How YOU Can Find Gold Using ZERO Mining Equipment!

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have you ever wanted to look for gold but one of the things stopping you was either your budget or your lack of mining equipment well stick around and i'll show you just how to find gold with no mining equipment at all [Music] these will work perfect that's a nice thing [Music] i'm a genius [Music] our kit today cost 12.84 let's see if we can find more gold than that good morning or good afternoon everyone welcome if you're new here my name is paulie so today i'm going to teach you how to find gold using household items to prove you do not need conventional mining equipment to find gold nor to even get outside to start looking let's go so i chose this location because it's going to be raining off and on and i don't want the equipment to get wet so we're under this bridge also some of you may recognize this location from the last time i was out with kitty it's a good place okay so for those of you who are new to panning let me explain something fairly important so gold like any other metal is heavy and it's gonna drop till it stops so what do you do about the gold inside of the dirt well you gotta separate it so this is where gold panning is very important you'd put the dirt in the pan you would add the water mix up the dirt making sure everything is wet and try to shake it into a corner and then let the water take the top layer off which is the light stuff you would rinse and repeat that process until you finally do what's called the wash washback and expose any heavy materials at the bottom now there are different ways you can pan but i'll cover that on another video but for now we're going to use nothing more than what we bought at the store that rhymed okay so we have a few different options we have a wok a steel bowl um a crevasser but i i mean i got a okay perfect we have a crevicer two very important spoons and then we even have a classifier now i don't think these holes are big enough for what we're gonna be looking for so we're gonna have to poke a few holes in here i don't expect to find anything big but in the off chance we do find something big we don't want to end up throwing that away need more holes all right so 10 years later we finally have enough holes for our finished classifier now all that's left is to go and look for some gold [Music] the bucket needs to be super straight now i tried to find like a kitchen supply that resembles a shovel but that's really hard to do so i just i'm using a shovel [Music] so the idea here is just to classify all the material we can fill up the bucket as much as we can and then start using the wok or this pretty bowl here 100 this will work [Music] now there's a few reasons why i chose this spot in particular and we have a lot of places to work but i chose here from what i remember this spot wasn't exposed the last time i was here it was just covered in grass somebody did the work for me and kind of opened it up and from what i'm experiencing while digging is that all this is still packed material and the dirt is still very dark and sticky which tells me that again nobody has dug here before but we're going to find out [Music] uh-oh looks like he's got an idea so if i learned anything from gold prospecting this is relevant because gold is heavy and water from high heights is also heavy which means more gold that boy is easily distracted hold on i got a water bottle can you grab that i need that sure bucket is about 30 full so i think it's time for our first pant or our first walk what i'm gonna do to make our results a bit more concentrated is i'm gonna walk this down until the concentrates are pretty low and i'm gonna keep filling the bucket until we're done the bucket and then we're gonna do a final walk to see the results so just like using any gold pan what you want to do is the same the exact same zs you mix up the material make sure there's no dry clumps or anything like that swirl it now this wok doesn't have any riffles poor design so that shouldn't matter because we're going to be very careful you just want the water to take the top layer so what i'm imagining is that whenever i'm shaking it i'm just trying to keep in mind that i want everything heavy to sit right at the bottom corner right there for a second fill up you always want to make sure the bucket is completely clean because gold is again very heavy and it will most likely be the last thing that you dump house hello right there look at that so we have a piece of gold right at the top that's awesome now even if i didn't find any gold in this whole process it doesn't mean that it's a failure hey there's no gold in that spot or b you can find garnets in this creek too i haven't found anything big but i'm going to keep my eye open for you i thought this would be a walk in the park so you can see black sand too so that's an indicator that we are getting close all right any minute now will be the moment of tooth i hope we didn't lose we lose the other piece okay here we go see we're having oh look at that one that's a nice that's actually a super nice one that's round i can see the black iron stone black sand we have a little garnet right there i don't know if the camera will pick that up okay good we have we didn't lose that piece that's good but look at all that black sand so this is actually an exceptional result i honestly was not expecting to find anything chunky like this but but what is actually concerning is there should be a lot more flower gold in here so either there's no flower gold where i was digging or this thing is blowing it right out i'm gonna do another test closer to the water to see if we can capture actually the fine gold i'm a lumberjack and i'm okay so i'm just taking a couple minute break i need to learn how to just stop and take a moment for myself look around me check out the beauty that is clay this is awesome this is a good place to be all right so second bucket done it's a little bit more full than our last one so hopefully this will have a better result i mean let's be honest the first result was actually pretty good but hopefully better yeah that's that's some real thick stuff boy that bucket thick i'm gonna pan a little bit more carefully in the off chance that we are losing super fine gold i doubt it because i'm a professional but you never know add some more material it's boring [Applause] hello so we are getting closer to our number two moment of tooth i haven't seen any gold yet but that doesn't mean it's not there very time consuming this walk all right walkie-talkie yeah lots of black sand i can see some garnets is there gold yes yes yeah all right already more fine gold than before perfect that's what we want that is awesome so there you have it absolute proof you do not need conventional mining tools to go out and find some gold in your face conventional tools now i'm going to suck this up and then bury my holes and let's go back to the house and i'll show you what we found a little closer all right back in the blue room so just to make things clear using kitchen supplies isn't the most effective way to capture gold there's a reason why gold pans have riffles in them but if you're ever in a pinch and don't have access to conventional mining equipment don't be afraid to get creative no excuses alright so after cleaning all the candy from the black sand here is our take not tea bag would i have found more gold using a regular gold pan probably now we're gonna weigh this gold i have you on a gimbal right now so hopefully you guys can see what i'm doing so did we make more than what we spent five thousand dollars ignore the little bit of black sand in there 0.23 grams cool so 0.23 grams of gold is roughly 11 to 14 i think it's safe to say we broke even if you enjoyed this video you're going to enjoy what i've previously posted and what's coming in the near future so please don't hesitate to show your love and hit that subscribe button as it's absolutely free and if you're interested to see behind the scenes footage i also have a facebook and instagram open for your pleasure thank you for watching thank you so much for your support and until next one black screen with logo gold is heavy and water from high heights is also heavy which means more gold
Channel: PioneerPauly
Views: 103,668
Rating: 4.9301867 out of 5
Keywords: gold, nuggets, big, panning, finding, found, crevice, crevicing, bedrock, pan, mining, hole, prospecting, find, lost, treasure, treasures, deep, save, money, tools, nice, placer, goldrush, rush, scuba, dive, scubadiving, sniping, under, water, video, metal, detecting, detector, detect, goldbug, mine, sluice, sluicing, coin, coins, minelab, hunting, relic, relics, adventure, british, Columbia, collection, rare, jewelry, awesome, dangerous, unconventional, pioneerpauly
Id: cEY9UaVmI90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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