The Encounter Worship Experience

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] today is the day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it good morning bethany family we want you to come on in and just feel right at home as we are getting ready for services brother kevin here and i'm deacon antoine and we are so happy that you are joining us this morning as we are preparing for the encounter service you know bishop is still in his chest not checker series and he is talking about a conversation with angels we've been talking about on the recap right yeah [Laughter] look before we get into all that we want you to feel welcome as you guys are coming in so make sure that you are letting us know where you're tuning in from if this is your first time tuning in with us make sure that you are putting the vip so we can show you a whole lot of love and make you feel welcome and make you feel at home as you're at home eating that breakfast right now maybe that's cereal right yeah you love the french and with that we have a game within this first part of the engage live segment this is the furthest person watching okay so these are specific instructions i need you to listen carefully okay okay so what we're going to do so if you are outside of the us i want you to put a heart in the chat and say where you're from right if you're on the west coast put those praise hands up and say you're out on the west coast if you're in a tri-state smiley face where are you in the tri-state area and if you're in jersey give us that cool thumbs up and let us know exactly where you're watching in jersey and later on in the comments we're going to announce who's winning so i want you to pay attention and if you need more people this is the perfect time to share say yo i need more west coast people you know i need more i need more east coast people i need some jersey okay let's make it fun let's make it competitive um because we want to engage with you and we want to know where you're from so that also we can pray with you we can stay connected with you yeah and we can just show you the love of christ most definitely you know we love staying connected with you especially virtually during this time so we want you to make sure that you are engaged with us make sure that you are letting us know where you're tuning in from and also tag someone and let them know that we are on and getting ready for worship as well as that word friends come on now even your neighbors even your co-workers let them know that we are on right now and getting ready for today's service because it's it's going to be something good right so as we are getting ready for that you know we are the visual church so we want you to take a look at this video right now [Music] namaste hello wherever you're watching from around the world we welcome you to the encounter worship with us one god one community join the connections church you know we are dropping those comments you know dropping those emojis and this is the perfect month to do that because it is transforming lives month right one share away for sharing the love of christ like i like to say you know get those evangelistic thumbs going yeah you know and share with as many people as you can because you never know who me right so how about you just take this look at this transformer license video now i'm so excited that sister deja is here to talk about how she transform lives one at a time can you share a little bit of how you are helping to transform lives one at a time with give back peace yes so i started give back peace in february of this year to help out the less fortunate in kensington we give them clothes necessities and it just really helps them and tells them that somebody cares about them and is looking out for them what would you say to someone who may have the desire to transform lives but not quite sure what to do transforming lives it doesn't always have to be like like you're out there putting in labor work to transform somebody's life just by acts of kindness each day who knows what they're going through and so you just do it the best way that you can well deja thank you so much for joining us and sharing your experience of what you're doing to help transform lives one at a time and now back to deacon antoine and brother kevin for some more engaged life wow what an incredible video yes we hope that you are encouraged to share the love of christ and now we want to shout you out all you that are watching all over the world africa and uk and the united states and australia all of you we see you all and thank you all for joining us if this is your first time drop that vip in the chat right now you are a very important person and we want to really really shout you out and also check in the comments right now to see who won that game go ahead and scroll through and see who won absolutely so you know as you're checking and you're checking on social media you know as you know we have been you know doing driving services on saturdays and now we have something special we have drive-in bible study under the stars oh my god so we are getting ready for that so you know for you to get more information and get you know get prepared for that we want you to take a look at this video that's going to you know give us more details of when it's going to happen right take a look what's going on everybody we have a special event bible study under the stars we can't wait for you to be there it's going to be worship it's going to be the word there's going to be bishop there's going to be the dynamic duo but it will be in possible it would not be the best that it could be if you are not here kevin kevin you you got the dick cause i forgot yes sir okay y'all watch kevin hunt for jesus make sure you join us on august 25th hung for jesus see you there as many as you know we have been in a dynamic series on wednesdays uh with the presents so guess what class is in session we're about to have a what pop quiz okay everyone see if you've been paying attention so the first question is and you got to fill in the blank in the comments okay your healing is on the other side of your blank uh-oh your healing is on the other side of your blank is it a comfort zone i don't know is it it's up it is it is comfort zone okay true or false our worship produces god's presence in our lives oh can i help him out in the comments come on i think that's false false our worship is a response to god's presence oh okay okay one more often times our inability inability to blank god in the discomfort blank our journey rather than shortens it so often times okay and our inability to see god in the discomfort lengthens our journey rather than shortens it oh so we hope you all we're paying attention you never know when a pop quiz is going to come in so go ahead get your notebooks out for a wednesday night bible study and along with bible study for the adults we have something incredible for our children we have emerge uh roof ministry face planet kept all the way from first grade we want you to go ahead and check out the website bbc you can see all the details there there's something there for every grade level all the teachers are wonderful we can't wait for you to be a part yeah and you know no better way than showing it by but with a visual so we want you to take a look at this video right now hi i'm natasha i'm jason we've had an excellent experience being connected to bethany online you know even with the youth it's very interactive i specifically like how they like keep um learn we keep learning about bible verses and we have to like memorize them my favorite lesson so far we were learning about job and um like how he was like obeying god and he he lost faith at first but yeah she regained it after a few while after he lost everything youth ministry they're training leaders chase said yes he's listening to the lesson but he also is doing critical thinking so i enjoy that and that shows silence of leadership this church is very good you should come join me in some lessons so deacon can i get a drum roll it is about that time for us to get ready for the encounter service as we get ready for that word get ready for that worship but as you guys are doing that please make sure that you are sharing comment and liking right so we're going to jump right into service now make sure that you stay tuned throughout [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] praise the lord everybody come on worship the lord right where you are give him glory give him honor and bless his name we thank god today because he's good this is the day that the lord has made we will rejoice we will be glad in it we will bless his name we will honor him we will magnify him right where you are lift him up because our god is worthy to be praised it's another sunday morning y'all it's the lord's day he deserves all our worship he deserves all our praise lift your voice where you are and bless his name god is good and he is absolutely worthy to be praised please do us a favor and share this time as we are in worship as we're in the praise share at this time and praise god worship him while you're doing that use those fingers for evangelism hit that share button again we're so glad you can join us today we're getting ready to pray getting ready to believe god getting ready to trust him believe that god is able to do great things he does the wondrous works and we have to believe in that type of god come on let's pray father i thank you again for this moment we honor you today we magnify you we lift you up we glorify you because you're god and we thank you that you are worthy to be praised we bless you because you've been good you're a god that hears us one that inclines his ear to us you're one that listens to us you're attentive to our every desire and we thank you for being that type of god you said you know we have need of before we ever ask for it that lord you know how to be a good father to us and you told us to trust you and believe you father and all that's going on we're trusting you and we're believing you that you will put a hedge of protection around us that you will keep us that lord that in this time you will make a distinction and you will reveal to the world who your people belong to and father we thank you for calling us to be your children you told us to believe you through everything trust you in everything that you would be all that we would need you to be lord some of us need you to be our comfort our joy our peace our prosperity our help and father we pray that you would reveal the great i am we thank you for what you're going to do for us save somebody today bring somebody back home to you connect someone to this church we trust you you believe you do great things and we pray this in jesus name amen if you agree with this lift up the name of the lord praise him right now glorify him right now we're getting ready to go into worship trust him and believe that god is going to do the wondrous and the great things god bless you good morning bethany family it's good to see you again i'm sister zakiyah and i'm here with shania adrenan and it is a pleasure to let you know all the good things we have going on around the plaza of course it is virtually yes but we want to make sure we keep you posted on what's coming up this week so uh we want to let you know that once again we are having our recap please don't forget that we do recap on mondays and it is at 5 30 p.m that recap on mondays really kind of helps to support conversation about the sunday service give you a little breakdown and see it from the lens of our community and also just give us a better understanding of the word yes and then on tuesday we have our safe house men's ministry coming to you at 7 00 p.m and then wednesday yes on wednesday hey we got our drive-in bible study the very first one so y'all come through we want you to represent wednesday and you want to join us under the stars for for our drive-in and i love that under the stars these are the stars so um one of the things that we do have on our drive-ins we have them on saturday but this first one for wednesday night service is this wednesday at 7 00 pm wednesday bible study service and we want to encourage you too that you can also order our harvest catering while you're here it is a great time to you know have some food and getting awesome work yeah because you know sometimes when we're spending our time getting our minds and our spirits nourished we don't get a chance to get the cooking going for our body so we got you covered all right and then on friday we have our fresh virtual kickback you know we love to come on and have a great time yes we have a great time with pass nick but this one is going to be a little bit private so if you would like to register i encourage you to register at fresh with the number three at go the number two and then saturday we have our on point radio with bishop david g evans himself starting at 9 a.m i love it because we talk about what's going on around the world and how do you fold the bible into it how do you fold the christian life into right all these things that are happening very very uh relevant so i enjoy on point yeah so we have a lot of stuff coming on for you for this week so we hope to see you guys all there join us praise the lord everybody come on praise the lord everybody hallelujah hallelujah did god wake you up this morning did he start you on your way did that mean you know what you're blessed so if you believe that you're blessed i want you to stand up on your feet right now and i want you to get ready to give god [Music] is [Music] we [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] is [Music] [Music] and running around [Music] is good morning everyone i will be reading your scripture for today we will be coming out of the book of psalm chapter 91 verses 9 through 12. and it reads because thou hast made the lord which is my refuge even the most high thy habitation there shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways verse 12 they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against their stone i have read psalms 921 9-12 may the lord add a blessing to the reading and hearing of his word [Music] how many need god to fill their cup in the name of jesus fill us oh god until we overflow in you jesus fill my cup lord i lift it up lord [Music] come and quench this thirsting in my [Music] no fill it up and make me [Music] fill my cupboard i lift it up lord come and quench this first my [Music] fill it up and make me [Music] [Laughter] me [Applause] [Music] oh bless me now my sins [Music] [Music] the [Music] navy [Applause] [Music] bless me now [Music] lord [Music] lord [Music] [Music] praise the lord i'm so glad you've taken the time to join me once again for the encounter worship experience here at bethany church in lindewald new jersey the transformation church such an honor to have this opportunity to share what we believe has been a life-changing series for those of you who have been able to follow us for the last few weeks called chestnut checkers it's our series concerning spiritual warfare and we've just come out of a section concerning demons witches and curses and now we're in the section concerning angels uh this this part of the series is called a conversation with angels so won't you share with someone right now tweet text inbox someone get in contact with somebody tag four or five people and invite them to join this conversation uh regarding angelic dimensions in the word of god before we go there i want to remind you that during august is uh we are always about winning souls we're doing august and the month of january these are what we call our evangelism months this is when we heighten our evangelical efforts our messages our songs our dramatic presentations our dance presentations even more so are directed at winning people for christ winning your heart for christ strengthening your relationship with god so today i want to talk to you just for a moment about making the most important decision you could ever make in your life and that is a life-altering life-impacting decision to come into relationship with jesus christ as your savior i remember back in 1976 when i gave my life to the lord did i remember the weeks leading up to that defining moment in my life i really thought that i had everything that was good about life but i realized at one point that even though those normal successes the accepted uh successes in life you know work and social and all that stuff that we think is so important at that point at 26 years old i began to contemplate that there was something missing and it was something major missing because what i was doing my activity i was busy but it was not fulfilling in my heart that i was not achieving my created purpose i was doing what everyone else was doing pursuing the same goals everyone else was pursuing but i realized as far as purpose and destiny i was not anywhere near who i suspected i had been created to be i began to search for god and i found him he wasn't lost i'm not to imply that at all but he knew where i was i just didn't know how much i needed him so on 26th of june many many years ago 76 i think to be exact 1976. i i gave my life to the lord and when i tell you that a transformation a radical transformation is available to each and every human being on the face of this earth and that our job once we are saved is impact positively the lives of those around us you begin to fully understand one of the main reasons you've been created and that is to have a positive impact a kingdom impact a heavenly impact on the lives of those around you i want to invite you today to make the most important decision you could ever make in your life now i don't want you to begin to think yourself out of it give yourself reasons why you shouldn't i want you to use that brilliant brain to think yourself into this relationship there are plenty of reasons that you could disqualify yourself you know maybe the lifestyle you're living you think that god does not love you maybe some of the mistakes you've made in the past you think you've just been too bad but i've been saying for the last 31 years that if you've been bad you've qualified if you've been really bad you really qualify qualify for salvation the bible says if any man be is in christ he's a new creation old things are passed away behold all things are become whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved whosoever shall call upon his name shall be saved how shall they hear without a preacher how shall he preach except he be sent faith comes by hearing not just hearing anything but hearing the word of god so today i want to pray with you that the holy spirit begin to move on you right now as we're speaking but also while i'm teaching this lesson while this teaching is going forward that the word of god would be allowed by you to produce faith in your life to connect with the lord jesus and with the house of god come on let me let let me pray for you god i thank you right now for this tremendous opportunity i have i thank you lord for all those that are watching us from around the world uh all of our partners from around the world all of those who are uh curious about god and are seeking an answer to life's questions lord today i want you to answer some of the questions the people watching me are feeling they may not have articulated them lord but i know you can answer them by the power of your word and the power of your spirit so now lord i pray that those that have never given their life to you would give their lives to you before we end this service today i pray lord those who know you but got distracted by the various things that come along in life to distract us lord i ask you to call them back into relationship and fellowship with you last but not least lord i pray for those who love you but desire a place to connect that they will become a part of this ministry so hand in hand we can walk into our destiny and take this journey of purpose together i asked lord that you would move on their all their hearts by your spirit through your word today and that they will make a decision to get saved come to know you for themselves come back to you and connect with your ministry today i thank and praise you in advance for what you're going to do in jesus name amen turn with me to hebrews chapter one as you're doing that if you made the decision to give your life to the lord to come back to the lord connect with this house write us in the comment section on whatever site you're watching us on one of our ministry members will get back to you tell you what your next steps are i look forward to this journey together into our future turn with me to hebrews chapter one as we continue in our chestnut checkers series a conversation with angels a conversation with angels now i'm going to be rather methodical today there's a lot of superstition about the angelic that we're going to try to dismiss over the next two or three weeks so you will have a thorough working understanding of the position of angels the reality of angels the position of angels in the life of a child of god now here's we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna disconnect some disbelief some unbeliefs i'm gonna show you some humorous things which which uh really are make the existence of angels really not something you have to think deeply about because there are things that we believe in that are evil that we're sure exist but there's some things that are heavenly that we have our doubts about but you must understand that the world is a balanced world good and evil right and wrong heaven and hell angels and demons when i was teaching you about the demonic i told you they were fallen angels there was a host of angels in heaven one third decided to follow satan they got cast out with him they are now the demonic fallen angels the demonic so if you believe in the demonic you've got to believe in the fallen angels in fallen angels and you must believe in angels because they all started as the angelic host in heaven now we're going to talk about this a little bit more but i want to take you to hebrews chapter 1 and i want to look at verse 7 and we're going to drop down to verse 13 and 14 then we'll start our conversation today hebrews chapter 1 verse 7 and of the angels he says who maketh his angel spirits and his ministers a flame of fire 13 but to which of the angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until i make down enemies thy footstool it's a question he never said that to angels they don't sit at the right hand of god jesus sits at the right head at the right hand of the father are they not all here it is ministering spirits sent forth apostolically sent from god to minister for them to minister for them who shall be heirs of savage of salvation to those who have an inheritance because of their relationship with god or the promises of the kingdom he sent angels to minister for the believer conversation with angels let's get started so i've been explaining to you that one of the greatest hurdles that we have to overcome is our understanding and the way we perceive our perspective on the word of god when you look into the word of god the bible shows us the inventory or the content of the kingdom so what the bible reveals to us is the invisible kingdom of god what exists in the kingdom of god talks about the holy spirit talks about christ on the throne talks about satan moving in this world talks about angels in heaven and angels ministering for the saints it's important to understand that what god does in his word is revealed to us the invisible realm that we are already engaged in watch this now so when i don't know the lord and don't understand the word of god and don't have faith in its truth i am blinded to a significant dimension that i'm exposed to every day of my life that is good and evil and what is the content of good and evil so the bible lets us know that when we look into the kingdom when we open this dimension called the scriptures and the scriptures reveal to us the kingdom of god and the content of the kingdom we find now in our conversation coming out of where we were in our chestnut checkers series there's the demonic there are witches in witchcraft there are curses and now the bible identifies another key principle another created entity in the word of god in the invisible kingdom called angels so when we open up this dimension we see the existence of angels the bible lets us know that god makes his angels spirits and his ministers flames of fire are they not all ministering spirits sent forth watch the apostolic nature of god the apostolic nature of god is to send forth from heaven into the earth to minister to people so god's mission is to bring heaven to earth thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven so the apostolic mission with under the apostolic authority of god is to send help to you and i and one of those helps are the angelic hosts they are ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those of us who will be heirs of salvation in other words we are in line to receive all the promises of the kingdom and everything that heaven has to offer not just in the end but thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth we know that angels worship jesus so we are never to worship them we know they are ministering spirits we know they've been apostolically sent by god they've come to minister for the saints i'm going to pick this up a little later in the message but you remember i believe exodus 23 and the bible says i'm going to send my angel before you to bring you to take you in the way take care of the enemy that's ahead of you minister for the people of god our historic understanding is that they only minister to us but they have another assignment to minister for us and we're going to see this today we the people of god are the heirs of salvation we are the ones that according to the bible will receive all of the inheritance given to the people of faith so it is our ability to pierce the invisible by faith that makes angels a knowable discernible reality in the life of a child of god turn with me to luke chapter one we're going gonna take a walk through scripture today luke chapter one talking about these angels luke chapter one and i want you to go down to verse 26 and we'll start there and then we'll move down uh step by step verse 26 says and in the sixth month the angel gabriel name name of an angel was sent from god apostolically sent unto a city of galilee named yes nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was joseph of the house of david and the virgin's name was mary god himself has introduced the realm of angels a dimension in the spirit called angels to us through the story of mary and joseph now watch this 26 says sent to a place not only sent to a place but to a person a specific individual 27 now there's a generational continuity the house of david there's a generational continuity a generational mandate that the angel watch this apostolically sent when a person or an agent comes from god and they've been apostolically sent by god they come with a message they come with authority they come with power over evil they come not with their own message but speaking that which god has said verse 28 take a look and the angel came in unto her and said hail thou art highly favored the lord is with you so there he speaks for god this angel brings a message from god and does not veer away from that word because the angel is revealing god's heart concerning mary and joseph 29 and when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be one of the great hindrances to angelic revelation is it stretches our discernment it stretches our faith she's going to need faith to receive the message sent from god through the angel gonna need faith because it's gonna stretch your reason when angels begin to speak in that conversation reason is challenged because she immediately says it says in the text she's trying to figure out she cast in her mind what kind of greeting is this what greeting is she talking about hail thou art highly favored the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women now you gotta understand the situation the young woman is is uh thinking he can't possibly be talking to me but because god she has not been on god has not been on her mind does not mean she has not been on the lord's mind there are times in our lives when we find ourselves being unrewarded for living a virtuous life times when it appears as though so many other people are getting so much attention and recognition but they're only getting it from men and women but the angel comes with a message that merely says i've been watching you and god says tell her that in my eyes and in my heart she's highly favored but instead of releasing faith she tries human reason but the angel understands that faith comes by hearing what hearing the word of god that god's word is designed to produce faith in the hearer even though at this point mary's locked in human reason so then watch what happens in verse 30 and the angel said unto her fear not okay because doubt is fear in its infancy he knows where she's headed in her thinking that this is all too amazing for her that god would call her highly favored among women that she sees nothing about herself that should have made her a chosen individual but the bible lets us know that god doesn't look on the outer appearance but he searches the heart so mary in this context and joseph have passed the heart test with god and when god is qualifying you in your heart he's not qualifying you based upon your accomplishments he's qualifying you based on the content of your heart which produces the content of your words which should reflect the behavior that you perform every day now watch where this goes so he gets down to verse 30 he tells you know mary once again now watch this he tells her twice mary thou has found favor with god then the prophetic begins to shift in behold thou shalt conceive in the womb bring forth a son shall call his name jesus this is amazing to me so there's a prophetic message from the angel and mary is having conversation with the angelic because the angelic has a message for mary that something's going to happen in your life that's going to be extraordinarily important life changing for many but altering for you something radical is about to happen to you and god sends an angel to have this conversation with mary watch what happens so the prophetic message is spoken in verse 31 and it's spoken in the apostolic authority of the father who sent the angel to mary the bible let's know he is sent gabriel is sent with a specific message for a specific person now participation in a miracle to step into the impossible god tells her what the process is going to be you're going to conceive you watch the certainty of it you're going to conceive not half a prophecy you're going to bring forth and you're going to call his name so you're going to conceive it you're going to bring it forth and you're going to name it i need to say that again when a word of god is given to you you have to conceive it and then constantly feed it and work upon it and then name it you have to give it destiny you have to give it purpose look at what the bible says shall call his name jesus now watch the rest of the prophetic he shall be great so it didn't stop at conception it didn't stop it at her gestating the child it didn't even stop at the naming now watch the destiny he shall be great shall be called the son of the highest and the lord god shall give him and give him unto him the throne of his father david so there's destiny in the word that she's receiving i need you to hear this there's destiny a future in the word you're receiving watch how this happens now she starts out with human reason very early in the conversation she can't figure out what this is all about why mary does not see herself as someone who is a candidate for the uncommon favor of god listen to me many times god cannot move in our lives because we don't see ourselves the way god sees us god sees mary not in her inexperience but god sees mary fulfilling the assignment okay because this assignment includes calvary god sees her fulfilling this assignment fulfilling her purpose finding purpose the word of god will reveal god's purpose for you and in that purpose you shall be great we spend our entire lives spinning our wheels searching for meaning searching for purpose not realizing that that purpose those marching orders must come from god and when god gives you purpose he does not give you partial instructions you should listen to me it is not he told me but he didn't tell me anything else that's not how he operates because he will speak destiny and ultimate purpose because if you know there's an expected inn you can continue when the road gets a little rough because you know where you're going now despite unpopular opinion despite the natural scandalous perception of people the bible lets us know you're going to have this child you're going to name him jesus and despite everything he shall be great watch this and he shall be called the son of the highest now this is amazing because mary is still struggling with reason but the angel continues to have this conversation and the content of the conversation is what god has said concerning her he'll be the son of the highest and the lord god shall give unto him the throne of his father david there will be a generational connection to the kingship and the royalty of david in the nation watch this and he shall reign over the house of jacob forever my goodness and of his kingdom there shall be no end look at the completion of this message that has come with authority from god through the angel through the messenger you need to hear me through the messenger comes a message that covers her from the beginning of this prophetic interaction of this angelic interaction to the culmination not only of her life but the life of her son then said mary unto the angel verse 34 then said mary unto the angel wow how shall this be still locked in reason she's having a hard time watch this now our belief systems are one of the major adversaries to a message from god our belief system what we believe about ourselves and our possibilities often hinders a child of god when god wants to do something tremendous with your life wants to birth something in you what opposes this what opposes faith is human reason what i think i don't see i don't feel how's that possible all these questions are raised by mary because reason is challenging the word of god so reason is opposing faith right now in mary's life i don't i don't know if you've ever had a vision or dream for your life that has been just exponentially larger than your present circumstance that you could really relate to marion says i just don't see how this is going to happen in my life i can see it happen in other people's lives but i can't see it happening in mine so god sends the messenger in this particular situation an angel comes the bible says that we have entertained angels unaware watch this the word angel means messenger so that means god has even used people to bring you a message of destiny and you've missed your season because you've reasoned yourself away with these words i don't see i don't feel i don't think reason will limit your ability to step into the manifestation of a word that god has sent specifically to you through his messenger now you know the man of god in the house of god is considered one of god's angels one of the people that god sends a message to you how many times have we shared a word together and you agreed the word was powerful that it was true we we step by step we blew it open through the bible we worked it together but at the end of the day you had some doubt why because doubt produces fear and fear is the enemy of faith when god sends you a word and you find yourself doubting and that doubt and fear is not a quaking fear the fear is a fear of something different than you're experiencing right now it's a fear that if i try to do this i'm going to end up looking silly i'm not this is not appropriate for my life i've had this conversation with some ministers the other night a comfort zone is what god has to challenge to perform a miracle in your life because you and i can become comfortable with things that don't contribute to our destiny god's destiny for us we will find plenty of contributors to a destiny we've decided for ourselves we can take up hobbies we can begin to to do other pursuits that take us away from god's word but anything that takes us away from god's word and from god and from the spirit of god and hearing and discerning the message of god is taking us away from our created destiny so mary's locked in this internal conversation with herself how can this be what's going on how shall this be seeing i know not a man watch this now how can this be so now the word of god has to attack one of the greatest barriers you and i have we've allowed time to become a hindrance to us and not a tool for managing our surroundings so the word attacks the barrier of time the word attacks the barrier of circumstances watch what she says how shall this be seeing i know not a man but god's word is always ready to answer and the angel answered conversation with angel said unto her the holy ghost watch this so angels and the holy ghost and the word of god work together angels the word and the holy ghost the holy ghost and the angelic work together and the angel answered and said the holy ghost shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god now watch how wonderful god is so she's received the word and yet fear and reason are still obstacles but watch how wonderful god is in this conversation with an angel where we now understand that the angelic and the holy spirit work together we see something else happening god has already raised up someone with a testimony she can trust who up until this moment mary simply thought elizabeth had finally lucked out and in her old age she had become pregnant with the forerunner of jesus and even though there may have been people doubting and ridiculing based upon the timing watch time be a barrier because the bible says that elizabeth who was known for being barren is now six months in to her miracle i'm trying to get something across to you and now what mary didn't quite understand she understands fully because she's received the same kind of word and the angel says to her verse 36 your cousin elizabeth she has also conceived a son in her old age there's that time again so elizabeth most likely had thought time was a barrier she'd run out it was pastor season here comes god with a message saying something totally opposite that sounds totally how do you say it incongruous sounds counterintuitive to where elizabeth was in her life watch this and where mary thought elizabeth was but then mary gets this supernatural testimony of the move of god in her life and mary elizabeth was known watch what it says it says this is the sixth month with her who was called baron my goodness sometimes you need the testimony of someone you love and trust to reveal to you what god is doing in their life when you thought they were past blessing and then god comes to you and says i'm about to do something for you because i need there to be agreement on earth there needs to be a human reference point for you so you can know that what i'm saying to you makes makes sense watch what he says for with god nothing shall be impossible now you do understand the word baron means broken so when the word of god came to elizabeth not only did the barrier of time break not only did times bury a break not only did opinions barrier break not only did age that barrier broke but her character what she was known for changed they can no longer call her broken my god my god for with god nothing shall be impossible now watch the breakthrough watch the faith come and mary said behold the handmaid of the lord be it unto me according to thy word and the angel departs now here's where we go so her confirmation on earth is spoken by the angel your cousin elizabeth has also received a like miracle like miracles john the baptist is three months away from being born manifestation of the word that elizabeth received is about to encourage the faith of mary even further so in verse 37 the angel decrees with authority given by god that with god all things are possible nothing shall be impossible and that breaks the grip of reason opens the mind of faith in mary and she says behold the handmaid of the law look at that identity shift she shifts from how can this be to behold an individual who's being used by god and then she says something significant be it unto me according to thy word this is amazing to me so you and i have to come to an understanding that when god's word is spoken to us when a message is released to us when god sends an angel to speak to you not their own words but the word of god that you have to shove reason out of the way allow the word of god to produce faith and just say lord simply be it unto me according to thy word and then the message stopped the conversation ceased why because the mission was accomplished so the angel decrees and the only way he can decree it is with authority only way he can decree it is because of his experience with god only way he can decree it is to agree with what god has spoken now how did i go there listen to this when you decree a thing based on the message you have heard three principles relationship with the lord speaking your experience with god confession agreeing with what god says decree speaking with authority so i can't decree if i'm not in agreement with the lord if i'm not saying what he said i can't decree i can't confess if i am not in relationship with the lord and speaking from a foundation of who my source is then i'm able to decree with authority because i've determined that what god has said is true my situation may not look like that but this message i've received from the angelic from this conversation with the angel that god sent and the content of that conversation was the angel stuck to what god said god said god said now what's amazing to me is that the word produced faith in mary be it unto me angel ministers to mary but the text in hebrews 1 14 says they also minister for the saints so the angel midwifes the pregnancy with the word of god and then speaks destiny once the child is born so from the garden of eden to the new heaven and revelation angels exist they're called spirits they're called seraphims cherubims sons of god the heavenly hosts we see some of them have names like gabriel and michael we understand they're not symbols of another reality they are a heavenly reality if anything they're images of the invisible god the names begin in el which means they're related to god now let's go to exodus chapter 3 and this will catch us up and we'll be ready to really delve into deeply uh this thing about angels in the coming weeks exodus chapter three i want to show you something very close okay watch this now now it's gonna make all more sense i had to go over this again because i needed you to get this exodus three verse one and one and two now moses kept the flock of jethro his father-in-law the priesthood media and he led the flock of on the back side of the desert and came to the mountain of god even to herb and the angel of the lord appeared unto him in the flame i'm going to explain you what the angel of the lord is in a couple weeks i'm going to remove with the confusion all right appeared unto him in a flame the angel of the lord appeared unto him in the flame of fire out of the midst of the bush and he looked and behold the bush burned with fire and the bush was not consumed so the angel of the lord watch this closely appears in a fashion that is unexpected comes in the form of a bush on fire and that was how god revealed himself and the angel is speaking for god the messenger right he speaks directly to moses it was god's call to moses by angelic manifestation in the bush it was god's call to moses by angelic manifestation in the bush now how much time do i have i'm out of time so the angelic lets us know that angels work for the saints so now we see the introduction to moses old testament look how far back angels go when you open up the bible you see what's in the invisible this angel speaks to moses comes in a very unusual way in a flame in a bush saying what god needs to say to moses now this gets even better the bible lets us know in hebrews 114 that they work for the saints working for the people of god now watch this now go to exodus 23 and then we're going to stop i'm just going to introduce this piece and then we're going to stop exodus 23 i want you to go down to verse 20. and watch this for the saints keep this in your head for the saints verse 20 exodus 23 20 behold i send an angel before you watch this to keep you in the way it's making so much sense now right to bring you into the place which i have prepared angels working for you conversation with you to prepare you for when the angel and the holy ghost teamed together to work for you man i felt that so watch where this goes working for you a couple things about angels you need to know he can't pardon your sin 21. beware of him obey his voice provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgression why do you need to respect him god says my name is in him not on him my name is in him all the power that i can delegate connected to my name is in him but he's not god he cannot forgive sins you need to understand this can't pardon sin so watch what god is saying he says my name is in him so obey his voice like you would obey me he's my messenger apostolically said his name is in him look at verse 22 but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice because he's speaking for god and do all that i speak wow you see it but if thou shalt indeed obey his voice and do all that i speak so the messenger is is faithful to the words he's been told to say then i will be an enemy into your enemies and an adversary unto your adversaries this is going to get good i got to stop the blessing of obedience do as i speak when the word of god is spoken when the messenger releases the message in the apostolic authority that he or she has been sent do what the word says because it's what god says in other words since his word is already established in heaven you don't have to wonder if this is correct you have the word of god to be another witness that the message is coming from god you don't have to guess about it see what moves us past reason into faith is knowledge of god's word if i'm familiar with what god has said then when i hear it it confirms what i've already what's already been spoken to me and i don't have to dwell in reason wondering why is god saying when i understand my kingdom identity that i'm a child of god that when the message of god comes when the angelic brings it when there's a conversation with the supernatural it will confirm the word of god that has already been spoken over my life prophecy comes to confirm not to inform not to instigate prophecy comes to confirm those that are sensitive to god have already heard have already word heard and have already read you begin to understand yes that confirmed that that attaches itself to my belief to my heart because i've read it and believed it i've heard it and believed it and god is sending another witness into my life now mary is a little different there's no way she could have had this message before but she did have the experience through her cousin elizabeth who was called barren beyond hope time had run out but the message of god comes elizabeth believes and begins to conceive and begins to bear fruit of her word of the word she received and then here comes mary receiving the same type of word that the impossible is about to be possible in your life i'm out of time but i'm not out of words now we're going to pick it up right there next week i had to review just a bit because i needed to get a full understanding of where we were going with this we're going to take our time and walk through exodus 23 20 because it's important for you to know that the ministering angels are not just working speak ministering to you but the ministering angels are working for you and i'm going to show you the angels of prosperity working in your life the angels of warfare in your life the angels that are the angels of recovery in your life the angels of victory in your life that you would understand that god has sent these angels not only to minister to you but to work for you there's some battles that you're going to face that all you have to do is be a spectator the angel of the lord is going to take care of the battle for you this is going to be a phenomenal time we're going to spend together your faith is going to increase your understanding of the supernatural will increase because the barrier must be broken through faith in the word of god that angels not only exist but they're working on your behalf i'm so glad you joined me today we're going to stop right there i'm going to pray for you in just a second the faith response when we hear the word of god is to release our faith in a tangible way it is our custom after the word of god that we bring our tithes to the lord bring our offerings and our sacrifices to him i want you to move in the power of this word that the messenger has brought your message from god today and you are saying behold i'm ready to be used by god behold i believe this thing can happen for me behold i'm releasing this faith today in the form of this seed called a tithe and an offering or a sacrifice i'm releasing this faith because i believe now all things are possible the message of god to you today that nothing is impossible if you believe and that god has established his word in heaven already for eternity and simply looking for the kingdom to come to earth go to the icons right now sow your gifts and prepare for the angels to start working for you come on let's pray god i bless your name now for this time and for this opportunity ask your lord that you would uh absolutely bless your people with open minds open hearts and lord because faith has been produced through your word the response of faith would be now the sacrifice that you demand from us not because you need it lord but because it shows a heart of gratitude a heart of faith now lord i thank you for those they're about to sow go to the icon so your gift i can't wait to see you next week as we continue a conversation with angels you
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 882
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: church, church service, lindenwold, lindenwoldnj, south jersey church, sunday
Id: KKe3RPTWmfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 59sec (4679 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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