Being a PSYCHOPATH in The Outer Worlds

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Don't worry. No animals were harmed in any way during this playthrough. I think this is pretty cool that Obsidian actually crafted an ending that makes sense for a psychopath playthrough.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1dafullyfe πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't think I could play a psychopath myself, but that was hilarious to watch!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/THORmonger71 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh shit was that a mother loving JoJO reference? Plus I love how sam’s ending is literally the same no matter what lol he’s your genocider in arms

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/soupspin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So you can't actually kill everyone and the game ends with you saving everyone on Hope anyways? A little disappointed a kill everyone run wasn't more unique.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/amanamuno πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
are you some kind of psychopath whoever you are you're in the water hey there i'm a psychopath that means that i have a mutual understanding with everyone around me that they are expendable at any given moment it also means i like things like fallout 76 just because i'm a psychopath doesn't mean i have to look the parts i could be a sexy looking psychopath that is a thing that i'm definitely not i'm not that i also have a name it's not pronounceable i was selected to do something like save the world but i think i'm just gonna kill everyone instead so this will be my legacy and of course on my psychopathic journey we start this off by murdering someone and as i made my way down towards my new life i came across an inferior beam he babbled on like an idiot for what felt like hours rightly so i called him an idiot and demanded his gun you sound a lot like my lieutenant here hope this gun serves you better than it did and thus began my true adventure i then killed some animals that were scavenging around and i made my way to a lady who seemed easy enough to fool even though i was a complete stranger to her after i convinced her to get out there and fight the good fight against evil i did what came naturally to me i proceeded to tell the ship i murdered her captain and it was funny i understand when i left the ship some dorcas was stalking me i tried to talk to him but i'll be with you friend i just couldn't the universe told me what i did was wrong but since it's all i've ever known i accepted the terms and conditions all of a sudden i found myself in an elevator jabbing out to some sick dubstep playlist i then met with a fat face probably whack job of a mayor who promised me well some sort of lady named after a cheese begged me to join my crew i didn't know i had a crew but i did know that i needed food for later so i accept it hey ma'am she wanted to speak to me i said shut up i finally found the lady that the mayor had told me about i said i was gonna ruin all of their lives i then set out to do just that sadly nothing is easy in life so i had to run around this stupid power plant to pull this dumb lever just to absolutely destroy an entire community forcing them to starve and freeze i heard a voice call out from the basement of the power plant he was convinced i wasn't real get away from me phantom so i showed him how real i was when i returned to the village i had just destroyed the humans were gathered around a fire like savages i went and spoke to that lady again who was clearly upset at my actions that's the thing about growing hold your eyes start to fail elsewise i would have seen you for this snake that you are chopped you into pieces and roasted you on a spit so feeling pity i put her out of her misery along with every single other member of the town fun fact did you know that some cats are actually allergic to humans it's quite fascinating really after my work was done i returned to the mayor's home had an awkward elevator ride with the cheese lady [Music] murdered the mayor and his guards but my assistant decided to question me you just killed him luckily i always have the right answers are you some kind of psychopath yes i then needed to prove to the cheese lady that i indeed was what she accused me so unfairly of luckily the town was full of example so i eagerly rushed around town whistling a fun tune helping her understand what she had signed up for also i do not kill animals that would be ridiculous at last she finally seemed to be on the same page i think you did the righteous thing you could a lot of people would have suffered otherwise after a job well done i went back to my ship which cheese lady seems surprised i owned is this your [Β __Β ] i installed the bloody power core redeem the items from the obsidian skull that somehow transfers rare items off of the important people i've murdered right into my ship i then set a course for a heavily populated yet horrifically condensed and claustrophobic spaceship destination reached the groundbreaker there i met the locals and was able to get through customs by threatening to literally strangle their bureaucrat what a time to be alive i met this old lady who offered me money for partaking in morally compromising missions i believe she was asking me if i was capable of carrying out such a task so once again example i killed everyone in her office fun fact did you know that competitive art used to be an olympic sport i then made my leave of absence believing i had made my point the guards understood i explained to my ship that the old lady was dead captain is a psychopath and set course for the most dangerous landing pad on a nearby planet so i fought my way to the planet's wildlife regardless of who attacked first it didn't matter to me eventually i found myself in a home i walked inside to find that there was a family living here i changed that status to lived here they were quite aggressive for just a run-of-the-mill family their daughter was the only non-aggressive one she asked for candy did you come to bring us more of those rocket candies that was real nice of her inviting us to dinner like that i didn't have any so embarrassed i commanded this guy to drop turns out this family was a bunch of cannibals i did the right thing i finally arrived at the big city where i met their overlord wow and a drunk red-haired lady who demanded drugs who was i did not oblige i immediately robbed the nearest pharmacy got the drugs and she seemed so happy that she wanted to help me murder everyone in the solar system and then i beat up and by beat up i mean straight up slaughtered everyone on my way to well who knows where i ended up in a village of pamphlet giving freaks i headed into their bar to meet with their leader as he spoke gibberish [Β __Β ] nothing of importance to me i scanned him for weaknesses for my eventual return to the town i moved on to the task at hand total human annihilation and murdered my way up to a mountain through giant bugs humans and other just inferior beings in general i entered a secret facility of course killed everyone inside and met a nerd who told me to get the other factions to stop broadcasting on a radio i said i would do it because i know that i'm good at stopping people from doing things like living i looted everything he owned as my next visit would be a quick one i then found myself in a small town guarded by what i can only assume to be some sort of security that's my nice way of telling you to sawed off with that being said i tested the town security who are you anyway and then i found a lady trapped in a room i told her that i knew some dude with terrible sideburns and she happily opened the door for me finally i'm not risking my neck anymore well she was wrong about that score for felix [Music] once again i was winning then you wouldn't believe this i found another trap civilian well this one babbled on about being chased in there by some monsters luckily i wasn't one of those monsters she spoke of mostly because she had absolutely no idea who i was i educated her i found a wandering merchant more than likely carrying valuable goods so i did the logical thing i sold him all of my garbage and then kicked him off a bridge there was also a man in a nearby cave was being the key word at this point i had successfully destroyed everyone associated with the terrible sideburns man and could now talk to him properly nyoka he seemed to know the red haired lady so i made sure that she got the first hit after that it was an all-out bloodbath i'm still not quite sure what all of these people were doing here all i knew was this fun fact did you know that apparently dolphins have names for each other absolutely mind blowing i know i can just imagine a dolphin calling out hey phillip check out my new sick tattoo of a 2020 corvette sticker with an lt2 v8 engine and gt2 nappa leather seats and then phillip the other dolphin would respond with something along the lines of oh josiah why are you always spending your money so frivolously did i not warn you about the raising government taxes you simply cannot write off a tattoo as a business purchase just because it quote unquote defines you as a twitch streamer so anyways i murdered the entire town leaving absolutely no survivors after that i headed back to the nerdy blue shirt geek boy he told me to pull a lever outside for some reason so i did followed by me returning to him eating 10 000 calories on the spot and beheaded him with a mace with literal spinning saw blades on it he died anyways i got drunk and then found myself fighting in the middle of a war not knowing whose side i was on i just killed everyone in sight what felt like only moments later i was on an elevator with cheese lady and red haired woman we walked into a room with a very very ugly man if i do say so myself who questioned us and just what do you figure you're doing up here not knowing the right answer to his question we killed him to avoid confusion i met another lady so i killed her and then i moved on to finish off the town not a soul was spared in the massacre but here's another fun fact did you know that apparently horses have the largest eyes out of any animal it's about two inches in diameter and is in a placement that gives them nearly a 360 degree view of their surroundings well anyways everyone was dead so i moved on i returned to the head honcho of whatever this town's name was to collect my reward you're back and in one piece i then showed him what two pieces of a human looked like instead of one realizing i had just killed the mayor of this town there was no reason for this town to have anyone in it that my friends is justification for my actions i proceeded to end this town because it had nothing more to offer me fun fact did you know that bananas are curved because they grow towards the sun that's right they go through a process called negative geotropism well that settled that and once again i was often finding new adventures in my finding new adventures i met people that would give me rewards before i ended them this man little did he know it was in a staring contest with me and bowed in submission the town's folks grew angry at my decision so i eagerly ran around ending each and every person that wouldn't benefit me in any way which was everyone of course except this chicken chickens will one day rule the galaxy i met another trapped person this one had red hair i felt threatened like they were going to want to speak to my manager luckily my manager is me and me said die and die they did do and then i met this guy tremendous work friend here i was readying a daring maneuver and you've come and saved me the trouble then i found a secret hidden asteroid base with this idiot to greet me hey nice form i went straight to their captain but he was rude so are you i of your mind for some reason the dropkick boy was mad about what i had done you just killed the guy maybe since he was my childhood friend but i wasn't mad so it really didn't matter next i found myself in some spoiled rich kidland where apparently i needed to meet up with an informant i'm needing something thing is the only person that tells me things is me and the guards agreed with my actions so it was all okay eventually i got contacted by a movie producer who wanted me to film a movie natural magnetism know what i mean just go in there and do what feels natural so i did just that and then he told me i knew you had chops but that was something else you found the energy in the scene and ran with it that was visceral so to further impress him i killed him too the elevator ride was fun i then located the board's leader's home so i snuck in and murdered all of the guards and met him for the very first time how did you get in here industrial stain his body gave me a key to the big building downtown and to which i destroyed everyone inside the main lobby got to ride a fun elevator shot the chief or something rather between the eyes and killed all the guards after that kerfuffle i went back to the ground breaker to finish any unfinished business people were not happy to see me so frustrated at their intolerance to my decision making skills i killed every single person on the ground breaker with extreme prejudice and what's more here's a fun fact for you did you know that the average velociraptor was just slightly bigger than a chicken that's pretty crazy also everyone on the ground breaker was now dead all of a sudden i was back on the orange planet somehow saving this woman from a bunch of i suppose bad guys thanks for the help next time you need supplies stop by you here she runs a shop somewhere which is good to know then i found myself randomly talking to some big wig lady who thought i was so cool she would die later for sure but her compliment saved her for the moment not her guards though they're definitely all dead i traveled to hope killed everyone in sight even though they were supposed to help me and found myself a dilemma not everyone was dead yet so i turned around to wrap up any loose ends and that's exactly what i did one of my companions actually had parents in town we did go over there to have a civil conversation but they were very nice they didn't expect to see you like this it made it a lot easier to destroy them what in the void did you do i didn't like how things went down either but did you have to go and kill them for some reason the aggressive ginger cowgirl was upset with me that wasn't a problem before it meant killing my folks in their own home so she left it's really her loves i forgot there was one human left in the electric city so i made sure to quickly talk with her she asked me to teach me her ways so once again i educated her i saved some dude from being killed by a big monster so he invited me to his top secret base filled with riches hey man a queen slayer i reckon you'll find something you like i took everything and then i took everything i finally found the store of the lady i saved sold all of my garbage to her and then put her out of business now i paid one last visit to the big city made sure that the civilians here weren't trying to rebuild or anything and cleaned up the town good and proper this time some people were mad what do you think you're doing but only probably because they were confused at last i made it to my final destination where i killed a bunch of guards convinced some lady engineer to hand over the password to her computer so i could literally release poison gas into the building but it didn't reach the room she was in so i had to end her myself we simply waltz through the facility murdering everyone in our path until we arrived at the president's room it was the first time i had ever spoken to him well look who but i was already sick of him talking then we beat the tar out of some robot security thing and finally arrived at the second last remaining human in the galaxy evil but popular blue shirt lady it was a short conversation and then i tried to kill the scientist but i couldn't i had failed i had ended every single person in the galaxy and i couldn't end one measly scientist i could hardly call myself a psychopath i was just as peaceful as everyone else i could use your help you're the only ally i've got and not just because you've murdered every potential leader in halcyon and i said nope the osi teaches that everything in the universe happens according to the grand plan the hope scientists and engineers woke up in a colony descending headlong into total collapse the people of stellar bay and amber heights were slowly but inevitably picked apart by the wildlife of monarch in time the sublight family was forgotten as for edgewater's former workers their remains provided a source of nourishment for the region's fauna the loss of june a tennyson hit the groundbreaker hard and even threatened to undercut the ship's independence after you killed her parents ellie left the unreliable she found herself taking bigger and more foolish risks after june lay's murder parvati turned edward she never quite came out of her shell and she often wished aloud that her dad was still alive as hard as she tried to drink them away nyoka's memories eventually overcame her the sam unit that accompanied you spread awareness of the product line's superior sanitation and maintenance capabilities across what was left of the colony hey a happy ending after all [Music] you
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 1,319,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, The Outer Worlds, Outer Worlds Psychopath, The Outer Worlds Kevduit, Outer Worlds Gameplay, Psychopath, The Outer Worlds Psychopath, Outer Worlds Psychopath run, Outer Worlds, Outer Worlds Funny, Comedy, Humor, Outer Worlds Companions, Outer Worlds Review, The Outer Worlds Montage, Becoming a Psychopath in Outer Worlds, Outer Worlds Tips, Outer Worlds Build, Outer Worlds Builds, Outer Worlds Best Weapons, Outer Worlds Character Creation, Gaming
Id: 0QQkhDvn-Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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