The End Of Clementine

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Oh baby oh mama hi welcome wait for everything to load up and and kick in are we good everybody hear me ooh boom okay good just check-in everybody can hear me everyone's tasty everyone's good welcome we're finally doing it the last episode of The Walking Dead it's been a long time coming and I honestly didn't think that it would actually happen considering what happened with telltale recently so I'm excited for this I I've heard good things about it this came out the day I left for PAX the day I was on a flight and what I landed people like Jax the last episode of Walking Dead came out are you gonna play it my god damn it right now really so I'm here now I I decided to do it live I decided I was gonna livestream it because I have recorded it today but then I would have to edit it and then it would upload tomorrow so I didn't want to waste any more time on it to do it as soon as I was back I came back yesterday so I wanted to do it live today so we could all experience it together so I know a lot of you probably know what's going to happen because it's been out for like a week and a half at this point please be wary of spoilers I won't be reading chat as I go through this episode my clients over it every now and then I'm not sure I can't promise anything because I I want to focus on the episode and a lot of people are going to be watching this afterwards so hi anybody watching this as an archive on YouTube this will be uploaded after the stream hello to everyone live as well but I won't be reading chat and because I don't want people to spoil the game for me as I'm going through it I've been purposefully like not reading the chat and people have said that people are spoiling it in chat already so I want to try and avoid that if you are very sensitive to spoilers I would also just be worried about people in chat spoiling it so if you know what's happening please be nice please don't spoil it for other people we're here to have a good time we're here to just hang out and watch the end of this story this is the very last episode of The Walking Dead the reason I call at the end of Clementine is because it's the end of clementines story we're getting to the very end of all of clementines stuff that has built up to this point so we've had four seasons of Clementine and this is going to be the very final episode of her story I don't know what's going to happen I thankfully have not been spoiled and I don't know what the end of the episode is going to pertain to but I'm very very excited to see what's gonna happen I have a feeling I'm gonna cry I cried very heavily at the end of season one of The Walking Dead when Lee and clementines Story was ending there so and my theories is that a lot of the sim a lot of similar stuff is gonna play out they're gonna like they're gonna tie it all up the way they kind of started off I feel because the very first season was all about a paternal relationship between a guy and this girl who was not his actual daughter and now we have Clementine and AJ who's not her actual son so I have a feeling a lot of very similar things are gonna play out but I I legitimately have no idea that's just kind of what I've been thinking in my head for the longest time so I'm gonna give people a couple of more seconds and a couple more minutes to get in as the as the episode gets ready it did say and I'm kind of annoyed by this that I had issues any of you've watched my episode 3 it's I had issues recording that because the game kept crashing and that was the time when my PC actually broke and I had to get brand new ones and everything in temporary pcs but when I started this up it said that I didn't have episode 3 completed which we all know I did so it said it's going to default some choices for me so some of the choices that I made it in episode 3 might not actually pan out in episode 4 which I was upset about because the see they had the choices that I pick are the choices I pick I like playing the choices that I am left with but at the same time I was not happy with the choices I made in episode 3 I kept saying through it I'm like I'm gonna just pick these choices anyway because I want this to happen and screw what things are screw whatever happens to it and then I went against that and I made some bad decisions anyway so if you've watched episode 3 you'd know that I didn't kill Lilly because I didn't let AJ kill her and then we got James killed so that stuff might have reverted so at this point I'm like if you make choices for me you can't really make choices worse than the ones I already made so I'm kind of okay with it so we'll see what it picks I'm also kind of curious to see what it defaults to so I think I've like half the episode done because my safe files got messed up when I tried to like go to my laptop to try and get to where I was when the save file broke so it's messing up a lot of stuff put without further ado let's start episode 4 okay yeah see this unfinished episodes are you sure you want to start this episode choices will be Auto generated for unfinished episodes we all know I finished episode 3 we saw it but I want to see what it picks for me anyway and I just want to play episode 4 I didn't realize that until I was starting up the stream and I don't really have the time or the patience to go through taught me to be careful to be quiet to be strong to always aim for the head haha you sure did to show mercy sometimes I always listen to claim always but I've been thinking more I don't know if she's right every time she told me way back to shooter if she got Ben that doesn't feel right we're doing a lot of bad things to save our friends to protect our home Wilkin told me not to shoot only secured G okay so the same choice has happened so man [Music] don't know what I feel criminals either a member of the world and first one his never go alone always shoot for the face I'll bring my mic down a bit because the game volume is probably a little low to try and balance things that so I don't overpower things but we'll get the gist of it as we're going through whoo okay so I'd picked uh say it did the same choices so maybe it just didn't completely finish out the episode it still had the choices who knows I'm curious to see how this plays out now even though that I should have just killed Lily but I'm curious to see if she'll die anyway because that's what these games always do Sam you got a cut on your than your chest Oh No oh there that's going to be the biggest loss of the episode what our age Titanic's going down and everybody women and children first Spyder same over here on the Lord get him dropping by the feet get them toes hey Jay you have to trust me on the count of three let go and I'll catch you oh Jesus promise Oh God secret Rico had to catch the boy in Last Guardian oh okay my reflexes small that G fuel oh [ __ ] don't play fight myself just okay awesome strong stairs now boy we need to find a way down this ship isn't gonna stay afloat much longer [Music] we have to get there first yeah why did you get into the boat okay we've gotta jump it it's far you know it's far but it's the only way you're gonna have to trust me Oh cripes you'll have to go first you'll need a running start I don't know Clem don't tell the elf you do this you can do this eh Jake just run you can't jump big boy ball I got this I got this what we do when we're scared hurry up we push through it we don't let it take over no we don't you got this edge do-do-do-do she's nice and break all of okay Averill reflexes eat the boat zombie boat [ __ ] them all I love you all you're the best wall I'm drained sure do than a joke but right it's like trying to get out of VidCon it's like where do I go everybody's retinas not something I'm gonna get my name that's what you got you think you're doing okay waterwater what over there we go throw it back head up oh [ __ ] you are dead well thanks for everybody for showing up and coming out to see this episode and that's going to wrap it up for now roll the outro okay here again it's okay shadows die twice arrows have okay give me them toes give me them wobbly knees up clam dusted ina infinity ward skin mask sunny one notice at the because James Hey that's Lily yeah oh [ __ ] [Music] I wouldn't if I were you you already had your chance you said we were family once must have been why you couldn't I was just just turn around and walk away sooner clip she snap James in the back yeah on the VM oh crap I was like am i hesitating this time sure to read through the ice my people who lose therefore they'll die because of you oh well the Delta was the first place I called home after years of wandering you're wasting air oh it's a video game nothing lasts Clementine not friends everything there's not the place you call home they'll all fall event shooter never forget that shooby I'll drag you down to come on Clementine third choice you're supposed to get better you Clementine this uncharted five all right I've been on the road killing zombies on the road Willie Nelson also sings about a road got my boy AJ sometimes I don't know we're starting road it's taking me gotta keep that [ __ ] hair short clementines I don't know so I guess I'll keep gambling lots of food and lots around [Music] okay so good start try to kill Lily anyway should have killed her last episode cuz she can kill her James would be alive but I don't really miss his and life thank you I am but I am curious if they're just gonna die anyway I'm not reading chat I'm not spoiling it don't spoil it for other people don't be a don't be a dingus be smart keep that hair short Titanic to the Clementine but you ain't got no tongue how really sorry about your tongue at least you're still alive nice moves let's keep it up you have no idea how happy I am to see you right now can't talk Lewis losses Tony but he gained a rock and some courage are you okay yeah my ass is a little singed but [ __ ] you I was I was so afraid you need to but we're okay we're both okay does it [ __ ] you good Lu what happened too many lost track after the explosion good [Applause] and for the head okay God you guys made it there's more walkers than I can count I don't got that many fingers right to us stay cool we knew this would happen we just have to get off this beach life's a beach they're nerdy y'all be hard all that into these little [ __ ] put him down but can't we be friends oh god I thought he got built something on it not today neck oh you good name right as I shot him in the neck get away from her you [ __ ] goddamn dude you want to squat in Apex she's gonna get herself killed she's been good she's gonna die no anyway I'll cover you I'll be right behind you hey can I see an opening I'll make a break for it are we gonna save her at least let her say bye to 10 see you on the other side good yeah I'm right hey Jay go with him no I'm staying with you thanks kiddo all right remember how you shot Merlin do that to all of them shoot the walkers that's the best idea you've had all day I am a Oh a machine [Applause] Oh french-fried titties yeah she [ __ ] dead your knife is missing well my life is about to be missing if I'm not careful they're coming up the beach 9 8 7 James froze there for a second okay okay okay come give me these I call this one the [ __ ] that's it sweep the leg nice you I'm Italian what have you got okay so far so honky daisies everything's going great so far no one that I care about died I'm not so sure a cave is the best option against zombies we need to move a cave is a terrible idea I don't know where it goes well we do know there's Walker's in the other direction but madam I Wade numbnuts I mean technically you have an advantage we sink us squeezing through the [ __ ] geunji ego gap but at the same time the bodies look at the feel in here this sucks this really [ __ ] sucks I'll figure something out make it torch-lite AJ's afro on fire I just hold them up okay well I guess we live here now boys grab steak okay need some way to start a fire you can see what I mean you could just keep killing them in the gap and eventually you can stop coming through maybe they check out office yeah he's doing okay you want to you want a juice box the whole cave is made out of Flint perfect what something to burn you just got a stick and of course there's flit Oh what's this a Jo crystal might look nice in our room just have to get home first okay now it's not the time to be worrying about what the [ __ ] room is gonna look like well these might be nice curtains listen or another thing waters moving fast the dark to tell how far even goes yeah too wet to burn just you need to keep your hair short anyway just cut off the little the little bone at the back and burn that five up with mushrooms another one hmm gotta get home before AJ can play with three other toys in a cave hmm mmm the chunk of Aaron will work good look there's another tunnel over there it's too far you're gonna have to toss me we just gotta find something to help us cross should help you should funny you should call Jesus Jesus knows a thing or two about crossing I'll be home before you know it Jesus asserted his dominance with his original tipos not sure where it goes it's an option rocks are too small to walk across but they might stop something flowing downriver a log I hate that out of there it would drift down the river and get cotton rocks work as a bridge he already is tend to log the [ __ ] on it's just straight down the river need to go across one by one and then we'll move the rocks out Oh God Oh God ten nine eight seven James [Music] look at his face take that just son of my Beach but flammable is a zombie so now you want to know okay pretty flammable yes there's only one thing worse than a zombie a flaming zombie you really are a drama queen here we go nice and easy from Clairol and the game crashed Oh magnificent [ __ ] beautiful scheme runs like a dream ah it's like the 15th time that this game has crashed on me total trying to launch it again and now it won't launch I love The Walking Dead have I told you guys that it's amazing all right it's gonna it's gonna get me it's gonna have to get me to do that whole section again isn't it please no please don't cuz that's the thing about these games as well as like yeah if you're gonna crash that's fine but it makes you restart entire sections again it's going to put me back at the start of the cave I'm gonna have to do all that again and it just takes so long and you can't skip any of the dialogue and you can't skip any of the cutscene we're [ __ ] right I live [ __ ] thank God all right nothing happens live edit down Clem crashed it she was too good her skills are too strong it's probably going to crash multiple times in this episode but as far as it puts me right back where I was all right place he was like running along and it was like that things are going - whoa yeah mess itself up [Music] great [Music] we styling might be [ __ ] here but those moves are styling tight alright which way do we go 10 do you see a light down any of these tunnels what's up EJ he's still with me hey J please we have to keep moving this there's nothing after this what James isn't in there he looked right at me and his eyes were empty there's nothing after we died except fun with your zombie friends nothing but empty eyes AJ I know he was your friend and I know this is terras don't say you're sorry okay [Music] why did she make me make my friend go away Oh chains just just wrong like something spilled on the floor and you just can't get it back because you didn't let me shoot her - Junior you're backing out you're not a baby anymore AJ won't remember that but everything that you do just messes up my end be strong be brave if something wants to hurt us shoot it right in the head AJ when we were talking with Abel you stabbed him and stopped him from becoming the monster to make killing looks so easy hey J please that's enough sorry I'm just here something will take you away but you scared of that too [Music] and they'll leave the world behind and me listen kiddo everyone be realistic with them of what happens after especially if it's nothing I don't want people I care about to leave gloom I have to kill anyone that tries to take them away I I believed you when you called me a murderer without Marlon I don't think that murder means the same thing as a devil you were you know world that's gone now yeah he's right I think that murder now is just protecting the people around you Hollander is the thing that makes us safe a whole other part of me wants to say you're right maybe words do change Sam right I know you want to be big for everyone but you're just a kid like me sometimes you're scared just like any other key what age is Clementine in this so I'll help you said all the policemen and firefighters died so I'm gonna be a new one a fireman even if I don't get it just right I am because all it means is killing bad people who hurt other people and I'm good at that what made you want to become a policeman officer like I think I could be the best at killing bad people better than you even because I wouldn't hesitate I think you'd be a good firefighter I won't hesitate [ __ ] not be so angry what do you mean our new firefighters can't be as angry as you get sometimes I need you to trust me clip 16 Sanjay cheese in the bad people apart that I know when to use my gun [Music] and that you'll let me decide for my own yeah I think me trying to hold him back and trying to teach him is what's making him angry and then things get worse because of that so just actually giving him the freedom to do what he wants might make him better or completely worse but then we get a cool supervillain origin story okay really firefighters have to make the hard calls which means they deserve our trust and if they kill to protect others they're never happy about it your relationship with AJ has changed killing people doesn't make me happy Klem [Music] watching The Life Drain from their eyes does peel that yeah that's the way out come on wait how did they get across the river what I want to know I got an achievement one red water when Trotter how convenience now it's a fun little lollipop that you could eat AJ seeks approval above all else it sounds a little [ __ ] needy if you ask me you've strengthened his confidence in himself he just murders 10 is clear he was a bad guy is assures that way the school is probably that way sim was the third huh the day after AJ killed Marlon you already know violin I vote for you stay a sim was a third vote oh wait that means Omar voted us out and Ruby uh yeah huh what made you think of that a sim said you knew how to survive he could just tell the school would be safer with you there I voted for you because I liked you but here's the reason it was better hmm I just I just thought you should know the sim was right we were safer we were more scared than we let on when you met us that's really nice of you to Satan thank you that's okay now that we're out of danger and climbing back home it just made me think of it it's real soft like ours out here if Marlon was still in charge we'd be taken away to wherever or dead instead we fought back because you showed us how we weren't safe with Marlon even in his safe zone we were just hiding it's the spooker man's I'm not jumping you're jumpy hey purple I mean violet violet yeah I knew that you made it you're all alive [Music] we must smell atrocious I couldn't believe you're really dead I had to try and find you you did find me you got nice hands did everyone else escape yeah they're okay they took the cart and headed back to the school sick we're safe come all we got to do now is find our way home any idea which way that is I know an old bridge near here if we cross it we won't be too far from the school nice do you think there's socially anxious zombies because they all have to hang out in groups all the time the things some of them are like I I don't really want to be friends with you but I was kind of I was forced to be my name's Zed oh yeah you lost a finger how's your hand feeling it'll be fine once it's capsule how's your hand feeling well the pain is about a four out of five if you ask me at least I can still flip people off silver lining I guess well we were looking for you guys and I I thought you might be gone for good oh [ __ ] my pants I was trying to figure out what I'd do if you were gone and I realized how goddamn stupid I was about many for a whole [ __ ] year I was so wrapped up and losing her and Sophie I pushed away everyone who tried to care about me Marlon Brody Louis even you and AJ I tried my damnedest not to care about either of you because you were afraid of losing someone else it's understandable how is that goddamn coward I'm not a coward anymore well you have to be a coward before you can be brave otherwise how else would you know what bravery is I think so different now me us school I remember how Marlon described it and what we were gonna turn Erickson into it's not the way any of us pictured it hmm how did you picture it I guess I couldn't I just listened to a Marlin said how it would be a home a real one but I couldn't really wrap my head around it my family lived in a trailer my family died mm-hmm what about you where'd you live I lived in a house with my mom and dad fence around a big backyard what was your favorite part of the house my parents being alive I had a tree house in the backyard I used to take my walkie-talkie up there and play for hours I'd pretend it was a ship and I was the pirate captain Bora was an igloo and I was a hunter or a castle and I was a princess really like with frilly dresses and a tiara yeah but also a sword a warrior princess like Z yeah obviously and the treehouse kept me alive when all this started that's where I hid really judging me for my choices when I was 9 you know Ericsson can still be the home Marlon promised as soon as we get back we'll start rebuilding hmm it'll be a lot of work but you're right it is worth it hell we could even put in a treehouse we've already got a bell tower okay we'll build a bell tower house perfect after all that's happened it's still hard to imagine I mean we fought for it defended it it should feel more like home than ever but it doesn't you know what the problem is that stupid [ __ ] name Ericsson why you want to rename it yeah [ __ ] that guy we should name it something cool the broad whose [ __ ] but not like happy sunshine last thing that makes ass where you go I should stay away let's see this right not like blood murder night house you name it it was your idea Texas we're calling it Texan you can't just name it Texas that's already a place violate fine Texas Texas - it's already picked n shut the [ __ ] up you will attend it's Texas - oh well we can start as soon as we get back let's get home to Texas - that's a stupid name wasn't I choose that option for you - name it Texas - the double [ __ ] you everything's even bigger now Oh it's almost as bad as how Boston names its streets you're in Boston four packs and everything was like a street turn left on F Street okay just take your time and keep moving forward what can we call the streets I know we have an alphabet let's just put it down as that for now and then we figure something out later and then somebody was like I'm picking a street it's like damn it that's [ __ ] good let's just use that and then everything else is just named after English things Schubert's shoe they're zombies run or fly whichever you prefer something's going to happen when I step on this truck nothing really happened when I stepped on their truck well some definitely gonna happen Alex now you're walking real slow oh mama shivering sharpening death oh no it doesn't happen when you guys stepped on the truck either should be able to jump it it's not we're gonna have to toss me yeah I think we can we just got to be careful not to land oh okay that's a heaping help of [ __ ] no juice right there oh god it's Undead not dead mini didn't you get picked [Music] nope don't be sweet no come with me you're dying we're all dying ten yes I am I'm finally going someplace better is that further from us because I would like that everyone gets to be a person again Oh Cheers go because everyone knows your name dad Sophie together ten look at me that looks like her but your sister is gone [Music] okay this is bad this is real bad please please mini stop he needs to be with his family don't do this don't worry ten she can try to stop me but I am NOT going anywhere without you he'll be over soon good job h2c of Herschel's gone through significant our ammo you're gonna have to trust me you have bones and arrows we didn't you just [ __ ] her up there's one okay here we go yup for Texas - I died okay cool [ __ ] the night will be over soon indeed all right priorities priorities here we go epic [Music] to just let me skip this parent started shooting banks again I'll hop the boys cross the gap you do that [Applause] okay sir shooting again [Music] Christ pushy finished shooting down can I see her in the crowd [Music] okay maybe you can hit her Allison I wasn't looking for her she there okay [Music] pushing [Music] and I stopped doing this now this bird is important I see across potential but the stopper okay here we go again oh my perfectly sculpted face okay okay put a little bit up on the countertop [ __ ] you're not bootlace I see yes she's dead ten of them [Music] [Music] [Applause] let him fall you'll die if you don't oh [ __ ] oh no it's Zack you wouldn't never cease Nexus too if I didn't care so wholly about you for me 10 is gone that little boy licked a drug he's done because of you hey J saved your life I be dead if he hadn't taken that shot you think that's okay just shutting down one of our own I didn't want to shoot him he's my first real friend he was messing up again just like when he got Mitch killed so I had to decide Clem said I could so I did Hey oh right maybe your leg is all open your leg is like a 7-eleven right now you know I'll climb first and I'll catch it on the way down no I'll clam first thank you oh this is not good I have a [ __ ] leg right now first [Music] it was a bathtub herself please be okay please be okay please be okay [Music] you're gonna have to take the lake if you are gonna have to use that axe straight away kneecap after this please don't let capitaine turn I know answer to clap and turn Clemmie your leg [Music] I like those boots just acts straight to the kneecap go yeah you wanna look at it no that's just a flesh wound well at least if we need to identify who did it we have his dental records now I got bit No oh god I told him that if I get bit he has to shoot me come on we can't stay here here's the axe keep moving forward keep moving Oh Oh God use the axe take the leg and go keep moving forward forward I mean your leg is all messed up right now you've got to bleed out anyway see the bleed out or turn so just take the leg risk it and go oh I got an achievement that said goodbye I like that the longer you wait the further it spreads wait has it even been established in this universe I can't remember that if you chopped it off that you can get away from it Christ hey I love you oh don't do this to me don't ever forget that I love you too clue [Applause] keep moving forward this [ __ ] sucks look James is born it's empty now oh yes huh so safe just make a suggestion and say run everywhere all the time okay nice [Music] Oh Mother of God go Ichi run right behind you oh I'm sweating like a hooker in church this oh [ __ ] good shot kid if we try just the two of us you a knife no no my baron you stay out thank you no ocupado first cat q fast enough because there's a whole queue of the ballet hello there we go the power of two we could have the power of ten but he's dead don't use the axe I'm controlling AJ now attaboy AJ kill the boy become the man before they Oh [Music] okay do me H oh yeah boy that's not great stuff here we go and face and quick here's Johnny okay go time my heart's beating real fast right now Christ I need the knife [Music] don't throw it except yourself hi shots hay bales oh no oh yeah let's go time yes yes kid yes I don't like that it's suddenly letting me control AJ it's like it's preparing me I don't like that Oh like a surgeon [Music] you [ __ ] think goes over your set of cuties okay okay I'm shaking and crying right now go for the knees you did the goon now what and you need to find a way out of here climb up there the monsters can't reaches up there let's go easy climb come on please try you can't give up you can't give up [Music] I need you I need you [ __ ] so sorry kiddo that's exactly like claming lee this is just what happens sometimes but it wasn't supposed to happen to you oh it's Alvin jr. you'll always be goofball to me Hey look at me AJ please [Music] you're such a cutie how did I get so lucky gotcha priest don't be silly right now [Music] now right now please I just wanted to see you smile one last time save it please don't say that I need to make sure you remember remember what the rules what's number one never go alone so so I can't leave not without you hey Jay it's your rule you won't be alone not for long get back to the school don't know how sure you do one of the first things I ever taught you you need to make sure they can't smell you so [Music] there's a fresh juicy Walker just waiting to be gutted [Applause] [Music] grab that axe you know what to do with it yeah cut the leg [Music] next rule what do we do when the monsters come I'm AJ shoot them in the head got any more ammo there isn't any more okay then [ __ ] and the last rule [Music] I wanna stay with you I know what will happen and I don't care I wanna go I just want to sit next to you and stay at that monster go from the train station even if someone kills us later just sit really long time please stay oh sorry but now I have a job for you I need you to get back to your room I need you to sleep in your bed and have friends and grow tall taller than I ever was I hope I need you to live aging for me that's your job now okay cliff that's my job [Applause] last rule No what do we do if I get bit [Music] [Music] hey Jane you have to kill me don't let me become one of them good boy tell me [Music] Oh [Music] oh well that [ __ ] sucked what's a flashback hey J I'm coming oh are you gonna make me feel feels again I knew it it was exactly like Lee and clam from season 1 I can't even remember what I did during that scenario is this where we got AJ back Oh Jesus wait why are we still here I aims better than yours [ __ ] fort McCarroll where is he I'm looking for a boy he's about three years old his name's Alvin jr. I mean yeah what did you expect you I fought this you made me cry you made me cry my own tears Oh Annie came is that you where are the children god your boy buddy answer your questions kill me okay and then episodes four five and six never happened at this point I'm just playing kill everything if clams dad I don't care anymore I'm not messing around but really where the kids are all right all right that way there's a nursery but I'm not letting one of your savages take a kid [Music] don't spook me I got it I got a quick trigger finger Clem's a machine this is like when Joel got separated from Ellie this is the care we ended up using cameron what it look like [Music] sorry so sorry sorry sorry Bank bye sorry don't worry you seemed nice but you were gonna shoot first on the cheek huh she was just a wet nurse - do you go to church cuz he seemed very holy of a feeling some of these characters are characters that I've seen before but it's been so long since I've played the previous season's potato look I got your name on my hand he's so much younger there let's get you out of here okay [Music] no she fought so hard for him because one of the options was like I fought way too hard for this for him to die with her so I guess that's why it's like recontextualizing some of that stuff that is it's like a double whammy though you're doing this after really my emotions was she going in with a baby bottle for AJ he's way too old for that that's it kiddo just wipe the blood off your face like every child has to do eventually [Music] still sad I lost my hat it's so cute happy she somehow look older here than she does oh there's that beautiful little potato face [Music] okay no where to can't go back to Richmond this whole area is a war zone gotta go fast yeah we have to go AJ this place we can't stay here it's not safe but it's okay we're survivors and the first rule of survival is never go alone never [Music] Klim yeah that's right hey Jay [Music] haha I've really missed you so much [Music] I know where we'll go we'll go find ourselves a new home together and I'll never leave you again [Music] yeah hi Skybound yeah it's me jack now [ __ ] you [Music] hey where did all the zombies go this is much after Oh Rosie you have fish looks like a meal are you my dog now whoa good girl different choices greatest girl in the world it's true she has a certificate to prove it here fishy fishy boom-booms what I do in my pants all right girl I'm gonna go put this bear away stay here and keep our oh is this that the burn oh never mind I thought this is the baron that we left them at I knew it cuz as soon as you got that that baronet let me control AJ and I was setting me up for this looks like a bad place to sleep but a great place to wash up H nothing good I'm an alcoholic now life's been tricky hi my name is AJ I'm 10 years old and I'm a now see this is here in case we need more balm you're probably wondering how I got here v+ m violet plus mini uh-huh she used to be their friend how can someone just make that go away this place is cursed well that's scary and mean yeah I think this place is good maybe maybe let's take that down that's a pretty good better than the ground facts it's getting kind of cold I'll bring some sticks and stuff next time I like your Gandalf staff okay now what go outside is this how it's gonna be now is that we're gonna get more tell-tale it lives oh [ __ ] [ __ ] please give me another chance please give me another chance please give me doesn't [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] no I want it I want it I want it no no come on come on come on come on come on come on Rosie you're the goodness girl the best of the world it's written it smells bad but it doesn't matter it's home oh [ __ ] oh no is that ten oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] always aim for the it's not him anymore you can't shoot though here I'm sorry ten but at this point sorry ten I know me too let's go home let's go home the dog's name is Rosie isn't it got an achievement that says time bomb with a picture of the Hat I thought was gonna end there for a second the top the crags and cliffs the Ariston so we'll find the mountain path on down the hill Suns are nice this is another reason to livestream it as well as Esau is probably gonna get claimed that afterwards and sometimes it blocks it everywhere dude sick trick shot dude perfect skip get out my fish pocket you stupid leaf [Music] last year's antlers the trail Ruby I never get to see who survived yeehaw okay a sim Ruby of the characters whose names I forget oh that's cute [Music] sister's name owner there was over and a sim there wait don't [ __ ] with us instead of Abel's body that's real messed up a [ __ ] no you got [ __ ] got killed what's their young dude's name I can't remember he knows the while it's still alive bomb maker can I'm gonna call you that of empty houses party [ __ ] our songs like fall [Music] windblown building come on Doug Oh AJ oh Willy that's his name you shouldn't remember that because they kept making fun of it thanks jack [Music] take us back take us back go [Music] take us back take this back take us back take as I was gonna end there as well as it I want more closure than this I'm gonna hear characters talk to each other again I don't know how everybody feels towards one another are we going we gonna get some good eats what you doing there goofball she lived he took the [ __ ] line guys you're out of bed you're walking legs crutches crutches oh this is the best time line I found your hat it was in the creek down line oh it was lost Rosie jumped right in and got out of the water it's all wet now you made me cry it's definitely seen better days you know what you keep it if you want it oh my god I'm so happy I'll put it in our room I have a surprise for you too come with me your life is surprised enough oh oh you got a little Stoke now clam but that's okay jeez you could at the shin you didn't even cut it at the knee joint couldn't get the shin is so much harder more painful oh thank god so what do you think I'm so happy it's is for me yep will he help me put it together come on let me push you Oh clam you can do anything you want now I'm just so good oh so what's an exactly like season one you just set it up that way again I reiterate sky about [ __ ] you but also Jesus this is my favorite day ever this is fun I love today me too me too it's good to see you smile thanks to him I'm just so happy right now I forgot about all the people I killed now you're the best Glenn I agree it's gonna get cold you just said it was ready oh I'm so glad let's go eat I'm so glad I let him make his own decisions Oh oh my beautiful dysfunctional orphan family [Music] I love Willie ohh-kay we worked hard for this food and you're just gonna throw it at each other [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Lewis is like I still don't have a talking by the way he's like in his head he's like tastes great I don't know [Music] [Music] I thought the monsters were out of there [Music] going something Titus's laughs and Final Fantasy 10 seconds please already you even taste that [Music] blender blender he still can't talk [Laughter] idiot I'm so happy yeah that's the spot a sim says he saw 10 15 of them a little bit past I saw 10 you to go you're the boss and we need to know who they are maybe even see if they're willing to trade just keep your distance until you can make a call who who are a group of survivors out beyond the old safe zone some kind of Caravan are they bad people how about you back me up and we'll find that out together word on the street is your good running buddy best sending violets smart she knows what she's doing that gotcha kid that's why I want you to come with it make me feel a lot better if you went no he's got responsibilities now this is the part where you tell me you'll be really really careful cool my beautiful family you okay just just getting tired hey walk with me a sec I'm coming back up like I lived [ __ ] oh so glad she didn't die should give her a cool like mechanical leg gotcha sorry it's okay I stare at it too if it was just you and me alone out there and I was like this I don't know if I'd make it two weeks I'm gonna need these to go anywhere and if we ever had to run it wouldn't be pretty we're done running you made it so we don't have to run Clem we're safe now yeah I guess we are all my dog's head is movin Asif oh this it's worth it all those times you would ask me if we'd find a home all I could ever tell you was we'll see and your face would fall every single time it's better than saying yes and lying to me and that's what I told myself but you want to know something I didn't tell you I never had a plan I never knew where we were going I never knew anything I just bought and fought and thought and hoped you didn't notice hope we'd find something before you did did I do a good job [Music] of course you do what do you are you crazy yeah maybe a little a lot more than alone that has been kicking ass for years sorry you didn't listen to me and if you had I'd be dead I was right to trust you back in the cave to make the hard calls even when I couldn't you'll have to be strong for the both of us wait so can Clem just die and like not come back is that an ending so lucky that would suck so thank you for everything you're welcome for everything Oh now end no doubt about a nice ending just a smile ah dead clam isn't an ending so you can't actually die Oh miss play all my heartstrings my emotions Oh ah that's cool still not bitten team that's a really cool way of doing credits that's very creative oh the final season three that they're still calling at the tell-tale series I know that it started off as the telltale series but it's not the telltale series anymore it's Skybound okay okay but I guess a lot of to tell tale team are still working on it so credits we're credit where credit's do I guess you can now replace collectibles in your room okay but already care about collectibles aw tens drawings [Music] it's too bad he won't be able to draw another one I hope you have extra crayons wherever you are Tim too bad I killed him remember when he was alive I sure do hmm you know what all great artist Rosa great well they're just gonna say hmm I suck at Roy it's so cool-looking probably those geode on the table I wonder if it has magic powers [Music] now now [Music] PO clementines hat by the window when you're done hey another one - that's my group jr. you ready to rock are you ready to wreck I said are you ready to rat okay I can look at all these things but oh look at Rosie best one to go this girl [Music] alright folks this is it the last time it all ends here this is just gonna end on a shot of her hat coming [Music] Oh [Music] that was sweet I like that [Music] oh okay so the episode was called take us back that was good that was really really good that was a good last episode I feel there was no like stupid like bring down moments where we were just like in the room chatting or anything like that it was just straight to the point it kept the action coming it picked its moments to have the conversations but it never like took you out of it it just kept pushing forward and I really like that really high emotional value really high emotional content okay can you just cam down for a second really high emotional content really made me feel those moments the stuff acclaim I think was really well handled reminded me a lot of season one with Leigh really really good I'm glad that it ended happy I'm glad that it didn't end with her dying cuz that was something that everyone predicted from their from the start of this season because they kept like saying that it was the end of clementines story so everyone was like okay so she's gonna die and I'm really glad we got to see the end of it even after all the nonsense that happened with telltale and even though all of that drama and [ __ ] happened I'm really glad the sky barn picked it up and we got the last two episodes so really appreciative of them for doing that thanks everyone for hanging out in the stream by the way and watching this live with me it's really really fun to do this live it's really fun to do this with the audience as it's happening maybe with these like choice-based games I'll do this more often this was a little different because I got late to this episode so a lot of people in chat knew what was happening already so I kind of had to avoid that but doing it live with people it's fun to like glance over and see people's reactions to things as they're happening so as episodes come out for stuff I might do that for now I would like life is stranger if there's any more walking oh well I don't know if there's gonna be more Walking Dead it might be just don't under a different name instead of telltale so we might get more Walking Dead games like this with AJ and stuff so who knows I'm really glad we got at the end of that and any of you watching after the fact on YouTube as a VOD after the archive I thank you guys for watching as well and supporting this type of series in supporting the Walking Dead episodes on this channel because the Walking Dead has kind of been a staple of the channel for a long time and doing these like one-off episodes so thanks for that I appreciate it and doing these doing these longer story driven types of games is really fun and I'm glad that this is still a thing that we can do on YouTube and it hasn't lost his touch yet really high emotional content on the channel but that episode I really liked wait so what happened to Lilly this this is the thing that bothers me about these choice pace games is like you either kill her in the last episode or she just disappears in this one and then everyone in the last episode everyone was like Jack you made the wrong decisions and like a big bunch of dislikes come in which I don't know you can't really make right choices and these ones eat well even I felt like okay I should have probably killed Lilly but then it was like okay James came back for one scene in the cave and Lilly just disappeared so it's like okay so there's no [ __ ] point whether I kill them or not they're just not here anyway so who cares it's hard to do a choice based game and have the decisions actually matter going into the next one so it's very superficial kind of stuff it's like a scene or two it's like what happens with James then the James just died anyway in this episode if you don't kill him at the last one I know I just dislike that I don't like that they do that with choice based games but at the same time it's very hard to do that it's got it would take you years so like you make episodes otherwise if you really want to have proper branching narratives like Detroit become human has a lot of branching narratives and that took what six seven years to make if not more so I don't know oh he actually has a scene okay well that's better then but to have to actually have these things weave in and make really big like like the ending for everybody now seems like it would probably kind of be very similar just some characters are there or not so it's hard to make them really stand out something like undertale does choice is really well because it doesn't make them choices so to speak it lets the player just play organically and if stuff happens then it's like oh [ __ ] this is just a pair of the game but that's the version of the game you get you don't know that whereas in this these types of games it's like oh they're dead by the way remember that or they're not so hopefully we can get some better stuff I know overall I really liked it I thought it was great I thought I had really good moments and they handle it really well I'm happy with the way the final episode lasted anyway let's see my choices you and 64% of players trusted AJ Wow 36% didn't want him to do that you and 64% of players led violet renamed the school herself 10% said happy sunshine land 12 the rotting [ __ ] and 14 Castle violet I would say these ones sucked but we got Texas too 77% of players asked AJ to kill you rather than let you become a walker you and 60% of players shot ten after he became a walker again at that point you have the emotional moment you have the moment when you shoot him in the neck already so you're sad about that so what he's a walker it's like well it doesn't matter then at that point he's just a liability in a thing that can harm the rest of your group so of course just shoot him again okay James is thankful that you respected his beliefs okay James is dead 85% of players left Lewis feeling shaken and homeless ten is dead I wish you would let me know how many people got ten killed 50% of players left Lily feeling shamed 50% half and a half that's pretty cool you and 12% of players left violet feeling loved well I guess it's either Lewis or violet so that Statistics plays a whole lot more oh I got three out of four oh Jesus what Clem taught me the first thing you do when you enter new place is check all the windows always aim for the head we were hearing all of these things as we went through anyway whenever you're scared just try to push through a lot of very generic things the hard calls were always unfair firefighters have to make the hard call your choices episode 1 okay we've been through these I know how these things played out I did do the episodes all right that's it that's the end of Telltale's The Walking Dead this is the final season of the whole game is the final season of all of the telltale stuff hence the title the end of Clementine because it's the end of her story I don't I think they're just ending it there I don't think we're getting anything else maybe we'll get a different type of game maybe well I was gonna say maybe they'll move away from the like choice based version of this game but at this point they have to you can't keep doing this type of game there's a reason telltale got closed down is because you did too much of the same thing and took on too many licenses and then too many of the same types of game revolved around too many licenses and people like gamers want different things if you're making sequels the things you got to keep it fresh you got to change some things so if we're gonna do more Walking Dead stuff which I absolutely hope you do maybe we'll get a bigger budget Walking Dead game that'd be cool I mean these are pretty big budget but at the same time I want like a really big like Last of Us type of game and that was the type of thing like Last of Us came out and did a Walking Dead game better than The Walking Dead Dayne did The Walking Dead so a lot of people just kind of felt the burn out on it and the frustration of the game and the fatigue so please keep the Walking Dead stuff going but change it up a little let's see what you got let's let's go further with it but maybe people are just kind of burned out on the Walking Dead and zombies anyway I think the TV show itself has burned people out because the series is just not what it was but whatever we'll save that conversation for a different day but thank you guys for hanging out and joining me again during the livestream i wasin able to reach at because of spoilers and I want to just focus on the episode because for the people watching it back afterwards I don't want to constantly be reading chat and then coming back here or back and forth kind of thing because it makes people feel left out but thanks for being here anyway I appreciate it I had a blast I thought that this is a really fun stream thank you for anybody who was doing super chats or memberships or anything like that I'm sorry that I missed them now but again as I said I couldn't read for spoil because those are some pretty big spoilers so I'm sure people were ruining it in chat as we were going along but anyone who is watching afterwards I hope you guys had fun and I hope you guys enjoyed the episode anyway so I'm gonna leave it here I'm gonna go I'll be back with more video games in tomorrow I'll see you guys tomorrow tomorrow I think it's a totally accurate battle simulator is going up I recorded an episode of that right before he did this so I hope you guys enjoy that but for now I'm gonna leave it there that's the end of The Walking Dead and I'm so glad it's over and I'm glad that we got a nice happy ending out of it I hope you guys enjoyed it too but thanks guys I'll see you I'll see you in the gamer land [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,500,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, The Walking Dead, season, episode, episodic, telltale, telltale walking dead, a new frontier, the walking dead season 3 episode 1, the walking dead jacksepticeye, full episode, game, videoame, the walking dead game, telltale's the walking dead, clem, clementine, reaction, story, characters, choices, death, dead, character death, zombies, zombie game, PC, XB1, PS4, finale, end, ending, the final season, episode 4
Id: exo7UJFRCBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 11sec (6971 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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