(playful music) - He's alive!
- He's alive! - Jesus is alive!
- Jesus is alive. - He's alive, he's alive!
- Hallelujah. - He's alive, He's alive!
- He's alive! - He's alive.
- Hallelujah! - Jesus is alive.
- He's alive! - [Child] Jesus is alive! ♪ La la la la, la la la la la ♪ ♪ La la la la la, la la la la la la ♪ Wow. It's Easter! What an amazing time of year when we celebrate the
most important moment of the entire history of the world. And I should know, because
I am the Hopeful World. What was the most important moment in the entire history of the world? Well, it was the moment that
God's people waited years and years and years and years for. Do you wanna hear the story? The amazing incredible story, when God loved the world
so much that it gave us his one and only son? You do? Well, great because I'm going to tell you the whole Easter story. (uplifting music) ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ He is risen ♪ - There are so many important
moments in this story, but it all begins with Jesus. - [Narrator] Do you know who this is? - Oh, that's baby Jesus. I can tell 'cause I know
he was born in a barn. (Narrator laughs) - Wait, wait, wait. I've already told that story. How about we skip ahead a few years later when Jesus is all grown
up, doing amazing things all over the place? - [Narrator] Jesus and His
disciples went all over Israel showing everyone what the
kingdom of God was like. Do you know how he did that? - (giggles) Oh, that's easy. By teaching them! - [Narrator] Well, yes,
but also by doing amazing, unbelievable, incredible,
unimaginable things called miracles! - Wow! But, uh, what's a miracle? - [Narrator] Miracles are
signs that show people how powerful Jesus is. Let me tell you about
three of his miracles. One night, Jesus was on a
boat with his disciples when. - Oh no, a huge storm
has taken over the sea! - We're going to sink! - We're going to die! - [All] What are we going to do? - [Narrator] Meanwhile, Jesus was... (Jesus snoring) - [Child] Sleeping? - [Narrator] Like a baby. So one of the disciples said, - Excuse me? Excuse me, Jesus? - Yes. What is it? - [All] We're all going to die! - [Child] So Jesus sat up and said, - Why are you so afraid? - [Narrator] Then, He turned
to the giant storm and said, - Stop! - [Narrator] And guess what happened? The storm stopped. - Wow. Jesus spoke to the
storm and it obeyed Him. - [Narrator] Yep! Jesus was showing His disciples
that in the kingdom of God, we have nothing to fear because, - Jesus is the king of everything! - [Narrator] Yes, He is. Another time, Jesus was
surrounded by thousands of people who had followed Him far away
from town with no food to eat. - Boy, am I hungry. Me too. - Wish I'd brought a snack. - Wish I'd brought two snacks. - [Narrator] So, one of
the disciples asked Jesus, - Excuse me, Jesus, how are we
gonna feed all these people? - Will this help? - Five loaves of bread and two small fish? (laughs) Five loaves?... two?... (laughs) You can't feed thousands
of people with this. Are you sure? - [Narrator] But Jesus took the boy's gift and prayed over it. Then, He started breaking
pieces off and giving them to the people. And then there were more pieces, and more pieces, and more pieces. So many pieces that. - Look, every person got to
eat as much as they wanted. - Another miracle! The disciples must have been so surprised. - [Narrator] Oh, they were. Jesus was giving them another sign. In God's kingdom, there is always enough. Enough food, enough warmth, enough love. - Because Jesus is the king of everything. - [Narrator] You're catching on. And another time, a desperate
man ran to Jesus saying, - My daughter is sick and dying! Can you please help her? - [Narrator] By the time
Jesus got to their house, the little girl had died. - Oh no! - [Narrator] But Jesus said, - Don't worry, she's okay. - [Narrator] And the little
girl came back to life just like that. This was a sign that Jesus is king over sickness and disease. - Jesus is the king of everything! - [Narrator] Yes, He is. In the kingdom of God, there
is no sickness or death. - People must have been so excited. - [Narrator] Oh, they
were, but not all of them. - Who wouldn't be excited
about the miracles? - [Narrator] I'll tell you. The religious leaders, the Pharisees. (both growl) - [Both] We keep track
of track of all the rules and we're not not excited at all! - Yeah. Jesus is getting too popular. - Some people even call him a king. - We gotta do something about this. - [Narrator] So the Pharisees went to the - Sadducees. - We are the ones in charge
of punishing the people that break the rules. - [Pharisees] Let's talk. (all murmuring) - [Narrator] The Pharisees
and Sadducees didn't like all the amazing miracles Jesus was doing. - [Child] How could they not
be amazed by the miracles? - [Narrator] Because they were too afraid Jesus would take over their jobs. - Jesus is the king over everything. - [Narrator] That's right. And God was about to use Him
to do the most incredible miracle of all time. - [Child] Really? - [Narrator] Yep. So the Pharisees and Sadducees
began looking for a way to arrest Jesus, to stop
Him from doing the work his father had sent Him to do. - They tried to stop Jesus
from what God wanted Him to do. Hmm. Those Pharisees and
Sadducees were really sneaky. Oh, and the incredible thing
that God was going to do, what do you think that could be? It was an even more incredible miracle than making blind people
see and calming storms. You'll have to wait and
see what that miracle was, because first, Jesus and
his disciples traveled to a celebration. - [Narrator] It was time for Jesus and his disciples to
celebrate the Passover. - Passover? What is Passover? - [Narrator] Do you
remember when God sent Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt? - Oh yes! God sent frogs and flies and
darkness and other things. It was pretty crazy. - [Narrator] It was! God sent plague after plague, 10 plagues. But Pharaoh still refused
to let God's people go. He said, - No, I will not let God's people go. - [Narrator] So it was
time for Pharaoh to see just how powerful God can be. - What happened next? - [Narrator] God told Moses
to have every Israelite family prepare a lamb for a special meal and then take some of
the blood from that lamb and put it over the door of their houses. - Why would God tell them to do that? - [Narrator] Because for the last plague, God would send an angel to take the life of every firstborn son of the Egyptians. The angel would pass over
the homes of the Israelites who had the blood of the
lamb over their doors. So, the blood of the lamb, - [Child] Saved the
sons of the Israelites. - [Narrator] And ever since that day, the Israelites have celebrated Passover with a special meal just like
the one they had that night in Egypt when the angel
passed over their homes many, many years earlier. - I get it now. - [Narrator] So, Jesus and his disciples traveled to Jerusalem
where many people gathered to celebrate Passover, and something very wonderful
happened when He got there. - Oh, really? What? - [Narrator] As Jesus rode
into the city on a donkey. A big crowd of people came to meet Him. - They knew who he was? - [Narrator] Yes. They were so excited! They waved palm branches
and then laid them down in front of Him. - That's funny. What did they do that for? - [Narrator] It was their
way of honoring Jesus. - [Child] Like a welcome mat. That's so cool. - [Narrator] And then they shouted, - [Crowd] Hosanna, Hosanna. Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord! - [Narrator] It was like a parade. - A parade for a king. - [Narrator] Everyone was so happy. - Wait, wait, wait! Stop everything! We're not happy at all! - Not one teeny bit. - [Narrator] Ah, yes. The Pharisees and Sadducees. Those religious leaders weren't happy. They were very nervous. - Hey! Jesus is such a troublemaker. If the Romans hear
people calling him king, they will send their soldiers
to throw us in prison. - We need to stop Jesus and His followers. - [Narrator] So they came
up with a secret plan to hurt Jesus. - Oh no. They can't hurt Jesus. - [Narrator] Don't worry. Even this was part of God's plan. Later that night, Jesus and
His disciples got together to eat the Passover meal,
just like they did every year. But this year was different. During the meal, Jesus got up
and washed His disciple's feet to show them what it really
means to love and serve others. Then, Jesus said something
that surprised them all. - One of you is going to turn against me. - Oh no. Why did he say that? - [Narrator] Ah, He knew
that one of them was helping the Pharisees and Sadducees. - Were the disciples surprised? - [Narrator] For sure. They looked at each other and said, - [Disciples] Who could it be? - [Narrator] Jesus knew
what was going to happen. He wanted to prepare his followers. So He took a piece of bread and said, - This is my body, which is given for you. - [Narrator] Then he
picked up his cup and said, - This cup is the new
covenant of my blood, poured out for you. - What did H e mean by that? What does cove, cove. - [Narrator] Covenant. - What does that mean? - [Narrator] A covenant is a promise. Many years before, God had
made a covenant, a promise, to bless his people. Now, Jesus was saying that God was going to make a new covenant with them. He was going to bless them in a new way. But when he said, - This is my body, this is my blood. - [Narrator] It sounded
like this new covenant had something to do with
Jesus dying and it did. - What do you mean? Why would Jesus have to die? - [Narrator] Remember
when the angel in Egypt saw the blood of the lamb over the door? What did he do? - He passed over the house. - [Narrator] And the people were safe. Jesus was saying that
now His body and blood would save them. He was saying that He was
the new Passover lamb. - Whoa. - [Narrator] The disciples
could not believe their ears. Then after dinner, Jesus
took some of his disciples and went to a garden to pray. He knew what he had to do next and He knew it was not going to be easy. After a while, he said, - The hour has come. - [Narrator] And just at that moment, one of His disciples arrived, leading a group of soldiers
sent by the Sadducees to arrest Jesus. - Which disciple was it? - [Narrator] The disciple named Judas. Now, everyone knew who
had turned against Jesus. With the help of Judas,
the Pharisees and Sadducees arrested Jesus. - Just like they planned. - [Narrator] But you know what? Things did not go the way they planned. (kids cheering) - I told you those Pharisees
and Sadducees were sneaky. They turned Jesus' own
friend Judas against him and Judas helped them arrest Jesus. It must have been so scary and sad for all the other disciples,
but Jesus loves us so much. He knew what He had to do. ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ The bible tells me so ♪ The Pharisees and Sadducees
thought they were stopping Jesus from doing all those miracles. But boy, oh boy, were they wrong. - [Narrator] Jesus was
going around doing the work God had sent Him to do, healing people. (person exclaims) And teaching them all
about the kingdom of God. But the Pharisees and Sadducees thought Jesus was getting too popular. So they had Him arrested
in the middle of the night. - Oh no! What did they do to Him? - [Narrator] They asked
Him a lot of questions. - Are you the son of God? - Do you think you are equal to God? - [Narrator] Jesus didn't say anything, but the religious leaders didn't
care if he answered or not. They accused Him anyway. - [All] He is guilty of blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! Blasphemy! - Blas-phe-mee? What does that even mean? - [Narrator] Blasphemy is when someone says untrue things about God. The Pharisees and Sadducees
accused Jesus of saying He was God. According to the Pharisees and Sadducees, there was only one way a
person could pay for that. - What was it? Going to jail? - [Narrator] No. Death. - No! - [Narrator] There was a problem for the Pharisees and Sadducees, though. - What? - [Narrator] Even if the
Pharisees and Sadducees said Jesus was guilty, they
weren't allowed to kill anyone. Only Roman leaders could do that. So they took him to the Roman
governor, Pontius Pilate. - Wait, what? Pancho the pilot? - [Narrator] Not a pilot, Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor. And when he saw Jesus and His accusers, he was a little confused. - Are they upset? (all growl) What have you done that
has made everyone so angry? - [Narrator] Again, Jesus
didn't say anything. So Pilate turned to the
religious leaders and said, - I don't see anything
wrong with this man. - Well, according to our
rules, He needs to die. - [Narrator] Now, Pilate had a problem. - [Pilate] Hmm. Jesus
doesn't deserve to die, but, but if He gets more popular, I don't want the Pharisees
and Sadducees to complain about me to the other Romans leaders. - So what did he do? - [Narrator] He thought
there was only one way to keep his job as Roman Governor. - Hmm. - Well, what are you going to do? - Bring me some water. I wash my hands of this situation. This is not my fault. - So Pilate ordered that Jesus be killed on a wooden cross because, - According to our laws,
He deserves to die. - (gasps) That is so sad! Jesus didn't deserve to die on the cross. - [Narrator] No, He didn't. But He went to the cross anyway. And as He was dying, he continued to show
love and mercy by saying - Father, forgive them. They don't know what they are doing. - [Narrator] The sky turned
very dark and Jesus said, - It is finished. - [Narrator] Jesus died. Then, the ground began to shake! And a Roman guard standing nearby said, - This man must have been the son of God. - But where were the disciples? All of Jesus' friends? - [Narrator] His mother was with Him and a few of His friends. The others probably
didn't know what to think. How could Jesus be the Messiah, the blessing for the whole
world, if He wasn't even alive? (Hopeful World humming) - This part is sad. I know that Jesus had to die, so He could heal the whole world from sin. But it is still so, so sad! Jesus gave His life for us,
and it was only the beginning of the most amazing miracle of all. - [Narrator] Jesus had
done some amazing things while He was living. - Like lots of miracles. - [Narrator] That's right. - Stop! - [Narrator] And, He'd shown
everyone that God the Father was very loving and good and powerful. He had also promised that
the kingdom of God was near. He'd given everyone a taste of that kingdom through those miracles. - What's the kingdom of God? - [Narrator] The Kingdom of
God is when the whole world will be made new again, the way God had always wanted it to be. Jesus promised that someday
in the Kingdom of God, there will be no sin or
sadness or sickness or death. - What is sin again? - [Narrator] Sin is when we
ignore God and go our own way. Sin is when we say, "I
don't care what you say. "I'm going to do it my way." And remember, because God
is good and sin is bad, the price we pay for our
sin is being apart from God. - Oh. So in the kingdom of God,
there will be no sin or sadness or sickness! - [Narrator] In the kingdom of God, there will be nothing to be
afraid of, not even death. - But Jesus had just died. - [Narrator] Ah, so it seemed
like none of those promises were coming true. But that was not the case. - Really. What do you mean? - [Narrator] You see, something
more amazing was happening that Jesus' enemies didn't realize. When he died on the cross, Jesus took all of our sin on himself. - He did? - [Narrator] You see, since
our sin turns us away from God, there can be no sin in the Kingdom of God. So, Jesus had to fix the problem of sin. - And He did that by dying on the cross? - [Narrator] Yes. By dying on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins. Yours, mine, everyone's! - Wow! Jesus really loves us. - [Narrator] He sure does. - But. - [Narrator] Another question? - What about all the things
that He said about the kingdom? I still don't get it. If Jesus was dead, how could any of those promises come true? - [Narrator] That's a
really good question, with an even better answer. Because, He didn't stay dead. - Jesus didn't stay dead? That sounds like a pretty
incredible miracle to me. I told you this story was amazing. And He paid the price for all of our sin. ♪ Jesus paid it all ♪ ♪ All to Him, I owe ♪ ♪ Sin had left a crimson stain ♪ ♪ He washed it white as snow ♪ Now where were we? Oh, right, the sad part. Jesus had died after his own friend Judas turned against Him. - [Narrator] Jesus had been betrayed. He was arrested and put
to death on a cross. - It was a sad day. - [Narrator] Yes. Jesus
gave his life for us. The sun had gone down and
it was time to bury Him. - Only his mom and a
few friends were there. - [Narrator] You remembered. - So what did they do? - [Narrator] They got help from a man. - I am Joseph from Arimathea,
a follower of Jesus. I am very sad that Jesus has died. I have been waiting for the
kingdom He spoke of to come. I want to do something
nice for Him to show Jesus how much I loved Him. - [Narrator] So Joseph
did something special. He went to Pontius Pilate. - I want to take care of Jesus's body. I want to give him a grave. - All right, go ahead. - Now, when important
people died in Israel, they were not buried in the ground. - Really? - [Narrator] No. Their bodies were placed in special tombs that were carved out of solid rock. - [Child] Do you mean like a cave? - [Narrator] Like a small cave. Well, Joseph had one that
he was going to use someday, but guess what? He decided to give it to Jesus. So Jesus's body was placed
inside Joseph's tomb and then a big rock was
rolled in front of the cave so no one could get in. And then. - Someone is here to see you, Pilate. - Oh, it's you again. - Yep. We're back! - You didn't think we'd give
up that easily, did you? - What do you want? - Look, Jesus said that he
would come back from the dead. - And? - Well, what if his friends
go to the tomb, move the rock, and take his body and then
say, "Jesus is alive!" - Hmm. - That would cause a lot
of trouble for you, Pilate. - Hmm. I never thought of that. - [Narrator] So Pilate put
guards outside the tomb to make sure no one moved the rock. - Eyes peeled. We don't want anyone to move this rock. - Yeah. No one's gonna get past us! No sir. - Wow. So the Pharisees and the Sadducees were still worried about Jesus? - [Narrator] Yep. You see,
when Jesus was alive, He said, - In three days, I will
rise from the dead. - Well, Jesus had died and
was buried on a Friday. That's day one. All day Saturday his
body lay in Joseph's tomb with the guards keeping watch. - [Child] That was day two? - Right, so Sunday morning comes around, - [Child] Day three. - [Narrator] And two women
who were Jesus' friends made their way to the tomb
to put spices and perfume on his body. 'Cause that was something
that people did in those days. When all of a sudden. (women yell) (guards yell) - What happened? - [Both] What happened? - [Narrator] An earthquake
shook the ground and an angel appeared. (both yell) (bodies thud) The angel rolled away the rock. When the women arrived,
there lay the two soldiers passed out on the ground. There lay the rock and there,
well, there was no Jesus. - Don't be afraid. - Oh, okay. - I know you are looking for
Jesus, but He isn't here. He has risen just like He said he would. Jesus is alive. - [Both] What?! - What? - [Narrator] The women were so excited, they wanted to go tell their
other friends what happened when suddenly. - Don't be afraid. - Jesus showed up? - [Narrator] He sure did. - No way. - [Narrator] Yes way. Later, Jesus appeared
to all his disciples. He explained to them why He had to die. He told them the great news
that death has no power in God's kingdom. And then when it was time
for Him to leave, he said, - From now on, you will
be the ones telling others about my kingdom. I will send you a helper, who will fill you with the power of God. You will do amazing things. - [Narrator] And then
Jesus rose up into the sky. - Amazing! - [Narrator] The disciples
were very excited. They didn't really know
what would happen next, but they knew one thing. Jesus was sending them a
helper who would help them in a mighty big way. - He's alive, He's alive. Jesus is alive! He defeated sin and death! Hallelujah! ♪ Praise the Lord is risen today ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Our triumphant holy day ♪ ♪ Hallelujah ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ The Bible tells me so ♪ This was the most incredible miracle ever! Jesus saved the whole world from sin and God wasn't done yet. Jesus said He would send a helper so his friends could do
incredibly amazing things, too. But that's a whole other story
we'll save for another day. This is the story of Easter when God gave His one and only son because He loved the world so much. ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ Yes, Jesus loves me ♪ ♪ The Bible tells me so ♪ (light playful music)