The Empire Were The Good Guys in The Star Wars Original Trilogy

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growing up the Star Wars original trilogy was the best thing I had ever seen epic space battles epic sword that cool explosions in a unique storytelling style where the villains are portrayed as the heroes and we actually root for the villains because if you actually pay attention the Empire was the good guys all along the first signs we have of the Empire being the good guys is the opening text of the film so while this sounds ironic the Empire is called evil however there is absolutely zero justification in this text to validate such a strong word the exact same scroll describes us as a time of civil war and like all wars good and evil is a matter of perspective there are clues in this very text that show that we shouldn't believe it such as how the creatively named rebellion is called the rebels so not only do we learn that the rebels lack creativity in picking a name but also that their actual name is the rebels and as such the rebels is a proper noun and should be capitalized so the other phrases rebel spaceships and rebel spies should be capitalized but they aren't also by having the Death Star written in all capital letters which is something that is never justified in good grammar it becomes clear that this text is nothing more than childish gibberish that should not be taken seriously so remember even in times of war there is never a bad time to use good grammar after the opening text we see Vader Star Destroyer firing upon and eventually capturing Leia's Karelian Corvette we aren't aware of it at the time but the Empire just became the victim of theft theft my dad regarding information of a weapon of mass destruction it is quite baffling to consider the Empire's reclaiming of its own stolen property and stolen information as some sort of evil act later on general Tagge refers to the possibility of the rebels using the stolen data to find a weakness in the Death Star if the rebels have obtained a complete technical readout of this station it is possible however unlikely they might find a weakness and exploit it so the Empire is wholly justified in making sure its technology doesn't fall into the hands of its enemies but while on the subject of the taking of Leo ship it is worth noting that when the stormtroopers boarded the ship many warning shots when initially gornicke it was the violent and hyper aggressive rebels that fire the first fatal shot the empire possessing a weapon of mass destruction is not an indication whatsoever of it being an evil entity in fact when viewed through the proper context weapons of mass destruction are actually weapons of peace if we use world war ii as an example have the Allies invaded Japan it is widely assumed that it would have resulted in up to four million American casualties and 10 million Japanese fatalities so while the atomic bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused immeasurable pain suffering and loss of life to the 250,000 people affected by the bombs it inevitably prevented a much larger group of people from suffering similar fates weapons of mass destruction also have an effect of lasting peace since the invention of nuclear weapons no nuclear-armed nations have engaged in prolonged combat with each other about a fear of mutually assured destruction and while war is still present on earth the amount of armed conflicts has actually dropped to near record lows with the rate of deaths from war decreasing from 20 people per 100,000 in 1945 to 0.3 people per 100,000 in 2011 now you might be saying that none of this justifies the Empire destroying Alderaan but then again context is key the Empire is a galactic government that obviously guards and protects trillions of people in the galaxy this same Empire must make what can be considered as rash choices to protect its trillions of citizens from falling victim to weapons of mass destruction additionally the people of Alderaan are just that they are people they have decided to support and uphold a monarchy that opposes the peace seeking Galactic Empire so by allowing their planetary government to engage in hostile conduct with the Empire they are not only allowing but inviting the Empire to retaliate against them much like Nagasaki and Hiroshima this use of a weapon of mass destruction was unjustifiably harsh to those who are affected but in the long run fukken other worlds to maintain loyalty avoid summer loss of life and create peace and cv4 immeasurably more people when talking specifically about the Empire it is quite easy to see that this inherently peaceful government is not centered around war and conquest war has not been a major motivating factor in its advancement in fact the Empire is incredibly lacking when it comes to war readiness the peace-loving Galactic Empire is so dedicated to peace and inherently unprepared to engage in war that the rise of the violent Rebel Alliance blindsides the Empire since TIE fighters are not equipped with shield and the bridge of the star destroyers are blatantly obvious targets an empire centered around war on conquest would have more effective ways of protecting its soldiers and pilots the peaceful Galactic Empire is so ill-equipped for war that the second Death Star much like the first isn't built with an onboard shield generator so it has to resort to building a shield generator on the forest moon of Endor to protect the death star from wantedly aggressive behavior by the rebels on top of that the Empire is such a beacon of peace that it doesn't have its own resources in place to find the war criminal han Solo so must rely on private contractors to find him there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon you are free to use any methods necessary but I want them alive no disintegration too many it is a running joke that stormtroopers are so bad at shooting that the safe is place to be in battle is in front of a stormtroopers rifle and this is true for obvious reasons it is outrageous to think that the military of a maniacal interstellar military would be so bad at any targets but it does make very logical sense that the infantry of a merciful government would avoid casualties whenever possible supposedly the level minded rebels on the other hand shown no indication of regret or remorse when blowing up not one but two gigantic space stations with millions of people on board the imperial troops and pilots on the other hand seem to go out of their way to avoid causing catastrophic water to their opponents by consistently and persistently firing warning shots and very rarely causing any casualties now let's shift gears to the rebels they are supposedly good but it has never really made clear as to why they are the good guys the rebels have no clear goal except the downfall of the Empire this sounds like a great idea in theory except there is no clear plan to fill the power vacuum left by having the government of the entire galaxy instantly disappear the rebels are so hell-bent on destruction of the Empire that they let Luke Skywalker pilot an x-wing on his first day at the Yavin 4 fortress it isn't even until before they are about to take off that red leader even ventures to ask if he is qualified you sure you can use this sir and all the assurance he needs is a few words from Luke's friend Biggs Sir Luke is the best bush pilot in the outer-rim territories the only organization I know that will so easily put a religious fanatic behind a dangerous weapon to inflict carnage is Isis plus the rebels are so unorganized that by the time they are attacking the second Death Star Han Solo a smuggler who was totally unaffiliated during the assault on the first Death Star has already become a general general solo is your strike team assembled a man that uses a measurement of distance to describe doing something in an amount of time which yes does not make sense is a general it's a ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs he is flanked in his leadership position by a man that sold him out to the Empire we only use this facility for carbons reason you put them in there it might kill him and a brother and sister who engage in stomach-churning displays of affection while it can be argued that Luke and Leia were unaware of their shared family lineage it is also worth noting that evolution has some safeguards in place to minimize the incidence of incest which include being naturally sex repulsed to close relatives new mind so the rebels the supposed good guys are led by a traitor a smuggler and two siblings that have DNA so messed up that they are sexually attracted to each other when factoring in the Jedi's a secretive religious cult that considered themselves to be the peacekeepers of the galaxy the only members of this club of fanatics seen during the entire trilogy is obi-wan Yoda and a very uh noble young Luke Skywalker when looking at obi-wan specifically this is a man that willingly chooses to live in a cave not much else needs to be said to invalidate him as a rational level-headed person no one has ever said that man who lives alone in a cave he is obviously a man of upstanding character Beyond living in a cave what we want is incredibly reckless he makes very unsavory remarks about moss eisely and its inhabitants mouths ice little space book you won't ever find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy but obi-wan has no problem trusting a smuggler he meets their this pilot and true criminal nature provides no proof or credentials about having the fastest ship in the galaxy on solo I'm captain in the Millennium Falcon Chewie here tells me you're looking for passage to the Alderaan system he is indeed if it's a fast ship fast ship you've never heard of the Millennium Falcon should I have it's a ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs he brags about having outrun Imperial ships in previous encounters I've outrun Imperial starships not the local bulk cruisers mind you I'm talking about the big Corellian ships now Obi Wan's recklessness is on full display during his lightsaber battle with Vader Vader warns obi-wan that he is stronger than him No instead of heeding this warning only one decides to make ominous threats godwin doth strike me down I shall become all-powerful and possibly imagine for being was supposed to begin a peace that obi-wan should be as a Jedi she consistently makes damaging strikes at Manor with Vader offensive posture the only major offensive strike that Vader attempts to make towards obi-wan is towards the slicer but obi-wan in true cowardly fashion uses witchcraft and dissolves into thin air which clearly baffles Vader this of course happens in front than multiple stormtroopers who at any moment could have shot at obi-wan to save their leader but they are so opposed to killing that they do nothing more than just love dawn while still on the topic of the Jedi obi-wan has been dead for a while by the time Luke leaves take about to go to the cloud city and has a perfect example of being a jerk Yoda finally tells obi-wan the dead guy the type of dead guy that is referenced in the saying only dead man can keep secrets that there is another potential Jedi it just seems like bad planning by a religious leader who is down to only one living follower to keep such information secret for such a long time the rebels are also clearly built for war on conquest these power-hungry warmongering rebels have invested in a technologically powerful array of ships to combat the larger peace-loving Empire the Empire only has a small variety of fighters that all seem to be of a single purpose and they are unshielded the rebels on the other hand have a wings B wings X wings and why wings the X wings and beings are so advanced that they can transform which in the vacuum of space is quite irrelevant but engaging in a rebellion against a peaceful Empire is also proof that there is a lack of common sense in the organization the rebel fighters also seem to be multi-purpose with the ability to shoot blasters and torpedoes and have droid assisted autopilot shifting gears to Darth Vader it is sad that he is so poorly misunderstood and considered by many to be a prime example of evil however it just seems like it is marketing trickery than demonic evil granted the guy doesn't come across as being a great dinner guest we would be honored if you would join but he is a man in a tough position he is a central figure of the government with the very stressful job of quelling and evil rebellion the man is not in a position to be all rainbows and butterflies all the time but the greatest leaders in the history of the world have rarely been on the front lines of battle with their men the same way that Vader is in the original trilogy the man may be Stern and blunt but he is a man with honor that stands beside his men in battle he may be saying nothing can be said to justify Vader going to the dark side of the force except that really isn't anything wrong with the dark side the only two people we see from the dark side in the trilogy are Vader and Emperor Palpatine these two men also happen to be the two most powerful men in the eclectic empire that has unified most of the galaxy in peace the same Empire employs countless people if being a job creator that keeps people safe and puts dinner on the tables of countless families across the galaxy as the dark side then the dark side doesn't sound that bad at all on the other hand the light side of the force that Jedi's does not look all that appealing the fashion is downright deplorable the two established Jedi's obi-wan and Yoda live in a cave and a bog respectively and what happens to be a state of utter poverty the Jedi's also clearly shirk the rule of law you don't need disease identification he can go about his business move alone and there is no indication that they have created any jobs anywhere for anyone in the entire galaxy as the video concludes I will leave you with a final piece of evidence of the Empire being the true heroes on Tatooine and outer rim planet that is not under the Dominion of the Empire we can clearly see a stormtrooper directing traffic if a stormtrooper creating a safe driving experience is considered evil then I just don't know what is considered right
Channel: Jim Huss ENT
Views: 692,649
Rating: 4.2671666 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, star wars episode 9, galactic rebellion, Star wars revenge of the sith, star wars rogue one, star wars the force awakens, star wars the last jedi, star wars the phantom menace, darth vader, reddit, han solo, star wars explained, star wars theory, darth maul, star wars trailer, obi-wan kenobi, The Empire Were The Good Guys in The Star Wars Original Trilogy, why the empire is good, the empire did nothing wrong, the empire
Id: _Dm7vAFdzcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
Reddit Comments

Point of order: Stormtroopers have excellent marksmanship. Anyone that knows basic Galactic history knows the reason for their poor marksmanship on the MS-1 Main Orbital Battle Station was they were ordered by Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin to let the rebel scum escape so they could be traced to their base.

The rebel scum Obi-Wan “Ewan” Kenobi confirms this Stormtroopers are excellent marksmen.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ShallNotBeInfringed1 📅︎︎ Jul 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
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