't feel like you have to not play it do your own research make your own decision from that also if you like horny lizards definitely play it oh yes how play this guy did you guys know it's number 69 in the pal decks I'm not kidding that's sick that's awesome there's not enough games for the sexy reptile lovers out there I agree we need more I mean what anyways guys thank you for coming uh Chris where can we find you you can find me on my main Channel Markiplier but I do side stuff on Circle Tunes HD on YouTube and like Circle Tunes IG on Instagram oh that's pretty hot that's pretty attractive uh what about you Mr M my channel is lowkey a little dead right now but I'm working on a big Rebrand so you can look me up tricky Kappa but also our group Channel Tanuki lab Tanuki lab where we truly just draw the most foul and depraved thing actually if you like sexy lizards go to Tanuki lab oh yeah if you're a sexy lizard lover Tanuki lab is the place lab is the place for you
Channel: GetMadz
Views: 78,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Cartoon, Story, Nintendo, GetMadz, Madz, palworld, palworld drama, drama, pal, world, pokemon, problem, issue, discussion, animated, penguillet, circletoonshd, circletoons, grizzbolt, pal word drama, video game industry, video games, steam, ark, breath of the wild, nintendo switch, pokemon problem, bad, dilemma, situation, palworld animation, palworld news, news, game news, video game news, palworld problem, palworld situation, palworld ripoff, ripoff, clone, zelda
Id: Qg6GWpWPrLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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