The Evolution of Jake Peralta (EXTENDED cut) | Brooklyn Nine-Nine

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sorry dude but this new guy is going to be another washed up pencil Pusher he's only concerned with following every rule in the patrol guide meet more Z robot Captain engage is that what you think hey new captain alert good solve Ty for you thanks now everyone be sure to put those on because it's impossible to solve crimes unless you're wearing a tie Testament to what can be achieved when you dress appropriately let's pound it out here are two pictures one is your locker the other is a garbage dump in the Philippines can you tell which is which that one's the dump they're both your locker I should have guessed that he's good do you know where we keep the glitter just want to make sure this report for the captain is extra sparkly what are you doing Peralta look if I have to do things his way I'm gonna do the my way okay man it was nice working with you crime techs aren't done yet but I'm 100 sure it's women what evidence did you have when you arrested this guy some pretty iron glad stuff death stand it's been a while mind if I ask you a few questions well well well if it isn't joke Peralta that's it you're under arrest Case Closed what are you thinking boy I'm calling natural causes we got heart medicine over here home defibrillator and a frequent customer gift basket from the cardiac wing of Brooklyn Methodist this case is open and shut yep that's exactly what I was going to say it's it's so weird he's so good at knowing what I'm going to tell him to do he just does it I've been chasing this guy for three months I've got him dead to rights fingerprints Witnesses it's in the bag so I'm just gonna grab a healthy breakfast are those gummy bears wrapped in a fruit roll-up breakfast burrito but yeah I pity your dentist ah joke's on you I don't have a dentist oh hey Captain did you get my report on the Finley murder oh yeah looked it over nice word good thanks Dad why is everyone staring at me you just called Captain hold dad he said thanks Dad what no I didn't I said thanks man do you see me as a father figure Peralta no if anything I see you is a bother figure because you're always bothering me hey show your father some respect I didn't call him dad sir I need you to do something and it's going to sound crazy but it's important and I need you to trust me detective Peralta will be going at an undercover assignment with the FBI his cover story is that he was fired oh my God my heart just threw up you will be missed thank you Captain thank you for trusting me I'm gonna call Holt you want to come yeah too bad you're not invited I'm in charge bye look I screwed up and I think you should take over command of the precinct and waiting to hear you say that all day I know five years instead of 20. oh it's tough but fair I could see why you have such intense daddy stuff with him oh yeah the guy without a daddy is the one with daddy issues explain that logic here Sarge it's the rest of the money I owe you 1237 bucks I thought you already drained your bank account I sold my car it's not a big deal oh my God this is such a huge deal I can't untell your secret the best I can do is make sure no one talks about it for the next four weeks and pay back your money I'm sorry we doubted anybody was sabotaging you no I'm the one who should apologize for some reason I have trouble believing people actually have my back I don't know why probably my dad abandoning me maybe something I should work out in therapy but who has an hour to spare once every two weeks right our special today is coho salmon sounds disgusting do you have chicken fingers impressed and horrified by your eating habits well if I'm so unhealthy how come I never go to the bathroom I spent a decade looking for this monster and you found him all on your own yeah pretty easily actually oh I imagine that'll look pretty bad for you excuse me the vulture is out and I'm back glad you're back we really missed you how'd you get them to reinstate you I didn't I guess someone just had my back wait you busted through a window for no reason Basic Police tactic Sarge cover every exit it was a sealed window on the fifth floor you could have just gone in the door with Charles yeah but then what would my catchphrase have been knock knock who's there Justice ooh that's actually amazing Charles write that down already did Sarge what's the big deal we stopped two kilos of heroin from hitting the streets who cares about one broken window I do I'm the one who has to spend all weekend doing paperwork because of your dumb stunt bad Terry loves paperwork no Jake I do not have you freezing not at all mainly because my skin is on fire from all the poison ivy in this tree why did you do that oh let me guess dumb stick no dumb choice I didn't want to sit around and wait for somebody to clean up my mess I guess I got through to you yeah also after you fell asleep Boyle really laid into me it was brutal I gotta say Jake this time I think you're only 99 right holy Moses that is much too much money I why is that for that for me come to your birthday party yeah and it was worth it Mr Met used my bathroom number two that's a memory I will cherish forever look mattresses are expensive but they're an investment it's going to be in your life for a long time true but it's also still just a mattress you know well to me it sounds like you're saying I'm not worth it Amy Santiago I want to change mattresses for you the best thing I've ever heard I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner I think I was just scared that you were going to realize you're way better than me like you're Orangina and I'm orange soda are you kidding you're Orangina oh don't say that you ready hey buddy happy birthday dad what are you doing here I wanted to surprise you yeah well I am surprised that you know it's my birthday actually Jake your father and I are seeing each other again oh wow that's that's so interesting why can't you just follow orders because I hate this stupid place and I've got to get out I mean this town's claim to fame is that its Mayors keep dying and no one knows why that's insane you're selfish and you're putting my life at risk so no you're not getting those files back I suggest you accept the reality of this situation and make the best of it snap out of it and get a job okay hey everyone I just want to introduce you to our new assistant manager Larry sherbert son of a [ __ ] all right he thinks you got to watch him it's really messing everything up I mean that came out wrong I love that you have a son it's not messing everything up just messing up our ability to solve the case and have fun you know what I mean I'm a nice guy I'm in the right I'll just go myself bye nikolaj Nikola yeah whatever I want to apologize for what well I kept talking about how I wanted everything to go back to normal but if that actually happened this little guy wouldn't be here or is he big I don't know what size kids are supposed to be or anything about kids really I think maybe that's part of the problem he's gonna transfer out of the 99 that's what this is all about you're still trying to undermine the man what no the opposite of anything I want to see him succeed I'm trying to overmine him oh you know I hate it when you make up words are you still mad at me for saying snack accident yes very then we figured out how to be good parents TV and cake tv and Cake were my parents it's okay you see the food in prison was inedible all I thought about day and night were the things I wished I was eating and you Amy I thought about you a lot sex with you just us doing sex with foreplay great safe babe thanks I'm not ready to be back you should suspend me what look when we arrested Richmond and he said he didn't do it I just I couldn't stop thinking about it what if he was telling the truth what if he was innocent and I was putting an innocent man in jail just feels a lot harder for me to put another human being in prison After experiencing it myself it's really horrible look I wanted to be back in the field because I wanted to be the old me but the truth is I'm not the old me yet maybe I never will be when you demanded to be put back in the field I worried that you were being flippant about your time in prison I thought you would be Reckless but I was wrong prison has made you more cautious yeah but what if I'm too cautious now I mean I used to see everything as black and white and now it's looking real gray to me I wish every cop had a voice in their head asking what if he's innocent you see it as a weakness but it means you're growing it makes you a better detective you're flustered you have no GPS so you just start driving no next thing you know you're in the Pine Barrens and it hits you you're your uncle's cabin he has a place there you're the luckiest son yes it was you got lucky at every turn no I knew exactly where I was driving I left my phone in the office on purpose I was in a surgical Suite by Design and I didn't use some glass award that any idiot would clearly see was missing I made a rod out of a special dental polymer killed him with it then melted it back down it's already in a patient's mouth son oh damn oh damn oh damn did you know you had the wrong murder weapon oh excellent question sir yes I spotted the missing Dental award when I first took the case I asked around weeks ago turns out a cleaning lady knocked it over and shattered it then why did you run in there like that because in talking to you I realized what Philip's worst fear actually was that we would think he was just some dummy that got lucky right he had planned the perfect crime and it killed him when you said he was sloppy and impulsive he needed us to know how smart he was hi like someone else I know yep Jake I know we have a ton of wedding stuff to do but no no you absolutely have to do this he's your white whale he's your Johnny Franzia oh my arch nemesis Johnny Franzia the guy who's been tormenting me with the deck of cards for years looks like deuces are wild Peralta seriously I feel like I talk about him constantly but it doesn't matter you definitely have to go I'll handle the wedding stuff wait have you never been to therapy no don't need it not even after the time your wife shot you nope what about when you were held at gunpoint and had to write your own suicide note that was crazy I forgot about that or when you were falsely accused of bank robbery and went to prison was that a big deal you joined a gang and tried math I didn't want to be anyone's [ __ ] Fine you want something real I tried therapy it only made things worse go on uh when I was a kid I was acting out at school so they made me and my parents do family counseling but instead of helping me with my problems the stupid therapist just brought up all my parents issues and once it was all out in the open they fought all the time and eventually got divorced and everything good in my life just went away interesting so you actually blame yourself for your parents divorce no I blame the therapy which we only had to do because I oh my God I do blame myself here come the Waterworks I may never have them in the middle but it doesn't matter because I have you well I'm very proud of you and I also wish you had told me that before you went to the bathroom because I really roasted your mom back there and another thing you should appreciate Amy Moore because she's amazing and another thing when you come to visit us you don't have to bring your own coffee our coffee is fine and another thing I know enough Spanish to understand what idiota means and another thing when you say I have an interesting nose I know you mean big lost in it when I was a rookie at the 6-4 my captain was my first mentor he helped me get on the detective track and he gave me all the best cases but when I finally made Detective he took me to dinner and tried to kiss me he said that he felt like he deserved something in return for my career I just ran out of the restaurant back to the office and I put in my transfer for the nine nine I never told anyone because I felt like maybe I didn't actually deserve my promotion and I worried that I wouldn't get any more promotions if I spoke up so every time I think I understand how bad it is it's just way worse than I imagined congratulate me about Amy's just upset because the historically entrenched patriarchy has created a culture of victim shaming that suppresses any power shift in our masculophallic system I couldn't sleep last night so I watched a documentary on Netflix about feminism I love you we both work way too much why bother having kids if you never get to spend time with them I mean I love my job and I know you love yours and I don't think it's fair for either of us to have to sacrifice that I do want to have kids with you [Music] you're not scared anymore oh no I am so scared maybe even more so than before but I was scared in there with Pam too and you know I didn't Panic or mess anything up there if anything I was sharper it was a freaking debate genius debate genius oh that's very hot that's an added bonus okay keep that energy up but the point that I was actually trying to make is maybe it's a good thing that I'm scared of fatherhood you know maybe it'll turn me into a friggin dad genius hey what's holds expression right now would you describe it as proud daddy it's hard to tell he's still piecing it together this could take a while why didn't you just tell me what was actually happening I wanted to sir but it involved trusting Madeline once and I just didn't think you could handle it I'm sorry that I lied to you sir sir oh no is he mad I can't see anything did he storm out no I stormed in to tell you it was a great play and nice work Peralta and there it is the proud daddy I want your partner off the case what's his name it's Raymond Holt I mean officer Dad yep that was it officer dad I found it if anything she's a Trevor that's the guy my mom dated after she divorced my dads it was all about your daddy issues step daddy issues this is a new thing I'm complicated you're in charge for the day oh boy here comes the lecture be responsible Jake don't do anything crazy or fun there's no lecture I trust you oh but there was used to be a lecture yeah well you're not the same immature rebellious kid you used to be didn't you and Amy just buy a family-friendly mid-sized sedan in a rebellious color Champagne which is an alcohol and let's not forget I wanted to have sex in your office just now yeah to have a baby and become a father Terry kept saying all that stuff about how I matured and I got worried I was becoming a boring adult you are not boring adult no I am you want to know why I really wanted that year of no paperwork and so if we did get pregnant I would have more time to help with a baby oh no savior oh I don't deserve it I'm just some boring responsible guy that's about to lose our car you're still pretty irresponsible you're just saying that because you're my wife this could increase our chances of getting pregnant by 19 yeah of course absolutely so how do we get it started dim the lights put on some music swallow 35 vitamins each oh cheers oh that's bigger baby I probably should have had some water ready we don't have to talk about it I was offering him the task force position Boyle is my choice boil from work oh how great for him I saw him killed by hole chose me over you are you kidding I mean just look at today instead of fighting for attention you did the work and methodically built your case you notice things that are room full of seasoned cops all missed you're a great detective Charles wow all the other Peralta deaths we probably just learned it from each other or it's just in our genes no you proved that wrong you care and you do the work you're reading parenting books before your kid is even born you try to get me and Dad back together how you even fish my thumb out of the cake yeah that was gross you're so excited about having a kid you're having a sex reveal party I never did anything like that except that one time in Amsterdam I really wish you'd stop bringing that up Jake you can be a great dad and your son's gonna love you crazy thinking just 17 short years he's going to be six foot seven in the number one draft pick for the Knicks and then he's going to pass up that opportunity to pursue his true passion Library science well the important thing is we'll support him no matter what even if he's a huge huge nerd especially then are we gonna be okay with this I mean this entire day felt like a warning from the Universe I almost missed the birth we had our baby at the precinct a firefighter touched our child we washed him off yeah but I'll always know babe we talked about this everyone balances working kids yeah but everyone's not a cop you guys probably don't know this but my parents got divorced when I was a kid and it really messed me up yeah why do I talk about it a lot it doesn't matter the point is we can't let that happen to Daddy Holton daddy Kevin so we're just dispensing with subtext now yes this workplace is my family was that not clear Holt is my dad you're my older sister Amy's my mom what what it's really friends yeah don't ask how I know because it has nothing to do with lamps Jake what are you doing here what are you doing here you're supposed to be getting back from daycare what you're doing is super important I'll just scale back and let Charles run point on the Franzia case no none of us are scaling back we can be good parents without sacrificing our careers Squad is on their way we have to go to frenzias now this is our best chance at police reform friends yeah Lieutenant Franzia reform Boyle reform okay enough Charles is Right Jake has waited years for this no he can make the arrest without me without you there is no presentation I'll take Mac Franzia disappears into these crazy underground tunnels so we have to switch over to night vision Charles it's all so awesome but I actually have to stop you because I gotta go I have to have to feed this baby some mushed up avocado oh my God what happened is Mac okay [Applause] what if I admit I made an error and apologized he is speaking hypothetically you'll notice he never used the s word and he never used the m word I'm sorry I made a mistake holy that was amazing we beat him I can't believe it actually worked out okay you're suspended for five months right I know but I deserve it and I learned a valuable lesson from all this so I'm counting it as a win I get that Peralta but things will be a lot better when a man doesn't have to lose his job for you to learn a lesson and everyone's going to be so shocked when they find out the big surprise that I'm leaving the 99. I don't understand well for weeks we've been trying to figure out how you can do your new job and still have us be there for Mac as much as we want and I really think this is it yeah but we have other options yeah but I think this is the best one look you know I was scared about having kids because I didn't want to be like my dad but if I do this I have a chance to be the exact opposite and I don't want Mac to ever feel the way I felt growing up and I get that I really do but you love being a detective I know it's all I ever wanted to be until now now all I care about is what's best for our family and Ames this is it I mean you've earned this incredible opportunity you can't do it halfway it's too important and Max my little buddy I want to be at home with him that must have been a hard decision honestly it wasn't it's funny on my first day here I asked Jeffers to tell me about everyone told me you were a great detective but the one thing you couldn't figure out was how to grow up well I think you finally figured it out well thank you sir I couldn't have done it without you over the years you've sometimes referred to me as something of a father figure did I I didn't realize that but I want you to know if I had had a son and uh it turned out like you I would be very proud of them [Music]
Channel: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Views: 390,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brooklyn Nine-Nine, brooklyn 99, b99, Stephanie Beatriz, Rosa Diaz, Jake Peralta, Andy Samberg, Detective Charles Boyle, Melissa Fumero, Detective Amy Santiago, Detective Jake Peralta, NBC, Terry Jeffords, Amy Santiago, Sitcom, Chelsea Peretti, Andre Braugher, Gina Linetti, Joe Lo Truglio, brooklyn 99 jake, brooklyn 99 jake peralta, brooklyn 99 evolution of jake, brooklyn 99 jake character development, brooklyn 99 best of jake, best of jake peralta, brooklyn nine nine
Id: ibIpXZ5vHaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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