The Exact OPPOSITE Of An Escape Room - Don't Escape

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this witch's potion took me like an hour and a half to figure out so it had better freaking work over the lips and past the gums look out villagers here werewolf comes i have complete and total confidence that what i've done will stop things from going wrong that's perfectly normal everyone remain calm the transformation was complete he was feeling a bit dizzy but not much not really the effect i was looking for witch he bet off the rope that was restraining him then he struggled with a chain for a while he was very furious and hungry he wanted to get out of this hut fast he approached the door and began ramming it it took him some time to break the lock at last the werewolf was free oh come on my fursona's a bit of a dick [Music] what's up guys welcome to don't escape so with flash player on the way out i've been wanting to make sure that i haven't missed out on anything and this is one of those games that you guys have recommended to me time and time again but i've never heard of it before like i have no idea what it's about turns out it's been played millions of times and has a nearly perfect rating so i'm starting to think you guys might be onto something i woke up in a room the room is not locked and i remember everything i'm a werewolf tonight i will turn and people will die unless i find a way to prevent myself from leaving this place i must make sure that whatever happens i don't escape oh so that's what i mean so it's the exact opposite of an escape room rather than solving all these puzzles to break down barriers so that we can leave we need to create a bunch of puzzles and build up barriers so that we can't leave that's really clever i've never heard of another game like this before so let's see what we're working with here seems like we're in some kind of abandoned hunting cabin maybe we got a bunch of items lying around that we might be able to interact with some furniture that may come in handy i guess and not much else okay preliminary assessment these villagers are as good as dog foods this cabin looks like he can barely contain a fart nonetheless a bloodthirsty void raging chihuahua what are you willing to bet the doggo side of me won't be able to get fire if i shoot myself in the foot it has no ammunition okay that's fair enough you wouldn't want to leave a loaded firearm above an open flame but at the same time if this hunter comes home he's going to regret his decision how about antlers a hunter must have lived here really dude you're just clueing into that now come on man catch up i'm trying to help you here a broom i don't need this okay now we're on the same page we're definitely not some kind of maid service the pot is filled with cold water oh okay and the fireplace is empty so maybe we need to make some kind of buyer and we have a glass vial that may come in handy somehow we also have my journal oh i've been writing apparently the huck looks abandoned i'll stay here for a while and figure out what to do i hope i haven't eaten whoever lived here so there's a chance that that hunter's already regretted his decision tonight there's a full moon just as i expected the witch talked in riddles she said that to weaken the beast i would need a handful of hot dust a crunchy herb and something that grows in earth yet is not a plant she also mentioned that it would wear off quite fast okay then so we've got a witch's riddle no ammo and we may or may not have to pass a flannel shirt in about an hour the only thing that comes to mind when i think hot dust is dorito dust when you're eating extra spicy doritos you get them all over your fingers unfortunately i don't have any more hunter fingers left but maybe he was eating some in bed a little red riding hood style who knows oh okay i found a gold key not really what i was hoping for though maybe he has a bag in his coat no i found a silver key i'm gonna find the whole olympics of keys before i find any doritos in here come on help me out a little bit candle or whatever you are it's empty that's good i really hope that's not a chamber pot why do i touch things come on there's gotta be something oh i found a tinderbox good okay so we can use that to start a fire if we need to that seems really important i'm gonna leave it open for now because i like to see what i'm doing but don't let me forget to close that before midnight for the love of god i'm gonna forget something super obvious like that is gonna ruin the entire game i don't suppose we can rearrange some of this furniture could we it's like it's a solid looking table and i'm not trying to feng shui the place okay i mean like if we lean it up against a window or a door then maybe that would like delay the werewolf by like half a second it's not going to do much but like every second counts we're very lucky the hunter invested in good furniture and really cheaped out on the mistletoe why is this still up oh oh it's a dried herb okay so that would be the easy part of the witch's riddle solved and may serve more purposes than i think i wonder if we can combine the tinder box with the herb no thinking maybe we could kind of like roll it up and smoke it should we use the riddle as paper like we could just mellow out through the nice problem solved we don't need to be breaking into this guy's stuff anymore we've already done enough to him we really don't need to go about stealing his hammer and nails why would he keep a hammer and nails under lock and key this is one weird dude especially considering it looks like he has a severed head in a barrel what is this what is that oh it's a root but that's not what we're looking for the riddle was something that grows in the ground but isn't a plant roots are plants so that's no goods arrows seem to be empty and no use to me so is the root of red herring i mean i'm not seeing anything else in here that grows in the ground we've got some rope i don't think there are any rafters for me to hang myself from what if i just leave what if i go eat the town's folk now oh no nevermind i could go outside i can get an axe good i can get some wood helpful maybe a stick or two maybe a mushroom is something that grows in the ground but isn't a plant goods goods uh do i need to chop any more woods i guess we have enough uh anything else chain okay so i might be able to tie myself up and chain myself up this is a really interesting dynamic because we can't brute force the werewolf we have to outsmart it closing the door is easy because we can open it back up but if we block everything off and make a barricade that he can't get through then we can't get through it either we would just be stuck in here forever so we need to come up with smart ideas i don't suppose that other key would lock the door i've locked the door good good so now he can't even figure out the handle we have a wood right here good and we've got a tinder box we can like that hey we're getting somewhere so now for the potion we need uh does it need to be in order do i have everything no i don't have the hot dust what what the hell is hot dust maybe if i burn the broom no i don't need this i was thinking if it's a dusty broom and if i burn it's the hot dust i mean in all reality this whole place looks pretty freaking dusty you think i would just be able to collect some of it off the ground oh oh this is even better we could go ahead and get ourselves a box of green again if we're going with a smoking option i'm fine with that it's a spice hot dust is spice that makes far more sense and we also have a piece of meat okay i don't know what that would be used for well this is goods i guess we have everything we need for the potion now right uh putting it in order would be the hot dust and then the herb and then the mushroom is that it i'm gonna assume that that's it glass bottle okay so we have the potion now very important make sure to close this and latch it figures that should be good nothing really going on over here you're closed and then we have the potion that i probably want to drink right can i how would i drink it oh yeah okay i can drop stuff over here so oh that means i probably want to tie myself up and chain myself up and then drink the potion even though i don't know what all this other stuff is for some of it might be like i said just a red herring like i'll put the root in screw up the potion wouldn't really work was i supposed to stew this for a while actually she gave us like ingredients but no instructions if i ever see that witch remind me to punch her in a giant crooked nose i don't know i don't know what i i could use meat for or an axe i doubt i can lop off a foot you would think a hammer and nails would be useful but i doubt i can nail clothes oh i can't move because i'm tied up great this witch's potion took me like an hour and a half to figure out so it had better freaking work over the lips and past the gums look out villagers hear werewolf comes i have complete and total confidence that what i've done will stop things from going wrong that's perfectly normal everyone remain calm the transformation was complete he was feeling a bit dizzy but not much not really the effect i was looking for which he bit off the rope that was restraining him then he struggled with a chain for a while he was very furious and hungry he wanted to get out of this hut fast he approached the door and began ramming it it took him some time to break the lock at last the werewolf was free oh come on my fursona's a bit of a dick i mean what's the worst he could do with like 40 stamina right werewolf attacked the village and killed four people eating some of them alive okay first of all my name isn't werewolf it's professor fuzzerbottom get it right second of all four villagers that's not such a big deal always some of them alive while the werewolf was busy killing a party of monster hunters arrived they've cornered the beast and wounded it the bleeding werewolf had escaped into the woods oh so maybe if we had less stamina than the monster hunters would have killed us or stopped us i think we need to have no stamina for things to actually go well yeah that probably could have went better you might think those villagers have it bad but imagine being one of the 65 percent of people that watch these videos but aren't subscribed to this channel you should probably fix that mistake before you get eaten alive by a werewolf maybe follow me on twitter at the captain sauce while you're at it so where did we go wrong with the witch's potion because clearly it says to weaken the beast not to make him a little dizzy you know just a touch not too much kind of thing but it says i need a handful of hot dust it's not exactly precise but sure a handful a crunchy herb does it matter which herb i guess and something that grows in earth yet is not a plant i i got those three things right i put them in the correct order she also mentioned that it would wear off quite fast oh maybe we need to delay taking it somehow that doesn't make any sense because it was the very last thing that i took right it was over the lips and past the gums look out village werewolf comes like i already tied myself up before i took it as well so i don't know i'm not missing anything else i don't think we spent quite a bit of time looking around and pillaging this guy's stuff i don't know if there was anything outside that i might have missed i didn't use this stuff that's the biggest thing right i didn't use everything so clearly everything must serve some kind of purpose and i just didn't bother half-assed it and that's why we had half stamina left i guess so what have we got i mean we know that we can chain ourselves up we can tie ourselves up you know the ingredients i don't know what the axe is for maybe i can hit this off of the wall nope it still has no ammunition i'm not trying to load it with the axe even though that would be pretty amazing you know what if this game's not gonna let me shoot myself in the face with an axe then i'm just gonna go pout in my room and lock the door because we know that much okay so maybe i can try hitting other stuff what if i hit no it's still a broom does not matter just thinking there's got to be something that needs a chopping around here clearly if you give me an x then i will chop pretty basic stuff here we go okay that seems really useful we could probably use that here if we that's what i'm talking about the lock isn't enough we also need to hammer it up so oh oh the axe was a one-time use thing we broke it i was gonna say we might also be able to kind of like chop this up or push it over okay that's what i'm talking about that's what i like to hear we still have a hook right that looks like the kind of thing that you would hang meat from i need my meat hold on a second there's really nothing else down here either is there we got the spice we got the meat we got this thing which isn't serving any purpose okay fine then that's good because now we can go over here and this might distract the wolf yeah let's feed the beast he might even kind of fishhook himself be stuck to the wall for a little bit good close this we're gonna latch it oh wait crap was i supposed to use the boards on the window and the shelf on the door he wouldn't go for the window right i'm sure it's probably fine let's get to making this potion so that i can clear out some of this inventory see what else i don't need uh i'll go with dust we'll go with the herb and we'll go with the mushroom she said it would lose its effect quickly not that it would lose its potency quickly so i think i can make it however quickly i want the root however i've got no idea maybe i can try shoving it up my what nope that's not gonna work either i think it is a red herring i think it's there to screw with you and make you think that it fits into the potion when it doesn't because it is a plant i hate that i have to question that for a second but i think this is everything tie ourselves up we're gonna chain ourselves up we're going to take the potion and then take it go go go go go go go go great good good we took it right away okay that's me that that's that's that's a transformation that's not a bad thing stamina 100 the transformation was complete he was feeling a bit dizzy but not much what do you mean i i don't get it he bit off the rope that was restraining him yeah and he struggled with a chain for a while okay the meat on a hook provided distraction interesting but not for long he ate it fast could we have slowed him down eating it at all why would you tell me that door was blocked so he tried the window ah crap took him some time to break the lock at last the werewolf was free with five percent less stamina wow i really did not improve much there did i werewolf attacked the village and killed three people partly eating one of them alive improvement one of the villagers was bit but lived he considered himself lucky at least until the next full moon while the werewolf was busy killing a party of monster hunters arrived they cornered the beast and wounded it the bleeding werewolf had escaped into the woods okay so mild improvement not much i'm sure these villagers are getting real sick of my failures but we're going to try this one more time this time around i think i know what i'm doing i just had a bit of an epiphany because they are giving me a lot of hints with the outlines at the end i i'm not just reading them out for the sake of the laughs kind of thing to find out what happens but hopefully now we should know what we're doing get this again and we're going to unlock you get the nails chop this down and take this the root i'm still not sure about that's the one thing that i don't get but if i close this and then lock it good and then okay so he's gonna go for the window and we're gonna nail that up that should help i would imagine that will help now we have the the meat the meat i keep forgetting the meat in the cellar uh let's get this fire started first okay we'll get that up and running just so i can see what i'm doing down here we got these two things now for the potion i really hope this doesn't matter actually no it doesn't matter right because if i'm right then we're not actually going to drink the potion i'm thinking that it indicated i need to slow him down eating it look at this maybe yes perfect okay so he's gonna eat the meat the potion will be on it so it'll actually be delayed it said that it wouldn't last very long so we don't want to drink it as a person the werewolf wants to drink it now i still got no ideas about the route i just we're screwed i'm thinking that's it we'll chain ourselves up lock ourselves up and that should be everything i i got nothing wish me luck ammo list gun fingers crossed [Music] every time every time it's like squishing celery the transformation was complete werewolf was hungry craving for flesh he bit off the rope that was restraining him he then struggled with a chain for a while the meat on a hook provided distraction but after eating it he felt very dizzy yes he started ramming the blocked door it took him some time to break the lock oh he's already had zero he didn't even get to the window what at last the werewolf was free wait what what do you mean oh aftermath a calm night werewolf broke free from the hut but it took him much time and effort weakened by the poison tired from ramming the door he had no strength left he fled to the woods unnoticed by anyone okay so we just have to do that every other full moon for the rest of our life this really is not a happy ending especially for the hunter you know what i think that's gonna be it for this episode of don't escape guys and i gotta say great recommendation like i would have never thought to look at a game like this i'd never even heard of games like this before but it's really really interesting and there's a trilogy so i could definitely make more if you guys want to see that as always be sure to leave a like in this video let me know and maybe i'll return to be a werewolf again except i think the next one is in space if it's a werewolf in space that'd be amazing but thanks much watching this video i hope you enjoyed and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 663,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don't escape, don't escape 1, don't escape trilogy, don't escape game, don't escape gameplay, don't escape funny, don't escape funny moments, don't escape walkthrough, don't escape playthrough, don't escape werewolf, don't escape all endings, don't escape ending, don't escape good ending, don't escape ep 1, don't escape part 1, don't escape episode 1, don't escape 1 speedrun, don't escape 1 guide, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: Ry2An_ToVtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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