Secret Ending! "It's You, It's Me" Undertale Fangame

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what's up guys welcome back to it's you it's me an undertale fan game last time when I played this I did it in a pretty basic way I just kept attacking and I try to figure out a way to outsmart this creature and defeat it but it looks like the solution to this battle is actually a mercy so what I'm going to do is I will just check and maybe eventually this checking text will change too and we are going to try to find any differences or new things here thankfully I didn't wait too long until I played this again so I should still know all the attacks I shouldn't fail too badly broken oh god the memories are flooding back I'm starting to remember how this might work okay still the same I think this is kind of trying to like confuse you here you think that was bad you think nothing is changing but you just have to stay determined keep going and always show mercy in a different way basically by just not doing anything letting this creature attack you and yeah if you were this creature that's still I read some nice comments into my series about who this thing is but I'm still not entirely sure what's the deeper meaning behind this entire battle is what I'm enjoying it it's creepy fu Stark I like it okay and so far that was a pretty good attack that was a good run just gibberish let's keep checking the text is still the same so yeah I kind of I don't feel really bad about not realizing this because apparently it is well hidden like right about now I would again try to fight this creature and just try to find or do anything differently but let's just keep checking I think we can't feel prey and run but oh I'm not sure I'm not sure I don't want to ruin anything I don't want to make a mistake so for now I'm going to try to keep checking as long as I can okay and there we go nice we have new stuff hmm so the creature is actually talking to us now is that it maybe it's intrigued eyes this one okay good maybe it's intrigued by our behavior now what do you think you're doing yeah it doesn't understand that we're trying to spare it that we're trying to show mercy and we're not just a genocide er we don't only know fighting even though I kind of showed that I only want to fight last time but now I'm back now I'm smarter and this apply attack is still very generous to me so thank you how cute you think you can show mercy yeah it doesn't like fully trust us I think it doesn't fully like understand what we're trying to do maybe think that at the end we're going for a betrayal kill and we're only trying to like trick it but no we're actually trying to show some mercy we're a nice person now that's how it is okay don't use your tech you don't know what mercy is you can I'm just gonna keep checking I'm gonna keep showing mercy that way and I think yeah I did read a comment that these attacks can get harder which is a little scarier but so far I think the attacks are still the same once again the fly attack is so nice to me I love it beyond here lies nothing not everything can be saved you know but you are you and possibly me so I have to save you or it's just going to end terribly in this one again oh god I'm so happy like I said that I didn't wait too long run I can still barely like handle these attacks fairly well perfect what are you going to say now and yet you persist you gain nothing from this well I didn't really get anything from fighting so a genocide isn't the answer either so the only thing that's left oh that was close always stay in the middle so you can react fast you still do not heed my words no I don't I want you show more mercy I want this to work okay the notebook this actually turned out to be one of the more difficult attacks because of how small those gaps can be here if you get a bad pattern but okay what now wha is this really the mercy run is this really mercy because the read text is always creepy so be it let's go 99 attack madman defense still the same attacks I think but I think the reddit there it takes is supposed to show you that yeah you've arrived at like the change of the fight now something is gonna happen then yo that's different I knew it whoa ah ok the paintbrush is going insane and just spawning things here darn it oh this is crazy yeah do I have to keep moving or what's happening here yeah oh that's so cool it's actually like completely in the battle I can't go there yet but as you can see a little shard of the mercy button we got that back so we have to rebuild the mercy button and oh my god I'm so happy I went back to this this is already so promising yeah and all the attacks are more difficult wow I barely did this battle at all last time I missed so much because I never like showed mercy yes okay but this woman not too bad that extra the like those extra balls aren't really adding much in yes I saw it that's another Murcia button like part let's keep checking I think if I fight now I'm just gonna ruin it the mercy button is gonna get destroyed and that's it okay that's oh and again oh that's evil all that's evil but also clever I am liking this so much I am so excited we're almost done - you like the mercy button is almost like full again and complete how is this going to get this first thing the words the words of the pages okay this effect did not have to be harder that's already a very frightening no I missed it I completely missed it did I ruin the fight now or do I get another chance I hope I get another chance because that would be pretty dumb oh I think it does just yeah I'd refuse it okay that's nice so I do get another attempt at this that was bad and now we get the mercy button here it is perfect okay so it's not unfair you don't just mess up forever if you missed one mercy part three fewer one blue one okay and it's going to be a different color every time so here I have to keep moving but I still got damage so here I have to find a safe spot I like this and Mercia good good good broken oh god I think two more parts two more parts and we should be done with this fight what oh that is crazy do they also they go with the movement that is so good like how do you even make this these attacks are so advanced now okay we still need two more so we actually need is three is or maybe even four but yeah I can't stop saying that these fast attacks are so good what's gonna be here more flies yep up and down holy moly and okay now the fly attack it's not generous anymore one more I think come on without a healing item let's do this because we don't even need to worry about healing our our enemy I need to keep moving in case yeah it's not that obvious I always have to keep moving like I have to keep turning around I can't stand still that is so cool oh wow that is evil is that like oh that's a bullet pack it's all the attacks and once I thing I'm gonna die a thing like that it's difficult come on don't kill me Wow holy crap yeah I think I need to use an item before that because that's a difficult attack I assume it combines everything we've learned so far into one major attack and I do want full HP for that so be it and there we go I think this is where the mercy bit starts appearing and also the buff the attacks gets lost so yeah maybe it always starts with this one and maybe it's a set pattern because if now the pencil like the paintbrush turns big then it's pretty much confirmation I think that yeah okay I think it will be a set pattern so maybe I can do this better now I think I just have to stay away from everything they kinda when they're bubbles they don't hurt you but when they turn into those little like pieces of whatever get the mercy sick oh my got it thank God when there's a pieces they can hurt you but otherwise if they're bubbles they can I write this one this still wasn't that bad because you still have a lot of like time to react and a lot of room to move around in which I think that is the reason why this is probably the easiest attack you have so much room to like avoid everything all right yeah only one and the merci button comes out of it's very clever broken it is broken maybe ah wait is bad it's that like a little tip the broken it means that the merci button is broken and you have to repair it you have to fix this that would be so clever I would love that about the cave and now I shall stay in the middle move oh that was good I think you're kind of like screwed if you get the flu attack there so I'm lucky that I got the orange one that's much easier ah the notebook that was difficult yeah because of the words that's also so difficult at like the final attack those words make it so much more difficult I will have to use a healing item but this time I did not miss it that's good let's go let's keep going I also have to remember oh wait stop here okay good I also have to remember to maybe next attempt use a healing item how does that work why do I get damaged I'm pretty sure I am moving all the time and get Mercia umm yeah like about four or five more of the tax if I remember right so I should still have time to not use a healing item just yet that is so crazy this is so crazy this attack is crazy you so much crazier than the original one more and then I'm gonna going to use the healing item alright this one that's also a cool buff because it's like change is almost the entire attack because even after the main attack it just keeps going right here it just keeps going and that's awesome okay now I use which I would give me the most I'm just going to use the pumpkin ring I think that that I wasn't really good aid it's not good at all but I took it this one now this I dunno how it works at least always I had to stay in the middle keep moving maybe like this if I try to stay in one spot only go left and right that might be the perfect way to do it is actually maybe here the same yeah that's so much easier now always stay left and right that's much better I'm afraid of the two balls that are gonna appear now oh that was good now this is difficult yeah I think maybe I'm once again gonna try to only it go a left and right for the most part oh this is freaky I love it I'll be challenging nice but how long come on Tom yes spare okay so that wasn't too bad I did read some comments and they said I have to flee which is also a trap you don't know mercy if you can't use mercy but you know for the sake of science I want to know what happens that's fair this creature this is mercy oh my god that is freaking creepy yeah mercy is the famous genocide there's no mercy for this creature we can only run basically who this stone okay who thank God stop there I was getting a little worried that something more is gonna happen but okay I'm fully I am kind of foolish choosing the wrong answer on purpose so next time I'm gonna go back there it shouldn't be too difficult and then we will choose to flee and that is the final effect with this awesome new game-mode pretty much never stop moving but now I do a full HP year so this shouldn't be a problem even though I even if I mess up all the time now doesn't really matter I'm just gonna oh god okay nevermind I'm not going to promote this I'm still gonna suck a little bit but the I think the left/right tactic that I came up with is the best thing to do here okay now that balls the last thing before I can show mercy yeah darn it yeah but I'm just going to stay in the middle maybe this is so difficult this is the most difficult attack by far out of all of them so far and just go up go up get the murse and that's it I wonder could I use like a check now whoa whoa Wow what does that mean now I'm afraid the item button went away but I don't really need items so I guess what if I check again nothing okay so that's it weird so weird that the item button went away but now I guess we can free you and see what happens I'm out of here Oh Noah I can't open my inventory I don't have anything why am I so slow this is way too creepy a frisk I hope this is frisk where are you let's just go down okay an opening out of nowhere why not completely normal everyday excuse me everyday life what what is that okay wait I didn't see it right I kind of want to go back what was that some creature looked at me or something hello there a face and read back to fighting question mark um foolish did you think your rules applies to me your fate rests in my hands and with these hands I will bring up our end Oh 99 oh no oh god oh god those are fast we have to okay I have to activate them I have to go into the different direction and what an hour No what what what what oh there's healing yum-yum Yama what exactly do I have to viewer can I hide behind them here I can't I can't that's good it just lies one - and now what an hour I can't do anything here the face I need to deal myself quickly quickly quickly before it's over oh no oh no what is this suddenly different hardcore extremely hardcore what the heck is this foolish foolish foolish foolish what ok so we are in an entirely different and new battle here which is very disturbing of course it's also kind of exciting because more content completely different content what is this game so we're back at the beginning of the fight and I had a lot of comments telling me that I should try something and they basically said that if I choose to run and then try to skip the text something will happen but it looks like nothing actually happens of course I do get pretty fast here but nothing happened I try to skip the text I try to proceed but then what actually also is a thing if I press see you nothing happens ok so maybe it locked me out I'm not entirely sure like one time I press see you something happened now what nothing happens anymore I honestly I have no idea what's wrong with this battle right now it it's creepy what I just I have to restart and show that on a different attempt let's try this again so if I'm here at the start and I press see you yeah it's going to say please enter the password and you guys also told me the password I'm not sure like is this cheating it's just complete downright cheating I assume you get this password like at the end of the game just as a little cheat that you can do it but the password is seven eight six five five correct cheater okay so it even says cheater the mercy button is hole now so is it like legit sheep that you get if you just want to go to the second phase because yeah now we can clear like I'm sorry if this is a bit lame but I don't think that I could even really realistically beat this game without this mercy treat because getting back to this fleeing phase yeah look at that the white thing they're getting back to here already takes so long so I am very thankful that you guys told me about this now we are back to the second site last time I try to use items maybe now I can fight or okay it's the same thing all the time no rules apply you're not the old rules at least so now we have a completely different fighting system which kind of like the Omega flower fight we have to figure out what to do it's a completely different spice and it seems like this is definitely a speed boost or something but I'm not sure what I have to do because obviously I have to always keep moving and as soon as these balls appear it's just game over because if this is it and I use it I can't use it so I think maybe I just have to survive for a while the hand doesn't hurt me oh did I keep it no I didn't okay so he's boxes everywhere so I definitely have to hide here for a little while and the Flies aren't as bad as like the laser can I get healing please give me healing there we go HeLa Isis again and now we are the super thing maybe now I'm going to try to get back to this and to this and what if I use it now whoa it works okay okay so that's my attack right that's my attack that I have to do it I need to heal I need to heal no heal and quick what and now it doesn't hurt I don't get it I honestly don't get this attack oh I'm so dead right I'm so dead have mercy have mercy well look and of course the fly killed Mia this is difficult this is going to be extremely difficult round three so for now I suppose I can just try to survive and of course the fly spawn in the corner that was bad so I think I want to always move around diagonal diagonal it like that and as soon as the other balls up here it's just so difficult that makes it so difficult also stay on the left side because you need these green health things okay the laser so I just have to avoid the flies that immediately go here ah but I can still move left and right of course okay this isn't too bad and now move right perfect and now is it time to do this maybe yeah yes but and now I just have to wait for a swing maybe not darn it I need to hit the hand or something not fast enough wait darn it I need to wait for another body part maybe the hands you know the hands that's tried to kill me before I need to attack better come on it didn't work it didn't work I'm so dead I can't I can't avoid the Flies yep well this is tricky the Flyers make it's awful like your eyes are so awful by the way this one also has the moonwalking so plus points for that oh we work Oh perfect timing okay what no give me the hell that's that's not it why do you fight because I have to you're not giving me much choice what do you hope to gain in them and end to your pain and I eat sentiment your suffering to find you that's through it without you you are the void or you are void okay not the void that you are just void animal inferior I will make you understand even if it kills you so I guess we're fighting against something that acts like God or sees itself as God he'll thank you use this oh oh I got some laser shooting at me in a force of same thing again no darkness so instead of lies I now have xual lasers so I think we are about to get the heart former No darn it I wasn't fast enough can I get to the heart please please please please no one no oh no God wait how does that how does that work even fast enough I will be able to spam a knife and I don't think I can be fast enough to actually get by HP yeah so okay why do you fight because I know how to beat this thing I know how to beat it it's all about memory and memorization because once you know how to beat a face you can pretty much always beat it because it's going to be the same every time so maybe I would actually have a chance not going to be too bad because already BAM we're back here quickly get the HPD thank you so much it's actually super nice so here I think I want to be here again this is the best spot to be anxious on the right side avoid all of the balls here maybe I actually want to go here instead ah but that's a bit difficult but yeah I do have the HPA that's important and now it should be time for you know what for the bambam face if I can put it like that go here I'm not fast enough oh it's not that face whoa okay okay I'm dead I'm so dead I did not expect that but that's much easier than the fly is how long four times four times and then the hand again okay nevermind what do I have to do I'm pretty sure I once again needs to like somehow deal damage so I need to activate the speed boost in the middle but maybe at a different time so undisciplined I'm just going to try to survive the entire time I think I'm just going to stay on the right side behind this block so I don't get hit by the major laser which deals the most damage but still I have to try to avoid the ball that is so difficult oh God I'm not even sure I don't even want that green HP I could get it on the next cam I do think I'm gonna just tank it even if I take damage but for now you're gonna try and see how much of this I have to avoid it because if I see here I'm perfectly babe this is no problem so that's an easy little attack but the problem is after this I think now I can't go down and get the HP here and then quickly run go up like that and quickly good good good very good I'm almost well not almost at full HP but I do have a lot of HP now try to avoid the ball support the ball because there is a laser so I can go up and down whew but how how much do I have to endure before something happens maybe now and now the faith is here now I could yeah now I could the famish shoot this guy and I'm gonna assume it's gonna loop now it's most likely looping okay so I might have this facedown too I think if this is only one hit I'm gonna try to go down and get the HP it maybe I can actually save this attempt I doubt it but now I'm just going to confirm if that is actually true it so to cue ball phases and then oh god the laser appears but now I do already have that form so I don't have to wait for the thing that's green stuff is completely a trap that's so evil biggest now what the laser okay it's gone I can't go down here now quickly I get it yes that was so close and now I just have to prepare for the end pretty much it is a bit more difficult with yeah the constant movement when does it appear come on now no no no no go up and come on come on come on go Batman is it it it's done it's done yes way to black Oh exciting all of this is for you I doubt that for some reason I have given you form a struggle a purpose all of this is done out of love why can you not understand that only this can save you only this can save me and as we know it's you it's me few people are here only this one holy medium and brings me peace of mind but what about me what about my life um we are red I can get the HP okay so the gray hearts are gonna kill me right the gray hearts are gonna kill me yeah I'm not sure it's that bad Oh what Wow how do I avoid that okay now run away from the bottom again and then we are almost done with this face so an hour lights the first phase I pretty quickly figured out how to beat the face so I just have to survive the ball and as soon as I see the balls like fade away and transform I could get the green but that's too dangerous I think just get this one maybe it the shortcut here that's actually good BAM go through here and yes nice and we did it now just avoid the balls okay okay okay phase three once again all of this is for you I still don't know what you're trying to tell me but I'm just going to go back to my channel sideways and attack that's all I know are only attacking no mercy no mercy for you and now I will try it okay immediately get help and now I will try to stay down here because it looked like maybe that's oh maybe that's how I a voice a laser whoa wait the laser is following me the laser is following me okay so this works which does have to tank the damage it looks like it I'm going to always stay here it looks like I have to tank damage but now I want the green stuff but I'm afraid there's no way I can get the HP I have to wait until the laser stop I can dodge this maybe yeah come on no laser okay okay now I can the balls again these should be very simple to avoid of course I say that as I get hit but yeah this should be simple to avoid and of course I will try it and it goes back it goes back darkness mmm get it get it get it yep yep yep and stay in the pattern I could collect all the green things actually yeah maybe now I have to use it if I see the head I'm gonna no nope run I'm dead ah darn it okay I need to remember that I need to just know it so first laser then ball and laser and then I assume it's going to be the face now I will quickly get the help this one - er okay tank the damage worth it now quickly go to the right and to your safe spot okay which is the safest spot go around go around quickly yeah yes good good good I might even not take a damage a point of damage here perfect right here that's bad I'm get a tank the damage out okay now where's the best spot here here I was going to be damage once again but worth it and now this should be the face no one again the balls I assume that's going to be the last thing we should be close to the end collect the HP that it's so important perfect - thank you thank you and get it 70 65 60 HP yeah I'm going to stay here 55 I'm going to stay here now and if I see the face I'm gonna press it straight and bam red it's red it's bloodier he said that kind of fall down if it have I defeated my Creator have I defeated the master of this universe you what have you what have you done of the hand the hand it all comes back to the head hmm now that is evil we always shows mercy but mercy never worked mercy never worked and fighting was the only thing that worked but I don't know it's the hand I have to try mercy we have to at least once see you if mercy work no no I forgot that is mercy that is Mercia and I think that's the end I assume that's the end since fighting would end up with the same slash but just like the thing this thing said that is the only mercy either we kill it or we mercy kill it which is mercy yet so I assume like that's the ending to this disturbing fight which I still don't know what exactly is happening it's weird but it's really good especially that second part of the fight which was pretty much hidden behind this mercy checking then you first have to find out that was so much fun figuring out the timing the attacks and when to use that charge attack I like that so much what I have to say a big thanks to all of us who actually told me that there's more and about that cheap I still feel bad that I had to use that cheat code but honestly I don't think I would have done it without it because I had to replay the first place over and over and over again and don't think I would have actually have pulled through with that so thanks for your help in the comments guys thanks for watching and until next time take care [Music]
Channel: Merg
Views: 3,105,637
Rating: 4.8157072 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Under, Tale, UT, Fangame, Community, Fanmade, Game, AU, Alternate Universe, Story, Lore, Secret, It's You It's Me, It's You, It's Me, Creepy, Scary, Gaster, Mystery, True Ending, Secret Ending, Mercy, Genocide, Flee, Password, Code, Phase 2, Boss Battle, Fight, Battle, Difficult, Hard, Challenge, Bullet Hell, Puzzle, Frisk, Chara, Unitale, Mod, Let's Play, Commentary, Blind, Reactions, Playthrough, Full, Amazing, Awesome, Flowey, Hidden, Merg, Part 2
Id: e7MAeOTwxoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 39sec (2019 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2017
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