Janet Winter & Margaret Nadeem 'Hodgson sisters' talk about The Conjuring 2 (2016)

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my brother and I were lying in bed in the back bedroom we was chatting and that like we normally did and we turned the light out settle down to go to sleep and we could hear this shuffling noise near the bedroom door at the bottom of my beds to the Chester drawers and the Chester to us started shuffling and it moved towards the door and me and my brother Johnny were both Sam was really frightened and mum come in put a lot and she said what's all this noise about and we said ma'am ma'am the Chester drawers is moving and she see again she seats shuffling towards the door why and she pushed it back and then it came it started to shuffle out again and she couldn't push it back there was levitation there was the voices and then there was like incidents that happened to me that were like the curtain which wrapped itself around my neck which was quite life-threatening for me and it brought it home to me that this could kill you I feel that it became to use me maybe because it was drawn off at my energy maybe I mean off and think why me to sum it all up so I up holding one I was using a B of boost when it in the rain come to the house it to me it felt like some sort camphor derived for the first time in in the respect that they can to try and help us they didn't feel like that with anyone else visited ag's seem to visit to see what was going on and to witness something that was happening but in the rain you felt warm and comforted but they were there to try and find out what it was and now they could help you I know people say and I don't care what they say it wasn't them it was me I know what happened and I know it was real how would they like if it would if this happened to them and they would be called being called a fake or whatever I don't care what my thing I know what happens in other night it was real we'll people I've met or involved with this directors producers the writers everyone involved I've valued them very much and I'm very grateful for giving us the chance to tell our true story this racket it to occur in the back bedroom and some disturbance and my mum came into the room and she said to my brother verlan sister or brothers Johnny and Janet pack it out and sleep we go get up in the morning you stop this nonsense right now and then she went into the room and the significant thing that we first found was the chest of drawers near the wall in the door I'd slid into sort of the doorway and mum was scared and she tried to find an explanation and she couldn't they said to us or stand in the middle of the living room like we were previously when this had started and there was faint knocks and things and they looked and there was this baby's chair in a corner like a high chair that I've been Smet dismantled into a small chair I suppose it had sort of shot forward about a metre in front of them on its own and she sort of went like that the place woman and she sort of looked in disbelief and was looking to say maybe some it was attached to it and one of us might be playing a joke on her of some description maybe that's a sort of look she gave and then she looked at all of us children and my mum and looked at us on the placement said oh well well look over the place and he looked and he said well this doesn't look like a criminal matter right we can't really help you ray of Morris was a newspaper to Aquifer of working for the Daily Mirror and they sent him along to try and get some footage of what we was having in the home and the experiences of this knocking and things moving about and shuffling about and sliding about stuff moving and see if he can get anything on camera and as he was taking pictures something logged up and hit him on the head quite a force and it was a piece of a Lego brick of a children's toy it took him back for a few minutes it was all in a terrible state very scared and tired of it and it got worse at the time we know we got more exhausted with it and tired then and when we went to school we actually got out into the neighborhood that there was some exchange going on in our house and then it became known as a strange happenings in EM field we was talking to Lorraine in turn the family and us children and my mum she was feeling the atmosphere of the house I didn't know what she was or what she was doing but she was sensing and looking around and she said to it oh gee I'm going over here and many I'll come and stay in here here can you sense anything here any coldness or anything she said I'm feeling rather cold in this bit she said there's definitely something in this house and that's the way she talked and she say to us don't worry she said I what you're okay she said I'm just seen these things before she said and I can pick up if there's a spirit here or try to find out why the spirits here story has to be told really and yet it's never been told in a film like this before so we are happy to be able to have moved on from it but remember everything what happens as best we can to tell this true story Independence Day resurgence has been given a 200 million dollars budget 125 million dollars more than independence day 1 which had a 75 million dollars budget and had a box office result of more than 800 million dollars making it the highest grossing movie of 1996 click here for more cool videos thanks for watching
Channel: FilmIsNow Movie Bloopers & Extras
Views: 314,204
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: The Conjuring 2, Janet Winter, Margaret Nadeem, Hodgson sisters, Interview, sisters Interview, The Conjuring 2 Interview, official interview, talks about, exclusive interview, Movie, 2016, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson, Madison Wolfe, Frances O'Connor, Lauren Esposito, Simon McBurney, James Wan, Horror, sequel, poltergeist, malicious spirits, Filmisnow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 15 2016
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