The Enfield Poltergeist RARE BBC FOOTAGE

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I'm invisible I'm invisible visible why are you invisible they're my G okay because I'm a GH Oh s T yes he had quite a sense of humor he also used to swear Lots well I'm Irish gross that I'm one of Britain's leading psychic investigators I'm 76 now and still on the trail of ghosts and poltergeists in 1977 I led a team which investigated what is now regarded as the world's most famous poltergeist case the Enfield poltergeist it became world headlines at the time mainly because of the strange gruff voice that came from a girl called Janet Hollywood soon got in on the act and the makers of several box of his hits at knowledge a debt to my case in EM field I've never been able to forget that voice he called himself many names but mostly bill or Fred I still listen to the hundred and eighty hours of tapes are recorded during the investigation downstream this voice is coming from eleven-year-old girl well past gosh you got son to say sir yeah I'd like to know how you make this noise without bashing genex vocal cords to pieces if I said half a minute I get a sore throat there's chases yeah we found an on analysis the voice was not made by the larynx the voice box but by the full vocal fold which is above the larynx and you only use that when you lose your voice and you talk like that well if you talk about like that for more than a couple of minutes you start getting a sore throat talk like that for five minutes or so and you're going to start doing damage to your throat and yet this voice used to speak up to three hours at a time not continuously of course but after three hours of time without the girl showing any distress at all absolutely remarkable the voice was just part of it the girl levitated going from horizontal to vertical in a sixth of a second furniture was thrown around the rooms the house was swarming with journalists but after four days they were baffled and frightened and called my team for help a policewoman gave a sworn affidavit of the extraordinary activity she witnessed even the ghosts chipped in the death certificate confirmed the truth of what the ghost was saying many objects materialize out of thin air goons were bent fires broke out spontaneously in the impoverished families home the family had to endure practically every known phenomena in a poltergeist case they were traumatized they didn't benefit financially and were ostracized by many of their local community the Enfield poltergeist menace that family for 18 months it nearly destroyed their lives I'm going back to see them for the first time in 20 years Jeanette the girl at the center at all prefers to remain anonymous but I spoke to her mother and sister well here I am this famous house in Enfield and here you see Margaret and her mother who were very very involved in this case he remember the day I first came yes I remember about spending and you was also the case ever since then yeah onwards and you saw everything and took now and explained to us you remember when the reporters and journalists were here how did they carry on I could see the fear in some of their faces also and they probably could sense that we was dead scared and wanted to run out any minute I know I did Nora my sister D don't know that I remember one of them came in and he explained to me that I got a pulse because in that house and not a winos they're not in he's painted when he told me I didn't even know where he was in fact our dining any of us we couldn't even say I will report it guys the hill mr. rose from psychical research explained our to say protect me that's right yeah I know so what it actually meant it was it German was it yeah poltergeist noisy no idea yes maybe notion which he explains to us what do you say to people who say to you with you children playing around what do you say about this is metal opinion if you hadn't experienced it you're going to say that very differently it upsets me deep down to think that they can't give us an open moment the ones that just put it down completely but all I can say to them is I wish they can experience the same thing as what we went through they certainly wouldn't say it was full of fake all it was child playing or or anything of that kind the welfare of people at the center of poltergeist activity is very important I believe that most poltergeist activity is actually caused by very high levels of stress occasionally you get paranormal entities interacting with this and this is what I think happened at Enfield I haven't spent all my year searching for the paranormal like everybody else I had a normal life to lead when I left school I was commercial artist I did two years apprenticeship you can see on the pictures on the wall well actually they are my pictures that I have done I turned into quite a good commercial artist in fact but then the war was looming and I joined the Royal Artillery super-heavy guns he had to make a hasty retreat back to Dunkirk and of course thousands of other troops and we were bonding bliss to hell there really was rough going I suppose I was one of the reasonably lucky ones I got off on a destroyer I met Betty at a tea dance Marble Arch I was very taken with her accent let go and it was on a Sunday and the measure on Sunday proposed her on the Thursday and in 10 weeks we were married because everybody said that I'm the hook he's war marriages it would never last it will never last I don't know impressive own time it's only 51 years now so I think I can say it last we've had a good life you a good life that is until the death of our youngest daughter Janet in a road accident this and I believe that Janet tried to contact us after her physical death you might believe that was just our way of dealing with bereavement but it was a turning point in my life I decided to carry out serious research into the paranormal and join the Society for psychical research this is now my psyche HQ the Society is the world's leading center for the scientific study of the paranormal I'm the chairman of the spontaneous phenomena committee people write to us from all around the country with their strange cases which we investigate on a non fee paying basis you recap on who he said was psychologically disturbed one by the name of a who was it because the so many names coming lessons on the covering letter for so many people six tools and entire university well I can't listen dispense with that case then yes we had a letter from a woman in Watford she claimed her clothes were being severely damaged and sometimes disappearing altogether Shirley had submitted herself to psychiatric treatment but there was no explanation she now keeps her clothes in padlocked cupboards only her husband has the keys in desperation she contacted our society they're wonderful they're wonderful dogs they're a very intelligent access them just let me show you you know I'm making video diet oh you've no gettin to us using some of this we don't use much of it but some of it you have no objection at all all right okay thank you and here the famous padlock water right I got from one his mom would be strong the lock and the shine again I don't even touch these new cocaine houses got the keys there's only one set and he's got them with him have any any shoes or clothes or any disappeared from that one oh yeah last it's been padlocked down recently yes oh yeah in the last few months I've had them a shirt from there and a skirt sometimes I forget and then I suddenly think oh I haven't seen that school weather and from the bottom I mean I my brown boots for actually in that wardrobe when they here suppose we actually failed the carrier bag in the bottom of that wardrobe now when you want anything out of there you have to ask your house yeah Riley if he isn't in I leave him a note I had to leave a night I should ask not sleep this skirt and swell that's dreadful really good sometimes you guys that have to say though I say excuse me laughing but is eternity a ludicrous situation right I don't talk like I don't send you to anybody come on dog you're the one who's responsible I'm sure you are responsible for it oughta be wagging oh yes I'm sure he would ma'am may I suggest to you you stop all this padlocking business and get back to yes and get back to a normal life and if things still disappear you start to accept it and see then whether it starts to diminish I think you see I think what is happening is that let's just assume that it is paranormal activity i'ma make the assumption it is burn on activity by having all these padlocks and bolts and and sleeping in the spare room you are continuing a high-stress situation now if you're continuing this high-stress situation and if it is paranormal activity if it is teleportation the movement of objects or whatever that
Channel: Jay Stewart
Views: 2,044,238
Rating: 4.6233635 out of 5
Keywords: poltergeist, Haunted, Scary, Haunted (TV Series), Melanie Brown, Ghost, Interview, Ghosts, Tape, Caught, Television Program
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2012
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