Create 10 EXTREMELY SELLABLE Designs in Just 10 MINUTES: Best High Profit Niches for Print on Demand

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one of the most vital tools as a print-on-demand seller is learning how to make really good designs very fast you can be the best designer in the world but if you are pouring hours and hours into a single design you're probably not going to have a lot of success in print on demand because at the end of the day the formula to success as a print-on-demand seller is having good quality designs in a high enough quantity to get your products seen and purchased so in today's video I'm going to share with you how you can make really great designs super fast we're going to be making 10 Unique Designs in under 10 minutes using Kittle who kindly has sponsored today's video you can check them out down in the description and make your account today so let's head over to their platform and I'm going to be sharing with you the exact strategy that I'm going to be using to create these 10 designs today so if you're not familiar with Kittle they are an all-in-one design Suite that has pretty much every tool you can need as a print on demand seller to make really good designs now for today's 10 product challenge I am going to be creating 10 designs that are in the General Nursing Niche now you guys have probably heard me talk about before that it's really important as a print on demand seller that you don't just Target these really broad niches you always want to find some way that you can stand out by sub Nation or cross Nation so today I'm going to be taking that broader nurse Niche and I'm going to be Crossing it with 10 other sub niches that are going to give me a really good chance of creating a design that has low enough competition and could become a best seller in this category examples of cross niches and sub niches are things like holidays Hobbies activities different careers you name it and if you want even more guidance and help on how to create really good cross niches to make products that actually sell make sure you download my cross notion guide down below all you have to do is subscribe to my newsletter down there and it will come straight to your inbox alright so now that we are in Kittle the first Niche that I want to Target is going to be that groovy retro Niche that has been doing so well recently so I'm gonna go over here and I'm going to just start searching groovy or retro and we're going to see what we come up with in terms of designs now what I love on Kittle is they just have so many hundreds of templates that you can use and just by changing a few things you have a completely unique design so I think what I want our thing to say today is one groovy nurse that is going to be super cute and we're going to do it in this groovy style so let's see what design is going to suit Us best I think we want to just keep things simple so I am actually going to do kind of this groovy lettering style and we can just simply change some colors and what it says and then we have a design that we've made in about a minute all right so I'm going to go ahead and change this already you see how easy that was but you know what I'm going to do I'm going to change some of the colors here I'm going to change this yellow to more of a pinky color and then I am going to resize this to take up more of the actual canvas and then I'm going to go over to the elements and I'm just going to look up nurse and see if there is something that we can add in here all right so I search for a stethoscope and I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to do kind of what they had done with the heart there where they used it used it as a letter and I'm just going to see if I can use that as the U here I might have to play around with it a little bit all right and then I think I'm going to go to the layers and I am going to send this down behind in the nurse and then I'm just going to resize this as big as I can all right and then once that looks good I'm going to go over to my download settings I'm going to make sure that it is the right size for a T-shirt and then I'm going to go ahead and remove the background and I'm going to download that and now we have our first design something that's really cool on Kindle that I don't know that a lot of people are aware of yet is they have this new mock-up feature really useful for t-shirt sellers or any other product Sellers and we could also go ahead and we could see it on somebody so let's pick her here and I love how fast that it is and it just looks so realistic you could go ahead and download that and then use it on your Etsy shop or wherever you are making your design alright so the next sub Niche that I wanted to create a nursing design in is actually going to be kind of that America USA American flag Style Niche now this is a style or Niche that does really really well for me people love to be super patriotic so kill has a lot of really awesome templates for kind of USA themed American designs so I am searching in the term USA and we're just going to scroll through these and see if we can find one that fits really really well okay so let's see here that could be a cool one and I think that I'm going to do the phrase maybe Freedom loving nurse I think that would sell well for this Niche lots of awesome designs this one kind of goes into all three of those so you could do like nursing that groovy style and that USA American flag style so really the more sub Niche that you can get the better it's going to be okay so I think that I really like this design here so we are going to use that to make our next nursing design so again I'm going to get rid of that background and then I'm just going to change this to say freedom and then this one I'm going to have it say and then I want to make sure that this text is about as big as this right here I just think that would look you're just going to resize that and then again I'm going to look for some maybe nursing elements and see if we can incorporate those in there just to kind of make it a little bit different and for people to know that it is for nurses all right so we definitely could do this hat kind of here just kind of changing some of those colors and just to let people know for sure that this is going to be a nursing design so once you're happy with that again it took us so little time to make we're going to go ahead and change it to pixels and then we're going to make sure that it is the right size here for a t-shirt we're going to remove that background and then download and our second design is done all right so the next Niche that we are going to do for these nursing designs is I want to make one for a holiday so coming up here we have Halloween this is a great Niche to kind of cross with a lot of other things to make best sellers so we are going to go ahead and look up Halloween and just see what we can use here right so there are so many cool Halloween designs if you haven't checked them out make sure you do that but I'm thinking that I might want it to say something like one spooky nurse or I've seen some with ghosts that say Boo Boo Crew so we could do something like that but I think one spooky nurse might be the way to go all right so this one is cute here and then it has those three words so I think it could really work well for what we needed to say now again we're just going to get rid of that texture and then I am going to change this to say one spooky nurse all right and I am going to resize this here and then again I always like to add some more elements that actually kind of go with the theme here so we have these skulls right here but I think that I want to actually replace those with some nursing elements so let's look at nurse and let's see what are some good things that we can use okay so I think I'm going to use this heart I'm going to make sure the size looks right for this and then once I am happy with the placement and the size of that I'm just going to copy that and paste another one so we can do it the exact same on the other side and then we can actually do something similar to what we just did and that other one just changing some of these colors to more match the style here maybe I'll do purple for Halloween we can actually give these little ghosts some nurses caps you really could just keep adding stuff here so like if you wanted to add a stethoscope to totally could do that so I would just probably change some of the coloring here I'm gonna move this and just flip it all right and then once you're happy again we are going to make sure that it's the right size for a t-shirt we're going to remove the background and download that and now our third design is done in the same vein kind of as the last one I want to do another holiday design and one of the biggest holidays that you should be designing for and you really should be starting to think about these kind of designs even this early on it's going to be Christmas designs so let's look up Christmas and see if we can find a good design that we can say something that's related to nursing all right so this one could be good I'm thinking about making the design say something like Santa's favorite nurse this can also be good here let's see that's a cute one with Santa there are so many awesome designs actually you know what this might be a good design so I know that it looks kind of funny right now so this is originally kind of like a sticker pack but you can always take these and make it into a t-shirt design by deleting the other designs so we are going to actually do that here we're going to look at the layers we're going to delete those snowflakes and then we are going to go ahead and resize this so if you don't know how to resize we are going to do 4500 by 5400 I'm going to confirm that and so it's really small right now because it was originally for a sticker but all we have to do is kind of resize this I like things to take up pretty much all of the space we have to work with if you're making t-shirts but we also want it to look symmetrical so I'm going to say Santa's favorite nurse here so all we have to do is change this to say Santa's and then favorite probably have to make this a little bit smaller all right so that's already looking pretty cute lift that up little bit here all right and then I went to go ahead and change the colors I want to use more of Christmasy colors so I think that I'm going to change this to be more like a red and green and then I kind of like more of those like muted colors that you want it to be bright enough where it can be red all right so super fast and easy we have another quick design done we're gonna go ahead and remove the background and download it as a PNG alright so another Niche that always does super well is kind of what I call like that coffee Niche but I'm going to cross it with nursing and see if we can come up with a really fun quick design for coffee plus nurses so let's just search coffee here on Kettle and see what templates they already have that have these coffee elements right they have some super cute ones here definitely any of these could work but you know what I actually really like this design here so this is geared towards teachers but something you can always do is you can take a design and just by changing a little bit of it you can make it for a completely new Niche so just because it says teacher right now it doesn't mean that we're going to be limited to just teachers so I'm going to go ahead and delete this texture and then I am just going to go ahead and change this to say nurse I'm going to make it a little bit bigger here and then all we have to do to really make it fit in that nursing theme is we just have to get rid of these teacher elements and then we're just going to replace it with some really great nursing elements here I'm going to search in these elements and then let's see definitely this stethoscope could work really well the stethoscope could work really well and then I liked kind of that green color that they had so let's see if we can do another green thing here okay and then I'm going to send that to the back and then let's find another element here for nurses and maybe Band-Aids could be fun something like that you know even one of these bags could look cute in a design like this and again we could change that color to be more of this green style and then also send this to the back and then I'm just going to go ahead and resize this as big as we can get it once it's looking good we can go ahead and download this I'm going to change it to pixels make sure it's the right size remove the background and download it as a PNG all right so along with that kind of groovy Niche that's been doing really well also kind of just that retro aesthetic in general has been selling super well so I'm going to look up retro and see if we can make more of like a vintage retro nursing design so let's search retro here and look through the offerings that Kittle has for other templates I think I wanted to just say something like I'm a nurse what's your superpower all right so I really like this design here I don't think we'll be able to keep these mushrooms but I think this has kind of the Retro vibe that I was going for so let's start changing this to be more of a nursing design to say I'm a nurse what's your superpower all right so that is looking super cute now we are going to go over to the elements and we're going to look up nurse and see what we can find so I think that of these here actually I really like her here and it gives me Rosie The remitter Vibes and I think it works well with kind of the theme of like what's your superpower so let's maybe change her outfit to be this red color just to go with the theme and then this dark color to be more of that kind of dark green that is in here right now all right and then when you're happy just go ahead and resize it to take over the whole canvas and then we're gonna go ahead and download that remove the background now we have our next design super fast all right so the next cross Niche that we're going to do with a nurse is going to be kind of in that Mom or parenting Niche now parenting is just a niche that sells really well all year long but if you can press it with something else it's going to give you a better chance of actually getting your product seen because this is a super hard Niche to break into so so I'm going to look up Mom and see what we can come up with all right so this is best mom in the world and I wanted to say something like with moms and nurses so let's see actually this right here you can't scare me I have two boys is giving me some ideas I think maybe we could take almost the same phrase but change it to be like you can't scare me I'm a nurse and I have two boys so let's actually try and use this design and come up with something really quick now on Kindle I never suggest just posting the designs that they have but it's super easy to just change one or two things and have a completely original design that you can post all right so let's move all right so I am going to go ahead and move this all to the top and then I am going to move this down here and I'm just going to change this to say I'm a I'm a nurse I really want to make sure it's about the same size and then I think I'm actually gonna make this one the yellow and then I'm going to change this Banner to be more of a green color so let's see and then instead of I have I'm gonna have it say and I have and we're gonna move this this all up and then I just want to resize everything to take out more of this canvas here all right and that took us really no time at all and you could definitely change this number to make it more scalable so you could do I have three boys four boys you name it and then upload multiple different versions of this so we're going to go ahead and download this again all right so another cross Niche that has kind of been doing really well is gonna be like that western cowboy cowgirl types of designs so I'm going to look up Western and we're gonna see if we can cross this with a nursing design so let's see here there are quite a few different designs I like this kind of lettering let's see what else actually I like this and I wonder if we can make it more about nurses or more with like a woman on it actually you know what I like this design here and I have an idea of what I wanted to say so this design it says wild west on it which kind of inspired me that I think I wanted to say something like nurse if it's the wild west so let's get rid of that texture here and then let's go ahead and resize it to more of a T-shirt size and then just make that the entire canvas okay so I'm actually gonna have this part right here say nurse life and then I'm just going to remove this established here I'm gonna have the top say it's the and then I am just going to copy this line of text and then have the next one say Wild West I think I want this to be bigger so you can read it more and then I think I'm going to change these designs to be more kind of Pinky so let's see here and then I'm going to change this lettering here and then again just to make sure that people know that this is really for nurses I always like to add some nursing elements here so let's see what we can do I think maybe since this is kind of like a western we could do this kind of snake and then change the color to be pink and then this color to be more of that tan and then I'm going to make a copy of that I'm just going to flip it so I think this snake it both kind of fits with the Western theme and the nursing theme and then I'm going to use this again all right and then once that looks good we're going to go ahead and download it all right so another Niche that does super well is kind of like Adventure outdoorsy camping hiking all those kind of naturey activities so I'm gonna see if I can kind of cross maybe like a hiking type design with a nursing design so let's look up maybe mountains and see what we can come up with here all right so there are tons of different options like even any of these would look really good as maybe a nursing design these are pretty cool here all right I think I'm actually going to use this design and I think I'm just going to tweak it a little bit to make it into a nursing theme so I wonder if you can guess what I'm going to make it say I'm gonna have it say my patients are calling and I must go could definitely change a lot of the colors on here but we honestly could just leave it as is to so I think any nurse that really is into kind of outdoorsy stuff is definitely gonna like this and this literally took seconds to just make a couple changes to it and then we can go ahead and download it to use this next Niche is definitely one that is perfect to make right before the summer it's going to be in that lgbtq Niche so this is super well right before pride month definitely there are people of all different professions that want to show that they have pride so we are going to look up some of the pride designs that Kittle has and see if we can tweak it to just make it into a simple nurse design so I just searched the word pride and you can see they have tons of different designs that you could use this is definitely a great Niche to Salt in but I really just want to do something simple that maybe just says nurse but it has kind of those rainbow colors and actually I think something like this could work really well so let's see if we can change this to just say nurse and then we simply have a design super quick so again I'm going to delete this I'm going to delete all these extra things I think for a t-shirt it's just a little bit distracting and then I'm going to go ahead and resize this canvas too to be more of a T-shirt size and then I am going to go ahead and make this bigger here all right and so then I'm probably going to have to change each one of these to say nurse by hand so let me do that here really quick all right so now that those are all changed I'm just going to go ahead and resize this to make sure it takes up a lot of the canvas all right and then once you're happy just go ahead and download like we did with those other ones so there you saw just how fast it is to make 10 totally different designs for the nursing Niche but you could do this with really any Niche one of the great things about Kittle is just how fast you can create a ton of different designs and you aren't just stuck doing really basic stuff you can really make these creative to stand out so I will have all their information linked Down Below in the description if you do want to get started and if you're looking for even more ways to cross Niche on how I use this method in my own print on demand business and make sure you watch this video next thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 59,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2023, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2023, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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