BYE ETSY - Here's The Best Etsy Alternative For Print On Demand...

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this is why I'm closing my Etsy shop after 3 years  and hundreds of sales I launched an Etsy shop and   2 Days Later chose to close it down Etsy closed  my shop lesson learned yep every day I'm seeing   more and more people leaving their YY print on  demand stores behind and instead looking for other   alternative websites and platforms to sell their  print on demand products with which I honestly   totally understand because while it's true that  yes I personally am still selling my print on   demand products on Etsy and making money on the  platform that is not the only platform that I   sell on nope because you know what there are lots  of other great Alternatives out there to Etsy and   so in this video I'm going to discuss what those  alternatives are plus I'll also be discussing the   pros and the cons of each of these Alternatives  so that you can choose the ones that are best   for you and we'll start with one alternative that  very few people consider eBay yes on eBay there   are lots of thriving print on demand stores such  as this one which has had over 40,000 sales with   its most popular products being their print on  demand mugs and this store here which has had   over 170,000 sales with its most popular products  being their customizable print on demand items and   this one here that's had over 400,000 sales which  is absolutely staggering with the most popular   products being their print on demand t-shirts and  you know here's a thing right you can sell print   on demand products like this on eBay very easily  because chances are whatever print on Demand app   that you're integrating already with Etsy also  has an eBay integration too and something that's   actually really cool about choosing to start  a print on demand store on eBay is that it can   actually be a lot cheaper than starting one on  Etsy yep because on Etsy they charge 20 cents   for each item that you list but on eBay you get  to list 250 listings each month for free on the   flip side though I think that one of the cons  of selling on eBay is that because you can list   pretty much any item you like on there that is  it can be difficult to stand out on the platform   which admittedly is not the same on Etsy there  you can usually only sell items that are handmade   or that have been designed by you what this means  then is that there's a lot less products that get   listed on here which means that there is less  competition even if you charge higher prices   because of this I recently opened a brand new  print on demand store in Etsy and it took me less   than 2 weeks to start getting sales with their  free internal organic traffic I didn't have to   pay for a single ad but you see here's the thing  right there is a flip side again to this argument   too and that is this there is actually an argument  that it might be a bit easier for a new print on   demand seller to stand out on eBay as long as  you're willing to pay yep and that's because   of eBay's incredible advertising program promoted  listings which honestly very few people even know   about so it sometimes feels like it's some sort of  secret you see on Etsy if you want to use the paid   ads to make sales they will charge you each time  that somebody clicks on an ad so if you advertise   your products and get a bunch of clicks but nobody  buys anything it can get expensive fast whereas   on eBay it's free for people to click on your  ads yes you only get charged a fee if somebody   actually buys something after clicking on it and  how much that you get charged is actually up to   you yep you can choose to pay as little as 2% of  your sale price after somebody clicks on a listing   and then buys it of course the more that you're  willing to pay the more eBay will show your ad so   I'd probably recommend using an eBay calculator  to work out what your break even point is and   then use that to figure out the maximum that you  are willing to pay if you do that then you can   use eBay's advertising to bring in Easy traffic to  your listings at what is pretty much no Financial   Risk to you which is quite incredible and another  alternative that you might want to consider is   this Shopify and look I'll be honest with you  clearly as you can see from my Shopify plaque   in my background here I am someone that loves  Shopify yep because what a lot of new subscribers   don't know is that well before I was selling  my print on demand products on Etsy I was and   still am selling them privately too using Shopify  I'll link to my videos that discuss how I do that   in the video description and I'll also include  in there a link to my free ebook The Six Steps   That Six Figure Online Stores Follow To Make  Over $10,000 A Month which also shares some of   my personal tips and tricks to making money with  Shopify by print on demand but yes probably the   biggest advantage that you get when you start your  own store with Shopify is that you own it and so   you are in control of it unlike if you choose to  sell on a third party platform like eBay or Etsy   when you do that eBay or itsy owns it and they are  in control so they can choose to close your store   if they choose plus another big advantage that  you get to opening up your own store is that you   can make a lot more money per sale in a Shopify  store yep and that's because third party platforms   like eBay and Etsy do charge extra sale success  fees on top of the card processing fees whereas   on Shopify your fees are mostly card processing  fees that companies like visa and PayPal charge   on top of that you will of course have Shopify's  flat hosting fee but since this is a fixed flat   charge it works out much cheaper for me per sale  and so it means in that most of the profit that   I make from print on demand sales I get to  personally keep which is nice but as always   there's a flip side to this argument and the flip  side is that the reason why third-party platforms   like eBay and Etsy do have these extra charges is  because they get hundreds of millions of visits a   month to get these they have to advertise their  websites which they pay for with the fees so you   get to piggyback off of their pre-existing traffic  in exchange for these sale fees which means then   that if you're watching this and you want the  freedom of having having your own Shopify store   that you are in control of you also need to be  willing to market the website yourself yes and   you know there are lots of different ways you  can do that I personally prefer to use free   Google search engine traffic and there are lots of  free videos on YouTube that do teach this but of   course you can also take the money that you save  on fees and instead put it into paid Facebook or   TikTok ads and there are lots of videos on YouTube  that also teach this for free and you can also   get free traffic from social media sites too by  creating fun viral videos of your products take   for example this video here advertising this print  on demand sticker it's had over 4 million views   on TikTok well if you go to the TikTok bio you'll  find that they have posted a link which takes you   over to the Shopify print on demand store in the  bio where you can go and buy the print on demand   stickers and plus they also post your videos onto  Instagram as well and this gets some even more   traffic this way but yes even though clearly I am  a little biased for Shopify I hope that I'm still   showing here that each different platform has its  own pros and cons eBay isn't better than Etsy and   Etsy isn't better than Shopify and Shopify isn't  better than eBay each is just different and they   all have their own pros and they all have their  own cons and so the question that you need to ask   yourself is which ones pros and cons match up best  with what you want and actually this brings me to   my next alternative Printify Popup Shop yep so  this here is Printify popup shop shop and here's   the thing if you're looking for a 100% free way  to make and sell print on man products in your   own store this my friends is it yep and it works  perfectly with social media traffic like TikTok   Instagram or Facebook so to create a popup store  sign into your Printify account and then choose   to add a new store into it and then select to add  a popup store then type in the name of what you   want to call your store and then you just choose  what you want your store theme to look like and   that's literally it printer file will create a  mobile optimized popup store for you you just go   in and then add in the products that you'd like  to sell into it and when you do that you'll now   have a simple yet clean store like this and when  a customer comes and purchases a product from you   in the store unlike in an eBay Shopify or Etsy  store you don't have to pay the production or   shipping cost for any of the items that you sell  nope because you see what a lot of people don't   realize is that when you sell say a t-shirt  in your own eBay or itsy store or of course   your own Shopify print on demand store that print  on Demand app that you connected to that store to   then sell that item cannot access the money that  the customer has paid nope you instead need to be   the one to cover the upfront cost of that T-shirt  and shipping it takes 1 to two days for itsy or   Shopify to process my customer's payments and send  them to my bank account so for those 1 to two days   I need to be covering any upfront printing and  shipping costs now for me I will personally use   an AMEX credit card this earns me travel rewards  points so I'll pay for my printing and shipping   cost with it then 2 days later once the money  has processed I will pay back the credit card   and earn the rewards from it before I have to pay  any interest it lets me and my parents get free   business class upgrades so personally I consider  this a pro but if you don't have any extra spear   cash lying around or a credit card to be able  to pay for these upfront printing and production   costs while you're waiting for the money to  process into your bank account you might very   well consider that a con yep which is why Printify  Popup Shop is so interesting because you're   selling directly on printer's website and they are  the one that's actually processing the payments   they can access those payments immediately and  deduct shipping and production costs from them   so that you don't have to cover this upfront  which is honestly pretty cool but here's the   thing right as cool as that is no matter what  this is not a platform that you will sell   with in the long run nope because here's the thing  right you have very little ability to customize   these sorts of stores nope in fact I could be  wrong but I don't even think that you're allowed   to add in your own custom domain currently to a  Printify Popup Store which is why you might also   want to consider this next alternative and that is  a Shopify starter store yep I think of this as the   middle ground between a full Shopify store and a  Printify Popup Store. Shopify starter stores cost   just $1 currently to open and and just $5 a month  in hosting fees as you can see they are simple and   clean like Printify Popup Stores except unlike a  Printify Popup Store you can customize them a lot   more such as adding in any custom domain name  that you like and like a Printery popup store   they're also surprisingly easy to create yep it's  kind of crazy honestly how simple this process is   so just click to sign up then Shopify will ask you  to fill in a survey but honestly you can just skip   past this then you'll just need to set up a login  I find it easier to use a Google account for this   and then that's it Shopify will now load up and  create your new store but of course you will need   to customize it so you want to add in products  to do that come to the Shopify app store and then   select the print on demand app that you use from  the list or if you can't see it on the homepage   search for it once you've opened it up click to  install it and add it into your Shopify store   then open up the app and sign into your print on  demand account and then once you're inside if you   don't have any products added into your account  already go ahead and create the products that you   intend to sell and then once you have the products  that you want to sell in it go ahead and publish   them now your app will add them directly into  your starter store and then once they finished   publishing to it you'll be able to see them listed  inside of your store products and so now that you   have your products you can customize the look of  your store so click on online store and then click   the button to customize it inside this section you  can come and add in your own store log logo to add   in your own store branding and of course if you  don't yet have a store logo you can always create   one for free using Canva that is how I made my  store logo here I'll have an affiliate link to   where you can get a free 30-day premium account  to Canva in the video description below but yes   once you've done that you can then customize the  colors of the store to match your brand so for   me since this store sells items for Baristas and  coffee lovers I changed the buttons to be a coffee   bean brown color and then next you can customize  it further by adding in a little blur into your   store footer that advertises your store and of  course you can add in the links to your socials   like your Instagram or TikTok page here as well  then you can come back to your Shopify dashboard   and select to edit your sharing details here  you'll need to give your store a title and a   description and if you aren't sure what to write  for this then a tip that I have is that you can   always use a free chat bar like the free version  of ChatGPT or Gemini or Copilot to help you write   this then after that you just type in your store  name and you then set up Shopify payments this   is Shopify's payment processor when setting it  up the only tricky part is they'll ask you if   you are a s proprietor or a company and for most  of you watching chances are you're probably a s   proprietor you'll then need to also fill out some  information about yourself which is just a legal   requirement so that they can make sure that you  aren't something like a scammer and then just pick   your Shopify plan currently Shopify plans all cost  $1 as of me filming for the first month including   the starter plan after that it is $5 a month which  is way less than your other plans so go ahead and   click the start a plan and purchase it now at this  point during your store setup process you have two   options one is that you can use Shopify's branded  domain name or if you have an extra $9 you can go   ahead and buy your own custom domain name which  honestly I highly highly recommend yep and to do   that just come to settings and click on domains  and then select purchase a domain and type in the   URL that you want your store to be called you can  then choose any domain but currently the cheapest   domain is the .store domain which costs just $9  for the first year so I selected to purchase that   one and then you can come back to your dashboard  and select to remove your store password to send   your store live and then that's it in less  than 5 minutes we have created a professional   store for just $10 customers can access it and  buy items from their computer if they choose   or they can access it from a mobile phone and  honestly it's extremely well optimized and   designed for Mobile Traffic conversions so I'd  recommend combining this sort of store with a   traffic strategy that focuses on mobile apps like  Instagram and TikTok so then if you'd like to   learn about interesting cool ways to use Cana to  earn money online like by creating print on demine   products to s be sure to watch my video here  on screen and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 23,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: etsy, etsy alternative, quitting etsy, closing etsy store, etsy print on demand alternative, print on demand, ebay print on demand, shopify print on demand, shopify vs etsy, printify pop up store
Id: AEUeN4a_VCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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