Left 4 Dead 2 by WaifuRuns in 59:10 - Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online

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believe that we are ready for our first game of the spooky block and you will get that last stan incentive here is left 4 dead 2 with waifu okay hey what's up everyone i am waifu uh i'm gonna be running left for dead too uh main campaign solo any difficulty um this is a crazy run you're gonna want to pay close attention there's a lot going on i'm joined by my friends uh tsb urus and cosmic you guys want to introduce yourselves what's going on everybody my name is tsb this is the worst decision wife who's ever made with our powers combined this is hairlines done quick pleasure to be here my name is d e cosmic and uh yeah i'm just here to support the homie that's true hello everyone i'm eures and i'm the nerdy uh technical stuff for uh you're supposed to know that too that's i was gonna say that yeah the god gamer here yeah okay um so i believe that we have coach as our character is that right except nope i want it to be yes i believe it is uh let me take a look here let me do one last refresh just to make sure and overwhelmingly coach is the selection with one thousand one hundred and seventy two dollars awesome all right so the time will start when i gain control and uh i'm gonna just focus on some nice movement here if any one of you guys want to explain like just the basics of the run what the heck i'm doing jumping around and all that stuff try to get some good hops okay so basically the main movement mechanic that wife is going to be using throughout this run is called bunny hopping essentially in this game if you hold w the entire time you're moving forward and jumping you have a maximum momentum speed but if you don't hold w and you just kind of jump to the left and right you can indefinitely gain speed so a lot of uh the movement that you're gonna be seeing is this hopping you're gonna also hear a lot of space bars so strap in for that um it's it's a nice it's asmr we're out here so um somebody that understands a little bit better i'm gonna drop off now you know oh the math behind it i'm not too familiar with yours would you happen to be able to catch us up on how you just gain speed like that uh so yeah basically you gain uh speed through strafing so uh going left and right like that uh gains uh speed over some time like slowly but still and with a b hopping so perfect jump uh timings you can keep that speed and build up over time so with all this speed that we're gaining we're able to move pretty much through these levels very quickly we're outpacing our ai companions substantially which is why there's none here they would just slow us down this isn't how the the run would work under co-op circumstances but oh stuff like that your ai companions can't do and if they would it would be kind of busted so instead we just prefer to conk him out of the of the game completely that's why uh waifu gunned the whole crew down at the start there um so that he can get through these levels very quickly as we'll see that's going to open him up to a couple of dangerous situations with uh some of the uh special infected or the unique zombies that we'll see um throughout the run but that's what you just saw is pretty much a uh a micro version of what the run should look like moving through the levels with as much time spent in the air as possible oh look at this guy i noticed the collateral there i got the camera but the uh the important thing that's uh about the version of the game that wife who is running this on this is not the uh the current patch this is the i believe the release version 2.00 this is the one that came out uh and it enables us to do a few things first off i don't think well i don't remember when bunny hopping was patched out if it ever was but uh yeah so stuff like being able to swap the difficulties that's another thing that's unique about this version of the speed run is wife who has bindings on his keyboard scared that a lot of me uh has bindings on his keyboard that lets him swap between the highest difficulty and the easiest difficult this game is great okay so let me explain basically so um basically since we're playing alone the game is balanced for uh multiplayer obviously yeah that means that charters smokers jockeys hunters they all incapacitate you as soon as they grab you so if you're playing a solo and you don't have any bots and you get grabbed you just die um and that makes it really tense so we're gonna be really hoping that we hit really good hops and try to outpace them and this is kind of what's like unique about a lot of runs of left 4 dead 2 is that there's so much rng like this where you can just kind of you know get the get your pace swept out from under you it makes a lot of these runs really unique so it's sort of like like a horseshoe type theory on rng where a lot of people would think that you know running a game with less rng is really is really fun and it is because it's mostly on you as far as execution however when there's so much rng it kind of just wraps back around to being really fun again because um you know it's just a unique experience every time and you have to adapt to each you know each map that you get there like that time around another thing that's really cool about playing on easy is that the game like you just saw right there can still blow up in your face like it's being easy doesn't mean it's a guaranteed win but it does mean that some encounters are preferable something that would do a lot of damage without incapacitating you like a spitter or even in some cases a tank isn't like the end of the world depending on where you encounter those special infected hunters jockeys and smokers for example though the waifu's got to be on point like you saw and uh that jockey that's that's one up for the manlets right there waifu that's unfortunate for you buddy basically uh easy difficulty is for normal common infected and thanks because the tanks on the expert can just instantly kill you which is not good and right now waifu just activated what's known as a crescendo event um part of the of the game's fun is these little set piece segments where they force a lot of zombie spawns onto you they force special infected at you to try and keep you from these safe rooms uh there are going to be a couple of instances especially one coming up here in a little bit where we try to maneuver around those crescendo events so we don't run the risk of getting overwhelmed with common infected which can then open us up to special infected which can instantly kill us we don't want that we want to move around as freely as possible so we'll keep those instances to a minimum where we can yeah and uh you saw that i was shooting them a little bit extra on the ground there that's because um the reason that the bots need to die because they're slow is that if you go to like a panic event or a crescendo or even a safe room door and not everyone is with you the game won't progress so like let's say i didn't kill the bots and i just like left i said peace and and just behold my way to glory i would end up waiting at the safe room for them to catch up which can lose like literally whole minutes on every single map and the better you get at the movement in the game the more you have to shoot them because they're not going to consistently bleed out all the way on every single map because some maps are very short yeah basically it takes like uh about two minutes uh to about to bleed out completely uh if it if it wasn't damaged enough and usually levels last like 1 minute 30 seconds or even less i also know some about stage selection here as well i believe correct me if i'm wrong for yours you do dark carnival first in this run first because these are the only set of stages where you actually need the box for some of the tricks and no it's not actually he could kick the bots in the finale um so yeah this is coaster skip uh this is a big old crescendo event that's supposed to spawn a whole bunch of uh comments in the panic event but you can do some sick parkour around the outside and uh i have to skip the whole thing actually i'm gonna give you i'm gonna dap you up when i see you again that was that was kind of nice that was first try it was kind of really good clean yeah please clap a little bit at home not outside that was actually really smooth and no special infected in the safe room yeah so the special so we haven't really covered what's random so if you haven't played this game before everything is random that's basically all there is to it uh common and special infected spawns are random tanks and which spawns are random sometimes even path spawns are random that whole language went through there there's usually a gate there it's random that you don't get one but that's nice um but basically every single run is going to be entirely different because of this um there are special effect is fun on a timer so every 30 it's about 35 seconds into the level they start spawning so depending on how fast your movement is they'll spawn in different locations but which special spawn are random and there's a bit of variance between like exactly when they spawn well but it's nice in that sense of you get sort of as your movement becomes more consistent and consistently fast you can start to get a feel for when you can expect certain uh spawns to happen like uh as you exit some doorways depending on your pace you can expect a special infected of some kind to be there yep now speaking of movement this guy oh he's coming in this is not good it does not look good so this is something else that was uh uh you know what this is fine this is what easy mode is for buddy this is what happens uh quite often in left 4 dead 2 where you have to wait for some old busted machine to open and that creates noise the zombies like noise so they're coming because they're they're here in the dinner belt yeah drop that adderall buddy good on you um waifu was actually really lucky with that tank spawn because the thanks one actually prevented the camera oh [Music] easy game easy life buddy um actually amazed because that was a thick perfect they're swarming them left they're swarming them right everyone wants the body pillow it's unfortunate oh easy mode baby oh the adaptation this is brutal yeah this this map sucks this is called barnes this happens a lot you may not like it but this is the peak performance looks like oh [Music] dude doors are so long live in the hot seat with waifu get off oh my god this is insane oh my god that's an epic gamer oh my god you were you guys were concerned he had that that was terrifying never a doubt dude never a doubt never a doubt so this is what you were talking about cosmic with um trying to um remove bots from the game so we shoot ellis there because he's cool and we want to keep ellis for the rest of the run so that we can keep shooting him nick and rochelle on the other hand no they failed the vibe check so what is cool about dark carnival as you said wyatt's first is left 2 is can be played single player air quotes but this is actually running on a server because it's a multiplayer game by nature so these bots can be kicked from the server for the rest of the run provided that they're in the safe zone when the uh finale event starts which just happened so now they're gone waifu does not have to use the blicky on nick and rochelle for the rest of the game it's just ellis getting all of these bullets yeah and the reason that we don't kick all of the bots is because there are some skips that require bots and it saves a lot of time later on okay yeah and so you and technically you can do the campaigns in any order you want um but everyone always does our carnival first because kicking the bot saves a lot of time on every other map because where i was having to kick kill three bots now i only have to kill one and that's significantly easier especially with like a pump shotgun mostly saves time on the parish and dead center because on the parish you have only a pump shotgun at the beginning and it takes a lot of time to kill them because the first map is also long so you have to kill them completely almost and on that center you only have pistols to kill them and it takes really long time so very quickly why we're able to sit in the middle of this finale event without getting swarmed okay so waifu is currently in what is colloquially known as a god through the wall kid i'm reporting you to valve back phantom immediately guys i want him on my valerian team so in a finale event this is what's known as a god spot quote for quote where zombies and special infected either can't see you or can't reach you and after a while of not being able to see you or reach you through pathing they will just despawn the finale still works in the same way you have to kill a certain number of waves in a certain number of tanks but if they can't see you they just bleep from existence and the game counts that as kills eventually your escape ride will show up which you have to get to insane dying on the finale by the way this is like five minutes so that's uh actually the worst thing that can happen in a run hey for that buddy i'm giving you a subway gift card i like the common just chilling on the fence too did you just hang out but basically uh the faster you you kill the waves and the tanks the the faster finale progresses but in solo case like you can't kill the comments faster than you can do with the god spot so yeah that's why using god's mother is the fastest and solo at least yeah and gun spots aren't 100 safe as you can see specials can still sometimes get you and you can also get bad tank spawns where they can see you and you'll have to kill the tank yourself uh there's a trick on this map called coin toss i'm definitely not going to go for it but um basically there's two places the helicopter can land i wouldn't have gotten it anyways because it caught over this here this way but if it lands on the other side you can stand right where it's going to land and as soon as the helicopter spawns in it immediately teleports you um it saves like 15 seconds so it's a really cool trick but the downside is since you don't get the fade to black that i did just there um if you vote early and you don't get the right side then your run will be in valley because you never finished dark carnival and if you vote too late you won't be able to vote because as soon as you enter the vehicle it takes away your ability to vote and that's important because if we were to exit to the main menu and then go to the next map we would get all our bots back so doing dark carnival first wouldn't save any time um but since we use the command to vote to the next map we only have ellis by voting like we stay on the same server so the this uh the bus are still kicked from the server but we have to go to menu and uh we're gonna create a new server and it's gonna get back to bots so what what's coming up here is is something that's also quite rng dependent in the tools that you need to pull it off but basically what we're trying to do is skip one of those segments where we have to wait for something to come to us so that we can progress uh this i don't remember what it's called is it knockback canceling or if it's simple so what you're about to see assuming all goes well is a coach is about to be walking on sunshine over this lake bed provided nothing goes wrong so yeah by repeatedly weapon switching you can force yourself to keep repeating that stumble back animation and your height won't change if you're quick enough so you can just go from one side to the other no problem i this is how i get to work yeah the reason you have to start the you have to start the event because there's a big invisible wall on the other side of the lake so if you try to infinite stumble first then it won't actually uh it won't let you hit an invisible wall and you'll fall in the water and die um as well as because the ferry isn't on the other side yet the director is not um going to spawn anything on this side so it's totally free to the end of the map um but it's not free because this is one of the great uh water levels in gaming just like hard rain where there's water everywhere and water has a very uh awesome property in this game where it slows you down a lot and it's really hard to accelerate in the water you can negate this if you have perfect bunny hops and you should talk a little bit more about bunny hops in this game um if you're familiar all with bunny hops and like half-life then you would be like why is he using spacebar that's way harder this game only runs at 30 ticks a second so it means it only checks for updates like every 30 times a second and because of that and because of the way that the friction works in this game if you try to b-hop with scroll wheel the game doesn't detect the inputs fast enough and it will drop inputs all the time so because of that every single spacebar hop is actually a tick perfect trick or i think uh 30 fps frame perfect so bunny hopping in this game is substantially harder than a lot of other games that have bunny hopping yeah but basically when you see him be hopping like every single time when he does the b-hop is a perfect down to 33 milliseconds and it is probably the hardest uh skill in this game yeah before we actually got on here uh cosmic you likened this to something that's just essential to getting into this game period uh in the same way that you would have a hard time running uh dmc five virgil without sequential judgment cuts i don't like that sound b where you at either i don't know how are you not freaked by that it's okay this is you're not getting an arizona iced tea if you lose this run you understand that right now he's getting twisted instead well let's focus on easy out actually easy yeah you're the least likely to kill you uneasy uh if you're playing on like expert though those they just immediately no warning shot they just immediately smoked you speaking of warning shots there you go so anyway bunny hopping is just one of those things that you need to have if you want to be competitive even at the bottom level of this category remotely just something that you need to have and know and that's what that's what really is separating uh like any place from being world record is the quality and consistency of your movement and the rates that you're willing to go to execute some uh skips over barriers and to deal with the environmental rng of like where buildings are placed this time and things like that uh wife who mentioned the director a little bit ago and a lot of that is is the game will sort of similar to how resident evil 4 works if anyone's familiar with that run uh it responds oh my god okay so if this game responded to how well you were pathing around the environment and how sick you were doing the director would be really upset with waifu because he's fragging out right now and it would respond with is try to make the game harder for him uh likewise if you're performing poorly you're getting walled at certain segments the game will try to help you out give you some more weapon spawns and uh usable items and things like that consequently the better you play the more hazards you'll have to run into things like dense waves [Applause] things of that nature this is your third dude they call me tank on every map white food i swear in practice too like every single map a good thing it's not guaranteed on like almost any map that you get a tank but yeah it doesn't have to be like this it's just they just like waifu just woke up the game just woke [Music] yeah thankfully in this game unlike leffert had one you can only get one tank spawn per map and left for that one you can get more than one tank spawn so that's that's fun i think you mean tank well not not only to tanks the these tanks can also work to you if they are far behind if they can just work ahead of you yeah they think we're not playing that one so really quickly please take note of the fact that ellis was downed with a pistol he didn't use the whole blicky he just shot him with the nine a couple times there's a purpose behind that we'll get to it we basically want alice alive for as long as possible yes but why you will see and it's a bit of a glimpse into some of the things you can use and abuse for the co-op version of this run so right now there's even more pressure on waifu to get this finale event started while ellis is still breathing and talking about his buddy keith back in the safe room so i don't know if right now what's about to happen is we're gonna summon virgil not that one uh we're gonna summon some homie with the boat oatmeal is gonna come through clutch and it's gonna save our lives but in order to do that we gotta break the laws of physics so basically if like if you ever get stuck and you're physically incapable of moving as i am right now um then after 10 seconds the game is like oh well they're going to soft lock so i'm going to teleport them to a teammate in this case ellis is down in the safe room um can you really biggest wow in this game probably yeah so we teleport outside yeah we teleport outside the finale so since we are no longer in it the director like earlier is not built to um deal with this it's this is uh beyond its pay grade so it kind of just spawns stuff and it works like a normal god spot except the entirety of the outside of the finale is one big god spot so i can just chill here for a bit and uh look for an adrenaline which we got and we're just gonna chill out until the last tank spawns then we're gonna run to the finale and this would be a perfect time for donations yes yes all right well i've got plenty of them we have a 20 donation from avu camus who says hey waifu thanks for putting a smile on my face during the pandemic and countless others as well run faster bunny hop even faster and don't forget to sign an autograph for cosmic that's my little brother man he's 36 years old we waited in the blistering cold for you for hours for four hours and you just said no good luck i love you we have a true yeah we got a five dollar donation from radish who says much love waifu glad to see you on gdq good luck on the run we have a 10 donation from vivian flowers who says waifu showing us that the best way to survive a zombie apocalypse is a shotgun and a pogo stick we have a 50 donation from specta who says waifu is correct ellis is easily the best that's why we left him alive dude that's pretty hey step you up for that one part you get like two more sure we have a 50 donation from zdep who says i wish to attend gdq someday but i'll gladly stay at home watching my homie waifu run my all-time favorite game let's beat cancer and we have a 25 anonymous donation that says the bars map is what carrying a playstation 5 out of black friday looks like best best of luck on the left for dead run can't wait for the silent hill run gotta go sorry homie no i don't know about that if this goes okay we're safe we're gucci all right in the clear and on to dead center yeah dead center is a really cool map um one of the bigger time saves from kicking the bots is that on dead center you only start with pistols um and so downing three bots with only pistols especially on this map because um there's an elevator that we're gonna have to activate and we need the boss to be totally dead when we get there usually it takes you about a minute or so to get there but we're just gonna eat ourselves out of this uh skyscraper and strafe back in in a second here and uh now's a great time to ask a question to anybody who's actually done this stuff uh professionally i've tried to be quick like i'm sure many people watching this have and left 4 dead 2 do be doing that thing where it puts you on a ledge incapacitating you if you try to jump off of certain surfaces but not others why it basically is just because if you have teammates alive then that'll happen if you jump and then hold space bar you can still fall off the edge um but if you have teammates alive it'll do that it doesn't do that when you don't because then you would just be hanging and you wouldn't have anywhere to go now normally there's fire here where's all the fire well let's run by wedging the coach's massive body raw muscle into the elevator door it doesn't close all the way letting him use what's actually the uh the versus route like the versus door down onto the first floor you don't hit the uh the button to open the elevator you don't spawn the fire you don't get the uh the crescendo event where all the uh the regular zombies come for nibbles there's laser beam my homie down what's up that's kinda rough buddy so it's really important that on dead center we have an adrenaline for the finale because the finale is going to have gas cans and gas cans you can pour twice as fast as adrenaline and that's going to make it way safer so i actually got this adrenaline and i'm just going to save it the whole campaign actually just in case i unless i really really need to use it for some reason um and we got a boomer bile as well which is like the best thing that you can hope for um is that fire gonna spread no it's not oh yeah wait is the tank gonna come to the rescue no if you get grabbed by a special there's pretty much no way out of it if they catch on fire they will burn to death um but whether or not they burn to death before you do is it depends on how the damage you did that's not too bad it's not a terrible death um tanks can uh knock specials off of you but you have to they won't actively do it they will just kind of stand there and watch them kill you uh unless you are like literally right next to them and sometimes that does happen and you will get saved but it's really rare well what's important in that instance is that we you got to hang on to your boomer bile and your adrenaline and ideally there won't be a tank spawn ahead because you just ran past a witch so something that i didn't know actually is that uh witches and tanks sort of occupy the same space for their special spawns oh there he is the database basically both uh infected like wishing a tank what do you [Applause] [Music] oh oh my god he's right oh we got him down we got him down but yeah basically witches and tanks occupy the same space so you won't see them spawn on top of each other so if you get a witch you're like okay well there's not gonna be a tank right here and vice versa so what happened there was that just supposed to be two separate boss spots uh well they were far enough apart from each other that it was fine there's like quite a few different spotting locations for tanks and wizards across the map um and they just have to be just far apart from each other i think which can basically spawn on every possible nav on the map right now we have a fairly dangerous uh crescendo event we have a lone survivor holed up in an apartment building above a gun store but my man's forgot his coke and he needs us to go get him a six-pack from the local store the problem is it seizes his robbers so uh it's it's sending the boys after us the boomer bile why waifu use that instead of a pipe bomb is the pipe bomb blows up after a while uh and after that there's no more beeping but it's not attracting the hordes the boomer bile on the other hand the zombies just love that stuff they'll eat it up for like a minute and a half [Applause] oh yeah it's a long time and beer bottles are like objectively the best the best throwable for stuff like this um pipe bombs are the worst uh pipe bombs can actually get you killed i lost a run the other day because i got stuck and so i used a pipe bomb to free myself but since pipe bombs kill the enemies that are attracted to it all the common infected on the map died and so you know what happens when they die they spawn again in front of you so i literally got unstuck and then everyone respawned in front of me and i got stuck in them that's cool what happened at uh at dark carnival with that straight line yeah basically that's it's you won't believe me but there can only be 30 common infected on the map at once it really doesn't feel like it but they just spawn in like immediately as the other one dies so in an event like that carnival map they just keep immediately respawning at the end of the hallway and then dying and sending more and more and more basically infinitely um so you actually want to keep as many comments alive as possible ideally um but just keep them really far behind you well and iris actually brought up something interesting where you can uh run away from some problems but uh special infected sort of in the same way that they'll work in versus mode or if you get far enough away from them you get the opportunity to respawn closer to the player the same thing can happen for special infected so if you see a boomer like 80 clicks back and he he can't reach you and you don't need your full strength to run away from him eventually he's going to spawn in front of you and you're going to have to deal with him so there's some cases where it's better to face your problems than to constantly run away from them twitch chat remember that basically mostly for specials also basically uh the limits are furry for commons and two special infected so they can only be two special effects in the map at the same time at least pretty easy this is one of the scarier maps this map has a really rare thing where two of the same common could spawn um so i've definitely earlier today i had a run where i got a witch in that hallway and two chargers it was literally impossible to dodge they both charged me at the same time though like they were protected that's one of the only spots in the game on this map where where you can get two of the same otherwise they're restricted to not being the same it can also happen on barns occasionally as uh it usually happens when they even started and small basically this whole third map of the center behaves like a big else for some reason they they programmed it that way so here is one of the more traditional rng sections usually when you think of rng and video games you think like puzzle solutions stuff like that uh here we have gas can rng there's plenty of different places that gas cans can spawn this is actually a really good assortment um i'm gonna have to go to the third floor which is bad but ideally you get all right here um since we're playing on single player we only need to collect eight cans um and because i downed ellis in the safe room and then left them there the event's actually not going to start there's this thing right here it's gonna turn into a button that i need to press to start the finale and i can't just pour the cans without starting the finale because the cans actually won't count until the finale is started um but i have free rain there's gonna be no commons or tanks or anything during this finale but we do still get specials so i gotta be careful about that oh look at that man right there oh i shot the gasket oh it's okay they will respawn but cosmic you see the arms on that guy i saw do you think i was going to wait for the gasket to respond because i actually shot them [Music] that's pretty true i'm tier three into waifu i'm just saying also yeah be because um you can actually press the information board to start the finale it's the game that's trying to prevent uh the soft luck on the finale so just you can just press it and start a finale yourself another thing that i really like about this is you're you're not like are you actually throwing the cans and then meleeing them are you just dropping them and bashing them you throw them normally and then you can melee them afterwards also cyberpunk morning i also should say like this is one of those instances here you see this sort of dizzying motion i i always ask uh waifu how he manages to just not like hurt his eyes looking at this and he's he always tells me he just doesn't really look at the screen he just kind of just does the inputs and just also i've messed up pretty bad here yeah say my man this is uh what we like to call not good it's all right a pro gamer wife who runs has has this whole situation under control don't even stress about it my favorite youtuber who runs the very same and he's not even going to be stressed about the fact that spitter goose somehow ignites cans it does not on single player actually oh word yeah this one is it doesn't work in campaign mode it only you'll not have to worry about it but that health bar is draining fast dude i can't reach the cam through your crotch please move this guy this guy's got a tough situation coming at him he's staying resilient he's staying strong he's training his whole life for me the weapon might be yeah oh he's greedy oh my goodness dude it is a little scuffed but it's okay that was scary so this is paris i didn't realize it was first try friday i'm sorry this is parish parish is really hard the level designed and parish makes it so that specials will never not be dangerous um and we're gonna do a little bit of a comet boost here hopefully um economy boosts basically is where you jump off of a common infected while they are climbing and if you time it right and you get lucky then it'll add the velocity of the climb to your jump and this will eat you into the air and we could skip most of the map here if this game will cooperate which with this run it probably won't but we'll see just crossed everybody now coach is a big dude if he lands on you it's not gonna end pretty um there we go oh nice needs to be a little uh mario sound effect there yeah the goomba stop dude yeah i get that so jumping on where are you jumping on comments actually instantly kills them on every difficulty actually and that's well not not instantly but they like it it deals a lot of damage like instantly like you sometimes can have a survivor zombie that has a lot of a health and you can just stand on him for like five seconds and he will still not die nice okay so here there's gonna be this is like the hardest map in the run um so i'm just gonna concentrate this would be a great time for donations actually i'm just gonna try to get this going well if it's donations you want uh we've got a good bit of them how about just another guy with a 500 donation just another guy says had to donate for that amazing escape from carnival keep it up and loving all the runs we have a 10 donation from dexter 92283 who says 10 for a subway gift card for waifu we have a 100 donation from wolfodex who says for my wife who had a horrible december and loves left 4 dead 2 here's to a terrific 2021 and the left 4 dead 2 last stand here you want to explain the uh defense skip uh yeah so basically we really needed a pipe bomb which is good because we got one in the safe room um and i'm going to attempt to skip this finale by doing firstly a crowd chop which is just a regular bunny hop bike crouching and it's hopefully going to give me enough height nice to get on top of this file cabinet that's really scary you only have like two or three shots to do that otherwise the comments are just going to hoard you and then here we're going to use the pipe bomb to set up a common boost to go over the fence and skip the crescendo it's kind of scary with a pipe bomb because it doesn't last very long but he's insane very very nice no no shot [ __ ] oh i gotta go dude yeah that's like the scariest map in the run to be honest there's so much that can go wrong there they're not guaranteed a throwable at all so um sometimes you'll have to like run by it and help the commons stand next to it and stuff it's just super scuffed i'm glad that went well um there was a bunch of adrenaline but i didn't use any because i'm saving it for the water on this map you didn't need it i didn't need it but he's got enough adrenaline going already man game yeah he's juicing right now man i hope optic is watching this my man is going mentioned that common goose were had a degree of luck to them in what way i don't really see people like just not get a common boost when they time it properly or is it just like how much velocity they impart i'm not really clear on that well it's basically the the way how they climb they are like uh different types of climbing and like depending on what climbing uh you got the for example this one like this this was a pretty bad climb from the common and we forgot uh pretty low come column boost and fortunately you don't need a a very high one oh my god you're actually joking this is probably the worst spot in the whole game to get a tank by the way uh because tanks if they hit cars into you it instantly kills you it's kind of brutal unless you're on the last map of the parish yeah there's an exception for the parish here is rng there is a bunch of different pathways that can spawn on this graveyard looks like we got a good rng actually and it's way too good the good one the best one actually the best rng fog like you said before the one bless up would you mind if i jumped in real quick with a pretty big donation here we have torx stomp who just donated 5 000 dollars there was no message with this donation but believe me torque stomp no problem thank you very much for the 5 000 yeah thank you a lot that's great why food you have any idea how much subway that you're gonna be is good buddy dude okay so this is the worst map in the run i feel like i've said it like six times but it is in my splits when i run this for pbs it's called worst split because it is the worst flip um it's called porter and i'm sure yours could explain why it's so bad oh boy basically this whole map is a kind of a maze and a lot of the times you can kind of cut off this maze by doing common jumps and skips oh i remember right look at this gaming golem yeah you can bunny hop off of commons heads so the reason that that parrot this porter is so bad is because it's shaped like a zigzag and common since thomas and specials can climb over walls basically means you're not able to outrun them just straight up so like you may think like oh that tank is so far away there's no way that he's gonna see him again but i guarantee you that he's gonna almost kill me by the time we get to the end of the map also this is one of the harder uh crescendo skips there's oh my god get away from me so uh there's a couple different ways that you can skip that that's the infinite stumble way which is exclusive to this version of the game but there's quite a few different ways you can hit some bunny hops across that's the hardest way um but if you it's totally random if you get propane tanks there or not and that's why i have a pipe bomb as well just in case so that i can do that strap but if you miss it then you can common boost up or you could try to b hop across or even tank boost if you if you're feeling really frisky but insane that's a huge spot where stuff can go really really bad so i've noticed that uh the world record run for this actually places the parish straight after dead center how many other runners would you say loses consistently to this map or campaign in particular you guys i mean there's just so much randomness going on it's really hard to say but it is personal preference what you do first and i would not begrudge anyone for putting parish like right after dark carnival like because it there's so much stuff that could go wrong it's not a map that has like an insane amount of bunny hopping or anything but man like when you lose time on paris you lose a lot of time yeah but basically that carnival is kind of a hopping map but the paris is just full rng almost yeah and uh just to put it in perspective like how important bunny hopping is in this game i've been i have about 900 hours in it now just speed running and i've been practicing b-hops the entire time and someone's saying my hops are pretty good but i lose over a whole minute on just dark carnival to world record and only be hops all the strats are basically the same like that's how much of a huge difference there is like with someone who's like really really good at the game at b hops and someone who's like just pretty good and this is you know one of those segments where you have sort of a straightaway look at uh at what a finale is this is one of the main choke points for the game casually especially if you try to go for like an expert run through this is just it's a long blitz down just a bunch of straight lines narrow paths you get a charger on this bridge you're just you're done but for a speed runner things are much more predictable it's a bit more comfortable uh would you say this is actually one of the more consistent finales that you have waifu excluding yeah that's like this finale is actually really easy if you're speed running because uh oh he wants it that's okay oh my god just passing by buddy so it's actually pretty pretty easy finale because it's just straight away with b-hops basically um the map is built in a way that it's not really possible to get like insane hops so you don't really have to worry about um just you know failing movement too much and there is always a tank but the tank is a bit nerfed he always spawns in the same spot roughly and on this map only if you get hit by a car by the tank it doesn't instantly kill you um just a little balancing thing basically this whole finale is scripted so that's why um it's really easy to speed run to memorize everything on this map waifu i heard you'd be liking water levels mikey he does play totally crying oh he does that's true speaking of water levels i am dumb so i put another rng heavy water level at the end of the run uh don't ask me why i couldn't tell you but we're on hard rain you see hard rain you you need you need adrenaline rng you need witches to move the heck out of the way and uh the gimmick on this map is that you backtrack so we're gonna be looking for adrenaline spawns on the way through the map and noting them for the way back because on the way back there's gonna be lots of water and if you notice the ground the ground a little curvy she's a little bumpy so it's not the easiest not the easiest to bunny hop on because you have to adapt to the floor right um we have some specific lines to make it a bit easier but try bunny hopping without being able to see the floor and that's what it's like on the way back with the water [Applause] yeah another note is that you unlike the higher difficulties where crowning a witch basically killing her in one shot or one burst is uh much harder on easy it's you can see my man's not you know optic level aim here put it straight in her back one time and she just she's crumbled hold it like an omelette [ __ ] actually wasn't paying attention did i get adrenaline in the ambulance i don't think i did today well i can't see your inventory um i'm gonna i don't think pretty sure you didn't yeah you didn't have okay you'd be happy i just need to know there is backup straps so i got one adrenaline in the safe room you can get up to like five or something crazy uh one is pretty lackluster but it is better than nothing so we're gonna be using that on the way back on this map though we're gonna be doing something really cool um we're gonna be doing a propane drop hopefully um but we need hank hill to bless us with the propane and the accessories first so um so obviously looking out for that and uh this would be actually a great time for donations all right well i got some here we have a five dollar donation from brian ada who says hello space bar bhop speed runner here winky face nice hops wife can i joe we have a 10 donation from chad thorson who says good luck waifu we're cheering you on over here make sure to be hop through time and as always go fast we have a 25 donation from ellis who says hey i need some help over here we have a one oh all right so here's the trick uh hopefully i miss it i'll look really dumb if i do wow gaming nine golem life is still doing that on 100 larp yeah basically what euros is uh talking about there is there's a function in the game called lerp um learnt basically is like interpolates the hitboxes and how they're attached to enemies and items and stuff you can actually manipulate this it's fully valid and runs you can change it to whatever you want basically i play on default lerp because i don't i don't mess with console commands my brain is too smooth for that um but basically as you saw when i shot the propane tank i was aiming like three or four feet below it because the hip box is not lined up at all so it makes that jump a little bit hard and if you adjust your lerp it would it would make sense um but it's really the only thing in the whole run that that actually affects in any serious capacity except for um like jockeys and and hunters because their hitbox distends like super far like if you turn hitbox viewer on and watch a hunter when he pounces it's about a whole hunter and a half in front of him that's why you see me melee super early when i'm about to get a huntered and when i uh melee jockeys i do this and look straight up because their hitbox is actually about a jockey and a half above them um and which means that if they're above you elevation wise it's basically impossible to not be grabbed so there's a tank somewhere and i'm scared hold me there he is oh okay hey what a nice guy don't mind me just trying to not die this would also be a great time for donations [Applause] yeah you wouldn't only robot last time but you're good to go making sure you guys can hear me right okay yeah i think i had a little internet uh a little internet hiccup there sorry about that uh we have a 25 donation from girl amazon who says met my husband and left 4 dead 2. let's see last stand and we will afterwards thank you we have a 10 donation from lulu who says so excited you're running this game was obsessed with the left 4 dead franchise in middle school thank you lulu we have a 25 donation from cara corgi who says i'm so happy to be sharing my birthday with agdq this year i am also so thankful to be able to donate to such a good cause and not let this incentive be okay we have a 50 donation from issa who says here's to a great left for dead 2 run hopefully the jockey does not ruin it and we have a 50 donation from abraxas who says waifu for lifu i had to donate during waifu's run i always love watching waifu streams and gdq is one of my favorite events thanks for running such a brilliant game and thanks for raising money for an exceptional cause awesome donation goes to the runner's choice that's really cool so now we're gonna use our one measly adrenaline that we got to run across the whole the whole ocean here thankfully there are some backup strats you get to do some rooftop parkour and stuff um but it does make this run a bit more volatile um you get like a really bad tank spawn then things just are really really bad you're having a bad time um but we're almost done this is actually the last the last campaign and all we have left is the finale we're going to watch a coach take a nice little bath in the finale and then just be good to go for last day and study really fun hey i ideally on this map you would like to have free adrenaline's mainly scream so yeah you you wouldn't have to jump on the fences and houses you could just walk through the water with adrenaline chargers running you down isn't actually that scary like of course you don't want to be caught in a straight line but they're much more easily sidestep than you may believe it's why some cases waifu even in his practice runs will be willing to just stare one straight on as long as he has enough wiggle room to get out of the way once the charge starts because once it starts the charger's committed yeah so sometimes i'll like try to bait a charge and then walk out of the way because it's easier that way each other has also kind of a prediction so if you're moving in a certain direction the charge is going to try to predict your movement and charge towards that direction so you can easily bait him so for this finale i need to make sure that i don't kill ellis too much because there's actually a closet or a spot where ellis will respawn um immediately as i start the horde if he's completely dead so he wanted to bleed out after i start oh i choked it that's okay so it's all right so this is um this is the god spot that i use here um it's really scary because exactly that could happen and of course because i'm the smartest person in the room obviously i uh definitely put it at the very end of the run so that you can do the whole run get rid of all of the rng and then choke by falling off the platform um like i just did which i've definitely done on pb paste before um but yeah and thankfully it's not huge if you fall off the edge like that you just mostly you just feel dumb you know okay wifey we still love you appreciate you there it is there it is all right everybody just uh let's just strap on in here for the next uh couple minutes here yeah a couple minutes you know grab a drink grab a snack get comfy for last stand this is a great sponsoring this event red bull gaming so we had donation time huh yeah i would say all right we have a five excuse me a 50 donation from groovy chainsaws who says i'm a biologist at the national cancer institute i wanted to donate during horror block because some of my favorite spooky games are being run this year making this donation in honor of my grandmother who just passed from cancer after christmas thank you groovy chainsaw sorry for your loss let's see here we have a 25 donation from sawyer aka casual speedrun who says not even jury duty can stop me from watching waifu run left for left for kobe good luck to you waifu and to all the runners at gdq keep the donations coming folks and with that being said just let me remind you of that we are now less than 30 000 away from 500 000 so keep your donations coming in we are so close to half a million dollars already yeah i just want to say like this i really love this run it's my favorite speed run uh if like anyone doesn't know me i speak around a lot of games i know like 15 or 16 now it's a lot of the resident evil series a lot of the devil may cry and stuff but i haven't really found any game that i like to speedrun as much as i do this game this is something about like how random it is and and just how difficult it is that it just makes it really fun and i can just like basically do it forever and a lot of that is due to the community is like really awesome definitely helped me out a lot and there's so much to do in this game that i feel like i could basically speed around forever there's 14 campaigns that all have individual level speed runs this is just main campaigns which is only five of those 14 there's also all campaigns which does all of them in a row which is what i'm going to be grinding mostly after this marathon probably and it's just really cool to finally see solo be on an event because co-op has been the primary one and so like i appreciate it a lot and this is going to be time right this round looks like one hour is it really oh my god that's time wow okay congratulations man in memory of ella's you right oh seven dude palace nothing but okay cool yeah that was awesome uh i guess i'll set up for last standing i need to switch versions real fast wow switch versions real fast me brain no worki for a second it didn't occur to me that he needed to change versions [Laughter] yeah the version we were playing i was released in 2009 so uh yeah what did last stand when did that come out like what two weeks ago no like two months ago or yeah like two months ago it feels like it anyway it does i think it was released in uh september so it actually might be four or three months wow crazy and so uh just whatever i'm you guys are ready just let me know i can perfect all right cool um time starts my game control just like last time and uh let's go so last stand if you guys don't know it's a community made map um that was officially added to the game a couple months ago um with the help of of valve devs but mostly the work the map all the nav meshing all the all the new stuff was done by the modding community and like the active players which is really really cool and it's cool to see that um a company like valve is still supporting a game this old and doing stuff with the community like this and they even had some speedrunners like uris come and help qa test some stuff so there's a secret room in this map that i won't be able to show off because it takes way too long to open but eures's name is actually on that and a bunch of runners in this game's name are actually on that which is really really cool i hate to interrupt you but we do need a feed oh my bad my bad i mean i would like to commentate this blind surprise factor but not see it she should be good to go now yeah good to go good to go cool [Music] so last stand is really short it's only two maps long but it is by far the hardest campaign in the game um where you're playing at any difficulty so you would think normally like you play an expert right kill the bots and then go up well actually the bots on this map are a little bit useful because the nav meshing or what controls the ai for the common special infected is way better on this map than it is in the actual maps made by valve and so the consequence of this is that the commons are super fast and they get to you immediately and sort of the specials so it feels like there might even be more than the maximum cap of specials but there's not it's just that they move so much faster because they take more optimal paths to you and maybe uh someone wants to explain like what is going on right now on this map in particular so you know well the basic theory is is that bill is trying to get the crew onto a boat because they want to be getting them to an island is that correct is that the current patch full-time buddy good oh i wasn't stressed about it it's a lot safer since you have yeah companion yeah yeah so we have to get to the pier where said boat is so we can get to said island the thing that's interesting about this crescendo event is it has a series of generators that you need to fill with gas so something happens a couple of times throughout the main campaign but they're spread all throughout this arena in a grid and just as waifu had mentioned a couple of times before because commons can swarm you so much easier they set up for special infected ambushes like likewise much easier and the foliage in the outside is a bit more dense so even though you hear something like a smoker in the distance you don't know exactly where that's coming from or what to do about it so in some cases you kind of have to wait until the tongue is on you for you to start shooting in that area and again if you didn't have something like your ai companions to bail you out of that situation running the solo would suck and we are going to run it solo because we're as soon as we finish with this little crescendo here um the bots are going to be slow again so i'm going to have to switch x-ray and kill them um thankfully the hard part of math one is this first section oh yeah we need to power like a crane yeah fun fact if you stand underneath the crane you instantly die when it drops pretty cool pretty cool blinky basically because um you have to spend so much time doing this event uh bots actually have time to catch up to you so you don't have to waste time killing them at the beginning they can actually help you even and then you can kill them afterwards exactly a little interesting note about what uh just happened with that sudden acceleration there is something um about the way oh my god i was not worried at all yeah this map is not definitely really long and that would have lost like five minutes but no big deal it's really fun oh dear what was i'm about dude with the bonfire checkpoint the slow pops if you're b-hopping on a slope it gives you a lot more speed oh yeah you can bounce off yeah yeah so the real the real thing that's really cool about this map is the finale the finale is dumb hard um so normally you get one tank and then one horde or one horde one tank one horde and then one tank um but in this map they decided that that was way too easy and that they were gonna make it so that instead of on the second phase you get one tank you actually get two tanks at once um and that is really really scary and also you don't get a wave of commons but you actually get a sketch finale yeah it's actually a mix between the two different types of finales it starts off with a hold out and then you have to do a big old scavenge finale um and the horde does not start stop coming when you start uh start for the scavenge oh i'm still an expert that was uh that could have been done well a lot of the difference man that's the same thing a lot of love was clearly put into this little uh this little side campaign and i think definitely there's something to be said for their acknowledgement that you know the old you know by the standards of the time finale sections had been kind of figured and routed out at the expert level and they needed to come up with different ways to keep things interesting and keep things surprising you know i remember when you and i uh or when i went through this casually with you when like three tanks showed up to keep us from the boat that was fear yeah straight panic um unfortunately there is a thing on uh last stand last hand also went back and fixed a lot of the god spots and um stuff like that so there isn't any like super cool tech for the finale here except for i am playing on not the newest version of last name but the release version of last fan and there is a trick that we can do here um i won't show it off here because it actually isn't faster unfortunately um but you can um the spot where we jumped down earlier if you jump down from the top floor you avoid hitting the trigger to start the horde and so when you get the gas can section you can actually common boost back up there and that will stop the horde from spawning so there you'll be able to pour the gas cans without worrying about any comments messing with you um and that's that's useful if you were going to do like an expert realism run of last stand which by the way is the hardest run in this game for an individual campaign by a mile um i have only finished two of them ever and it was about like 19 minutes long and that's in comparison to the about nine minutes long world record for last in on any difficulty um it's just that much harder it's actually insane but yeah be careful with the tanks here we have the boss to help kill them but as zoe found out yeah and she's lucky that it wasn't that way because she would have died reloading also the trick with stopping the horde from spawning is used in cover but not for uh gas cans but for the first horde uh so you don't have to deal with the first car at all it saves about 20 seconds and co-op at least got it it's unfortunately not because it doesn't save that much time because of the bots cosmic there is nothing like the sound of just breaking when you just fall off the roof we gotta we gotta just collect all these gas cans from across the place since we're only playing on single player did he just get shot oh my god oh my god we are playing first yeah close who would have thought man i haven't gotten kicked yet so i didn't think we're playing i'm already writing it i'm in the server buddy you give me your money zoe i think zoe took the wrong uh airline yeah oh yeah nobody told me oh wow that happened that's what i'm saying you gotta respond to it yeah and the boss went to save zoey so they're all down there so far away that would have been really bad you can only find that on twitch.tv waifu just letting you know right now that's me that's how because she not died of that fall like we got here breaking ankles falling like two feet she fell off a mountain she's perfectly fine yeah she's a shady house ibuprofen hit different reloading apparently it's amazing i'm actually meant to mention something earlier i saw you uh hot swapping difficulties again i i thought that on some of the later patches you could only change like once per map for different yeah is that different for this or yeah so basically in in other patches of the game that aren't early versions you're only allowed to vote once per map um this was changed for single players specifically in last stand it's one of the quality of life updates that they added basically specifically for speed runners so big ups to that oh that's pretty cool yeah that's a good eye there was like basically no need for uh both cooldowns in single player it just it really doesn't matter really make a difference it's a pretty cool feature of this update there's basically like a couple of old versions in the middle that don't actually have uh infinite votes so they're slow to get to the boat so build these them behind it was all a ploy just to get to that boat and that's time that's the last stand um just want to say real quick again like thank you so much for having me that's like this is i really really wanted to showcase this run and i hope everyone enjoyed if you guys did definitely make sure to go follow me on twitch push.tv4 waifu i'm also on like all other social media platforms as waifu runs i make video essays on youtube and stuff i also do speedrun marathons every friday where i do a bunch of different games in a row like left 4 dead devil may cry resident evil and all that stuff and so if you're interested in that and always come and hang out i'm more than happy to teach people like how to help run the game like what's going on how to understand it and uh especially if you want to learn to speed on leopard head 2 the community is really awesome just joined the speedrun discord check it out speedrun.com l4d2 um it's a hard run to get into but man is it really fun once you get it going and uh yeah and thanks thanks so much you guys for commenting with me i really appreciate it and thanks enigma for being the best absolutely all right thank you very much waifu that was left for dead two what an amazing run amazing commentary everything about that was fantastic thank you very much now i had a little bit of an internet issue uh that i was not aware about that i was not aware of until too late and i understood i got cut off on the number one well i have some good news for you i have dug back into the archive and i have found the one so we're gonna read again i have a 100 donation from lady riptor who says putting this towards the left for dead two last stand incentive for my dad whom i lost in 2019 left 4 dead was his absolute favorite game and have so many memories of him shaking up the house by yelling boomer when he played miss you every day dad less than three thank you lady riptor there was no way i was gonna let that slip through the cracks thank you for the one hundred dollars thank you very much all right we're going to take a brief break and we'll be right back okay are we going right to prizes after after ad okay coming up next with scent all right welcome back to awesome games done quick 2021 online i am an eternal enigma i'm thrown for a loop right now with the internet issues i think we're getting it uh straightened out uh coming up next after after our next segment we have maxi lobes with fear but coming up next we have a special prize segment we may have spoiled it a little bit we have some prizes of the spooky variety that will be coming up now with scent well thank you so much and eternal enigma uh yes i am sent and i am here to tell you all about some of the amazing prizes that you all can win by donating during the marathon the topic tonight is of course spooky prizes now all the prizes i'm going to talk about for this segment specifically are going to be available from now until the end of horror block a bit later tonight we're just about to transition into the horror and horror adjacent block with a ton of great games and it's going to go all the way until tomorrow morning with the japanese horror game pin really looking forward to that one it's caught a sneak peek during submissions it looked super cool but first let's talk about some of the prizes you can win by donating during our horror block here we have a couple of absolutely great things in fact great timing because i just got a box right here uh full of what i assume are the prizes for this block just finished unwrapping everything and some of them look really absolutely beautiful uh from silent evil we have this absolutely beautiful seal of metatron perler it's kind of a 3d parlor you can see there it's got some depth to it it's got the seal of metatron from silent hill it looks super cool i love the style i love the artwork it's a 10 minimum donation from now until the end of horror block thank you so much silent evil for sending that out to us uh now speaking of silent hill from silent hill 3 and from geekish gifts we have this beautiful silent hill inspired halo of the sun mug perfectly innocent rune markings uh surround this mug it's probably perfectly fine to to drink whatever you'd like out of it coffee or or sacrificial blood you know whatever whatever floats your boat it's all good and it's a 10 minimum donation so thank you so much geekish gifts for sending that out to us uh now from our friends over at the yeti we have a couple of beautiful cuphead and mugman perlers and parlors these are plushies and they're adorable plushies they're a 10 minimum donation they come together thank you so much to the yeti for sending them out to us they look great and they're super soft so we'll just set those right aside now from nightstrider we have this beautiful pyramid head print i'm going to be honest uh with everyone out there when i was putting in the prize images to the tracker and cropping them all down so that they fit the layouts that you see on the break screen i cropped pyramid head and i cropped a pyramid's head's face out of this image and then i had to immediately crop like five or six more images so it wouldn't stare at me every time i went back to that tab because it just genuinely gave me the creeps but this piece of artwork is absolutely beautiful thank you so much nightstrider for sending this print out to us again is a 10 minimum donation from now until the end of horror block and now oh hold on a second what what is this this this isn't a prize this um it seems to be a realistic doll made in my image as a child that's weird but but actually really thematically appropriate what perfect timing i'll just set this here next to the lamp i'm sure absolutely nothing will happen to it right there good boy uh cerberus doing his job defending the gates of lamp uh there are so many more great prizes that you can donate for from mr chris yeah mr chris tacular we have another beautiful glitch box the shadowbox 3d paper art this time of a shy guy with a kind of psychedelic 60s background it looks super cool you should head over to the tracker give it a look uh from our good friend meredith frederick for a 25 dollar minimum of the nation we have an absolutely beautiful uh cutting board serving tray with a uh a heart on it um it looks absolutely great definitely nice quality i love the artwork it's got kind of like that blocky pixel style to it it's adorable again 25 minimum of the nation and it's it's something that's cool and functional and i i love that i love it when prizes can also be functional and i hope you do too um we have so many great prizes from skye berkson we have an absolutely beautiful miniature recreation of the tunnel of love entrance from left 4 dead 2 done entirely in wood it's 3d it kind of pops out of the frame you can head over to the tracker to see a great image of it it is super cool and it's only a twenty dollar minimum of donation i don't know how it's only a twenty dollar minimum of the nation it's truly one of a kind and an absolutely amazing piece you should definitely check it out now we do have some other prizes that are running a bit longer uh all day today from the start of left 4 dead which we just watched until the legend of zelda skyward sword much much later uh tonight we have a banner for you the agdq 2021 banner keep calm and carry on uh love the pun by llk it is a one-of-a-kind six-foot banner designed by llk you can see a great picture of it on the website you can see a great picture of it on our social media accounts we have it up on twitter it looks super cool again we print one of these for each design every event and that's it so it's truly a piece of gdq memorabilia it's a 50 minimum donation but that's 50 at any point during today wednesday uh for this event uh so now between the end of skyward sword just to clarify that and of course we also have some wonderful grand prizes we have two of them uh both of them are 250 dollars cumulatively to enter but they are absolutely worth it and they are absolutely amazing uh so first off from red wolf networks we have this lovely gaming pc over here to my left you can see some of the rgb work on it on the ground it's got great specs you can check them out in the tracker of course it's got a 3070 graphics card that's what people want to know about especially with how hard it is to get a good graphics card right now but it's also got 32 gigs of ram it's got a 250 mega megabyte gigabyte internal ssd it is a great rig and it is definitely worth donating for if you can but also for 250 cumulatively throughout the marathon you'll be entered to win a customized heroic replica from our friends over at heroic replicas and there are so many amazing options that you can choose from and customize of course we have the classic master sword we have the chris sword from the legend of zelda animated cartoon we have the buster sword from final fantasy vii we have uh ragnael ike's blade from fire emblem path of radiance and radiant dawn there are so many different cool replicas that you can choose from and so many ways to customize them make sure to check out the tracker for a full album and a detailed description of that well anyway i don't know about the rest of you but i am excited to watch some horror and horror adjacent speed runs tonight uh always one of my favorite blocks at any event so i'm gonna go make myself a cup of hot chocolate and you know just get cuddled up in a blanket and uh go ahead and enjoy it and i hope you all will too i could probably leave this stuff here and unpack it in the morning still wonder who sent me that doll though oh well at least it was a good day of prizes rise [Music] rises [Music] we love rises well prizes indeed thank you scent we're currently getting set up for our next run it is fear by maxi loebs until we get the word i've got a few of of your donations here we've got a few big ones here we've got 250 dollars from sam who says so excited for the horror block so am i this may be the best horror block we've ever seen here on gdq thank you sam we have another 250 dollar donation from red wolf who says couldn't help but donate during horror block with an eternal enigma on the mic that's me and maxie loeb's running fear best of luck on the run and shout out to waifu for the great left for dead two runs we have a let's see here we have a 25 donation from cold candor who says prizes all right with that being said i do believe we are ready for our next run here on the horror block here is fear by maxi lobes
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Views: 369,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: vLM5pgnzZrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 30sec (5370 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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