The Don "Magic" Juan Interview

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no jumper at coolest podcast in the world and today I am here with the legendary Don magic Juan - bro HD agreeing for the money go for the honey pimps up and y'all do know the rest we do know the rest but I think it's a very very important thing for the culture that we reconnect and everything I mean you're I know you have your whole storied career and everything in the streets etc but I feel like I came to know of you with Snoop Dogg what was that 10 15 years ago you sort of had like a resurgence in the public eye take me take me through that well what G is speaking about is really I first met nuking something like 96 and that was in a olanta during the time they was having what they considered to freak me freaking legendary freaky parties you know hanging out so you know I met him Dean and you know I've seen him in Chicago where you're from right yeah at a concert and he's seen me in audience and he told his uncle Jimbo to bring me in the back one in the back smoke with him and we talked and things he came to Chicago another time and he had a de Muslim to bring him to where I was hanging out on the west side of Chicago okay at a barbershop and he came up there and fellowship what has got attacked and he said man do you ever come to you know California you know look me up you know so in 99 I came to California uh-huh as a matter of fact we was on the same plane and landed together and from 99 and up until now it's been you know a fellowship I becoming spiritual violence Iowa Snoop so drawn to you what do you think started that relationship he's obviously incredibly busy he's got plenty of money he doesn't really have to make new friends but he was drawn to you what do you think it was well it's the thing that draw most people to what was considered my situation as being a pimp you know man that as well as women's they are fascinated by that and for him to have an opportunity to truly bombshell and to meet one day was considered a real one was really fascinated because he was very impressed with that kind of and you know most rappers are because you know that's why they say I'm hip-hop because most referencing about the cars the clothes the jury the women's their home and you know that's what you know a pimp we're really all about a lot of rappers literally talked about being pimps all the time and we as the listeners know that they're either lying or they're exaggerating and maybe they've done a little bit of dirt in their in their day but they're not really someone who lived a game for decades like yourself well one thing about it like I say it's a fantasy you know like a lot of rap about Gatien have indeed any gangster so it's a fantasy is just lyrics you know and you got some like ice-t that had really lived that life than the pimp you know to me and you know snoop itself had and does in it at one time you know but it was some that he knew it wasn't what he wanted you know and you know he contended in it rerd life oh you know I think it's just such a fascinating business for a lot of people to even think about because it's so hard for them to wrap their head around the idea of taking on that lifestyle nevermind to be able to do well for yourself for a long period of time doing that because it just feels like something that most people probably don't last very long trying to do right well depending on the situation to people and you know it's different strokes for different folks where it's been time that you know guys that pimp brawl drugs and today gang which was considered a no-no most of them thought maybe if they gave it to the girl that they could hold them long about getting them sprung out on him but once they got sprung out on him to female she would leave and go to the dope dealers no need to have the pimp mm so he was really losing his girl and I always tell God you know don't put that dope in a brain that you don't lose your game so you're saying that once the the prostitutes get addicted to drugs that's when everything is real real complicated and it doesn't work out where death when it becomes really complicated to way of no understanding mmm they take no directions they bolivian most of the time i mean it don't make good in a pimp's game you know like I said most guys tried you know because you know some guys get hooked on it themselves but I mean for pimpin it's not part of his game yeah the drug but you have you been privy to the game since before drugs were really a factor oh yeah I will be considered the number one pimp in the country in 1972 why would the number one pimp in the country for 13 years in a row and that's considered a historical number one of the guys that kind of thing what is judged by criteria every year about your car your clothes your jewelry your woman you know your characteristics even 72 they were who was doing the voting or the nominations of the sort of thing it is dude by the top-flight pimps around the country they take a vote you know like I could call over to New York and say man what's happening over there Slayer and say who making money who the man over there the NSA a man such as such a you know what I mean Rhodey Mack he run in New York now and you know he had come to the play of ball you're not I mean we had to guy from Hawaii you know play ball 20:18 a gentleman from Russia warned to play out a year ah so they come it's food Russia London I'm sketched up by the idea of Russian pimps off off the jump because I know they ain't playing by the same rules that we're playing by those Russians they're crazy well one thing about it is you know we consider that you know the mean bad day females you know any whatever yet they do it another thing but we judge you by your status with your female your God your clothes I love you of how you putting it down you know to me making it happen you know to Rio dear but back in the day were you it sounds kind of fleiger and it sounds like you really weren't worried about getting caught at that time period back in the 70s well one thing about it is they didn't have the log that they have created now we just considered you know Rico laws where now you know they say you know a guy getting money off for a woman is consider Prof you know a problem like earn and all for a woman they don't allied i said well why not you know women's can do not amine or no for you but you not i mean just the stigma that they put on you you not i mean that they don't think it's right for a lady to give a man for money i don't see nothing wrong with if the lady agreed like I said by choice not by force but when you were in the seventies with their just what were your worries in terms of law it wasn't even concerned that there would be an investigation and you would get busted that was impossible I know it wouldn't none of that kind of thing the other time you have a problem like that is you had a problem with your girl where she would go to the police on you and you know you'd get something like they call a pander in charge of something and possibly you know what they considered in white slavery you know or you know holding somebody against they were you know it wasn't much of that going on really so police really at that time didn't have a problem you know what I mean to arrest you and it really made a lot of man because you know you was riding you know like myself Rolls Royces Cadillac had how's this you know the jury and they seen all of these things but they seen no crime that you would break it even though they know that the girls was prostitute and you know if you couldn't you know but somewhat it was prostituting you see him you came but them for just walking around in life definitely you know that's really interesting hey can I ask you a question just sort of off topic you ever tried any sort of like penis pill any kind of dick pill like front either viagra or like something from the corner store yeah yeah I've tried it and some of it have worked really yeah I don't know any man that really want to try to stay a man that haven't tried something that would enhance them yeah yeah cuz i just recently tried it out for the first time which is actually a really good segue to our sponsor for this episode episode blue chew calm let me tell you real quick if you love sex you will love Bellucci calm blue chew offers many performance enhancement for the bedroom that will make you last longer you'll be able to go for additional rounds they're actually these chewable tablets little tablets they actually taste really good what what happens is you go to blue true calm and there's some physicians on there who will actually work with you to figure out your ideal dosage and what active ingredients are best for you myself personally i've used this in a few recent sort of threesome type encounters and it really had me just going crazy it was incredible anyway you could take it on a full or an empty stomach the consult consultation online is free and the best part is that we have a great deal for you guys if you visit blue shoe calm and you will get your first order free if you use the promo code atom 22 and you'll only pay i mean five dollars shipping and i promise it's incredible stuff you're gonna love it your partner will love it to do it for your girl anyway back to our conversation with the end you not i mean that the right appropriate thing to do for your girl you know they made a statement it you guys out there trying to plead the not t he just told you what to do mmm-hmm blue calm you just could I'm 22 I appreciate that um yeah you know I said I was here as long as we're on this topic I always hear from girls cuz you know my main association I didn't know a lot of porn girls out here in the LA scene and everything like that so I'm always hearing the horror stories that they have about the dudes that they work with doing weird stuff they shoot they shoot up their dicks I'm not sure exactly with what but that's some stuff that they actually inject into their penis to make them be able to perform that oh yeah yeah yeah they got that you know something like that I hear cause you know from the rain to thirty sixty thousand you know a lot of veterans you know I have it you don't of me where you could get this installed it until you know at a certain time you can just push some kind of button and it it just automatically give you a hard-on you know and you know it have been known to been affected you know I've know some guys that have tried it you know so it's just another way just you know Sandy Stier won a half sex hey you only got so many years on this planet you might as well make the best of all do what you can you know I just think anything you've run out of you should have been in did the best you could before do you think that the cops didn't care so much about the prostitution issue back in the day because the world hadn't really figured out like international sex trafficking in the sense I feel like that's what really pisses them off is like the idea that there's all these girls coming from Russia being sort of enslaved and shipped off to different cities all over America that that's when they started to really have to do something about it well one thing about it is anything that you know about now been going on from a long time ago you know just a lot of stuff being exposed now and at that time you know it was a good time you know to me especially in the black community during that pimp like blackest portation movie you know blacks had to live money dan you know it was a happy time you know and it was the time when you know excuse me officers you know would take you know five or ten dollars you know man just dig you know and he'd be had no problem about you doing what you did with the girl he figured what his business you know I mean she wasn't complaining to watch it he you know so it was that kind of I was very respectful an hour we used to go by the station and take the death side in a whole case of champagne you know mean I you know even as a pimp and you know I used to feed the less fortunate other friends you to say you're gonna need that money man why are you doing that you'd say I don't know I just did it you know to me I mean back to school for kids you know uh oh no Easter by tomorrow Easter basket and give out Thanksgiving by turkeys and give out I mean I did for the kind of thing I have been doing for over 45 years and as a matter of fact 2019 next Sunday Labor Day weekend I'm having the play of picnic where we are giving back to school supply then book back to the kids you know I believe in giving back you know and this is my way to give back Jim sometimes feel like you are a rare kind soul in this profession in the sense that it's the type of job that typically most people who go into it don't have the best intentions and you're sort of like the rare exception to that and that you came into the game with more of a moral code and you were approaching it for the right reasons if you if you're saying that a fuel call you know to me you know like I said many of called few are children yes I feel that I am a chosen one I feel that deeply than what you've spoken I have felt that for quite a while now I mean and I have been shown that kind of vision based on the sort of thing that I do that a normal pimp in that time wouldn't do so now it's catching up with me to get a better understanding because an 85 God showed me a vision that if I did give up that life that I wouldn't live he showed me that some drastically was gonna happen to me like the police who's gonna kick the door down or the FBI was gonna come that somebody was gonna break in and rob me it was a vision so strong that I could see it that if I didn't change my life it was gonna be over so what happened in 85 God showed me this vision an apartment made me realize that he do really do exist I mean I respected everybody wish I had a friend mother but I was a pimp I was the number one printer you know I wasn't into it like that so God so me experience one night made me believe that he really do exist I was trying to watch television one night and every station I turned to was a religious station evangelist was speaking and no matter what I turned I just seemed to hit me and-and-and-and one of the advantages like he looked at me and said I'd see somebody whoever who have just been saved and he was and he was looking dead at me he was it you know because I didn't know what the experience was happening I never experienced the power of God I never thought of it coming into my life but he told me to get rid of my weed my PCP and called a girl then tell them that I don't want them to go on the streets no more I called a girl then they said why I said I don't know but God don't want me to do it no more I called my mother and I said to my mother mother I just didn't say she said call a preacher I I said I don't know nobody she gave me a number to preach a path to Shepherd it is a true testimony and I called this number and I said proudly sherry I've been saved and he said I know it and I mean it was like why always like somebody was confirming it tell me that this what was taking place in my life and ran after that and it you know the conversion happened here in California you know like say I'm from Chicago so in 85 I left California went back to Chicago I joined this a Bible School called Moody by restitution if the number two Bible schooled in the country and man it's amazing they took me and at first they wasn't gonna take me and they couldn't understand why would a fennec be walking around in the school wanna join a Bible School and the lady that register she said I would have never read this to you in this school she said I never watched TV on Sunday after church but I walked into the house and they had the new broadcast on that this pimp time why had given his life to God it was on the news when you first stopped yeah yeah yeah you know big nose and things you know I've been on there for work for show and but yonder here show and all of it yeeeh testify about my conversion when I yeah I've been all over the country I speak in college in jails and academies and sorority giving the testimony been there you know done it that's why I become Snoop Dogg's fear survivor but was there a certain point where you sort of started to realize oh my the fact that I've lived this life and that I can talk about it and that people are interested in hearing me talk about it that that is a very marketable thing and that you could you know do all the things that you've been able to do where you basically could you know without having to take on the risk of actually living that life you would be able to go out and be able to tell people about that life and someone like me all the you know thirty years later would be fascinated to be sitting here having a conversation with you is there a time period when that sort of started to occur to you we're at the amazing that is it occurred to me as time as I was involved in the game you know it was like at times I wanted to retire but for some reason the girls wouldn't let me retire you know I was always trying to find a way where I could make us profitable by quitting the gang and it just didn't happen and you know after it happened I considered a blessing that God it came into my life because you know at a time you know where it was such a conviction to where one of the girls I had without working one day and you know like I said I had girls and not in allowed to date blacks okay that was the rule well that was my rule because you didn't want to get them wrapped up with some cool-ass dudes though we're gonna and that over the mind right not only debt but you know is more troubling as black just over sexual with black they want more for day money sometimes they take their money back you know what I mean they do a lot of things sometimes to the girl so and then I didn't want to have an abhorrent sneaking up on their getting some for free you know okay so I'm ending my day but anyway the story goes and this is a true story she had been with me for something like probably seven eight years and I she was up there working that even and she got pull-up on an actor ton of data and she refused to date him and he shot a fire time he shot her twice in the head and another three in the body and everything and this happened right before you decided to stop or what it was still doing you know the time that I was involved in the pimp game uh-huh you know it it's just one of the things that happened you know deeds of some of the war story that really seriously take place in that life you know some of the girls really made sacrifice and risk their lives and things fun to make that pimp you know the main successful to have what he want to you know so she was shot it was the evening she was rushed to the hospital I knew nothing about it you know I was contact through my sister that did that tick and plate so it was a sister of mine that always go and bond the girls out you know and do the tain that I be asking her to do so me and I went to the hospital and here she was the girl laid up with tubes everywhere and uh I mean barely could move because they shot her twice in the head and the other three shots in the body and wanting to die or something and as soon as I stepped in you know her mother was there and her sister and she looked up at me and she said daddy I wish I can get up out this bed and go get you your money her mother looked at me and I made and said what have you done to my daughter right I said ma'am nothing that just pure dedication that's how dedicated to female would in that pimp gang doing that error I mean I'd had one girl that would get shot in the leg come home change weeks the bullet went all the way through nurse the wound tied up and go right back to work that kind of dedication a lot of people would hear that and think what did you have them brainwashed or something because what could possibly be important enough to go and like you know yeah we all need money but it's like if you get if you just got shot in the leg then reason realistically it's probably a safe time for you to take a little time off or whatever thing that I'm explaining to you about the dedication these female be their dedication today man that they're willing to risk their life you know what I mean is death important to her that she see that she do everything possible to make that man number one in that fear and then when they dedicate if it mean death because one thing about it is you couldn't say a female brainwash because one thing about it is prostitutes are very intelligent because they have to go in car and go into me and pocket go up under the seat go into the glove compartment have sex with him and do all of that by the time they go around the block you know and I always say if a female to really leave you promise me she will and she can because any time a female get in a car and can ride and go spend 10 15 20 minutes and come back she wanted to come back it wouldn't by force it was by her choice she could have left but isn't that kind of the whole game when you're in that business is that you have to sort of you have to create incentives to make these girls fall in line with what you want them to be doing to for them to do unrealistic things that might not be in their best interest like go [ __ ] dudes for money right after getting shot where the thing about it is then you know this is truly in the pimp gang you know some people are so amazed by me saying it but most of involved in the gang I heard about it knoweth the true you know one thing about it you have to create some fear in the female hmm it's not gonna work unless you create some fear in it she must have some kind of fear of you and when it come time and the thing about it here she's gonna try to find out do you really mean what you say if you said I'm gonna kill you if you lead a stroll if you do this if you don't give me my money I never had to fight my girl about getting money they never had a problem about that they wanted to do it more than I wanted him to do it right you know but if you have to I wanted to finish it but when they come to that time that you have to check them you told her you was gonna kill her do you know you got the Whooper to where she thanked you about the killer where she would say daddy please don't kill me like you said you were gonna do it get to that rare to what you feel it that she almost at the brink of death and then you do you know that same female will get up clean up nursing won't get dressed and go out there and get you the biggest bankroll you ever saying but I think the problem is is that a lot of people see it as immoral to have somebody in your life that is working for you because they're scared that you're gonna kill them like that's the part that I got to struggle with because even if you didn't realistically plan on killing them it just seems like it would be hard for me to wake up in the morning and know that that's the kind of business that I'm running okay let me explain that statement you just made and this is true to the game if you as a pimp believe me not it's the truth just what some people think is erotic that if you don't put your hands on her she'll think you love her she gonna do everything she can to upset you and till you put your hands on her then she gonna believe you love her if you don't hit her if you don't scold she gonna feel like she being used dan see a woman wants to feel needed and wanted hmm so if you just saying go do that and you don't care about nothing she dude you ain't checking out for she feel misused mistreated and not wanted she gonna do something something I don't care for you to my last guy in the world she know how to get up under your skin and do something to make you put hands on her and when you do then she gonna said daddy I love you but is it the line of work that you really are only interested in working with people or with women who had that kind of mentality where they they almost want to be abused as a sign that they're being loved like is it primarily the women that you end up working with are they primarily people that have been abused and that they have that sort of miscalibrated in their brain where they feel like abuses love no I wouldn't say that because just like in this profession this profession calls for women and women's are in all kind of profession doctors nurses lawyers and I say and testify that damn of that nature and some compacity have been a prostitute it may be a low number and and based on what you say yes a lot of those have been in abusive family that into prostitution but then they didn't come in to depend like to be abused they came into it because they wanted something that they father didn't give him some love they wanted a or they won't that luxury life that they see that gold in life they see you know then coming in because today because if that was the first intention then it wouldn't take place that what that number would be wild almost zero percentage like that you know you invited in because of the style the flag the glamour the excitement I told my girls I was taking them to Hollywood which was the most exciting thing they probably could have heard at that time and I did that to have a pimp to do what he said gonna do is the most exciting thing to prostitute let me ask you this because there's a whole scale from you know you could be turning twenty dollar tricks to you know I know girls they're getting two thousand an hour to do high-end escorting uh while you were in the game did you mostly gravitate towards one end of the spectrum or the other we see the amazing thing about my gang and I'm glad I would breast with the game that I had to number one deep in the country and then any pimp gang a pimple on his prostitute to be a thief and what I mean by that is you know flat-backed it's considered those that just prostitute for money no still and no none and when I had girls when you come to choose me you would have to do at least 300 a night just starting off if you never did nothing at all but see it's so important to have a prostitute that know how to steer because see she can go in the pocket take the money out she can take two just watches offers all these kind of things that makes apparent profitable when he able to have a prostitute that do these kind of things yeah you got some - that got pinched us on drew that just do hundred dollars no that ain't how to primp gang go you got prostitute and I had prostitute that some night that might come in with ten thousand mmm but mostly I'm Robin no not Robin still is you know tricks might have money up under this seat right in the trunk a real prostitute gonna search the whole car before she let him go if he look prosperous they bring home guns knives drugs all kind of things car guys have different things police badge it's all kind of thing it's like how when you go to a restaurant they don't make most of their money off of the food they make most of their money off the drinks so you know making most of your money off of the off of the where what you're saying is you're not focused on the date because you know money getting the door but then you upsell them but you don't really love some yo-yo mind already it they're just ear you using your sex just to get his attention you're not enjoying this at all digital mean to like put him to sleep to get his mind off what he's thinking about so that you can continue to search and look around Jerusalem that's possible that your man would want and bring it back home and give it to him but there's no where it gets complicated where you guys guys coming back to kill the girls [ __ ] like that where one thing about it is that had happened but the girls are smart enough to know to go home change we change clothes and go on another stroll see the thing about it is when a guy actually what a stroll that I said in a way you sit your girl cuz the thing about a pimp via he can open and close on any corner when he get ready so if ain't nothing going on that corner go down to the next corner if it's too much heat on the corner here go over to the neck pods go to the north side go to the south side they bind anyway you put your girl she qualified and know how to work them streets and flag them cough let me know so this is the game all [ __ ] up now because if you go to a major metropolitan area it seems like they're very aware of where people are selling drugs where people are selling [ __ ] and they're they're smarter now they're on they got cameras they got cops watching those areas the game has changed a lot right we're the thing about it is just like it ever been from day one you know to me the more I look to it especially when it comes time for voting and elections you know to me easy to pick on a pretty easy to pick on a prostitue easy to pick on a grilled dealer easy to pick on a robber you know the deed things to boot you know your political thing you're not I mean like that but you know like I said what we spoke about at one time wouldn't even notice but it'd become an issue because they've become a political thing with all of this traffic not so much a drug tracker but human traffic you know what I mean at all of the different things that's going on about people like we know like our Kelly and the end like the billionaire everything all of these things bringing some hearts attention to you know a very sad situation that's been going on a long time but you know like I said a lot of things are coming to light the gang it messed up in individuals you know different strokes for different folks and then like I said a lot of female had run to the strip club a lot of female working internet websites and you know a lot of people females are doing drugs a lot of different things happened that had deterred the Sears pimping you know to me it's still going on and it's still gonna continue good of all and to somebody trying to light that on this small Friday because man's gonna continue to buy a woman it just had to be some guys calling up to tell a woman to go yeah you know what I mean because some women's need teaching and instead need something in life they want to provide for a family won't survive for they kids and don't know how most when they go out there and they give it away and come home with a sloppy Gucci and no money and still need bring it on the table and need they rent pay but the woman that go out there know how to you know to me open our legs I had woman's there was standing look 50 below zero weather and the need deeper snow 50 below we're 50 below with a miniskirt on with pantyhose with a split in the mid seven and eight hours a day selling their body yes I fear as that is it's not like that today is so many opportunity I mean like I tell the guy today we got to tell it like it is okay like I tell the guy today man they lose and by the women woman's eye-catching mo female then guys odd today god I'm not so concerned about females like they used to be some guys now won't transact and they do women a lot of women's turning to be living won't women and you know a lot of these things is against the gang so everybody confused so nothing really working out right you know no kind of profession they don't need us like they used to wear that's what I'm saying you not I mean because there's so many opportunity to do a lot of things even like when a guy was doing pimping he had to check a female like we just thought my hitter put his hands on her you know but you can't even do that since the old JD is definitely no no it's like you know a murder befall mode you know when it was called really like my domestic split all up a few hour than that there or say we all kids are makeup night become a big thing you put your hands on a female you know I know a lot of girls who basically are making you know high five figures some of them even six figures a month off of their private snapchats where basically they never have to even leave the house they don't have to go to the strip club they don't have to walk down the street they can be in the house they hook up with other girls they hook up with their boyfriend maybe they hook up with some other male porn star they know whatever they do it all on their phone nobody takes a cut besides you know PayPal or some [ __ ] with ya where that's the thing that's going on you know people are trying everything you know to me to make some money and a lot of new doors opening up for them to be able to do such a thing you know but all of these thing is not like of the pimp days when it was such a sorority or secretive you know people know like these chick think they get away with talking sleep a payout me of something like all it is is being documented if the lake get big enough the government of be knocking on a dough you know to me so they ain't really doing nothing slick yeah I've been through that experience where I was gonna buy some drugs like I was buying some lien or something I didn't have any cash on me on my [ __ ] I'm gonna be right back I'm gonna go to ATM the guys like what you don't got venmo I'm not oh yeah I do have them oh it was like he he was he clearly sells way more drugs on venmo through his phone than actual cash like he could be out selling drugs all day and come back with no cash in hand well see but debt that I did you not I mean like they say you become your biggest customer hmm get out of me when they're doing that sort of thing happen it ain't nothing to show you know let me ask you this do you ever wake up in the morning and just want to put a hoodie on I feel like your style addresses like a very big part of the image that is Maddie yeah just you know is where you know it's a t-shirt do you get dressed up everyday I'll be ready man I'd like to be Sutor than booter hmm yeah man I just might have to choose from my outside and they said let's go to the wedding I don't want to say look I gotta go home to get changed let's go you ready to go I like to stay ready so I'll have to get ready mmm you know and the thing about anything like I did a thing on my social media to Darwin show we're consistent you have to be consistent you know a lot of people today are giving up you know it's so amazing to me to see so many homeless and they're not old people they're not sick people they're not laying anything you know to me healthy strong young people homeless you know to me it's something wrong something going on somewhere here and you know it's a problem and it just seemed to be growing I mean one time we've seen it was the elderly people now you see so many young people homeless and not only that suicidal hurting itself being bullied into killin a self and these kind of thing these things that we must fight again because still we have to help children because I say I wouldn't want to be a child of day they taking all the buttes I don't know where and why I'd have to be but most kids are being murdered and killed like adults have been killed most kids are going to prayer in jail like most adults would do I mean kids are just taking a knockin upside the head and then nobody there be able to rescue others seem to be a trend where it's okay for 16 years ago do life in prison those are they crying and nothing about it it's becoming the norm we have reverts compassion would love and understand to believe in in sadness and frakin and know honesty and loyalty have become the trend and people are satisfied with it today and they don't understand just like the technology of social media it can hurt like it can hit but folks that are weak and going through things it seemed to weaken them more and more and more because prepar going to social media looking for support in their situation and it's not there they've become friends with a computer and thinking the individual listen people that's not a hard there people are not who they pose to be so don't y'all fall for that church church preacher Tabernacle yeah like what what is the damn the life of magic don't want like like what do you concern yourself with these days all right now you know every day you know in the day of the bishop Dom has one is exciting day man you know 45 wake up you know thank God I wake up you mostly around six o'clock of them you know like I'm trying to go to work of them you know to me one time in life six o'clock I never seen it before you know I mean it's always 10 let my lawyer you know you see the clock as you still be up yeah it's almost time you know I mean yeah I deal with them girls do not of me checking that trap and you know to me I told the story about this I bought a van and had it fixed all up stove inside it you know everything sleeping quarters all that and I used to have a rock wall and I we used to go on the Stroh and I would factor one and tell the girl drop the money in there I wouldn't worry about people trying to break in and cut the rock wife you get close to the vana to be like he eaten up the one you know and I'll be in the back behind the curtain just chilling in about five or six like it's a girl be through jump in the van we rolled on home check that paper right you never thought about getting involved in the porn business yeah you know snoop did from a video for hustling things I could have appeared in it but I wouldn't really own it in like that and you know if I did you know do from narrating you know to me I want to make a significant DF oh my don't just want to game the down one without that I had the opportunity to do that you know I know some girls that are involved in that and also some of the guide and some of the people that run their business you know I would friend of you know rest and Pete and his HOF that under the bunk bunny ranch good friend I've been over there a few times you know what yeah what I have legalized sex yeah yeah I would always hear about that was a seed documentary when I was a kid about that no but it just kind of makes sense to me because it's like you were involved in the illicit illegal side of things for so long and then at a certain point it's kind of like like I interviewed this guy oh oh God oh like selling weed and then we become leaguer and I get legal right yeah yeah you know like porn world looks like weed now works yeah I know it to me but I know what to me being involved in that entertainment part of sexual activity you know it seemed like it would be only right but you know just like you said my life is a different journey mmm I didn't know what I was gonna do most guys get stuck in the game you don't know what you're gonna do how you gonna survive after that I didn't know I thank God that he showed me another way because I didn't know what I was gonna do before you get into what you did in 85 and stop pimping or you really [ __ ] up off the PCP and how was that affecting your game as a human being it was affecting my game but my girls I would let my girls we wouldn't uh I would say hardcore PC people who would take it uh make it into weed and then take the weed and put it on weed oh you know but you know the girls got a list addicted to it they would go in the icebox get it you didn't put some water in there and all that a dip it you know with that Charmin stick that was going to have it so it was affecting my game where the cab driver told me man I can't take your girl to work no movement act too crazy I was jumping out the cuy at 60 miles an hour when one of my girl we went into a liquor store and she went in the freezer and wouldn't come out you know one of kind of things I mean it in a one of my best friend that was a serious pimp what he did is he parked his limousine and the block the carwash went home told its us to dhawan know where my coat at and everything locked the bar true story no shot hit baby mama with a 45 shot his baby fed the baby some Froot Loops era and shot the baby with a 357 Magnum blew the baby head off and then he shot itself in the head where he did this just cuz he was so [ __ ] up officer I'll for the PCP what's you know cuz EPC figure your loser nation that you do what you do but you'll still be there tomorrow like you do what you do that you ain't did it it gives you that kind of loser nation you know and so and this was just some guy you know no we've been on each other for over 15 years we were pimping buddy he's one took me on the throw to first time I went wow you know so it was amazing and they called me and I got there just that the police were bringing him out and I went up I seen this you had him cover up but I went up in the house and it was like one of them Freddy Krueger movie love was everywhere but the thing about it is the bullet knocked out the girl she didn't die what the yes girlfriend um I didn't die she didn't die so she survived and survived it oh my god and uh as a matter of fact she was pregnant and the daughter just hit me on social media said if you have any pictures of my daddy thumb let me see him I was pregnant with my mother at the time t guy said I didn't even know that holy [ __ ] that must be weird too to know that your father like killed your sister and and did all this terrible stuff but it wasn't really him it was just the drugs had him in the state of mind right period he might have been a great guy the rest of the woman did into a lot I mean at that error and like I said that powder that affected my gang and me myself I didn't do it like that you know our very modest at it but it was people around me that was doing it that you would fear that if I walked in at that time he might would have killed me you know to me but he had his mind all set up or I guess what he wanted to do but he didn't in that like I said PCP are you thinking you didn't do what you did but he gone right you know the baby go and the mama living with that horror and Wow it's amazing that is terrible holy [ __ ] um okay so what what did you start to do to earn a living once you turned away from the pimp game and how did you sort of get out of that lifestyle because I'm sure is they kept following you and I'm sure that like the types of people that you had been around was still gravitating towards you right no question about it is you know I was considered number one and I was still considered the life of the party you know what I mean not only that the prostitutes still wanted to stay but I had made the transition but is the amazing thing some tried to be too OSHA you know and then it was an amazing thing for my family because we was a fuss and cuts and kind of family when I made the convert and it really brought our family together it was really what my mother had been praying for you know and it was amazing turnaround my family become the choir OSHA's in the church and my mother become the mother in the church we had a great ministry and you know the girls couldn't keep up for cup you know God had called they tried but you know it wasn't that dedication today they wanted to curse God because I had been their whole life for 15 20 years of thumb you know you would be with one girl for that long she would be with me I wouldn't be one girl yeah I'll go ahead I had as many as seven at one time I'm thinking in my head that you're gonna have a girl for six months and she's gonna move on on average no there was a lot long-term commitment man that debt ain't even you know the privation period I mean you don't really give a prostitute real rope and I felt after three years after she show you three-year the real dedication the end you might buy a car you know they might get our own apartment and you know start getting out of lived you know roomed you know to move around and to do a thing because if you have shoulder shrugs words hmm you know did you become a one-woman type of guy once he left the game I never been a one-woman type of guy always been considered a ladies man I've been having more than one woman since I was 10 years old you know to me it started in you know a fire you though I got my first piece of thick because the babysitter did it you know to me and told me don't tell nobody you know so a ten-year though I had two girls in the hallway kissing them both to see which one I really wanted to be my best girl and my big sister Carla then the hall slapped me upside a it told me to get in out and told other girl get home you know but that was the beginning of something that had always been a part of me I've been married once you know married dedicated to my wife but I always you know the main just been a ladies man you know I mean woman's always been there from it you know from my mother all the way up to the day yeah he another man how do you keep the energy level so hot because I'm gonna be honest my dad is the same age as you and he do you know how old I am yeah you're 69 right no so you got me oh I'm 67 I'll be 68 and November okay my pops is 69 gesturing 69 and when I look at him I'm like man this guy is not moving at the same pace as a as measured on one where the thing about it is you know I strongly keep God in my life you're not I mean and I always been like I said rest finesse and dress you know I may not try not to be under too much strained you know to me I try to take everything calm cool and collective and you know my journey is to give out what I know you know what I mean like I feel like blessed to be a blessing and that's my daily journey is to give somebody else knowledge that's why I do my social media everyday we called people to man I needed that thank you that because they know they're getting it from a real one more than anything me means you got to always read my caption you know cuz I be laying it down from the heart right there not a tree and so you know if I see that it's very effective so I continue to do it on social media so social doing it for no lights or anything hit to anything like that because one thing about it is I don't follow but to people in s my son Matt Iran and our Snoop Dogg's so it ain't about people it's just about me you know giving out the message and I tell people don't worry about the one you know the main domestic to enjoy the message don't worry about me to live and enjoy what I deliver you know and I give out some power for information and like it's new believe that I saved his life that I made a different his life you know and others I have done that in their lives I've been a you know I touch many lives and entertainment be it just in the street just people in general but why does Snoop say that you saved his life because I changed this thinking when you change your thinking you can change your life really yeah you know and you know he said he came from the gangster to the players that was a change of thought you know and see one thing about it is an end other than being against there being a player you have more time to get a more understanding thought about situation that thing that you thought affected you that now you can really walk over because you understand them a little more I instead did that kind of thing and they're you know the main decision is probably being grown of being a man you know I mean what a family you know to me that's interesting cuz week when we think about snoop we forget that if you met him in ninety nine his no I'd say 96 96 okay so yeah that's even a bit earlier but I mean snoop was more in that sort of gangster type of but that's sort of more how we thought about and then there was a transition that sort of happened like late 90s where he kind of changed up his image or his style maybe even who he was kicking it around and stuff that you identified that yeah well what it was is you know I mean to be little more understanding about the situation you know you know the cuts of California's you know I mean it was a lot of you know the Crips and the Bloods and the game being in sort of situation so you know most of the guys here you know they just try to stay strong to that situation and Snoop were just one of them individuals it was going to continue to stand tall you know the rain he loved the courts and he was a strong part of the culture you know to me but then once you understand it that you know you can help the culture and that's what's new got to understand that from me that he could help the culture mmm you know what is force to be able said we can love one another we can fellowship one another to where you know as me being this new was bringing like inviting like you know blue stairs house we all fellowship and and talking because II do you have to understand in was titled then what damn it means then were just title and once they got to understand that they know that it was more to that they could do business together that they can work out the thing together you know what I mean just like you see the big explosion of knit see you know hustle you know what I mean how that explosion have brought so many different individuals together even you know the mean giving snoop to understanding the poor our more love and to the community because you know death what it need it need that underst and they need that love from his own you know to be able to reach out to these individual to make that difference you know and snoop seen that in me when I got with Snoop Dogg he was running with like a hundred people and I told him I said you can't do it Jim it's draining his very drained it and you know especially if it's a hundred people and they wasn't given until you I mean you know you're creative or anything but more like taken away and you know it drained you and you know one day we wind up on Hollywood Boulevard me and him together and he just got out of style walk about that note security I said wow isn't this amazing snow it's been a journey form and I'm just glad to be a part of his journey man from something like over 20 years you know I mean watching him you know the mean become a grand dad you know to me watching his kids grow up you know being a father you know his journey would it my toured with him all over the country you know you know every day we was like together you know I gave him another a lot of knowledge a lot of people probably thought that I would be with Snoop I know he a married man would be saying I'm like don't go home but my feelings were to go home snoop go be with your wife go there because you know one thing I realized and I learned that you know what I mean once you lose what you got at home everything in the street don't seem to be important it don't seem to be excite people change they switch up on you dance there's nothing for them to rob you of your happiness there anything you didn't loss all that so they start to disappear and it happened to a lot of us but I was glad I was able to be part of the influence the tears knew to stay strong in it right that's your answer yeah you know I mean when people would think are down on the pimple a I know he'd tell us new do with every girl now yesterday my floor so what do you think when you look at a young guy who you know maybe he's blowing up as a rapper like look at Drake no I don't know you know Drake or not but he's clearly for like 10 years as this mega celebrity he's been with a million different girls doesn't seem like he's ever really had something that serious but we've always looked at that situation and been like Drake you should be with Ariana you should do the jay-z thing and just find your Beyonce do you think that like do you think that someone is kind of unhappy inherently when they're just running around [ __ ] every girl they mean well one thing about it is I know Dre personally I was invited to his birthday you know to me as a matter of fact TMZ couldn't get any pictures and they went to my post to get pizza because what his name I didn't take your phone away no Leonardo DiCaprio would take picture with nobody but he did with me I spoke with me and they and they couldn't take pizzas and so they went to my boat to get a pizza but it was Drake birthday party his father was dead dinner it's Graham which I gave the Don Juan Lifetime Achievement Award after 2018 player I've been doing him got along good yeah you see my dentist and dentists you know good friends but to think about it it it you know in the beginning is you know I love the new rapper there that you not I mean but it's a good thing jury enjoying itself you know it is exciting and there at a time just like snoop could tell you I think a tell you early on even like I could tell you in the pimp gang it was excited you know what I mean you know right now drink them they steal that side of they still young man they still feeling the old say cheerio they doing a thing it's a beautiful thing and they creating good music and and they being paid but the things I hate about some of the rifles you know what I mean that is think that you can take it it should be a lesson learned what she ignite that you can't take this kind of mentality into being into the rap game these people are giving you millions of dollars and here you is you had a neighborhood somebody killing somebody buying drugs and you run in your career you doing 50 years in prison and these kind of things and it's affecting your family and you friend that is not just all about you I know you've grown I know you getting your own money you can do your own thing nobody can tell you what to do but you hurt yourself and some of y'all got to quit it man enjoy your career be able to make your family happy make yourself happy so many of y'all aren't happy out there you're unhappy in your home with your girl with your job and you're doing different things to affect your life you gotta quit it because you hurt in your career once you become into this business you become my artist as a business there's no more about gangbang and there's no more about that street life it's about that pencil and paper and that's what you see you paid no attention and that's why most of y'all get hurt by that filter and paper nobody had to hit you you get your worst lick from pencil and paper so pay attention now so you think Drake is still in the streets too much no I don't think he's in the street too much I think he having a great time I think he earned it you know the main it's been established that he is one of the top artists a dis generation you wanna Mane so yeah he should feel it zero you should enjoy yourself I you know I love Chris Brown D you know enjoy yourself man you know make this money but the thing about it is to help somebody please help somebody I know y'all doing things you're not I mean but it's so many people that you know that you can help they might not even deserve it but they in your community from when you come up most of y'all with PO y'all know what it is y'all act like y'all never been broke before mmm y'all don't know to go in the neighborhood and reach out I don't care James Eman Diddy you know Rick Rolled you not I mean we got the help man in the community yeah you can donate to charity I know all of them kind of thing but I promise you you don't reach down on Jackson Street in Gary Indiana you got to go somewhere you're not I mean then give out you know what I mean Do It Yourself pick a neighborhood you come from and buy it and somebody on that block everybody so y'all can stand and pray everybody be a give them a list that's a relief if you can do this do that you not I mean you god no you can't help everybody and it ain't meant for you to help everybody but you've been blessed so you can be a blessing and most people have more money than they need they died and leaving money you know two trustees and charities and different things so why are you here you ain't got to go all the way cross seas and over there to hip you can have right in these community people right there in Chicago Madison need it right here in Los Angeles on crunch y'all need help you know we can help y'all so think about there but don't forget next Sunday night September the 1st the play of picnic it's going down what's that like cuz I was gonna ask what kind of entrepreneurial ventures are currently involved in before we have to wrap this interview well I got a second print to my life story book out with some new pitches in there uncle also I've been you know working and talking to different individual about a documentary on my life story spoke to be a Duke about bringing it to the silver scream and what we need to do to get that down we have the footage you know we're looking for investors that you know we would like for it to go to the big scream not know next flick or nothing like that I'm surprised that they took dolomite to Nick flick I thought it should have been on the big screen yes Eddie Murphy I thought that you know I mean but you know came on next flick you know so earlier but I like for my life story to be on the big screen I'm sure I should I believe I got a story to tell day in here at half of it you know the main been there done that but my greatest thing is to be able to help somebody that's what I want to be known for and that's what I continue to do I know a lot of people just you know me on my opinion and all my plan and all my dissing that man I'm a child of God and you know me let me say this for we wrap up can I tell them my lip on telephone yeah yeah I tell y'all before we even get into that okay I want to ask what the players ball is like oh man cuz I think about flare bar 20 19 this year November that 30 to be in Hollywood at Pig and Webb so right after my birthday yeah how many fourth is my birthday so we decide to tear throw me on the flyer I'll come through yeah I'm gonna make sure to happen you hit Hollywood put him on the fly get my info Hollywood yeah you know I'm gonna do it together this year celebrate I bring the cake you probably got any white guys on the bill right man thought you just saying I tell you the Russian guy age won't play at a year yo man we got plenty of white guy you'd look at the DVD you see mr. white folks in there oh wow yes name yeah mister white folk yeah look at him there's some white temps man you know I don't even know if you know the radio personality a man cow he'd been to the Playboy he's a family of the year oh wow yeah he won't play out of yeah Wow so if I'm gonna come through I got to come through official I might have to get a friend a fur coat I gotta have my girl lookin all sexy and all of that you know you'd be surprised another girl might choose you [ __ ] tell my girl you're out there we just bought a house together but ceiling oh yeah we'll be together not very good for ya yeah so you the threesome champ what's your mean you've done a lot of threesomes in your days that's something that you just real sorry man I did one Plus set some threesome man come on man do you know how much funny would - come on man and got six seven girls in the bed with you you can do anything you want to fantasy watch them make them do what you want to do the old thing yeah you know me find and joy that was amazing and they didn't care about what they wanted to do - have it your way my burger - man there we go King King chicken lands look here man let's hear your poem I here we go I tell y'all out there you know we are going through some rich poor lady crazy don't know what to do everybody need something I don't try to put Jesus a god on anybody is your decision to accept it or reject it but he'd go to porn from large bits of gone mad wife was from the heart reaches out here we go whatever problem trouble or sorrow if you trust in the Lord there be a brighter tomorrow but there's nothing too much for the great God to do and all that he act is fate that's unshaken by tribulation and yeah contents and knowledge that God knows best and trouble and sorrow they are only a test but without God testing of our soul it never could reach it ultimate goal so keep on knowing and believing that all that God has promised you would be yours to receive if you trust him completely and always believe and so idea don't forget to touch bases now the Don Juan show shits on social media beautiful well said hey it was great to meet you man I've been a fan for a long time a is our way to treat one play of me well said hey Don magic Juan no jumper cool is podcasting where I'll check us out on YouTube SoundCloud iTunes like comment and subscribe no jumper cushion stores now Church preach [Music]
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 269,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don magic juan, don magic juan interview, adam22, don magic juan no jumper, no jumper, bishop don juan, bishop don magic juan, archbishop don magic juan, magic juan, playas ball, don magic juan documentary, don magic juan church, snoop dogg, bishop don magic juan players ball, adam22 interview, no jumper interview, players ball, green hat, church, magic
Id: Jv7LunBnu4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 14sec (3914 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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