The Jujutsu Kaisen Theory Iceberg Explained

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did you know that the death paintings like choso here are based on a real Buddhist painting or that Master tenen and Jutsu Ken's evil mastermind kinjaku were homies over 1,000 years ago or what about the fact that sukuna doesn't just kill people he eats them as well after cooking them in the malevolent kitchen that is of course because today we're diving down the Jujutsu kaisen Iceberg and in case you don't know an iceberg video is basically a collection of all of the most obscure lore theories and facts that a particular particular topic has to offer starting at the tip of the iceberg above the sea level with facts about jsuk kaisen that even the most casual fan should know like the fact that there are exactly four special great Sorcerers down to the deepest and darkest depths with ideas that even the most hardcore fans have probably never heard about like the fact that yoman sukuna was actually a real person that lived in ancient Japan let's raise our domain expansion and explore tier level one and the first step on our journey journey into the cursed depths of the Jud kaisen iceberg is that Kaku is in fact yuji's mother Kaku the body hopping ultimate villain of Jutsu kaisen who has been pulling the strings behind the scenes for over 1,000 years has worked for centuries and centuries to finally enact the culling games but as we saw when we were treated to a few of kaku's past lives one of these was actually no one other than Ki itadori yuji's mother who is seen bearing kaku's trademark forehead scars and we just hope that one day author gig aami's love of Pop Culture references allow Kaku to treat us to a star wars-like reference as Yuji faces down the big bad only for him to say Yuji I am your mother and actually speaking of Pop Culture references in Jutsu kaisen what is an ungodly powerful character like Satur gojou actually supposed to do in their free time well as one of the certified top five hottest anime man of all time time I'm sure that he could be getting plenty of dates probably but nothing will ever be able to fill the unlimited void in his heart like his departed bfff Sugo GTO and therefore he has to satisfy his nerdy interests with hobbies that will appeal to only the truest of anime fans namely Gojo loves Digimon when ghetto and Gojo are charged with delivering the star plasma vessel to prevent Tang's Evolution Gojo understands the situation by comparing it to his favorite series that the star vessel will reset tenen back to cot Mon and prevent him from evolving into a deadly form like skull Greymon and this Easter egg goes especially deep actually when you realize that both Gojo's English and Japanese voice actors have voiced Mina characters in Digimon itself and so if you're a real Digimon fan just wait because this isn't the last time that we'll be jumping into the digital world in this Iceberg actually and as you know in juk kaison we also meet lots of other special great curs spirits like the disaster curses or just about anyone who can get their hands on a sakuna finger however on the sorcerer end of things there are only four known special grade curse users those are Satur Gojo suguro yukumo and UTA oku they're all four ranked as special grade which essentially means that their curse techniques exhibit unlimited potential but besides just broken curse techniques they also have access to just absurdly massive reservoirs of cursed energy that go exponentially beyond your average sorcerer some character even say that Sorcerers of this level could probably take on an entire nation singlehandedly and what are these techniques well Gojo's technique is literally Limitless suguro could command an army of cursed Spirits UTA can copy any cursed technique that he wishes and Yuki can just casually create a black hole in other words these Sorcerers are truly on another level but it makes me wonder which characters may still become special grade Sorcerers or which other new special grade characters that we haven't known about yet may still be introduced in the future of the series especially since some of these characters are now out of the picture but now ever since sukuna first saw megumi fushiguro dudes been obsessed clearly sukuna really wanted a body that is a bit easier to control than stubborn Yuji who is somehow able to take back control from the king of curses however out of all of the powerful judu sorceress sukuna has his eyes on meoi as his ideal vessel and this basically comes down to the tech techque that meomi has inherited from the Zay Clan the 10 Shadow technique now this power basically allows meomi to utilize the powers of 10 different shikigami however he still hasn't managed to gain full control of all of them and then during the culling game sukuna finally got his hands on megumi's body I mean that that just sounds wrong uh sukuna was finally able to switch from yuji's body to megumi and was able to use the power of the mahura whose ability to adapt to any situation and any ability in battle even allowed him to take out the most powerful sorcerer Satur Gojo and actually from the very first chapter of judu kaisen the death flags that we have been getting for Yuji itadori have been there right along for one when yuji's grandfather passed away providing a protagonist with his tragic backstory he left him with some parting words he told Yuji that he's a strong kid and that he should help others and he also said to die surrounded by friends and to not be like him however fans of Jud Tyson have taken another character's death that of principal Yaga to create a wild theory about character's last words because when Yaga dies he tells the principle of the Kyoto judu high school that he will be passing a curse onto him now some fans have taken that very literally speculating that character's Last Words might actually become literal curses and if that should be true then Yuji is actually faded to die within the series surrounded by friends uh die again we should say because this guy did have his heart ripped out after all before and he's still up and kicking and next up kinji hak's cursed energy is just built completely different some sorceress cursed energy seems to have special qualities that give it a sort of texture or secondary effect and by some Sorcerers I do mean exactly two hakar and Hajime kasimo one of the sorcerers incarnated during the culling game Who conveniently fought each other at one point in the story now haka cursed energy has been described as being rough or sharp allowing his blunt punches to have a cutting effect on the other hand Kimo's cursed energy is like electricity the fact that his overwhelming amount of cursed energy behaves like an electrical current means that his physical attacks are effectively impossible to defend against since they electrocute his opponents and as you know every Naruto needs a Sasuke which means the edgier and literally more shadowy of jutu kaisen Heroes might just turn evil according according to many fans in a way that has technically already happened at least with megumi's body now that sakuna is using his body to cause all sorts of Carnage throughout the culling games however many fans have actually speculated that meoi would turn to the dark side long before this particular plot twist actually happen with megumi's beloved steps sister skimi being the victim of kaku's curse that lulled her into a coma megumi would stop at nothing to break the curse and revive her it was even speculated that he might Ally himself with the sight of evil if it meant saving his sister now of course leave it to Gig akutami to take a popular fan Theory reject it and then come up with a story development that caused 1,000 times more psychological damage to his readers Yuji tadori isn't just the star of an anime he's a longtime fan Jutsu kaisen is no stranger to making pop culture references as we mentioned earlier to real life celebrities or to other media for example when Gojo is first teaching Yuji about how to control his cursed energy he explains how most Sorcerers can Channel their energy into a special curse technique unique to the user for instance Gojo has his Limitless technique Yuji is fired up to learn his very own special attack but is absolutely heartbroken when Gojo reveals that he doesn't seem to have any natural talent for using a natural curse technique and of course Yuji is devastated saying that he wanted to be able to pull off a spirit gun a bonai a ren gun or a doon and Big Time anime fans will recognize all of these as the signature attacks of characters from some of their other favorite series spirit gun was the primary attack of the spirit Detective yusi urichi from yoh hako ianai is of course the ultimate attack of the Shinigami from Bleach narutaki special move is the Shakra based renan and with the last one Yuji proves he's a true fan and not just a poser because a lesser man would maybe have settled for a Kamehameha but he chose the Doon Ray the the signature move of the Dragon Ball villain mercenary towel now speaking of sukuna curse techniques it seems like he has multiple which hey that's breaking the rules that every judu sorcerer should only be able to wield one single curse technique but there are a couple of exceptions for one kinjaku is able to possess multiple techniques but only because he has inhabited multiple bodies UTA of course is also able to use other curse techniques but that's because his curse techniques is to copy the technique of of others and so in other words sukuna is a completely different case his curse technique seems to have something to do with powerful cutting attacks allowing him to cleave enemies apart however he also finished off Joo with a fire-based move that was strong enough to burn a literal volcano curse to ashes in other words someday we definitely need an answer to what sukuna actual curse technique is and why he has access to multiple as you know Suk kuna's power is locked behind his 20 cursed fingers relics that his power was actually sealed within during the Haan era so that he couldn't be resurrected in the future and so far with each single finger that Yuji has consumed sakuna power have grown exponentially stronger getting closer to the full strength that he possessed when he was originally alive however so far 19 fingers are accounted for and the last one only remains a mystery now sakuna himself speculates that it was in Gojo's possession because he thought that the sorcerer might be hiding away so that Yuji would never obtain the last one and therefore wouldn't need to be executed by the judu hups however even though Gojo is now sadly out of the picture the truth of the final finger is still unknown so was sukuna hunch right or does he still need to hunt for the remains of his power now tell me this what's a villain to do when he's waiting for his evil plan to come true well if you're Kaku you pass the time with a nice board game specifically there is one scene where Kaku Maho and choso are all playing the very real board game the game of life that's of course very ironic because these three characters in particular are almost playing at Being Human Kaku is just a brain inhabiting someone else's body MTO is the human curse But ultimately is a curse not an actual human and as a death painting choso is kind of in between being curse and human at the same time but there's also a second level to this metaphor here given that Kaku is constantly playing games with the lives of others in fact his master plan is to create the culling game a game in which the participants are literally fighting for their lives in other words this tiny scene of a board game is massive foreshadowing and character development at its best okay do I even need to explain this one just look at that season 2 anime opening for crying out loud are Gojo and ghetto sharing a right on a tund of bicycle platonically okay so the actual text of the series does insist that they are just just best friends forever but that hasn't stopped Gojo X ghetto fans from being one of the most popular ships to come out of the entire judu kaen fan base but really no matter the nature of their relationship these two do share a special bond their immense strength isolated both of them but in each other they found a rival and also someone who could understand their own experiences and even though they were later driven to become enemies the connection between them never really died but we're just getting started when it comes to this ice because if you thought that these theories were crazy then you just wait what we have coming up when we activate our innate technique in tier number two while Yuji and AI Toto are fighting during the kyotto sister School Goodwill event Toto suddenly has a strange sort of hallucination he has a flashback to a past filled with joyous memories spent with his brother Yuji and then suddenly he's convinced that he and itadori are actual brothers who have grown up together now at first this seemed to to be just a Gak but after the exact same thing happened during yuji's fight with choso that's when things got really really suspicious was this some sort of special curse technique on yuji's end well we'll speculate even more about that later on but sometimes the simplest solution is the best one maybe Toto actually isador's brother after all since choso was revealed to kind of actually be yuji's half brother I guess since both of them technically share kinjaku as a parent maybe Toto really is his actual long Lov brother in other words is Toto just the illegitimate child of Kaku and or yuji's mysterious father only time will tell kaku's body hopping power has some really interesting quirks it does seem that not only does he gain the bodies and powers of his victims but also their memories and even some of their personality traits now it's kind of unclear how much one of his bodies might be able to exert its will and fight back against against kaku's control but while Gojo was being sealed by the prison realm and kenju used gto's body and voice to distract him Gojo taunted GTO asking if he was really going to let someone else use his body like that and when he said this the seemingly impossible happened and gto's hand attempted to strangle himself in other words it really looked a lot like the diseased G was still in there somewhere trying to fight back against kinjaku which of course in turn raises the question of whether ghetto at some point will actually be able to regain control of his body and I do think that it would make total sense if in a moment of extreme conflict when things were looking truly terrible for Our Heroes GTO would be actually able to hold back kinjaku for a moment and save the day that way GTO can actually somewhat redeem himself for his villainous actions before and then reiting with Gojo in the afterlife oh boy this has to be one of the greatest memes surrounding this uh very highly memeified series and so people will take panels from the manga and then edit out the dialogue so it goes something like person number one this sure was a juk kaisen to which person number two will respond no this was our jisen and this is of course a reference to all the cheesy ways that a lot of movies will work the title of the movie Into the dialogue however this particular joke here actually works especially well since so few English fans actually know what judu kaisen actually means that's because most anime titles usually are trans translated into English when they arrive in english- speaking Market but jjk is just one of those few rare exceptions where it retains its untranslated Japanese title Kimba became Demon Slayer shingi noojin became a taco Titan some like one piece or bleach even just have an English title to begin with in Japanese but Jujitsu kaisen literally translates to something like sorcery battle even though some of the kanji in the title are actually just straight up made up but the fact that English fans are confused by the title of the story story kind of paved the perfect pathway for this particular meme no nanami isn't a delicious pastry though according to Tik Tok plenty of people do seem to think that he's downright delicious nope his part of his family just comes from Denmark nanami's maternal grandfather was Danish which makes this sorcerer a quarter damee that explains why he has blonde hair and blue eyes quite the Rarity in Japan but extremely common especially in northern Europe and I mean proving that rule other fun facts include that he was one of the first characters that gig designed for jsuk kaisen and his design was originally intended to be a villain also his favorite food is bread now this is completely unrelated to the other fun fact but gigy told us that his favorite food is Brad so now you get to know about that I guess you are a real one nanami we'll see you in Malaysia mumi figo's curse technique is the 10 Shadows technique which he uses to summon beasts called shikigami Shadow monsters to fight alongside him these include his Divine docks his goto shikigami for serial attacking he depends on the winged Nu and when he needs to make use of serious tongue action he can call upon P tote then for some real power he has the Great Serpent and Max elephant rabbit Escape allows Momi to summon an entire swarm of rabbits to Surf as a distraction round deer can actually use reverse curse technique to heal and piercing Ox is one of megumi's most powerful attackers and finally he has the eight handled sword and then finally he has the E handled sword Divergent cila Divine J and finally he has the E handled sword diver Sila Divine general mahaga which is not a mouthful to say at all and I definitely nailed it on the first try saying this totally I could talk and theorize about all of these shikigami all day but if you're familiar at all with counting then you'll realize that that was actually only nine of the 10 Shadows now some people have argued that the Divine dogs count as two but if that's the case then what about all those rabbits because adding those in you might as well call it the like 89 Shadow technique and so it really does seem like gig aquatami is saving one Shadow for a truly intense moment of the series but the question is how it's possibly going to outclass mahura a shikigami is so incredibly strong that no user of the 10 Shadow technique has ever been able to get it to submit to their will well at least until now I've already mentioned some of the ways that Jutsu kaisen has referenced real pop culture like Digimon and other anime however Jutsu kaisen doesn't restrict itself to only referencing video games and animated properties this series also just references real life movies and actors like a lot the most memorable case of this is probably Yuji talking about how he has a massive crush on actress Jennifer Lawrence and even owning a poster offer in the anime however this isn't the only reference to a real life movie star Momo crushes on Sebastian Stan who played the Winter Soldier in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and while Yuji is doing his cursed energy control training while watching movies it appears that among the movies that he's watching are a Tom crew style action Fleck and of course Lord of the Rings and when Yuji and jume are hanging out and talking about movies Yuji does an impression of Tom Hanks in Cast Away by screaming Wilson as well now this isn't where it ends though because the DVDs that Gojo holds up to Yuji are actually Real DVD covers as well they include Leon the Professional the host The Descent deep blue SE which he also spoils the ending off and the emperor's naked army Marches On which I'm about to look up on every streaming service based on just that title alone I guess to inumaki has one of the highest potentials out of any of the Tokyo jutu students in fact his Clan's curs speech ability is just so broken that gigy has to handicap Toge with the handicap of making his attacks wreck his own throat to the point that he coughs up blood if he uses too many attacks in a row as a result to actively avoids speaking in anything other than onigiri ingredients just to avoid accidentally cursing his own allies or harming them and if he's worried about what he could possibly do by accident just what is the potential of this ability when he's using it in combat and once toga has grown stronger with a large enough stockpile off cursed energy what kind of commands could he give enemies beyond what we've seen in the series and what might his domain expansion look like could it be as deadly as goo's where someone only needs to hear to's voice to lose the entire battle curses in jutu kaisen gain their strength from humans negative emotions in fact the most powerful curses are associated with specific fears for instance joo's power comes from people's fear of volcanoes and other fire related disasters Maho gets his power from people's fear of humans themselves so what would make the strongest curse of all a curse based on Darkness fear what about a curse based on the fear of all of the other curses as some people have speculated this theoretical curse curse could be the strongest curse imaginable in other words is that what sukuna actually is is that what makes him the king of curses or would sukuna himself quake in his boots if he ever came face to face with the curse curse himself Tangen is by far one of the most mysterious characters in all of judu kaisen she is 1,000 years old and so powerful that she began evolving Beyond Humanity itself she lives in a secret chamber far below judu High where she generates the protective barriers that keep Japan's curses at Bay and protect important locations in the judu Society and also this figure was friends with kinjaku a long long time ago and you might have been surprised that I said she here because they appearance doesn't really look human at all anymore so it's really hard to determine agenda for this forite individual not four eyes as in they were glasses Four Eyes in the most literal sense possible one important clue was that the known star vessels who had the potential to merge with Tangen were Yuki and riko both of whom were women but then tenen also mentions it herself judu kaisen started off with a one-hot manga called judu kaisen zero which was also made into a popular prequel movie the hero of judu kaisen zero was actually UTA oku the special great sorcerer who still plays a very important role in the series however once judu kaisen actually launched as an official Series in Jon and jump UTA was nowhere to be found and instead fans were introduced to Yuji and mumi as the main characters the original Short series which first had the title Tokyo Metropolitan curse technical school well that just rolls off the tongue I guess was never intended to be serialized as a long running series actually however once judu kaisen was picked up for the long run akutami thought that Utah story arc had essentially already been completed and wanted a more py outgoing character for his Shonen series instead as a result itad DOI was born however can you see how many Inspirations gig took from his original series especially the haircut in Du to kaisen zero Toge and uta's hairstyles are basically identical to Yuji and Migo and they basically adopted their new looks for judu kaisen now I've already mentioned like five times how the series makes tons of references to real life celebrities as well as Pop Culture references to other anime movies however gig also incorporates a lot of real life locations into Jud kaisen as well the most obvious examples is having the Shibuya incident take place in the real life Shibuya station in Tokyo however Giga takes his dedication to portraying these real life locations very very seriously if you search online you can find tons of side-by-side comparisons where people impose manga panels over their actual counterparts and the amount of detail put into replicating Shibuya is just in insane it just really goes to show how gig wants to portray his series as having grounded characters who inhabit a real world our world I mean I'm in Tokyo right now another great real life location though and one that's been mentioned to death is Kentucky fright chicken now Western fans might be surprised to know that KFC is actually really popular in Japan and another one of the real life places that gig included was having ghetto and Gojo have their faithful last conversation or as some people call it their breakup on a real life City street here in Tokyo Eide fans who have sought out this location in real life have determined that Gojo and ghetto actually break up right in front of a Kentucky Fried Chicken which is not fingerlicking good and now for another mem worthy moment this time from due to kaisen season 2 near the end of the Shibuya incident sukuna has taken control of yuji's body and has caused absolute Carnage throughout Tokyo thousands if not tens of thousands of civilians are dead entire buildings have been flattened and as Yuji comes back to Consciousness and takes control of his body again he is stunned as he looks out upon the destruction and he knows that it was he or his body at least that has caused it tears begin to flow and even though he wasn't in control he knows that his own two hands have brought tons of innocent people to their end he falls to his knees and begins pounding the ground cursing his fate and then we hear it the Perfect soundtrack for this gut in moment you are my special now it's not uncommon for us to hear the opening of an anime in the last episodes of a season but when it contrasts with this absolutely tragic moment it kind of turned one of the saddest moments in the series into one of the funniest and so as a result all of the most tear-jerking scenes in anime history have been put to this song what actually happens when you break a binding vow as you might remember a binding vow is a contract made through cursed energy either with oneself or with others these type of vows often give a curse technique certain rules or restrictions in exchange for granting it more power for example nanami's overtime makes it so that he can only access 80 to 90% of his power while he's still on the clock but as soon as he begins to work overtime he can then output 110% of his regular power however yet other vows are between Sorcerers such as the pack made between sakuna and Yuji allowing sakuna to access his body for 1 minute after he says and chain in exchange for resurrecting Yuji after removing his heart now it's actually suggested that breaking a binding vow has terrible consequences but what actually are those do you die do you lose all of your cursed energy it's kind of unclear what actually happens however since the author has hinted towards truly gruesome consequences we can only hope that by the end of the series it will be revealed what actually happens if such a vow is broken and to be completely honest with you so far my own personal binding vow has prevented me from giving you the juiciest juu kaisen out there but I'm going to take the ultimate risk now and break it in order to bring you tier three a vengeful spirit is a specific type of cursed spirit that occurs when a human dies a cursed death now Jujitsu Sorcerers have a heightened chance of becoming a vengeful Spirit should they die by means other than jiujitsu one of the most notable examples here is Rika a cursed Spirit born after the death of Utah's childhood friend who fights alongside him or another one is NAA Zay who was transformed into a vengeful Spirit after Maki slaughtered the Zay Clan he then turned into this form because maki's Heavenly restriction means that she doesn't have any cursed energy therefore he wasn't killed by jiujitsu as a result it seems like the more powerful the human or sorcerer the more powerful the vengeful spirit will be V's actually bit of an exception because it was mostly Utah's crazy amount of cursed energy and his refusal to let go the death of his friend that really helped make her into a special grade cursed Spirits however that has now made a lot of fans really curious as to what might happen if the world's strongest sorcerer becomes one of those vengeful Spirits in other words Satur Gojo so in other words if Gojo was somehow killed by something other than Jujitsu he would probably be a curse even more terrifying than sukuna and all of to society would probably be completely powerless to stop him now I just mentioned NAA zin the Arrogant youngest son of Nao Zay and Nya was not having it when it turned out that migumi would be the heir of the Zayn Clan he was full of resentment and wanted to be the head of the family himself and then after Maki slaughtered all of the Zay Nya's desire for Revenge lived on as he became a vengeful spirit with the sole aim of killing Maki however NAA didn't just turn into a regular venture F Spirit he turned into a digimon or more accurately he turned into a vengeful spirit that looks exactly like a digimon back in the year 2000 toy animation released Digimon Adventure our war game a digimon movie directed by the very acclaimed animator mamuru HOSA the villain of this movie is the corrupted Digimon diablomon and one of this antagonists pre-evolutions is infermon an armored spider-like creature that can contract its limb into its body to create a missile form and let's be real there is a definite resemblance between this Digimon and Nya's Cur Spirit form though judu ka's version definitely looks more well cursed however we already know that gig is no stranger to making Digimon references so I really wouldn't put this one past him so far judu kaisen viewers have met three of the cursed womb death paintings there is fan favorite character choso the blood manipulator who betrayed kinjaku after realizing I in that Yuji was his brother then there are Choo's departed Brothers ISO and kisu who were defeated By Yuji and kugisaki however it's been stated that Kaku created nine death paintings so just like with migumi shikigami there's still something missing here but in this case it's not just one out of the 10 Shadows it's six out of the total nine and now for a little uh bonus fun fact here woo love those uh the reason that there are nine death paintings is that this is actually a reference to a piece of Buddhist art called the kuzu or the nphase diagram which depicts the nine phases of a decomposing corpse so I really wonder if that means that the final death painting is just a skeleton or cremated ashes or are they just inspired by name alone we'll only really get to know if Gigi finally decided to reveal Choo's other six siblings and we get to see the death paintings that are still in storage at Tokyo Jujitsu High however due to this painting we can guess the names of all of the other death paintings since Choo ISO and kisu are all named for specific parts of the kuu paintings as well and so in case you're curious the other siblings names will be noro shoso tenso sanso Koto and Sho and honestly fingers crossed that someday will hopefully actually meet all of the remaining members of this really strange family oh and speaking of the death painting family members we of course can't forget the secret 10th brother you I itadori himself as the son of his mother kinjaku Yuji is a half sibling of choso and the other death paintings maybe half isn't the correct fraction here since the death paintings sort of have three parents their mother a curs spirit and Kaku who mixed his blood with them while he was in noritoshi kamo's body so he's like a twoth sibling of Yuji like something like that however even though they were powerful Kaku ultimately determined that the death paintings were a failure it didn't really transcend his own power like he originally hoped however Kaku has had hundred of years since then to perfect the formula which brings me to the theory that Yuji himself might be the perfected death painting because Kaku is a villain who does everything in a really calculated way trying to Perfect all his plans and schemes as much as possible and so it's kind of doubtful that he just birthed Yuji because he was ready to experience the joys of motherhood so much more likely it wasn't just coincidence that Yuji turned out to be a perfect vessel for sukuna Yuji was probably designed or engineered in some way specifically for this purpose in fact kenju probably chose yuji's father very carefully and it's likely that he has a special ancestry on his dad's side as well that gives him unique potential as a sorcerer that we just don't know about yet Satur Gojo is one of the greatest te teachers in all of manga he cares deeply for all of his students he stands up for Yuji and UTA who are both deemed threats to the jitu society and takes them under his wing instead of allowing them to be straight up executed he trains migumi personally and becomes like a real father figure to him after he kills his actual dad in other words yeah Gojo really cares for his students deeply which makes it really weird that he has never interacted with kugisaki one-on-one like ever like please correct me if I'm wrong here but even though Gojo spends time personally training megumi and Yuji and UTA I'm pretty positive he never teaches anything to kugisaki in a one-on-one setting at least as far as we know and this is especially funny because at least in the area of arrogance she probably takes after her teacher the most out of any of the other students so maybe if she'd had a little bit more one-on-one attention in the classroom she would still be with us today or maybe she is who knows Fight Club boss and Resident drip God kji hakari is currently suspended from the Jude to high for assaulting one of the hups now I've already talked about his unusually sharp cursed energy but now it's time to talk about his domain expansion and as far as I'm concerned his idle death gamble is the strangest domain expansion in the entire series because it creates a game called the private Pure Love Train themed after a Roman's manga of the name and which is apparently based on a real Pachinko machine that does exist in the real world and if aaditi hits a jackpot in this Pachinko game he gets a giant boost to his cursed power but he only has a 1 in 239 chance of actually winning a jackpot but if he does he enters unkillable mode for 4 minutes and 7 Seconds coincidentally the exact duration of the private Pure Love Train seam thong which plays within the domain for that time and in his killable Moe hakati gains access to an unlimited amount of cursed energy which means that he can use reverse cursed technique to reflexively heal any and all injuries however we already know that hakati also runs a Fight Club where he actively fixes the fights to make money and given that Haka got multiple jackpots in quick succession in his fights I'm betting that his chances aren't actually one in 239 instead as the owner of the establishment the OTS are very likely rigged in his own favor but now let's actually talk about another wild innate technique that was a real blink and missed moments because one of the several techniques that kinjaku has collected over the centuries is called the anti-gravity system during his battle with Yuki and Choo he revealed a technique that massively increased the gravity in the area in order to weigh down his opponents however in a last Stitch effort before she died Yuki used her ability to control Mass to essentially create a black hole which would theoretically pull in and Crush keni jaku however he escaped and he revealed after the fact that he was actually using the revers curse technique when he increased the gravity and that the actual power was anti-gravity which allowed him to escape the pull of the black hole but maybe the craziest part of this power is that it belonged to KI itadori yuji's mother before he took over her body and since he's possessed the bodies of very notable Sorcerers over the centuries it just makes me even more suspicious that yuji's family is a lot more important than we actually know now I've already talked about that we're not quite sure what sua's curse technique is or what his cursed techniques are if the speculation that he has multiple is actually true however a lot of the fan base is pretty sure that Yuji is going to learn whatever curse technique that is that's because when Yuji first learned about innate techniques he was absolutely dismayed when Gojo told him that he showed zero natural ability for using any of these special Tech techniques and if you remember that's what I talked about earlier when Yuji actually wanted to use a razen gan however despite yuji's despair Gojo believes that there is hope that eventually some of sua's curse techniques will actually be engraved within Yuji himself giving him basically access to powerful special moves and so housing the powerful sukuna inside his body for such a long time is sure to have some sort of effect and part of that means that some of sakuna strength will also end up rubbing off on Yuji in fact in chapter 233 of the manga Yuji was able to hit sukuna who was inhabiting megumi's body at the time and the guy really gets around now to be fair it didn't cause that much damage but sukuna had a clear look of surprise on his face that Yuji was even able to phase him at all which may mean that our hero is due for a really really big power up that fans definitely hope includes a cursed technique of his very own Giga kutami the creator of Jud kaisen and hosi the creator of my hero Academia are actually super close friends in real life so yeah it must be nice to have a besty who can relate to all of the pressure of being a mangaa after all the daily schedule of a manga artist is basically like being placed in a blender for 20 hours of the day and then suffering while waiting for your contractual 4 hours of sleep so I guess it's kind of nice to hear that these two can actually find time to spend some quality time together what do two of the most successful manga artists in the world do to together well rumor has it that they've gone to watch movies together checking out some neon genous Evangelion and given the timeline this was most likely Evangelion 3.0 plus 1.0 Thrice Upon a Time which was released in 2021 and doesn't have a confusing or weird title at all I must say apparently H kosi has also stated that Maho is his favorite judu kaisen character which has me personally concerned for hoshi's mental health I think but uh I mean we'll see how the rest of my my hero turns out anyways speaking of mahito being the worst let's talk a little bit about jume now if this was a normal Shonen jume probably would have turned against MTO and ended up becoming part of the gang and joining Yuji as a student at JSU high as it was kind of promised in the original opening but this is not a normal Shonen so he became a platypus instead and died a horrific death you know kugisaki and nanami style except jume did it before it was cool if you get my drift now after Jump's Arc was already over gig made comments that he wished that he'd included more scenes of jume and he wanted to show more of jum's kindness so that his death would hurt the audience even more than it already did and well his wish was then granted by MAA who actually added some anime only scenes to endear jume even more to the audience before then ending up to kill him horribly seriously where is AI toal because last we saw him I said OE when mahito blew up his arm and this unfortunately prevent Toto from using his boogie wogie technique ever again which requires him to clap in order to switch places with his targets however cutting his arm off was a small price to pay in exchange for himself not blowing up I guess unfortunately the fan base hasn't seen their favorite buff guy sorcerer since the Shibuya incidents almost every character at least the ones that are still alive have shown up to take part in the culling games in some way or form fans also wondered where characters like nit toi camo were until we got an explanation that he just kned his way out of the entire country to protect his family really shows how much Faith he has in the good guys to stop kaku's master plan however total has been just completely absent You' think he would at least show up in a couple of panels to say hey guys I'd love to help out with all this whole sukuna problem but I'm missing my arm so uh I'm going sit this one out so really here's to hoping that gig akutami is saving him to drop in when things are at his worst who knows maybe he'll even find out that he actually can still use his curse technique by clapping something else use your uh imagination now I've already talked about how sukuna seems to have multiple curse techniques even though the limit for a sorcerer is supposed to be just one he uses his powerful cutting techniques but also was able to use fire well enough to burn a volcano curse to death and lots of fans have speculated on what exactly the connection between these two very different techniques could be basically leading to the theory that sakuna is the Gordon Ramsay of the judu kaisen worlds that is to say in his past life a thousand years ago during the Haan era when he was human sukuna was a chef think about it chefs have to chop up ingredients so they need insanely fast knife skills however they also need to have control over fire so that they can cook their dishes perfectly and it just makes you wonder what other Chef related skills sukuna could pull out is he going to whisk the other Sorceress in the culling game to death beat them like an egg and actually sukuna being a chef would finally give us an answer for why Crunchyroll decided to translate his domain expansion as malevolent kitchen instead of what it actually is which is malevolent Shrine after all where do chefs work not a shrine as far as I know but it does also beg the question of how many Micheline Stars sakuna fine malevolent establishment has actually earned at this point oh excuse me what's what's the soup of the day Carnage M now the this very unusual translation also has led to a huge wave of memes as you can imagine c a million pictures floating around online with a chef's head photoshopped on sakuna and I will never know exactly what was going through that translator's head were they trying to viral marketing on purpose or did they simply call sakuna domain the malevolent kitchen because he's cooking but now it's time for me to turn up the heat in my own malevolent kitchen here because from here on out the theories are going to be the absolute fire and that's because we're now in tier four what is yuji's actual curse technique I've already speculated on a few options so far such as him gaining access to sukuna Powers however some fans think that his curse technique has already been revealed and it all has to do with what we talked about all the way up back at tier level two with both AE Toto and choso having sudden Revelations during their battles with Yuji that he's actually their brother because some people think that this is a lot more than just coincidence or a gag and actually hints at a special power that Yuji possesses memory manipulation the idea basically goes that Yuji was unconsciously using his curse technique all along reshaping his opponent's memories after all in both cases the opponent doesn't just come to a realization that Yuji is their brother they have vivid memories of actually growing up alongside Yugi so did our hero actually just implant these memories inside their brains with without even knowing it now unfortunately for this Theory gig kutami has actually denied that this isador's technique and it's not as though aaka would ever lie right or am I just remembering that wrong and that was just a memory that he implanted in me you know we might just be reading too much into jjk if we're coming up with wild theories like that and so let's get away from the wild theories for a second and go back to a totally normal one believe me okay okay this one does sound a little bit outlandish but trust me sukuna being a cannibal has actually been confirmed according to akutami sukuna has a taste for human flesh and apparently his servant urum is an expert at preparing bodies for consumption however maybe he likes to do a little bit of cooking for himself now and then we've actually just talked about how sakuna might actually be a chef but what would the world's most evil Chef speciality be what exactly would he cook inside that malevolent kitchen of his well people if this Theory to be believed think about it how does Yuji gain sua's power again oh by eating fingers sounds like a cannibalism to me how does sukuna transfer to megumi's body more cannibalism really when it comes to sukuna it's just cannibalism all the way like this seems to be a perfectly suitable crime to earn someone the title of king of curses all curses love to kill people but it does take a truly awful curse to make murder into a Michelin start experience then another popular Theory also stated that sukuna cannibalized someone very specific his own twin within the womb now to be fair that certainly wouldn't be the single worst thing that akutami has written about fetuses looking at you death paintings but since Maki and Ma have revealed to us that twins are considered the same person in terms of their cursed energy this cannibalism would be one factor explaining sua's insane power and maybe also his multiple techniques vengeful Spirits aren't an original creation unique to judu kais in Shinto vengeful Spirits or on are ghosts that have come back to the world of the living to seek revenge just like in jjk however in Japan there are three of these vengeful spirits that reign supreme these three are known as Emperor suu ta masak and sugan and at least one of these though does actually exist in Jud suisen as well or at least did in the past and he's actually refer in the context of the three great vengeful Spirits so we can assume that if one is real and juk kaisen then the other two probably are as well and these Spirits from a byon era are among the most powerful beings in existence in the judu kaisen universe even rivaling monsters like sukuna himself in power but here's the really weird twist because the great vengeful spirit that is named in the series sugar Nisan is also said to be an ancestor to UTA otu and Satur Gojo now it's weird enough to find out that these actually share a family tree because if two of the four current special great Sorcerers are descendant of this one great vengeful Spirits then are other powerful Sorceress in the world also connected to these three figures will we actually ever get to meet any of these Supreme Beings in the actual Story the perfect place to introduce us to suwar nichana and the other vengeful Spirits would be in a hyan era flashback Japan's hyan era was known as the golden age of judu sorcery and there's a reason that most of the incarnated sorcerers in the culling game actually Stomp the average combatant from the modern day figas from the ancient past like Tangen sakuna and Kaku are seemingly just built completely differently when you don't factor in special grade sorceress a heyan era flashback has so much that it could possibly show and explain to us what was Tangen and kaku's relationship like 1,000 years ago and how did things go sideways were they the Gojo EX ghetto of their age what was sukuna like in his prime what evil Deeds beside the cannibalism of course made him into the king of curses gig could also show us what all of the incarnated sorcerers like hajim mimo were actually like back in their first lives with so many important events happening that set the current story in motion he might just have to give us one of the coolest extended flashbacks in manga history and a hean era flashback could also give us more detail on yet another character's ancestry because everybody knows that yuji's mother is kakum I mean it was the very first thing in this Iceberg but what's the deal with yuji's father was he just a random guy or was there a specific reason that Kaku actually chose to get it on with Jin itadori in particular there is a Theory online that the itadori bloodline is actually made up of direct descendants of sukuna because on one level the true form of sukuna does kind of look like gu tadori who is yuji's grandfather and if you took yuji's grandfather's face and just got rid of a few wrinkles added another pair of eyes here and there and then uh set him down in the tattoo chair for a couple of hours maybe then bam you've pretty much got yourself a sakuna now this would also explain a why kenju chose itadori in particular as well as B why Yuji makes such a perfectly suited vessel for sakuna because surely if anybody's going to keep sakuna on on lockdown it would be his great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandson oh and while we got itad doi's Grandfather at the tattoo parlor what's with sua's ink in the first place besides looking honestly incredibly sick and making for a great Tik Tok filter apparently a lot of people who get tattoos like to get one that actually holds a special meaning to them so was sakuna just trying to look like a cool guy or do they hold more significance or are they even related to some sort of actual power and one actually super cool Theory draws on gigas aami's love for history because during Japan's Ido period criminals would be marked with tattoos in a practice called ID literally tattoo punishment a tattoo on the arm would signify stealing and a forehead tattoo would mean that you murdered someone and sakuna has plenty of both and this practice actually lasted until the Magi period when tattoos were actually completely banned alt together for several years and while tatos are once again legal in Japan they still carry a taboo and some association with crime and especially the Yakuza yet another theory is that these tattoos aren't just for looks instead they're connected to his to be determined curse technique and the idea goes that sakuna actually stores different techniques of cursed tools within his tattoos which would be one reasonable explanation for why he can access so many abilities hanak kururu is another character who was introduced during the culling game much like Yugi she shares a body with a very powerful sorcerer however in this case instead of being extremely evil like sakuna Angel is well Angelic she's so nice in fact that she decides to share hana's body instead of forcibly suppressing her Consciousness like most other incarnated sorcerers did and a primary goal of the culling game centered around Yuji and meoi searching for Angel due to her amazing ability of being able to extinguish other curs techniques including being able to break the seal on the prison realm in order to free Gojo however when they finally meet Hana she appears to know mumi fushiguro already in fact she does seem to have quite the crush on him which Angel teases her for a lot now it doesn't seem very likely that this was love at first sight so what past connection do these Sorcerers actually share and now that megumi's body has been stolen by sukuna how will they ever make things work between them and before we dive into the next here let's end this one with two more really fun pop culture references in jjk well the first one is less of a reference and more of a pop culture inspiration and it's not from jjk it's from y YH the classic series by yoshihiro Togashi yuu hakushu and it's already clear that gig is a big fan of yuu Haku show because one of the techniques that Yuji wishes he could use is yusei's famous spirit gun attack however one of the main characters of the story is actually inspired by a villain from yuu hakushu that's because GTO suguru actually takes a lot of inspiration from shinobu senu the antagonist of yuu hakus Show's chapter black Arc shinobu senso was a spirit detective before yusuke and turned to the dark side after he watched the most evil VHS tape in the world just like sensui ghetto was once a Judit sorcerer fighting on the side of the good guys who then became the ultimate villain fighting against them and this part might be a stretch but it was eventually revealed that since we had multiple personalities living inside of him and this could be similar to how gto's body was eventually taken over by kinjaku and yet another pop culture reference to a Shonen Jump series is to one of judu Ken's own contemporaries and competitors Demon Slayer one of the culling game's incarnated Sorcerers is called Hagan Dao a master swordsman from the culling game now to be fair he's essentially a Gak character though he's a Gak character who is insanely strong finding himself in modern day Jaan he was mortified to find that Katana are currently illegal in Japan and so the man searched far and wide for a sword that he could use against coling game opponents but had no luck finally he then did find a katana and the only problem is that it was a toy replica of Tano's nin sword from kimsun yba in fact when he presses a button it even shouts ichin noata first form water surface slash but what's even more weird than that is that truly eagley fans realize then that this actually created a bit of a Time Paradox within Jud suisen as you might or might not know judu kaisen actually canonically takes place back in 2018 however Demon Slayer didn't get its anime adaptation until 2019 so who knows who Voice is coming out of that sort however akutami actually commented on this telling fans to just ignore this one mistake please nobody is perfect and it's a really sweet Lily STK but now it's time for the deepest the darkest and most terrifying depths that Jud kaisen have to offer because next we're going straight into the realm of curses tier five in chapter 160 in the manga we can see kinjaku removing civilians from his barriers prior to the beginning of the culling game he comes to them in their dreams and allows them the opportunity to escape the bloodsheds in particular we see him guiding Sasaki yuji's friend from the occult club and one line that Kaku say is a especially strange here he's not just appearing to people in their dreams instead he stated that they are in the cursed realm a place between dreams and reality so what exactly is the cursed realm is this the place where curses come from is it where Sorcerers draw their energy from and more importantly why can kinjaku just go for casual strolls through that realm when it seems completely inaccessible to any other sorceress that we've met so far and is the cursed realm the same as the afterlife or is it something completely different I mean after Gojo's death for example he reunites with several other diseased characters so is this the actual cursed realm or is something completely different is it just a little flashback he has uh guys I mean I don't know how to say this but thean sukuna is real apparently because apparently he was a real living figure in Japan who has been mythologized from being a man to being a monster in the Nihon Chi a very old and very important historical book translated as The Chronicles of Japan allegedly documenting how Japan was formed and its history The Omen sukuna is described as having four arms and four legs and I guess gig couldn't get that particular design feature to look good on the page so it was just two arms but this legendary real sakuna apparently also had two faces and not just in the sense that he loves betrayal he just actually had two faces so probably this is where Gigi akutami took in ation for his extra pair of eyes and while the historical sukuna was feared by some he was also loved and worshiped by many and it's even thought that he's a secret deity worshiped at The minashi ginja Shrine in the hia province in interviews gig has also stated that sukuna was also inspired by an urgent legend about a mummified corpse matching this description The Story Goes that anyone who looked upon this mummified body with two faces four arms and four legs would be cursed with extreme Misfortune or even death and wherever the body was kept would experience terrible Calamity and so we have to ask what other Clues to sukuna backstory motivations might the real life sukuna actually hide in the current story kinjaku inhabits the body of GTO suguru a special great sorcerer who stands as one of the strongest of his era however if such a big Point has been made to demonstrate kaku's body hopping ability that seems like a pretty big indicator that this brain hasn't hopped for the last time and after being decapitated by UTA kaku's brain now has the perfect opportunity to change hosts however who will that new body be provided he's not actually dead that is while gig loves actually killing off characters we have a feeling that one of the main villains or the main villain won't probably go down that easily for one the comedian takaba corpse is right there for the taking which would give Kaku the power to turn anything he finds amusing into reality it would be truly dangerous since Kaku is a villain with a serious sense of humor who can perform standup with the best of them and of course gig loves to inflict unparalleled pain to his audience so which body would make us hate Kaku the most would he dare to make him take up residence in Gojo's delect torso or maybe he'd make us all take a hammer to our computer and or TV screens by removing no's body from cold storage and turning our favorite girl into an iedge wearing Menace or who knows maybe he'll finally combine with sukuna so that we can finally reduce our two main villains into one single entity when kenju Reveals His master plan for the culling game we see a map of the barriers that he's placed around Japan and if his goal is completed then every non sorcerer in Japan will merge with master tenen and create a new life form beyond that of humanity or cursed Spirits except it turns out that only actually applies to a part of Japan because suspiciously cut off off the map here is Hokkaido Japan's second largest island and its most northern prefecture and this is especially unusual because in Du to kaisen zero Gojo makes a reference to an Inu Jitsu School IU in case you don't know are the indigenous people of Hokkaido so we can assume that this third Jitsu school would be located on the islands however they're just completely left out of kaku's equation here in fact there's a whole world of jitu sorcery still out there that we have yet to explore given that jjk Z also introduces us to Miguel a sorcerer from Kenya so IU one can't wait for the day after jsuk kaisen ends when jujutsukaisen the world tour is hopefully finally announced tenen is clearly hiding some deep dark secrets and I'm not just talking about a gender reveal party like in tier one on the iceberg after kenju defeats choso and Yuki and reaches tenen he stated that they shouldn't have trusted tenen in the first place according to Kaku their master was actually hiding something very big from them but unfortunately gig still hasn't told us exactly what secret that might be Kaku has given us some hints he stated that even though he's the master Mastermind of the culling games he's not the game master in fact He suggests that Tangen is the real game master having erected the barrias that Kaku took advantage of for the game but is that it or is Tangen way more involved than meets di perhaps back when they were friends a millennium ago Tangen was the one who actually came up with the culling game idea in the first place who knows maybe he even held his own culling games back in the hyan era and sukuna was the original winner so really this is just one more reason why we really really need that hayan era flashback Tangen being involved a lot more here could explain why she hasn't given the other sorcerers more information on kaku's plan which she presumably knew something about since kenju has been working towards this goal for literal centuries the jiujitsu society is Led primarily by three big families the caml the Zan and the Gojo each of these families exist as a pillar holding up the delicate balance that is the jiujitsu world and when they're not being slaughtered by a jaded Maki that is now these families maintain the importance of keeping their blood lines pure and untainted which on top of being a kind of gross example of eugenics is also a gross suggestion of incest in fact if we examine the Zayn family tree closely enough it would appear that naito married his cousin and that Maki and may are actually products of that marriage some people even speculate that mayay is a member of the Gojo Clan based on her white hairir color and related curse technique that allows her to share side with her birds and being part of one of the big three families would explain her uncomfortably close relationship with her little brother and of course on the topic of really messed up family trees let's also talk about panda because he's a mutated cursed corpse brought to life through principal yaga's curse technique within him exist three separate cores that belong to his siblings and Grant him access to different transformation and abilities and So within Ponda lives his brother gorilla and his sister Triceratops but here's where it gets really messed up though you see when we see his backstory we're treated to a panel showing a funeral arrangement for three deceased people and it's kind of heavily implied that Panda and his siblings could actually be stillborn triplets possibly the children of principal Yaga himself in fact the principal of the Kyoto judu High School mentions that panda is able to function only because his three cores are extremely compatible which you would think the souls of triplets would probably be so does our lovable furry friend actually have one of the most twisted and tragic backstories in all of jjk with their own father resurrecting his own dead three children everyone if you'll excuse me for a moment it's time for some copium some huge extreme Giga copium please the first time one of the three main characters of Jud kaisen died was at the very beginning of the series when kuna tore out yuji's heart meomi and kugisaki were left thinking that he was dead when in reality Gojo was training the supposedly dead Yuji in secret so that he'd be able to hold his own in upcoming battles that's why it's clear that the only reason we haven't gotten official confirmation either way about no's death is because she's just been on her massive training Arc right that's right no is in Deb I mean what kind of mangaka would be heartless enough to kill one of the main before she even gots to have any true character defining moments right any day now I'm convinced when things are looking really Bleak noada will show up with a cool eye patch having quadrupled quintupled her power levels in secrets and then she'll totally rub it into yuji's face as revenge for when he did the same to her so yeah that's right novada will be back and stronger than ever please Giger please right and and while we're at it Gojo is not really in half he's the strongest don't you remember when Yugi asked if he would win in a fight against sakuna and Gojo said that he would win you know it's like a huge Meme and everything now well clearly he wouldn't lose to sakuna his Limitless ability means nothing can touch him even if mahura attack team against him with sakuna and the adaption ability lets him get past Gojo's technique because obviously while the rest of the gang is holding sakuna off Gojo is about to use his reverse technique and his six eyes powers to totally regenerate his body I mean maybe since he's in two halves right now both parts will recover and will be lucky enough to have two Gojo and now I'm not coping you're coping the curses in jjk aren't just fiction at least one of them is extremely real and just by reading the manga you might be cursed yourself what is the curse that affects every single person who reads jjk well other than the that character definitely shouldn't have died curse well that's of course the reading comprehension curse because not since hun Hunter have I seen so many walls of text explaining stuff in a manga for some chapters gig might as well just save ink by skipping the pictures Al together and just give us a few pages to read of raw text anytime there's a chapter that explains the intricacies of the hon era legal system or the rules and statistics that go into a themed Pachinko machine you might as well sent me back to second grade because all of my powers of reading comprehension disa appear and I'm kind of left staring at the page as drool begins swarming around my mouth but of course don't worry because if you or a loved one has been affected by the reading comprehension curse as well there is still hope for you out there because all you need to do is check out this video that an easy to understand words explains the entire Jude suisen power system and you'll be following all of this series complex fights in no time thank you so much for sticking with me until the end I hope you had a good time exploring this and I hopefully see you in the next one
Channel: Tanuki Tales
Views: 23,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, manga, anime explained, manga explained, tanuki tales, ohara second channel, ohara other channel, iceberg, jujutsu kaisen, jjk
Id: cKg4pds4ojA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 55sec (3955 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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