#TheEncounter Worship Experience | Bethany Church

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praise the lord everybody we're so glad that you can join us for another uh worship encounter it is a great sunday morning we praise god for how you have joined us one more time again um as we continue to worship virtually i know it can be a task to do this because we all want to be back in the building but we want to be able to practice faith and common sense to be able to worship online keep everybody safe but we thank you for your faithfulness and for your consistency for what god put in you as we endure this season we know that this too will pass so we thank you for your faithfulness and we ask that you please share tag somebody make sure they join us today for the encounter worship experience we're going to pray today for restoration some things that we may have lost along the journey and it's interesting that you oftentimes don't know you lost it until you go to use it some of us have lost some strength lost some patience lost some of our attitude our joy but we're going to pray today that god would begin to restore those things and perfect that which concerns us come on let's pray father i thank you for you being the god of restoration and the god of restitution for you being the god that is able to uh be in the past present and the future all at the same time we're here in this moment but lord you're all time and space and father i thank you that you can reach back into the past and bring some things into the present i thank you lord that you can go into the future and bring it into our present just like that woman that asked for you jesus to heal her daughter you moved ahead of schedule and i pray lord that you would invade time and space restore renew revive i pray for restitution i pray lord in the name of jesus that lord we will recover what we need to recover in this season recover our thoughts recover our minds recover our emotions recover some strength not our strength alone but your strength with us thank you lord that in our weakness you're made strong in our struggles you're still good and our lack you are our abundance and i give you praise today for you making up the difference and i pray lord that you would help us to recognize that you are our exceeding great reward and that lord with you comes everything else i pray that you would save somebody today reclaim a backslider in jesus name amen again please do us a favor hit that share button we're getting ready for worship and getting ready for the word god bless you yes sir right where we are in this pandemic i know you all wish you could be here with us right now but guess what even where you are your sacrifice of praise is still effective so i dare you right now in the atmosphere in which you sit start to give it glory start to give it free we gonna help you [Music] y'all know out one more time [Applause] [Music] it feels good in here what i need is for everybody watching us right now to know that you are still serving a god that is completely in control am i right about it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna give you a war cry and when you're giving this war cry we want you to do it at home can y'all teach in the war crime can you teach in the war crime let's do it say it again come on [Applause] [Music] are you ready [Applause] i don't know about you but i'm ready [Music] this is a good place to be [Applause] this is a real good song every kingdom soldiers [Applause] right now [Applause] this ain't nothing but good [Music] listen can we go to church [Music] [Applause] [Music] me give me just a little bite give me just a little bite give me just a little bit of help [Music] i need a little bit of just give me just a little bit of your grace where are the radicals [Music] [Music] talk with [Music] just a little bit just a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn me around make me better [Music] are you ready are you ready [Music] [Applause] god bless you i don't know about you family but i want god to blow my mind and how many know we serve a god that can do that he can as a matter of fact he specializes in doing just that he can blow your mind and do the impossible can we sing about it listen blow my mind [Music] everybody [Music] he's waiting on you to let him take control let him take control [Music] yeah open that up blow my mind come on [Music] is that your request today come on i don't know about you but i know that god can do the impossible listen eyes have not seen [Music] i can't imagine [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody's eyes [Music] hallelujah i can't imagine we can't even imagine big enough as far as the eye can see [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the rest of the song come on sing it at home with us sing it one of singers come on [Music] he can do that he [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he can make you whole i can't do anything just when you thought it was all over that's when he comes in and he fixes it everybody that's healed right now this card is for you say [Music] i believe it in my spirit yes he can yes he can god that's without a god [Music] i don't care how big it is i don't care how small it is thank you my god blow my mind oh god oh god that up ladies and singing blow my mind [Music] it's just as simple as that if you let him he'll do it for you come on thank you god do the impossible praise the lord i'm so glad you've taken the time to join us once again for the encounter worship experience here at bethany church the transformation church in lindenwald new jersey welcome once again to what i believe is going to be a life-changing time together conversation teaching sermon that will absolutely cause you to walk away with a memory but also with the seeds of change and transformation firmly planted by the lord's word and by his spirit in your heart and in your mind i'm really excited about this particular series of messages that i'm going to release to you because we've just come out of the redefine series and now we're going into our radical faith series and i'm inspired by what the lord has given me as an assignment for you today and over the next few weeks as we look at how to operate in radical faith which is going to include how to align our minds with the will of god and the word of god how important our confession of our faith is in the realization of those things that we believe god for what you're going to have to do to make this shift make this adjustment how you respond to the things that are challenging you in life but also remembering that what god says does not change and the care we have to exercise is this even though my circumstances change god's word does not change so i must guard my confession of faith because what i say must not change even in times of trouble if you allow doubt to move in there'll be an issue with the rest that god has for you and we're going to talk about all of this over the next few weeks i believe it's going to be very inspiring i want you to let people know right now jump on with us i want you to share this as much as possible invite as many people as possible to share in this what i believe will be another pivotal word that god has given us for you so once again i'm glad you've joined me today before we get into the word of god i want to talk to you about the state of our lives right now uh we are in an extremely difficult season of life last year this time there's no way any of us could have really thought we would live the type of life we're living now the changes the restrictions and then there are some people that are fearful that are losing hope now because we're saved those of us that are saved we understand we have to practice faith and wisdom or like i've always said faith and common sense the bible is clear thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god so there are things we must do to protect ourselves both spiritually and naturally in the season that we're in and it's just that simple and the anxiety that you feel may be revealing a need for more strength in your faith trusting god or it may reveal the need for a relationship with god there is a distinction between knowing about him and knowing him believing about the lord and believing in him the dividing line in those two statements is this we must be led by the spirit of god which proves we are children of god and the god knows god knows that we love him jesus knows that if we love him we will do what he asks us to do you will keep my commandments be loyal have fidelity to the word of god and the things that jesus has instructed us so perhaps some of our anxiety during this season has to do with something very simple but something very spiritual which is you must ask yourself where am i in my relationship with god now this is not a complex conversation you don't have to start looking for excuses around the question the interrogatory is simply designed to unearth some knowledge so today if you begin to consider how you live your life is it a life based upon human reason born from your own experiences whether they be positive or negative or like most people mixed a mixture of good and bad right and wrong righteous and unrighteous have you surprised yourself with some of the things that you've done aren't you happy that some of the things that you may have participated in are not on social media have you realized here lately in life that you've made some errors in life that were life directing life changing because many times when we make major errors in life major failures it changes the trajectory of our lives if you can begin to count connect the dots from where you are right now to where you've been to where you made your first major diversion away from what you were if you will what you thought you would be if you can connect those dots you'll come in contact with some of the greatest mistakes that you've made in your life we've all made them and the reality is the reason we thought we were right at the time is because we felt so emotionally strong about what we're about to do so i want to talk to you about how to if you will correct the past in a way that it does not continue to impact your view of the of the future your vision of yourself and even the way you respond in your present the bible says something amazing it's always amazed me after all these years of walking with the lord it still amazes me that the bible that god opens himself to anyone that will come he says come unto me all of you that are heavy-laden weighed down with life he said i will give you rest i'll cause that weight to cease to be so diverting and so crushing that who you created yourself to be will no longer be the individual that you want to be i don't know about you but there were times in my life when i could think distinctly right now if i had not made this decision had not made that decision my life would be totally different at this point because there are some decisions that i made that gave me lifelong responsibilities i need you to hear me very clearly there's some mistakes that we make in life that are absolutely influencing our lives right now even if we're trying to avoid the responsibility of our past actions well pastor i hear you but you know isn't it wrong to look back no no no it's wrong to want to go back it's not wrong to look back you look back so you can watch this recognize the patterns in your own life which will indicate to you not only what you were thinking but how you arrived at the you that you are right now in the context of a relationship with god the bible says if any one of us gets into a relationship with jesus christ old things will pass away behold all things shall become new god wants to give you this a clean slate is not that you forget everything that happened a clean slate means you're no longer identified by the failures that were performed in your life so the lord offers you this relationship and i'm so happy to be able to talk to you about it right now i can remember being about 26 years old and thinking that i had it all together but not publicly revealing that i felt as though there was this huge gap in my life i tried to fill it with all the things that the culture tells us to fill it with clothing automobiles friends activities you know the routine but in the quiet times when i was alone with my thoughts i knew that the world around me didn't know me like i knew me because what we do we build an identity which becomes the filter for everyone else and that filter is the presentation of who we think will be accepted who will be affirmed who will be liked who may be even beloved so we build an identity which often times is a real contradiction of the inner individual that you and i know we truly are you know you can be successful but not have the joy that comes along with with that success you can be accepted but wondering when will people find out that who i'm projecting is not who i really am it's how it's like being a performer when you leave your house every morning and having to stay in your role the entire day until you're alone again and then the you that's really you starts rushing back and the lord promises us that that um roulette wheel can cease to turn if you come to him the bible says whosoever i love that word whosoever that has done whatsoever if you call on his name asking him to come into your life and save you the bible gives you a guarantee you shall be saved you shall be delivered you shall be liberated you shall be set free from what first from the bondage of who we used to be from the prison of an old identity that we created simply trying to fit in but finding out it sooner or later that that identity was not who we really wanted to be i need you today to make a decision i need you to write me once i pray for you today write to me let me know you know what i want i want this lord that you have i want this jesus i didn't know i could have a relationship like this i need to know haven't i been too bad bishop no you haven't been too bad i always say been saying that for 30 years if you've been bad you qualify if you've been really bad you really qualify let me pray for you god i thank you right now for this opportunity i bless your name for the time that we are about to spend together first lord i pray for all those who are watching me today no matter where they are located on the globe no matter where they are in the endeavors home on the job at the place of business i pray for all those that have never given their lives sincerely to you for the first time i thank you for i'm asking your holy spirit to put a yes in their hearts that they believe what you've said in your word whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved lord i admit i'm a sinner lord i understand there is a day of judgment coming lord i understand that you died for all of us and lord today i want to accept you as my savior lord i know you but i walked away from your circumstances whatever i began to lean more towards human reason and human success rather than divine faith and destiny i got caught up i was with you lord but i walked away from you lord i'm praying for them right now that they about face say lord please take me back i believe you're the son of god i know i'm a sinner so forgive me i know what the wages of sin are please take me back just as one of your servants i i rededicate my life to the lord today i also pray for those of you who love the lord who have become disenchanted as you search for ministry which teaches with worship worships which builds which heals and you realize okay i think i've found it lord i ask you to put a yes in their hearts today that they will become a part of what we do not merely an observer but a participator become a part of this church family and god i thank you for the yes and the heart and mind of those who are going to be saved yes in the heart of mind of those who are going to come back to you yes in the heart and minds of those that need to connect with your house all of those that need to be saved need to connect with your house all of those that need to come back to the lord need to connect to your house i thank you for those who love you but realize they've been searching in the wilderness of ministries looking for a home that they found it today now i thank you lord for who you're going to move today for the presence and the assistance of the spirit of god in jesus name amen now write me on the site let me know you've made that decision to give your life to the lord let me know you've made that decision today to come back to the lord let me know you've made that decision to unite with the church bishop i want to unite but i'm too far away perfect for those of you who are geographically locked out it would be impossible for you to get here consistently i'm not talking about convenience because convenience and commitment don't live in the same cup often talking to those of you who are geographically impossible for you to get here transportation issues distance issues you know just whatever it is that would keep you from coming now listen this is how i used to qualify i don't use excuses to keep me from church that i didn't use when i was hanging in the street it was never too late they were never open enough i mean i moved if i didn't have an excuse for the enemy i don't use that same excuse for my walk with god so what i want you to do today is write me on the site let me know that you need to be saved you've made that decision let me know you've decided to come back to the lord you'll feel the lord pulling you back let me know you've decided to unite with us if you're local come on and uh connect with the physical church if you're geographically locked out we've got people all over the country all around the world part of our virtual church called the connections the connections church opens our ministry up to you completely the new members process the embrace class our lifestyle ministries singles couples young folk older folk you name it all those are open to you if you become a part of the connections church write us on the site let us know our team will get back to you as quickly as possible and get you connected and get you started and like the bible says it does not yet appear what you shall be thank you let's get to the word of god today go to genesis chapter 17 as we uh start in a new series called radical faith radical faith genesis 17 started verse 1 when and when abram was 90 years old keep that in your head 90 years old and 9 nine years old the lord appeared to abram keep that close and said unto him i am the almighty god walk before me and be thou perfect and i will make my covenant to my contract between me and you and will multiply you exceedingly and abram fell on his face and god talked with him saying as for me behold my covenant my contract is with you and you shall be a father of many nations neither shall thy name anymore be called abram but your name shall be abraham for a father of many nations have i made thee and i will make thee exceeding fruitful and i will make nations of thee and kings shall come out of you radical faith i need to encourage you that this assignment is critical that god has given me for you and the first installment of this series of messages simply i know my name i know my name when we think of faith i want you to think of faith as both foundational and procedural faith for a child of god is foundation and practice when i say practice not talking about trying to figure out how to do it practice meaning how we function day to day it is clear the bible says we live or we walk by faith and not by sight it is not an indictment of sight because god has given it to us so that we can locate so we can focus so we can do the things that we do but sight really is with your mind through your eyes so he says we walk by faith and not by sight so nothing wrong with sight but our first if you will filter of life is faith in god in other words the defining and guiding principle along with the power of the holy spirit in your life and the word of god is faith key principle it's critical because the lord says in his word without faith it is impossible to please him there is no relationship with god without a working faith an understanding of faith understanding what faith is for and how to if you will utilize access and manifest the things of god in your life i'm going to help you with all of this over the next few weeks the critical trends transition from a life of human reason to a life of faith is made possible by salvation so there is no way to get into this uh lifestyle without being saved because you need the presence of god the power of the holy spirit to transform your mind so you can shift from a life of reason to a life of supernatural power and faith you see my soul saved and my life delivered from my previous life from a previous identity i want god to do this and deliver me to a life god has created for me listen i want to be delivered from the life i created for myself and be delivered into the life that god has for me and the pivotal decision in that change in that transformation in that shift is you and i coming to the lord there must be a demonstration a daily demonstration of the relationship and faith you have with god because once again without faith it is impossible to please him now you see how critical faith is to god it must become at least that critical to us if he says it's impossible to please him without it then you and i must shift faith from some type of ancillary or peripheral function to something primary in the relationship because the bible says he that comes to god must believe that he is genesis chapter one in the beginning god the pivotal point in everyone's life are those that believe god and those that don't so god has a mind-blowing arrangement he desires for you to accept by faith to participate in by faith and to live a life blessed by faith this covenant or this contract that god wants you to join him in this agreement this arrangement is connected to you believing this one thing that god has if you will colloquialism a mind-blowing plan for your life he's got this mind-blowing plan for your life now he's challenging you and i to become something believe something about yourself about ourselves that seems impossible so what he's saying pastor i'm saying to you that the plan had god has for you based on the life that you've built for yourself makes no sense to you because it's so radically different than who you thought you would become god's idea of you god's vision of you god's plan for you is something that will disrupt what you think is normalcy in your life so there's a faith decision necessary to believed empowered by the holy ghost and faith in god to make the word so much a part of you that you speak these words with expectation that defies the logic of your mind stay with me right through here so god wants to put us in a position transformation of the mind so complete that we begin not to rely on the words that come from our reasoning but then begin to rely on the words that come from the word of god so we're saying the same thing god is saying in our lives now let me show you something go to hebrews chapter uh four i wanna share something with you that i think is going to bring this a little clarity hebrews chapter four go down to verse one let's see what happens the bible says hebrews 4 verse one let us one that let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it now stay with me right through here now here we are the importance of what i have been assigned to share with you to converse with you to teach you to preach to you is critical for your future i cannot overemphasize this this particular series of messages has such high importance to god therefore it must be important to you and i that what i'm assigned to reveal to you is critical to your future now verse one tells us something there's something buried there i want you to see if you don't want to miss out on the total rest of god this message will get you closer to this revelation god wants to shift you from knowing about this rest to experiencing this rest so now let's deal with something that is fundamentally an inadequacy among the people of god what is the rest of god what is this rest that the lord invites us to enjoy now when you think of rest i want you to think of the word refreshment not refreshment like i'm drinking this warm water to keep my voice supple but like uh you refresh your page on your social media preference new information looks a new thing something added that was lurking there that was in the atmosphere that you did not know would be yours if you would be if you just refreshed the page refresh meaning uh cause something that has been aggravating to cease to be in your life so this rest is not a rest from something but it's a rest in something give you a rest in it give you a peace that passes understanding this is critical to living by faith it's not the rest of inactivity that i'm talking about but the working together of all your faculties that that that is that's your will your heart your imagination your constant your conscience because each of these your will your heart your imagination and your conscience has found its satisfaction watch this and it's development in god there's a peace that comes arrested comes from that god wants to put you in a place where your fears no longer dominate you he wants to put your fears to rest your heartbreak to rest your disappointment to rest he wants to sanctify your imagination clear your conscience of evil and restore it to a righteous dimension where god can work rest from your adversaries rest from some of the stray stresses that try to find you that's the rest of god now the text is clear not every christian although every christian is offered this rest not all christians function in this rest unbelief will keep you from this rest not believing god is a problem when it comes to experiencing this rest so unbelief will limit how much of it you can get faith ushers you into this rest unbelief will disqualify us faith will usher a sin or qualify us all receive the same promise this is what's amazing to me all receive the same promise of god but not all have the same experience with god but for the same for some a faith issue prevents this dwelling in this peace that god has promised you and i now stay with me i need you to know this rest i'm talking to you about is available now now just as an aside this kind of walk with god can be quite aggravating to people that don't have the same rest you you'll start to get on people's nerves who are not as calm as you it'll start to aggravate them as to how you can be so calm in such a tumultuous season because this rest is not a rest that comes from reason this rest is from a relationship with god and having faith in him that he will give you a peace that passes understanding now in order for this rest to occur my mind cannot be a mind ruled by reason this mind has to be mixed if you will with faith because faith changes watch this the process of my mind when faith and thought come together what i call the rhythm of your thinking the rhythm of your mind will pick up the rhythm of the spirit of god when i become born again the rhythm of my thinking there's an availability here which will place me in the rhythm of the spirit of god of the mind of god which in other words uh salvation if i will pursue it by faith will bring me into a connection with the very mind of god let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus that relationship watch where we go now starts to impact your subconscious now watch this your subconscious causes you to do things without thinking they become automatic instinctive are you hearing what i'm saying to you that now things don't have to be premeditated i don't have to premeditate worship i don't have to premeditate praise i don't have to premeditate prayer i don't have to premeditate faith because it's driven from a place of my consciousness that causes my behavior my kingdom behavior my behavior with the lord to become instinctive if you will i want to use that word to become automatic and not premeditated i hope you're with me so my responses and my reactions have a new foundation called faith the just shall live by faith i'm running out of time the bible says as a man think so is he so thoughts are foundational thoughts produce identity we are all a creation of our thought every last one of us up until the time we are born again and even into the time when we know the lord we are largely a creation of our thinking it is not until we have the holy ghost that thought revelation begins to happen it's not until we have the spirit of god that there is a radical move of christ in our and our will and we start to see a new identity emerge the power of thought is revealed to us in proverbs 27 23 7 it says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he as you think your mind as you feel in your emotions as you move in your will you start to create this new identity in christ jesus now for the last few minutes i want to talk to you about something that's going to be critical and that's thoughts versus thinking are you splitting a hair pastor i don't think so god says to jeremiah i know the thoughts i have concerning you i know the thoughts i have concerning you watch this thinking develops your thoughts thinking develops your thoughts thoughts can be initiated by a host of things so we have to be careful what seeds of thought we entertain because when i think on it i develop an initial thought into a mindset so thoughts are initiated from many sources there are three primary ways thoughts are initiated one they can initiate from myself two they can initiate from satan three they can initiate from god so i'm thinking of myself i'm thinking of thoughts that come out of my senses you know how we are thinking spiritually thoughts that come from the spirit of god from the word of god think of satan when it comes out of that uh hellish plan he has for you and i to betray god when satan challenged jesus in the wilderness he was trying to sow the seeds of new thoughts but jesus had already thought through his identity so when he was challenged he came up with what he had been think not what he had been thinking but what he thought about himself and about god so to think i want you to think as the way i formulate in my mind the necessity for divine transformation be transformed in the renewing of your mind cannot be understated the assessed the necessity for that cannot be underestimated nor understated thinking is deliberating thought thinking is deliberating a thought what we call meditating on a spiritual principle faith transforms my thinking abraham's life is a journey if you will of transform thinking from the time we meet him until the time watch this he gets the breakthrough that we witness the holy ghost allows us to witness his breakthrough in thinking in the word of god we watch god realign abraham's thinking by faith so he changes his name from abram to abraham changes sarah's name from sarah sarai to sarah and that takes us back to genesis 17. let's go there for just a second i've got to let you go but i want you to see this before i let you go okay watch this so genesis 17 abram verse 3 says an abram fell on his face god talked with him god talked with him god talked to him he says as for me behold my covenant is with you and you shall be a father of many nations a father of many people so god is not just speaking to the man god is speaking to his faith why because there is a necessity for a radical change for what god has just revealed to him to become a reality in his life because at the place that abram is right now what god is saying to him seems impossible and you realize that here god has not yet changed his name now i need to close out on this and we'll pick it up next time right here he says you will be a father of many nations now you have to understand the man is 99 years old and childless and here comes god saying you will be a father of many nations so he places him in the in the womb of faith called the not yet he's calling those things which be not he's in the middle in the bullseye of the be not calls those things with be not as though they were he's speaking to him about this revelation concerning his own life god's vision for him god's dream for him which is going to require some radical faith on abraham's on abram's side now this is what blew my mind the lord's talking to him he's got this revelation of his future but his mind hasn't changed yet the god has god has appeared to him mine has not changed yet this is amazing to me god has sustained him 99 years stuff hasn't changed yet sarah is 90 years old and when they leave the country they walk into another country and she's so fine at 90 the king says i have to have her favor has not changed his mind yet so what in the world happens i did mention he's 99 and he says walk with me that means for those of us who have been around a while it's never too late to start to exercise radical faith watch what happens two things began to happen he called himself his new name called himself what god called him you need to stay with me he he began to accept the fact that he was who god said he was to the point that he began to answer to the new name so what he called himself changed and then what says he responded to what sarah called him so if she yelled out the front door hey abram he didn't he he that's not the name she's calling him abraham she's calling him what he's been promised he starts responding to his new name because now based on nothing else but the word of god he knows his name this blows my mind it was not until abraham spoke his own name his new name that the shift began to occur it's not until he received being called his new name did the shift begin to occur watch this his confession changed and his life changed could god almighty do i have time to show you this oh how much more time okay two minutes two minutes go down to verse 17. let me show you what happened then abraham fell upon his face and laughed and said in his heart shall a child be born unto him that is a hundred years old wait a minute when we started out in verse 1 he was 99. now he declares he's a hundred so this was not a one-time conversation god had been conversed with him over a period of time and he has a moses response can this really happen to me lord have mercy look at this thing so we get down to 17 and he's got some concerns about watch this himself and whether god can do what god says he's going to do it appears god has been talking to him for quite a while but he hasn't experienced a shift he's 100 now sarah's 90 now he makes a subtle faith error very subtle very real i'll talk to you about it and i'll show you next time in matthew chapter six jesus is having this conversation and he's talking about worrying and he makes a critical very critical very subtle statement that is powerful in its own right he says take no thought saying oh my don't allow your confession to change based upon your circumstances because what god has promised you has not changed don't allow your circumstances to change your testimony change your confession of faith why because your tongue is the hand that lays hold of the word of god so you can speak it and declare it so it comes to pass in your life i'm talking about radical faith i've got to stop right there a couple of things you need to know abraham has this shift we're going to talk about it even more the next time he shifts in the way he sees himself he shifts into what he responds to he shifts in his sacrifice because only after he begins to speak the name that god has given him say about himself what god says about him i need you to hear me have the same confession god has about his life does god ask him for isaac so this radical faith requires a new identity being identified accepting it by faith watch this declaring it yourself he calls himself abraham now and those involved in his promise called him abraham also no sarah's not walking around i've known you as abe my whole life i'm just going to call you that no no sarah gets with the program because she's included in his destiny included in his purpose i need you to understand this radical faith will require you to confess about yourself the things that god has confessed concerning you your profession of faith must be consistent must be strong i need you to understand that along with this radical faith will come radical sacrifice god will ask you for something that he knows you want to keep that he knows you love not because he wants it as badly as he wants to see will you give it to him will you give him that relationship will you give him that career will you give him that life will you give him that commitment radical faith requires radical sacrifice now it's time for us to share our gifts with the lord time for you to redeem the rest of your circumstances watch what happened the fact that abraham faith was willing to give up isaac god talks to him and says by this i know you love me so god is asking us give back what he's given you the icons are on the screen time for us to give our gifts to god time for you to redeem the rest of your resources that's what a tithe is you're sacrificing if you will you returning that to god so the rest of what you have can be redeemed what's in what else is in your possession what else you see as resource can be redeemed so today is the day you go to the icon on the screen whichever way you prefer release that sacrificial gift but watch this and not before you redeem the rest give that 10th and you get to decide whether you want god to multiply the gross or the net that's where your faith is okay because we know the net is what's left the gross is what god gives us totally don't tell me about taxes he's just running on the season what caesars we're in unto me was mine you decide what you want god to multiply go to the icon release that tithe in that offering and for those of you who understand radical faith put a sacrificial gift something that really you would rather keep for yourself along with your tithe than offering today i am so honored you took the time to join us i'm excited about this radical faith series i want you to begin to to to say about you what god has said about you i'm going to show you some of the things over the next few weeks the way god identifies you which is the way you have to identify yourself because critical to the manifestation of promise are the words that come out of your mouth paul says in corinthians i believe therefore i speak but we're coming into agreement together over the next couple weeks we believe therefore we speak i'm bishop david g avengers thank you for joining me on the encounter here at bethany church the transformation church in lindenwold new jersey and i'll see you soon we are living in some very challenging times and good leaders rise to the occasion especially during challenging times october is pastor appreciation month and we want to take this opportunity to praise god and to show our leaders not just with our words but with our action how much we love appreciate them for all that they have been doing now you know during this pandemic we have not missed a beat bishop evans and pastor nick have been feeding us tirelessly sunday after sunday wednesday after wednesday i can't keep up with everything that they do so we want to take this opportunity during the the month of october to come to our drive-by services and show them we want to decorate our cars we want to come with lots of energy and we want to show a love gift of a hundred dollars for pastor nick and bishop now if god is leading you to do more do more if you can't do 100 do the very best you can because how many of you know that love is an action word and this is the season to show bishop david evans our senior pastor and pastor nicholas smith our executive pastor how much we appreciate all they do you don't see the days and nights that they are here all day long working ministry trying to make sure that we are covered so we have two opportunities to come saturday october 3rd immediately following driving church now if you have not been to driving church you're missing it every saturday weather permitting we are here at 12 p.m for drive-in church so our first opportunity is going to be saturday october 3rd following drive-in church around one o'clock second opportunity sunday october 4th 1 15 pm to 2 15 pm come up decorate your cars come with lots of energy come with your gift and let's show our leaders let's blow this thing out and show them how much we love and appreciate them
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 943
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bethany, baptist, church, David Evans
Id: Om6a6cBI5Sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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