Ranking Every Single Fight in Bleach

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what is up people we should be live what's good what's good let me just quickly put out this thumbnail and quickly drag that into the Discord as well look at me coming unprepared man we hate to see it what's goody Kevin what's goody Alves if he's here today we are going to be ranking every single fight in Bleach I made this tell us for it it's in the description if you want to make your own one alongside me and uh yeah not much more that needs to be said to your list um I'll probably change the names of each tier throughout because I don't like the whole s to D because I might have two fights in the same tier that aren't like we'll see because I'm not going off of this like I'm not giving this one specific criteria it's purely feeling whether that's writing how I feel about how well the fight is written the impact it has on me emotionally whatever it may be so yeah I'm probably just gonna take out the letters from now and just go a feel it was goody zero are you trying to go VC oh you're already in here bro I'm gonna do this alone for a bit let me get through alone for a bit if you're active in like an hour I'll pull up because I'm Gonna Be Live for a few hours if I just knocked my uh mic sir about a yo perfect thing to have on to help me push hey I love it I'm loving the art bro I only found out a couple months ago that you draw and make art so I was impressed Ichigo this is fishbone I'll probably put that here I'll feel chapter one this is the thing it's a fight but it's not the actual I'll probably put this here just because of how big of a moment this is in the story and how the fight isn't really what matters it's the interactions with Ichigo and Rukia death and strawberry greatness I'll probably put this here just a few the more we get in the more I'll know how I'm ranking things Ichigo is a hexapodus probably put here this is testing ichigo's resolve to protect everybody and not just you know when it suits him uh one of his first trousers as a substitution they got me and it's nice because Ichigo does have that journey by fool bring like he wants to protect everybody whether that be strangers or anyone so seeing how he started as a 15 year old and whatnot I like this Ichigo versus acid wire output up here probably honestly this is a sensational stretch of chapters and moment live action hex support this fight is better not gonna lie cool Rock track two eight I have to tap in man Chester ground fish is better than live action I need to beat the live action it sounds like rookie and Chad versus Sharika I'll probably put this at the bottom for now at the bottom I don't think there will be many fights better than this in the story um worse than this I should say and it's not like it's bad it's just barely it's not even like a fight Ichigo vs Sharika had put with fishbone because I like how hell is introduced it's kind of Epic the spread we get and whatnot no this introduced how Ichigo versus Streaker and what's good Stardust this is what introduced hell um rookie and travisa shrika is like while they're waiting for Ichigo to come back home or come back from home he had to go drop off Karen which is nice I actually like how they were you know able to hold it down while Ichigo prioritizes being a brother which is so real mod Soul incident right at the bottom I don't even know why I included this it was a bit of an accident um because it's not even a fight it's just everything with con and getting him out of the body um it's cool it's cool stuff it's actually I actually like the character work on Con ichigon Converses millipede Hollow will go there as well it is kind of cool to see two ichigos fighting together is kind of comical and funny but yeah not much to say about that honestly I might open up the manga for some of these just to show you guys what exactly I'm talking about so this would be the mod Soul incident chapter 15. and his crew ginta uru and tessai make ways and then they get caught out of the body essentially and put him into the the teddy bear where they do that in the next chapter they put him back into the pill this is It's actually kind of cool the fact that this is at the bottom just it says a lot because I actually really like these chapters I I've the first Arc has grown on me a lot I think it's pretty damn good not gonna let it gets a bit slow at parts um but generally it's a lot of hits it's a lot of hits Ichigo vs Grant Fisher see this is where I'm gonna have to put another tier at the top yeah I think that makes sense put Ichigo versus ground Fisher here with acid wire versus Demi Hollow I'm sorry Sarah let's go under the bottom chandelier this is when she gets the shunchun Rica foreign it's just I don't think of these chapters ever thanks for the subscription there appreciate it wait I don't think about this guy ever Cuba never drew or him if um for a fan more rather than in fact I might have been a typo but yeah this is cool I like this fight I'm Gonna Make You See the Light Canon GSP and you were thinking about him constantly say no more we'll see Chad versus bolbus when he gets the uh I don't even know the name of his ability man I don't even have Diablo he doesn't even call it that here though I'm not sure you go and urugu versus the menos Grande I'm gonna put this here for now these tears are gonna change drastically with time though I feel like right arm of the giant he gets here and then later on he gets left on with the Devil Ichigo versus renji and biakuya I'll probably put this here this is Cinematic from start to finish like this I'm actually putting this like I'm assuming this is a SS and this is a s and this is a you know what let's put the letters there for now just to make life easier I would say this is actually like an estate fire from start to finish man everything I buy is so good Cayenne parallels the the the like the dimension of cayenne the conversation between biakia and Andrew Kia the end moment with orahara and the umbrella the rain this is so let me actually Bring the actual chapters up we can't look at this in color thank you look at the art here bro look at the cookery this stuff is sensational I was a good copy man I wanted to respond to you I actually had a message written up and then I realized I had to go live in one minute I was like [ __ ] we'll get back to this one later he gonna change radman's view of don't go nadita already got you covered in the laddles hey oh yeah that's his emcee of one of the light off with you all right but this is just Peak to me I'm not gonna lie to you genuinely this is a really really good stretch of chapters when they pull up to the human world it feels like mihook's introduction um where it completely just blows up the scope of like the power spectrums of the world like you're introduced to a real top tier because Bianca at this point he's considerably stronger than Ichigo people do not understand how ridiculous ichigo's growth is throughout the story Ichigo is just different he's he's not normal he like these guys had hundreds of years to get to that level and don't get me wrong they all grow at ridiculous rates as well throughout the story but this is a wash me okay B for the villain not the MC he's Musashi yeah now Ichigo is not even just Musashi I wouldn't even I wouldn't even call it he's he's like some a deity bro he's like he's a Chosen One basically bro he's a veil candidate bro he has enough spiritual energy and he's a he's a mixture of every race which makes his biology like the craziest he's he's a special special phenomenon in the bleach world I feel like people don't understand this his rate of growth is nuts he's using Quincy techniques against kempachi like subconsciously because it exists within him I don't think people think of it from that perspective or he was being helped by old manzengit to is him you know what I mean so like he's he's got stuff above other characters which is nuts and I feel like that feeling is present throughout the manga just think about the final gets attention what that really is people have problems with Ichigo being op but he was Opie since exactly like what are you talking about what are you guys talking about this the very first chapter look here saying what is this guy she's she tells him I'm probably 10 times older than you and he goes what the hell is this how is he this strong I've never seen a zampakto this big I'm like huh or at least an assaulty but I don't think he had the idea just to but boy look at all here man boy this stretch is Sensational I love Kishimoto utilizes this a lot I'd say this kind of style The Very Thin Line work and it just looks Sensational every time this is beautiful the rain has stopped man bleach easily has my favorite on the big three now I've dipped it it does but what's interesting it doesn't have my favorite action art and most of the most of the mangas in is is fights which is interesting to think about but Kishimoto definitely takes it for me when it comes to how the fights are drawn the choreography the just Kishi is just a monster of the pen yeah Trials of the shattered shaft this would basically be the blade in me everything around here oops not a thousand year blood War everything around here oh my god do you know what I just noticed about this chapter you know what I just noticed about this chapter you know how everyone talks about ichibe's involvement here you know how everyone talks about how ichibe did this the next chapter is titled back in black and has the exact same style of chapter title as the ichibe fights where is it this is literally from now we're not already had a blood War bro we're on the first Arc we're just talking about the blood War because I just noticed the similarity because ichibi from the fight in the blood War with ichibe this one he basically removes yahaba's name this [ __ ] here so I'm just trying to peep I think I think that might be like an intentional little thing that's a cool little detail I'm not gonna lie but it could have just been subconscious like it could have just been a lucky accident because he already draws chapter titles like that sometimes you know what I mean but look same [ __ ] Back in Black this is kind of fire not gonna lie kubo's rule for this you know what we're doing we tweet in that no context no caption it's straight the agenda will get pushed even on stream I'm afraid that's how rude this is even on the stream I'm putting out tweets gang oh my Lord Kubo is that guy he is just that guy he's just that guy you know when you notice those things ah this is why I love streaming anyways Ichigo versus that's probably a c tip bro him versus the giant actually not again gatekeeper [ __ ] is kind of gas I'm putting that c I'm putting that c Ichigo versus the Kaku straight to the s straight to the Earth straight to the S the all in this fight is sensational and this fight has a lot of nostalgic attachment like it's got a lot of nostalgic value for me I remember watching this for the first time look at the art here though boy yeah the choreography against you dumbo was fire I don't know about s I don't know I bro this has some of the best yeah it has some of the best choreo why do you know the chapter number I know this series at the back of my hand I know Naruto one piece ladder as well though I could tell any any scene but this is asbro this is escrow look at this [ __ ] this is sensational oh my God the orahara training oh look at this page bro this looks like Ichigo this looks like Musashi versus ancient Loki it gives me that Vibe the spare user you already know Kubo must have read Musashi this is he therefore been red Vagabond bro he's a fan bro therefore man he's seen in a way the god of the penis he studied him he's got that vibe to it bro I have to push that agenda bleach is shown in vagabond SS I don't know about that we'll see I'm not gonna lie a lot of these tears are getting changed it's very likely a lot of these go down and I don't say these are s after I add more fats because I'm not even looking at s you guys need to understand something I'll put this out there now if I'm seeing this Esther fighting bleach it might not be a s to fight in Naruto because the way I look at the Spectrum is I'm not look I'm looking at full within the series I'm only looking at all these fights within the scope of bleach fights this is the bleach fight tier list it's not like all fights so that scale doesn't apply to those because I don't I hate using S tier because how are you gonna call an S tier from one series it just gets so complicated because they have different strengths and it's just hard to compare them they're completely different series they have different approaches to fights within the series is fair I'm not even sure what I think it is within bleach yeah now these might drop because there's so many more fights coming it's kind of nuts there's a ridiculous amount ganju versus here here he'll maybe see I'll put it here it's a cool fact it's a cool fact I think that might even go D that's one of those fights that I don't even remember it's cool he saves Orihime he pulls up it's a nice scene but I don't even think about that chapter this is going straight to us this might even be SS boy oh no no I'm confused this is a s this is s this is not SS this is not SS this is an S I was thinking about another one that's that's a bit down the line I'm sorry this is probably top 10 and this is probably top 10 in Bleach no Yuma chica this isagi yumichika vs shuhe boy that happens wait on the land what is there a ghost in my office yeah that's scary I am random there's a ghost behind me bro how's the Box just randomly falling onto the floor that's a bit heavy that's a bit heavy how is it gonna the the windows are closed there's no wind flow all right there's a ghost beside me hey cool hey is probably my favorite in the series we'll see I don't I don't think people are going to be happy in my dream job placement campaign didn't even end in Ichigo win people forget you go hit the floor first but Camp actually gave him the win but so many beautiful things about that fight starts around here well it's already started here I'd say yeah look at the art throughout this fight we have to go through it all I'm sorry just look at look at how nice this feels to read look at the like the framing from an art standpoint boy the Kenpachi POV going into the Clash look at the brush work boy look at this [ __ ] boy [ __ ] couldn't even cut him he gave him a free hit stop running away I don't enjoy chasing rabbits he looks like a he looks like a rabbit bro he drew him like a rabbit bro look at him he looks like a rabbit does that not look he looks like a rabbit boy he looks like a rabbit they look the same [Music] that I'm actually trolling right now but but I actually love this fact look at some of these Pages look at him realizing Chad just got defeated did Chad's spiritual pressure vanish and then he feels a drop of it get a grip I can't afford to be scared I promise and he gets the cut in oh Sensational when patient or the power of friendship done right and look at him no this story is Sensational and this fight is Sensational probably put that in a just for his connection to that and just because it's cool for Chad and shunsui is raw it's one of the goats off rip like I don't think there's a character I've ever liked as much as like as quickly as I've liked shinsuke there are a few there are a few but you I feel like he got me instant instant cell it just off the design in the um in the meeting of the when do they meet chapter 80. when did the captains meet I forgot exactly it really shows you mainly got me a photo no that's when he got me for like character depth but I'm just talking about liking a guy just of vibes would you say it would have been a blunder if Chad lately hit probably not even no I'm not gonna lie but I do think I do think there are blunders in it like bleaches power skin and if you were to actually scrutinize every little detail it is nice that he doesn't even land ahead on him but I think that had I think that says something though I think that says something though because I feel like every single chat fight is is a mockery unless it's against a bum like okay I guess I guess I guess that that one previous spider is not a bum Moscato but generally like Chad doesn't cook and there's a reason for that because Ichigo and uru you are like the chosen one of the like Ichigo is all Races chosen one and Udi is technically a like the Queen's the last Quincy the guy [ __ ] rejected Ash Valen like the guy is different just from being able to do that I feel like my theory on that is that antithesis like subconsciously activated because Quincy abilities are unique to the Quincy it's you have azaleatu that activates them so when he tried to do the ash Valen and take basically his power his reaction back from him who do you deny that [ __ ] with antithesis I feel like that's why he's the only one who ever survived it Ichigo Bankai training this is probably Esther yarbox said there's something to do that surpasses his own power I think this is a this is either so a I'm gonna I'm gonna put this a but I feel like some of these fights are gonna drop to be yeah I feel like some of these facts are gonna drop to be trouser the Shad stuff will stay there um a shaft Ichigo versus ground Fisher will stay there this is mayori SS Soul Society was generational Soul Society was generational bro Soul Society was actually like the fight lineup is crazy bro I reread this fight recently and I I fully fell in love with it I didn't think of it it didn't really draw me on my first like my recent reread but I reread volumes here and there look in this [ __ ] bro look at this speech bubble boy Kubo is so clean this is actually my guy but yeah like the all just reaches next levels here man boy one of the best fights for sure this spread boy I'm disobeying you one lot yeah I think Kubo I think Kubo just off of Soul Society I've I'm recently considering giving it a 10 as well but just off of Soul Society I think he established himself as one of a kind and Shonen Jump not like one of a kind from everyone else but like up there like one of those arcs he had one of those arcs boy because each of these guys are one of a kind in a way like other Kishimoto I think Togashi with Chimera and they just had that Ark he had his Alabaster movement yeah soul Society was like this is this is a this is a great [ __ ] story you know what I mean children exam I'd say muso Sasuke retrieval personally Sasuke retrieval is a bit more built up and it is better I'd say much better but I'd say it's all Society is is a similar kind of deal in terms of setup man because tuning exams wasn't that it doesn't compare to Soul society yet too I'd have it a lot lower I'd have it like if I was to rank arcs they would at least be a tear difference between the two Samsung console Society is a strong narrative built from chapter one everything rookia and and ichigo's dynamic the Society is far above far above what yo Hollow of fire ten thousand gets you the gold name thank you for the thank you for the membership but you're the first member on the channel we'd love to see it welcome I need to update like membership perks and whatnot but yeah man much appreciated boy this is like a quick scuffle it can go and be because it is raw seeing two captains go out for the first time in the story um because it is the first like exchange between two captains and it's interesting this is in like chapter 130 I'd say Oscar retriever ain't that good nah uh you don't get it I'm afraid you know you don't get it that Arc is something else foreign this is a sensational quick quick little Clash I wonder if we should have included the fight from the hell chapter no I don't think so I don't think so to me that's another story bro that's not bleach they should remove it from bleach on the on the manga sea and right you know what they should write new breaths from hell that's what they need to write new manga titled I should be able to write new breaths from hell and read the chapter because it's not bleach it's another series that Kubo will be starting soon in the next six months time for Clorox literally no I need help though I'm manifesting bro new breaths new briefs six that's copium yeah I think it's actually gonna come after the anime if ever not If Ever I think it's definitely coming but I feel like that'll be the best time for it hinomori stuff here this is gas man this is gas the all his sensation look at this look at the oh boy foreign oh my God live man he's that guy bro he's that guy that actually might be a Asian just off of how epic that was just just skimming just now I'm joking I'll leave it in B but I really like that that I get a hero model is my favorite mankind name for me it's probably doesn't get tense as I get I don't know he doesn't really say it though he just says he does say it he does say it he does sit here and there I'm just the Ichigo Stan but now my favorite Bankai is probably counting kyokotsukama sushinju or or a close runner-up would probably be of how am I forgetting it was just in my head in terms of the name he also the ikaku one bangkai says one day one day I'll probably make that with the same format I'll just make a bunch of bleach to this King Jackie oh oh oh yeah yeah that's that's um yeah yeah this is the memories in the rain flashback so like chapter 135 I think yeah Sensational character man where did Ichigo rank amongst your favorite MCS like top six in fiction Bankai and hillock maybe potentially yeah because I do think he has Bankai this is actually a tragedy man his wife got eaten up as well bro I've actually never you like the kind stuff in the Ranka or the the aruniero stuff yeah what is cayenne cheapest Bankai let me just Google this let's take the wiki let's just check what his actions unpack told Billy is because I want to see if it ties to Shiba or Ichigo in anyway Twisted flower sealed an average castle of a rectangular cross guards water laughs I don't even remember it properly man I'm not gonna lie about Frozen Cayenne fan I I just I just read his dialogues all the time water and issiness fire interesting versus this is so gas oh my Lord this is when I knew Seoul Society wasn't playing it's around here right maybe a bit before this actually yeah it's here we get Bankai spreads here bro which I'm so glad he did I'm glad ichigo's Bankai wasn't the first one we saw wait was it a banker does use Bangkok does he not we see obviously we see lengie and byaki as Bankers as well but do we see is this happening concurrently with this fight this is why I need to do this reread oh this is Sensational this is Sensational we have to gloss over this though because we we got other stuff to read right now komama is at the end in a spread I think it's here yeah yeah as well yeah we do campaign is a [ __ ] girl oh my Lord around here concurrently bro and he's balancing them oh making them all work what a guy what a guy Kubo cooked that's definitely 80. ikaku this is not even a fight I'll put that in Theater Yuma chica versus Shuhei is definitely 80. that's there with it this is a great [ __ ] fight it's literally hair I just went past it It's s relax a s is reserved for the special stuff man I wondered why the [ __ ] you had ever visited yeah I just included it because I including every fight man every technical fight that was listed on the wiki this stuff might be a slow keeper is special I need to become as much of a a shuhe a new michika fantasy I don't even think much of them but yeah it's gone already at this point right when does it continue like I don't even remember to fight properly how am I gonna give it more than a I just remember the key scenes you got me glossing through hella chapters she hate one of the greatest byakia is going straight to SS and it's the best fight in the story up to this point easily this entire sequence we have to go actually here from here from here these next two chapters might be the greatest like it might be the one of the greatest double drops back-to-back drops and Wiki children and Jumpman it has to be two 11 out of 10 chapters back to back foreign at this point you know his character Arc is sensational look at this [ __ ] bro no words like no words need to be said I can't lie to you no words need to be the color version is not better here color it stop don't say that again no words need to be said here bro how the [ __ ] do I have Society online it's a 10. Oh My talking my every bleach Arc is going to be a 10 in time watch wait on it bro I'm gonna turn into a full bring stand wait on it bro I'm gonna be telling you guys giriko is the goat away on it this is too sensational how did I give this a night that don't make sense not getting bro how lit oh man ain't no way he'll come on there's a 10 foot yeah no that's fine that's right probably the messiest stretch you've been playing any more Brave something no I'm not gonna lie to you please look at this just look at this I want you guys to just 11 zoom in you know what yeah where can I go to full screen here you go look at it properly you need to take this in sensational absolutely sensational uh zoomed out besides blood censorship even the animated well here oh and then we get p fiction oh my Lord this is a CR this is another scene that has been hidden different for me lately like really hitting different for me what gin does torukia here is insane this is different that whole flashback section was great as well but this right here I thought I'd given up hope look who's your sister if I chose docket for you right now your engine office too was he going mad or would you get by helping me what would you get by helping me no maybe he just kidding goodbye I'll see you at the soccer I thought I'd given up hope I thought she finally was content with actually dying she thought [ __ ] it I'm ready I'm ready to take the punishment and he said I can save you you know oh he's that guy I was shaking by Heavens I was shaken by having something like hope dangling in front of me just like that it made me want to live my resolve crumbled that is sad anyways this is going straight to SS I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says that is probably a crazy take it's probably a very crazy take but I'm sorry death berry returns let me explain at least all right I'm taking everything into consideration here I'm not just considering this a fight technically I'm considered an event like what happened at this event Ichigo pulling up like this like Alvis just said folding free lieutenants yeah use manga decks for double spreads [ __ ] it we're gonna we're gonna have to suffer boy look what he does to the execution stand to the scaffold I guess and number one place I call that I should have went to manga the X Maybe and he does this and I think what people sleep on here is the rookia mentorship like you've grown strong Ichigo like she's been with him since Day thought and she hasn't seen him since the start of salt she hasn't seen him since before he got zangetsu bro well she has seen him she saw him on the bridge but not his power yeah I know he was wearing Yuri yeah Luigi's Cape here but still just the destroying the scaffold flexing like that but yeah death berry returns SS can't lie to you guys how did I think we were done I just looked Society I'm tripping this is a this is a bee probably maybe even a it's hard I think I'll put this in a I think I'll put this in a it's hard to say it's one of those that it's like it's epic it's real gold swag but I wouldn't really go back to reread it outside of wanting to see a robot's fact you know what I mean it's like fun I wouldn't really engage in it with it on a deeper level which is probably bad there's stuff here like this little flashback is interesting I like how the fight is recontextualized in the joha bar fight how exactly I just like seeing thing welcome into oversold Society I disagree both two plated only two of their kind exist in all the soul Society a magnificent sight indeed hype is not sprout these guys are Ichigo too bro not really but that's why I think people I think people sleep on that aspect of Ichigo getting the getting the two bladed zambakto people really sleep on it this guy is rails right arm yeah and shinsui is Captain come on the level probably the greatest Talent in he's probably the greatest talents in Seoul Society other than Ichigo and ukitaki now he is he's more than ukitake he's more than equitake itake has the rails it probably does wonders for him bro it's a curse except he made him survive the curse but I call her I forgot Aki's backstory three in a million a lot of the nature of young water subservience at this point in the story one could easily able to just do a noble right thing I'm half Society okay I get that shouldn't see his equal or greater than okitake but again toshiro campaign gin is an interesting one I don't know if I'd agree with gin um toshiro is very valid Kenpachi as well Kenpachi as well I think I think toshiro is the most valid one but I think he's the candidate for next Captain Commander in like the natural progression of the universe anyway if that makes sense campachi is just a unique case now I think toshiro does man I think toshiro does I think toshiro does toshiro is a special she's he takes a whole lot of else bro but he's special when it's made clear countless times I'd say kenpachi's a war potential yeah toshiro at his max Peak like and how he's completely repaired as far as the loyalty and former yama's mana and justification for his presence in the Quincy War now get exactly what you mean yeah this is [ __ ] raw though yeah not gonna lie how long since I felt this fear like the weight of the deep sea this Transcendent spiritual pressure even in his shika State this heat that scorches the heavens and consumes even the clouds that blade that turns everything before into Ash the hype it bleaches dialogue is just Next Level bro it's actually nice the other YouTubers sorry phone is an a some of the best choreography in the series it's just it's just great it's just great he says a while plays an S I meant to say s I meant to say s I meant to say s foreign was more of a genius than him blatantly I actually don't remember that this is gas the backstory two commanders of the respective like squads in the gote 13 and of the on mitsikido facing off basically the master versus The Apprentice and you really feel that Vibe throughout and this gas and the final page gets me [ __ ] fire oh Lord I love this this is gas this is s this is Sensational bro can you guys tell me about a female versus female fight and Shonen Jump can you I don't think I can say any any better than this not gonna lie I don't think there are any I'm really racking my brain I'm really racking my brain and there isn't Sakura this is you know I don't hate the fight I'm not even gonna lie to you but nah I'm afraid not even close by fiction well we can go to this chapter but I'm not bothered to go with the colored why him it needs SST just for it low-key I'm gonna add a SS2 because I feel like the gap between some of these top top stuff is a bit big like I put this there and I put renji versus Bianca there as well I feel like these gaps make sense for each tier these gaps will make sense right now who this is Ted's design is going to go down below is going to go up Shrieker down yeah I think this makes sense for now I think even Yuma chica gonna go down I'll even lie to you guys this feels right this is Sensational cooking one the grimdale fight is SSS now um it's it's not going to be low I won't say that but I think you'll be disappointed this is so short honestly I'm gonna put this at Sea and I'm not even gonna bother to go get the chapter it's a cool Clash images for the first time was something I didn't even notice on First Watch didn't even remember surprise me reviewed I don't know what you're talking about so yeah I'll probably find out on like 10 volumes of this route please probably has the best one big free from SS only is not gonna lie I'd personally agree but I wouldn't mind someone saying not at all because Naruto's art is sensational but yeah this entire Final Act of the Ark everything with Eisen the Menos and then I alone will stand at the top you were interesting for a human no one ever stood the top Atop The Heavens before not you or I or the gods but the unbearable vacancy of Heaven's Throne ends now from now on I will stand at the top straight to the SSS baby straight there no question the arrival of Yami and urukura I'll put that probably at a I'll put this in a I put this at a the tears are not ordered by the way I'll put this at here do you cure versus D Roy I'm not gonna bother going to these fights not gonna lie to you because this stream will be so long but yeah we'll put this here this is Edward I'll put an a especially because I have a bit of nostalgic attachment to this fight I'll never forget hearing real men he also kimaru in the anime for the first time when I was a kid sensational I like you want to play the scene but I don't want the stream to get copyrighted having kids get involved in this fight with Sensational cooking yeah or you're talking about it when you do a one piece fight too let's nah yeah I got confused was obviously not here maybe maybe at some point I could see myself doing that then Jesus is how long they're all gonna go here they were all the fights that were happening simultaneously and it's a very very cool moment of them getting access to 100 of their ability after the cap is lifted like they get permission and it's just this epic spread oh my God P fish and P fish and P fishing we can't look at that right now oh Pete fishing we call the color right now where is it here that is the calcified greatness they all getting watched basically they're getting washed and they get permission they do they Gente kaijo yeah and then they cook the [ __ ] out of them the spreads are just Sensational a really cool moment Ichigo versus grimja one I'll put him B which is this first encounter we get here well it's basically this entire stretch we get more of it before Torsen arrives this is gas this is going a this is going a this is definitely going a it's not B I'm tripping that is not okay this is there right here that's going a I forgot how long the fight was in the manga I don't know why it feels so quick in my mind it will happen really quickly but the manga just takes his time with it it is still a chapter but it's like a couple chapters it's got pieces in a few earlier chapters Ichigo visor training SS baby because this has one of my favorite chapters in the studio in the series let's eat the world's end this is Cinema this is if if if you want to talk about cinematic presentation in mango this is Cinema the manifestation of his fear this guy like do you know what this means for Ken patchy bro the fact that Ichigo is popping up in his subconscious and manifesting campachi as his fear as like and his desire for battle it's not just his fear but his desire for battle as well just his desire for battle and his fear are one and the same because he fears the innate Hollow within is just Sensational cooking not much more that can be said we say you guys think ichibe was involved with this as well I would not be surprised if we get some kind of crazy plot twist of like you know how Eisen planned ichigo's life all along now ichibe been doing the exact same [ __ ] trying to create the next real candidate who based on history and based on if ichibe has an inkling of like goodness within he probably would align with demo is the most right for the original sin he's a Quincy Hollow fullbringer [ __ ] Shinigami ichibe is hella sauce I would not be surprised if he planned all this [ __ ] from day dot make sure you don't get killed there's still loads are awesome this stuff is Sensational man and oh Kuba reminds you of it again just in case you weren't certain he shows you again the same scene the promise that he made him yeah he shows you again that's SS for me baby I can't lie this is Loopy I'll probably put an a I don't feel too strongly about this fight don't really remember much of it I don't know I'll probably be that B I meant I would say B Keith is Yami would be the same it's cool it's very cool don't get me wrong I love a lot of things about a lot of these bee fights like pizza is good a is great s is amazing SS is a masterpiece SSS has changed my life you know what I mean you know what low-key yo why is it doing this I don't play games with me no why are you doing this boy why does it look like this that just feels so wrong why is it not aligned why is it not a line for the center boy oh no fixed it fixed they fixed it I think it was the zoom out screen Loki foreign I think goes with a this is where we have the 11 second or like 10 second qualification scene it's like around here my boy Shinji pulls up and then other Kyoto comes I think he's already done the 11 second wonder where is it probably here now this is the loopy fight foreign oh man this is gas I'm not gonna be able to find it we'll just leave it at eight or I think you guys all know what I'm talking about Ichigo versus dodoni is probably going into Esther honestly not even not even over hyping this right now B no I think this is Esther man embrace your chocolate sweetness bro did I I was tripping man foreign for a second bro he didn't say Embrace he said leave your chocolate sweetness forgive me they hear Korea's body him but yeah this just ties into the vast or low transformation so well man who do you visit siruchi I'll be honest this is going to beater the um the sword thingy is cool the ability is cool as [ __ ] steel Schneider or something I think it's good foreign Schneider yeah it's good but not much more than good really liking to use kit valid I agree as well fish is good comedic relief I I agree in the manga yeah I didn't really like him in the anime chadvis is mosquito I personally couldn't see I mean it's raw but it's like I don't really care but PJ has Theo's voice see I don't even know that I need to beep I didn't even know that I had to peep the OG anime again man it's been so many years I didn't even know JoJo existed when I watched it do you care this is an stfi mainly because of this flashback and just How It Ends foreign you are forbidden to die for a team be telling captains bro you got hell baby you're not allowed to die we gotta send you that go be reborn as a demon I put this in a I think this is like chapter 274 ish maybe even before yeah it's here this is this is sensational when he shows up I'm only the fourth strongest boy you're the leader right if I beat you this was as good as one this is such a crazy reveal actual bullying Ichigo versus grimja final fight SS baby sorry gang I know you expected it to change my life it did not change my life unfortunately it's a great fight and it's grown on me a lot Esther nah it's grown on me a lot I probably would have agreed with you a couple months ago but um I like it for a lot of reasons now I think it works as a good precursor to the urukota fire very good precursor it's very good for Ichigo like fantastic fantastic vegetable dream jao himself I don't know but in terms of presentation as well it has some fantastic choreo amazing Korea I'll go to some earlier chapters where The Courier was going nuts this is fire the Goku versus Vegeta of bleach I kinda see it kind of if I squint yeah I can see it but yeah I like it man I like it it's grown on me a lot is in parallels go crazy go crazy on my DMs with that ghost wrap my next video no this is unfortunately it's a beta for me because I don't really care about Nell as a character hot take sorry we're not going to be going forever with this I will not explain myself it's good it's nothing more than good renji and Udu versus zayaroporo is also going to defeat it same Vibes Kenpachi versus noitara is great really great and Kenpachi is a amazing character and I went to say neutera actually neutral and kempachi I like how they worked like what that fight means for the both of them I like the more a warrior Motif for the fight yeah exactly I like The Vibes it's before this I get lost in these chapters welcome under the lowest point of bleach probably story-wise maybe I don't know oh this spread is fire fire it is very I fight heavy so far yeah it is it's just straight fights foreign I don't really agree it's hard to say actually anyways anyways I'm gonna get lost looking for those chapters so just say campaign versus Omari is also in a fantastic football here zamori is cool my name is probably Esther if I'm being completely honest that Perfection speech moves me to my core obviously we don't even need to talk about that yami's Rampage Rukia versus Redbone would go to like meh I don't really care about it this is yummy the temperature go crazy cool fight grade five [ __ ] yummy now I'm being a hero I'm being a hail honestly yummies are on page is like a seated and campaign versus yummy is like a beta maybe maybe a city I'm not sure probably a city maybe they can both drop I don't know there's somewhere they're like it's not great but there's great things about it like in terms of presentation I really like Yummy's Rampage I just don't like the zero reveal this is [ __ ] cool not gonna lie to you look how huge he is compared to them look how he's dwarfing that building oh it's like a hot I mean the size scaling is interesting but it's cool it's really cool and the fight against fingers also really cool against campaign byakia but maybe the reread will change me umichika this is Charlotte one of the worst fights in the series no need to go any further than that izuru versus abirama is raw very raw it has this scene as in like three two four maybe this scene right here sensational anime is s foreign that's valid yumichika versus Charla is just it just felt weird reading like I did not Vibe with either of them they just it was too over the top for me Yuma cheek is a character I've never really liked I've never really liked that much I've got to laugh I do feel you have some good Contender for you and Chica it's not the worst human chicken fat I'm not the biggest human chica fan I'm not gonna lie to you your cheek is cool which is not the biggest fan he can be very raw I'm not gonna lie to you I just never think about it when I never think about something it just automatically becomes Us in my mind but the whole bangkai stuff or true shikai I should say that was kind of gas man constantly I think about you here a lot more just of the raw factor I like them as a device to further illustrate Squad 11 as a group and not too much by himself yeah no I like everything he does for ikaku and Kenpachi I like how he's used but I don't think of him specifically as an individual fake karakura town is also pretty messy it's pretty dialogue heavy compared to a Commando yeah as well and Kai and always on my mind yeah they they move me off just like I don't know just off pure ruinous factor and looking like Ichigo but I'm just an Ichigo Stan bro they look like Ichigo that's it Yumi chica don't look like Ichigo sure this is findor Anime made this gas I probably put this in b as well maybe maybe actually a this is a really raw fight but Shu has peak in this Arc is yet to come ikaku and komamura versus choning pow yeah it's really hard for these fake because some of these are misses for me where I don't really care too much while I'm reading I don't know not it's not really clicking with me and some of them were gas it was like a really mixed bag and fake character for me personally at least the first half of it sofon versus Geo Vega the Peaks and bleach are just so ridiculously high but it does have a few stretches where it's just like inconsistent reading consistent but it's really just work on Mundo if you know what stretches they are it's like 30 40 chapters of working Mundo and like 30 40 chapters of te karakolatan in the whole manga I'd say those are the two only stretches of the story that are a bit me why is that great that's not great that's that's what B is what I'd say from flexes but in general didn't really care too much oh my this fight here I don't even remember what happened here boy was really cool I'd even put that in great Yamamoto flexed that was fire that was raw as [ __ ] rangiku and Momo versus the Tres Bestia put that in b oshiro versus Haribo I put that maybe in b I don't feel too crazy about these fights but I know they're all good at the very least the ion stuff is rawness bro where is it it's like free maybe something like 360. no this is this is when soy fund is fighting against um yeah Hachi General versus baragan this is a great fight I really love this stuff oh oh go go go go love and Roses the stock is going in at least great and then shouldn't see if it's the stock is going straight to amazing maybe even a masterpiece bro I love this not gonna lie to you yeah like a piece of her heart cut out type of thing oh that's interesting not gonna lie probably like a tiny ass hole as well toshiro Lisa and hiri this is Harry Bell what shinsuke versus stock SS I'm tempted but I'm gonna leave it in s for now I'm gonna leave an S for now we're gonna change up things when I'm done and actually look at lists properly mashiron can save this is Wonder wise I'll put that in good it was cool this is tossing it's going straight to SS straightener can't lie to you straight there just off the right in perspective not really from the fight itself SSS that's valid bro that's valid but I didn't really change my life but it's SS devil nothing that is done here that can be improved upon here also strongly if the belief that is aspect of death is lamentation but too many words to explain why interesting I'd like to hear more about that need to cook more threads bro we need to incentivize bleach Frizzle Twitter bro I would juice it cook I'll preferred now if I'm gonna go to SSS from you can't feel riord read oh yeah when I read coffee and all it would probably be SSS when I learn more about Torsen and you hey obviously Shinji this is Eisen yes so this is where we start we reached the fake karakora Peak section of the story where everything is at least great like that second or yeah like once the Paragon fight starts and then we get stuck and literally from there I didn't even I'm even tempted to put us in s but no it's not there Eisen bullying everybody straight to SS straight to SS I don't care maybe it's the anime speaking to me here it could be the anime speaking to me here but good Lord that's for me just for the god speech alone yeah not valid valid valid valid if you're putting this in s just for a good speech alone that's valid actually Loki I'm putting it there just for that alone you're right you're right bro Eisen versus everyone's like 390 this is Cinema our understandings of the word power are fundamentally different let me show you what real power is observe Bankai cut through by waving his hand basically he's just flicking away arm cut off look how common with his face look at love and Rose try to pull up [Music] Captain Eisen isn't scary because he uses kyokus we get to kyokusugitsu is a terrifying power but there are lots of guys who'd rather die than obey him if that was all he had those craziest spiders all had their individual motives but were brought together by one thing his strength he is strong Captain eisen's Powers all without equal but where have kyokus you get to no that's reckless but where have everything else no that's reckless too the sky falling the Earth cracking open you can put all your wits together to prepare for all kinds of calamities but Captain eisen's powers are far beyond any precautions are you [ __ ] high changed my life changed my life changed my life changed my life [Music] Sensational character bro look at this [ __ ] I thought I told you you people are failures as our own cards you it's fundamentally unrealistic for aranca to stand up to me the ruler of the aranca have you lost your mind the secret police it's Supreme Commander stepping right out to me an enemy don't seek Aesthetics in battle don't see virtue and death don't think your life belongs only to yourself if you really want to protect something attack the enemy from behind every soul Reaper should have been taught that in the rage it soon especially a member of the secret police he's literally quoting sorry for teachings to her saying I'm the Pinnacle of Shinigami bro I know your [ __ ] a lot of the back of my hand baby I was once a teacher the century 46 must have been crazy to let you teach that's why they were deceived by a trailer like you you shouldn't speak ill of the Dead if they didn't see it so will all of you foreign he said a very nice performance a very nice performance gave a little shout out oh boy oh boy she got attacked oh boy oh boy oh boy and guess what everything he was talking about and lecturing them on and lecturing her on happens to him he gets stabbed through the back of Shinigami is over it's over Shinji pulls up everything's backwards oh boy is Eisen cooked easy cooked I beg you look at the terror in ichigo's face please look at the terror in his face what the [ __ ] are you guys do this since when were you under the impression since how long have you been under that illusion bro how long foreign [Music] that's going to the 80 Isen Masterpiece Masterpiece bro masterpiece just the character interactions just the characters interactions everything but the hog your cue the plot twist the reveals of the story The the recontextualizations just everything about this little stretch here what I had to pull it up interactions between urahara and and Eisen so I wasn't glad the end got off screen includes ichigo's dad it includes so many things the conversation between ishin and Ichigo the Huddle just there the the hogyoku transformations this guy literally seals up his hands bro Burns him from within I know even that was enough boy do you count the mini Eisen test high score Mission Thomas pendulum here with the Hado strikes oh yeah it's at the end of the list the qualification incident I'll put this in uh amazing I'll put that in amazing this entire stretch that look honestly it might even be SSS Masterpiece SS I'll put that in Masterpiece probably because of its impact on the narrative at large eyes and dynamic as well thank you it's at the end of the list I ended it I added recently as long as as well as the the white incident which is ishin in masaki versus what Eisen looks so funny here bro Chie greatness Ichigo versus gin straight to amazing it might even be a masterpiece bro the way this ties into the the end of it the Ichigo versus Eisen boy this is like Anything could happen to you too oh my I didn't think you'd say that that makes it sound like you're already assuming you're gonna die have you maybe already given up how pathetic again was probably since you level not gonna lie if not above maybe nah I don't think so I don't think so he was a monster but nah nah I don't think so he just knew eisen's weakness he was collecting a poison like um he knew he planned that [ __ ] for how long bro but yeah the cooking is nice they get to attention this entire stretch is Sensational over let's go we're gonna protect karakora and we reach gin vs Eisen which is going straight to amazing as well again Bankai pushed Eisen Kubo said shinsi's Bankai wouldn't even be able to harm base at Kubo said that when did he say that we're gonna change up these tears in a bit bro but I caught a lot just for now I need to leave that there bro ichigo's full bring training I I honestly put that out great I love everything to do Ichigo in this Arc everything to do with Ichigo origin is not really a fight it's a very very good scene though I'll play in good very very cool scene Ichigo versus Eisen is just s is it crack my [ __ ] is it crack Ed National escrow it's one of the best fights in the series baby anyways Ichigo football training too is also going to go into great Ichigo versus tsukushima one is probably okay it's like a quick little Skirmish it's cool I guess chaining three is also gonna go here they're oh great the full bring training is all fire I like all of it because it's all character work for Ichigo in such a cool way Ichigo and ginger versus everybody is also great this was really cool because I think Ginger taking that shot for him says so much that I feel like people overlook foreign like before his memories are returned to him in his mind he's taking this attack like he's not even acting in this mind he's sacrificing his life for Ichigo which is really interesting death berry returns to Straight To Masterpiece baby I think it maybe even changed my life honestly honestly it might have Sensational cooking kampachi versus giddy call good it's not even a fight he just bullies him go get some sleep man peace out peace out brother appreciate you pulling up toshiro this is Yukio I'll probably put this in okay it was I all these fights were good Reggie versus Jackie was good rookie this is 16 was great ikaku versus Mo was okay and Ichigo versus kinjal was honestly I want to put it into a masterpiece honestly I'm considering it I'm considering masterpiece this [ __ ] is sensational SSS I know his animation is also absurd yeah I've seen it I've seen some clips it looks crazy hey we reached a thousand year blood War though we're nearly done how long have we live or an hour and a half we've been live for has my audio been good by the way let me play some bleach Lo-Fi or some it's not twitch so I can't get comfortable with the uh I can't get too comfortable with the music because I'll get copyright Ichigo visits as guario I'll put that in okay declaration of war I'll put that in good I guess it's not even a fight it's more like an event but it's pretty raw how they just rock up [ __ ] collapse that's like eBay and declare war jacked army versus aranca it's basically just cool gay bullying the Tres Bestia um I'll put that in okay anime made it cooler it's okay not much more than okay for me personally Ichigo versus quilge is great I'd say I'd actually put that great especially with how it ties into the final um into the first Invasion ichigo's frame of mind being stuck into the pr in the prison love everything about this very cool I like the stuff about Sulkin the Sulkin mention um talking about the difference between the the last style and the um I forgot the school bro it's pissing me off the let's deal and the new the new generation one while standing I'm so slow the ball standing you can animate yeah I need that I need that full of the sayrete so this basically is everyone getting their ass whacked everyone besides we are here this is as not so every every Captain every l basically this everything that happens here izuru getting a hole in his chest [ __ ] everything basically from this first little stretch um that hasn't been like really focused on like the band guys getting stolen would be factored in here as well everything basically from this first Invasion this but specifically Bianca asthma are kept separately because it's given so much Focus but yeah I'd put that in genuinely I'd put it I'd put that in Masterpiece so you're not changing my life I'll put it in masterpiece the anime cooked for it as well absolutely cooked Bianca versus us not I'm gonna put in I think it's I think it's amazing for me yeah not Masterpiece but amazing only problem is I'm not even gonna address the elephant in the room but yeah yeah this is just gone straight and great this is so [ __ ] Raw Sasaki base Bankai was not this weak Boy the flashbacks are man Beyond Thunder the wash [Music] especially with more Kido and other Arts yeah I agree honestly I agree I agree I agree I feel like in general more Kido should have been used throughout the story is like the only guy that goes crazy with Keto and Eisen Yamamoto versus yuhaba changed my life I think it belongs there definitely changed my life Ichigo versus johaba masterpiece masterpiece save the soul Society Kurosaki Ichigo like I guess this takes in his entire I think it's everything from episode seven each day like him arriving the scene of biakuya throwing his sword biakias death death but yeah everything here man obviously the stuff the anime adds and the Bloods and the conversation masterpiece peek in the anime bigger peak in anime yeah gas man changed my life I don't think I need to explain this one better in the manga as well I'll say that comfortably as great as the anime has been recently yeah as great as the first season of thousand year bloodwood is the manga is just special [Music] adaptation as well I don't want you guys to misunderstand that but yeah I appreciate the enemies clear of the bank yeah I'll I'll give it that I'll give it that for sure there's some things that are slightly better on I kind of like the background in the anime as well the lack of backgrounds is cool but it's literally the mukin well like it's an area like the muken so it would have been a bit cool to see it used in some way and you get to see it in the anime A bit oh boy this is Battle the one sequence when you know how to use the bank kind of anime the red blood is the background's sick yeah boy they cooked this is baz beer I'd put this in good it's clean I like it maybe even I'll put this in Gray honestly yeah I think that's more of a great some of these things are getting changed around for sure because I'm seeing stuff that shouldn't be on the same tier already you think having captions my life is crazy not crazy but I wouldn't personally I'd put in Masterpiece which I guess is a spoiler but I guess I should go do it now completely valid though especially if you're a massive Kenpachi fan off topic gang but you American now man I'm I'm from England bro God leaving us over here when you find that space massage but that's being gonna change my life and it bear enough in the highest Till There is having the rest of this dream thank you very much for tuning in much appreciated and uh we'll see where it is I'll just show you the tailless when I'm done I guess I'm probably gonna tweet it I'll also put that in good you're gonna miss a lesbians Studio man we'll see you boy we still we see soy phone versus bg9 is going straight and okay because I don't remember a thing about BG and adult it's cool but yeah don't care this is bambieta straight to amazing easy easy kensei and Rose this is mask good they're cool kensei and Rose are just embarrassing bro renji this is Moscow that [ __ ] is amazing boy this fight is gas where is it it's like 5 70 Maybe now it's a bit earlier bro Core 2 is gonna cook I need it this spread oh my Lord Loki might even be a masterpiece bro such a gas [ __ ] moment top three fights for me valid valid valid cause most anticipated fight what renji versus mosque Cole likes renji masterpiece we waited two weeks on New Year's for that Banker boy Cole loves mask coal is raw for that call is rule for that I think called clowns on an NGB does love must yeah I mean I fully expect him to clown on renji man it's cool but anyways Ricky has not the byakia moment [Music] P [ __ ] fishing [Music] changed my life I call that now I'm joking it's a masterpiece didn't really change my life but it's perfect for Rukia this is the most I was invested on Ricky on the first time I do like it more now that I'm reading earlier anchor yeah I can't lie I barely remember this fight it's like a quick little thing that happens Ichigo vs Candice is going in amazing honestly the fact that it's with renzia mosque might sound crazy to some of you guys I get it but I am considering 581 when I say this I'm considering 581 when I say this but so you're here Ichigo like The Vibes judicial judicial judicial judges I don't know I'll put in good then I just to be nice Battle of the zombies amazing my reflection greatness second call is it's probably gonna be better in the first call man first Invasion the best stretch but I feel like the second core has like it's a bit of stretch as a whole but the second core has more potential for the anime to really shine you know what I mean because the first invasion's so dark and doesn't have as Variety in battle it's more like a wash so it's very somber sad OST kind of stuff second OST is gonna second season gonna be more Epic throughout it's gonna have like a war vibe to it because the first first season is to watch bro first invasion is sad they get cooked Squad Zero versus should staffer is going to the Esther people are going to be shocked about that I actually really like this stuff I understand it's not as much as we wanted to see I'm with you on that but every character interaction is so raw like this is the Pinnacle of power on both sides this is nuts like their powers are so cool the way their powers characterize them they should Stuffle asking is just so cool nemaya ichibe even senjumaru and um [ __ ] always forgot him the other Squad zero girl the food one the one that Crooks the baddie football name Solo's this photo Kitty okay there we go there we go Lily Barrow greatness I just I just like it it's amazing in my opinion ichibe this is [Music] changed my life changed my life easy placement changed my life the fool of the Soul King masterpiece masterpiece rayo's death people hate this I I actually kind of like it a lot it just shows how ridiculously broken these people are like I get it to an extent but man like that's literally what you hop out does it just shows what kind of level of power we're talking about because johoba is technically defeated and killed a thousand years ago and it was sealed and then regains his body and mind and Powers over time and his Ichigo ichibe regaining his body but it will be too late by the time his strength returns you just need to stop him from killing Ryo but it's too late ichibe is an ascended being exactly yeah I love you how about this ichibe same here I love it that's straight and changed my life I think I even have it above you to go okay maybe we'll see clearly changed my mind on that fight man his friends cook I wish it wasn't almost instantly after the fight to be honest we didn't find the Bell later on that's valid for sure it does feel a bit graying like I remember even when I read it I was like huh that's how you come back crazy but I feel like that's just my preconceptions about Shonen stories and how they should be told if you're doing something like that immediately after the fight why is Kubo trying to show that how does that tie into like the general message and story he's telling and I think it kind of makes sense that he would want to show it immediately after with what ichibe is supposed to represent and the kind of narrative he's trying to push about the Shinigami in the Quincy it's interesting though I personally prefer that reveal reading weekly valid [Music] but yeah gang Ichigo to slash room Peak um foreign this is so Raw but yeah full of the soaking masterpiece gas that's B versus jugaram Masterpiece for me I might I'm tempted to put and change my life honestly it's really [ __ ] good I flashback the waves into all yeah it changed my life it changed my life the friend flashback everything about this it's so well done it is so good especially just like the final scene always hits me not not even just the final one the cuts in general because it does a few Cuts between from past and present that I really like this here man this car good Lord not yet oh my Lord look at that [ __ ] hmm I think this fight gets even better yeah buddy does so much for this it does it does everything for it it elevates it so much this is panida changed my life this might be a bit of a hot take or did I close the tab yeah this might be a bit a bit of a hot take I could see that mayuri's character is just Sensational I don't think it is okay people love this fight we love to see it Sensational man this all carries yeah it makes it makes it makes my ID it elevates his character so much he wouldn't be in my top 10 without this fact at all it felt like the natural conclusion his character was like riding towards it's like his Transcendence I keep what comes at ascended being like we know greatness when we see it love to see it shinsuke Nano obviously Barrow this also changed my life best Bankai in the manga baby best my best mankind amanga bro theater suicide cutting Kyoko to Karma to Shinju boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy I got shoes to be top five for a reason boy has the best fights man it already has one two three four five it already has five in SSS it has one two three four five in SS it has one two three four five six in s were you telling me yo yo jump on jump on Discord jump on Discord I want to join the aot voice Channel now [Music] yo yo what's good man recently what's good captives that's what I have to call you now it's a cactus thing when you touch him you get you get shanked whiskey dark whiskey what's good though man it was good though man tell me what the list is saying so far um one second let me get YouTube off my of um it's like I'm pre-ordering is asking I'll probably put that in amazing do you just need the shoes by the way yeah just on the shoes if I won I lost a few facts of the series five left put on the highest tier well second highest good good it's SSS but I put I put not the second highest because the top tier is fake like it's just itches eyes and because I'm probably gonna put my top three on a thing I think shinsuke might be top three though we'll see I don't know because the final fight I'm not gonna lie is top one oh I just spoiled that wow yeah it's not one to me okay I can't even remember it final fact the actual final like just literally the Eisen the final part that section there alone yeah yeah Ichigo and Eisen and uh him slash and you have a with the OG zangetsi when it reverts back to Audrey kiss Davis is asking this is uh asking oh that fights hard Masterpiece that's that's on the highest left second highest yeah I guess I feel like they're stuck with specifically with his Bankai specifically yeah I basically Benny email it's my first time using in front of those who are here right now you actually asked me I'm not gonna tell you it either way you'll find out soon enough I'm trying to remember exactly where it does but never reconstructing whatever it touches yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was the Reconstruction yeah it's perfect it's perfect for his character because you see one thing I've noticed with him he's like the inverse of Mayuri where Mayuri is like he's like he's an ultimate adapter basically he like as a scientist as a person as a fighter everything about him is like evolving constantly evolving in the moment right taking whatever it is as it comes whereas with kiske he like plans a million different scenario for like a million different scenarios you get it yeah and I think that ties into it with reconstruct whatever it touches because he's essentially made so many plans that going from one plan to the next is like reconstructing his Affairs type of [ __ ] and how he goes about his life in it about I don't know like it's it's Minecraft assuming things will be broken right and he's trying to yeah it would it would make sense is that like commentary for sausage stuff like at the end of the day like he's presented us right in the narrative and not really but like he's more right than Madison was yeah yeah because he maintains a balance yeah and that's all to the other the greater good essentially yeah but you could argue that obviously the society is broken yeah and his bank has like a representation of like his role in that yeah that would make a lot of sense he's also traumatized not gonna lie like he always thinks I feel good because we've turned back the pendulum and how everything went down I do think there's a level of trauma there like it's very subtle but stuff like here are traveling the panel when they first enter Soul society and he's in the human world you can see him like reaching for the gate wanting to go with them when they go into infiltrate to rescue Rukia stuff like that I swear you said one time though that it was part of his plan no I do think I do think it was part of his plan to an extent but I think the fact that he has to do a plan like this to expose Eisen is what has him traumatized because that because as they put him in that situation where no one will trust him so he has to find a way to expose eyes in front of everyone and he did that by placing the whole Goku inside Rukia is what I think I want to go back to what you said does he think eisen's right on some level like does he struggle with that I don't remember that I I wouldn't say so not completely but um just based on this little interaction they have right when he's when Eisen is sealed right at the end of it just his facial expressions and that is just complete apathy it's like he's looking at him he's like oh so you saw it he's looking down at the ground type of fear and it's like he's just saying without a bond we crumble easily that's how the world is like like you can't preem properly it's hard it's hard I'm trying to think I'm trying to think of what I can't remember too much of it what I had is that guy will say that Carla is one of my favorites yeah of course I need to deepen more though I definitely need to deeper more on this reread I'm going to pay attention to him but I felt like that the whole way through causing your blood War go to 13 versus Gerard people sleep on this bro this is that this is probably Masterpiece for me as well there's so much in this there's cooking maybe amazing hello when I got to this point man was speeding through them chapters yeah and could not my man couldn't no good idea not a good idea I call that this is so gas bro I [ __ ] with campachio he's one of the few blood Knights that actually have death in most popular show on the manga someone said no because something important about everything he fixes being temporary yeah hit us though when it releases everything go back to normal yeah he doesn't make any permanent changes yeah interesting I like that this is a [ __ ] sexy spread wow and you can party looks [ __ ] bro he's literally a devil fighting against the Holy Angel like I don't think Kubo could have been more obvious with this this is a firefight man it's so much [ __ ] happens uh uh uru this is you need to see the vision of this it might even be changed my life that's valid that's valid but the reason why why don't you like it looks so wet unique [Music] foreign yeah that's this that's gas where is it man I can't even find it I think it's yeah it's here the beach brother you can't even go to the right chapter I think you love it look at these two yeah fisherman yes this code and his ability bro I just you know I [ __ ] with audio bro the guy is the only person to ever survive Ash violin bro the guys bro his ability is gas let me show you antithesis literally literally whatever happens to him he can do the inverse of it and the reason why this how did he get it because of you how about gave him you know he gave him the shrift technically he's not a stone writer he's an A but he's he's taking his abilities the almighty it's the rails ability he's basically that God A to Z is that's what the whole point of him still being in the alphabet was like the whole full Squad thing nah not really it does like I did not full score but as in he's good because they made him good but like without them he can't be good so that's why he's still part of the alphabet yeah yeah I get what you mean I get what you mean but it's both who do you use like who do you use like the way it's explained is that Udi is like he's like supposed to replace him type of [ __ ] he's like the chosen one the Lost Quincy scene it's it's interesting it's interesting I haven't even did I haven't even tapped into it like that I'm not gonna lie to you can't imagine being beneficial anyway look at him I'm always on the floor like that stand up oh man because we're friends bro moves me yeah no and jugaram's expression when he deeps it now jugaram is what amuse me oh yeah no no I see this this what tell me scroll between these two and tell me which one Kubo [ __ ] with more [Laughter] just put on a chat this way you have one joke and I'm guessing you'd use crazy trust the process daddy gets the [ __ ] out of him but still ah look at this guy look at him go oh they gave him the eyes and each Griffin um what was that chapter it was the chapter title page wasn't it as in each cup where it's got a split and that hasn't shot him um yeah no it's flipping slash that's the same thing on the same sides as well am I tripping where is it is it before this I think it's before this it's before this before it's before he's in the phone boys yeah don't you don't look the same there we go yeah see low-key he does he does he does do similarities like it's just a Freeman is a bit similar Falls go back to the early thing where is it six seven nine or something but there's a lot of chapters here man chill out here now but this is both eyes she's only got right oh see never mind he tried to go that far with it he wasn't in his bag Jim my life as well we'll be lying to you how'd you say that brother's name bro y'all were in it your way bro literally that's my people's God whoosh you're finished oh no this is gastro man this entire thing where's the where's the ball that he says on our Corner dislike that page with a passion this one tone of Salvation thing I think he looks like a wallab right there this one's harder oh yeah this one this one's harder this was way harder than it which one yeah yeah yeah yeah it's I don't know I think I think this is trim yeah I get you I get you he's they try to he looks his trim even at the end of the series he's trying to make him look proper adult she's trying to make him look different yeah it's the dead yeah he's trying to give him the dad trim a bit it's that trying to show that he's grown I feel like because his hair does change better and this Arc for some reason the way it's drawn towards the end of the Ark hey go to the the one you you always say in the his officer gets beaten now this part you could have stopped therefore saying I forgot you said oh yeah that's to the end that's the end that's gas what's so that's in the Final Chapter but I'm talking about this your body yeah that's in the Final Chapter yeah the thing you're talking about in the Final Chapter but this is [ __ ] fire this is one of my favorite couple pages in the series Loki did not lose hope he cooked he said I enjoy speaking of Hope the future I was crazy because his power blinds him bro like yeah that was crazy I can see everything we can't see for his own eyes touch on man this is clean look at the paneling bro look at how his arm turns into zangets people sleep on the importance of Ichigo having dual blades bro the dual blade the only other people to ever have that or shunsui and ukitake bro two monsters the right hand of the rail and [ __ ] shoes yeah obviously obviously because he's not just that he's not this is the point in Shinigami he's if he was just a Shinigami he would be on that level this guy's a Shinigami and he's a Quincy and he's a fullbringer and he's a hollow and he's the Pinnacle of all that yeah yeah yeah yeah we get it I can't believe people don't like this this is like what I love that it's happened funny bro it reminds me of the Tokyo oh you haven't read too cool no and I'm gonna I'm gonna talk about it I'm reading it but relax relax relax one time something happens to kanekian at one time that's it this is just funny bro I call her the connecting things funnier like it's actually like laugh out loud funny I'm gonna tap in suit suit looking just look it up look at they gave him a whole page oh and the darkness comes aircon is is very artistic bro yeah I can't the art is too good this is why I like passing the driver with the most in it because there are a couple things in bloodwood that I was like okay I don't care about this but it's just how everything's presented yeah the art is final flat five from start to finish bro for me anyway so the way the banker is both embarrassed and hyped up at the same time man said I paid respect to your power a formidable Banker that's what I concluded so I broke it in the future yo what is that guy man he's actually too funny so I broke in the future oh okay I'm not the way he's holding it how many fights did he have free not yeah technically um the first one is just a wash in the first Invasion when Bianca tells them save the soul set you real one at the start yeah by the way how does that work do you know how it works functionally because I never like actually thought about this how does he break it in the future how do you break in the future oh like mechanic it's it's hard to explain but I've read like um like a explanation of it but I think it's like I think it's like some time and spatial Distortion [ __ ] because it's similar to you see orihime's ability the ability to reject Divine Law like as includes it you know how it basically like goes back against time type [ __ ] it doesn't actually heal or to kill that like it it's got It's some particle [ __ ] it rejects yeah it's because Orihime is a full bringer and has that is like a fragment of the rail which all for awful brings a fragments in the rail and your Buzz his son technically like he's like the next rendition of him type of [ __ ] I feel like it's it's it ties into that in it but it's weird I don't know exactly how it works yeah he flashbacks to real bro I don't know about flashback specifically but I think there's definitely going to be so much lore I think the way the style the way hell was going to be written the reason why I think you'll like it probably more than bleach is because you're not the biggest fan of Ichigo in it like you like him but it's like yeah cool down because bleach for me bleach is more of like a character study of Ichigo more than anything else and everything is everything is framed that way yeah exactly she's clearly it's everything's about him like everything's uh the whole story is is exploring his character through the antagonists that much about that type of character which is why he'd never be like yeah no that's valid that's valid exactly it right it feels like top ten yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly that for me he's not there because I just thought I don't care about balance bro not cool completely valid but that's why I think you lack hell more because I think with hell that's not going to be the focus and that's not how Daenerys is going to be framed I think it's going to address every like looming thread from the original story like because I feel like I've never read the chapter bro you should read it bro in that chapter alone it's like violating the Shinigami practice they're basically sending everyone's been sent to hell bro let's just let's just read it right now bro they might as well I'm forcing I'm forcing you to read it right now we'll read in the hell chapter on stream people let's read it let me let me let me zoom in on this wait wait I'll just share screen on Discord so you're in time with me in it all right scene all right hell chapter we gotta spread Ichigo got the dusty Asian trim yeah chilling there in the corner which uh Lisa is this Lisa I think this is Lisa we love reacting I've already already but it's Sasha's live version yeah names I do not know this is this is this is the visor girl this is the visor girl with the glosses you know the visor go with the glosses yeah yeah are you doing in it I don't need to know who she is bro this girl this girl this girl this girl let's go Lisa oh yeah yeah for sure yeah yeah disco she become a Captain she's a captain now Rose is a captain now another visor um she used to be his second Commander side this is the older move this is the older move I can't live this is an older move it's the only one in Bleach though one of the only ones for Mike don't worry Loki Loki Loki Loki all right so this okay firstly this color page kind of fire other than it should go his trim is horrid yeah this is the this is the captain's today and it's the reason why I'm saying this because it's going to be important for it hello can it because these are the kind of captives is that my area up there yeah where's Miley I don't see him right it's all right yeah that's him there yeah that's him all right Cinema when I was younger I'm not sure I commentate when I was younger I had two goldfish I adored the dear things but one day the larger one passed away the remaining gold fishing seemed so lonesome the side of it made me feel lonely as well but after that day the smaller one which I thought was stagnating began to grow larger and flourished more and more seeing that brought me great relief ah thank goodness it was good that the larger one died this is so real this is guest this is gastrocodile cool ways to start the chapter we got a fish two goldfish uh jjk victim anyway jjkb Tim don't ever see that again the Chris immune you don't know about Crescent Muse and bleach bro in about 500 chapters of bleach it's actually in about 500 chances oh bro I was really so sorry and I was like oh I remember it was back when I first started like talking about Minecraft in it so I was doing like a street I was like I'm not a stream like a library I was just talking about hella crazy and I just stopped in because I realized it was every [ __ ] other page it's every [ __ ] whatever they're funny Kazooie and Khan share a bedroom and them things or did he may checking in on that kid looks like he's fast asleep thanks for playing with Kazooie again today Con you're giving it you're letting your kitchen with a pervert bro what what some [ __ ] parenting fan Conan kazui con Captain um he's my guy bro the guy just climbing out his window Ichigo Sun bro he's just a little like raw school he's a little rascal yeah don't want me you got in trouble just yesterday stay put and sleep today but I promise to go again today and you also promised you once you go to bed which promises more important the one I made first hey this guy's funny no I [ __ ] with him that's a good point what the heck you're such a pain and see if I care you don't have to come con he jumped on the goldfish that was him you know it's his I'm pretty sure it's him this monologue which is so interesting I can't let the start of the chapter monologue I'm pretty sure it's it's kazui he thinks he's kanjoku but there's two here bro there's two goldfish though I don't get it wait for me I'm going to you could have pretended to be asleep and not noticed or ah damn it I could have [ __ ] idiot Mr I'm here to hang out Mr sniffly cry baby man oh Kazu your lady I was so lonely and I know I told you yesterday that I'm no mister I'm 15. [ __ ] you know oh you're positive relax relax relax I'm not lying on what's with the talking stuffed animal hey I'm sorry but I might be able to control bro he actually looks like me thank God I don't have a mustache if I had a mustache it would have been cemented foreign yes it's like the same as when each goes for that little kid in there yeah it's just Ichigo it's the same Ichigo Behavior like go and spending time with ghosts and [ __ ] oh yeah oh yeah yeah another Christmas no way but I'll be lonely aha so today I'm taking you somewhere where you won't be on your own he's trying to send them to he's basically trying to send them to society basically yeah a shrine no next to it you're going through here oh the heck is that looks scary is this your first time seeing itcon it's not scary watch now you clap three times you bow twice then you clap one more time he's sending these [ __ ] to Hell bro oh hey why is this brother so tucked bro he thinks he's sending us to society I think what his parents are just like not paying attention bro Ichigo is a trash dad his son is out here sending kids to help and he's not clicking it could be it could be like I was thinking the society because the whole butterflies are so Society in it but it's in here it will be fine everyone's in here then we caught hey this is fire though it is bro then we cut the soul Society three hours earlier even burn the witch had a crescent moon spread yeah this guy's a [ __ ] fraud yeah Cooper loves it bro look at her background though call that this is a hard panel yeah that's good digital uh no I don't think so I don't think it is I don't think he started digital videos you haven't got a Scooby nah I don't think it's digital I actually don't he's he's been tweeting a lot of digital art like just when the episodes were dropping he was dropping digital art of the characters with for the episodes in it yeah but I'm not sure you know I think he's hell chapter might have been yeah I think I think I've someone might have said this digital I don't know but I do think he wants to do this one might have I think I don't think you don't know hey man good morning teacher there's one new character in this that's introduced that I think you're gonna [ __ ] with immediately bro I said burn the witch's digital uh yes sir is this this is ranges yeah renji and rookies kid and I'm glad he got something good out of the whole thing he cuckoo's training her looks like you've got a better teacher sharp you grab your breath I was better than you from the start I'm the teacher quit pausing getting on the roof before I knock you down myself you grab your brat you called me I grab your brat two whole times you're the only person who gets to call me that you know guess that makes me special thanks enough Chit Chat yeah enough Chit Chat bro take me to the gas would be dangerous if I jumped why are you idiot be careful gotcha nope sure you're not your game you haven't been on a trip to the world they're living I haven't they said I'm only allowed to go during long breaks that's a shame don't you want to see ichigo's kid no I don't because you and I all like anything okay you're such a dummy teacher a real Victory oh YouTube hey hey I don't know that's human chica bro who the [ __ ] is that good morning Ichigo you look as beautiful as always there I think is she in the original that's a Hebrew this is human oh that's right because of a female name oh I remember this brother yes sir why are you looking at me like that I didn't do nothing you missed her and you just forget yeah this is the bad thing this is the gas it's a ceremony you do for captains we lost in battle 12 years after their funeral rats that's the first time hearing of it it's my first time doing the two haven't got a lot of captains letting himself get killed in battle after all we already did ones earlier for the former Captain General and then for captain underhara and this one's for Captain ukitake what do you do at the ceremony we catch a hollow in the world that are living and kill it in front of their grave you what why would you do that I don't know is that even ethical and Society well it's an old question say what's going on over there where you're at now why is it so noisy oh my bad Keego opened the Ramen Shop the other day oh he's so on serious he killed for something chat fixes he hasn't had any customers so he decided what kind of Senseless name is that Keego doesn't have much sense to do to begin with I do don't like that I don't care for this convo it's nice it's vibey but I'm not trying to read all of it you'll make the other customers uncomfortable I've read this chapter like five times that's what Ram I'm coming up this is my benefit bro yeah okay about no Ramen yeah come to the consulate side to the hollow killing Festival normally only captains join in but you're not an outsider when it comes to Captain ukitake so they thought you could attend who's they you mean captain hey well if it isn't Ichigo what's this this is amazing you can see his face so this is one of those newfangled Soul pages was introduced in [ __ ] um [ __ ] human world technology and society and [ __ ] giving them video calls and [ __ ] hey who's that though that's Rukia bro that's not hey he this is death digital bro yeah it probably is digital it looks very different in it yeah I didn't even know what else yeah it's been 12 years though she looks a lot older like not older she looks a lot different she does it she looks younger actually yeah you like [ __ ] 300. yeah it's a good point that's a good point but I guess like the style changed in it that hurt her style yeah for Ichigo it's a long time though he's actually grown which is weird you know hey bro he's getting headless because we didn't clock out of enrollment shop do not sleep on him oh yeah he is there ugly [ __ ] yeah no wonder he's not talking he knows he's not that guy who recently got something called TV in the South Side we can watch shows from the world to living now yeah the waffling cool stuff though nice and that he simply doesn't understand good testing is undoing my good work no renji this isn't his actual body what there's an image coming out of the bug it's a [ __ ] hologram it's not actually him bro he's too busy you call this Good Taste it's futile even if you squash that bug I've deployed others that will take his place like his is that one of those things Captain color series always saying during the battle I can't hear what you're saying over there so mind your mouth yikes I'm sorry Captain all right already bro there's bad waffle in this chapter bro it's a message through the captain assistant captains I'm home so teacher said he forgot some work he had to do or something I went all the way over there and he kicked me out right away huh Captain kurosuchi he's so cool regarding the console they said tonight in order to accomplish the pre-ceremony yogi men reebuck could capture assistant Captain's must assemble in the world living soon he's right that's coming up I'll head over please stay by the captain's side hurry up and get ready and have you seen Atta atal this is the guy you're gonna [ __ ] with the assistant Captain he was playing with animals in the garden sheesh what's he doing on important days like this oh yeah he's definitely he's deaf he's deaf and he uses birds and he just looks Raw and he's got one Usher on bus you've got a message from Captain karate it's okay I just heard it so you did did you have to go out of his way to set up is he therefore is he mute I forgot I think he's mute we already knew in advance when it was like me I'm asking chat bro I think it's one of those things Mr orhara keeps developing new merchandise and maybe that's got even Captain karate she sweated this way please do not uh he's everywhere bro I'm really using the Prototype of Technology Superior to his this is simply a trial he's both deaf unmute okay he hit the disability Lottery bro what's that still yeah I hate you dog I actually hate you bro I'm laughing right now I do feel like this bro baby just read read the chapter bro please how are you saying the disability Lottery though what's wrong with you saying that bro you're not saying anything bro you actually don't oh my dude that's a [ __ ] Steve you've got to be kidding me he can attack and there was no need for you to say that how they include Envision the merchandise that wasn't me so that's what the job is foreign I see only captains May attend assistant captains capture the hollow preparation according to this sure but did they really have to get everyone together like this you sure got a lot to say don't complain about our Traditions you're an outsider what are you doing here anyway what's your view you're the one who told me I'm not an outsider and I should be here I told you to just come for the ceremony no no no fighting they can't start the ceremony until after we've done our part we'll get this squared away real quick then you can go to the ceremony real quick and we can go out drinking real quick looks like we've suddenly got another item on the itinerary can you go out for drinks today ever get flirty in that no no I thought still maybe they could both be cheap and low-key man imagine imagine Kubo writing that imagine the [ __ ] uproar I actually need that from a weekly show on John manga you know bro I actually need that oh that would be so interesting bro S I would actually see that one as well I can actually see you know she don't really leave the crib like that either he'd have to go in oh that's mad going on some Rinnegan [ __ ] bro don't be tapped I need I need I need order to do that I need order to do that one piece bro oh that's why no one even like Luffy needs to cheat on this girl I saw everyone in that story is just asexual not everyone but yeah most of them yeah but if if they're not then it's paid off as ever perverted or a gag he talks do you know sign language he says no need to apologize he can read lips he can understand us well that's cool I wasn't talking about you get a smug look off your face what up nice to meet you I'm the eve companies assistant Captain your service this is a new character as well you so she's obsessed with everything Gary from the world of living we haven't got any garriers like that even in the Living World she's captain yadamara's assistant please let me see hell bro scroll faster I she feels something oh that's so rude what's that what why hasn't anyone else noticed it father ichikawa clapped him Ichigo reaction slices it straight doesn't even move doesn't even move he just looks at it doesn't even move and washes it so no wonder wait was it rained you got slapped first yeah oh no oh no I'm not older Kubo was giggling right now the reason why is the the reason why they can't sense it in it you can only see it that's why it's pretty yeah of course he's wrenched about it I get slapped first off yeah of course of course of course of course what was that a hollow you gotta be kidding why didn't anyone notice it bad man getting yinged yo hey this brother yeah yeah [ __ ] with him yeah he's bro you need to read a line of us then he's the main character bro of all three novels an original I don't even read aot line numbers bro I think you like them bro they're written by actual good writer bro allegedly the line is he still sucks do we hate to say even if it's cool like it sucks it's gas bro it's supervised by Kubo bro gas bro gas content bro I'm talking about the way it's written you're one of them needs yeah I'm [ __ ] the least these guys haven't got spiritual pressure they're no ordinary Hollows were tackling them in one when one goal spread out isn't a tradition to capture a living hold off for the ceremony we don't have time to quibble over that we'll catch one after what we do with these guys his ability says give birth he like gives birth to the lab or is I don't play games sorry man that was the extent of it hey hey this guy he basically writes give birth on his unpack tool and he gives birth to Bear Birds yeah but colder hey I thought it was pretty cool let me go introduce bro don't watch what happened after that chapter 500 worth it yeah low-key you're not wrong hey is that the wolf brother no this is this is someone else this is a new character that was just introduced this girl you uh who's that Captain this girl here assistant captain of number eight but he's he's gone this is a battle now he's not dead he's the fact that he's he's got no power left in it he basically sacrificed his he's a wolf now I swear he's literally just a permanent wolf he's fighting the bug oh no apparently something I don't know he was always a wolf This Woman's cold she's yeah she looks young yeah she is tapped though I like that took his head off I said God I wish that was me hey bro we don't know how old she is keep it in your pants went for the Bulls next blood clot hey hey this is the guy though I like him I always forget his name he's his mighties this is like he's he's his work he says send now yeah he's the center aquan Akon yeah three three four four five five eight because there's no more Nemo anymore so he's he's the assistant captain of mayuris oh don't remind me man yeah sad times low-key top four fighting bleach I hide there for me it's not top for her I should finish this right I'm finished anyway the white Incident That's amazing till it's done let me quickly just save it and tweet actually let me see what you put Mario Reverse is with like look this is look look these are top two Ichigo you are bar shunsui Lily Miri panado ichibe Ichigo or Kiora that's Loki anime attacks heavier I'll be honest yeah it's great in the manga but it would be SS it wouldn't really be on the same tier this is Eisen flex and then the Soul side you can't lie let's go back here I'll probably drop it one honestly but renji this is biakia I'll drop it one as well yes [Music] I beg you read this I relax read this read this but I've read this you haven't you don't remember it it's literally a whole chapter of no dialogue greatness pretty sure I was giggling where is it it's like Jesus Christ we're not going through this again it's here bro oh here it is cool look at the way they line this up look at the way they line this up they eat you're going mindset of defeat in this man yeah he said I had no I had no chance of defeating this man bro he had to accept it yeah good good good you I swear I'd save her to no one who bought myself P fiction I don't care the way they lined up these two scenes it's sensational yeah see that's why if if each school was cheating with thingy it'll make it so much fun at that one panel yo [ __ ] guy bro where'd you even come up with this [ __ ] Bro the whole chat look at this bro look how many pages of just look look how many pages I just know dialogue just him getting smoked collapsing just him collapsing all right I stabbed him yeah and that's why he says congratulations your fangs did reach me well done come on bro I can't lie though you let him reach him my brother's stumbling at that point you could just take a step back oh it's Sensational no it's not that's not that's not when he stabbed him he was already stabbed before when Wendy clashed the sword was already inside him look the sword is already inside him look at the end of the last chapter at the end of the last chapter yeah he flexes he flexes stops him here yeah he stabbed him there look and this is showing you a second floor no look this is before so look this is him going in this is him going in yeah you can see blood splatter yeah and this is going slightly black in time to show us from another perspective another camera angle it's just obviously Mama forgot he had to flushed it no because it's a joke man it's a joke Man attack because it's unpacked or crumbles inside him bro it's a joke Man attack that's what I'm saying like let it happen yeah yeah yeah he did he did let it happen didn't it but I wasn't turning a bad way yeah he respected it still your fangs did reach me to episode you know that would get me even more hot though imagine imagine you yeah yeah I feel bad for Angie yeah nice bro come on the tattoo Guy versus tossing gas death bear returns Ichigo obviously can patchy people sleep on this who do you versus Mighty you don't get how good this fight is bro you actually I don't like it because um yeah but I can't like this entire pot is gas I think it's funny is this the fight where Mario starts a hit in the head of Nemo or not yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is gas bro look who he does to have Bankai a captain's Bankai bro yeah he went boom Myra's web for that store he's not bro you need to understand who Udi is supposed to be bro he's literally Ichigo of the Quincy's yeah yeah obviously but like it's a bit it's not it's nuts but he literally the attack he just used it makes sense the attack you just used is literally this it's literally the Quincy version of final getting attention on it after that he lost his Quincy Powers but the way he got it back because did he get back by his dad his dad yeah his dad violated and told him you were never the last Quincy boy that is so funny I was just lying so good his dad is cold no the whole doctor thing I think you actually like Udi when you did the doctor thing I think he just looks weird I'm not gonna imagine but the doctor thing is cool where is it's like 660 I think the only reason I don't [ __ ] with ginger like that is I think he looks like a a slightly malformed Superman white that's why I like the the Suki whatever that guy's name is that's one of the scariest abilities in fiction bro honestly I'll be honest imagine being able to hijack someone's position in someone else's life like imagine like imagine hijacking someone's dad like I'm your daddy bro I'm your dad bro imagine someone 10 times older than you you couldn't do that that has some real nefarious possibilities it's a [ __ ] they're Billy evil a real nefarious [ __ ] you could do with that ridiculous yeah but this this this here I think you'll like a lot dad what are you doing that's Mom isn't it he's carving her up in it to create the arrow that they're using a final battle on it from her heart yeah his dad is carving it up in it why are you cutting her she's dead he's a bad you what are you doing and this is why yeah that's right that day I decided I wouldn't be a doctor if being Dr me is having to cut apart your dead wife then I don't want to be one his entire life he was against his dad for being a doctor I'm proud of being a Quincy yeah and then he gets older and he realizes that his dad was being a Quincy all along it was a Quincy thing and that's why he's a doctor in the last chapter I can't lie this is gas decent stuff doesn't make him any less work no yo yo [ __ ] yeah you don't get it you don't get it bro foreign what's well let me see if you [ __ ] with any of these lower fights bro you probably don't remember any of them you don't you probably don't remember any of them bro I remember that fight now I don't [ __ ] trash yummy could be the worst character in fiction yeah it could be it could be like 50 older characters like he's up there but like 50 other characters oh and at least and at least 10 Kishimoto ones who the [ __ ] is a rod board bro dborne is uh a guy man yeah I forgot anyway he's a spider he's not a spider he's I can't lie yeah queers trash all those five seconds which ones the one against the Spanish you bro and the [ __ ] okay okay so what was that this is why I hate Yuri when uru comes in and starts saying like one line is in Spanish and he thinks it's whoa boys he's German bro it's German German yeah bro they were saying more like this in Spanish says it in German all the other characters say it in Spanish speak Spanish who do you speak German bro he's a Quincy in and there's a line in Spanish bro I'm pretty sure you said one thing in Spanish I believe oh [ __ ] chat might have you Spanish I got so hot he actually did why are you saying bro oh that's nice I'll give it to you foreign on Twitter yeah yeah let me see let me go back to let me let me find this well literally right before the Stream I think it's on it I don't know I think it asked you it could have been on stream you're saying about low-key address every single popular critique for framing misconceptions yeah someone was like give me an example you like recent stuff about samiki in there I don't think has anything to do with framing on Michigan's up some new kids or nothing character the audience is a zero attachment to you because we only get one flash component making me I'll let you cook like you're like why do you think that's the case seriously asking she's the Crux it was more the other comments like someone's like why does he think what why does he think Gadget has really seen me that way I'm not really disagreeing but what somehow did that if she was written to me so nothing more than Merit at all for making me why would you expect more from that conclusion you know I think I've been written that way is a poor decision it's not really about expecting more it's a criticism of the narrative and get these choices I don't think she's an effective artist at all if there's no reason to care when she gets spots but then you have to say is the narrative asking you to care no that's that's the whole point you're saying about operating misconception yeah exactly yeah that's my example I I didn't even see that response here in it because it was rad before I started to stream because it acted like they're like oh no it's nothing to do with framing or Michigan sections but that is a misconception after framing exactly because you're not supposed to care when has it ever portrayed as a good thing is a joke like the entire fight is the difference between the sukuna and thingy in the past and how he treats her it's supposed to be sakuna showing Megami like this this is how you should treat this woman who cares if she's your your dad's girlfriend's daughter like you've you are the user you have the best inherited technique equal to limit let's say you are the greatest sorcerer or could be the greatest Sorcerer of this age along with Gojo and because you're so fixated on this one type of way of life that was that was given to you by your dad's girlfriend's daughter you make a [ __ ] toad with wings and you can't even be total without being about to pull out a magaraka Maharaja yeah right The Narrative is saying like bro you're a joke man like you like she's so unimportant she doesn't even get a pause it's an interesting message that he's going through though man it is it's interesting like what's what's the ultimate point of it go go so you see you're on you're on your laptop yeah go to chapter one of this you guys and jjk we're going to talk very quickly before we end it's this that first over there I saw video myself I hope you enjoy that type of person's first graphic novel oh like when has the narrative ever made sukuna look bad or kanjoku look bad when did it ever make makito look bad before he went to to go get out from ghetto conjoki like interesting like the way um sukuna speaks to Joker like the parents are saying he's right bro it doesn't it because that's exactly tied to how people win battles and how strong they are I am 116 in the cinder you must burn everything to us in there yeah yes like bro this is you should have burnt everything desire to send the three sides of God you're not worried about your future identity but you like the hunger to take hold of your desires you're probably right hunger consumption like you can eating food that's the thing though I think it's I think it's true but I think the message he's promoting is Joe Go's mentality towards it this was actually fun when it lasted joke was wet because Joker wanted to be the new Humanity so he's saying like no like you're you're still trying to lump yourself into things and Islam proud thing he did not say that [ __ ] yeah I know he did not see that no but that's interesting though why would he include that from like a thematic perspective why is why does gay gay want the reader to feel that way can't get so it's saying that in this Society it doesn't work like in the way he was born it doesn't work what Joker was doing and it doesn't he gets clapped she couldn't have to bring on you like he gets [ __ ] but he managed to is to find some sort of resolution for himself with like the so-called Pontius was Hanami or like mahitosis I don't give a [ __ ] about him hmm so like you're saying that you can find something for yourself that's not going to change status so like Gojo like you're sure you're a nice guy bro you've lost every single [ __ ] fight you've been it but I told you and that was the one time when you didn't care about these things or blood he climbed the card out of the flat little keyboard oh man no no no you can because like he failed in that like he wanted to he wanted to grab Joe go and question him about what the plans were because he wanted to teach Yuji you like he's literally about to stop him and then you just like oh no no wait wait like he's like you should ask him who sent you he stepped on his head saying who sent you about to question him he could have prevented Shibuya yes en manages to take him look he's about to go and you're just like ah you can go and it's oh no no way help me yeah exactly yeah that's a good point I'm not gonna lie every [ __ ] like you can like no Bara only gets good when she gets [ __ ] sadistic Mega me only beats that one sorcerer because he remembered Gojo's words about being more selfish and Swinging for defenses Eugene only beats Makita when he goes into that cold mindset um [ __ ] though it's interesting I can't like that we need to see where he's gonna take the end they're not gonna let obviously all I I don't see like Gojo could get the current the type of yoga resolution sukuna could feel less lonely in the fight with Gojo and that will impact how that fight goes because he'd no longer be this Pinnacle of the self yeah there's a lot of roots he could go with it I just don't see him contradicting you can still do that in the end like if you have a society without cursed energy or somehow Yuki or one of these people like like her ideal comes about to fruition yeah you can have that oh now once but the point is the point is this the society itself that needs to be broken down like even now like look the [ __ ] all the higher options got killed and Society will probably be a better place like all the xenons have got massacred by Mackie has the narrative said has anyone said that's bad it's interesting it's interesting a whole lot that's why I really [ __ ] with you today bro it's just different within it yeah bleach is so much better though anyways let's end the stream now for pulling up man then look love love love love love love love
Channel: Radman
Views: 6,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bleach anime, bleach 2022, bleach manga, bleach volume 1, death, death and strawberry, analysis, discussion, readthrough, reaction, reread, series, bleach, bleach ost, bleach soundtrack, bleach battle music, review, ichigo, ichigo kurosaki, rukia, rukia kuchiki
Id: D4u0p-y4LyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 166min 30sec (9990 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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