Predators Engineers & Aliens - COMPLETE Timeline

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hey guys Croft is here in this video I'll combine all the alien and the predator movies to establish the complete timeline of predators engineers and aliens I know there are major plot holes if we're trying to connect predator and alien cannons such as David creating xenomorph and Weyland being alive after AVP so I'll briefly mention how these plot holes can be resolved and for the detailed explanation check out my previous video did the engineers create the Predators given the fact that all three species exist in the same universe here's the complete timeline of everything that happened so far on the screen 3.2 billion years ago an extraterrestrial race the engineers arrived on earth and created life using a mysterious substance which is supposedly the blood of the first Deccan according to the early Prometheus script 2996 BC the Predators another extraterrestrial race arrives on earth and teaches humans to build pyramids as a result pyramids are built all across the globe in the next centuries it's highly likely that engineers created the Predators as one of their experiments with the black goo every hundred years predators come back to earth and use pyramids as hunting grounds against Xena Morris to initiate young gauja in the warrior status 28 96 BC after a failure to defeat xenomorphs predators activate self-destructive mechanism to eliminate all traces of xenomorph infestation 34th year of current era engineers prepared to launch ship filled with pathogen ampules to destroy life on Earth but the infection gets released and kills the engineers on LV 2 to 3 on the top of that according to the early script engineers decided to destroy humans because of the crucifixion of Jesus who was the last hope of humanity to stop being a violent race 17:18 pirate captain Raphael Adaline II must fight his crew that turned against him and the predatory ouch' referred as the golden angel helps him in the fight at the end of the encounter the captain gives the ouch' his flintlock pistol as a trophy with the engraving Raphael a Dulaney 1715 1987a youch islands in the jungles of Central America and hunts an elite mercenary team assigned by Homer Phillips and led by major Allen dodge Schaffer all of Dutch team are killed one by one by the outcha before the predator is faced and killed by Dutch from predator 2018 we know that the ouch' came to earth not just for hunting but to collect DNA of the best human soldiers October the 1st 1990 Mumbai India Peter Weyland is born to the family of an Oxford professor of mythology and the self-taught engineer Bishop Weyland the chairman of Weyland industries one of the plot holes is that in AV be Charles Bishop Weyland eyes however in prometheus another Weyland runs Weyland corporation that can be easily explained by the fact that Charles Bishop Weyland is the father of Peter Weyland 1997 Los Angeles California a Yaya lands in Los Angeles and faced by lieutenant Harrigan as well as the military team known as the owf unit led by special agent Peter Keyes the unit has detailed information about the ouch' and records of the 1987 incident lieutenant Harrigan defeats the predator and faces a group of yocha they give him Raphael a de lys pistol as a trophy two thousand four days after his 14th birthday Peter Weiland is granted a method patent for a synthetic trachea constructed entirely of synthetically engineered stem cells October the 3rd 2004 the predator ship approaches Antarctica and activates the pyramid for the hunt October the 10th 2004 a Weyland industries team led by Bishop Weyland explores the pyramid where they are caught in a battle between the outcha and the Xenomorphs the predator named scar kills Bishop Weyland then teams up with Alexa woods to destroy the temple and frees the xenomorph Queen which is technically still frozen somewhere in the ocean Skaar is injured and eventually dies to honour his accomplishment against the Xenomorphs and Queen elders bring his body on the ship October the 11th 2004 somehow Skaar was impregnated either by the alien queen or one of the facehuggers when the ship is in the Earth's orbit a hybrid between predator and a lien the Preta alien the bursts out of the scars dead body October the 14th 2004 the ship with Preta aliens crashes in Gunnison Colorado several facehuggers and the Prairie a lien escaped invading the town and creating more xenomorph a Yowie named wolf arrives and fights in amorphous and Preta aliens in a battle with a group of local people caught in the middle the United States government deals with a situation an extreme way by dropping a nuclear bomb on the city a recovered couch shoulder cannon is delivered to a woman identified as Mizutani 2010 8 individuals are abducted from earth dropped on an unknown planet and hunted by three super predators they discover that they are being hunted for sport but after teaming up with a Yowie they managed to defeat the super predator 2012 after the death of Charles Bishop Wayland in 2004 his son Peter Weiland inherits his shares of the company and at the age of 22 Peter found surveillant industries 2018 it's revealed that predators collect DNA of species from different planets to enhance their own DNA the ultimate predator visits earth to collect more samples of human DNA and continue the process of hybridization 2019 events of Blade Runner it may come as a surprise for some people but Blade Runner franchise is officially in the alien Canon 2023 Peter Weiland is awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine for his cancer cure in his legendary TED Talks Sir Peter Weiland clarifies his vision for women corporation laying the groundwork for the next 50 years of building better worlds April the 1st 2040 to David 4 becomes the first commercially available model of the David series 2045 Peter Weyland activates his personal Android David who eventually becomes a sun-like figure for Peter whose only child is a daughter 20:49 events of Blade Runner 20 49 to 189 dr. Elizabeth Shaw and Charles Holloway discover a star map in a Scottish cave dating back to 35,000 years 20 92 Ellen Ripley is born 2093 under contract Weyland corporation seeking the origins of humanity the spaceship prometheus arrives at LV 2 2 3 after two years of space travel the crew finds a large structure and the room filled with pathogen urns which later turns out to be a part of the ship Android David wakes the last engineer who was no cryosleep the engineer kills the crew and attempts to send the ship with deadly pathogen to earth captain Yannick sacrifices himself by crashing the ship Prometheus into the engineers juggernaut the engineer survives the crash and attacks Elizabeth however dr. Shaw releases the octopus that impregnates the engineer with the deacon the last survivor Elizabeth Shaw and Android David depart to the engineers homeworld between 2093 and 2104 David and Elizabeth arrived to Planet 4 and release the pathogen destroying the local population which is another race that was seeded by engineers Elizabeth refuses to help David with his experiments for that reason David kills her and uses her body the black goo and possibly engineer archives to recreate xenomorph eggs in fact David did not create xenomorphs the black goo had the genomorph DNA in it so David used the pathogen and after many experiments was able to revive the xenomorph species that existed long time ago 21:04 the covenant ship discovers an inhabitable planet after being struck by starburst under way - or a guy six the ship receives a rogue transmission and the crew decides to investigate the planet it turns out that the uncharted Paradise is actually a dark and dangerous world though so inhabitant is the synthetic David David uses the crew as hosts to span Xenomorphs he kills walter another Android and impersonates him the movie ends with David in charge of the ship with 2,000 colonists a thousand of human embryos and two xenomorph embryos David may be going to Oregon xenomorph colony by impregnating colonists in hypersleep with alien embryos or he may be going to the engineers actual homeworld to destroy it using Xenomorphs as a weapon July the 3rd 2122 the crew of the weyland-yutani spaceship Nostromo is awakened from hypersleep to investigate a signal coming from the moon a cure on lv-426 there one of the crew members Kane finds an engineer ship very similar to the one seen in prometheus Kane discovers a fossilized engineer in biosuit and a few dozen of xenomorph eggs in the cargo Cain explores the eggs and a face hugger attaches itself to him the resulting xenomorph haunts the crew killing them one by one the sole survivor officer Ellen Ripley is able to burst a xenomorph in the outer space 21:59 weyland-yutani establishes Hadleys hope settlement as a terraformer colony on lv-426 June the 12th 2179 Ripley returns to earth and then accompanies a group of colonial Marines to investigate lv-426 after weyland-yutani loses contact with a terraforming colony they discovered that Xena Morris have overrun the colony an encounter an alien queen ripley duane hicks and a young girl Rebecca Jordan are the only survivors after the station explodes killing the Xenomorphs Ripley fights and kills to see the morph Queen then along with Dwayne and Rebecca she enters hypersleep for the return trip to earth when you 179 turned out the alien queen left several eggs on board of the ship the eggs hatch while Ripley Hicks and Rebecca are in hypersleep a fire breaks out and the hypersleep pods are rejected on Fiorina 161 Ripley is the only survivor and is rescued by the inmates of an all-male prison facility a facehugger escapes the vehicle and an alien soon attacks the prisoners Ripley learns that she has an alien queen embryo inside her and after defeating the xenomorph she sacrifices herself to prevent weyland-yutani from obtaining the xenomorph embryo 23:56 samples of Ripley's blood are recovered from Fiorina 161 2379 the United systems military clones Ripley using her blood and extracts the alien queen from her the Ripley's clone shares part of the Queen's DNA and has alien like abilities 2381 the military breeds xenomorphs on the ship Auriga and conducts experiments in order to use them as weapons the Xenomorphs break out and overtake the ship killing everybody Ripley and several mercenaries make their way through the ship fighting xenomorphs until they eventually face the new born a human xenomorph hybrid Ripley kills the newborn and escapes with the rest of the crew while the ship crashes into Earth destroying the aliens though that wraps up the timeline for now I only covered events that we've seen an alien and prayer to movies but there are many more interactions between engineers predators and xenomorphs in comic books and video games however I did not include this material because that would make this video about half an hour long thank you guys so much for watching hit the like if you enjoyed the video and leave a comment if you would like to see engineers predators and xenomorphs all in the same movie also make sure to subscribe to my channel to get more Alien and Predator content thanks again guys for watching my name is Croft and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Kroft talks about Movies
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Keywords: Predators Engineers & Aliens - COMPLETE Timeline, engineers, predators, xenomorphs, did the engineers create the predators, predator 2018, ultimate predator upgrade, ridley scott, shane black, alien, avp, prometheus, predator alien complete timeline, all alien predator movies, egineers timeline, alien covenant, elizabeth shaw, peter weyland, Yautja, avp requiem, The complete timeline of Predators Engineers and Aliens
Id: 7fb2y2Q2m6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 25 2018
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