Success in Ramadan, The Qur'an & More | #226 Yahya Raaby

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this episode is brought to you by quran if like everyone you're trying to read more of the quran this month you're going to want to try qurani qurani is a quran like no other it's a habit building quran this means that the focus of god only is to help you build habits this month that forever last of reading the quran that forever loss of reading and it does this by using psychological techniques that help the brain build habits things like being able to track your progress counting your hassanat receiving motivating notifications and sets you challenges right now there's a ramadan challenge going on for example and a nighttime challenge to like read the last ten of surah and stuff like that um things like this are scarce there's currently i didn't that wasn't in the script and so then i had to think of something to say so i said scarce there's currently a ramadan offer where you can save money by getting the premium app now so head over to quran dot app for all you need quran the link will be in the bio guys and uh also as with every ramadan this month we're raising money for the spot project as you know the spot project is in gambia and is where sam and i first met and out you know what i tried to do today today i tried to write down everything i was going to say it and it just doesn't work does it i'm not a script guy i'm off the cuff but let's carry on let me start again with the spot one i've got this i can't read as fast as i speak as with every ramadan this month we're raising money for the spot project as you know the spot project in gambia is where sam and i first met and out of that was born freshly grounded alhamdulillah so it has a very close place in our hearts this year we're raising money for mental health clinic where women can give birth safely um this mental health clinic is in a village called chamia and they often the women have to travel nine months pregnant on a donkey cart and then from a donkey cart they go get to the ferry and from the ferry they travel for hours on the ferry across the sea to the closest hospital and often they don't make it in time to um oh there's a story of a woman who actually missed the ferry and so she had to get the boat and she ended up giving birth on the boat and she's still dealing with post-birth complications even though the baby's fine so this health clinic completely hopefully changes that um by providing a health clinic where they can give birth safely with professionals in this health clinic uh please donate at especially guided and again the link for that you guessed it is in the description okay it's in the description oh for the next one i need to go and grab the uh airpods give me a sec okay so uh around ramadan take two around two months ago we put our video setting our challenge to reach 100 000 subscribers by ramadan and you guys came in abundance to help and i want to say a huge thank you and as much as the support and love was received uh we massively failed at reaching our target massively failed at reaching our target but we promised a giveaway for the apple airpods pro i actually bought these um like way in advance because i didn't want to like give a competition to something that we don't actually own so um we promised a giveaway of the apple airpods pro to the person with like the most clicks and our promise is our promise now so we're sticking to it even though we didn't reach our target uh and so we will be emailing the person who um has won the apple airpods pro 2 with a custom engravement engraving from us and also the top 20 after that will be emailed uh because they win a freshly grinded game and the top ten after that will be mod because they win their freshly grinded game and a mug and a thank you letter so thank you guys so much for your help we haven't made it to a hundred thousand subscribers but guess what we don't give up yeah we failed and we just keep it rolling okay this episode is with none other than us and i had a pleasure of having soleiman amin as my host enjoy the episode and in the episode we played the ramadan game or fresh regardless if you haven't got that little plug freshly uganda dot com no link will be in description right catch you guys soon assalamualaikum and welcome to a freshly grounded the brand new podcast it's not exactly brand new anymore is it welcome to freshly grounded the podcast that's better created by best friends frieza and sam i broke it i said welcome to freshly grounded off that bit created by after that best friends face one side really okay we're on assalamu alaikum everyone welcome to freshly grounded as you can see on your screen alhamdulillah we are joined by a very special co-host once again we have suleiman in the building always amazing to have you co-hosting with me alongside me on this episode oh it's a pleasure it's a pleasure people are going to start thinking that suleiman only co-hosts the episodes with the samadhi should you i think the only way we know to to alter that uh opinion is to have you jump on a few co-host a few more hundred percent hundred percent it's been emotional as well the last one was very good it was very good this one it's going to be insha'allah just as a motion this is beneficial for the people in ramadan exactly do you know what bro i'm going to hand over hosting duties to you and i'm going to hand over to you to introduce the guest give me a quick one it could be a quick one salaam alaikum guys okay so today we have our shaykh how are you today i'm well how are you i'm very good we're so we are so happy to have you here you're very highly requested when you're not on the air so how have you been since our last episode the last episode when was that it was when we were speaking about the prophet but i did love salallahu very well um you can uh as well as you can be in these circumstances of course and uh we ask allah to increase us in his blessings and to make us from those who are grateful to him uh the messenger that your blessings are removed what the hell will you have taken at your well-being okay it flips into the opposite way and everything that angles you like this is the prophet prophetic messenger used to make so this is a dua that we should observe or to protect which is that a calamity suddenly afflicts you right the prophet used to seek refuge in allah from these matters those four matters so if the individual should make that so that's especially what we see nowadays that and all of a sudden your situation change from one circumstance so it can be different one right but if you constantly ask allah to protect you from that and i thought let's start this episode in a way that is um anxiety increasing for you anxiety we're putting everyone on the spot with uh our brand new freshly grounded game wow the ramadan edition wow the first one was amazing so i i'm i've got high high expectations for this one bro in sha allah they meet your expectations this is the ramadan edition of the game so we've catered so it's bright 60 brand new questions okay never never before seen allah alhamdulillah and um and they cater towards ramadan the idea is let me set the scene it's ramadan okay 2021 okay or 1443. oh we're talking history you know it actually says 1442 here so basically one of the things that people know is you know the copyright logos conference yeah the wrongdoing says copywire so uh so i'm setting the scene it's the year 1442 [Music] you had a beneficial day oh you're reading you're on top of your your daily kind of target you just come home from taraweeh and there's now only a few short hours left until fajr is there a point in sleeping are you going to stay up with the family maybe stay up with the friends depending on what the restrictions allow maybe have a bit of a beneficial conversation over some tea before they arm starts that's the that's now set now set the scene and you think you know we want to relax but it's ramadan i want to still get some benefit in it mm-hmm welcome to the freshly ground game so here's how it's going to work um i think that we have a short episode obviously because it's ramadan and we want to make the most of having us start on and the people will not be very happy if we have us on the episode and we're just mumbling i'm not reaping the benefits of benefits so how it's going to work is hopefully from the cards we're not planning to get through all of them i'm hoping from them we can um go off on some tangents but we'll use it as a as a axis to begin the conversation how does that sound okay um this can't always surprise me okay so um i don't know how we're gonna do it how do you propose we do it should we like go like one two three what do you think no yes yeah just at least you can have your turn before me yeah i feel like we'll go with suleiman first can i ask you first now so first of all just look at it yeah there's a bit of a good opening there we've got the same rules as before obviously the uh how to play be vulnerable don't judge and uh as you can see they've got the cards of gold masha okay i'm just gonna pick one first card on the top finish the sentence i love who i am when i am with i love who i am when i'm with the righteous people that's what i'll say i love who i am when i'm with the righteous people yeah because when you you know when you tend to be with those who are righteous you know it rubs off off you it rubs off on you so you kind of um yeah so especially when you're praying with the righteous and stuff subhanallah you just feel much more sure in the salah so i love who i am when i'm with the righteous especially when i'm with them in terms of when they're speaking of knowledge of the the master allah you know when i when i'm with them i feel very you know inspired yeah so that's definitely from my side is there any is any benefit we can withdraw from that answer there's a lot better forgiveness ramadan being with the brothers being with the righteous why is that important i like that of course no of course there's so many benefits that's uh in that the prophet he tells the importance of having righteous companions and he says would say that the example of anjali the righteous companion that you sit with it is like the one who sells perfume right the perfume seller you're either going to get a nice fragrance from him or you're going to buy it from him or he might let you any uh even he might give you some perfume so you smell nice too right an example of an evil companion that you sit with is like one of the blacksmith he will either burn your clothes or make you dirty or you get a bad odor from him right and he salallahu would also say that's the individual he's upon the religion of his closest companion right so look carefully at those that you take as a companion he says right there's different levels of saying someone that's beloved to arabic there's a there's a friend there's a sadie which just means a friend or sahib means a friend and then you have someone who beloved you habib right someone's beloved to you and then you have the highest level the most beloved person too is called khalil right so allah says which is the plural of khalil the closest most beloved companions to one another there will be enemies to one another except al-muttaqi and those who are righteous good conscious right they're going to be companions with with each other in this world and also that company should extend to hereafter right so it's based on god consciousness in the faith of allah one of the greatest uh or you'd say accompany the righteous because every believer righteous believer that you know that you accompany this intercession they will be able to intercede and he also says allah says that the people of hellfire they'll cry out they'll say we don't have any intercessors and we don't have any close friends and then he says why do they say the people to help we don't have any close friends when the people of jannah enter jannah and the people they hell fight into the hellfire there will be people in general who say yeah allah where's my friend so-and-so and they'll ask about them and then they'll be told that person is in hellfire and then you say yeah that my pleasure my delight my happiness in jannah it will not be complete except for that person being present with me and then allowed to barack on the angels to do what to bring that person out of the hellfire and bring them to jannah and then the people general will surround him why because they can see the signs on him that he's been in the hell fire so then they ask how did he get here did the prophet say messengers intercede for him he'll be said no was his father a martyr because omar taken in seattle's family you'll be said no was his brother amata no how did he have enough good deeds to get here you'll be said no how did he get to his friend zone so interceded when the people the hellfire they see that they cried out for malana we don't have any intercessors and no close friends that intercede for us on that day and you take us out of the hellfire right so that also does it shows us i mean the importance of how writing campaign is and the celebrities are saying that the great some of the greatest blessings that individual he can be he can be blessed within this world it is number one islam the name of islam number two is the righteous companion he writes a companion because the righteous companion aids you and assists you in fulfilling the rights of the name of islam the blessing of islam right so that's why islam is always talking about doing active worship together collectively the salah has been obliged to do it together we fast ramadan together we break our fast together all this why to bring the heart together so that we love one another to the extent of the prophet he says that if one of you loves his brother for the sake of allah tell him why because his strength is the bond right and he says the power of the believers in their love and their compassion and their ani their mercy for one another it is like of one body right that's how they see each other if one part of the body feels pain the rest of them feel pain too and they stay up the whole night feeling that pain with them right because of how much they care about yourself and they love each other to the extent of the prophet he also that when we do not do what the prophet saw commanded us to do properly right it will make our hearts huh far apart from each other for instance the example of salah he said allah he said straighten your rules for the prayer if you don't do so what's going to happen make your heart differ you'll make your hearts far apart from each other meaning that when we follow what allah has commanded us to do and when the prophet command us to do it to make our hearts come together it will make us love each other more right and that's how the individual does it so he observes the blessing islam and with the companions who are righteous they help him in uh fulfilling that he was asked a question right to do with sincerity he was asked ya imam if an individual when he prays for instance okay by himself and his salah is not that good but when he is with his righteous companions okay and he's in their presence he prays better right is that a lack of sincerity right is that he asked and then ahmadi answered with a profound answer and this is something that we should a principle which implements our lives he said he says he betters his prayer with them not for them what does that mean he's not doing it for them because that would be no sincerity you're doing it for allah but being in a presence it motivates him to better his deeds it motivates him to be a better person that is with their help not for them right so that's how the righteous companion should be right that we become better individuals through them not for them i was going to ask you a question but to lead enough for that but i know that then we would never get around to your question that's what avoiding it is you're trying to ask the little said but i think turn them over and have a look at what answer question you think there'll be that you would like to ask him rather than just picking one at random okay so you can have a look at all of don't kill me them that yeah i'm going to give you something oh you're just going random okay there's some challenges in there as well you know allah okay i think this is all right yeah i think we can get some i think okay okay okay so in your opinion what is a key ingredient for a sex successful successful ramadan sorry i believe my opinion doesn't matter but i'll try to give what might be beneficial in the quran you oh believers just like it has been prescribed upon those before you so that you can attain god consciousness and if we look at the quran and what allah tells us in the quran allah mentions to us in the quran that the objective of the deeds that we do generally it is to attain taqwa when allah talks about hajj he says and be conscious of me and fear me all those who have intellect so the objective of head is to attain taqwa why is that because when the individual attains god consciousness it shows that allah has accepted his deeds right and that's why we probably mentioned this before on one of my previous maybe episodes with you that abdullah ibn abbas would say if allah he accepted from me if i knew allah accepted me two raka's only it would be better for me than the dunya and everything in it why because they said allah says that you keep talking about in a nutshell it is a shield that stops you disobeying allah it is that fear that you have in the heart in a nutshell that stops you from doing the acts of disobedience from doing sins and so on that is taqwa ramawan it's a madrasah it's a school that disciplines you and teaches you to attain that the whole day you are fasting right you are afraid of your desires from eating from drinking from doing things that are normally halal prior to ramadan you're refraining from them not only that but you are going extra by doing extra about that voluntary deed to help you get closer to allah through that you should attain taqwa by doing that you should attend takara right so that is the objective of ramadan that is the objective of ramadan and that's the objective that allah set for us and that's how somebody becomes successful right and the prophet saw monday he ascended the pope at the member and then he took a step he said i mean and then he took another step and then he said i mean and then he took another step and then he said i mean thinking we can't hear anyone making dua why is the prophet salallahu the one who reaches ramadan and is not forgiven in ramadan and the true loser in ramadan is the one who reaches ramadan he has reached this blessed month allah has allowed allowed him to see ramadan and he's not forgiven in ramadan and the prophet said may allah disgrace that person subhan and he's the prophet that means accepted 100 percent allah understand but why is that because in ramadan literally everything you do allah will forgive you for it by doing it by fasting allah forgive you by praying the night pray allah forgive you literally sins whoever stands the night prayer in ramadan with iman and seeking the road from allah allah forgive his previous sins whoever stands with iman and 87 seeking the word from allah allah forgive his previous sin if you do that allah forgive you that's not it the prophet told us about the greatest night in ramadan as well with his latest right this is the greatest night in the whole year it is in the last 10 nights specifically the odd nights the prophet said he said whoever is prevented from he's provided from all goodness you're a loser absolute loser basically why because it's a once in a lifetime opportunity you were given and you absolutely wasted it that's what the prophet is telling us that strive he said allah one month one ramadan what did he do at the beginning ramadan he did his masjid he secluded himself in the prophet salallahu for the first ten days of ramadan then after 10 days were over he was going to leave ninja ali salaam came to him and told him stay laid has not occurred yet so then he stayed for the middle 10 days okay now 20 days in the masjid and then after those 20 days and in the next 10 days he was about to leave jibril salaam came to him said to him stay occurred yet so then he stayed for the last 10 days as well the whole month he spent in the masjid searching for what one night so we are told specifically it's in the last 10 nights and specifically todd is not organized okay if an individual if an individual it has a huge uh any mata coming up let's say he's getting mad the next year okay one year before you're preparing for that one day right you are saving up from saving money you are uh thinking about the venues you are thinking about your guests all these details just for one day thousands of thousands of pounds you spend huh just for one day right because that one day is going to be about you right that's the one day you get to celebrate that's the one day you want to be happy you want everything about you allah this one night it's better than eight three years not equal to better than a thousand months that's one night if you just one night annie if you manage to attain the goodness of that night you are going to be the one who's successful you are going to attain all of goodness okay doesn't does it not make sense that we planned for that night that we one year prior to the celebrity to prepare six months prior to ramadan would be asking allah allows us to read some of that they preparing for for it right and asking allah to allow them to reach it and then what ramadan comes will be new etiquette spending the message time in the message so that they can attain that tonight so the individual in order to attain the goodness of allah he has to have a completely different mindset in ramadan you have to have the ramadan mindset that i'm trying to get my neck free from the hellfire the gates of jannah open meaning allah has facilitated everything from me it's just a matter of me taking those opportunities and not letting them go right if you do that allah will assist you allah says that those who strive and struggle for our sake what does that mean you take that first step you try you make the effort allah says those who make the effort why for allah sick allah says allah who makes sincerity easy for you and why sincerity is so important because if you attain sincerity allah will grant you all goodness will grant you all of us facilitate as well so allah if he guides you to the path of sincerity and he makes sincerity easy for you that's it as as they say what they say you have gone clean [Laughter] [Music] else does he need all right and that's why sincerity it is the answer to everything you know a lot of times when we're in hardship when we're in difficulty right when things are not going our way we look for yani or solution etc the solutions in our hearts will lie the solutions in our heart because allah says that the more sincere you are look if you look at all the duas that are to do with hardship every single dua that the had taught prophet that to do with hardship they all roll around taheed and sincerity that you are sincere to allah that you are turning your heart to allah the prophet he taught us that if the person who is afflicted with hardship difficulty what does he say if he says this is my lord i don't associate any partners with him allah will relieve him allah will grant him way out why look allah says about the mushrikeen okay when they are in the sea they are they on a boat okay and then a storm comes and they're afraid for their lives what do they do they call upon allah sincerely okay what what happens when they quote upon allah they're not believers but they call upon allah sincerely not just in any part of them saying ya allah save us allah saves them and then what then allah says when they go back to land and safety they go back to the shirk unfortunately right so what about believer who has never associated partners with allah azzawajal who believes in allah no doubt that allah is going to save him was in the stomach of the well he was in three darknesses right he's in the darkness of the night the darkness of the sea the darkness of this of the stomach over the well no one knows about this situation except allah he has no way he can call he has no one there's no rescue team no one looking for him right so what does he do he's attached to allah what does he say there's no day to accept you allah as well they worship except you allah subhanak may you be exalted from the transgresses sincerity then allah says straight after he said that we rescued him we responded to him and we were saved from the difficulties in and look at this this is the glad tidings just like that we save the believers right to heed is and sincerity is the answer to that so if you even look at and there's so many examples but the example i'll end with this is this is maybe the biggest contrast you'll see the worst man that allah mentions in the [Music] quran when he was drowning okay what did he say he said i believe in the one that banu is believed in muslim as he's saying this as we have in hadith of the prophet what he was doing he was putting sand in the mouth of iran he said i was afraid to be saying that the mercy of allah will reach him this is a man who said so what about someone who says [Music] will grant you it but it's all about the heart it's all about how much the heart is that to allah so in ramadan the more you attach your heart to allah the more you strive to be sincere allah forgive he used to say three matters i consider them part of my manhood like if these three matters are not part of my life i don't consider myself a manhood i don't have to consider myself a man amongst these matters he mentions look at this now look at the mentality the mindset was he would say that i consider for my manhood and strength and power that when i'm standing in front of allah in salah that my heart and my mind are focused on allah right i consider that part of manhood that is true strength what were the other two things i can't remember i'm an old man but i remember this right that he mentioned that that is part of my manhood and then why is mother sahaba like this because allah says about them look they were truthful in their covenant and their promise to allah feminine among some of those who passed away and amongst them are those who are waiting for their appointment with allah what made them so special they were firm they were steadfast why would they steadfast it's at the beginning of the ayah sadako they were truthful and sincere the muslims say you are the more allah make you steadfast upon the goodness you are you are upon right the sahabi that we talk about now when he passed away the throne of allah how many years was a muslim only six to seven years but the amount that he had done because of sincerity and that he had done for seventy thousand angels attended his janazah he's definitely burial look at that the prophet said truthfully seriously you'll go around very quickly back to you inshallah the question could be about you you know it can be either about the person who could be about yourself we don't want it to be about me oh are you choosing are you picking and choosing of course you guys chose i get to choose too i went random to be fair okay let's pick something here would you follow the questions who do i ask to ask you good very good i'll ask you right did you have a look at if we have a look at a few of them yeah like very nice i think i asked this one i can't choose you know i mean just as indecisive as you oh no that's not good there's so many good ones here wait i'll ask this one make sure you guys go home with a package describe that ramadan feeling oh okay that ramadan feeling for me i think is um is is the feeling of like the kind of what i explained earlier when i was trying to set the scene for the game yeah i i think that um there's a cert okay if i just say the ramadan feeling in one word it'll be warm like the warmth there's something warm about ramadan you know it feels cozy it feels lovely it feels like um there's no feeling like it you feel the rahm of allah yeah you feel it um you feel brotherhood like you feel like um everyone's on this mission you know and sometimes we struggle and as people are at different levels and and people struggle for the 11 months but in that month of ramadan that 12th month it's like everyone's on the same mission yeah [Music] and it's nice you just feel united you feel uh you could just feel the rahman that month you feel like there's there's something different about this month because normally that wouldn't happen normally this wouldn't happen and and um and that connection i think the best part of ramadan and and i don't know if you want to maximize that ramadan feeling it's it'll take her yeah you have to give it to kevin it's not here i mean i'm sure there's not going to be any scrap this year but that's where you where that's where the ramadan feeling gets like turned to max 100 like the only unless like you you're in it's a curfew like my my father-in-law a few years back did it come from the harem oh my god i could just imagine words i was there at the same time yeah i wasn't doing it to curve he was doing it and i would see him and uh imagine that imagine what that ramaman feeling was that's you you're like what what can you what's better nothing in mecca as well it's a cave what can you i mean it's hard well when i was there and i was asking how it scrappies there was hardship there was hardship because you got very different everyone's there in ramadan last 10 nights and you're even like just to like relieve yourself or like go shower yeah it's not easy difficult not easy very difficult but i don't know man he accomplished it can i imagine that at the end of that that must have you know some hand like still because he i don't even think he went with the intention of doing it i think he because he had a hotel booked and then he he must have not even stayed there one night or he stayed there one night yeah and then he was like you know what i'm in the haram like i'm gonna do it and sometimes it's amazing you know what's amazing about going to my car and just generally guys honestly is that um it's it's bumping into people yeah it's amazing because you think i'm on the other side of the world and that's that but you either go you even sometimes i think we've all experienced it when you've even bumped into someone who like you're quite close to like like i was in your area yeah so that's one amazing thing like oh i haven't seen you a few years i didn't i started catching someone it's like so i do and then in another on another scale you want me to people who you see that you've heard of and you've never really met like it might be or like um like uh yeah like even a shekel like maybe someone like uh even if he's like like when we was in when we was there um there was there was there was like snaps of khabib uh being there so then you think ah because all muslims okay that's the that's the spot i mean especially if it's like or even during omar like there's different um there's like scheduled times yeah or their schedule they schedule time for hajj for example so if you're going to hajj and anybody else in order to go and help that year mm-hmm your chance my badminton i think they're saying especially that you're bumping someone in the holy land like you clock someone i i've i remember numerous occasions but when my father-in-law was interesting because i knew he was then sometimes you know such a big like like it's the harem and like you know you just you're going up one escalated he's coming down you're just like what coincidence hundreds of like thousands of miles away like i would come to your house and just let you and i said nice you're very anxious but yeah you know that was a thing with the self even you know the school is the past had specifically it was considered the the and your confidence for knowledge wow where all the scholars they would meet up they will travel from from lands and they all meet up and hatch because that's the place that gathers everyone right and then they would like learn from each other right in mina and so on they'll meet until this day that happens the only time they meet each other you know in the times that they're spending in mina and so on then they they discuss themselves and so on until this day so it's the place where you it's an opportunity that you go to hajj where you definitely and you meet the scholars and manuscript and he gets um gain some knowledge and benefits from benefits from their bundles of course it's a it's a great name it's uh where we were we most recent the most recent time we went and um he made the most of taking us to a lot of like um landmarks and and and different majority uh different messages he taught us that the history of themselves so that was really really cool because uh it was a different experience to the time that i had gone before so so man i've got a question for you okay i'm gonna pick it i'm gonna try and find one um i wanna know about you that's quite good actually i wanna that's that's a that's just sort of my question i wanna hear that that's gonna have energy in it that one so i'm nervous now you know i'm not gonna go forward anymore it's gonna take me too long look at this channel this one is this one's interesting i'm not gonna give this to you what this challenge card i like this one um this challenge card says makes a hold for everyone in the house tomorrow morning oh so if you get that you'll did you get that card you'll make it so hard yeah i've got um i've got um i've got the one i want to ask how many how many challenge cards are there in the in a day there's only five oh that's good so it's rare but their challenges are quite like it's not like something little like oh you have to wake up earlier well like this one says fast from your phone as well tomorrow so no phone tomorrow um and after aftermarket's considered as a new day i've broken the fast my favorite challenge card i'm giving them all away but my favorite one is this one uh choose one social media app to delete for the rest of ramadan oh that's my favorite one before buddies all right so i'll get my question for you the question is how will you make eid spec how will you make your aid celebration special this year i want you to go into detail but what are you thinking about eat food this year i know we're early i know we're early early very early question you know your preparation is key what are you thinking what's going on like in your household so in your second are you there's a yeah yeah well your first proper one yeah first proper one yeah yeah because yeah cause she was born yeah during the homeland yeah um so this one uh i'll hand it to you so we said that this lead is um your first obviously his dad yeah yeah probably um this eid was quite an early question but for this eid i'm hoping that they open everything up so we can pray in a park you know let's assume yeah no restrictions because we can't predict these things so let's assume there's no restrictions yeah what's it looking like and they get it right they're praying apart but yeah it's a private joke i want to know what i want to know what um their aid is going to be like inside the household like are we talking presents are we talking money what's it like in a smaller culture because pakistani culture yeah it was like money right yeah that's what it was the same thing in in our culture i'm trying to change that same thing because edl happily because it's the presents you can do a bit of yeah i mean that's true overall it works out a bit better it does it does when i was younger you see presents but as we got older i just like take the money last year with your presence and the year before probably as well this year i'm thinking maybe decorate the house a bit you know um yeah just literally try and make it quite a big one yeah yeah because literally just you know within the family and stuff yeah just literally just just that not nothing too that's what explaining is that homelessness yeah yeah because you know because we you know we don't celebrate a lot of events you know we don't celebrate birthdays stuff like that so it should be done big i believe that definitely especially for definition especially for the you know for the for the younger kids and you know um for even you know because i have quite a few uh nephews so definitely i'm thinking even to even do something nice man amazon prime amazon prime because they live like quite out of their ends in it so i'm thinking maybe do something like that yeah i hope they don't see this before i started buying this already already and there's a lot of kids and so if it was all if it was all hit on me in one pay day yeah i don't know if i'm going to pay to pay the gas prices so you've actually gave me a good idea yes i've started already i've um i'll say it because um uh there's no chance he watches this podcast my six-year-old nephew yeah my sister told me that he's really into cricket uh he's his dad was in cricket he's getting so he's got really into it so i bought him a qriket set and uh and jules man is that they would um he'd love it like he'd be happy with that then money i could give him 50 pound and he's like oh like see what's his money well cricket set bro sports direct 22.50 down to 8.90 [Laughter] yeah he's back but he's not yeah so yeah i've got the quick it's a hamdillah because he was going out for that is beautiful well i need to like i'm just thinking about the kids or something's hard to buy for tweezers i love their toys like my nephew i got him some you know the you know the the cars when it goes around in the whole circuit stuff like that that kind of stuff like you know some kind of stuff that he loves that kind of like little yeah those kind of games and stuff them little board board games and stuff like they love it so much it's like yeah i don't say easier to buy a photo because sometimes you can buy like for example one thing i resort to after you know an adult that i don't really know what they would like my father-in-law for example i always resort to stuff that would like make things easier for him for them that they wouldn't maybe buy themselves so for example like stuff without home technology like um like the the ring doorbell yeah yeah yeah i mean like a a man of the house is going to be guests that he can now have security yeah and he could just make them feel a little bit more yeah but yeah you might not buy it for yourself but it's a nice kind of it's kind of nice kind of thing all like um and that kind of so there's some nice ideas of things um that you can make happen no is it my time to ask your time it's your time to ask what's ted oh okay you know what shall i do the random one sec i'm going to ask you that i'm going to still do the underwater toughness like in before we get to the question like the matter of aid right what a lot of people need to remember or perhaps um and understand it is that making a big deal out of aid it's an act of worship right and it's a bad so when you're celebrating and you're having fun and you're trying to make everyone happy and being happy on that day it's an act of worship with allah will award you for abundantly it's just like when you're fasting in ramadan when you're praying in the night praying all of that it's just like that that allah has legislated on this day that you celebrate within the boundaries of what allah has made permissible and that you have fun and that you make others happy and that you meet your friends and your and your family and you keep ties with them and so on of course and we will see what the restrictions are then but any uh that's what allah wants so this is when the person he reminds himself right and he's going to be rewarded for it allah will reward him abundantly on top of that he's doing something that he enjoys right but especially in the societies that we live in it's quite important that we make a big deal out of it so that uh us muslims are not inclined towards these other celebrations that are occurring right so that our children that they see they have something to look forward to because they see their friends perhaps making a big deal about about their celebrations right so if we're not making a big deal out of them we're just like oh we go to pray in the morning and then everyone to sleep so you don't do anything special then they're going to think oh it's nothing but nothing to look forward to it's very important that we raise our children we nurture them with that so that when they grow up as well they do the same thing with their children that's very true because um here's a question that i think will be beneficial to so many of us um how do we balance making uh eid uh big for the children for example even for ourselves because i'm a big kid but now we all have fun but but balancing that we we've trying to make sure that the the way we celebrate is in our own unique way so that we don't fall into imitating the celebrations like for example if we for example was to celebrate but then it's like obviously no one's gonna have our eight tree you know what i mean but you get my people coming from people they'll be they'll be like things that people things that their friend that their schoolmates might do um they would want to do on aid but then to what extent does that fall into imitating the the celebrations of the non-muslims and where's the line there jamie that's a very good question imitation okay what is the imitation that we're prohibited from doing it is doing things that are only specifically known for that celebration or those people if it's something that is universal that everyone does there's nothing wrong with that so like you couldn't do chocolate eggs and you couldn't do trees of course because that's specifically known for a celebration for instance but things that are universal universal like gifts but everyone gives gifts it's not something that's known for one celebration right uh good decorations uh dressing up well which is part of our celebration anyways part of the sun um what do you call it meeting and having celebrations gatherings all this stuff and having a feast and food and all this stuff it is nothing wrong with that that's universal it's the only thing that's specified to certain cultures and certain religions and certain celebrations that's stuff we have to stay away from because that is imitating them and we're not allowed to do that but everything else universal it's we're more than happy and we're allowed to do anything that is universal as long as within their boundaries and doesn't there's nothing nothing that's allowed like has prohibited it's absolutely fine honey um yeah oh the question followed random one oh this was a challenge okay oh you're getting all the challenges i'm getting another 25 in the 60 pack okay that was about me describe your relationship with risk with risk with the risk oh that's a that's an easy one i will tell you okay that's i'm a huge risk taker you are i think i take risks but calculated risks i don't take any risk right as long as you just do not go against my values and my morals and my faith i will take it but i'll perhaps contemplate a lot on the consequences of the risk if the consequence is huge i would uh perhaps avoid it but if the consequences are not so bad and there's some benefit that will come out of it i will take the risk right and perhaps that's what my personality what it's like right we tend to take a lot of risks i knew that we uh we don't uh any worry too much about what will happen because we uh yeah and hopefully i know we we tried to solve things on the spot yanni so i take risks but uh there's an element of and this is very important with the risks which i think perhaps as a muslim right it helps you um deal with risk generally which is that if your risk how do you know there's risk assessments right generally we need to when they teach you you have to do risk assessment all that stuff when you're taking risk as a muslim how do you do risk assessments right your risk assessment should be based on this matter this risk i'm taking is it going to damage my faith is it going to damage my relationship with allah is it going to damage my relationship with those that allah has obliged me to keep ties with if that is the case then i don't take that risk but if it's going to benefit those relationships if it's going to make it more fruitful right then i'll take that risk right because the risk will be minimum when it's based on that right but when the risk is is going to damage that allah does not want you to take that risk and that's why that's how the believer should be that he revolves his decisions around allah and around the religion of allah if your decisions you separated from what allah has obliged upon him of allah then i'm going to be a bit annie frank here but that's a that's an element of liberalism right a lot of us don't we think that being liberal it's dividing state and religion someone like you could have an element of liberalism in your actual life how when you think that certain parts of the deen do not govern my life right that's problematic the deen is there for you to act upon encompass every part of your life the moment you separate parts of your life from the religion you might be falling into that which is very problematic a lot of us can even sometimes when we're taking risks be like um weary of a risk because it affects our dunya but then um but then but there is a potential that it could affect our iman a bit but like okay we almost make excuses like okay but it might not affect my email like it could but it might not unless take the risk anyway but in on the other hand if something doesn't affect our iman or maybe it is good for any man but it might affect our dunya we might be like i don't know if i should take it it's like our morals sometimes are flipped he has a very profound statement that every time i read it or i'll hear it it's it literally covers everything okay a lot of time we take risk and the risk i'm talking about now is other risks to do with our deen and when we take risks that have to do with in general they are matters that don't please allah so they are called sins right when an individual he can miss a sin right and he commits a sin perhaps in private that's a huge risk you've taken or he does it in public that's another risk that you've taken right because you put your achira at risk right you put your at risk so even what does he say he said that the sins they have they have a punishment in this life filled hereafter as well if you don't do something about it if you don't repent et cetera and he says he says that those that you do in private they have a private punishment and those that you do in public they have a public punishment what do you mean by that sometimes when you take a risk when it comes to al-qaeda and you disobey allah you sin and you prefer your dunya what happens you perhaps have possessed that dunya matter and you are perhaps a living you are living a lifestyle that perhaps you are happy with however you are afflicted with because you are perhaps done in private nobody knows about us except allah so allah you with a punishment that only you know about it will be in your heart sometimes it is anxiety sometimes this is some sort of depression sometimes hardship nobody knows about it nobody can see it only allah knows about it because you do not sin in private right so he says secrets they will have a consequence and a punishment that is also hidden from the eyes of the people that you are in hardship people can see that you are living a beautiful life perhaps but perhaps you got this all through reba or you got through stealing from others but nobody knows about it you've done it but only you allah knows about it if you don't repent he says that's ham that anxiety that depression that hardship that your heart is feeding that is heavy it's between allah azza it's a punishment to make you turn back to allah azzawajal and just like that if you do something in public you just may allah in public allah may punish you in public the consequence may be a public punishment so that is the greatest risk that you're taking right this dunya that's perhaps that you possess it is not worth that that you make your even if you have the most lavish lifestyle you've taken everything that you want in terms of dunya but you're risking your heart and you're risking why you want someone to live that if you can't actually actually be happy happiness is not attached to materialistic matters happiness is the happiness of the heart and that's the happiness of the religion of allah and god consciousness is like the poet you say what he used to say he used to say well he is happiness true happiness to be accumulating wealth he says but the true happy individual is the one who's got conscious the one who fits allah who worships allah who basically he bases his life and his decisions on allah and the pleasure of allah and it is the best provision that you can save savings you know we save savings for our retirement and pension all this stuff right the best pension huh the best savings that you can save is good consciousness that you say for hereafter and allah has for that those are consciousness so in jannah you'll get you'll get jannah because of taqwa but that's not it is seeing allah's face because allah has pleased with you so allah will please you in the dunya and you'll get the greatest road in jannah we're just seeing his face meaning that they do good based on the pleasure of allah azzaw and dunya what do they get now which is jannah was the other and more were to see in the face of allah that is what we that's the mindset that we're meant to have right base your risks on the pleasure of allah so what do i mean by that when you're taking a risk okay sometimes you take a risk okay he has a beautiful way that he explains it actually he mentions ether and he tells us what he thought is what he thought it is to give preference to other things over this of yourself to prefer other things over yourself whether it's other people other things right so we say ether is two types okay there's the ether which is the best type of ether which is to prefer the pleasure of allah over the pleasure of the creation so if someone is doing something that displeases allah or he's engaged in something that is pleasing you perhaps do something that will displease him in order to please allah that is a risk isn't it it could be someone close to you it could be someone who perhaps you are very fond of however to please allah that is the risk that you take and making the pleasure of allah as it was your ultimate goal and focusing on that and taking that risk it's a level that only a few here they reach but it should be a goal that we should all aspire to reach he says he says that this is this is the the level that the prophets and messengers have reached the prophets and mentioned risk everything for the pledge of allah right they risked their their livelihoods they left their they risked their own lives they could have died some of them were killed right allah they risked their wealth they missed everything an example that actually some of this is not an arab right he was a freed slave he lives in makkah when he was freed he made a lot of wealth he became very rich in makkah now what happened when he embraced islam right after the prophetic hazmat had migrated to medina so he was still in makkah he hadn't migrated yet he wanted to migrate and he had all his wealth he gathered all his wealth and he has a lot of money he wants to migrate to madinah what do they do they stopped him they said where do you think you're going all this money you made in our city this is basically our money you're just a foreigner who's come to our land stealing our jobs as they say i will take all our money with you lala we're not having that's what they said so what happened they said you either give us the money and we'll let you go all the wealthy his camels his mode of transport all his wealth or we keep you in captive you're not going anywhere so what does he do all his wealth he gave it to them and then on feet he walked all the way to medina from mecca and you can imagine how long that took allah revealed that i ever got in that okay says are those look at the wording allah uses those who purchase themselves for the pleasure of allah and this verse is real because of sweep what he did it is as if he bought himself for the pleasure of allah but giving up his wealth and then allah says merciful and compassionate towards his slaves meaning that when you take this risk allah will replace that with something better and allah will take care of you he has no idea this verse was real because of him he's walking to medina he's taking ages days and so on he finally arrives in al madinah the prophet ali saw somebody arrived all the sahaba rum they're all waiting for his arrival there's a big reception waiting for him why because they know this is ruled regarding him they want to give him glad tidings your transaction was successful your business was successful they said he's confused he says oh my i just lost all my money where you guys talk about i didn't make any profit right and he's confused right so they said do you not know allah regarding you that's going to be recited what is better than that than they recited us that's how they were so that is the sort of risk that individual he takes he but other risks but of course it should be calculated an issue based on wisdom we're not saying and risk your whole life put yourselves in harm's way and so on it is based on wisdom and based new ability allah does not burden you more than that you compare right we're not saying any uh do just throw everything away and someone left right everything is based on your ability knows what you're capable of he knows your ability and allah will only hold hold you accountable for what you're able of doing whatever you're not able to do allah will never ask you he does not even expect you to do it forget allah asking you allah thank you so much uh for coming to freshly gardened alhamdulillah we've hit the hour mark um but before we end before we end this uh this episode of ramadan uh let's talk about because we didn't at all um first of all is he running for the month of ramadan and also um what is it suriman i'm to ask you and then you can kind of bounce it off to his head if you'd like to talk to me i would um i'll ask the shaykh first if he wants to go first do you wanna shall i go on that line um let's talk about what i thought is what's ethan what is the name okay in arabic so of course is an arabic word it means leaving a choice it means it can mean legacy it can mean effect it can mean uh and so on all these things the wording means and the concept it is that uh the individual he manages to become someone who attains sacred knowledge right and through that seeking not in that sacred knowledge of islam he manages to become a better person because that's what knowledge is meant to do and when that happens he is living the legacy of the prophets alaihi right because the legacy of the prophet an inheritance he left behind it is a sunnah knowledge so you're living that legacy and when you leave that legacy you'll be one who leaves behind a legacy of course why why do i say that because in order to leave behind a legacy you need to first live that long legacy that legacy if you live that legacy of the prophet and you implement it in your life to leave behind something that to extend to your qiyamah that will benefit you in your grave not to benefit your qiyamah that others will benefit from and that the minimum that that could be is that you just become a better person and people and this is the easiest one that people they mentioned good about you after your death right they say this person he was a good person the prophet ali saw someone there was two genetics that went past the first one went past and the people are saying bad things about this individual things evil and so on and the prophet saw he said it has become mandatory and compulsory and then another janazah went by and the people are praising this individual saying good things about this deceased person and praising him and so on and the prophet said it has become compulsory what does that mean yeah the prophet salallahu said bad things about he means that this person the people saying bad things about him right it could mean that that's how he's going to be in the hereafter is a sign because he said at the end of the hadith you are the witnesses of allah on his earth meaning that allah he places in the hearts of the people of mankind some indication perhaps that when they annie loves someone it's a sign that perhaps allah is pleased with them not a hundred percent but to sign perhaps allah please with them allah loves them when they dislike someone and so on or they mention eve about him it could mean that that individual he could end up in a bad place and so on it's all a possibility it doesn't mean 100 right so the minimum that's individually behind right it is that the people they mentioned good about him after his death and when they mention good about him and they will say may allah mercy upon him and they make to have him or perhaps they give saddam on his behalf that's the minimum person can get but of course with knowledge you attain lots more right you get a lot more and i was going to mention that ibrahim right he made a dua some people they think that after you pass away people saying bad good things about you it shouldn't it shouldn't be something you should desire now it should be something you desire okay perhaps in this world you shouldn't decide for people to praise you a lot and so on because it can affect you but after you passed away people saying good things about you it's something that the believers should desire why because when they mention good about you they make dua for [Music] me a truthful tongue amongst others and amongst those who come later on after my death what is the truth of tongue meaning they say that they mentioned good about me that's us mentioning good about ibrahim all the religions tried to claim ibrahimovic the jews say that he brought him from us did christians say ibrahimovic they tried to claim him right because to the extent that okay ibrahim was not a jew and he was not a christian but he was a monotheist muslim and who submitted to allah and he was not from the mushrik napolethist right so and allah look at look just look at our salah every time we pray to allah what we say we say oh allah praising allah allah praise you in the heavens right and the family in the household the prophet muhammad saw and then we say just like you have praised ibrahim ibrahim and just like the you have praised the family ibrahim those because all the prophets that came later on they're from the descendants right he's called abu and the father the prophets so look at that allah it's a legacy so when you follow the footsteps of the prophets and you follow them in what they did especially by learning the knowledge and implement knowledge and you become someone who is influential just by not even saying anything your character you will leave behind you leave behind a legacy you live behind in sha allah and the greatest way that an individual he can leave behind ether it is starting with the us of all knowledge which is speech of allah that the individual he should give a lot to importance and time to the book of allah more than other times the prophet was when he was described by his wife [Music] the quran because i understood it so the objective it is to understand the quran to comprehend the quran to reflect upon the quran upon the quran to act upon the quran after you reflect to act upon the quran implement your lives so this is something perhaps i think that has or we have become slightly distant from which is alhamdulillah nowadays there's a there's um and a great awakening that has occurred in the last few decades when it comes to memorizing the book of allah learning this tajweed but when it comes to learning the meaning of the quran and actually learning how to be cultivated with the quran and implementing your life there's not as much of a saha awakening so we're trying to create that awakening that important especially with uh those who do not speak the arabic language right and a lot of learning arabic is ideal and that's what i advise every single individual to learn the arabic language because that's the only way you can truly understand the quran properly however realistically not everyone's able to do that ideally right we would want every muslim to know arabic but realistically not every muslim is going to be able to learn arabic so bringing the meaning of the quran to them in a language that they can understand and cultivate them through being cultivated in the quran which shows you the meaning of the quran in the quran it teaches you how you can implement the quran it teaches you how you can be from the people of the quran because a lot of people misunderstand that they think being from people qurans by members of allah the people of the quran they are the people of allah and his elite ones the people they think that if i memorize the quran that doesn't mean you from people quran he defines what it means to be from the people of the quran he says he says the people of the quran are those who act upon the quran and look what he says even he says this is an exception he says even if they haven't memorized it memorizing of course it's praiseworthy and it's virtuous and you should memorize the quran but let's say someone had an excuse he was not able to because of certain circumstances and he didn't manage to memorize the whole on his life if he acts upon the quran and he has a strong relationship with the quran and he recites the quran and he makes a part of his life he can still be from the people of the quran right it's a matter of learning it even if you haven't memorized it learning the meaning of it learning how to act upon it embodying it and so on you can be from the people of the quran without any doubt so that is what we're trying to achieve at ether and of course any other sciences will help the individual as well i understand the quran so we teach other sciences but the objective is to understand the quran and that's why all these other sciences the son of the messenger [Music] it was given to the prophet to clarify to them what was the real term in the quran so the sunnah quran explains the quran and the sahaba would explain the quran and the and all these other sciences that were made separate sciences they are taken from the quran and they are basically and make it easy for you to understand them from the other books of the scholars but it's all from the quran the son of the messenger so that is what we're trying to do insha'allah that we're trying to become a generation insha'allah that are closer to the book of allah so that we can live the legacy of the messenger the miracle that's going to remain unto you which is the quran we can live it we can inspire others to also learn the book of allah azzawajal properly and that we also embody the book of allah azzawajal we implement in our lives of course and we help others insha allah live their legacy in order to leave behind a legacy now for jumping on this episode um i don't need to thank you because you are part of the team okay now thank you for having me man thank you for having us it's we can do this again uh sometime and uh and hopefully may allah invitation and it's always lovely to be here every time um i don't come here often but every time i do come i benefit from them from the discussions that we have and the thing is a lot of people what they think is that when someone's speaking that they're speaking to others but what you should do when you're speaking it is that when i speak my ears hear it before others right so it should be that you it to yourself before you talk to others and the thing is that when you are speaking to others while you are trying to and benefit others you should be trying to benefit yourself first because what you say it will either be evidence for you or against you but if you benefit from you from it yourself it will benefit evidence for you but if you just say if you don't benefit from it as much then it could be an evidence against you and that's what we don't want so sometimes talking a lot which i do a fairly good amount of may allah give us it is uh something that can be problematic but at the same time it is something that if you use it correctly you can benefit a lot of people and that's why the prophet salallahu that when someone is able to speak very well eloquently it is as if it is right someone could say a few things to you that and and it will completely change you right and that's why some of the salah would say that the only those who are righteous those who are from the elohim right some of the quran in english it is when allah tabar that he grants you he honors you with some sort ability right when we believe in quran allah can give to some of the writers right some of them they mention it is that one is able to inspire others being able to motivate inspire others is karamah allah he only gives to somebody slaves right right you're able to motivate others so this is the fact that you have this podcast and you're able to motivate others through it and inspire others and that others are learning from it it's a great nightmare that we should show gratitude to allah azzawajal and that we thank allah for because if we don't allah take it away as we mentioned at the beginning of the quran of the prophet that with a sudden disaster calamity that happens that changes everything and that's the well-being that i'm in and the goodness and that i have it completely flips to the opposite badness and so on and then what you mean everything that angers you may allah and we took it back to what we started with thank you everyone who's watching uh who watch this episode i will see you again insha allah next week salam alaykum
Channel: Freshly Grounded
Views: 47,588
Rating: 4.9531035 out of 5
Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslim Podcast, muslim youtuber
Id: _TkzYisq9QE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 48sec (4668 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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