The Easiest (No Skill) Side Hustle for 2024: Use ChatGPT & Kittl AI to Sell Print on Demand Shirts

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if you've been anywhere online over the last year you probably already know that AI has just taken over it's in our businesses it's in the hobbies that we're doing it's on the entertainment that we are consuming AI is just really everywhere and I don't think it's going anywhere anytime soon but in today's video I'm super excited because there are some really amazing applications to help you actually make more money online and one of those is in your print on demand business so in today's video I'm going to be taking you through start to finish how you can completely use AI from generating the ideas for your t-shirts to actually creating the art that's going to go on them now this can save you so much time leading you to be able to post more designs and to think of things that are going to get more sales leading to more profit every single month now if you are totally new to the world of AI that is no problem these tools are really beginner friendly easy to use I am certainly not an expert myself but I've been able to utilize them in my business some really fun and easy ways that have been able to save me a lot of time and just really get the gears going when it comes to thinking of new ways I can add interesting things that are going to be profitable to my business now many of you guys have already taken advantage of the free cross ning guide that I have for you guys with over 40,000 different Niche combinations that you can use to make new designs for your business and a lot of what this does is it encourages you to cross major things so maybe a holiday in a career put them together for a really profitable design that doesn't have as much competition as if you just went for something that maybe said a generic merry Christmas if you haven't picked up that guide already you can get it free down below in the description one of the biggest comments that I've seen a lot of you guys saying is it's really hard for you guys to come up with the actual concept for what you can do when you cross two really unique things so maybe you have Halloween and pickle ball it's really hard to think about how you could actually create a phrase or even artwork that would go with something that is so hyp specific and that is where AI really comes in and can give you a lot of help not only with figuring out what you're going to say on those items but also figuring out the type of artwork you can use and even creating something 100% brand new that's never been seen before with some AI image generators so in today's video I'm actually going to be taking a look over at my cross Nation guide we're going to be pulling a few different cross niches with Christmas which is coming up here soon and we're going to be creating 100% AI generated t-shirts designs so let's jump right over to that guide now so I have my Frost Nation guide pulled up now and if you haven't used this before it basically just has a bunch of different categories so we have holiday category we have also the career category with hundreds of different careers that you can cross with family relations it also has a bunch of different kinds of pets so there's not just cats and dogs that you can Target in your front onto be in business there's so many other things too and we also have hobbies which I think is where I want to concent conate today so I'm going to be Crossing that first category of holidays I'm choosing Christmas today and then I'm going to pick out a few of these hobbies and we're going to have some help from chat gbt to come up with some really amazing phrases to use on these t-shirts so the first thing that I think I want to cross with at Christmas Niche is going to be something that I haven't really designed before and that is going to be Christmas crossed with like beer tasting or someone who is really into maybe craft beers making their own beer or just having beer around I think that could be a really fun combination of Christmas and a beer design so another one that I think I'm going to go with is going to be yoga that is a really popular Niche for print on demand but the yoga niche in general is just so saturated so if you want to sell in the yoga Niche you need to find something that is a little bit more specific so that can be Crossing it with something else in this example it's going to be Christmas yoga design so let's take those ideas and head over to chat gbt and see what we can come up with because right off of the topic my head if you don't really know about a hobby it's kind of going to be difficult to come up with a phrase or something on that t-shirt that is really going to stand out to that Community that's why it's really good to use some kind of tool like chat gbt to give us a leg up and just think of some really fun ideas so we don't have to just rack our brains or scour the internet looking for some really fun and unique phrases so let's go there now all right so I am on chat GPT this is a totally free to use website you just have to sign in and make an account and if you haven't ever been on CH the chat jpt website you can simply just Google this and it's going to come up really easily so the first thing I think I want to do is I'm going to give a little bit of context to what I want to be creating here all right so I just asked chat TBT I said I am a print on demand seller making t-shirt designs I want to create some shirts that combine both Christmas and a hobby can you help me come up with 10 t-shirt phrases for the niche of Christmas and beer now I'm going to submit that sometimes chat gbt it is going to give you some ideas that work really well and others that you maybe just have to try again so you can always ask it to generate more results if you don't get what you're looking for in that very first prompt okay so let's just go through these ones that it came up for me so the first one is going to be happy holidays sip cheer and spread beer now we have jingle beers jingle beers jingle all the way that is very funny beer knog the real reason for the season Christmas brew where Santa gets his liquid courage have a beer Merry Christmas slay my name slay my name Le SN dad stay warm stay cheerful you'll fuel it is the season to drink craft beer let's get elfed up the Christmas beer Way Santa knows I'm on the nice beer list there are some definite winners in there I do find that a lot of times when I ask for t-shirt phrases and inspiration sometimes chat gbt gives me things that are a little bit on the longer side so a lot of times I might just take the first portion of that so the ones that kind of stick out to me is maybe have the Very Merry Christmas that is very fun or hoppy holidays so I I think those are the two I'm going to run with now the next one that we are going to look for some inspiration is going to be with that yoga and Christmas Niche so since I already kind of gave it the prompt for this initial one with chat GPT it's going to remember what you previously have asked it so now I'm just going to have it do the same thing but in that yoga Niche so I asked it can you give me 10 more ideas like these but with Christmas and yoga instead all right so it was able to easily generate some more ideas for me for the yoga and Christmas Niche so the first one is you will om enjoy finding balance this Christmas Namaste under the mistletoe yoga for a Zen Christmas tree pose in Christmas trees home for the holidays unwrap the gift of inner peace this Christmas Merry Christmas in a side of sasana slay the stress with Christmas yoga Bliss Yoga Jingle All The Way inhale exhale celebrate yoga lights up my Christmas spirit Lotus love for the holidays Merry blissmas breathe in peace breathe out joy a Yogi's Christmas so again lot of those were a little bit on the longer side but the one that I think is the clear winner here is going to be Namaste under the mistletoe and I'm probably going to leave out that like second tagline there all right so I have headed over to my design Suite that I'm using today which is KD who has kindly sponsored today's video now if you aren't familiar with KD they are kind of an all-in-one design Suite that is really tailored to print on demand sellers not only do they have tons of amazing design features that make making really professional looking designs super easy they have lots of plug Inplay templates that make it easy to create really kind designs super fast but one of the most fantastic features that they have Incorporated recently is a new AI image generator that you have access to with one of their accounts so that is exactly what I'm going to be using today now if you want to check them out I'll have all of their information linked Down Below in the description they more and more are the sole design Suite that I am using and I definitely just can't recommend them enough so let's start working on this first design which is going to be that Christmas and beer one probably saying something like happy holidays or even have yourself a very Merry Christmas so let's just take a look and see what they have that we could possibly take and use for this so I am just going to go ahead and click on this t-shirt Tab and see what templates that we could just change a few things to make a really unique design now they have tons of different categories and designs in a bunch of different niches but one fun thing is they have a lot of the popular ones right now so I'm just going to go and push Christmas and see if there's a really fun one that we can just take from one of those templates all right so I am just kind of scrolling through these Christmas ones until one kind of catches my eye and all of these I'm going to change it to use for our purposes so it doesn't have to be perfect right away because I know I'm going to be adding some new images and changing the text and even maybe some of the colors so after looking for a second I think I really like this one just kind of the Retro Vibes that it has and I think I could come up with a really fun Santa kind of beer themed image that could go right where this one is so let's use this design so the first thing I want to do is just go ahead and change what this says so I'm just going to go ahead and have it say hoppy holidays so let's put hoppy there and then we'll put holidays down here and the nice thing about on KD is they already have formatted all the text for you you change what it says you don't have to reconfigure that warp feature it's going to automatically format that for you and then let's get rid of this since 1995 and just make this a little bit bigger now as you can see there's kind of some texture here I typically for t-shirts I like to remove that just because I find that sometimes it can print a little bit weird on t-shirts but that's totally up to you now the next thing I'm going to do to really make this design unique is I want to go to the AI image generator feature so that is going to be over here on the left hand side I'm going to click that image generator and then we have to actually describe what we want it to do and then after we describe it we're going to pick which kind of image style that we want so I'm thinking I'm probably going to do something in a vector style and then there's a few different types of vectors that you can create so my first option is probably going to be this vintage drawing style that kind of reminds me of what is already here but there's a lot of other options too that if we can't find something that really fits we're just going to we can just play around with it now another thing to remember when you are doing AI generated art is that sometimes it's not going to look perfect on the first try and that is pretty much across the board any image generator you use is going to have that so A lot of times you can just try again so I'm going to start typing in what I want it to generate for me all right so I just go ahead and typed in Dolly Santa holding a beerstein with a Christmas tree behind him now I'm going to go down here to the vectors and I'm just going to go ahead and select that vintage drawing style and then I'm going to push generate image this can take maybe like 30 seconds to generate but typically it's not too long all right so it completed the AI image generation so I'm going to go ahead and delete this and we can take a look at what it has here okay so I actually really like the style that it came up with here the one kind of note that I have on this is it doesn't really look as much like a beer stein as I I was hoping it to it kind of more looks like a mug that maybe he has hot cocoa in there so I'm going to keep this one to the side and then maybe look and see if we can find something even better but if not we can go with this but first I'm just going to go ahead and change the color here so all you do is Click right here on the object color and then it's going to have all the colors already in this document so I'm just going to go ahead and switch it to that and that's already making it look more cohesive all right so I wanted to maybe simplify this and see if we could get something that looks more like a beer cup that I was kind of thinking so I said Jolly Santa holding a beer with a Christmas tree behind him let's go ahead and generate that and see what it comes up with all right so that gave me this image here which actually looks pretty similar to that first one we came up with the cup is definitely a little bit less detailed so I think I actually kind of prefer this one I really like how they made his hat it kind of almost reminds me of like a vintage sailor which I just think is kind of fun for this retro vintage aesthetic so I think I'm actually just going to go ahead and go with that first one that this created but maybe I'll try to add some more like Geer elements in here to just kind of tie the whole thing together so first I'm just going to start kind of rearranging things until I'm really happy with how it look and one thing I actually might do is I'm going to go ahead and flip this horizontally just because I think that it could fit better with the letters that are already here to have that be kind of slanted that way so let's just start rearranging and then moving all this kind of stuff here I'm going to make Santa a little bit bigger here now sometimes I like to have my word kind of overlap with the image but since it's all the same color it can kind of make it hard to read so what I'm going to do is over here by the text color there's actually something called border weight all right so I'm just going to kind of start sliding this up and it's going to add a border to that now you can change the color I think I like it kind of that grayish color and that just gives a little bit more definition to this and I could totally do the same thing with this one if I wanted to as well add just a little bit of a border here but I think I might actually move these letters to the back let's see I'm just going to make the whole thing a little bit bigger here I like the design to take up as much of the canvas as I can now another thing I can do is I can actually look for some kind of element that we can put here that just kind of ties the whole thing together and even maybe some decorative elements to throw at the bottom so let's go over here to the left hand side click on elements and we can just start searching for something so this is not AI generated this is just the image library that they have so let's actually look up beerstein okay so it came up with quite a few different options here and I really like this one it kind of has that vintage feel and I can always change the color kind of be the same as the other elements in this so let's put that here and just see if there might be anything better I think that might be the winner yeah I think that is going to definitely be a winner I could even flip this horizontally and just see if maybe that looks a little bit better I like that and then I'm just going to go ahead and change change the object colors to kind of match what we already have here make it look a little bit more cohesive and like it fits in and then one thing I A lot of times like to do is just go over here to these ornaments that KD has and just kind of add something around here to fill in that space so let's look let's go to these thin flourishes and I think I actually just might kind of put this one down here to kind of make it look a little bit more vintage christmy and just kind of fill in some of the space let's change that color and then one last thing I might add is I'm just going to look up like Holly and I think I want to add something here just to make it look a little bit more christmy let's see what they have I think I might do something like this and just kind of change some of these colors here to make it tie in let's do that and then let's change this to that red color then let's change this to that same color we have here that is looking really cute now all you're going to do is you're going to go ahead to here and you're going to export this we're going to push download our design remove the background and then this is where we want to actually change this to pixels instead of inches so we're going to do that and I'm just going to make sure that this is at least 4500 pixels and then we just download that as a PNG now one other cool feature K has is you can just generate mockups right here and a lot of times I just like to use this to see what the design would actually look like so let's just pick this person here and then we can kind of just see what this would look like if we printed it on a t-shirt or a sweatshirt and I think that turned out really fun and cool I think we definitely succeeded in Crossing those two niches together so let's head back over and start working on our next design now I am back on KD and I am going to start working on that yoga inspired Christmas design so let's see if we can find something really fun here so again I'm going to go to the Christmas and I don't have to be limited to Christmas I can go to any of the other categories and just change some things to make it look christmy but I think I'm going to start here just to make the process a lot simpler let's see I really love these Christmas kind of ugly sweater designs they are super popular and I think something like this could work really well for a Christmas yoga design let's see and I really like this design here and this one too they just kind of have more of that like cutesy kind of retro groovy so I think I actually might go with this little one here let's use that design okay so on this first what I'm going to do is I'm going to just go ahead and change the lettering so I'm going to change this to say I'm going to delete these other words and I'm just going to say namaste to make that a little smaller and I'm just going to start saying Namaste and stretch that out until it fits and then make it a little bit bigger and let's move this guy up I actually think I might want to make this a capital so let's let's do that here and then I'm going to have this say under the and then change this to mistletoe that was looking cute I'm not loving this text right up here so I'm either going to change it to this same one or something totally different right so I think I'm going to change it to this Titan one and then so it's similar to what is already there all right now is the fun part where we're going to start generating what we want this to actually be so I really love this bear so I'm wondering if we could actually maybe do like a little polar bear or some kind of animal that's doing yoga poses with kind of some christmy elements now this might be a little bit confusing for the image generator so we might have to play around with it but I think that could be really fun so again I'm just going over here to the image generator and I'm going to start describing what I want it to S to be all right so I just wrote cute polar bear Cup in a downward dog yoga pose next to a Christmas tree now I'm going to go over here to the clip art styles and I think I'm either going to try this Kawai one or I'm going to try like a t-shirt graphic so let's go for that kawhai one first and then if that doesn't work we can change it up okay so this is what it came up with now it doesn't really look like he's in a yoga pose so I don't know if it was kind of confused by that but the first thing I'm going to do is I just want to try it in one of the other clip art styles that's maybe a little more detailed and maybe that will help us get what we're looking for all right so I tried a few different iterations of this and I think I just had to get a little bit more specific with what I was looking for and I ended up going with kind of more of like a seated pose and the hands together I thought that could look kind of like more like yoga so I ended up saying cute polar bear cub doing yoga sitting and arms put together in front of chest chest likeing next to a Christmas tree so that ended up giving me this so I'm going to go ahead and get rid of these other ones that didn't quite achieve what I was looking for and then what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to first go ahead and remove that background okay next what I'm going to go ahead and do is I'm going to vectorize this image which is just going to allow me to be able to change a lot of these colors so I'm going to vectorize it into eight different colors now I'm going to go ahead and move this guy over off to the side but we can always reference those colors here and I'm going to make this guy a little bit bigger and then I'm going to start kind of changing some of these colors so I think I'm going to do green for that here this one I'm going to change right and I'm going to get rid of this little guy and then I'm just going to go ahead and move him to that I'm just going to kind of resize this all right and something else I might do to just kind of make this pop a little bit is I can actually go ahead and add a border to this image which might just make it kind of stand out a little bit more more on the page and kind of make it just blend in a little bit more with the kind of other words and elements on this so I'm just going to do that here and then that is looking super cute and almost a little bit more cartoonish which is what I was originally going for so I'm just going to rearrange this and then once I'm totally happy with this I'm just going to go ahead and Export it download my design and then make sure that this is at least 4500 pixels and then remove the background and download as a PNG now we can see this again on a mockup so let's try on her that actually looks like she's kind of doing yoga here and we're just going to kind of resize that until it would be the size that it would actually print now that is looking super cute so if you've been wanting to try your hand at AI designing coming up with ideas and Concepts I definitely recommend it so you can check out and try K Down Below in the description if you never have before like I said I definitely can't recommend them enough besides just their amazing AI features I use them all of the time to create pretty much all of the designs that I sell in my print on demand stores and you really can't go wrong with using them and if you're looking for more ideas and design inspiration I definitely want to recommend you watch this video next thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 16,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2023, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2023, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Id: HJmCFlxRXqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 02 2023
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