#theEncounter Drive-In Worship Experience

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[Music] well praise the lord everybody come on let's put those blessed hands together give god some praise o magnify the lord with me let us exalt his name together i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord oh lord let's magnify him together let's exalt his name together for the lord is worthy to be praised i said the lord is worthy to be prayed i said the jesus of your salvation the god of the universe is worthy to be praised come on let's put our hands together let's make some noise in this place and show god how much we love him how much we appreciate him is there anybody here who loves the lord is there anybody here who loves my savior somebody stretch out right here give the lord the kind of praise he deserves come on magnify him glorify him give him all the praise of all the lord he kept you every moment of the day he's kept here every month of the last year he's been so good as heart to describe he has been better to us than we've been so i was help somebody give god some glory of this place hallelujah [Music] bless his wonderful name he's good i tell you he's good i tell you even when things are bad he's good what a wonderful savior we have hey y'all hallelujah [Music] so many wonderful things have happened since we have last been together and so many challenges have occurred in the life of god's people as well as the life of god's church but i'm here to report that he's victorious that's why we are still victorious [Music] we are hoping for go inside date of september [Music] hallelujah it really depends upon our national behavior and what kind of grip we get on this covid challenge [Music] we are maintaining our standards as it relates to masks and therefore and will do so i know some of you are saying but the governor said but i declare to you as your leader that the governor cannot prevent transmission [Music] we will exercise the protocols as we watch the nation try to get itself together or set itself up for another big challenge we have been blessed as a church [Music] covert has not taken any of our members but members relatives have been taken we've had members who have had covet twice so you need to be careful we've had members who have caught a variant after being fully vaccinated so you need to be careful practice your protocols keep your circles small because you can't control who's around the people you're around and wisdom will win in the end amen amen amen telling some preachers the other day this is the first time in my saved life that wisdom has been depicted as a lack of faith and that's just silly bless his name now for those that will be watching us online the options to bring your gifts to the lord are still the same to those of us that are in person today you may bring your gifts to the lord on your way out and of course we'll see you next saturday at 11 30. weather permitting we apologize for the late start today we had some technical difficulties trying to connect the stream with the service so i think we've gotten that straightened out and um we'll be okay for the rest of this particular meeting amen amen so starting a new series on this saturday exclusively for the saturday meeting and we want you to uh follow along now those of you who are watching us on sunday know we've been in chess not checkers for a few weeks and we are [Music] if you have not been watching you need to pray so that the lord inspires you to watch chestnut checkers you don't need to be in the midst of warfare before you need to start learning how to fight in the spirit so we are teaching spiritual warfare and the series is called chess not checkers chess not checkers so this week we hope that we will be finishing the part of the series on demonology so you might want to tune in eight o'clock at 11 but of course don't miss our live segment between 9 45 and 10 45. i love it when it's windy it's earthly confirmation of the gentle breeze of the holy ghost upon what we are about to do today turn with me to jeremiah no psalms i'm sorry psalm chapter 116 psalm 116 and then we're going to hop over to jeremiah chapter one and we'll start our conversation today [Music] jeremiah 116 starting at verse 8 says for thou has delivered my soul from death my eyes from tears and my feet from falling i will walk before the lord in the land of the living i believed therefore have i spoken i was greatly afflicted in my haste i said all men are liars what shall i render unto the lord for all his benefits toward me i will take up the cup of salvation and call upon the name of the lord somebody honk amen go over to jeremiah chapter one and i want to draw your attention to verse 9. verse 8 will do better be not afraid of their faces for i am with you to deliver you said the lord here it is then the lord put his hand and put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in your mouth [Music] i want to talk to you for the next few weeks over an overwriting text of thought called the power of your confession the power of your confession let's pray for just a moment god i bless your name for your goodness and for your mercy now lord as we have had our hearts prepared for your word by praise and worship now lord it is our time to be yielded unto your spirit and mind thought and heart that we might receive the seeds of your word into the ground of faith into the ground of hope now lord in the name of jesus i declare open hearts and open minds among all those that are here today i declare that we shall receive this word and it shall cause power to be received that from this day forward i will never take the ability to speak for granted but i will understand now that when my word my mouth speaks your word power is released that when there's an obstacle in front of me i have to speak to it but first lord teach me what this speaking and seeing thing is all about i thank you that i understand initially that the power of confession is what got me saved i said lord come into my life and now lord show me the rest of the revelation that i might fully understand the authority and the power you've given me in the earth thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven speak a word to us so we can speak a word to other speak to us so we can encourage others i thank you now and once the authority of this principle is adopted by your people things in our lives will never be the same help us to influence neighborhoods communities regions states nations and worlds help us to touch the lives of those who we come in contact with help us to be that salt and that light that you have called us to be now god bless our time of conversation as you always do in jesus name we pray and everybody honked amen bless the lord power of confession i want to start out by having a conversation with you regarding those spiritual principles that made it through the calvary experience unchanged by making that statement i am suggesting to you uh most passionately and most emphatically that there are some principles in the old testament that made it through calvary unchanged but there are also principles in the old and in the old testament that made it through slightly changed and last but not least there are principles in the old testament that did not make it through the old so there are three major principles we must understand in order to understand the revelation of god and how it progressed one some things made it through unchanged two some things made it through the old the calvary experience slightly changed and some principles of the old testament did not make it through calvary at all if you understand where we are so far honk amen this this fundamental principle needs to be understood by god's people so we understand the full revelation of what god has instructed us from to do in his word but also that we lay hold of the authority that comes with an unchanged unending commandment or spiritual principle that we are to adopt as new testament church christians there are some things that we have lost contact with power because we have not carried them through from old testament understanding to new testament living there are some things in the old testament we have discarded that may be part of the reason we do not have the power and authority to do the things that god has been trying to tell us that he's given us the authority to do had a conversation with our harvest pastors over the last two times we met together and there's this remarkable conversation between jesus and the disciples when jesus comes along and delivers the demoniac boy and when the disciples have taken jesus aside because they're too embarrassed to ask him the question in front of the multitude they get to the side and they ask him simply this why couldn't we do this jesus says these things only come by prayer and fasting one of the problems with the new testament church is that they think that fasting is primarily an old testament discipline when in actuality fasting made it through calvary unchanged untouched and totally whole there are some things in our lives that will not move just because you are praying child of god but if you have not answered the invitation to a deeper more powerful spiritual life through the discipline of fasting there will be some things you cannot move it is not a thing that you are able to apprehend in a moment the fasting lifestyle causes you and i to dwell in a place in god that gives us the power and authority to call on that relationship at a moment's notice it is why the disciples got to the situation and could not move the demon even though they were empowered by jesus to do so and jesus comes along and says wait a minute there's something missing in your experience there's something in your experience with me that you not did you rejected the invitation into a more powerful spiritual life and that was that fasting was not to be just an experience fasting was supposed to be a part of their lifestyle if you're still with me honk amen watch where this goes so animal sacrifices did not make it through calvary levitical sacrifices come to a halt at the cross sacrifices came to a halt did you know that doves and sheep and turtle doves all breathed a sigh of relief when cavalry happened because animal sacrifice stopped at calvary other principles made it through calvary with slight changes the holy ghost as presented in the old testament comes through calvary slightly changed in the old testament he's primarily dwelling with us spirit get to the new testament not only does he dwell with us but now he dwells in us so the ministry of the holy spirit came through calvary slightly changed are you still with me so the holy ghost was presented as external before calvary and then internal and external after calvary are you holding on to this truth i'm taking you somewhere watch where we go so the holy ghost is now not only with us but the holy ghost is in us healing the sick made it through calvary but with one addition it made it through calvary but with one addition in the old testament there was something missing in the new testament that thing that was missing was added and that was the name of jesus so healing divine healing makes it through calvary with one small change but other principles made it through calvary totally unchanged worship made it through calvary unchanged praise made it through calvary unchanged stewardship made it through calvary unchanged prayer made it through calvary unchanged and the thing we're going to talk about today is that the power of confession made it through the cross with no changes at all it still is powerful today as it won in the mouth of the old testament saints it's still as authoritative today y'all must not hear me today as it is oh i'm blowing your mind your mouth is just as strong as moses mouth your mouth is just as strong as joshua's mouth your mouth is just as strong as jesus mouth cause it made it through calvary unchanged so confession began where we began to read in psalm 116 i believed therefore i have spoken shows up in the new testament but in the old testament proverbs says the power of life and death is in our mouths the power of life and death is in our mouths so we know this i'll use me how come it doesn't work all the time that's two real people out on this parking lot if the power to begin things i want to begin the end things i don't want to continue is in my mouth why does it not work for me all the time oh my god here we go turn with me second corinthians 4 let's take a look turn with me to second corinthians 4. let's see what the bible says ii corinthians 4. verse 13. watch this now is amazing to me verse 13 says we having the same spirit of faith somebody honks sane [Music] same spirit of faith according as it is written meaning old testament i believed and therefore have i spoken now watch how it came through calvary unchanged we also believe and therefore speak we also believe and therefore speak watch where we go now so a proverb says life and death is in the tongue and if you and i would speak the word in faith and confession is to say the same thing god says perhaps when we're speaking to our mountains we are using the language of our experience and not the words of god all right what do you mean pastor you know what you're going through at the present has the power to change how you talk you understand that sometimes you can go through a season that's so tense that it changes the way you even talk to god you understand that sometimes your heart can be so heavy that the way you talk to yourself will become non-productive you understand that someone can hurt your feelings and you can give life to their words by continuing to talk to yourself and repeat the words they said and not repeat the words of god to counter their suggestion i'm saying to you confession attacks suggestions my my mind so confession is to say the same thing god says here's a second subtlety perhaps when i am confessing or declaring i'm using too many of my own words perhaps the crisis reveals i may not know the word for the situation that i'm in now here comes a shameless plug if you don't know what to say you need to watch on wednesday night as we are discovering how to get a word from the lord how to how to receive a word from the lord according to the word of god when we would confess what he has already said we would see a shift so a faith confession is you and i coming into agreement with god not just on what to say but what god says is going to happen when we agree with god it breaks in mental it breaks emotional and it breaks down thought strongholds when we agree with god and speak his word it breaks down the strongholds of emotions the strongholds in our mentality the strongholds in our thought process when i speak what i believe as god's word barriers are broken changes can happen if i speak the word i say i believe somebody give god some praise now in order for this thing to work there has to be some correction i'm liking this stage um you know there's got to be some correction i felt like i was trapped on the bridge it served his purpose but now we got a little freedom now praise the lord got a little freedom now so so so something that must be addressed among god's people is you must see yourself as god sees you in order for your confession to get results now watch how this works i've got to see myself as god sees me in order for what i'm saying god says to have power so your the way you identify yourself is a critical principle and whether what you say has authority or not if i'm living in doubt if i doubt that god has made me victorious if i doubt that god has healed me if i doubt that god has delivered me if i doubt that god wants to prosper me if i doubt that i'm going to be successful then it is difficult for me to speak what i don't believe about myself so i must see myself as god sees me [Music] i've got to see myself transformed with the future i've got to see myself changed to rearrange my present i've got to accept myself as having a mind that's being renewed i've got to trade my mind for god's thoughts mind and his will in the word is a higher level of thinking which means there's a higher level of being in god's word so let me ask you a question how powerful is your confession go to numbers chapter 13. numbers chapter 13. go down to verse 30. talking about how much authority how much power do the words coming out of your mouth have now understand whatsoever man sows that shall we reap so if i'm sowing negativity i cannot be surprised when negativity comes back to me if i'm sowing the word of god then i must believe by faith that what i have spoken or what i have sown is coming back to me in my life are you still with me do you still understand numbers chapter 13. let's go down to verse 30. and caleb verse 30 says and caleb stealed the people before moses and said let us go up once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it let me read that for you again because y'all don't you've forgotten when to shout and caleb steal the noise sometimes in order to speak with authority you have to steal the noise of the doubters that surround you and the reason they don't see things the way you see them is because they don't see them through the eyes of faith watch how this works caleb stealed the people before moses and said let us look at his confession go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it his words are in response to the promises of god and he says let's go do it right now but the men that went up with him the other 10 being we not we be not able to go up against this people for they are stronger than we hm so your perception of the obstacle that you're trying to defeat can alter your belief in the god who promised you uh two people got that god as pastor nick often says has not changed what happens is we change what we believe your confession can only be consistent with what you believe i believe therefore i speak is anybody with me in this place now watch what the word of god calls words that are not consistent with the word of god verse 32 and they brought up an evil report of the land which of which the children of israel sang the land through which we have gone to search it is the land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof i've always had a problem with this particular verse because if that was true they would have never made it back to give the report so they're walking in promise and don't recognize it because they don't believe what god said to them in the first place god did not ask you how strong your enemy was god did not ask you how tall the mountain was he simply says believe him and speak to that thing as though you believe what i told you watch how this works my my my go over to chapter 14. go down to verse 6 and joshua the son of nun and caleb the son of jeffer which were of them that searched the land rent their clothing in other words they could not believe what they were hearing because doubt always sounds crazy to faith doubt always sounds crazy to faith you say you believe even some believers look at you questioning because doubt never fully sees the picture that faith shows the believer somebody talk to me in here watch what else it says seven and they spake unto all the company of the children of israel saying the land which we pass through to search it it is a exceeding good land so in 13 you got a majority saying we can't do it in 14 joshua and caleb two out of 12 say oh yes we can somebody shout oh yes we can not because we're as big as them not because we're as strong as them but because our god is greater than them somebody give god some noise in this place now watch how this works out of the 12 spies because of the power of confession only two of the twelve make it to the promised land oh you didn't hear me their deliverance was in their mouths their breakthrough was in their mouths their confession directed them to their destiny somebody hung for the lord now here's the problem most people believe when things are not changing most people believe when things are not changing most people believe when nothing seems to require courage but there must be faith and that must be partnered with hope and neither one of them work without confession joshua and caleb of the old testament two gather together they are touching and agreeing together they are believing together they are seeing together so therefore they receive together somebody shout amen so it's important to remember that depending upon our circumstances god has not changed he will not change he cannot change but the danger for you and i as believers is in changing what we believe because once again confession counters the suggestions of the enemy why do i say suggestion i'm glad you asked me because the enemy has no authority over you anymore christ took his authority away so he does not have authority i'm talking to you the devil has no authority over you anymore the devil has no authority over you any more the devil has no authority over you anymore the devil has no authority over you anymore the devil has no authority over you anymore the devil has no authority over you anymore now for practical purposes the danger for the church during this pandemic season is we have allowed the culture to identify the season for us we have adopted the culture of the season's opinion for the church how can you say it watch this stay with me they're saying that this pandemic has brought sorrow and they are absolutely right but sorrow for unbelievers is different than sorrows for god's church the world calls it a pandemic but god has id identified the season for the church sorrows for the body of christ is a different matter for the church sorrow is a pregnancy all this nonsense you've been dealing with for the past 12 months is god having his church pregnant in the earth so when we come out of this thing we come out birthing things we did not have before we went into this thing this is a pregnancy for the children of god the church is pregnant pregnant with what bishop i'm glad you asked me acts chapter 14. acts chapter 14. go down to about verse let's see you might not have read this before let's start at verse uh 19. and there came there certain jews from antioch and iconium who persuaded the people and having stoned paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead so you're reading that correctly they stoned him thought they killed him carried him out of the city and dropped him how be it however as the disciples stood around about him he rose up uh-huh i wasn't gonna say this but i got this how does he get knocked out with his boys standing around him either he shouldn't have been injured or more of them should have been injured but how how does your leader how does your boy go down and you say absolutely nothing i'm it's right there i'm just saying it's right there so here so even in spite of that he rose up came into the city and the next day he departed with barnabas to derby and when they had preached the gospel to that city and then taught many they returned again to lystra and to iconium and antioch here it is confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god now one of the mistakes that the believer would make is thinking that the kingdom is only talking about entering into heaven but what god is talking about through the holy spirit in his word is about us entering the manifestation of the kingdom on earth y'all need to hear me thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven what he is talking about is a two dimension entrance one to the heaven above us and one to the kingdom down here on earth but you can't get in there without some tribulation or some birth pains so the tribulation of the season that we in has challenged many of our faiths challenge was god still real is god around does god care is god going to move when is it going to happen is god going in the pandemic when i want him to all right i'll tell you what god told me you remember this put this in your notes write it on your paper whatever you're doing put it somewhere you can store it i asked god that question back in february march of 2020 and as clearly as you are hearing my voice today the lord responded to me like he always does and he responded very nicely very passionately he responded very clearly he told me to mind my business you all up in my business mind your business soon as he said that to me the burden of when it's going to end lifted off my mind and i have not worried or wondered about when it was going to end ever again because god told me the end is in his power so what is tribulation we hear about you know i remember my mother used to tell me i was a trial in the tribulation yeah i mean i remember that it was always when i was doing something that i shouldn't have been doing something probably repetitive something that was consistent but not fruitful when she would call me her son her beloved son a tribulation and i didn't quite understand i thought it was just a saying and then i got older and understood that biblically a tribulation is an affliction and in other words an affliction for us is ending up in a tight place in a restricted season in a season where there's not much room to move around where we're not able to be as productive as we want to be so how is tribulation or affliction a pregnancy in the kingdom there are reasons for what we go through there are reasons for what we go through go to romans chapter 5. romans chapter 5. i want to show you something romans chapter 5. now when you get there i want you to drop down go to verse 1. we're going to start there for context i was going to drop down to five but let's start at verse one all right now watch this now therefore being justified by faith being declared righteous by faith we have peace with god through our lord jesus christ verse two by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand grace in which we stand so grace is not just a principle grace is also if you will a dimension in the spirit in which we dwell and because we're there we rejoice in hope of the glory of god and not only only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing the tribulation works or produces patience tribulation not only produces endurance which is patience but tribulation produces evidence that you're believing god by faith to come and deliver you from the season that you find unpleasant somebody honked some noise in this place so the first thing the first principle that tribulation reveals is endurance and evidence secondly let's go to matthew 13. matthew 13. go down to verse 20. so the first we know is endurance and evidence matthew 13. go down to verse 20. but you received but he that received the seed in stony places the same as he that hears the word and a nun with joy receives it yet hath he not root in himself but dureth or endures for a while for when tribulation or persecution arise because of the word by and by he is offended so god allows tribulation to reveal the integrity of our faith and the integrity of our faith in god let me help you with a principle it is virtually impossible to obey the lord without some form of opposition and it is virtually impossible to receive a miracle without an offense all right y'all slow on that one it is virtually impossible to receive a miracle without an offense [Music] jesus calls a woman a dog before she gets the breakthrough y'all need to hear what i'm telling you virtually impossible to obey god without some kind of obstacle he tells the disciples i'll meet you on the other side halfway over they run into a storm virtually impossible to obey the word of god without running into some type of obstacle virtually impossible to receive a miracle without an offense now why it's not enough to tell you what got to tell you why if you don't have the strength the faith to deal with the obstacle you won't have the strength to possess the breakthrough if you don't have the faith and the strength to deal with the offense you will not have the strength to possess the miracle so before you move forward check out your offense check out your obstacle and start giving god praise because your strength to possess is in your ability to overcome your offense wow [Music] so persecution tribulation comes that the integrity of our faith and our faith in god's word would be revealed number three go to john chapter 16. john 16. john 16. when you get there honk your home now go on down to verse 33 john 16 33. when you get there honk your horn [Music] these things have i have spoken unto you that in me you might have peace in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer watch this i have overcome the world why tribulation tribulation reveals the integrity of your praise the intentionality of your courage and your confidence in jesus christ the tribulation comes to reveal to you the integrity of your praise does does does tribulation change your worship and are you able to become intentionally courageous and intentionally confident let's look at something else go to romans chapter 8. romans chapter 8. i want you to go down verse 35 romans chapter 8 verse 35 hunker if you have it who shall separate us from the love of christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword who shall separate us watch this now tribulation reveals the integrity not only of your praise but tribulation reveals the integrity and the of the strength of your connection to jesus christ if you want to know how strong you are watch how faithful you are when things are not going your way [Music] go to second corinthians chapter one let me show you something very unique second corinthians chapter one and i want you to look at verse four one of the reasons that tribulation comes second corinthians one verse four one of the reasons another reason the purpose for tribulation watch this now verse 4 says who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of god [Music] when you are going through the proof that you've gone through well is revealed in your ability to comfort others who are facing hard times just like you do or just like you did tribulation comes to reveal our ability to comfort somebody else all right we're almost there go to revelation chapter 12. revelation 12. go down to verse 10. you have that hunk you're home [Music] and i heard a loud voice saying in heaven now has come salvation that's the uh new testament word for the old testament word deliverance and strength and the kingdom of our god and the power of his christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down the cues of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our god day and night here it is and they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the power of the testimony and they loved not their lives even unto death they overcame him by the power of their testimony so we overcome tribulation by faith in our salvation our deliverance faith in the strength of god faith in the strength of his kingdom straight faith in the power of jesus christ faith in the revelation of devil has no more authority over you as a child of god now that you have the blood shed for you now that you are a blood walk bought blood washed blood-stained child of god now that the word has been hidden in my heart my job in the middle of any valley in the in the face of any giant looking at any mountain in the middle of any tribulation affliction my job is to talk my way out for the season of the supernatural that is about to be released you're going to have to talk your way into some miracles you're going to have to talk your way out of tribulation you're going to have to start understanding enemies defeated you can talk your way out of this battle got to understand that the power of god is present talk your way into it talk your way out of that battle so the power of god can be revealed to you by faith somebody honk talk your way out say what god said say what god said all my needs are met i can do all things through christ i am blessed with all spiritual blessings there's a double anointing on my life i have the rights of the firstborn i'm an heir and i'm a joint heir with jesus christ nothing on the earth can stand between me and the love i have for jesus i'll let nothing separate me from the love of jesus talk your way out of it speak the word in season out of season talk your way out of it say what god has said confess with your mouth the lord jesus believe in your heart that what he said is true speak to your mountain and believe the words that are coming out of your mouth somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout glory hallelujah [Music] bless his name the power of confession the authority has been given to you you've been given the right to speak god's word to any mountain to any situation but make sure you're seeing yourself as god sees you victorious prosperous successful winning every fight a winner whole healed a breakthrough artist see yourself as god sees you so when you speak what god has said you're speaking from a place of faith and belief i'm saying it because i believe it but i first believe that i am what god says i am i'm behaving like god says i should behave what an incredible day the lord has given us and i'm excited about what this word is going to do in your life as the kingdom of god is a is a voice driven kingdom kingdom of god is a voice activated kingdom it is why praise was so effective in the old testament made it through calvary and praise is still effective the same way worship still effective true worship and true praise true prayer made it through calvary totally unchanged made it through because the kingdom of god is voice activated there is no worship without your mouth there is no praise without your mouth there is no prayer without your mouth [Music] you got to say something or in the kingdom nothing will happen well pastor sometimes i haven't said anything and god still did it let me tell you why many of the miracles in the new testament were performed in the face of doubt well why would jesus do a miracle when people were doubting there are times when he will perform a miracle to increase faith he'll do it so they have faith if you don't believe in me he says believe on the very works that i do so there are times in your life in my life certainly in my life when i did not have the appropriate faith for the consequence for the situation and god moved anyway and no longer did i have doubt in that area of my life so today i'm going to talk to you about experience being an invitation the lord says whoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved shall be saved shall enter another realm of life whosoever shall call upon the lord shall be saved many times we have experiences with the lord and don't realize that experience with god is an invitation to another dimension of spiritual life peter obeys the commandment to come walk on the water not only does he walk to jesus but at the brief moment of crisis he walks back to the boat there is never ever ever another indication that peter walked on the water again [Music] so he had the experience but he rejected the invitation to be able to do that after that on the other hand elisha followed elijah and before elijah was taken up in the chariot they had to cross the jordan elijah takes off his mantle strikes the jordan river elisha is standing there watching him if you will involved in the experience they cross the river together on dry ground elijah's taken up the mantle falls elisha picks it up elijah goes back to the same river rolls it up like he saw slams the river and the river opens elisha accepted the invitation that came along with the experience to enter another dimension of supernatural life that's what the invitation to jesus is whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved in other words if you call on him he will answer he's inviting us to an experience that is really an invitation to another kind of dynamic spiritual life i'm not sure if there's anyone here today who does not know the lord but i am sure that the net needs to be thrown someone might allow themselves to be drawn in to a relationship with jesus today if you're here and you don't know the lord if you're watching us around the world on any medium that we occupy i'm suggesting to you that this worship experience has been an invitation to a relationship with god this worship experience this encounter has been an experience that is an invitation into another dynamical spiritual life the bible says whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved said we've got to repent because repentance opens the door to the kingdom of god to a life in the spirit to a supernatural life the bible says taste and see that the lord he is good try it and enter another phase of understanding in life here today and you're not saved why don't you bless your life today and give your life to the lord here today you know for certain you not walking with god like you used to time to re-enlist come back into that healed fellowship and relationship with god here with us today and you need to know that you have a church home today is your day that you make a decision and just before we leave this campus [Music] we would not dare leave without relieving ourselves of carrying the gift that god has given us and that is that tithe in that offering today there'll be people waiting at the entrances to receive your gift for god so you don't have to leave with a guilty conscience you can give [Music] tithe in the offering opens a spiritual dimension that is close to those who are in a transaction with jesus and not a relationship the relationship opens the kingdom to you so today after hearing this word the power of your confession one of the ways you're going to confess today is to move biblically by faith when god tells us to bring all the time we don't give god leftovers we give god the gross we give god the glory and we do it thankfully because he delivered us out of the hand of the enemy and we are truly cheerful givers because we've got gratitude for what god has done in our lives amen somebody [Music] so i believe cafe is open if you desire to get some lunch and you have not ordered yet go to the website at bbc of nj order your lunch pick it up before you leave if you want to eat later this afternoon call them tell them when you want to pick it up come back and get it when you finish shopping or whatever you're going to do but now is the time that we give now is a time that we prepare ourselves to receive from the lord i believe i've given you all of your announcements see you next saturday at 11 30 and we'll be ready at 11 30. trust your bishop we'll be ready at 11 30. y'all like the new setup hey man amen we're going to have a wonderful summer of outdoor events you're going to love what's going on amen wonderful summer of outdoor events [Music] so all hearts and minds are clear let me pray for you before you go now don't forget watch us tomorrow morning chestnut checkers begins or continues tomorrow morning at eight o'clock service our live interviews and conversations from 9 45 to 10 45 and then 11 o'clock worship service again another encounter 5 30 tomorrow afternoon is our conversation our 10 times better conversation 6 is our 10 times better sermon in teaching 6 20 6 25 another conversation where all the questions are asked if you have not started watching chestnut checkers start at the beginning bring it on through binge watch it because you want to hear about the witches and now the demons and next the curses teaching you in a way that you can receive it and walking the authority of it amen amen the devil is defeated and god is truly exalted and the lord his name is worthy to be praised through his name through faith in his name i declare blessing upon your life today i ask god to see you to protect you to speak to you as we learn as a church how to get a word from the lord that we learn how to receive an accurate word in the moment that we're in i give you praise honor and great for those who will be saved today for those whose faith was revived and restored now god give us safety as we leave this place and i thank you in jesus name and everybody said amen see y'all later
Channel: Bethany Baptist Church
Views: 781
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: b5FY1dZz-vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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