✝️ The Story Keepers - The Easter Story ✝️ Christian cartoons

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[Music] roome 64 ad Emperor Nero has set the city on fire he is persec shooting Christians their crime proclaiming a king higher than Caesar while Rome Burns Nero fiddles and his soldiers attack anyone Under Suspicion children are separated from their parents many are left alone with no homes run hurry running for their lives hurry everyone then an early Christian leader and his wife Helena have rescued four children and as these orphans search for their parents they will become known as The Story [Music] Keepers if the torch still Burns we will make it through the darkness we will keep our voice is strong we will be heard now it's up to us to tell the stories now it's up to us to carry on his word will Mar and on proudly keep the stories we will hold the torch and keep its Burning Flame and we'll pass on all the truths and the glories and we'll carry on yes we'll carry on his [Music] name are you okay there I'll be much better when we can see Miriam again how much further to your bakery we're almost there Samuel just sit tight sit tight is he joking oh oh one minute you're a first class citizen the next minute you're traveling Freight that's what we get for raising our daughter as a Christian we've got company [Music] Ben halt who are you where are you going I'm a baker sir and we're off to the Millers with a load of grain grain huh we'll see about that huh all right on your way what's this I believe it's [Music] goodbye [Music] Justin the beam [Music] [Music] now no well look who dropped [Music] in sck CH give it uper you can't outrun me that's what you [Music] think Mom Dad while Nero's soldiers search for Christians Ben has turned his Bakery into a hiding place you are Nero's greatest fear his own Soldier turning against him tacticus you're in grave danger you too Miriam we need to plan your escape to shamad now s's boat will be in Port next week right near this carrot oops sorry well uh once he arrives we'll sneak you down to the port under the cover of night till then you should be safe here I wish this thunder would stop I know what you mean Anna Justin do you think it's running where Mom and Dad are Marcus don't worry Marcus we'll find them one day and until we do we'll just keep looking really like a Shepherd looks for his lost sheep don't worry Cyrus we'll find your parents and their circus too good night my little lambs I'm that bad boy known as Nero I'm the empire evil hero other gods amount to zero who will disagree though my singing's fair to middling I won't stop I didd diddling Rome can burn I'll just keep fiddling glory be to me I'll take the glory who disagree so dictor glory be to me follow me don't be a Wier major leaders asso Miner next to Nero nun div in all modest though CL inres May uphor me I insist all Rome Adore Me Thou shalt have no Gods before me glory be to me I'm full of glory and modesty no guts no glory glory be to me though I'm cruel and mean indeed I will tax you till you bleed and this week breathing is free Christian Tales I don't enjoy them they who tell them I destroy them time they bow to me and M to Glory so Glory me I've got your story glory be to me quick Miriam tacticus hide Justin you and the others know what to do squeeze in there don't worry I'm sure it's so track US braus that's no way to greet a customer it's okay everyone it's just Antonius the Miller with the delivery sorry about that just got them Raised by Wolves and all quite a bargain actually if I could just get them to stop chewing on my [Music] sandals now that six bags of Christians at oh my don't tell me you're hiding Christians in here again as a matter of fact I said don't tell me now I have to charge you more uh delivery to Christians high risk you know Antonius we all have to do our apart oh very well I'll wave the fee this time 90 sister please come along boys enough Milling [Music] around I don't trust him Ben the way he carried that money out of here he reminded me of Judas who's Judas he's the disciple who turned Jesus over to his enemies Marcus that's right Zach I've been meaning to tell you children about him you see it was just before the great feast of the Passover a group of priests became angered by Jesus's teachings they heard that he claimed to be God which was a crime worthy of death and they were afraid he would cause riots and the Romans would punish all of the Jewish people he had to be stopped but how Jesus was far too too popular to arrest publicly but they thought it better that he should die than to risk a punishment of all the people by the Roman army then one of their spies told them that Judas es scariot one of Jesus's disciples was willing to betray Jesus to them they agreed to pay him a sum of money to do it upon hearing they'd agreed to his terms Judas sent word back to the Jewish Council saying he would alert them when there would not be any crowds Around [Music] Jesus I can't believe when Jesus's friends would do that to him you don't think anyone would turn Us in do you Ben I certainly hope not Cyrus but we can't be too careful Ben it's Darius open up Ben the city's crawling with cards they're going door to door looking for tacticus and Miriam if they find them here you'll all be [Music] killed open up in the name of hero tacticus Miriam we've got to get you two to the catacombs right away but they'll need food water blankets right Helena you and the boys stay and get the supplies together Zach can bring them when you're ready hello Miller ah hello sir c c can I get you something flour wheat breath freshener how about some Christians oh I'm afraid I'm fresh out really this morning I encountered some on the way here little fat man and his helpers help me find them and there's a reward for you a reward yes your life well since you put it that way I might know [Music] something well this is it at least until saleem's boat gets into part well I I know it's not much but what was [Music] that is is everyone okay I'll say right good well if this is going to be our home for a while I suggest we make it more comfortable tacticus by the time Zach gets here with the supplies this place will be fit for a [Music] king well that should hold them wait you forgot Leo and Theo who my Lions they don't need your own lions in the catacombs Marcus uh-huh they might get scared in there Leo and Theo always look after me when I get scared that's very thoughtful Marcus food and clothing are important but sometimes we need more than that Jesus had a friend named Mary who knew this and although a lot of people didn't like her she was very special to Jesus one night Jesus and his disciples were having dinner at a friend's house Mary anointed him with oil do Jesus know what kind of woman she is this is no place for a woman like that leave her alone alone why do you want to upset her it is a fine thing she has done there are always poor among you you can help them whenever you want but I'm not here [Music] forever and Jesus said what that woman did would be told all over the world just like we're doing now that's right Marcus open up in the name of Nero uh-oh we've got a remove these supplies the soldiers will get suspicious I think with some help from Zach we could start digging a well good in the meantime why don't we all have a seat I don't know about the rest of you but uh I've worked up quite a hunger all I have is bread and a little wine but it should be enough I wonder if this is how Jesus felt on the night of his last meal with his friends I hope this won't be our last meal tacticus of course not but it's my first meal as I wanted man and Ben didn't you say that Jesus knew he was a wanted man on that night of the Passover yes that's right but he knew more than that which gave the disciples quite a surprise you see they had all gathered in the upper room of a man's house in Bethany one of you sitting here having supper will hand me over to the Jewish leaders hand him over what's he talking about it's not me is it I am not the one am I who would do that to you it is one of you he is here it will be a terrible thing for whoever hands me over to be killed it would be better for him if he had never been born that night Jesus did something new he took some bread and after he gave thanks and broke it into pieces he gave it to the disciples and said this is my very self my body broken for you then he took a cup of wine gave thanks again and gave it to the disciples this is my very self my blood I will die then all people will know God loves everyone everywhere be careful Zach don't worry I'll stick to the back roads open up in the name of Nero hurry go everyone business as usual hurry [Music] Marcus you must be Helena so very pleased to meet you your friend the Miller sends his regard but we've done nothing sir the baker's not here no matter he soon will be listen up you Christian dogs if any of you sees your miserable little baker tell him he has until the sun sets to show his face for his Bakery will burn with his wife and children still in it and if you're not back by Sundown he'll burn the bakery down with Helena and the boys still in it we've got to get them out of there nlas has the place completely surrounded then I have to give myself up then you can't I have no choice maybe you do Anna I'm telling you there's no way on Earth to get near that Bakery but we're not on Earth anymore Zach we're under it H come [Music] on Zach where are you going I'm going to make that Miller pay he betrayed you I know it Zach no come [Music] back look you little brats the baker's wife is out in that kitchen worried sick about you tell me where he is and I'll let you go back to her no you're bad marus sh The Boy Is Right capella show some respect these are children after all citizens of Rome yeah not only that they're orphans how did you know that oh I know all about you it's only right you should feel some loyalty to the man who took you in but what you don't realize is that man is a traitor to Rome that's not true not only that he's a liar he's not trying to find your parents it's just a trick to keep you here working in his Bakery but I could really help you he can he's one of the most powerful men in own that's right I could find your real parents I could make you a family again all you have to do is tell me where the baker is think about [Music] it we'll never make it at this rate we have to [Music] you I suppose you're surprised I'm not trapped in the bakery like the rest of them trapped in the bakery what are you talking about nius is going to burn it with Helena and the boys still in there I don't know what you're talking about track US braus you can lie to me but you can't lie to my sword is there a problem Master no this young man was just leaving I don't know how you can live with yourself Miller I know I couldn't follow him and report back to me [Music] mhm what is it Zack nus has the place completely surrounded more oil I want this to be a fire even Nero would be proud [Music] of ah that didn't take long well sir we thought about it and well we do want to find our real parents good good and we decided the only fair thing to do would be to put your generous offer to a vote all those in favor of telling this lying evil man who burnt down half of Rome and is now pretending to be our friend where Ben is say I all those opposed no it's unanimous fine let's see your Ben save you now oh boys I'm so proud of you why we just did what anybody else would do anybody except for that Miller I can't believe he turned Ben in yeah he's just like Judas you know Cyrus Judas wasn't the only one who let Jesus down really that's right after their last supper together Jesus and his disciples walked to the hill of Olives it was on the road to the village where they were staying you are all going to run away you will all let me down I'll never do such a thing I won't let you down Peter before the rooster crows twice tomorrow you will have said three times that you do not even know me I'll die for you first I'll never let you down nor I we'll stay with you no matter what no matter what I would I'll die for him Jesus knew his days were numbered and was worried that even Peter would abandon him well he went into the catacombs looks like they're trying to dig their way into the bakery really show me where we should be getting close now just a few more feet in Baker I know you're out there this is your last chance to save your family soon they die don't worry Ben we'll make it oh what is it it's a boulder oh no I knew the coward wouldn't come board it up and burn it down board it up and burn it [Music] down Helena what are we going to do shh listen it's Ben everybody dig all right Baker you asked for [Music] this he did it he set it on fire we're not going to make it she's right you know you at least not with these puny shovels track US braus Antonius but you I mean your young friend was right I couldn't live with myself if I let this monster do this to you God bless you friend no Ben God forgive me hurry I'm hurrying as best like waa cus cus gently please [Music] gently what do we do now Ben I don't know Anna but one thing's for sure we can no longer stay in Rome I don't know what happened sir they're gone that can't be sir look there's a hole I don't care if you have to dig up all of Rome you find that Baker find him sir the Christians caved the tunnels in behind them I don't want excuses what are you looking at well done capella there'll be no escape this time excellent work everyone another hour and we'll break for a meal Ben how much longer do we have to stay down here just 5 more days Marcus then saleem's boat will take us to our new life in shadar what's in shadar are Freedom Marcus Freedom it's an oasis that Sparkles like a jewel in the desert it's a place where the Romans aren't in charge and because Travelers come from all over to meet and trade from shadar we can take our stories to the whole world would you like that Ben come see our new defense system how does it work Zach you just pull this rope and the boulder rolls down blocking our Escape tunnel from any Intruders excellent work Zach say have you seen Justin right over [Music] there ah Justin I've been looking for you just finishing up then you know your 13th birthday isn't far off I think you're ready to take on an important new job really what is it a courier a scout a spy it's all of those a courier because you're delivering something very important a scout because you're taking people into new territory a spy because it must be done in secret and at Great risk what is it Ben I'd like you to tell the story at tonight's meeting you want me to tell the story why not you're one of the best students I've ever had you know these stories backwards and forwards but not well enough to tell everyone why can't you tell the story I could but there may come a time when I can't if the stories of Jesus are to be passed on then all of us must become Story [Music] Keepers but Justin you've told me these stories lots of times that's different Marcus you're my brother [Music] Justin uh I uh well I uh what's he doing up uh oh I oh well I Justin Justin I guess uh Justin wasn't quite ready uh of course uh neither were the disciples when Jesus said one of them would betray him juston it's all right but I let Ben down he understands you're just not ready that's all I'll never be ready sure you will you just have to remember this is the hill we choose to climb this is a reason and a rhyme follow all will be well telling the stories we must tell you'll have the strength you'll take your part you'll find you know each line by heart one day you'll break out of your shell telling the stories we must tell when you're scared never give in rest in the words you've come to know just take a breath give them your voice and you'll hear just how much you know you know though you're unsure though times are tough you'll find you're more than strong enough you'll hear the call you'll sound the Bell telling the the stories we must tell the stories we must [Music] tell you sound just like Ben when he started out you know the first time he told a story he was shaking so badly I thought we were having an earthquake really come on let's go back and listen Jesus and the disciples walked up the hill of Olives until they reached a garden called Gethsemane sit here until I've prayed telling the others to stay Jesus Took Peter James and John with him into the garden but what's wrong master I'm brokenhearted my soul is full of grief stay here and keep watch [Music] ABA father you can do anything don't let me go through this terrible suffering if it is possible rescue me but I will do what you want not what I want the man I kiss is the one you want arrest him and guard him closely when you take him away over [Music] there there he is are you still sleeping the time has come he's here get up let's go the one who betrays me is here Rabbi the disciples couldn't understand understand why Jesus did not try to escape what we do [Music] stop did you have to come armed with swords and clubs to take me like a common criminal I spoke day after day in the temple in front of everyone you didn't arrest me then and then they led him away out of the garden don't worry Justin you'll tell the story next time there they are run remember nius wants them alive everybody in the cage [Music] quck keep moving to the next candle where' they go over there now Ben help Marcus he's still in there I've got it Ben go Marcus jump good work Justin come [Music] on hurry it's not going to hold uh-oh well if it isn't Ben the baker so nice to meet you at last imagine one of the Christian underground leaders a baker maybe now the bread in the dungeons will improve Lark's Tongue senator may I see you outside these tongues are unevenly glazed who sent you out with this tray Helena thank God you're all right I'm so glad you came I promised Ben I would if ever he were in trouble is there any word of him I'm afraid he's in Nero's darkest most guarded prison there's no hope of breaking him out but perhaps I can help from the inside thank you [Music] petronus water we need water tell me where tacticus and the other Christians are hiding we don't betray our friends perhaps thirst would change your mind Pho I don't want to die quiet vasilis everyone is scared sometimes vasilis why even Peter was scared after Jesus's arrested cemon he was yes he was so frightened that when Jesus was taken to see Caiaphas the high priest Peter followed behind afraid to be [Music] seen Peter stayed in the courtyard with the servants warming himself by the fire Caiaphas questioned Jesus about his [Music] teachings Witnesses told lies about Jesus but these men could not even make their stories fit together why don't you answer why don't you defend yourself why do people say all these things against you once and for all are you the Messiah the great deliverer are you God's son I am we don't need any more witnesses you have heard the terrible thing he has said they all voted that Jesus was guilty and should die you were with Jesus that Man from Nazareth I don't know what you're talking about this man is one of those who followed Jesus no I'm not of course you're one of them You Come From Galilee we can tell by your voice I swear I don't know this Jesus you're talking about before the rooster crows twice to tomorrow you will say three times that you don't even know me I'd never betray Helena and the others me neither I know boys I [Music] know Helena the place is filled with thieves and Smugglers who better to smuggle us out of Rome than a Smuggler come on Zach you watch the kids I'll be right back don't worry Anna my dad used to hire circus hands at places like this just act natural and nobody will bother you what how much for the girl I need a house slave sorry she's not for sale huh whoa I say she actually she's going cheap a real bargain at only 200 sister's Shake oh excuse the [Applause] leprosy an old trick my dad taught me Hey where's my [Laughter] money but that's three times the going rate with all your respect shipping fugitives is Risky Business fortunately for you I'm the best very well but we'll need to leave tomorrow night tomorrow night that's impossible we'll never be ready I thought you were the best all right then we'll sail at midnight but don't be late Ben what happened to Jesus after Peter lied about knowing him he was taken before Pilate his courage was amazing silence Baker as long as he deludes them with these stories they think they'll be saved but take the baker away and the flock is lost our faith is stronger than that but not stronger than Rome soon you'll know the wrath of Nero but first you'll know my [Music] fine the pretorians will find tacticas and the others why should we die too we can't turn them in Pho was right Ben said we don't betray our friends well Ben's not here but if he was he tell us to be brave just like just like Jesus was before Pilate what do you know of that story I am just talk it to me only louder I I know that Caiaphas the high priest had made up his mind that Jesus was dangerous he decided it would be better to execute him than for everyone to be punished by the Romans but only pilate the Roman Governor had the power to order an execution the religious leaders told pilate that Jesus called himself a king are you king of the Jews those are your words the temple leaders brought many charges against Jesus they he said he was raising a rebellion he told people not to pay taxes to the emperor they said he wanted to start a war with Rome hila was surprised that Jesus said nothing haven't you anything to say why don't you answer these charges at the feast pilot used to set free any one prisoner that the crowd asked for at that time there were some rebels in prison their leader was a man called Barabas we asked for Barabas we want barabus we asked for Barabas Barabas free Barabas would you like me to set the king free us then what shall I do with the man you call King nail him to a [Music] cross but what awful things has he done hang him on a cross Pilot release Barabas then order that Jesus be [Music] [Music] flogged hail your majesty hail King of the [Music] Jews and they let him out to be executed Justin is right through all of it Jesus never faltered he never gave way Justin you did it you told the story I did didn't I Ben's going to be so proud of you this will never work it has do oh rowing slaves for Senator Patronus huh this isn't signed by niis niis since when does he have fine I mean fine you can explain our delay to Nero himself the senator seeing him tonight let him through Ben the baker son of Simon of Galilee you are accused of being a Christian leader of inciting Anarchy and rebellion and of we all know what the charges are treason treachery sabotage you find this amusing Senator yes surely this is a joke are we to believe this pudgy pastry maker is the daring Rebel who has outsmarted Rome's bravest soldiers I doubt he can bend down to tie his own sandals a word of advice taste less bake more I tell you this Baker is the man my dear nius you'll make Caesar the laughing stock of palaces from Gaul to Egypt release the Baker at once wait Cesar ask him just ask him if he's a Christian leader sire is that necessary why embarrass the court any further oh formalities very well then Baker are you or are you not a Christian leader yes I am I knew it I knew it all the time time despite the preaching of our gullible Senator petronus take the bacon away and kill him move him out let's go we'll miss the tide no we're waiting for Ben Helena I'm afraid I have bad news Ben's been sentenced to death he has 2 days don't worry Helena we'll think of something we always do woman we must cast off [Music] now we're staying to help Ben then so are we no tacticus you're in more danger than any of us we'll meet you in Malta then leave for shmh Hadar together take good care of Anna for us we better be going the task ahead of us is nearly imposs possible you there come out or taste This Cold Steel Friend or [Music] Foe fortunately for you friend an old friend Zemo Cyrus it's really you it's Zemo from my parents circus imagine their Joy when they see you're still alive they'll be in Rome tomorrow night Anna Hela did you hear my parents are coming in Rome that's great Cyrus Cyrus what is it what's wrong it's Ben he's been like a father to me since the great fire and now he's in prison I tell you this if the man who's kept Cyrus safe all this time is in danger then Cyrus's parents the great Sabin and riser will stop at nothing until he's safe and neither will I there's more hope tonight than I had expected come on everyone we've got plans to [Music] make beautiful sight isn't it yes one I'd hoped we'd never see again what but Rome's the most wonderful city on Earth you must forgive my wife our only son was killed in the great fire I I'm sorry don't worry as soon as we meet up with our friends we'll leave Rome and never again return sa rise up huh good old zimo we should have known he'd be here to greet us come we'll go asore just long enough to say hello Mom Dad Sirus my son oh have missed you so much we returned to Rome in hopes of finding our old circus friend friends still we never dreamed we oh Cyrus I missed you both so much I just wish Ben could meet you and so he will I'll not let the man who took care of my son die in some dungeon Cyrus is lucky to have such fine parents but you mustn't get involved Helen is right it's too dangerous we appreciate your concern but we aren't leaving until Ben is free I told you they'd want to help wanting to help and actually helping are two different things what do a couple of EX circus clowns know about breaking into the Imperial stade enough to know it won't be easy but fortunately your clowns have friends in high places continue to starve the others but see the baker gets plenty of food I don't want it to disappoint the Lions just because the baker Must Die doesn't mean you all have to give me the names of your Christian leaders and you'll go free maybe these people know something you don't capella that some things are worse than dying that's where you're wrong nothing is worse than death unless and you Christian should have learned when we executed your Jesus what do you know about Jesus I know he died like a common criminal you see boy I was [Music] there faster you behold the king of the [Music] Jews [Music] on your feet wait you come here in Jerusalem executions were held at a place called golgatha or skull Hill two other prisoners gorilla leaders were to be executed also because death by crucifixion is a particularly painful experience Jesus was offered wine mixed with myrr a spice to deaden the pain [Music] no no no no no the men hung a sign on the cross King of the Jews some gambled for his clothes so this is the one who would pull down the temple if you're so powerful why don't you get down from that cross if it's true you saved others why not save yourself even the religious leaders mocked him let the so-called Messiah get down from that cross then we'd believe him and so it went he hung there for hours as the crowd taunted and teased him and then it was over why don't you tell the rest of the story capella what rest he died yes but it was no No Ordinary death was it forgive them Father they don't know what they're doing if you are the Messiah why don't you save yourself and us quiet we're guilty and deserve to die but this man has done nothing wrong remember me when you were King you'll be with me in heaven [Music] today mother take my friend John as your son and John take my mother as your [Music] mother [Music] my God why have you left me alone he's calling Elijah let's see if Elijah will help him they don't understand I'm [Music] thirsty father I put my whole life in your hands it is [Music] finished so there was a storm that day what of it the point is Jesus died and that's the end of the story no capella it's just the beginning believe what you like Christian Jesus Jesus of Nazareth is dead and unless you tell nius what he wants to know you will be too all of [Music] you I told you we had friends in high places don't worry Zack father circus friends are just what our rescue plan [Applause] needs if they live that long eat up Baker anilist will punish us both let me finish the story you started earlier and I'll eat every bite the story was finished or do you hope to convince me your Jesus didn't really die that day oh he died but that doesn't mean the story is finished a man named Joseph from the village of Ara went to see the regional Governor because Joseph was an important member of the Jewish Council he was admitted yes what is it Governor pilate I have come to ask permission to bury Jesus of Nazareth you speak as though he were already dead he was crucified this morning at first pilate was suspicious but when he learned Joseph was telling the truth he agreed to release Jesus's body so it could be buried it was almost Sunset when Joseph got back to gol gotha they wrapped Jesus's body in linen sheets Joseph had purchased in the city and carried him to a nearby Garden where a tomb had been [Music] prepared [Music] there you said it yourself Jesus was buried just like any other man yes but there's more you see what's that don't just stand there they may be trying to rescue the Christians it'll take more than a few circus performers to break into this stade we knocked but no one answered welcome I hope you plan to stay a [Music] while where is everybody down here and don't worry we'll get you out [Music] how wo thanks I wish we had this fell working for us all [Music] along to the stade back to the wagon everyone here they come hey let's get them stop I'll be glad when this show is over come on get to the wagon I'll be right there we'll meet you at saleem's ship good luck all right let's go where's Ben Baker I warn you capella if the baker escapes it will cost you your life I guess I won't hear the rest of that story after all Ben [Music] hurry no do you know what what you're doing making sure you get to hear the rest of the story that's what I'm doing are you crazy misguided please don't kill me capella where are the other prisoners they escaped sir all but the baker I would have made it too if it weren't for capella it's a lucky thing for him you didn't you have interfered with my plans for the last time Baker take him to the circus Maximus the Lions have WI did long enough are you sure we can break Ben out of the circus Maximus before the Lions get him it'll be just like the time we save Cyrus and the others from giganticus after we get to shadar I hope we never have to rescue anybody [Music] again you should have escaped when you had the chance but then you never would have heard the rest of the Story how can you sacrifice your life to tell me a story maybe you'll understand when you hear How It Ends thinking back to that day capella you may remember a group of women Mary for magdala salame and Mary the mother of Jesus and James they had been with Jesus in Galilee and they were there the day he died maybe now the Jews can find themselves a real king this man was a real king surely he was the son of God by the time they reached the garden it was almost [Music] Sunset Shabbat the Jewish day of rest was about to begin the morning after Shabbat the women returned to the Garden they had brought sweet smelling oils to put on Jesus's body but when they arrived at the tomb they were surprised to find the large Stone had been rolled away you were looking for Jesus of Nazareth the one who died on the cross you won't find him here he has risen go tell his disciples he will be in Galilee before you and you will see him there just as he said you would and don't forget to tell Peter although they were afraid to tell anyone what they had seen who would believe such a story they decided to tell the disciples everything and then the man said he has risen it's just as they said why are you weeping what are you looking for please if you've carried him somewhere else please tell me I want to go and look after him I want to Mary rabbi teacher go tell my disciples that I'm going up to my father to your father to my God and your [Music] God Mary are you all right what is it I've seen the master Baker Do you believe this story I wouldn't be here if I didn't the question is do you there has been a change of plans Nero has ordered the baker taken to the outskirts of Rome and crucified but what about the circus Maximus the Lions merely a decoy the baker's friends will surely attempt another rescue only this time they'll walk right into a trap please Helena stay away from the circus [Music] Maximus they're everywhere uh-oh seems security conditions have improved this whole thing is my fault this country air WS Havoc with bit cuses come nus let's proceed why don't you do the honors capella consider it your reward for foiling the baker's Escape Jo oh do get on with it man [Music] I know you don't have a choice capella it's all right I'm going to be with my Lord yes but not [Music] today traitorous dog you just signed your death warrant death is no longer my enemy nius you are [Music] easy consider this your dishonorable [Music] discharge Justin you drive and don't forget capella yes [Music] sir look out room for one more that was some rescue eh capella capella oh oh no at least I got to hear the rest of the story there are many more to tell and I expect you to keep telling them all of you you saved us capella no you saved me [Music] Ben this is all your fault nius s you and your p and traps you couldn't trap a legless cat I'll have those Christians in chains by Sunrise oh no you won't you have failed me for the last time what's the meaning of this I came to see an execution and I'm going to get one the next man who touches me dies how dare you I won't forget this nius Mark me your days are numbered so are yours Nero so are yours after bring him [Music] back safe journey my friends God be with with you and with you Senator thank you for taking care of capella he'd be honored to know he's being buried in your family Vault after what he did for you he is [Music] family Ben these are my parents at last I don't know how to repay you for all your help it is we who owe you the debt oh my take a good look everyone we won't be coming back I can't believe we're finally on our way to Shem Hadar me either Are we almost [Music] there this is the hill we choose to climb this is a reason and a rhyme follow along all will be well telling the stories we must tell you'll have the strength you'll take your part you'll find you know each line by heart one day you'll break out of your shell telling the stories we must tell when you're scared never in trust in the words youve come to know just take a breath give them your voice and you'll hear just how much you know though you're unsure though times are tough you'll find your more than strong enough you'll hear the call you'll sound it B telling the stories we must tell though you're unsure though times are tough you'll find you're more than strong enough you'll hear the call you'll sound the Bell telling the stories we must tell we must tell though you're unsure though times are tough you'll find you're more than strong enough you hear the call you s the Bell telling the stories we must tell the stories we must [Music] take
Channel: Bible stories - the teaching of Jesus
Views: 19,759
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Keywords: The Story Keepers, easter story for kids, storykeepers, story keepers, Jesus story, Stories From The Bible, story of jesus, Christian leader, Christian, adventures, Ancient Rome, Jesus, nazareth, jesus christ, christ, cartoon, kids, children, animation, animated movie, christ story, animated film, jesus movie, cartoon movie, movie for christmas, story of the christ, sorykeepers full movie, the story keepers dvd, Easter Special, The Easter StoryKeepers, Easter, Easter story
Id: LisMci0t7uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 37sec (4177 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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