You Were Lied To About Killdozer

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this is the story of a reasonable man who was forced to do unreasonable things I'm Aiden Mattis and welcome back to the L [Music] launch shortly after 2 p.m on June 4th 2004 workers at the Mountain Park concrete plant in Grandy Colorado heard a commotion coming from the muffler shop next door turning to see what it was they witnessed a behemoth vehicle rolling towards them on massive Treads which they soon realized was a bulldozzer and one covered in thick steel plates and while nobody could see inside they were all pretty sure that they knew who was controlling It Marvin he police tried to destroy the Treads breach the cabin and shots were even fired at the bulldozer but no matter what anybody did they could not stop the thing over the course of the next 2 hours he methodically and efficiently carved a path of Destruction through Granby causing over $1 million in property damage the Carnage ended only when the Treads of his tank now affectionately referred to as kildo by many slipped into the basement of a building and rendered him stuck with his modified kamatsu d355a immobilized and law enforcement all around he Meer chose to go out on his own terms using a 357 handgun and then something very strange happened while those who were associated with Marv's targets were quick to call him insane or even a domestic terrorist some people blamed the town while of course the people of grand B were shaken those whose properties were left unscathed by he's tank were at least willing to forgive and even to understand they pointed to a history of animosity between heier and certain other business owners in the community some of whom even served on the town board zoning disputes a sewer issue and just a general sense that he was being jerked around were all key aspects of the discourse and this ultimately culminated in a rather sharp divide in public opinion in grany he's actions were generally viewed as at the very least negative and in many cases over the top but that opinion was not necessarily consistent outside of the town in nearby Grand Lake where Marv actually lived those who knew him were surprised that he had gone to these lengths But ultimately sympathetic to his plight and they were not the only ones across the country heay rapidly achieved status as a martyr in anti-government circles to these people he was perceived as a hero who stood up against a corrupt system his actions were seen not as attacks on innocent people but as retribution against a corrupt Town board that was conspiring against him however not everyone saw the situation in quite that same light and it was in large part due to the work of Patrick Brower who was the editor at Sky High news the local grany paper outside of the immediate reporting that was done by local journalists from the surrounding towns and counties Brower has largely been the only reporter in the area to continue writing about the events of June 4th 2004 and their causes if you look at the Wikipedia page for he for example you'll see that essentially every single citation that deals with the leadup to that day is associated with Patrick Brower what I mean by that is that they were either written by broer himself published in the newspaper that broer edited or they cite broer and along with covering the events in real time broer has also created two retrospective pieces on the incident he published kildo the true story of the Colorado bulldozer Rampage in 2017 and he was a producer on the 2019 documentary tread The Narrative stemming from brower's more recent work is one of a sympathetic and well liked but ultimately isolated and paranoid man's wrath against perceived yet non-existent wrongs one of the issues was related to Mars sanitation solution which was essentially just a old cement mixer buried in the ground and hooked up to a septic system according to Brower Marv refused to hook onto the sewer system for over a decade even though the town ordinance required that he do so and then when they finally pushed the issue with him in 2002 and gave him a fine he paid it with a check that was made out to the cowards and liar Department another issue had to do with zoning disputes specifically the two lots adjacent to he's property broer wrote that when another landowner went to rezone the adjacent property Marv was offered a quarter of a million dollars which he initially accepted then he supposedly jacked the price up to $375,000 when it was time to finalize the sale and when the purchasers said hey we can't afford that he just refused to negotiate any further and then when they refused to pay heer told them that he would fight their rezoning effort all the way to the end finally Brower wrote on his website that the rumor that Marv was forced to shut down his business by the town board was false according to Brower he chose to shut down his business all on his own for no apparent reason other than that he wanted out so he could move forward with his plan to terrorize and bulldoze the town thing is as I went to work trying to corroborate the various claims about the aspects of the kild Dozer story I found that a lot of them didn't quite line up for example there are several things on brower's website that contradict his initial reporting he'd also present things in a certain way in tread but I'd find that he'd either omitted or altered details during this process I came to realize that the narrative crafted by Brewer whether he did it deliberately or not did not seem to be accurate based on the available facts now I can't speak to his motivation or really that of anyone else involved in the legend of kildo but what I can do is tell you everything that the media left out and speaking of things being left out sometimes there are things you want left out of a story like your own personal story so for that purpose I want to introduce you to today's sponsor for this video Aura and to tell you about Aura let me throw you over to myself several months ago you see if you've been hanging out around the channel for a while we've had some issues with Bigfoot in the past there was a series of lawsuits a romantic Affair that went horribly wrong and at one point I found out that Bigfoot was trying to sell my data and in doing some digging I found out that it's not just Bigfoot that's out there doing this in in fact all sorts of data Brokers are selling your personal information to scammers spammers and basically anybody else who wants to mess with you your full name your email address your relatives where you got your education all of that it is all out there and it's for sale and that's why we decided to partner with aura Aura shows me which data Brokers Andor North American Cryptids are trying to sell my information and then automatically submits opt out requests for me I gave it a look and it turns out that over 400 different groups are are in possession of some sort of my information one of them was even but I'm pretty sure that was the information site not a group that was dedicated to making Migo missing and you know what I'm going to be honest this explains why I have 103,000 unread emails so cleaning up my information not only protects me from getting even more spam in my inbox but it also ensures that mouth feasance of the highest order does not occur ensures that nobody is able to hack into my bank accounts by discovering that I have a phobia of toenails and it prevents Bigfoot from hacking into my old Tinder profile to you know set me up with the wendigo I also get other features like antivirus VPN parental controls identity theft Insurance and more without having to sign up for multiple different applications those parental controls come in very handy because I don't want Archie finding things he shouldn't see look at this innocent little face does he seem prepared to perceive the horrors everything is really easy to set up and I get it all at one affordable price you may already have one or two of these tools but not having Aura is kind of like locking your front door and then leaving your back door wide open so I don't know like some axeman or something can make it in Aura is always on keeping me safe so I can focus on other tasks I value my privacy and I value yours so if you want to give Aura a try you can go to lorod or use the link below to start your twoe free [Music] trial Marvin John he was born to South Dakota Dairy Farmers John and Augusta he in 19 51 he spent his youth in the Mount Rushmore State and then enlisted in the Air Force in 1971 at the age of 20 he first arrived in Colorado in 1974 when he was stationed at Lowry Air Force Base now it's unclear what he's military occupational specialty or MOS basically your your job in the military we're not really sure what that was I don't have access to his records and it's also unclear exactly when he got out of the military but what we do know is that he stayed in Colorado or returned to Colorado where he went into to the muffler repair business and like I said while I couldn't track down what his MOS was that does suggest to me that he probably was involved in welding by 1991 Marv was doing very well for himself and wanted to take some time off so he leased out the business to another repairman by the name of Doug Brader so that he could take 6 months off go get away and you know focus on his real passion which was snowmobiling and also snowmobile modification he decided that he would spend November of 1991 through May of 1992 in Grand Lake Colorado a small town with a population of just 170 people in 1990 Marv spent those 6 months in Grand Lake immersing himself in this small Mountainside Town culture enjoying the Lakeside views the snowmobiling and getting to know several people in town it seemed he really enjoyed being up there and that worked out because when it came time for that vacation to end Doug brandstadter was doing very well for himself down in Boulder and asked if he could extend his lease he obliged him and then made the choice to settle down in Grand Lake for a little while and just see what the area had to offer he purchased a modest cabin property on woodpecker Hill a community on the north side of Grand Lake in early 1992 I will tell you trying to locate where woodpecker Hill is in the town of Grand Lake took me 3 hours and I'm still not confident I was right it does appear that the town has undergone a rather significant amount of growth at least structurally since 1992 it's entirely possible that there are neighborhoods that existed in 1992 and also in 2004 that are just gone now because they've been redeveloped but in any case it didn't really take Marv all that long to integrate fully into the community one of the people who saw him most frequently was Lori crane the owner of a Polaris snowmobile store near his home and according to her Marv was a friendly and loyal customer who was in there bright and early every day during the winter to talk snowmobiles and that made sense because Marv knew most of his friends in Grand Lake from snowmobiling specifically he fell in with a group who called themselves the Thursday club and this was about two dozen Riders who would get together and go out snowmobiling on as you might expect Thursday Stuart Spencer who was a member of the Thursday Club described Marv as his best friend and told the team behind the 2019 documentary tread I looked at him as my bigger brother and that I let Marv lead unless it was some place I knew better than him and as for how Marv handled social situations Spencer was pretty clear he said that he never heard Marv talk bad about anybody but the people who did him bad so Marv not a gossip not the kind of guy to just idly talk trash and by all accounts a pretty phenomenal snowmobiler but Marv didn't just ride snowmobiles he also worked on them according to Thursday Club member Matt Reed people would take their rigs to Marv who would take stock steel and bend it custom to every machine and he did this to form a bumper and according to Spencer these bumpers were so strong that a rider could plow through trees 4 to 5 in thick and according to Matt Reed his work was so valued that you weren't a snowmobiler in Grand Lake unless you had a Marv bumper It's also clear from the comments of people that knew him that Marv wasn't only liked for his reliability as a customer or his skill as a welder he was just genuinely a good guy Reed for example joined the group when he was just 16 and according to him Marv took him under his wing helped teach him how to snowmobile and work on snowmobiles and he went on to say that he was always a mentor and always helped always gave and according to a June 10th 2004 article by a Tanya beina at Sky High news Thursday Club member Bruno Schroeder described Marv as the type of guy who would give you the shirt off his back that same article cites another part owner of Lori crane Snowmobile shop in Grand Lake Alan Bender as saying that Marv was very intuitive and that if he noticed you were having a bad day he would find a way to cheer you up and this positive opinion even extended to Grand Lake residents who didn't always agree with Marv former Grand Lake Mary jeene Stover remarked that he would have a smile on his face when he saw you even if he didn't like you during his time in Grand Lake Marv was vocal in town politics and on several occasions he budded heads with the mayor on certain issues but Stover told Sky High news that even though they buted heads on political issues he would still eat at his restaurant the lariat Saloon and the lariat Saloon is also where heer met his long-term girlfriend Trisha McDonald McDonald described heer as old school a handshakes a handshake kind of guy remarking that Society doesn't allow that anymore she went on to say he was confident and I thought he was handsome and he was larger than life I felt safe with him he was wonderful to me and it wasn't just Trisha McDonald who thought that Marv was a great guy Glenn trainer who was UND Sheriff of Grand County during the incident in 2004 remarked that Marv had a great reputation in town and that he didn't ever meet anybody who disliked him so you might wonder how it is that a man with that kind of reputation could go and do something like this and the people of Grand Lake wondered about that too after the incident on June 4th 2004 former mayor Stover told Sky High news he was wound a little bit tight but I never anticipated anything like this something pushed him off the edge an unnamed member of the Thursday Club was quoted as saying I knew he was not happy in grany anymore I heard about his problems with the Town Council that same member also referred to the 6'2 in tall heemer as a gentle giant and said that he'd spoken to Marv just a month prior to what happened and got no indication that Marv had any plans to do something like this that he had any plans to not be there after June 4th the presiding there in Grand Lake in 2004 Judy Burke was even sympathetic telling Sky High news I always thought he was okay to think about somebody so alone with no one to talk to to the point that he had to do something like this of course Marv knew a lot of people in Grand Lake and he wasn't exactly the kind of guy to keep his opinions to himself so many of them knew about the issues he was having in grandby but most of them didn't realize precisely how affected Marv was and while gry's Town board was quick to emphasize that Marv's retribution had put a lot of people in danger specifically law enforcement and even children Grand Lake mayor Judy Burke pointed out that Marv seemed to have deliberately avoided putting any innocent people in danger that same sky- high article quotes her as saying he didn't plan to hurt anyone he had it planned so everyone saw him coming and could get out of the way in time the only one he ended up hurting besides financially was himself still it could seem like a bit of an overreaction action to a zoning dispute a sewage issue and a fine right so why did Mar feel that all of this was necessary how did his perception of events differ so drastically that this decision made sense to [Music] him whatever you want to call a man like Marv he you would expect him to be the sort of man to leave behind a Manifesto and he did just not in the typical format rather than committing his thoughts to paper Marv recorded nearly 3 hours of monologues describing in detail what led him to his decision why it was justified and how it could have been prevented now I could not find a full transcript of Marvin heer's tapes anywhere so what I did was download the audio find an AI transcription tool called turbos scribe paid $120 for the annual subscription no this is not a sponsored segment I'm just telling you what I did then I downloaded the uh the the text and then I formatted it I edited out you know there were certain parts where like the transcription software miss something he said just edited it for clarity and for formatting didn't take anything out didn't change any words just made sure it all fit and then I used that and compared it to the narrative given in the media but particularly by Brower in his books his articles and in the movie tread and if you would like to read that transcript yourself you can do so by going on to our patreon and subscribing for just $1 a month we'll also be posting it for YouTube members I'll also be uploading a copy of the notes I used for this video to the patreon if you guys would like to check it out and that one of course will also go to YouTube members but anyway according to Marv the trouble all started with an acquaintance of his by the name of John Kleiner Kleiner and he knew each other through the repair business and they would go snowmobiling together on occasion as well not long after Marv had made his move to Grand Lake permanent John Kleiner approached him and said that he was looking to open a garage in the area Marv looked around for a bit and eventually he located a property at 723 County Road 612 in grandby the attractive part of the lot was a 3,000 ft Warehouse equipped with three large bay doors making it perfect for an auto shop the property had fallen into the hands of the resolution trust Corporation after the former owner went bankrupt in the 1980s and that's something I want to quickly explain in the late ' 80s a number of Economic and Regulatory factors led to a crash in the lending Market that is typically known as The Savings and Loan crisis during the course of the crisis a number of savings and loan associations which typically handle personal loans mortgages auto loans things like that nearly a third of these shut down across the United States the closure of many banks in turn created a situation in which borrowers had no means of paying their debt as there was no Bank to pay heer suggested in his tapes that as a result of this situation a number of people thought that their loans their their debt simply didn't exist anymore and they went and they spent money that they should have been holding back for the loans in reality these loans had never been canceled or even formally paused so when the FDIC came in and tried to rectify the situation and recover the debt they wanted a lot of money that people didn't have with many borrowers unable to pay this back debt the banks went and foreclosed their properties which ultimately went to auction one of those properties was a concrete plant owned by Grandy local Cody doev and this concrete plant included the 3,000 ft Warehouse that Marvin wanted to buy he asked what the bank would sell it for pre-auction but the $110,000 price tag attached to it was more than he was willing to pay heire and Kleiner talked it over and decided that the most they were willing to spend was $66,000 and the plan was that Marv would purchase the property and then Finance it to uh Jon Jon would then operate the business and use part of the revenue to pay Marv back essentially Marv was giving him a loan but taking out the step of giving John the money first Marv attended the auction and when his chosen lot came up for bid someone UPF front jumped up and immediately put down $35,000 that someone as it turned out was Cody doev when he had lost the property which he bought in 1972 during the Savings and Loan crisis of the late 80s doev had been ruined financially and a number of people in Grandy lost their jobs Cody had friends in high places and one of those was former Grandy mayor Gus Harris and Gus Harris had agreed to loan doev a certain amount of money to buy back his property heer of course did not know any of this at the time he says that when he found out that it was a foreclosure sale he went he talked to the realtor Jeff Crane and he asked is is the former owner going to try and buy the property back and crane said he didn't know and directed him to another realtor by the name of Peter kie Peter kie was in the same boat he didn't know if the former owner was going to try and buy the property back which would imply then that the former owner Cody doev had not approached the Realtors about purchasing the property back from the bank so there was no way that Marv could have known when he got to the auction that he would be bidding against the former owner unfortunately he found himself doing precisely that heer put down 40,000 then do 45,000 and finally he says he put down 50 and there was no counter bid from upfront then just after the auction he says that doev approached him and just introduced himself kind of by just giving me a tongue lashing for about 10 minutes about you know who I thought I was and what I was going to do with the property he did not take kindly to dov's attitude but tried to explain the situation which was that he had offered to buy the property for John Kleiner for $66,000 but since it had been Cody's property and you know he understood Cody's frustration he offered to sell it to Cody for $66,000 the same price he was going to get from John but the problem here was that Cody doev had not secured a loan for $66,000 secured a loan for $50,000 nonetheless Marv wouldn't budge not out of any sort of malice but just because it was business he he was going to get 66,000 from one guy why would he take 50,000 from another but as I was cross-checking everything for this video I realized that this portion of the narrative differs significantly from the one presented in tread around 23 minutes into the documentary Patrick Brower the editor of Sky High news the local ramby paper plays a recording from an interview he did with doev in the interview doev says that he doesn't even think he met Marv that day and that after the auction had ended he and Gus just left broer then presses him and says well Marv said in his tapes that you guys talked that day and once again doev just denies it and says no I I we we didn't get to talking broer then follows this up by saying that Gus Harris didn't have any recollection of the conversation either Harris said that after the concrete bid he and Cody sat there for another minute but ultimately they just ended up leaving he then went on to say I don't know what Marv did I wasn't paying attention to him really we just got up and uh left yeah the contradiction is important on its own but what really caught my eye was a claim made by Harris Harris says that he and Cody had been friends for many years and had even gone to auctions together but this time he said that Cody had no party in the auction he added that Cody would maybe be interested in the property at a future time but there was no agreement or talk between us of him owning that property that didn't sound right to me and it was because of something that Patrick Brower said around 8 minutes and 50 seconds into the YouTube version of the document Brower said the do chefs were looking for land upon which to put this concrete operation with an indoor batch plant additionally he said doev also showed up with Gus Harris it's not mentioned that Cody once owned that concrete plant which is no mission that is notable but could have been accidental or at least on my first watch through tread I thought all right well that could have been an accident and while this doesn't necessarily translate to Gus Harris was there to byy land for Cody doev it made me suspicious enough to dig as it turns out Patrick Brower was a hell of a lot more straightforward in his initial reporting in a June 17th 2004 article Brower wrote The Following the story of Mar's relationship with the do family started when he bought the 2 acre parcel for his Mountain muffler business in 1992 the land was bought at auction from the resolution trust corporation which administers the holding of failed Banks the DFS had owned the property but lost it to the bank after previous business plans for the area failed when the land went to auction a friend and business associate of the Dos had hoped to buy the property so that he could sell back to the Dos at a later time Cody doev had wanted to own land in that area in Western grandby because his concrete batch plant operation was being operated on land that he was leasing from the Thompson family located on a Mesa north of the current batch plant doev wanted his plant to be on land he owned the purchase of the land by the friend to be sold back to the Dos would have started that process but a man named Marv heer showed up the auction and outbid Harris buying the two-acre parcel for $42,000 while it's worth noting that Marv had the numbers wrong he said that he bought it for 50,000 when in reality it was 42 the vastly more important piece is that brower's earlier journalism taken from interviews with the DFS themselves directly contradicts Harris's claim that Cody wasn't a party to the bid I mean technically Gus Harris didn't lie he said that Cody wasn't a party to the bid which means that Cody was not bidding that day he was not putting in any of his own money that day it doesn't mean there wasn't an agreement between Gus Harris and Cody do for Gus to buy the property at auction and Cody to pay him back later essentially he was being factual but not truthful and that's where I began to wonder if the omission of the fact that Cody once owned the plant earlier in the documentary was not an accident but rather a deliberate narrative choice but in any case Marv had a problem while at the auction it was revealed that the EPA had placed an audit on the property due to some oil spills and the cleanup that they recommended would have cost $20,000 when John Kleiner learned of this after the sale was finalized he got cold feet and told he he no longer wanted the property and Marv being the kind of guy to take a man at his word hadn't really required a formal contract or even a deposit for the property which meant that John Kleiner was in no way legally obligated to pay him back and this left Marva the owner of a property that he didn't even want which was also under an EPA audit the cleanup for which would have cost him a small fortune he did eventually learn that the FDIC and then the resolution Trust Company had done a good amount of the cleanup themselves so it wasn't going to be nearly as expensive but still not the ideal situation to be in so making the most of this poor situation Marvin spent the summer of 1992 trying to get the property cleaned up so that he could figure out what he was going to do with it and it was during that summer that heer met Bud Wilson who was the superintendent of the Granby sanitation and water [Music] department according to Marv Wilson came to him during the summer and asked him to hook on to the town's sewer system and Marv being on the old rudimentary impr improvised septic tank that doev had installed on the property earlier he just kind of went along with it he said yeah sure what do I need to do do I need an attorney you know how let's make it happen and Wilson said no no no attorney in fact I'll do all the paperwork I will get everything in order for you when you show up to the meeting all you got to do is sign and pay the fee he was all for it it wasn't going to cost him a ton of money and it was going to make his life a little bit easier but when he got to the meeting he was surprised to find that when Wilson said he'd get it all taken care of he hadn't gotten it all taken care of at the meeting the board told Marvin heer that he needed to get a maintenance easement from his neighbor and a maintenance easement is essentially formal written consent for the town's staff their sewer people to come and install and then maintain a sewer line on private property this was necessary because the sewer M did not actually run adjacent to Marv's property at any point so the nearest place they could hook Marv onto the sewer system was across the property directly south of him and that property was owned by Gus Harris Marv said in his tapes that the maintenance easement thing upset him because he had been told that this would all be taken care of and he also says that bud Wilson and Gus Harris were were good friends so you know this just really all rubbed him the wrong way it upset him so much in fact that he decided you know what screw it I'm not going to hook on to the sewer system anyway I'm just going to keep using the septic tank it's legal there's no it's not causing any problems for me you know I'm just not going to deal with this but Marv's response even just looking at his own account doesn't really seem to make sense but there might be some further context to consider here first of all it seems like Marv had two options you could either get the maintenance easement from Gus Harris or he could pay out of pocket to add a connection to the Sewer M at the next nearest point if he took this route then the town would install the new sewer line under the road adjacent to his property that led out to the highway thing is that was a considerable distance and it was going to cost between $60 and $80,000 considering that he only paid $42 $2,000 for the property in the first place and that there was no ordinance that required him to connect to the sewer system in order to continue operating his business he didn't see the value in that option the other possibility of the easement would seem less complicated but there may be more to Marv's reaction than just irritation with bureaucracy and this is actually something that does come up in tread in 1992 Ron Thompson was VP of the sanitation district and he was one of the leaders of the meeting that night and the Thompson are as Brower puts it a grandby Legacy Family a wealthy working family making their money off excavation but also off of the fact that they owned a lot of land just because they'd been here forever it should also be mentioned that in addition to Ron Thompson being vice president of the sanitation board his father dick Thompson was mayor of the town as for Ron Patrick Brower described him as pretty outspoken in the board meetings and suggested he may have said some things that upset Marv at that meeting perhaps most consequentially he also implied that Thompson may have taken a leadership role in making the decisions they made when it came to this event within this this series of events that led to June 4th 2004 there's no more information that's it that's all we get is Marv says you know they told me I needed the maintenance easement and then I they wouldn't give me the maintenance easement based on Marv's tapes it starts to seem like he wasn't told you need to go get this easement but he was told you you can't have this easement if you look closely at Marv's accounting of events and then at brower's commentary it does seem like maybe this was just a misunderstanding Marv says that he was told Gus Harris would not give the town an easement and that unless he got the easement he was never getting connected to the Sewer it may be that what Thompson was trying to express was hey Marv you know we're happy to link you up to the Sewer but the town actually can't go get the easement you have to do that you have to go get it from Harris the town can't get the easement and it may be that Marv interpreted this as meaning Harris won't Grant the easement the way it's kind of framed in brower's accounting of events it seems like Marv was just annoyed that he had another step that he had to go do and decided Well instead of doing homework I'm going to you know just go and keep operating my business as usual you know I don't need to be attached to the Sewer it doesn't do anything for me and there's no ordinance against me not being on it alternatively if we look at what Brower said about Thompson which is that he may have said some things that upset Marv at that meeting then it's not really a jump to suggest that heer said well I was told all of this was going to be taken care of what do you mean I need to go get an easement you guys asked me to hook on to the Sewer you told me you would do everything I just had to sign like what's going on what givs then it could be that you know maybe Thompson didn't really like being Tau back to and it turned into an argument and suddenly we've blown past the misunderstanding and now we're into the territory of two two you know more like alpha male types who are trying to trying to assert their dominance but would think that at some point if that's what was going on cooler heads would have prevailed that somebody would have talked one or both of the men down if not that day then you know maybe Bud Wilson who was on good terms with everybody could have gone to heire and said hey man I'm sorry about this I'll set up the meeting between you and Harris you can go get the easement we'll be good to go you you would think that would have happened and the fact that it didn't left me open to the possibility that maybe there was more to this while he never explicitly connects this to the issue of the sewer hookup he does explain that 2 months after he bought the property he had bought it in April of 1992 so in June of 1992 he had approached Gus Harris with an offer to buy the two acres south of what would become Mountain View Muffler Harris said he'd be willing to sell for $17,500 and he said he'd think about it but at the time he felt he was financially spread too thin and didn't go for it but then he says less than a year later he decided he was going to buy the the property and he goes to Harris and he says hey I'd like to buy it is the $17,500 offer still on the table and he says that Harris said no actually now it's going up to 20,000 he was not a fan of this he felt it was a little underhanded nothing about the property had changed but said you know what fine I'll I'll take it and then something a little weird happened every time Marv tried to formalize this sale Harris was nowhere to be found he kept getting out of it he couldn't sign the paperwork he wasn't home you know just couldn't do it Marv says he even went to uh to Harris's wife and said hey can can you help me organize this we can get this deal done and eventually he just had to let it go according to Marv because he didn't want to push he didn't want to he just got here he did not want to cause problems in a small town where he was the newcomer so from what he said he was like all right well you know what I don't need the land it's it's easier for me to just let this go now and not piss anybody off but that whole episode made me wonder if perhaps what happened here is that Marv was told by Bud Wilson hey I'll handle everything all you need to do is sign and pay Mar Meer says all right cool goes to the meeting and then when it comes time to sign and pay he's told hey you also need this maintenance easement and he goes what do you mean I need a maintenance easement you guys told me you were handling all the paperwork and the town maybe then tells him well you know yeah all the paperwork we could but maybe Bud Wilson forgot to mention you also needed to go to Harris yourself because we can't do that and if you put yourself into Marv's shoes what he was just told was hey buddy in order in order to hook yourself up to the Sewer you're going to need to go get a maintenance easement from a guy who's been dodging you for 3 months and if you've ever dealt with any level of government you you probably know how painful the process is and how the entire time all you want to do is be done with it and Marv was already a little bit on the anti-government side you know he had expressed to people that he he wasn't a huge fan of bureaucracy so with all of that in mind you can imagine how standing there he might go you know what screw this I'm out I'm just not going to do this and leave and I should say that looking through Marv's tapes reading through them it I don't get the sense that at this point in time he felt that he was being targeted in any sort of organized way but just that he was kind of being given the runaround because he was from out of town and he also thought that maybe this was kind of Retribution for him buying the property out from under Cody that now they were going to make him go and pay a lot of money to connect himself to the sewer line but if he thought that he had washed his hands of this whole situation that was not exactly the case you see when Bud Wilson filed that paperwork for him what he was doing was filing a formal request to join the city's Sanitation District which meant that he was putting himself under their ordinances after Marv stormed out of the meeting and said you know what I'm not doing this anymore whatever forget about it I'll just stick my septic system he never filed a withdrawal of that request and that meant that at any time time so long as heay remained unconnected to the sewer system the town could come to him and find him in contempt of ordinance and if they did they could find him or go so far as to tell him to close down his [Music] business taking stock of the situation Marv decided that the best course of action was to let Doug Brader keep running the shop down in Boulder while he himself would start to try and build up a business in grany he named his new operation Mountain View Muffler and began taking clients in early 1993 from there he quickly built up a reputation of being in the words of then under Sheriff of Grand County Glenn trainer the best welder around Casey frell the owner of Gamble's appliances and a town board member from 1997 to 1999 uh also used to go to Mar for his repairs and his welds he recalled one instance where the box on a delivery truck of his kept bouncing up and down while they drove it and says that he took it to Marv and Marv very quickly welded it fixed it and the truck never needed another repair for that system ever again and a friend of marvs by the name of Pete Mitchell even said that he could swap a muffler out entirely in 20 minutes he described it as Marv having no wasted movements it was like a fluid start to finish he did everything perfectly by 1994 Marv felt that things were going well enough that he he could invest he could expand his business and the way he planned to do that was by building a boat store storage Warehouse on the property the plan was that he would then lease this out to locals to pay for its construction and by the time he was ready to retire it would be just a nice little bit of retirement income he had a 50ft x 120t Warehouse designed which would hold three 2,000 sare foot storage units and each of these units would be accessible by a private Personnel door as well as a bay door and because he knew that he was in a bit of a weird situation with the sewer system he made sure to keep Bud Wilson appraised of everything that was going on and Bud did did tell him throughout the process and over the next couple of years you know hey man you're you're eventually going to need to hook on to the sewer system it will eventually happen but it never did so Marv just kind of kept on go kept on keeping on at the time everybody in town was coming to him for repairs he wasn't really causing any trouble so you know he he figured what what do I have to worry about it's not like they have any reason to come crack down on me and I'm not hurting anybody in any case the building was finished by the fall of 1994 and by the end of the next year he had all three units leased out and that was a good thing because while this shop was doing decently well and bringing in a good passive income the shop in Boulder wasn't going too hot Doug brandstadter was having issues so he decided that he would go find himself a new Doug and by I mean that literally he went and found another guy named Doug Doug Davis and because Doug 1.0 had been struggling to make payments towards the end of his lease he gave Doug 2.0 a slightly better deal hoping that he wouldn't have to find a new person to run the shop at least not soon for a while things just kind of went along Mountain View Muffler was making a steady profit the shop in Boulder was doing well and nobody was bugging him about the sewer connection and things looked like they might get even better when in 1997 Cody do approached Marv with an offer to buy the property doev had just purchased the 2 Acres south of Marv's shop from Gus Harris and now he wanted to expand into the land he had formerly owned Marv said sure let's talk about it and had an appraiser come down from Grand Lake who valued the property at $270,000 as a sign of Goodwill Marv offered the property to Cody for a quarter of aill ion cutting $20,000 off the appraised value he then gave Cody a copy of the appraisal and waited for the man to come back with a counter offer but Cody never did and here we encounter another place where the version of events given in the documentary tread diverges from that given by he according to Dick Brody a town board member from 1995 to 2001 Cody agreed to pay the $250,000 and then immediately afterwards Marv jumped the price up to $375,000 dick then says that Cody agreed to pay the higher number and then Marv just kind of backed out there are also some other accounts that go so far as to say that Marv hiked the price up yet again to $450,000 but that's not exactly accurate and we'll get there actually you know what it's it's not that far in the future I'll I'll tell you this he put it up for auction at one point and started the bidding at $450,000 he didn't tell the co he didn't tell Cody do all right well now that you've agreed to 375 it's 450 no years later he put it up for auction at 450 but going back to the the story at hand here to make matters more confusing Patrick brower's 2004 reporting once again differs from what is said in tread according to broer the price change only occurred two years later after the Dos had requested a zoning change to the property heers tapes corroborate this which means that this was not immediately like Brody had said this was years between these offers and it should also be considered that as Brower notes there was never a formal agreement for a sale there was no no contract no formal offers none of that it was just a handshake there's also another difference in brower's 2004 recounting of events which is that it was Joe doev not Cody who approached Marv about buying the land now I tried to track down who Joe would be and things rather quickly got weird I was able to find a Cody doef associated with a Joe doev as well as a Susie doef and Cody doef was married to a suszie but as for Cody doef his real name wasn't Cody it was metro metro and his wife Susie had a daughter named Nam Brenda Lee who died in 2003 and in Brenda Lee's obituary it lists Metro and suie as parents and then it also lists Frank Charlie and Joe as siblings as for grandparents it lists a Metro and a Helen now I wanted to do some more digging to make sure that I wasn't mixing up two doef families with at least two matching names in the state of Colorado which was unlikely but possible and what I eventually found was that this Metro this Cody guy was one of four children born to a Metro senior and a Helen Dov their other children were named Jim teodora and Elaine so this confirmed that yes this Joe is Cody Metro's son but then you know I I was I want I'm a little nosy I want to do some more digging so I tracked down Jim doev who runs a dairy farm in Colorado as well with his wife Judy and their five Sons John Joe Jim Junior Justin and Jay yes both Cody and his brother Jim have Sons named Joe and of course I initially assumed that something was miswritten somebody misrecorded something at some point here right and so you know what I went then and did as I found Metro senior's obituary where amongst his grandsons it lists two different Joe's anyway that's not necessarily relevant to everything that happened here but I just thought it was interesting and I would share it uh I I was tracking down a lead when I found all of that out which was that I was trying to figure out where the hell Cody doev actually came from because in the documentary they almost make it sound like he was some poor Bulgarian immigrant when he got to grandby as I was looking through it I was like H I'm not sure you know I'm not sure if this was a deliberate misdirection of some kind or not so I decided not to include the full segment but to give you an idea of what what my thought process was here they refer to him as uh being a little Bulgarian and uh you know saying he was he was quick and that he was a good man and then they also the Thompson brothers say you know he came here with with next to nothing and he's worked really hard to get where he is and I was like at first when I first listen to it I was like could this be them trying to make it seem like like Cody doev was you know I don't know the right term but like make it seem like he was you know more Le less prominent less powerful than he actually was I guess is what I'm trying to say but at the end of the day I couldn't tell if it was some kind of deliberate misdirection as I said or if this was you know just kind of a weird way of describing somebody like the reason I was trying to do this is cuz I was trying to establish if the Thompsons were were reliable I knew Harris wasn't so I was trying to establish if the Thompsons were reliable uh reliable Witnesses I guess anyway ultimately it does not matter whether it was Joe or Cody who was trying to do the negotiations what matters is that Marv did not raise the price immediately nor without reason he only raised the price after discovering that the town was going to rezone the property for the DFS and he wanted to be fairly compensated the zoning however was an issue all its own [Music] after Marvin he initially agreed to sell his property to the do chefs for $250,000 they did not immediately go draft up a contract and start formalizing the sale instead they went to the town and asked for permission to build an indoor concrete plant and while brower's 2004 article frames this as something akin to just going and asking for a permit it was actually a lot more complicated than that neither Marv's property nor the 2 Acres adjacent to it were properly zoned for what the do chefs were trying to do and this meant that the town would have to rezone the area in order for them to build a concrete plant now it's not typical to rezone such small amounts of acreage you you usually don't see four acres rezoned rather than forcing doev to go through the proper channels or find an area that was already zoned for this kind of use the town of grany offered him the ability to submit a request for a PDO a p O is a planned overlay district and what this meant was that they could rezone that small area without having to submit a request to rezone the entire part of town in doing this the town was already giving doev a little bit of special treatment because zoning is really not supposed to work that way but according to the do CHF version of events after they found out that it was going to be rezoned for them they just needed to go through the hearing process they went to Marv and they said hey we'd like to buy the property and that is when he raised the price to $375,000 of course in he's account he went and got the property appraised first this was not out of nowhere the Dos told Marv you know what that's too steep we can't do that and they went back to the drawing board and as they were working out the plan to buy Marv's property the DFS also were in negotiations to buy the 22 Acres just west of it this subdivision was zoned for business and they would also be asking the town to rezone for uh light industrial use there I also will say that the the finer details of how the zoning laws work are a little bit unclear to me but from what I understand what was going on here was sketchy once the do chefs had that 22 acre subdivision under contract they went to Marv and they said all right we got another idea for you how about instead of you know $375,000 for your property what if we give you two acres with Highway Frontage so that's better access than you currently have and you'll give us the two acres that you have and as they told this story Marv was at first receptive to this but then you know said ah actually I I want you to build me a building on the property too the do chefs bed at this with Joe telling Patrick Brower to give him that land with a huge building it would have cost near a million dollars it didn't make sense in addition Marv wanted a contract laying out all of these terms and guaranteeing that he would get both the building and the land Susie doth then told him that because they didn't have the permit yet and they also technically hadn't purchased the property they couldn't give him that contract the way it's phrased and framed in the article Marv comes across as being greedy and unreasonable but when you break it down that's really not the case if we look at the price change the Dos were negotiating with he based on the value of the property as it was zoned at the time but when they initiated the zoning process Marv knew that a success would mean a significant shift in the property value he did the correct thing and went and got it appraised given the new zoning and then presented that appraisal price to the Dos his reaction to the proposed land swap wasn't unreasonable either considering that Marv would be giving up 2 Acres of developed land with two buildings in exchange for 2 Acres of undeveloped land there's also a pretty significant irony in Joe's assessment that this didn't make sense because giving him two acres in a building would have cost near a million doar given that he was unwilling to pay even $400,000 for two acres and a building finally there's nothing irrational about Marv asking for a contract guaranteeing the terms of the land swap that that's just how business deals work it should also be noted that Mar's concerns were not limited to proper compensation he genuinely did not want to have his business downwind of a concrete plant and if they were going to build a concrete plant anyway then he didn't want to be stuck there from his perspective this could all just be a ruse to keep him from opposing the rezoning and then when it was too late the do chefs could just back out and say hey sorry there was never a formal contract Marv's concern here was that he could end up being left with a very dusty lower value property than what he had under the current zoning laws for that reason he was well within his rights to want assurances ultimately the do chefs were unwilling to give him anything in writing so Marv told him that he was going to oppose the rezoning and the concrete plant all the way to the end according to Joe do from that point on Marv was not negotiable to anything we could have given him the whole subdivision and he wouldn't have gone for it at the same time notices about the rezoning which was going to require several public hearings per the town's bylaws were beginning to show up at Marv's door this prompted him to head down to the town town hall to ask about any building permits for the property next door what he received was a copy of a permit for a water storage tank which was issued at a fee of $5,000 I'm not particularly familiar with building permits but that sounds High according to a grand County document designed for estimating building fees that's the kind of money that you would pay to get a permit on a structure valued at over $1 million in 2024 Marv also noticed that the permit had a rather interesting cover letter which stated that the water tank was in no way related to the as of yet unapproved PDO in his mind the only reason to clarify that would be because it was related to the PDO it could be possible that the water tank would be useful to the df's concrete plant or not but the way Marv was seeing it they were starting to build every piece of their concrete plant that didn't require rezoning now as I said because zoning is a matter of public interest the town bylaws required that they have several hearings so people could attend voice their concerns and then they could liberate and in every single case those hearings were opposed with the opposition led by Marvin he Marv was not the only person in town opposed to the concrete plant but as one of the people who would be most affected by it he sort of undertook a leadership role he cited the excess noise the dust the traffic and most importantly the effects on air and water quality these were concerns common to many of the residents of Granby and Casey frell who was serving on the board at the time said that he thinks that Marv's objections even helped the Town Cody on the other hand at each meeting made promises that he would find a way to mitigate all of their concerns and slowly but surely whether because people just kind of were becoming okay with it or because of the influence of the board the number of people opposing dwindled further and further and at that point it seemed like things were going to go Cody dov's way but then Marvin he showed up with a lawyer by the name of Deets and the board kicked everyone out of the session so that they could have their own private little conversation when they finished they decided to restart the whole process according to Brower because as the town Planning Commission and Board of Trustees moved the do's request along the town board discovered it had made a mistake in its approval process this is small town government code for we were trying to do something shady and then we got caught as far as Deets was concerned at least in he's recollection this was an open and shut case the result of this move was a delay in the approval process during which time the do chefs continued to prepare for the construction of their batch plant completing the foundation by early fall of 2000 it was at this point that he acting on the advice of Deets launched a lawsuit against the town at the end of the year while the lawsuit was spinning up in District Court the town actually just kind of kept moving things along figuring that Marv would lose the lawsuit in fact they were so confident that they did yet another thing that was against the rules which was change the final meeting where they were supposed to vote on whether or not the rezoning would go through to a preliminary planning meeting for the concrete plan with that the preliminary plans were approved in January of 20 2001 and the actual final approval for the the rezoning was granted in uh April of that year but of course because the preliminary plans had already been approved that was just kind of a formality and the reason that all of this was able to happen is because he was not able to get an injunction against the dos the case was in court but they would not stop them from moving forward with the construction and this is actually typical when it comes to rezoning because by this point a lot of people have been paid for things stopping the construction is going to cause more problems and it's going to solve so what they do is they just say once it's finished in a lot of cases not all cases but in a lot of cases is yeah the building can be there you just can't use it for that purpose at this point with all other options exhausted Marv heer's Only Hope was the [Music] courts despite losing his battle in the town hall he had yet to be defeated in the courts and the legal fees were you know not exactly great R for the do chefs or the town the do chefs claim that wanting to just get all of this over and done with resolve the issue and move along with everything they approached Marv in June of 2001 and gave him an offer they told him that if he were to drop the lawsuit they would give him the easement so he could finally connect to the sewer line Marv hung up without an answer and to be perfectly honest I don't blame him for that reaction this is presented as some kind of generous or the very least reasonable compromise to the conflict but if you look at it more closely it's kind of absur ABD it's hard to say for certain exactly what it was that happened in 1992 that kept Marv off of the sewer system like I said there's a few different possibilities that range from being a misunderstanding to it being a deliberate act but Marv is adamant that he was stonewalled interestingly tread makes no mention of the dispute with Harris which as far as Marv is concerned seems to have been the inciting incident instead they only mentioned the option of him paying around $80,000 to set up a line that didn't cross anyone else's private property and yet they do mention that the easement was an option later on in 2001 when the do chefs went to say to him hey you know if you drop the lawsuit we'll give you your easement it's a little hard to explain but in tread there's a there's kind of a bait and switch with this situation because they tell you that in 1992 Marv needed this easement and building off of that they tell you that the other option was Marv could pay like $80,000 to construct his own sewer line out to the Sewer main without crossing any land any private land but then they talk about him needing an easement from the Dos not Harris and what they kind of do there is they conflate the later dispute with that original sewer line dispute if you combine Marv's insistence that he was straight up denied access to the sewer line in 1992 with what appears to be the deliberate omission of the involvement of Harris it makes me wonder what else may have been left out of the story Marv was cu ious about that too so he went down to the town hall and requested the meeting minutes from that 1992 sanitation department meeting and he says in the tapes that when he read through them there was not a single mention of the maintenance easement in his recollection they had spent at least 15 minutes debating this at that meeting and yet the secretary just didn't record it or possibly it had been struck from the record now of course the official record as it stands is going to show that it wasn't disgust that they didn't mention a maintenance easen Marv is saying they did it's kind of hearsay it's it's he said she said but taking all of that into account what the do chfs were essentially saying to Marv was if you bend the knee I'll give you something I had no right to keep from you in the first place Marv continued to hold out but the blows kept coming and in April of 2002 he lost the lawsuit at this point Marv was for all intents and purposes trapped the do chefs refused to give him an easement he couldn't connect to the sewer system otherwise without shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for the new connection and beginning in the summer of 2002 the town started fining him for every single day he wouldn't connect so Marv did what any man in his situation would do he bought a [Music] bulldozer specifically he bought a kamasu d355a which is an absolute Beast of a machine that I am sure Whistlin diesel can explain better than I can so if you're watching this video the day it came out his video might not be out yet but if you're watching this video a week after it came out it should be Marv ultimately decided to shut down the business at the end of 2002 putting all of his equipment as well as the property itself up for auction and then he just let Jesus take the wheel and that's not an exaggeration as we're about to see at the auction everything sold with the exception of the property itself and the bulldozer and Marv took this as a sign from God his work in Grand B was not finished and it involved the kamatsu having sold everything related to the business except for the buildings he then chose to lease out the property to a trash company I think it's actually called the trash company it was around this time that Marv also discovered that the Dozer fit perfectly through the doors of his garage and when I say perfectly I mean like within 2 Ines of clearance on either side and he took this as yet another sign from God that he was supposed to have that bulldozzer out of sight and and then Marv just took the winter of 2002 into 2003 off he spent it snowmobiling hanging out with friends just enjoying life as it came to him and when the warm weather returned and his snowmobiling was finished he headed on back down to Granby where he built himself a little uh residential area inside of that garage beginning in the summer of 2003 Marv heer started adding things to his kamasu and when I say things what I mean is that he created armor armor by welding halfin thick steel plates together into a hollow box and that filling that box with ironically concrete within the armor structure he embedded video cameras the lenses of which were protected by 3in thick bulletproof plastic Shields and pointing through a small hole in the back of the cabin he mounted a 50 caliber rifle day in and day out literally living inside of his Workshop Marv heer crafted a homemade tank it was during this period when he was locked inside of that garage most of of the time that his belief in a Divine Mission began to take shape in October of 2003 he sold the property to the trash company for $400,000 and then leased out one of the garage Bays for what he told them was an unfinished project as part of this process the owner Travis Bucy had to get every building insured which meant a walk through with the insurance company Marv covered the half- finished Dozer with a large tarp told a little lie about what was under it and then both Bucy and the insurance adjuster just kind of walked on without asking any questions and it was things like this that Marv took as signs that God was God was telling him to keep going one of those supposed signs was that despite locking himself into that garage for hours or even days on end and refusing to tell anybody exactly what he was working on nobody caught him interestingly one article quotes local gun store owner Shawn Nelson as saying people knew he was building the armored bulldozer but they didn't know why he was building it after the events of June 4th some people say that they specifically didn't know that he was doing it and then others say that nobody knew that he was doing it but appears it appears Shawn Nelson did and the list continued when he thought about it because about a year prior he and Trisha had broken up she had picked up smoking again and Marv was not happy about it they got into a fight and ultimately decided to stop seeing each other to Marv this was just another sign as he realized that he had never been married he had never had a family of his own so if he were to go nobody would be harmed he wouldn't be leaving anybody without a provider but that didn't mean that nobody would be there to miss him Marv was not depressed and he knew that he would be mourned so Marv took steps to ensure that his father and siblings were provided for by selling all of his possessions and then transferring all liquid wealth to his father in turn John heer willed all of that wealth to his other three children when Mar's father passed away on March 31st of 2004 all of Marv's money was then transferred to his siblings from his father now some believe that the death of the Elder he was a breaking point for Marv that after the death of his father he felt he had nothing left to live for but that doesn't seem to be the case it seems that he had settled on this course of action long beforehand and I say that because Marv's unorthodox Estate Management had the secondary effect of screwing he's targets out of any recuperation because he had given up everything he owned prior to causing any damage to anybody's property and then that money had not just been transferred once but but twice and the second time through a will there was no way that anybody was getting their hands on it and because his siblings couldn't be held responsible for his actions nothing of the million plus dollars that he had made off of selling what he owned would go to his enemies and finally Marv wasn't offered the opportunity to extend his lease past June of 2004 it wasn't any sort of malicious thing it wasn't that he was being a bad tenant it was just that the trash company needed the space for their own business to Marv he that was as CLE sign as [Music] any just after 2 p.m. on Friday June 4th 2004 Marvin he's modified kamatsu d355a began its path of Destruction the first stop was Cody doev the man that Marv felt was most responsible for his woes there was a brief Skirmish as the Dozer attacked the first Target which was the concrete plant gunfire was exchanged and at one point Marv rolled the bulldozer through barrier behind which there were three police officers hiding all three managed to get out of the way in time but many people pointed out that had they not moved they would have been killed that said it should also be considered that Marv was driving approximately 3 mph once satisfied with the damage Marv plowed southwards onto Highway 40 which is known as a Gate Avenue as it runs through grandby also if by some miracle you are a grandby local watching this video and I pronounced that wrong I am I am begging you give me the the correct pronunciation I'm not intending to to offend I I really would like to know how to pronounce the word anyway as he headed east on Route 40 he took a little turn a little detour off to the left and then he you know demolished Mountain Parks electric mountain Parks electric is where by then former Town board member dick Brody Brody dick Brody worked immediately after this he hit the building next door which housed Maple Street Builders it's unclear exactly what Marv's reasoning was for hitting that building but it can be assumed that he felt they had I like you know stood against him in some way Marv then took a break from targeting businesses to go after what he felt was the heart of gry's issues the town hall the town hall however also housed the town library when Marv turned off of a gate onto Zero Street there were a number of people including children who' chosen to shelter inside the building because it was 2004 and you had to call or text everybody individually to tell them that there was an armored bulldozzer rampaging through town nobody really knew what was going on they had just heard some commotion and gunshots Marv drove up hit the southwest corner of the building and then proceeded to drive around the building to the back where heed started tearing up the lawn and playground area during this time the building was evacuated and nobody was harmed pulling on to Jasper Avenue Marv proceeded one block east before turning right onto First Street where he demolished a corner office at Liberty Bank it's believed that he was trying to make a point to a specific bank employee who was on the zoning board from there he turned back onto a gate and traveled East for about a quarter of a mile where he struck again this time the target was not a town board member or another business rival but the Press Mar felt that Patrick Brower had treated him and his business unfairly for many years specifically he pointed to an incident in which Brower said that he would do an article on Marv's shop according to heer broer never stopped by the shop according to broer heer wasn't there when he did after caving in a portion of the news building heer hit the road once more for another two blocks before traveling up to Jasper and then onto the property of Thompson excavation this ultimately was the true source of Marv's rage Mar felt that the Thompsons longtime residents and land owners in grany and in 1992 entrenched in local government were conspiring against him Marv tore apart their offices damaged a building that they rented to Excel Energy which was next door and then moved on to the home of the late dick Thompson whose Widow still occupied it she had evacuated long before heay arrived and thus was uninjured after taking out the Thompson's property he made his way over to the nearby independent propane facility and there he began to take shots at the propane tanks with his 50 caliber rifle however Marv had failed to properly align the shielding with the barrel so he was just kind of firing and hitting his own tank this was probably the thing that Marv did that freaked people out the most because police argued that had he managed to ignite one of the tanks it would have put an entire Senior Living Community that was across the street in danger and in the immediate aftermath Brower used this as evidence that Marv intended to kill people along with things like him hitting the library and him destroying the house of the Widow Thompson but on the other hand if Marv's primary intention was to kill people then a bulldozer was a really strange choice of a weapon if you can turn a bulldozer into a tank then you can probably assemble a simple pipe bomb so it doesn't make sense to use the former if your primary goal is to cause Mass casualties if it's just that Marv didn't care if anybody died as a result of his actions that's more defensible but it can still be argued against first of all he was driving very slowly so nobody who was aware of his position and able to move out of the way was ever in any real danger there's also the fact that he hit the outdoor aesthetic features of the Town Hall first which could be seen as his way of giving people time to evacuate if we look at Thelma Thompson heer knew that she'd have probably at least an hour before he was anywhere near her and then by the time he did get there he destroyed the buildings next to her first as for the propane tanks it really depends how much Marv knew about propane and propane accessories do I look like I know what aozer is I just want a picture of a God dang hot dog in order to ignite liquid propane he'd have needed more heat than the bullet's collision with the propane tank would produce so all he would do is cause leaks those leaks could theoretically cause an explosion in the air which would then go down into the tanks if ignited but he had brought no ignition source which suggests his goal was not to ignite the propane now if he did for some reason think that shooting a propane tank would cause it to explode that's a different story but given the care he showed in all of the other situations where I mean the the guy like avoided even hitting anyone else's business he he really tried to only target his targets he did actually scrape somebody else's business but then he immediately diverted so looking at that it seems like Marv was going out of his way to avoid hurting anyone and this suggests that Marv knew that shooting a propane tank would not ignite it and if Marv knew that shooting a propane tank would not cause it to explode then he was probably trying to cause a leak leaks cost money so if he had a reason to be upset with independent propane which I couldn't tell if he did but we can kind of assume that I guess but leaks cost money and on top of that there's the fact that uh it would cause an headache for the EPA now why would Marv want to cause a headache for the EPA well when the concrete plant was getting set up he called the EPA to complain about things like the noise and the dust and the water supply and after a while the EPA just started sending his calls to voicemail so with all of the evidence that we have everything that we know about the situation so far it seems to me most probable that either Marv was trying to cost independent propane money or that he was trying to cause a headache for the Environmental prot Protection Agency Mar's final strike occurred back on aate Avenue where he tore through the side of Gamble's appliances Gamble's appliances was at the time owned by Casey Ferell who served on the board from 97 to 99 and thus was there during the whole zoning thing he was also in favor of the rezoning and phell believes that this is why he was targeted what frell also believes is that he was not aware of a certain structural aspect of Gamble's appliances its basement as the Dozer plowed through the building one tread slipped into the basement rendering the tank immobile now it wasn't going to be going much further anyway as just moments earlier the coolant system had failed and it was rapidly leaking black fluid his mission complete Marv went out on his own terms making him the only fatality associated with the kildo when the dust cleared gramby was in shock with residents unable to understand what they'd done to deserve this but ultimately people came to realize that Marv had not been making random attacks once people started to realize whose buildings had been hit and especially after a list of names was found at he's property it all kind of came [Music] together in Marv's tapes he outlines what he argues was a conspiracy against him at the lowest levels of government organized by the Thompsons and executed by their Associates he believed that the Thompsons being a prominent family in town had planned to help their friend Cody get his property back and set up a new concrete plant and when Marv swooped in and bought the property for more than doev was willing to pay that caused problems and he also believed that because he had been unwilling to sell the property to do for less than what Kleiner had promised him they hatched a plan to keep him from ever being successful in grany they withdrew offers to sell him land even at the prices they named so that he wouldn't have access to the Sewer M they refused a maintenance easement so that he would always be in violation of town ordinances and they could use that against him at any time they wouldn't buy his property for anywhere near what it was worth worth even when he gave them the appraisal just so he'd be stuck there they rezoned his land against his will and then fined him when he sued the board they ordered him to shut down his business until he hooked up to the sewer system and then they refused him in easement yet again and when he finally went to sell the place to somebody other than Dov they tried to force him to pay for the sewer line himself before finalizing it whether it was real or imagined Marv he genuinely believed that he was being targeted by a group of other business owners and that they were using the government to do it a lot of the narratives that paint he in a bad light today do so by making it seem like this was all about money and pride for him but that's not what Marv's motivation truly was even if it's assumed that the town was not in any way actually working against him it wasn't about money it wasn't about property it was about showing members of a government that he perceived as corrupt that they were not invulnerable to the consequences of their actions now of course Marv likely allowed his distaste for government in general to color his perceptions of those around him but even with that consideration there's still a degree of fairness to Marv's arguments and there's reasons to be skeptical of the narrative crafted by Brower maybe there was no conspiracy and maybe Marv really was just a victim of a series of horrible misunderstandings but that does not change the fact that something about this this whole ordeal feels off there are aspects of the story that don't fit together omissions of relevant details and a complete lack of contemporary objective journalism I absolutely would not say that there's any proof that there was a conspiracy against Marv heier but what I will also say is that under these circumstances a conspiracy actually wouldn't be that odd and I say that because much of the reason this story has so much controversy is the ending not the things that led up to it the fact of the matter is this is just how small town governments are a lot of the time you have families that have been around for such a long time that they have connections that run deeper than political parties and they have influence that transcends election Cycles there are a lot of these good old boys clubs that he and Spencer both talk about in the tread documentary they are all over the United States and they do hand out favors to friends it's also not uncommon to see money change hands in ways that don't necessarily line up like somebody might overpay a board member for their used pickup truck then you know a month later the board member votes a certain way in a lot of American small towns there's this you scratch my back I'll scratch yours kind of mentality and that's a that's at every level of the social contract that's not that's you know person to person that is business owner to business owner that is elected official to elected official and I want to be clear I don't think there's anything wrong with a small town governing itself I strongly believe I strongly encourage these communities to celebrate their unique cultural traits and their history here in Phoenixville Aiden and I are extremely vocal about preserving the historical sections of town as well as keeping business local by preventing the big brands from coming into our Main Street and also our Bridge Street which is the actual Main Street main Street's kind of an Avenue that doesn't it it doesn't it's it's the wrong way here but you know what that's how we like it the problems only occur because people pay so little attention to local governments which allows Bad actors to get away with insane levels of corruption we're currently seeing an issue unfold here in town where the board is trying to use eminent domain to force a property owner to give up his land to a developer so that that developer can build luxury apartments that is an entirely improper use of ENT domain being as it serves only to enrich one property owner at the expense of another but that doesn't matter they're trying to do it anyway the only reason it's being held up right now and that it's not going through is that the landowner knows his rights and is actively standing up for himself and if there's one thing that we can learn from the reasonable man forced to do unreasonable things Marvin heer it's that we need to do that not just for ourselves but for each other as well had the community stood up for Marv during the zoning dispute when the town was Absolut Ely admittedly not following procedure none of this would have happened and I don't mean to suggest that the community of grand B Colorado is responsible for what was done to Marv or what Marv chose to do they too were victims of what was ultimately the board's failure to negotiate the situation I only wish to express the belief that in order for small towns to be the incredible aspect of American life that they have the potential to be we must be willing to look out for each other and if need be we must be willing to metaphorically bulldo corruption so that another Marv heem doesn't have to do it literally I will admit I usually don't craft my outros in quite so specific a manner so this feels a little awkward but uh with all that said uh if you want to support what we're doing here at the lore Lodge you can subscribe to us on patreon or you can become a member here on YouTube for just $1 a month that will get you access to a few cool things like our drunk folklore slht show liquor lore that comes out once a month we're actually shooting that this weekend oh no it will also get you access now that I have finally made the leap into the 21st century and started taking my notes uh you know by by typing them uh it'll get you access to the notes for all of these videos going forward in this specific case it will get you access to the transcript of the Marvin heemer tapes which has been somewhat edited but is is still going to be somewhat in the form I read it in partially because I think that's funny you can also support what we're doing by getting our merch that will be coming from bunker branding we have confirmed the designs it will be soon we're very excited and if you would like to consume the lodge you can do so by drinking our coffee we get it from Tableau Roasting Company down in Lexington Kentucky it is a small batch Artisan roaster you are supporting a small business as well as this business which is also small and they have a blend that is designed by stui and history of everything podcast so if you're interested in their Lewis and dark blend you can grab that or you can get our Mount Pocono perk or Best of Both Worlds there's a bundle you can get that comes with one of each and a mug of each that coffee helps us power through all of the days as we are often up very late part of the reason we're up late is that we have our live show on Sunday nights and that is from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. eastern time you can catch that every week unless you can't if you can't it's because we didn't do it and if we didn't do it there was a reason but don't worry we'll always tell you what the reason was ahead of time most recently that reason was Memorial day if you want more Lodge you can get that by heading over to the weird Bible Channel The History Hut which I promise we're working on getting content over there um it's probably be more specialized stuff that I do over long periods of time because that's the only way I'm going to get content on it so that's what the history Hut will probably be if we can't get a podcast started other than that we have my personal Channel Aiden Mattis and we have a couple others that don't have content on him yet Aiden Mattis right now is a hodgepodge of reaction content commentary content gaming content you know even some music content we recorded an album on there and coming very soon here at what is called redacted media now and if you've noticed that our background has changed recently this is the redacted media Studio it's in a house built in 1738 perfect the reason we got all of this was so that we could start launching new shows that are not hosted by us in fact I'm not going to be involved in the research even they're just going to be shows by talented people about things that they are passionate about and I will be producing along with a some people when we first mentioned we were going to do this were concerned that we were going to burn ourselves out we are but not because of that as of recording this video we have at least two of those channels in the works as as well as their Flagship podcasts and those are last call lounge with f enologist and off the record with Luke Eckles and last but not least the best place to get updates for what we are doing and to play hell divers with yours truly uh is our Discord Channel and you can get there by going to bit. l/j jointhe Lodge all right with all of that said I'm Aiden Mattis and thanks for stopping by the lore Lodge [Music]
Channel: The Lore Lodge
Views: 1,118,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lore lodge, lore, folklore, history, culture, education, entertainment, social studies, humanities, anthropology, aidan mattis, mavrin, marv, heemeyer, killdozer, colorado, granby, revenge, independence, killdozer rampage, killdozer documentary, killdozer video, killdozer story, killdozer whistlindiesel, marvin heemeyer, marvin heemeyer killdozer, marvin heemeyer tapes, marvin heemeyer documentary, marvin heemeyer story, tread documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 59sec (4619 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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