The entire HORUS HERESY TIMELINE in 40 Mins! - Warhammer Lore

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the Horus heresy is probably the biggest conflict in Warhammer 40 000's Grim dark history a decade-long civil war that ripped the Galaxy asunder and shaped the Imperium for the next 10 000 years so in this video I'm gonna go through the big picture what happened and when what battles were fought and how Horus managed to burn a path all the way to Terror [Music] [Applause] so the Horus heresy is huge it's the formative Foundation myth of Warhammer 40 000's law the great Crusade of the emperor fought in the 30th Millennium to unite Humanity under his Rule and led by his 18 primarks collapses in the fires of betrayal as his favorite son Horus lupacal Falls to chaos and leads half the armies of the Imperium against him in a war fought across every sector of the Galaxy the results tear the nascent Imperium apart Shadow the dreams of the emperor and lead to 10 000 years of stagnation repression and decline it's so huge that I've already done a load of videos on it from retrospectives on how the story has evolved over the last 30 years to lore videos on all the factions in it but until relatively recently it hasn't been that possible to tell the story of the whole thing in detail because it didn't exist the years of black Library novels and Forge World game books have allowed us to construct a pretty detailed picture at least of what happened in what year and so in this I'm going to try and tell the story from the start to the end how horus's initial decisions laid the plans for Rebellion early on and how was surprisingly dogged loyalist defense made it harder and harder for the traitors to hold it all together but it's worth saying that the history of the Horus heresy is still a work in progress It's not real so events are still being added and it's such a big conflict that you can add your own that's what a lot of the narrative gaming events that happen are for and of course being so big and so battered into the law there's a few different places you could start like most real world wars you can pick a number of dates as the start of the Horus heresy but I'm going to start this account at the turn of the 32nd Millennium in year zero M31 as Horus Luper Carl Primark of the lunar wolves is named War Master but it's worth examining the world in which this happens the Horus heresy occurred towards the end of the 200 year long great crusade in the late 600s m30 the emperor had fought the unification Wars on Earth Conquering the wasted planet and pushing out into the solar system the nascent Imperium had forged a steady alliance with the tech Priests of nearby Mars absorb the naval powers of Saturn and Jupiter and pacified the cellinar gene Cults on Luna all of which allowed the construction of the great fleets and armies that the emperor's plans required the first expeditionary fleets of the great Crusade Departed the solar system in 7 9am 30 composed of ships new and ancient and carrying hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers headed by the pride of the Imperium the 20 genetically engineered Legions of the legiones astartes over the next 200 years over 3 000 expeditionary fleets would conquer the Galaxy negotiating or forcing compliance on the scattered human colonies and Empires they encountered and fighting Wars of extermination against alien species with the emperor at their head over time The Fleets discovered the 20 primarks the emperor's intended generals and the genetic templates of the legions who have been scattered during their creation and they each took control of their Legion though two were lost in the Alien Wars to come in order of Discovery these were Horus lupicol of the 16th Legion Luna walls on cathonia Le man Ross of the sixth Legion space wars on Fenris Ferris Manus of the 10th Legion iron hands on Medusa fulgrim of the third Legion Emperor's Children on keema Vulcan of the 18th Legion salamanders on Nocturne rogel dawn of the seventh Legion Imperial fists on in wit Robert gilliman of the 13th Legion ultramarines on mccrag Magnus the red of the 15th Legion thousand Sons on Prospero sanguineous of the ninth Legion blood angels on Balian l Johnson of the first Legion Dark Angels on caliban hertarabo of the fourth Legion iron warriors on Olympus mortarion of the 14th Legion death guard on barbarous lorgar of the 17th Legion wordbearers on cultius jagatai Khan of the fifth Legion white scars on chogodis Conrad curse of the eighth Legion Night Lords on Nostromo angron of the 12th Legion World eaters on new Syria corax of the 19th Legion Raven guard on Deliverance and finally the twin primark's alfarious omigon of the 20th Alpha Legion and they're pretty much going to be our fast for the rest of this by the end of the second century of the crusade in the late 900s m30 a Tipping Point had been reached Humanity was the dominant force in the Galaxy the biggest alien threats if not exterminated then on their way there and the completion of the great Crusade all but inevitable of course that isn't to say everything was perfect many of the primarks have been damaged by their experiences growing up and some Legions had considerable differences with mainstream Imperial culture after a campaign at zaramund the Dark Angels had suffered such Schism in their ranks that they effectively exiled a part of their Legion committing them to a permanent Garrison on the Homeworld of caliban in 970 m30 the night Lords and their Primark were a renegade Legion in all but name and after Decades of torturous psychic visions and what they saw as betrayal by their Homeworld Nostromo they returned and destroyed it in 984. many of the pro marks especially the later discovered ones Harbor discontent at the methods of an emperor who racing against time to complete his plans have thrown them into the Crusade at the head of an unfamiliar army with barely any time for them to acclimatize to this new Imperium the most egregious example of this was lorgar Primark of the word bearers who defied the Imperial truth the emperor's decree that the Imperium would be secular all religion and worship was banned in the Imperium part of The Emperor's plan to defeat the dark Forces of chaos that preyed upon Humanity but Lugar was a man of faith and has spent a good portion of the Crusade indoctrinated in the worlds he conquered into the belief that the emperor was a god when the truth was finally revealed the emperor punished and humiliated Lugar and while on the surface the Primark repented in secret he just turned to the worship of the dark powers of the warp instead by the end of the 30th Millennium far away at the edge of the Crusade lawgar and his word bearers had fallen completely to the worship of chaos and had started to put plans in motion for the overthrow of the Imperium Horus lupical was the greatest of the primarks leader of the 16th Legion the lunar walls he'd been with the emperor since almost the start of the Crusade a Peerless leader in Diplomat one of the few amongst his brothers who could command all their respect but the opening years of the 31st Millennium would see his slow Fall From Grace the orc Empire of ulenor was the final great alien threat to the Imperium and in the opening year of M31 the Imperium laid at waste a hundred thousand astartes including elements from the white scars the ultramarines and the Luna Wolves led by Horus and the emperor himself and supported by millions more human troops defeated the orc warlord urlach ERG and fractured his Empire in celebration the emperor declared a great Triumph to be held to recognize the glory of the Crusade and it was attended by every martial force of the Imperium including representatives from every Legion and nine of the primarks and at this Triumph the emperor declared his retirement from The Crusade time was still against him and he had other tasks to achieve if Humanity would be safe and so with the Crusade now Unstoppable he named Horus the war Master of the Imperium in charge of Prosecuting The Crusade to the very end the emperor himself would return to Terror to complete work on his secret web Way project an attempt to release Humanity from its dependence on dangerous Interstellar warp travel there was little disagreement some of the primarks might have considered themselves the better claimant to such a role but Horus was loved by all and his brothers pretty much fell in line as the Crusade continued over the next couple of years Horus commanded the trajectory of the Crusade with ease the white scars hunted the remnants of the orc empire into the isolated chondak system and the rest of the legions ventured off again into the darkness the emperor stayed true to his word only emerging again in o1 m30 one for the Council of nikaya to resolve the question of the use of psychic powers by the legions the primark's Magnus the red sanguinius and jagatai Khan advocated for these new librarious departments but the emperor sided with the detractors liman russ and mortarion and officially banned the use of psychic powers by the legions before returning to Terror to continue his work this caused no small measure of upset but the departure of the emperor coincided with a few other developments that strained the legions The Emperor's Children enacted the cleansing of the zenos planet of laran defeating the alien layer within a month but the influence of the layer caused the legion's apothecaries to start experimenting with the legion's gene seed in imitation and the sword their Primark fulgrim took from the wreckage of the civilization was an ancient demon blade that began his long corruption and on the planet of Nerf the alpha Legion were brought into contact with a group of ancient zenos species known as the cabal who warned them of the upcoming war and how in their opinion the Triumph of Horus would actually save the Galaxy by destroying Humanity once and for all but both of these pale to the fall of Horus himself as warmaster Horus was already Under Pressure but he also felt for the first time abandoned and not a little resentful of his father and of this changing Imperium for centuries the Imperium was the primarks on the Crusade but with the new Council of Terror taking control of compliant systems with remembrances moving through The Fleets to document their actions and with the emperor gone to apparently more important matters what the Estates and the primarks would do once it was all over started to weigh on all their minds Horus wanted a legacy initially he tried magnanimity when his Crusade Fleet encountered the Civilized interacts in ro2 Horus chose to overlook their alliance with alien species in the name of collaboration despite his commanders call for war but when an ancient demon weapon preserved by the interex as a warning from history was stolen during the negotiations and War inevitably occurred his plans for a new way of running the Crusade were shattered with some primarks still chafing at the new commander and seeking to visibly reinforce his authority he finally gave in to a request by the emperor in 03 and renamed his Legion the sons of Horus but the turning point was still to come unknown to Horus it was the chaplain Erebus of the word bearers who had stolen that demon weapon from the interacts in o4 he gave the anaphthane weapon to Eugen Timber human commander of the world of Davin whose disappointment are being left behind by The Crusade was exploited by the weapon which overcame and possessed him Erebus then called Horus to Davin on a matter of urgency and manipulated him into leading the assault on temba's position himself while Horus killed the mutant thing that tempura become he was mortally wounded by the Anna thyme in return far from support and with the war Master dying of an unknown warp illness the distraught sons of Horus gave in to erebus's suggestion that Horus be handed over to the serpent Lodge for a spiritual cure something many of them were very uncomfortable with especially because it turned out to be a chaos worshiping cult kept alive in secret by the word bearers on that planet inside the serpent Lodge of Davin erebus's Devotion to chaos was revealed and the chaos Powers showed Horus a dark future where the emperor was worshiped as a God and Horus was forgotten claiming this was the emperor's plan all along the Primark Magnus the red far away on Prospero illegally used his psychic powers to try and wake horse to keep him from falling but he was rejected and for whatever reason whether his growing discontent or his manipulation by the powers of chaos Horus fell for the rest of o4 Horus covered and moved swiftly to secure his position before he chose to reveal this new treachery but he wasn't the only one moving swiftly after horus's rejection of magnus's pleas Magnus decided that the emperor needed to be warned seeking to prove how useful his psychic powers could be he enacted a ritual to project his Spirit form into the emperor's throne room to warn him of horus's treachery but the plan backfired the message was lost and the psychic intrusion broke the seals on the web Way project which was then invaded by hordes of warped demons as the war in the web way broke out the effort required to keep the demons at bay would see the emperor confined to The Golden Throne for the rest of the war lest the whole of Terror be lost to chaos Furious the emperor demanded Magnus and his Legion be brought before him in Chains and tasked Lee man Ross and his space walls to do this but Horus was already in the process of planning his first open moves and took advantage as warmaster the orders came through him and he made it clear that Magnus was to be killed and so during the Battle of Prospero the loyal Spaceballs Legion almost destroyed the loyal thousand Sons Legion laid waste to their planet and broke the back of Magnus who managed to Spirit Away the final remnants of his Legion to a planet deep within the eye of Terror with nowhere else to go the Thousand Sons would eventually end up siding with the traitors meanwhile Horus was using his position as warmaster to show favor to his potential allies he provoked war with the advanced oritian technocracy using the rare technology they possessed as a bargaining ship to turn Mars and the mechanicum to his side he favored The Emperor's Children death guard World eaters iron Warriors and night Lords with better resupplies even encouraging the iron Warriors in the destruction of their Homeworld Olympia and as the year turned to o5 he dispatched those he thought would remain loyal on campaigns to the furthest edges of the Galaxy the blood angels were sent to cygnus Prime officially to confront the the xenos Nephilim but they became embroiled in a war against a horde of demons and lost from communication with the rest of the Imperium the powerful Dark Angels Legion was sent to the far off Eastern fringes on crusades of conquest and the ultramarines the largest of the legions were ordered to muster in their own domains also on the Eastern Fringe ahead of a huge apparent war of Conquest to come finally with his pieces in position in o5 Horus gathered four Legions to the rebellious world of istvan III officially to put down the rebellion in a show of strength but in reality this was his chance to rid his allies of their more loyalist elements the sons of Horus death guard World eaters and Emperor's Children deployed those units and officers they felt would never turn to the surface to crush the rebellion and then annihilated the planet with virus bombs from orbit the intention was that this too would be a secret but when the survivors managed to hide out in the underground shelters of the planet and the war dragged on on the surface one ship managed to escape the eisenstein commanded by the loyalist death guard Captain Nathaniel Garrow eventually managed to reach Terror and inform the Imperium of the Betrayal the news was out Horus and three other Legions had turned traitor the Imperium led by the Primark rogal dawn of the Imperial fists attempted to formulate a response the blood angels and the ultramarines were still out of contact at the edges of the Imperium the Dark Angels were embroiled against the gordian league on diamat and the white scars were still Prosecuting the chondax campaign kept artificially isolated from communication by Horus as such a retribution fleet was assembled from the legions that were contactable small allegians that Horus had left in the relative center of the Imperium and this fleet was tasked with blockading the isfan system and bringing the trait allegiance to Justice the iron hands Raven guard and salamanders would arrive first and await reinforcements from the word bearers iron Warriors night Lords Alpha Legion and finally the Imperial fists making the long journey from Terror but as the forces moved into position rebellions broke out elsewhere in late 05 the Schism of Mars began as the fabricator General sided with Horus and an oily Civil War erupted the Imperial fists had to divert forces to rescue War material from the planet while their section of the retribution fleet was be calmed in the warp and made no progress to isvan at the isfan system The Raven guard salamanders and iron hands arrived in early 06 under the command of the iron hands Primark Ferris Manus but he was so incensed by the Betrayal he opted to make immediate planetfall against the traitor defenses prepared on the world of isvan 5 instead of waiting for the full Imperial response to arrive the initial assault consisted of the majority of the Raven guard and salamanders Legions assisted by the elite of the iron hands and it pushed into the ergal depression facing the guns of the sons of Horus worldly meters death guard and Emperor's Children but as their reinforcements landed behind them the battle turned into a massacre the second wave the word bearer's Alpha Legion iron Warriors and night Lords revealed their loyalty to Horus and the loyalists were cut down in a brutal Crossfire Ferris Manus was killed by his brother fulgrim and the majority of the Raven guard and salamanders Legions were slaughtered the Primark of the salamanders Vulcan was taken prisoner by Conrad kers of the night Lords and the Primark of the Raven guard corax for a weeks-long guerrilla war in the rubble before being rescued by his own Fleet with this move the battle lines have been drawn nine Legions had sided with Horus and they'd succeeded in killing one Primark capturing another and almost destroying two entire loyalist Legions but the Loyalists fought back wherever they could the remnants of the salamanders and the Raven guard along with the leaderless companies of the iron Warriors would continue to harass the traitor forces for the rest of the war as the gorilla companies known as the shattered Legions picking up isolated loyalist elements as they went and while the main Imperial fist's Fleet never reached this van a separately managed to blockade the sons of Horus home planet of cathonia and fought a brutal War through the tunnels and caverns of the planet for the rest of the conflict though the heresy was revealed the loyalists were still largely on the back foot so Horus dispatched his allies to reinforce his initial Advantage at the end of 06 hot on the heels of the drop site Massacre the alpha Legion assaulted and seized paramar and accompanied by elements of The Emperor's Children the system of beta Garmin both of which would be strategically important for the traitor's eventual march on terror the sons of Horus aided by the death guard assaulted the valuable industrial sectors of the coroner deeps starting the manakian war as they attempted to turn the vital Forge worlds of the area to their cause all three of these conflicts would possessed for years much of the Imperium were still in darkness the blood angels had defeated the hordes of demons on cygnus Prime though they were shaken by the first mass appearance of what would later become known as the red thirst and the Dark Angels attacked by a rogue sons of Horus Fleet in the rangder system had been alerted to the events of istfan but Horus still had plans to unfurl you know seven the night Lords were dispatched the Eastern Fringe to draw the Dark Angels into a series of conflicts across the Ultima segmentum known as The thromas Crusade comrade curse and his Legion caused chaos and distraction on sagwalsa and across the triplex and thrama sectors keeping the Dark Angels occupied for the next few years meanwhile lorgar and his word bearers made their way to the great ultramarines must appoint a calf one of the few areas of the Galaxy still in the dark about the heresy the ultramarines and their Primark Robert gilliman have been ordered by Horus to gather their forces and await reinforcement from the word bearers before pushing outwards to contest a nearby area of the Galaxy held by Orcs at the orbit little shipyards of calth the word bearers betrayed the ultramarines opening fire and destroying hundreds of ships and raining debris down on the planet itself dedicating the deaths to the gods of the warp the word bearers enacted a dark ritual that saw calth's son poisoned and raised the ruin storm a great warp storm that would keep the Eastern Fringe isolated from the rest of the Imperium with the Dark Angels ultramarines and blood angels trapped on the far side at the same time traitor Titan Legions mustering with the world eaters on ithrica as part of the same push turned on the loyalist legio presages the conflicts at calf and ithrica became the beginnings of the crusade of iron as the remnants of precision sought revenge for the Betrayal of ithrica and the shadow Crusade as wordbearers and World eaters under the command of their primarks lorgar and angron rampaged across Ultramar all in Revenge for the word bearers humiliation at the hands of the Ultima hearings all those years ago but they weren't the only Legion looking for Revenge the iron Warriors leaving istvan took the opportunity to attack their old rivals the Imperial fists first assaulting the becomes retribution Fleet during the battle of the full system and then assaulting the Imperial Fisk Garrison on hydrochordatus linking up with the Emperor's Children and their Primark fulgrim they then journeyed deep into the eye of Terror on a quest to find the weapon known as the angel exterminatus but fulgrim betrayed perturabo on the Chrome world of Idris attempting to sacrifice him to fuel his own Ascension to demonhood per tarabo escaped but fulgrim was still transformed into a demon Prince of slanesh by this point the heresy was fully revealed and with it war broke out across the Galaxy as a statis human and mechanicum forces all declared either for the Loyalists or the traitors but there was one Legion that still hadn't declared still on campaign hunting the Orcs of chondax the white sky cars have been kept in the dark by the alpha Legion who've been blocking all Communication in and out of the system but the alpha Legion were not as United as they appeared and during the tenebry mission the Primark omigon dispatched a force of legionnaires to destroy the legion's own blocking station allowing news of the heresy to filter through confused the white scars and their Primark jagatai Khan broke through the alpha Legion blockade and made all speed to Prospero attempting to verify the rumors they've been fed that the Space Wolves had turned traitor and destroyed the thousand suns in the Second Battle of Prospero they fought past death guard forces led by mortarion and discovered one of the broken shards of Magnus the red in the ruins and learning the truth the white scars declared for the emperor they'd fight a fast-paced guerrilla War across the Imperium for the next few years as they attempted to make the journey back to Terror as well as the white scars the alpha Legion also waylaid and ambushed the space wolves in the Alexis nebula who were coming to realize that they had also been tricked also planning to return to Terror they were only able to begin their Journey when the Dark Angels star fought Chimera loyal to the Lutheran Exiles on caliban but totally unaware of the heresy broke the alpha Legion blockade of the nebula finally through the whole of 07 the Loyalists attempted to fight back korax of the Raven guard traveled to Terror and was gifted rare genetic technology by an embattled emperor which he then attempted to use to Hothouse newestartis on his Legion base of Deliverance however the project had yet again been infiltrated by the alpha Legion who seemed really well prepared for this and the resulting Estates created by the sabotage project were horrifically mutated while the alpha Legion made off with the genetic samples putting aside the project as seven turned to eight The Raven guard launched into a new wave of Guerrilla assaults on scarato Constantin and karindiru as other shattered Legion forces were starting to seriously hamper the traitor advance the war in the coroner deeps concluded with the taking of the Forge World of mezzoa and then the fall of manakia itself freeing the war Masters forces up to push onwards a shattered Legion Force led by the iron hand Shadrach medusan held out on the planet of dwell and used their position to lure the war Master into an assassination attempt later in the year a second attempt would be made on the war Master's Life by an execution force of Imperial assassins on the world of dagonet leading to Brutal reprisals by the sons of Horus across the Imperium the iron hand Clan morrigal led by or Tech Moore annihilated the worldly as a recruiting world of Bolt and far away on purdytus the Dark Angels Came to the aid of an iron hands Force fighting kalas Typhon and his death guard and came away with the mysterious tukulka device which allowed them to navigate with some Success Through The Warp storms of the Eastern Fringe also beyond the ruined storm the shadow Crusade came to its conclusion on the world of new Syria the home world of angron as the word bearers and World eaters destroyed the planet's population they came under attack by an ultramarine's reprisal Fleet led by Gilman and in the resulting Slaughter lorgar attempted to save his brother angron by turning him into a demon Prince of corn the end of The Shadow Crusade Was Then followed by the end of the crusade of iron at the Battle of Truth II where both the loyalist and traitor Titan commanders were killed elsewhere the fires of War continue to burn on calf a brutal underground War emerged between the ultramarine and wordbearer forces stranded during the Betrayal unable to set foot outside because of the poisoned Sun Loyalists and traitor Titans fought over the midrand system mechanicum Civil War erupted through the forge worlds of anvilus and the traitor Fleet besieged important loyalist Worlds the blood angels Homeworld of Bal that had become something of a Bastion of Defiance for those loyalists who escaped isfan and the Imperial real fist's home world of inwit were both blockaded by traitor fleets in 08 and 09 as the traitors were mostly freed from conflict in The Coroner deeps the solar auxilia Marshall ayatan Mossad had rallied Imperial forces at numinal and agathon but the major Forge worlds had all fallen into the traitor's hands Horus set his sights on the next step of his plan the Night World of molak the site of a Gateway into the realm of chaos one that the emperor had used thousands of years previously to steal Knowledge from the chaos Powers Horus would need to make a similar bargain if he wished to defeat the emperor a huge invasion was launched in 09 headed by the sons of Horus and the death guard under mortarion where the first plague Marines saw battle though the capital of lupicalia was heavily defended by Knights blood angels and ultramarines it eventually fell when the night house Divine turned traitor at the same time on the Far Western Edge of the Galaxy the traitor Alliance Forge World of Zana suffered new numerous raids first by emerging Black Shield forces Marine forces that fought on neither side for the heresy and then by a Dark Angels Force who recovered ordinatus engines intended for the sons of Horus the chaos on that world would lead to the release of the tech heretic anakaris scoria and the eventual transformation of the planet into the first of the hell forges the Dark Angels were also active beyond the ruined storm aided by the two culca device they finally managed to scatter the night Lord's Fleet at sheol 9 their Primark occurs eventually escaping to the depths of the Dark Angels Flagship the Invincible reason with the night Lords no longer a threat the fleet headed through the warp storms towards Ultramar where the warp Beacon of the Pharos had been lit on sotha by scattered Imperial fists and Loyalist iron Warriors working alongside the ultramarines over the course of the next year more and more scattered loyalist elements would arrive in the ultramarine's domain following the signal Beacon of the Pharos including the blood angels Fleet still attempting to return from cygnus this would lead to one of the more controversial events of the period unaware of if the Imperium even still existed beyond the ruined storm and fearing that the emperor had already been defeated gilliman declared Imperium secondus a new Imperium with sanguineous of the blood angels as its Emperor and lion l Johnson of the Dark Angels as its Lord protector neither of whom were particularly comfortable with the idea even if they understood its reason for existing after a brief incident in which comrade curse escaped the Dark Angels Flagship and caused Terror across the capital of mccrag eventually resulting in the partial destruction of the Pharos device at the Battle of sotha he was captured and imprisoned by the Loyalists who also rediscovered the body of Vulcan Primark of the salamanders incoherent and barely aware since his escape from the night Lord's Flagship at thramas the following year in year 10 the salamanders present in the Imperium secondus would battle through the ruined storm to return their Primark to their home world of Nocturne defeating the death guard during the Battle of Nocturne and eventually resurrecting Vulcan existing conflicts exploded across the belt of iron a region of space held by several prized Forge worlds religious differences pulled more and more of the mechanicum into a conflict that became known as the cataclysm of iron which eventually involved the worlds of erdesh atar median Grier calabaraks and Valia maximal and their respective Titan Legions another major theater opened on the planet of Talon as the iron Warriors finally escaping from the eye of Terror laid waste to the planet in the hope of capturing the black Oculus an ancient artifact buried beneath its surface virus bombs turned the once verdant world into an endless desert the loyalist forces forced to fight from within sealed vehicles in what would become the biggest tank engagement of the Horus heresy elsewhere the Loyalists went on the offensive rogaldorn of the Imperial fists organizing a massive counter-offensive on the war wrapped world of beta Gama the largest concentration of loyalist forces in the Galaxy at that time led by the Imperial fists and the salamanders pushed out the Emperor's Children Garrison at the first battle of niacon and left the system in Imperial hands though a traitor counter-attack would start before the end of the year as Horus finally started his push towards Terror and if the traitors realigned towards their goal the solar War began as Alpha Legion forces started to test the defenses of the solar system itself the first major conflict of which was the Battle of Pluto as over 200 Alpha Legion ships assaulted the Imperial monitoring stations there the battle was ended when rogaldorn killed the Primark altharius scattering the alpha Legion Fleet but raids and attacks would continue for the next few years but as the traitors started to gather for the push to Terror so did the disparate loyalists in 11 and the white scars still searching for a route back to Terror while conducting a hit-and-run campaign for the last four years made two major advances first Against The Emperor's Children at the Battle of the callium gates and then against the death guard during the Battle of catalyst where they activated an ancient dark glass array and managed to Traverse the web way and return to Terror while at a similar time Vulcan of the salamanders used an alternate web way path to get from the Battle of Nocturne to the heart of the Imperial Palace but the biggest concentration of loyalist forces were still stranded out on the Eastern Fringe after numerous Visions convinced them that the emperor and the Imperium did still survive Gilman sanguinius and the lion dissolve the Imperium secondus and attempted to break through the ruined storm encountering numerous traitor and demonic fleets during the battles of anari and piran the three Legions eventually came to the center of the ruin storm at Davin during the Second Battle of Davin against huge demonic incursion the loyalist Fleet bombarded the planet with cyclonic Torpedoes weakening the ruined storm and opening a stable route through though it was blockaded by a traitor Fleet cutting their losses the ultramarines and the Dark Angels fleets opted to engage and distract the traitors so that the blood angels could make it through to Terror by 12 the Battle of Talon Ended as Horus Consolidated his forces and pulled Puerto rabo and his iron Warriors away and with loyalist forces Gathering they once again went on the offensive during the Battle of trisolian liman Ross and The Space Wolves Legion ambushed Taurus's Flagship anchored above chisolium 4A and the two primarks fought in the depths of horus's Flagship but while Russ managed to wound Horus he was seriously injured in return and with Russ unconscious his Legion were forced to pull back to yarant with the traitor forces in Pursuit they were eventually rescued by korax and the Raven guard but they suffered horrific losses eventually push them out of the war and with the ruined storm weakening the Dark Angels took advantage of clearing space Lanes to engage in a campaign of Retribution against the traitors across the southern Imperium destroying the legion home worlds of kymos and barbarous as the ultramarines continued to press on through the remaining storm slowly advancing on terror rogaldorn must have even more forces on beta Garmin including huge numbers of Titan Legions as Horus despite his wounds committed to a major assault on the system with his own Titan Legions eventually beta Garmin became one of the biggest and most destructive theaters of the campaign this part of the war dubbed the Titan death for the numbers of losses suffered by the legios of both sides the war on beta Garmin continued into 13. both sides pouring forces Into The Fray including fleets from the blood angels and the white scars arriving to attempt to hold the traitors until the ultramarine fleet could force a path through but while the traitors continue to fight their High command was falling Paris succumbing to his wounds fell into a coma disgusted by this and rethinking his decision to corrupt Horus all those years ago logar of the word bearers attempted to use up control of the traitor forces summoning angron to his side and journey into the warp to bring full Grim back to real space but Horus eventually rallied casting lorgar down exiling him and taking control of the remaining word bearers through wordbearers officers still loyal directly to him with traitor forces back under the control of the war master and the ultramarines still struggling through the storms delayed by engagements with the alpha Legion the Loyalists finally cut their losses and quit the ruined beta garment system pulling back to Terror and the solar system for the final phase of the war as the traitor forces mustered for their last push at Eleanor where this story started 13 years before they were joined by Magnus the red and His Thousand Sons now dedicated to the chaos powered inch his sons having collected the shards of their ruined father and reassembled him in the warp across the Galaxy conflict started to ramp down as theaters were bled dry of troops or their combatants attempted to reach Terror the underground war on cow finally came to a close as the ultramarines reinforced from within Ultramar purged the remaining wordbearers from the caverns and the Loyalists finally took the lead in the Titan war in the belt of iron as the cataclysm of iron came to an end after the siege of Grier finally as the death guard Fleet moved from the purging of inyx they would be calmed in the warp and through the manipulation of their first Captain kalas Typhon mortarium pledged his Legion to nurgle everything was now focused on terror as in 14 the traitor Fleet burned through the meager loyalist defenses that still remained in the solar system and opened two warp gates in system to allow their fleets to bypass the Mandeville points a sons of Horus Fleet took Pluto linchpin of the first sphere of defense and an iron Warriors Fleet under Puerto rabo took Uranus in the second sphere as a swarm of Emperor's Children and Renegade ships attack the moons of Jupiter and Saturn the sons of Horus Fleet then assailed Luna directly from the warp gates taking over the ancient selenar Gene vaults as shattered Legion forces managed to liberate the Magna Mata the original genetic templates for the construction of the legions something the Loyalists would make use of thousands of years later overrunning the moon the traitor Fleet took position in orbit of Terror and on the 13th of secondus the bombardment of Terror began the siege of Terror itself is such a huge conflict that it deserves its own video but in short the traitors masterminded by per tarabo systematically took apart the walls of The Emperor's Palace making gains with the taking of first the lions gates and then the eternity wall spaceports while Horus Magnus and the word bearers under zardulayak attempted to weaken the emperor's psychic barrier enough that their demonic allies might manifest they were resisted by the blood angels the white scars and the Imperial fists aided by the ligio custodies the sisters of silence and the millions of remaining human troops but the emperor himself and the majority of his custody's bodyguard were engaged attempting to stop waves of demons from crashing through the web way barriers deep underneath the palace the conflict ramped up for months as the traitors landed dark mechanicum Siege engines Titans and hordes of mutants and cultists and the Defenders were slowly bled dry angron demon Primark of the word bearers fought and was bested by sanguineous of the blood angels at eternity gate Magnus fought Vulcan deep within the web way fulgrim was beaten by rogaldorn on the walls of the palace and quit the battle disappearing into the warp while his Legion rampaged through the undefended citizenry outside the walls per tarabo incensed that his Siege plans being bypassed and questioned by other Traders commanders quit the battle and pulled his forces from the theater and jagatai Khan of the white scars banished mortarion of the death guard during a daring recapture of the Lion's Gate Port but still The Defenders were pushed back until all that remained was the inner Palace itself and through all this Horus swollen with the power of chaos pit his mind against that of the emperor from his Flagship in orbit but eventually as The Noose wound Tighter and both sides bled themselves dry the signal was received at the ultramarines and Dark Angels fleets were finally inbound and whether by coincidence or design Horus dropped the shields of his Flagship enticing the emperor to finally take the field the emperor's region malcador the sigilite took his position on The Golden Throne as the emperor Dawn and sanguinius teleported onto the vengeful Spirit fighting through hordes of demons the emperor finally reached horus's throne room only to find sanguineous already dead dead by his hand and though he killed the war Master he was mortally wounded in return the heresy ended there with the death of Horus lupicarl at the hand of the emperor the loyalist forces almost annihilated and the traitor forces turned to chaos and disarray the Imperium the product of the great Crusade was a ruin worlds reduced to rubble and billions dead in the years that follow the ultramarines and the remnants of the other loyalist Legions would Hound the traitors back into the region of warps base known as The Eye Of Terror and the Imperium itself would slowly rebuild but with the emperor catatonic and half the primarks turned to chaos or dead it would never again reach the heights it had just 14 years before at the Triumph of Eleanor the emperor's great plan was over his gamble to defeat chaos had failed and the Imperium that emerged from the ruins would ponderously roll on slowly crumbling under its own way for the next 10 10 000 years and it's interesting when it's recounted like that just how that all happened Horus might have engineered himself a perfect position at the start of the heresy the Loyalists deliberately scattered the original forces sent to stop him in the perfect position to be annihilated at the start of the war it seemed like he'd be hard to stop but the traitor still needed to secure industrial bases and supplies from a Galaxy that initially at least was still Loyalists and maybe resisted the arrival of the traitors more than was expected by the time he'd masked enough resources and obtained enough dark power to march on terror and challenge the emperor his army was falling apart chaos was taking its toll his commanders were more fractious than ever logar exiled after a failed coup comrade curse captured alfaria stead per tarabo quitting The Siege after being treated even worse than he was under the emperor and four primarks turned into demons and working towards their own agendas which meant that while Terror was still grossly outnumbered the two remaining loyalist Legions making their way through the ruin storm were a genuine threat and turned the final Siege into a Race Against Time anyway there we go the Horus heresy as I said the siege of Terror could be a whole other one of these but we've got a bit more information to be filled in before that becomes possible anyway I hope you enjoyed this Mammoth story and thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] and if you'd like to see more videos there's one just coming up there to the right and if you'd like to support the channel then you can follow us here or you can join the patreon which of course has the usual perks and Privileges and access to our lovely Discord 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Channel: Arbitor Ian
Views: 417,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9pRh-yKziY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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