10ed Lore Catchup - STATE OF THE GALAXY: Every recent Warhammer 40,000 plot event in order!

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hi gang well the 10th edition of Warhammer 40 000 is here and the galaxy has changed a fair bit over the last few years so if you're returning to 40K or getting into it for the first time here's a sort of General law update what's been happening in the Grim dark future of the 41st and I guess now potentially 42nd millennium [Music] so with a new edition of any game come new players and returning players and 40K law is one of those things where it can be difficult to know where to start and that isn't necessarily made easier by the advancing timeline in case you didn't know for most of its existence Warhammer 40 000 has been mostly a static sandbox setting the Imperium of man permanently always crumbling and on the brink of falling ravaged by attacks from without by alien xenos and from within by the forces of chaos constantly fighting on thousands of battlefronts that conveniently never actually conclude so that you can fight there too for the first 30 years of this game the universe was permanently set right at the end of the 41st Millennium somewhere in the 990s but since 2017 the setting has started to evolve with plot lines that combine in-game supplements new models campaigns and black Library novels and push this timeline on and there are out of them the New Leviathan rule book for the 10th edition of Warhammer has done a pretty good job of summarizing all this but it doesn't cover everything so in this video I'm going to try and sum up all the important events of the last few years the order in which they happened and also show you where you can read more about them so that you can be up to date and ready to get back into the game but first let's set the scene in the 744th year of the 41st Millennium on the planet of corinto the Seer tagarth proclaimed the time of ending a time of great upheaval for the Imperium where even the light of the emperor would dim he was of course immediately executed for heresy as is right and proper but it turned out that from the mid-700s onwards his prophecies might have been on the money up until this point the Imperium of man the protagonist of Warhammer 40K had been a stubbornly unchanging Force for almost 10 000 years it had originally been formed by the Emperor of man on terror in the late 31st Millennium at the end of a 5 000 year long period of isolation and turmoil known as the age of strife during which Mankind's previous star-faring civilizations have been destroyed and Interstellar travel rendered impossible due to Great warp storms but when the ill discipline of the eldari race caused the birth of the fourth chaos power slarnesh the warp storms were cleared away the eldari were fractured split between the assayani on their isolated craft worlds and the dracari in their dark city of Camara in the web way and the emperor planned to fill that vacuum for over 200 years the Imperium fought its great crusade to unite humanity and Purge zenos from the Galaxy led by the emperor's Creations the 18 primarks and their Space Marine Legions while the emperor attempted to build Imperial Roots into the ancient Eldar web way but the forces of chaos managed to corrupt half the primarks who along with their Legions turned traitor in the war known known as the Horus heresy the result of the heresy was the death of the Primark Horus its leader and the defeat of the traitors and their banishment into the eye of Terror but the emperor was mortally wounded and placed on the Golden Throne reduced to maintaining the light of the astronomicon the great Beacon used for Imperial warp navigation and to holding shut the gates of this broken web Way project lest Terror be flooded with demons from Beyond and without his guidance From the Ashes of this Horus heresy a new Imperium emerged the most powerful faction in the Galaxy the Imperium officially rules over all of humanity over millions of systems scattered across thousands of light years but without the emperor and the primarks at its head over time it turned from a dynamic Force to a ponderous bureaucratic and staunchly conservative one the vast majority of humanity if they're not stationed to an active warfront are crushed under the Yoke of ridiculous industrial tithes horrifically unequal societies brutally repressive laws or just the endless way of bureaucracy all enforced by the imperium's state religion the worship of their God Emperor which rose in the 32nd Millennium and demanded a beastance from all Humanity lest they be labeled Heretics even technology is no savior the keepers of scientific knowledge the adeptus mechanicus consider technology to be sacred ancient knowledge and treat scientific advancement as heresy as the forward of almost every book says to be a man in such times is to be one amongst Untold billions it is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable forget the power of technology and science for so much has been forgotten never to be relearned forget the promise of progress and understanding for in the Grim dark future there is only War so that's the Imperium and as the 10 000 years since the heresy and 40K passed the Imperium was crumbling it was frequently driven by internal political struggles attempted coups and differences in Doctrine it was harassed at every turn by the forces of the zenos from constant manipulation by eldari Craft worlds to something like the war of the beast in M32 where orc forces invaded Terror only eventually stopped during the second invasion of Eleanor a world originally invaded and cleansed by Orcs by the emperor and Horus back in the great Crusade but you know things got worse anyway while these Alien Wars continued the Imperium was also assaulted by the forces of Chaos in particular the 12 black Crusades of Abaddon that a spoiler who would forged the remnants of those traitor Legions into a new black Legion in the depths of the eye of Terror and was slowly leading raids and assaults out from the eye in order to collect the artifacts he needed for his long war against the Imperium the Imperium itself lurched from conflict to conflict crisis to crisis throwing Untold numbers of soldiers and War Machinery at every enemy it could find obsessed with not only its survival but still holding on to its Manifest Destiny to rule the galaxy in the name of its God Emperor it's a pretty bleak place but as tagarth said in the latter years of the 41st Millennium it was about to get a lot Bleaker the first sign of this was the rise of new enemies in the 700s m41 the silent King the leader of the necrons returned to the Galaxy the necrons were unknown to humanity but they were well known to the Eldar who had fought against them in the war in heaven millions of years before when the ancient necrons laid waste to the Galaxy as they attempted to defeat their enemies the old ones at the conclusion of the war the old ones had disappeared and the necrons became dormant in great tomb worlds waiting for the Galaxy to repopulate leaving it to the eldari but the silent King on a self-imposed Exile had seen what waited in the void between galaxies and had returned secretly working to speed up the slow waking of the neck dynasties at the same time in 742 m41 the Imperium recorded its first contact with the advanced and dynamic Tau Empire then undertaking its second sphere of expansion and fought the Damocles Gulf crusade to try and halt their spread some of the Town forces were split the discovery of the Dawn blade on Arthur's molok led to the creation of the independent farsight enclaves but the Imperial forces were thinly stretched eventually the gulf was abandoned to the growing Tau Empire because another xenos threat was on the horizon and it was the same one that the silent King had seen decades before the first invasion of the tyranids known as bayamoth began in 745 m41 and pulled all local forces into a last-ditch attempt to stop The Invasion on the ultramarine's Homeworld of mccrag over the next 200 years these three new xenos threats became more and more apparent biermoth was defeated but Splinter fleets of tyranids continued to ravage the glass East the towel fortified their second sphere and fought a near-constant war against Imperial forces and in 897 when Sanctuary 101 was overrun by mysterious metallic Invaders the Imperium was finally forced to take the necron threat seriously and of course the old enemies of the Imperium weren't idle through this the usual battles continued Imperial worlds falling to corruption by the forces of chaos like during the siege of racks in 813 or falling to the inefficiency of the Imperium itself as with the badab war of 901 and the old enemies were still there the Orcs under the War Boss Gaza kulmag urukthraka invaded their ancient home of ullinore again in 941 though by now it had been renamed Armageddon the second war for Armageddon consumed huge numbers of forces as the black Templars chapter and the Armageddon steel Legion led by commissar yarick fought back the York Invasion and all this unrelenting Warfare would ramp up again in the final decade of the 41st millennium in 993 m41 with the Imperium embattled as never before the second tyranid invasion came in the form of high Fleet Kraken precipitated by Gene steel occult uprisings on icar 4 and eventually consuming systems across the galactic East and decimating the population of the Eldar Craft World yandan in 997 m41 Garza calls Orcs invaded first peskina 5 and then Golgotha while in the East the Tau launched their third sphere of expansion under the inspirational leadership of Commander Shadow sun and War erupted again across the Damocles Gulf this is told in the war zone Damocles campaign and this spread out into smaller conflicts like the taros campaign and then in 998 garzakol invaded Armageddon again and as the third war for Armageddon sucked in military resources again from Light Years Around a different orc Invasion known as the redoir rampaged through the Sanctus reach dealt with in the Sanctus Reach campaign series The Imperium was on its knees in many places struggling to keep up with all these xenos invasions and the final year wasn't going to be any easier as retold in the war zone femoris campaign in 999 m41 the traitor Primark Magnus the red of the Thousand Suns banished to the warp 10 000 years before returned invading Fenris the Homeworld of his old rivals the Space Wolves warned by The Return of the mysterious 13th company and aided by the Dark Angels and the gray Knights the space wars managed to defeat The Invasion but not before Magnus succeeded in conducting a great ritual he moved the planet of the sorcerers his legion's base in the eye of Terror into real space into the same system as his ancient Homeworld of Prospero giving the Thousand Sons Legion a dedicated base in the Imperium for the first time in 10 000 years and by the time this happened the other side of the Imperium was in brilled in the biggest tyranid Invasion yet as high of Fleet Leviathan moved inwards from below the galactic plane and strange things were starting to happen all across the Galaxy the Great Awakening saw a ripple of uncontrollable psychic energy manifest in humans and the light of the astronomicon for the very first time visibly dimmed so well done tagarath you were right anyway after all that after all that well then our new advancing plot line begins with the Gathering storm series at some point at the turn of the Millennium the 13th Black Crusade began Abaddon War master of chaos LED an armada Against The Fortress world of Cadia destroying the mysterious black stone pylons there the mechanicus tech Majors belisarius call diverted from his mission to Ultramar finally discovered that it was this black stone which the Imperium knew mostly as a weird rock used in ancient xenos technology that held back the eye of Terror when the spoiler crashed an ancient Blackstone Fortress space station into Cadia destroying the planet the eye of Terror spread into a great rift of warp and real space overlap that slowly grew to split the Galaxy in two the spread of the Great Rift had colossal effects its first and most unsettling was the noctis a Turner the Blackness warp travel once again became impossible and the planets of the Imperium were isolated from each other as waves of demonic incursions spread across the Galaxy Terror itself was attacked by a horde of corn demons during the second Siege of Terror and the adeptus custodies sallied out for the first time in thousands of years during the Battle of Lionsgate As Told in the Watchers of the throne novel Series in the East the Tau Empire's fourth sphere expansion went horrifically wrong as their new faster than light drives which used backwards engineered Imperial technology suddenly dropped their Fleet into the turbulent warp space of the rift the surviving Tao emerged into the chalnath expanse traumatized having massacred all their non-tow auxiliaries in the wake of what they witnessed in the warp but despite the effects of the spreading Rift some survivors of kadia did manage to escape the system with help from a new xenos power across the craft worlds of the Eldar the Inari arose led by the former aspect Warrior turned which ivrain this new cult attempted the early Awakening of the Eldar god of the Dead inyad in order to save the eldari race originally manifesting in the drakari city of komorrah the Inari had traveled to many of the ancient Eldar craft worlds gaining new followers at every turn though often battling against the Demonic Legions of their ancient enemy slaanesh as they went in fact the craft world BL tan was broken apart during one such Invasion for whatever reason if rain's path led her to the Acadian system just as the survivors led by the Imperial Saint Celestine and Arch Majors call attempted their escape and the Inari spirited them through the web way to Call's original destination mccrag Homeworld of the ultramarines there as chaos forces from the spread of the Great Rift attack the system Cole revealed his cargo as soon of armor that with the help of ivraine succeeded in returning the Primark of the ultramarines Roberta gilliman to life after an extended and fraught Voyage Through The Warp storms and the web way aided by the eldari harlequins and the Mysterious Fallen Angels Cipher gilliman arrived in the solar system just after the battle of Lions Gate and a new age began and we should say now that all dates after this are a little bit circumspect as one of the things Gilman noticed immediately is that the Imperium doesn't actually know what date it is I'll continue counting forwards from m42 but this could all actually be a thousand years earlier who knows by this point the rift had spread almost across the whole galaxy and gilliman took Swift action he re-tasked the adeptus custodies with a wider remit and reformed the ancient sisters of Silence lost since the heresy and then he launched the indomitus Crusade with the intention of Shoring up the defenses this side of the rift a region called Imperium Sanctus and helping where he could on the abandoned far side of the rift called Imperium nihilus he did this with the help of thousands of primaris Space Marines an upgrade to the Space Marine template that gilliman had tasked call with 10 000 years before the new indomitus Fleet spread out across the Galaxy fighting Wars against the various chaos and xenos forces who had taken advantage of the rift and spreading the technology required to create the premaris Marines across the Imperium all detailed in the Dawn of Fire series and Gilman himself fighting the plague Wars against the death guard around o12 m42 maybe as they and their Primark mortarion attempted to invade Ultramar that's detailed in the dark Imperium series and then also coming to the aid of the blood angels to defeat what they thought were the final tendrils of Leviathan as the nottisser Turner receded a wave of psychic power spread across the Galaxy due to the presence of the rift detailed in the psychic Awakening campaign manifest infestations of Faith seemed more potent in forces like the sisters of battle orc was led by engorged weird boys rampaged across sectors and the Pariah Nexus was discovered a sector-wide attempt to just avoid all of that by the necrons another new player entered the galactic stage as the ancient leagues of votan descendants of some of the very first human colonists were seen more and more the squats had always been present in the Galaxy but have mostly confined themselves to the galactic core The increased warp storms had forced their prospector fleets out into the wider Galaxy in greater and greater numbers as they saw planets rich in resources to exploit as the indomitus Crusade continued much of its focus came to rest on the system of vigilance detailed in the vigilous campaign books the system was the gateway to an area called The nachmund Gauntlet one of the only stable routes through the rift both the Imperium and the warmaster poured forces into the conflict on vigilus in an attempt control the valuable Corridor but while this battle raged on abaddam was presented with a new opportunity to attack the Imperium this time in the form of the arcs of omen he entered into an alliance with the Demonic being vashtor the arcophane lord of the Soul forges who was trying to locate an ancient super weapon created by powerful aliens long ago and then locked in a forgotten vault in order to do this he needed to assemble a key and that key was to be formed of three mysterious artifacts present in the Galaxy there were loads of potential leads to these artifacts so together they pulled space hulks from the war and gifted them to chaos War bands with instructions to follow a lead and search for the artifact these arcs of omen popped up all over the Galaxy while the war on vigilus was still raging as conveniently detailed in the arcs of omen series eventually with aid from angron demon Primark of the world eaters and occasionally foiled by bellacor the first demon Prince vashtor succeeded in gathering the three main key fragments the urobaros the tukulka engine and the plague heart above the ruins of the ancient Dark Angels Homeworld of caliban he was opposed by the Dark Angels and blood angels chapters that even though they were led by the mysteriously returned Primark of the Dark Angels lion l Johnson they couldn't stop vashtor from uniting the fragments and this planet-sized key turned out to be an ancient Constructor device for the web way itself and escaped by borrowing through the dimensions and then finally with the Imperium split into with two loyal primarks returned though currently on opposite sides of the Galaxy with chaos in possession of a weapon of absurd power and with the indomitus Crusade continuing The tyranids Returned Leviathan hadn't been defeated and three new tendrils had appeared closing from the top and bottom of the galactic plane like a set of Jaws a aimed directly for Terror the Lord Commander solar leontus directed colossal troop movements as the astrum militarum Fortified anchor worlds across the galactic Southwest and the custodian general trajan valoris led Elite Soul blades into the dark to slow the high fleets but while the initial assault was withstood at bastior even bigger moon size tyranid bioforms were cited in the void and the Swarm kept coming and that's where we are I think I've covered everything big I mean there's loads more happening across the Galaxy but if you want the big picture yeah that's kind of it it's it's a lot right and that's because all this background is intended to give you loads and loads of material for your games of Warhammer from leading boarding assaults in an attempt to disable abaddon's arcs of omen to lining up your astrum militarum for a grim Last Stand as Hive Fleet Leviathan assaults another anchor world to preparing your Kinfolk for a resource Gathering Expedition after their ancient Homeworld was consumed by the Great Rift it's huge and messy and it's always been huge and messy because it's meant to be a ton of story threads that you can grab onto as I record this the focus is on the renewed assault of Hive Fleet Leviathan and the Leviathan book does a great job of summarizing all the above but I'll link all the reading material I've mentioned below if anything stands out to you and if you want to read further whatever Battlefield you pick good luck and thanks for watching [Music] if you'd like more lore from the universe of Warhammer then like subscribe and comment below and if you'd like to support the channel and I mean I guess me then you can order your toy soldiers through the affiliate links below or join the patreon where you get to vote on upcoming videos see videos earlier than everyone else and of course joining the discussion on our Discord server see ya [Music]
Channel: Arbitor Ian
Views: 117,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CTzzPbUcCa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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