THE MAKEUP FACELIFT by Dominique Sachse

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[Music] welcome to this week's facelift makeup tutorial yes it is that powerful many of us have either genetically inherited downturn features or as we age our features tend to move downward and sag a little bit it is amazing the power of makeup to be able to change shape and to create lift so this is going from downturned to upturned this is how you erase 20 from your face and get your happy back on it is the beauty of makeup in my opinion it's one of the things that i love so much about it is the transformative effect if you so choose i love being without it i love oh naturale i think that's the beautiful thing also of being a woman in her prime is the love and acceptance of who she is and what she has but at the same time if you have the tools in your toolkit and the skill set you have an amazing opportunity in the right moment to be able to create powerful change and that's what i want to impart in today's video is the ability to do it if you so desire i'm starting with a bare face i have parted my hair down the middle i'm just clipping it back i feel like a 12 year old here today but that's okay because i'm going to split my face in half essentially i'm going to do makeup the wrong way on one side the right way on the other side so at the moment i'm going to apply foundation and concealer and primer and all of that not necessarily in that order i will also provide a link to my no smudge no budge makeup tutorial as well to help you keep your makeup in place but i will revisit you in just a second when all of that's applied okay great here's the starting point everything will be listed in the description portion below so you can find all of the products used we're going to start with the eyebrows and i'm going to show you since they are the window to our eyes how framing them can really initiate whether we're going to have an upturned eye or a downturned eye for full disclosure i just had my eyebrows tattooed and microbladed about a week ago so thank you connie because i now feel like i've got thicker brows again but i'm still going to use a brow pomade to really emphasize this and show you the difference between how you fill in your eyebrows so let's use this side of my face which is camera right for the downturn side camera left will be the upturn so when we're going in with our brow and we fill in the area that we have to be really really careful with is this outer portion of the brow the part that turns down we have to be careful not to over emphasize that so since this is the wrong side i'm going to follow this line and i'm going to make it even a little bit longer because sometimes we do that as we've lost brow fullness and definition we go in we thicken we lengthen but we make the mistake of lengthening and pulling the shape downward so this brow is going to be my droopy brow and i'm just going to carry that tail down all right for comparison this side we're going to change the outer part of the brow and we're going to flick it out a little bit so i'm building in my base underneath and here's where it's different when i come out to the side i'm not going to go as long as i did on the other one and i'm going to continue this line a little bit outward and up you see how my strokes are going out and up a little bit so i'm going to fill in like i did with the other but i'm not doing the downturn i'm really going to come in on the height of the brow and continue a few strokes outward like so so it's going to be slightly shorter than the other but i think you can already see the difference in shape how this brow comes out and this brow is more severe and it's coming down it's going to change also how we do our makeup for eye makeup i i love this palette i featured this before in a previous video it's covergirl chocoholic scented it's so inexpensive the colors are beautiful and it does it does smell of chocolate so it's kind of perfect for the holidays as well so what happens is our lids start to get a little bit heavier and we are often accustomed to putting the lightest shade on the lid and what that can do is that can really weigh the lid down actually make the lid seem heavier so on this side i will use the light shade on the lid on this side i'm actually going to use a warmer shade a little bit more of a purpley rust i'm going to stay in the plum purple family today just because of what i'm wearing i'm going to keep it a little bit warmer and darker and when you have heaviness in your lids it helps to hide that as well as bringing that crease line up higher here's the important part of this process is this is the eye that's going to have the upturn so to do that we have to be very careful not to drag the makeup down so just like the outer part of this eyebrow went out the outer part of this makeup is also going to follow that line and just sort of go up and out a lot of blending a lot of smoothing but we are following this line this framework that our eyebrows have created so i'm going to stop right there on the eye that's going to be the mistake i will take the same darker plum color and i'm going to now follow the natural shape of my eye which is more of a rounded down turn so i'm going to go in the crease and make the mistake of not going high enough in the crease and i'm going to follow the shape so i'm not making any adjustments in terms of altering shape i'm simply following my shape and bringing that down okay so here we're displaying the difference already that you're seeing downturn in the brow down turn in the makeup makeup here is coming up and out so we're going to complete the eye makeup and focus on the outer corner here i'm going to use i used this sort of rusty color as the color for the crease line now i'm going in with this darker brown and i'm going to build out on this side but instead of going all the way down i'm cheating a little bit and i'm creating a new endpoint for the outer eye and i'm lifting that out to meet the area that i had just built perfect so what you're seeing is now two things happening you're seeing a lift on the outer corner of the eye you're also seeing a lengthening that's going on because i'm going to slowly soften and blend this shadow to come out and match this outer corner of my eyebrow on this other side that i'm doing incorrectly i am just going to follow this natural lash line and i'm going to block him with that darker brown where my eye actually ends okay now i'm going to take my blending brush and i'm just going to whisk this together to raise it a little bit and soften it this i'm just following the shape that i've created now i'm going in with the light highlight color and here i'm just sweeping right hugging really really tight to my brow bone and just underneath my eyebrow not going too far down because we don't want to create too much heaviness on that side because we brought our warmer color up higher the mistake often on this side the droopy side is to do too much white here which really emphasizes that orbital bone and the droopiness that naturally occurs in the eye i'm already seeing a big difference liner is really going to emphasize this so on the correct eye i'm using a black liner i'm going to top line which means i come from underneath and i hug the eyelashes coming from the underside so you're basically just sort of going back and forth i'm not going all the way down again i remember i created that artificial end point so that's where i start right there and i'm just swiggling in my lash line and i don't want this to get onto my lid this really helps to create an open eye look and not heavy on the top we're basically doing the antithesis of heavy i'm going to make the mistake on this side of my face i'm going to come from the top and i'm going to draw in on my upper lashes which is going to eliminate a lot of my lid the biggest mistake that we make in terms of downturned features and emphasizing that and it's something that you never ever see me do and that is taking an eyeliner and rubbing it in my lower lash line now there's a difference when i do a smoky eye i'm actually inner and then i use a very light medium shade to smudge in my lashes but still my emphasis is across the top it doesn't mean that you can't put shadow in your lash line below but it needs to be on the lighter lighter medium side and not dark but oftentimes we take a dark liner and this is a dark chocolate brown and we line our lower lash line so now what's going to happen is that's really going to emphasize this lower lid and the lower droop that's going on on the outer corner here blend my shadow so now i have basically followed along this brow shape line i have followed my natural eye curvature and in doing so i have created a heavy blocky look that looks sort of sad and older this side so far is looking much more lighter and more youthful i am going to leave the bottom lashes alone because i'm going to go with a darker lipstick today so i don't want to overdo the eye look on the good side so at this point i would take my eyelash curler curl my lashes and we'll do it on this side too just so you can see and now mascara on the good side is only going on the top line [Music] and in doing so i am continuing to draw the attention upward okay on the wrong side obviously we'll be putting mascara on both the top and the lower lashes this reminds me so much of the 80s see with the eyeliner up higher you don't nearly see the length in the lashes because you've covered too much of your eyelid and therefore your eyelashes up top don't stand out either all right now let's let's bring in some lower lashes i haven't done this in decades they look like little spider legs and this is just really exacerbating the problem of droopiness it's just pulling everything downward okay big difference but i'm not done yet i still have another trick that i like to do to really help bring the outer corner of the lashes up create more of a cat eye and a nice lift you know i am a huge fan of the magnetic whoopsie the magnetic outer wing lashes they're just floating around on this tray here hold on okay the magnetic outer wing lashes i'm going to use the outer for the left side that you're seeing these are the 0.2 millimeter and they just go right here on the outer corner but really create once they're on a nice little added lift to the eye and you see how that just gave me that extra little pull it thickened the lashes here in the outer corner but it also created such a nice lift going up and out compared to the spider droop that i've got going on here on the right side alright so eye makeup is done concealer [Music] the other trick is with the good eye i use the concealer to clean up anything that's dark that may be hanging below and really help keep that line nice and clean going no farther than the outer corner of this eyebrow everything kind of sweeps up to match it on this side i'm matching now this downward turn okay i'm just going to set the area with powder and i'm going to set my foundation now with powder because we're going to move on to contour blush and then eventually lipstick okay here's another area where we run into trouble and that's contour and blush placement where you place it is everything in terms of how your cheeks and how your face will lift so here's a contour and highlight palette i'm going to use the darkest contour shade on the wrong side here i will contour a little bit on the low side so i am in the hollow of my cheek going a little bit lower on the right side i'm going to hug just under my cheekbone and i'm not going to come as far down so i'm just going to hug right here it's a little bit higher than the other side i'm not going as far down as i did on the other so this one the good one is here the bad one is thicker and lower on the good side of the face i'm going to do a little bit of contouring in the forehead just for warmth also as we age our noses elongate so on the good side i'm going to do it's kind of weird doing a half contour at the tip of my nose but i'm going to try and ever so slightly also to slenderize very light-handed here's the other trick for contouring faces tend to sag we get jowls and heaviness here so on the good side to combat that i'm actually going to ride a little bit higher on the jaw the jawline okay because what you want to do is you don't want to highlight areas that are starting to get heavy and protruding you actually want to conceal those so we're just going to make a really better not talk we make a really nice straight line just a little bit higher and then gently pull down so i'm essentially creating a new artificial jawline this side i'll leave alone just for full effect placement of blush placement of blush okay on the wrong side we're going to take our plummy colored blush and we're going to go just above our contour filling in here on the lower side i used just a little too much hold on okay blush is coming forward and it's a little heavy and it's a little low that's the mistake the correct way is a teeny teeny tiny bit and this may shock you it is way up high all right you want an instant face lift you put your blush way up high starting right up here on the cheekbone we are staying out to the side we are high and we're up shockingly up but this immediately creates the illusion of not only higher cheekbones but the illusion of going upward i mean i can i can purely see the difference as i look in the mirror here of just being a little bit softer but the placement of the contour in the blush higher and more out to the side is really transformative in how your face reads okay now comes the next probably most important part that is how we draw in and define our lips so i as you can see i naturally have a downturn in my mouth always have always so my my lips have always kind of come out and arced downward and as i get older it becomes even more pronounced so how do i counteract that simple it's where i draw in my lips so on the bad side mistake number one is using a very heavy lip liner the same or darker than your actual lipstick so that's what we're going to do on the wrong side is we are going to go deep dark and over draw so the last thing that i want to do is follow my natural lip line which is what i will do and go just slightly outside [Music] basically i followed the shape of my mouth it's come down i've met in the corner and that's what a lip line drawn to your natural shape looks like here is how you correct a downturn mouth you're actually cheating i'm going with a lighter more of a nude type of a lip pencil that will go with almost any shade lipstick this is really just to create framework so the key is you're coming from underneath you want to get rid of this roundness and this downturn here and the way to do that is to come from the underside and create a new line [Music] so instead of rounding here i'm also going to make a little more of a point [Music] here i've come under this round curve flattened a little and then i'm cheating like when you grin and your your lips go out to the side sort of creating that line on the bottom a little bit out i'm on the bottom [Music] okay to help with that i have a highlighter pencil that i run slightly on top of this newly created line to help block in and eliminate that natural boundary of my lip and lighten just above the area where i used my lip liner all right so lipstick it's a matte pencil kind of a plum color i'm going to follow the line of my natural lip line on the wrong side and now on the correct side i'm going to follow this new line the color is not going on the outside it's coming from the bottom oh my what a difference okay just to help let's do this ready the wrong side do you see how following my own natural lines and shapes created such a downturn the right side how using what i have and cheating and flicking out has now created a completely new line a new look and it's as if i went to a doctor's office the power of makeup it is profound i think this really demonstrates how with just the right technique you can completely change the look of your face i i mean it it amazes me the difference and i love honestly how makeup technique has evolved i mean when you think about it this is that's what we did in the 80s we just we did that and we weren't doing our i mean granted we were younger but we weren't doing ourselves any favors but now that we're older and more mature and we're wiser we now have the ability to take and here's the thing i'm wearing dark colors people always say oh you know you don't wear dark colors it emphasizes all the wrong things not true it's how you do it you can wear reds you can wear plums you can wear anything the right shade the right hand and the right application makes all the difference in the world i want you to be able to sit in your bathroom and feel empowered feel like you have ways you have tricks you know these are your scalpels okay that's how powerful they are it's all in your ability take the time figure it out enjoy learning it's always wonderful to learn new things and you get to immediately see experience and feel the difference i'd love to stay but i have to go wash off half of my face and reapply it before i go to work but i've loved being here for you lay down what you want to see follow me on social media subscribe to the channel ring the bell to get notified every thursday at 1 o'clock when i release a video share me with friends family and neighbors because i love you and i want more people to love go out be bold and be blessed be amazed and i'll see you next thursday bye
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 2,286,657
Rating: 4.9158053 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, Dominique Sachse 2019, over 40, over 50, dominique sachse, dominique sachse youtube, youtube dominique sachse, beauty, makeup, cosmetics, aging, anti aging, aging gracefully, maturity, mature, lipstick, foundation, blush, get ready with me, facelift, covergirl, NARS, NYX, smashbox, urban decay, Charlotte Tilbury
Id: BugC71BYEmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 43sec (1663 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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