I went to see Mario Movie 5 days in a row

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hello could I get five tickets for the Mario movie names please to give some context I've been waiting for this film for years and when I say years I mean years nine years from a cast announcement to articles the trailers to TV spots to boots I could not wait to see this so with my personal history of excitement for this film understood let's see how I feel after watching it five days in a row with the ticket secured on the evening on Wednesday and a second showing planned for Thursday with some friends all of Tuesday morning I was having a crisis I was looking at anything and everything related to this movie Non-Stop it was destroyed my productivity I need to do my taxes so I thought you know what I have no self-control I bought the tickets for the midnight release stop looking at anything and everything related to the movie and in just five hours I'd finally be able to see the film I've waited so long for and uh Claire also joined me to uh supervise for hype so we headed to Times Square got a ridiculously large snacks and drinks found our seats and got ready for a Mario time but of course with it being an opening night for a big IP film you'd have a strong chance of sharing the theater with someone who could definitely ruin the movie for you somebody's stinky sitting in a row behind us began shouting any [Music] [Music] God's sake guys we open up the can of worms Smash Bros yeah well done mate of course what you do a Smash Bros movie that's a bloody great idea and we all want it now stop pretending to be a fish or you'll ruin this special moment for all of us we didn't say that but we were all thinking it no I was thinking much worse luckily after getting no attention he showed bloody Gob and the movie began with a grand old cheer right after we sat through the hats surprisingly by the time the credits rolled I didn't cry he almost cried I expected this going in but the parts of this film set in Brooklyn made me completely freak out not only because I lived there but seeing Mario and Luigi just be humans for once was just way too fun to see even if what was fleshed out was much less by traditional film standards I didn't I dare knowing just something about these characters that have had a place in our hearts for so long was pure magic there was a lot of characters that had really good chemistry with one another camera can Bowser was great to see penguin King and lumily Byron Luigi Mario and Peach Mario and DK a lot of Mario's the only disappointment I found with the characters after my first showing was toad I love my Cookie's performance I just really think they could have done more with him he was definitely the most one-dimensional character out of a cast and I wasn't expecting a giant character Arc for him he is playing a supportive role in a film that's quite short and jam-packed with other characters and set pieces I guess since the film was so tight I just wanted to see more interactions with everyone especially these two plonkers I mean he is a psycho who captured his brother but I think Mario and Bowser's Dynamic was just a bit one way with how it was executed like Mario didn't even seem that upset it was just you're too late Mario Balenciaga is already mine it could have been all you'll pay for what you did to my brother but that's Harley I can play I really care that much about and honestly that's how I feel about most of my complaints about this film it could make it better but how much really because I was having so much fun already and this goes without saying but the art Direction for this movie is absolutely incredible I loved every character's redesign especially DK can we just get this Donkey Kong games from now on and this film was genuinely funny but it was a lot of moments I absolutely adored and got both being kept bursting out in laughter now since I did see a lot of the preview material leading to actually seeing this film while watching it I kept having my brain go oh that's part of a trailer oh this part isn't oh this part is just kind of annoying but really I can only blame myself by far the best part of watching this movie was for moments where I just felt immersed so did the trailers remember movie for me I don't think so but I think the first time watching it would have hit just a little harder in places if I didn't do what everyone kept telling me not to do have a chronic Mario Obsession but it turns out to be hardly an issue because do you know what you also noticed during the film these whoa it was so exciting to constantly spot something or notice an Easter egg it's the thing from a thing the Mario thing however maybe due to this or a myriad of other reasons its pacing didn't feel necessarily bad to me but just strange you know how some movies are often described as a roller coaster having this Easter egg element to enjoy is a lifelong Mario fan was like an interact to roller coaster not because you had to react to QuickTime events but because you're constantly looking around and never bought which is actually pretty fitting for a movie based on a video game and that's never been something I've experienced or removed before it felt satisfying at the end of the day my head is flourishing with curiosity about how this film will age and how I'll view it in repeat watches I was blown away and also a little disappointed not because of the film itself not at all but because I just wanted to see more I didn't want it to end give me Mario movie 2. nah I left the theater immediately we need to watch it again although definitely after I sleep because the film ended at 2AM but for my first viewing I give it 8 out of 10. I know that's why it's for Mario fanatic 2000 over here but it was probably the most fun film I've ever seen let's see how I feel tomorrow this time I watched it with my I was just excited to see the film as I was the day before and as I am now because I'm still very excited to see the film for this showing there was a huge waiting line outside the theater rooms for some reason envelunted convey conversion John Wick okay maybe you could open the noise it turns out the tickets we got weren't just any movie tickets but a special Mario Party ticket we got Mario hats Luigi hats squishable little Cooper shells I wonder where you get if you see John Wick but there was a big difference between me and Mike whilst I saw pretty much every single bit of material before seeing the film apart from seeing a few ad spots and posters she didn't know anything about the movie speaking of ads oh my God we have to sit through these ads before the film again by the time the credits rolled for a second viewing my theory that you can't be during this movie was tested and my hypothesis was correct do not pee I love to go to the bathroom during the Donkey Kong fight scene and I came back and missed the whole fight it doesn't help that I ran into the wrong movie theater initially and that DK scene was like one of my favorite scenes of a movie in my favorite scenes the Mario's relatives fun to see we've never seen what Mario's parents look like let alone uncle's aunts and cousin and to have Charles martinet voice Mario's dad was probably the most beautiful and perfect role to have him play other than Mario himself if he was to play Mario I also had a good chunk of feelings change after seeing this movie a second time my first viewing I was kind of thrown off with the idea of the Kongs having a cart-run society but for the second viewing I was like actually this kind of makes sense and works really really well they're known to be a civilized society TVs technology clothing game consoles [Music] and what's the most common item in Mario Kart bananas it's a pretty good link giving reasoning for Mario Kart exists within this world a very good tie-in if you will Donkey Kong and seeing moments like these were my absolute favorite I love the while they gave us new law like Mario's family and elaborate on how the world works with the World building of the cons they don't give us all the answers to everything they give us a bunch of room for thinking theorizing and a lot of potential for future movie spin-offs and sequels which I think I vastly prefer versus them just giving us all the answers immediately like we get an idea of Peach's Origins but not too much and I really like that on my second viewing other for pacing was actually a lot better than my first time watching and my but it was perfect pacing chief of a movie Never Felt boring some scenes could have dragged but every scene felt like it had significance significance significance you claim this is the perfect movie for people with bad attention spans and I have to agree first time watching it I was constantly thinking about aspects of a film and honestly getting a tad bit overwhelmed with everything but for the second viewing since I was a scatterbrained and buzzed and knew what was going to happen I was able to be absorbed in the film a lot more easier without going ah it's the thing from the trailer it's the thing from this game it's it's some it's the moment and I think being able to focus on the core of a film a lot more made me a lot more emotional about the film it's either underlying messages of this film shine through pretty damn brightly I've heard a lot of people say that this film is bare to the Bone but after to seeing it twice I'm here to argue otherwise so the beginning has some d-serious moments for Mario standards Bowser destroying a kingdom Mario struggles starting his own business a social pressure from his family and Luigi's dependence on his brother just in the First Act we already have a simple but quite strong message planted to not give up on your goals and be their family very basic but a very fitting core for what Super Mario is but once we enter the Mushroom Kingdom and the Bros are split apart I think the moral for this movie is also split into and there's a strong tonal shift to something a lot more outlandish I think that message set up at the beginning of a film is still softly carried over with Luigi as we see how much he relies on his brother but for Mario the message of a film shifts to something a lot more goofy don't give up on video games seriously Marvel's experience for the entire second act is built upon that idea as for foundation after exploring and singing the Mushroom Kingdom for the first time at an introduction to the world but yet on tomorrow being introduced to power-ups during the training scene with Peach and here is where we see this concept really unfold and it's not like it's just this scene here and then after the small turtle tomorrow is a proof of the rest of the film it's as if you can split the second act into three distinct iconic pillars that represent what Mario is platforming Smash Brothers and Mario Karts the literal 3 biggest experience people have had with Mario first off we see how items are used in platforming not enough practice under your plumber belt don't worry eat a mushroom then we see all items they use in a fight not as good as your opponent and keep getting your shell handed to you all good 10 items on and give yourself a winning chance and the final part of act two we see how items are used in Mario Kart yeah items are great and all until you're on the other end most likely from a big spiky blue shell just like how you the player would experience playing these games as Mario the characterization of Mario in this movie is the player Miyamoto is mentioned on multiple occasions he doesn't want Mario to be a superhero he just wants him to be a regular guy your average smoke and I think knowing that makes this theme even stronger when you look into it the movie shows every way a power up or item can be used in every aspect of Mario in these three set pieces player versus environment player versus player and player versus item but I don't think I'm crazy or even overthinking this I think this was an intentional decision done by the team behind this movie and so you want about loose ends or a thin plot but I think that this is absolutely incredible attention to detail I'm curious how my third time watching this all go but how I'm feeling right now 10 out of 10. I haven't seen the movie with a bunch of friends who all hadn't seen it before except for me oh my God sacks and drinks sat down and had to sit through the ads again are you serious after a third viewing pretty much all my critiques have disappeared now I don't know what to think from that but that's just what happened I just ended up loving every second without hesitation I initially thought that this video game Mario was just bookended by the original moral at a start about never giving up but then after sleeping on it I realized no the ending Act is a combination of these two ideas coming together and intertwining literally which is so cool you assume that when the bomber bill is chasing Mario towards the walk pipe it's gonna destroy the warp pipe and then Mario and Luigi won't be able to go back to Brooklyn and that's why we're in the Mushroom Kingdom blah blah blah blah blah instead it combines them together just like the life moral and gay moral are combined hear me out in this final scene in Brooklyn a lot of moments show off souped up or video game variations of the Bros real world experiences from earlier in the movie The First struggles for Bros have and the last 15 minutes of a film have a lot of parallels Mario dodging the bomber Bill and saying more mummy you know references him jumping over the dog in the real world and saying the same thing but mirror flying at Luigi in the bathroom happened again in the final fight with Bowser blowing fire and Luigi holding a man call cover Mario Luigi getting temporarily eaten by the piranha plant references for scene where Mario is about to complete the obstacle course in the Mushroom Kingdom each of these examples shows for transfer of free world to game or game to real world in some way I mean the entire Final Act is literally that and don't bother commenting saying I'm overthinking this because video game philosophy is really fun and to anyone who says I am overthinking it people can take different things away from a movie and from watching this movie over and over again I don't care about giving my critiques about the film I don't even think I have that many critiques about the film now anyway this stuff is what I've gotten to take away from a movie after my third watch my initial problem with toad completely disappeared he is such a weirdo loner and that kind of makes him even more likable because he admittedly dedicates himself to be by Mario's side and I don't know he's just it's just fun gonna be honest I really did not like cranky young the first time I watched it but by my third time I was laughing every time he bloody spoke I still found the humor in this super strong I like the dog I really like the dog just in general this time watching I ended up noticing a lot more purposeful design in the movie not just for bananas but the shells of Mario Kart are given context in this story away it logically gives reason to Mario's mushroom high and why his head is so much bigger than peaches and becames I can't believe they managed to do that but it also created entirely new questions with what they did develop which I think is so fun it's Donkey Kong now in Brooklyn and we're gonna have a scene with him and Pauline of a sequel what is Peach's actual Origins what's kanek up to there's a lot left open to interpretation and this film doesn't do anything to closed doors if anything it just opens even more larger doors super happy smiley face out of 10. day four I had my ticket I had my ticket with me I was ready to go see it with Ivan [Music] but I bought my ticket does that count your boss I watched the movie in 4dx alone and it was really good I was concerned that the more I watched this the more the plot would seemingly fall apart and I might end up liking it less and less but what I've noticed is that it just made me like it more and more on repeat viewing but it would be ridiculous if I failed to mention my main reason for enjoyment was being able to watch the movie with people I care about and share this thing I enjoyed so much with them don't think of it as just a film about Mario but a film about the video game experience an interactable roller coaster of memories encapsulating the feeling of playing a video game this movie opened up this fantastic world without over complicating anything it is infinitely re-watchable now if you excuse me I'm gonna go home because I've been at the cinema for almost a week the chance of winning a freeway of copy of copy Mario Odyssey now we're still if you want to stay up to date on how you'll be able to win you'll know first if a Mansfield Discord Link in the description also the patreon page is under construction right now so sorry for the lack of credits this week but it's gonna be back better than ever very very soon it's gonna be really cool and with that um thanks guys I really appreciate you
Channel: GetMadz
Views: 467,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animation, Cartoon, Story, Nintendo, GetMadz, Madz, mario, movie, super, bros, Mario movie, Mario Bros movie, the Mario movie, Mario spoilers, Mario review, Mario challenge, Mario Movie animation, Mario Movie cartoon, animated mario, Mario animation, Mario Movie funny, Mario Movie retrospective, retrospective, challenge, story time, Mario story, criticism, art, nintendo, nintendo mario, nintendo switch, Peach, donkey kong, toad, luigi, bowser, Mario vs bowser, Mario vs donkey kong, scene, kart
Id: iGwRcbqg3yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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