EASIEST SIDE HUSTLE: Make Thousands Creating AI T-Shirt Designs With ChatGPT & Kittl AI Tutorial

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in today's video I'm going to be using only AI tools to create a best-selling t-shirt design for my print on demand business it's going to come up with everything from the concept for the sure to actually the graphics and the design of the t-shirt and then I'm actually going to use AI tools to write the title the description and all the information for my actual listing AI tools are definitely going to change the game when it comes to print on demand they are an amazing way for sellers to not only make better products they can help you be faster at designing they can help you come up with better ideas and niches and they can ultimately help make you more money so it's really important that you're starting to learn about these tools and see how they can help you and your print on demand business so if any of that sounds interesting to you stick around I'm Hannah and on this channel I share about all things print on demand in making passive income so if that is something you're interested in make sure you subscribe down below for new videos every single week now to actually come up with the concept and phrase for my t-shirt I I am going to be using the tool chat GPT this has so many benefits and uses for so many different online businesses but especially print on demand I'm going to be asking chat GPT for about 10 different phrase ideas to actually put on my t-shirt and I'm going to make myself stick to using one of those so let's hope that we find something good now what I found that with chat gbt the more specific and tailored your question can get the better results you're going to have so if you ask it something really broad the answer you get is going to be broad but if you can really Niche down and even add some additional context or information you are going to get really good results the niche that I decided that I want to kind of go with in a seat of chat gbt can help me find a good phrase for this is going to be the broad niche of gender reveal parties so this is something I talked about before is a really great Niche to Target right now in the spring we're seeing so many gender reveal parties and this is going to just continue on throughout the year so it's a really great Niche to Target but again you're going to want to kind of sub Niche that and get even more specific so this could be thinking about who is the person that is wearing this gender reveal shirt maybe it's a gender reveal shirt for an aunt or a grandma or a cousin or the Big Brother of the new baby or you can even take it for the theme of the party so maybe they're having a beach themed gender reveal you can put all that context into the question that you're asking chat gbt and it's going to give you an even better result so I'm going to start out asking for a couple different phrases to chat gbt when we get to 10 different ideas we're gonna pick the best one and just go with that now if you've never used chat GPT before it is really simple you're just going to create an account on open AI sometimes when you do try to log in it's going to tell you that the server is full and you can't use the program right now and what I found that is if you just kind of keep refreshing and trying to log in again eventually you're going to get on the platform you don't need to sign up for any of their Premium Accounts you will be able to use this program just on their free basic one so I am logged on to my chat GPT account and I'm going to just start thinking of a question that I'm going to ask this about a gender reveal shirt alright so after thinking for a minute I asked chat GPT the question give me two t-shirt phrase ideas for a gender reveal shirt a grandma will wear to a beach themed gender reveal party so I tried to get really specific let's see what this comes up with okay so it gave me two ideas so the first one is life is a beach and now I know whether I'll be building sand castles with my grandson or granddaughter already that is totally out for me it's way too long to be a good t-shirt so let's see what the next one is all right Secrets Revealed I'm going to be a grandma of a little surfer dude or dudette I really like this I think that we definitely could tweak it and just say something like Secrets Revealed boy or girl or Secrets Revealed dude or do that so that is a great option now I'm gonna tweak this a little bit and see if I can get even more specific or just tap into a little bit of a different Niche within the gender reveal space and get some more options alright so this next one I asked to give me three t-shirt phrase ideas for a mom at a gender reveal party with a sports theme all right so we have Team Pink or team blue either way I'm MVP of this pregnancy again I think that is an awesome concept I definitely would just shorten it up a little bit just to fit more on a t-shirt so you could say team pink or blue question mark but Mom's the MVP and then the next one is a game on it's time to reveal whether I'm having a little quarterback or cheerleader so again good concept I would just shorten it probably to quarterback or cheerleader and then the third one is let's play ball soon I'll have a little Slugger or softball player on my team again take the same concept and just do maybe plugger or softball player on my team chat GPT it doesn't always know exactly what is going to make a good t-shirt phrase it tends to do things a little bit longer but I find that you can kind of take the concept and maybe just cut a few words out and you have a really good idea but you know what let's see if we could even just get it to refine this a little bit alright so for this one I asked it for a six word phrase to use on a t-shirt for a dad to wear at a gender reveal party all right this one I already don't love it at all but it says Bowser balls let's find out I think you could do kind of like a sports or Girly one um not my favorite but let's see if we can find something else so we already have six options here let's look for maybe four more so this one I asked it to give me four short phrases for a gender reveal t-shirts for an aunt and uncle to wear and then I really like how this kind of split up all of the different options into both aunt and uncle so this one is I can't keep calm I'm an auntie or Uncle pink or blue I'll spoil you boy or girl I'll rock your world ready to shop wherever you are ready to play girl or boy niece or nephew I can't wait I'm gonna be an uncle so those are all some good options but just looking back through these like I said I want to be very hyper specific um especially for when we are going to be generating this AI artwork I want something really cool to use so I'm thinking I want to do the one for the grandma Secrets Revealed Grandma to surfer dude or dudette so we are going to run with that concept and go ahead and head over to Kittle to use their new AI features that are super awesome so let's do that now Kittle is one of my all-time favorite print-on-demand tools they are kind of an all-in-one Suite that has everything from templates to a bunch of different Graphics and Design features to use to create t-shirts and other print on demand items as well as some really cool new AI features that let you create one-of-a-kind stickers t-shirts anything you can think of they can help you create that so I've been loving and using Kittle for a long time that's why I'm super excited that they are sponsoring today's video I will have all their information on creating an account linked down below so I am just logged onto Kittle and what I like to do when I do come up with a design using their AI features I always like to kind of start with something to begin with so I'm going to just take a look at some of their different templates see if we can't find one of these that is going to work well so this could be a good option because it's kind of that beachy theme and will create a graphic to go along with that but let's just keep scrolling see if anything else sticks out this is a really cool surfing one there are so many different categories and you can search specifically for what you're looking for too but I think I'm just going to go ahead and go with this design now what I like to do is I'm usually for creating t-shirts I'm going to go ahead and delete this texture that they have there it doesn't print very well on T-shirts if you're doing something like a poster or a card that will look great we're going to go ahead and put in the phrase that we're going to use all right so I'm going to go ahead and change the text to put in what chat GPT gave us I did take out a few words just to make it a little bit shorter but I am using what they gave me and I'm just going to make this a little bit smaller to help it fit on the design and then I am going to add some more text here revealed and then what I love on Kettle is they do have really cool Distortion feature for all of the fonts so you can kind of make that groovy wavy text you can do really fun different features with the text here so I'm just going to go ahead and kind of distort this a little bit all right so that says Secrets Revealed and then I'm going to change this down here to Grandma of I'm actually going to go ahead and change this font and then I'm going to change this one to I think I like how this looks better alright so this is the fun part where the AI really comes into play so over here on all of the tools there are so many different things you can do but we're going to go over here to Kittle Ai and what you get to do is you are going to describe the type of image that you want and you get to pick the style so they have kind of clip art styles Kawaii style Vector style image style they have a whole bunch so just in the clip art they have all of these different types of styles so you're going to get to click which one you want I really do like this kind of Kawhi one I think it always comes out looking very cute and works well for t-shirts but I'm going to ask it for something that has to do with this so let's think here okay so the first thing I'm going to look up because I do kind of like the surfing theme is cute pink and blue surfboards at the beach I'm going to put it in that Kawaii style have it generated image and see if it's something that we like sometimes you get stuff that doesn't really work and we'll just go back and try again okay I actually really really love this it is super cute it did that Kawaii style surfboard here you can see they have the little eyes on the surfboards so let's see what I love that you can do right away when you get this image see how it has the white background there is an AI background remover so you just click that and then it will do away with that background for you that is super cute so let's leave that here and let's see if we can find anything else to go with this alright so I really do love how there's that like wave behind them so I want to find something that we could use maybe instead of that so I'm actually I'm just going to get rid of that and even get rid of that California you definitely could look for something more AI generated if you wanted something really specific I'm actually going to go over just to the elements that they have you can use any of these on Kittle and I'm going to look for their waves just see if there's anything we could use well I do like that but this could be really fun here let's see actually I think I like this one even better all right and then I'm just gonna move that towards the back so we can see what it would look like here and I'm going to change this to White just to see what that could look like on a white T-shirt to keep kind of with that pink and blue theme I think that I am going to use this same pink color for the letters so I'm going to take the dropper and just kind of experiment with these different pink colors see if one of these will look better I really like that baby pink so let's go with that Secrets Revealed and then I still like this navy color but instead of this turquoise since it's not really in the whole thing I'm going to use this light blue here and then this it's not really popping off the page for me so I think something that I might do is kind of give it like a shadow so I'm going to go over to the effects and then I'm just going to change the color of that to this dark pink here even though it won't be like a perfect circle I'm just going to adjust this a little bit to kind of more go around the wave and then just to make it stand out even more I think I'm going to change the word dude to be that light blue color alright so this is looking really cute it says Secrets Revealed Grandma of a dude or dudette and then we're gonna go ahead and download this I'm gonna go over to my download settings and then I like to just change it to pixels and then make sure it's at least 300 DPI remove the background and just optimize that quality download it as a PNG and then it is ready for us to use all right and now to create our listing I have just headed over to place it which is where I create all my mock-ups for Etsy they have mock-ups for pretty much anything you want so I'm going to look and see if I can find kind of like a summary BG type mock-up that I'm going to use for my Etsy listing so I'm going to go over to apparel and then t-shirts okay so they have a category that's summer I'm gonna go click on that and see what it comes up with I definitely prefer using just the Garment only but you definitely have lots of different models to choose from okay so I really like this one it has kind of the flip-flops and the hat I'm gonna put it on this and see how that looks right so I went ahead and I inserted the image here and then we can just adjust it and see how that's going to look I'm going to go with this one but definitely I could look for maybe a better one that doesn't have that fold here that kind of distorts the word grandma but for right now I'm just going to go ahead and download that all right so I am over on my Etsy listing I have that mock-up photo here and I'm just going to go down and I already started filling out that title what I found from experimenting a little bit is Etsy titles kind of have a specific method to them and chat gbt can't always wrap its head around how to do this they want to try to add a lot of fluffy language which it's really important to just kind of use your keywords in the title so I went ahead and just wrote one on my own I'm gonna have it try and generate a description so let's head back over to chat gbt and see if it can write a description for this alright so I asked chat jbt to write me an Etsy product description for a short sleeve t-shirt that a grandma can wear to a beach themed gender reveal party so let's see what it came up with all right so it came up with this definitely if I I'm gonna use this but definitely if I were going to do this for one of my real listings I would try to find out what are some good keywords for that gender reveal party and for maybe a beach themed gender reveal and kind of sprinkle them in but for right now I'm just going to take that and add that to my listing I'm just going to go ahead and change a little bit about this so right here it says that it reads guess who's going to be a grandma and instead I'm going to change it to what it actually says here all right and then after you fill out all of the other information you can just publish your design definitely chat gbt and Kettle AI are amazing AI tools that you can use to really scale up your print under me in business especially with chat DPT you definitely have to do a little bit of tweaking to some of the responses but it gives you a great starting out point and the Kittle AI program I can't say enough good things about it's really awesome for when you're looking for really unique stuff like this gender reveal surfing theme I don't think that we would have been able to find just a correct element for that so sometimes you using AI is what you have to do to be able to really sub niche in this can't recommend them enough I will again have them linked down in the description below if you do want to get started and if you want some other ideas for how to use AI in your print on demand business make sure you watch this video next thanks so much for watching I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 46,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2022, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2022, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Id: uhEvoM_vkgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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