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[Music] there'll be no peace among the stars an eternity of carnage the slaughter and the hideous laughter of ever thirsting God's let the galaxy burn [Music] the chaos gods represent one of the most malevolent forces in the galaxy humanity inhabits in the 41st millennium by the forty second millennium these dark forces have become wide-reaching and caused destruction beyond estimation they pervade reality hanging as an ever-present shadow far from being disconnected from that reality the dark entities known as the chaos gods have far-reaching powers and continually threatened to impact the long-term stability and safety of not just humanity but nearly all races that inhabit the galaxy while many races have probably a hand in giving rise to the chaos gods it's reasonable to say that humanity and certainly the Elder have played some of the largest roles in contributing to the rise and strength of the chaos God's chaos largely exists not in the mortal galaxy but in the pure energy realm of the immaterial otherwise known as warp space the chaos gods do not exist in isolation either in fact their very existence is continually fuelled by the emotions and souls of sentient beings in the material space or material warp space itself is a bizarre and terrifying place two mortal entities it exists without the established laws of time and space it is a highly unstable realm subjected to endless disturbances not to mention the horrifying and immensely dangerous creatures that exists there without enlisting the skills of psychic navigators as well as the Emperor's astronomic on the psychic beacon back on terror then using the walk to travel would be immensely dangerous if not impossible yet even with the power of the Emperor behind them humanity as it stands would be unable to function without the use of the war even with this powerful means of crossing vast expanses of space true long-distance travel across the galaxy can still take months or even years within this strange realm exists bizarre entities drawn to these psychic emanations of mortal creatures some of these entities like the astral specters are pure warp creatures who are formed by the psychic energy and ignorant actions of untrained psychos who are unknowingly while exploring their powers formed these creatures in the warp other entities like the enslavers are more ancient and a believed to have existed as far back as the war in heaven the galaxies ruining war between the old ones and the coton nekron alliance the old ones had created many races before but now they were forced to create beings with powerful psychic weapons to battle the nightmarish world ending Catan the experimentation and subsequent learning processes of these early cycles would unknowingly disrupt thee at this time relatively placid immaterial their psychic experimentations usually with conflict in mind would unknowingly filled the blank canvas of warp space with hellish creatures that would violently and forcibly breach the gap between warp and real space the most powerful of these being the enslavers and they would dominate enslave if you will using the collapsed and transmuted bodies of early psychos as portals this would then allow more of other warp entities into real space and these walk beings would become one component of the downfall of the old ones as their own creations then fell victim to the command of enslavers instead of being a tool to destroy the coton the old ones found themselves hamstrung and fighting nightmarish entities they hadn't anticipated despite their vast wealth of knowledge these nonspecific undesignated warp entities will again breach real space to leap humanity again exploiting the inexperienced and weak early psychosis of mankind during the warp storms of the age of strife while these strange and terrifying entities within the warp are certainly unsettling and problematic for mankind and the other races in the galaxy they are incomparable to the true masters of warp space the gods and demons of chaos these are devastatingly powerful entities who are formed from the same energy that comprises warp space itself the gods of chaos would largely be birthed into the warp as early as 10,000 years BC humans shamans would detect and sense their malevolent presence but even though the chaos gods would exist in one sense they were far less active and destructive than they are in the 41st and 42nd millenium at this early time you could even describe them as being passive entities the gods of chaos were more like a slow boiling pot of water the heat being humanity and other races inherently negative traits and vices itself is not a race it's more of a collective designation and rel it's primarily divided between four gods known as corn zinc Nergal and slen ash corn is the blood God representing war rage violence hatred and bloodshed zinc is the changer of the ways representing volatility of change such as overreaching ambition plotting convoluted scheming and conspiracy it also represents sorcery Nergal is the plague God and it represents mortality morbidity and despair and Sloane ash is the god of lust greed excess hidden ISM pleasure pain and perfection the gods of chaos are manifested through sentient thoughts minds and emotions of the galaxy's inhabitants the collective unconsciousness cumulatively shapes and allows the reactive warp or immaterial to give rise to such AB horrid creatures as the gods of chaos the existing mental activity across the galaxy then continues to sustain and nourish them while the gods themselves in the warp are extremely powerful they can only enter reality in a somewhat limited respect such as by means of possession of those who have psychic abilities as was the case during the age of strife when mass possessions of early humans psychos brought terrible and wide-reaching damage across the colonized planets of humanity the chaos gods are also able to form and create lesser entities from the warp itself to push out into real space essentially forging miniature extensions of themselves these are the demons of chaos whilst they themselves are not truly able to enter the material things have become progressively more severe since the formation of the eye of terror and more recently with the formation of the great rift across the galaxy toward the end of the 41st millennium the warp had been growing ever more unstable and eventually this struggle would lead to a massive tear in space across the entire galaxy for Humanity in the region containing Holy Terror the tear appears as a scar across space but for those imperial worlds on the far side of this tear in space they now inhabit what has been designated the Dark Imperium so-called because on this side of the great rift the light of the Emperor not shine the astronomic on is not visible to warp navigators and travel and communication and difficult at best eventually over time things will become somewhat more stable but the massive tear across the galaxy leaves a continual shadow of Darkness hanging over it where chaos had once been somewhat contained it now pervades the entire galaxy and nowhere is truly safe returning though to the chaos gods while all inhabiting the same realm there generally speaking not a collaborative or united force working together they simply happen to cohabit the warp they are in a near constant struggle than conflict between themselves and this ongoing battle of dominance is known as the great game a game that can arguably never be truly won there is often much discussion around what would occur if one of the chaos gods was somehow able to win the great game and take a primary position of dominance could the warp be returned to a balance a state of serenity or would the warp itself consume real space dooming all mortal races to a nightmarish future of complete and total chaos only the unending conflict that rages on allows the gods to have their share of power the great game is generally the primary focus of the chaos gods much is spoken of chaos in mortal real space in the 42nd millennium now especially more than ever the talk of how severe a threat it represents along with the ever burgeoning chaos cults and well-known abhorrent traitors to the Imperium such as the chaos Space Marines the gods themselves are far more concerned with their own struggles against one another in the warp an in actuality there any direct a very small amount of attention and power toward the mortal realm there are periodic instances where the chaos powers will set aside their differences and unite under a general banner of chaos itself the rise of the Emperor of man being one such time the chaos gods felt his presence to be unsettling and dangerous to them especially after some further details which we'll talk about later and so they engineered the great civil war among humanity the Horus heresy but from the perspective of the chaos gods this was barely a turn of the head and a moment of their attention away from the great game this game is also mirrored in their followers as well as demons who continued great game in or out of the immaterial when the galaxy was young whilst the warp existed as a realm it had no distinct entities as such within it it simply was energy flowing with the sentient emotions of the mortal material over time this energy would become more and more defined an individually distinct at some point in this early period of the first few millennia corn would become the first to realize its ability to act independently from the larger more abstract disturbances in the sea of the warp later two others would follow being zinc and Nergal and so the first three gods were manifested in terms of human history by the end of the second millennium the fourth god / wouldn't manifest until the catastrophic ending of Eldar society as it had been known in millennium 29 there are also a few minor gods of chaos the most notable though being malice known as the renegade or sometimes 5th chaos God very rarely spoken of or written about now malice represents pure anarchy destruction and terror malice itself represents the chaotic nature of the warp and because of its destructive tendencies will wage war against anything encounters fighting both the powers of chaos and all mortal creatures and you may think well isn't that already like the other chaos gods true enough except malice is a pure form of that focus and interestingly unlike the other chaos God's malice can supposedly be summoned into reality so long as enough sacrifices are given and a vessel body is available for him to take possession of it while the strength and position of the gods shifts and is in constant conflict there is a relatively established order or hierarchy between them corn as the first god of the immaterial is seen generally as being the most powerful over all this is attributed to the endless acts of murder violence and sacrifice that have been relentlessly ongoing since his inception they continue to fuel and keep him filled with ether strength with little if any respite corn is believed to have risen during the middle ages of man this period known for its excessive bloodshed and savage close-quarter battles which would often result in massive casualties and entire battlefields being left a wash with blood not to mention the ongoing cruelty anger and savagery of the age wherein humanity would continually brutalize itself each conscious act of violence fury and bloodshed contributes to corns power whether those individuals actively follow him as a god or not followers of corn are warriors without exception he has nor requires no temples is worshipped on the battlefield of mortal races corn derives his carne f meaning the Lord of rage or Lord of blood Kwon despises the use of magic and sorcery and therefore most expressively hates the other gods of zinc and slash notable traitors of the Imperium who are lined with corn are the world eaters they are the 12th space moon Legion and their primark anger are also aligned with chaos and corn after the heresy they split into many smaller groups such as the forsworn gore hunters the blood legion of corn the list goes on and will look more in detail at the specifics of chaos marines in future content the other three chaos gods share more of a fluctuating and random combination of peaks and troughs in accordance with how they draw their powers mortal events may imbue them with unexpected strength which allows the momentary opportunities to become the strongest players in the eternal conflict of the great game these spikes in power and dominance and he always fleeting and the eternal conflict continues on unabated cinch though is often seen as the second case God in terms of general power and stability and this entity draws strength from the endless desires in humanity to initiate change and better one's self interests of the expense of others while in some respect these can even be positive drives all too often within humanity consciously unconsciously or surreptitiously these desires lead to scheming plotting and corruption the strength of drive to acquire a different life can result in burning down institutions and established norms it can throw States into Civil War and even threaten the stability of entire planets not to mention the well-established greed of mankind these drives can sometimes even create events that can determine the fate of the galaxy all of this in essence is zink it is the god of great change and despair in the material and the never-ending selfishness the single-minded desires of power mean that mortal creatures can give designs with powerful bursts of ether or strengths as inch could be described as well as the architect of fate the 15th Legion of the thousands sons became almost unintentionally associated with the chaos god of change Magnus the red their Primark also now elevated to a demon Prince the God Nergal however is far less subtle than zinc in how it draws its power for Nergal bathe and wallows in the agony indeed the abject misery of others physical corruptions disease plague and galactic pandemics or its Dominion Nergal as a god is often regarded as the God of all because few mortal creatures seem are able to escape physical corruption of one time or another and whereas the other chaos gods usually align with specific individuals or those inclined to a certain activity or behavioral pattern there is no discrimination with Nergal no girl also has a more active role in the plight of mortals than the other gods in that those afflicted by disease or some nightmarishly disfiguring corruption often then subsequently shunned exiled and ostracized by their own communities leaving them in painfully hopeless situations depressing misery often having been turned on by everyone they may have imagined would help them in their time of need they find themselves turning to dark whispers to nogal well then perhaps most disturbingly not cure them from their diseased and disfigured state as compensation for their spiritual devotion if anything their condition may often be exacerbated but instead it will allow them to permanently live on in their unfortunately abhorrent condition to remain as a horrific parody of their former selves with some minor benefits that being a relative state of physical relief most followers of Nergal seem totally unaware their physical condition should be causing levels of pain and discomfort that would make any nor being want to collapse and be put to death right there and then this rotting of Nergal and bloating of the body often also enables them to physically endure more damage and trauma making the followers of Nagas more difficult to physically disposals the followers of Nagas are almost universally extremely unpleasant forms to look upon or be in the immediate vicinity of as with their pain they are seemingly oblivious to the horrific appearance they do play to others perhaps most disturbingly of although beyond the physical is that worshipers of Nergal are afflicted with an ongoing permanent state of depression but one that simultaneously brings some contradicting pleasure and satisfaction nogal essentially is a disgusting perversion of mortality deceiving its followers into a denial of their true self and distorting their perspective of reality it's quite literally an abhorrent rot of the physical and mental self the death guard the fourteenth Space Marine degen are most associated with Nergal Mort Aryan the Primarch of the death guard would become a demon Prince of chaos and other powerful Marines like typhus a captain will become devastating champions which then brings us conveniently to another god which revels in perversion and distortion of reality the god of pleasure slow Nash slow Nash has had an ongoing surplus of strength ever since it was birthed at the horrific Cataclysm there was the near total annihilation of the elder race the shattering of their gods by Schley Nash all brought about through their own excessively decadent and hedonistic ways so Nash has a somewhat more neutral attitude toward the other three chaos gods as this attention is considerably more focused upon indulging it same pleasure as is its nature its main opposing God though is corn as corn represents violence pain war and through these things ultimately death mostly Nash is much more about sustaining for as long as possible pleasure pain beyond description and estimation to end all of this early through a bloody slaughter is counterproductive to how slow Nash gains strength while the previous three gods are abhorrent to humanity and zenus alike slowed Nash is arguably the darkest of all their gods which is not always apparent at first glance to be held in near perpetual states of unimaginable psychological torture to have pleasure senses dragged and extracted to levels which could be so intense as to be painful it's a depraved entity that revels in not simply hedonistic pleasures but prolonging all of these to the extreme the third space brain needs and the Emperor's children of the most notable followers of Senesh and the best simply described as hedonistic Psychopaths fulgrim the primarch of the Empress children would also become a powerful demon Prince the strengths of all the chaos gods comes not from the most extreme acts defined by their characters it's the very opposite BC whilst a great many acts and tidal waves of emotional horror and depravity at one time would birth the gods themselves it is the inevitability of mortal conditions that sustains and fuels them [Music] four-corner endless physical conflict is as old as the mortal realm it never ceases it never calms the struggle between mortals is eternal with zinc the endless instability of mortal affairs leads to endless change and struggles for power no go the God of all is strengthened continuously by the inevitable decay misery and death that occurs constantly throughout the galaxy as for slow Nash in its simplest and most innocent form it is only the pursuit of happiness and to better oneself but following further down this path leads to corrupting desire that little by little eating away at a mortal desire from the inside to gain a little more pleasure each time indeed perhaps the happiness and pleasure is gained not even by the end results but maybe in the acts themselves requiring them to be a little bit more each time each time it is a creature that is filled by the latent inability of mortals to be content glory wealth success physical desires all of these lead down a path to slow Nash where any damnation awaits through the ever-changing shift of power in the great game one of the goals may become dominant there were the others for a time the absolute goal is to have total domination over the immaterial a goal which by the very nature of their own limitations is essentially unattainable so they in the warp being that it is their Dominion is in a state of endless chaos if one of the gods ascends to a position of dominance over the others then the weaker forces made temporarily not so much Ally as more work together toward the same goal of toppling the most powerful God at the time to perhaps simply not pay more attention to the others and then later return to end this power place as they fight each other to claim their position of dominance warp stones that periodically sweep the material or a direct result of the chaos gods battling each other in their ether or planes armies of demons may battle each other within the wharf or the mortal galaxy as they vie for control to inflict relative damage to the power of the other gods these ongoing wars between the powers are endless cycles of repeating conflict temporary cooperation backstabbing betrayal and corrupt conspiracy and exploitation of any sensed weakness and opportunism humanity and races such as the elder loved to bathe in their own egotistical self-importance and so the endless skirmishes incursions and conflicts within the force of chaos to them must feel like it directed and focused effort from the chaos gods to ruin and obliterate them in truth these battles are far from a concerted effort by the chaos powers to destroy the mortal races in fact these engagements are really more like spillage the splashes and bleeding's that exude from the far more severe an ongoing struggle between the gods themselves in the immaterial with all of that said there are periods where for the briefest of moments the chaos gods will turn their eye to the mortal real space and pierce it with a plan of evil consciousness these moments of attention for the gods can represent devastating battles for survival for mortal civilizations an opportunistic warp opening here a summon possession there these gateways will often unleash a host of demons of whichever power first became aware of the opportunity its demons lavishing the chance to slaughter and/or corrupt the mortal vessels that await them across whatever plane they happen to find themselves upon on the rare occasion that the powers sense something has dangerously allied against them or force has risen that poses a genuine threat to their existence this is when you may see the most dangerous allegiances known as chaos undivided it's fairly self-explanatory and considering that even at the worst of times in the ordinary galaxy the ongoing problems of chaos are only a small amount of their attention you can barely imagine the danger and threat that the combined forces and attentions of the chaos gods represents as mentioned the rise of the Emperor was one such occasion and it nearly led to the entire destruction of humanity however as soon as such matters are resolved the gods will immediately use that momentary lapse to attempt to exploit the others this in part explains why at the end of the Horus heresy the forces of the traitorous space marines of chaos was so quick to flee collapse and retreat it seems fair to assume that with the death of Horus and the near fatal wounding of the Emperor to the point he became a far more ineffective entity for mankind the gods of chaos likely slapped their attention back towards their own conflicts in the warp and away from the trivial conclusion of the devastating heresy war during the period of scouring all of this brings us to a fairly common question though why are there no positive gods in the immaterial if a sentient beings emotions and desires as well as their general conscious or unconscious feelings form the entities within the warp then it stands the logical reason you would surely see positive creations as well as these very negative ones correct this is generally speaking best marked as one of those things we could class as poorly defined or just not well understood we know that there are lesser entities out there in the warp and that it's reasonable to assume that they are just relatively unup arrant or smothered by the presence of more powerful chaos gods some of course even going so far as to speculate that the Emperor himself is potentially a positive godlike creature he is after all an anathema to the chaos gods it also raises further questions like do the cows gods truly represent darkness and evil or is that a subjective human definition the chaos gods inch for example revels in change and disruption the last it's true you can make a connection of change in disruption being a negative thing another view would be that it simply represents an opposing position of order and stability do we attach automatically the concept of evil to this it's true that within the chaos pantheon their followers and wars caused devastating suffering but arguably no more than any other race in the far future and humanity itself is no beacon of purity and innocence when it comes to such things it's worth remembering as well that without the depraved selfish lessness violence and all the worst traits of mortal races the chaos gods wouldn't even exist so it's hard when you really think about it to ascribe that they are mindlessly evil if anything the chaos gods are a reflection of mortals as they peer into the ocean of the warp with their souls but so much of what occurs in the galaxies of the far future humanity will and has always attached unobjective even irrational emotions and fears to events or individuals it's what enables them to be perceived as being fundamentally good or bad the xenos race of the orc - a good example often seen by humans to befoul war hungry yes even evil creatures bent on mindless destruction brutal Horace carnage and slaughter without end but with further study we know this not to be exclusively true orcs are not evil because they are not driven by higher premeditated grand plan they operate by design and instinct and within that you could also include the tyranids who operate with much of the same core drives depending how far along you want to go with this it can become significantly complicated and very philosophical ultimately we view things with a human point of view but the key thing to understand is that chaos is not as simple as it being bleak darkness or evil that is a humanistic projection overlaid onto it in some respects elements of the chaos gods and what they represent are actually positives depending on your point of reference and in saying this I can feel impaired inquisitors heading my way with increasing urgency truly though this is where things are slightly contentious it's never to my knowledge expressly explained about the morality or the positive negative aspects of the cows gods there are subjective interpretations and quotations and arguably it's just a matter of perception we could for example look from an orcs perspective a god like corn that is a concentrated expression of violence and bloodlust would not look dark evil and abhorrent Ron or corn would look pretty positive appealing energizing even now of course were it not for the fact that orcs have their own gods Gork and Mork I would never have any interest in following or worshipping chaos on the other side of the coin to some ordinary non superhuman citizens extreme violence bloodlust and death is perhaps shockingly not so positive or appealing are the chaos gods truly evil or do they simply represent a balance of combined expression where from a human perspective the negative aspects are much more pronounced corn for example is known by some to also represent honor and courage the zinc world change can be a negative can be a positive Nergal while in this time undoubtedly it's slanted more towards horrific plague and mutation yet it also to one degree can be about rebirth and even salvation and slow NESH while all about dark and hedonistic excesses is also about life and positive experiences albeit for yourself some few would even go so far as to suggest its own ash can represent the love I would imagine this to be more of an all-consuming love though that makes someone behave dangerously and irrationally but love nonetheless chaos and the chaos gods can be not only about destruction and horror but about the exploration of the further realms of experience they are the edge of the expanse of consciousness and exist beyond the limits of human imagination to this end can you ever really say you would understand such beings or be able to comprehend what they could offer what they could show you or how this would alter your perception I think to quote another Explorer beyond the mortal world the chaos gods and their domains are seen as demons to some angels to others devout members of the Imperium sickly sake would say that these arguments are made by ruined and corrupted chaos cultists who are trying to merely rationalize the dark powers of the war it's also possible though that from a human perspective positive gods still emerge in the warp or even that they always have but perhaps they're simply nowhere near as powerful as the other entities that exist there and a crushed and obliterated before they have a chance to grow if you want to really get to the core of this though it's humanity's own self delusions about positivity being as much or more prevalent than negative traits whilst it's true that most humans aspire to have positive aspects in their lives you need to look at the larger picture and start to consider if the collective positive experiences are really that substantial powerful in the grand scheme of things or are they just more like positive background radiation in terms of their influence to the war if you think of emotions and self-expression as needing to be of sufficient strength to essentially register in the war it helps to explain why when you look at the creation of the chaos gods they only generally seem to occur after significant periods of sustained powerful often traumatic and not just ordinary but extreme emotions and expressions we see that these resonated with enough strength to enable them to be able to come into a state of sentience this to me suggests that it is only the most powerful feelings all those on the edge of the spectrum of emotion that registers and contributes to the warp most significantly while positive feelings like family bonding loyal honor appreciation of art and beauty and of course love and devotion can be powerful in moments do those situations happen more often and in significant strength to counterbalance their generally more regular and arguably more powerful negative aspects of pain and suffering that are and always have been so widespread so again I say it's worth noting that the cows gods only begin to appear after a significant period of fairly extreme concentrated outpouring of consciousness and suffering before they were able to consume this power and come into being once they reach this critical mass of emotive energy that allowed their creation they simply needed to just continue on while the endless emotive energy would continue then to sustain their needs it was enough that they had been created and would then just exist until the later periods in human history where their strength would become significant after the huge levels of horrific destruction that would befall mankind essentially it would have taken or would take a very very powerful consistent act of positive consciousness to bring a true positive God into existence within the war and that is very unlikely given the current state of mankind in the forty second millennium or any time previous of course there is also just the even more simple rationalization with the war for whatever reason is just more receptive to what we define is negative emotions and their associated actions than positive for whatever reason in relation to how we perceive the war one thing that I think is a mistake to envision is negative forces as dark and positive forces as light that is something always projected onto them this is an age-old description and it's like so many things overly simplistic and a part of humanity's embedded cultural delusions we love to rationalize things in human terms to visualize bringing a light into darkness is always going to prevail it's simple to imagine because it's an ancient illustration from a time in human history where these visualizations were designed to easily illustrate two opposing perspectives they demonstrate to people but the righteous power and the site that they needed to align themselves with to show them the positive aspects nullifying the negative ones light overpowers or pushes away the darkness however if you want to continue along with that thinking you might also imagine that light may hold back the darkness but that it never truly extinguishes it darkness is always there waiting and as soon as the light weakens the darkness begins to creep in to bleed into the edges of a room to encroach and allow pockets of darkness to exist those small areas of darkness who knows what they hold and if their light dwindles or is extinguished darkness will envelop what remains and dominate that space the best summation is that a lot of perceptions are informed by realities but they themselves have individually experienced or being taught there's undoubtedly also plenty of projection occurring with people assigning negative traits to chaos in reality the gods themselves will not perceive law be concerned by definitions so entirely human one thing is for sure though once the gods began to be aware that the activities of mortals outside their realm could imbue them with strength and thereby enable them to carry more strength into their great game they became far more interested and proactive in influencing events in the material realm this is where the followers like cultists starties traitors and demons fit within the realm of chaos they are the laborers of the gods and their acts are always only to benefit their masters still followers of chaos are not only those who can benefit from the realm it is in fact suggested that the emperor gains some knowledge by travelling through a gateway to the realm of the all-powerful chaos gods apparently appeasing them with promises only he could give and they in return allowed him to return with these science to unlock the mysteries of creation this knowledge would enable him to create the demigod like figures of the prime ox the Emperor though seemingly lying to the dark gods about his intentions would then suffer at the hands of their powers as they scattered the gestating pods of the pry marks across the galaxy and they would not be reunited with the Emperor until the Great Crusade now these realities only further muddy the water around the emperor and his true intentions his foresight and knowledge about chaos why he would consider such actions as being necessary all that he could back out of deals made with these gods of the immaterial and what his intentions were with regard to his own position within the multi millennia spanning history of humanity in the dark future chaos is the most significant enemy of humanity in the future the gods of the walk continually sow the seeds of any number of corrupting ways that eat away at our lives and our consciousness these seeds of doubt of fear hatred selfish ambition fester and rot away under the surface of society and the institutions of the Imperium threatening to eat it alive from the inside out the chaos God seek to eternally exert their influence on the mortal realm on its many races and allow literal chaos to reign and give them strength for their great game interestingly though the chaos gods also have by their nature a symbiotic relationship with the entities of the material because the chaos gods only gain power through the actions emotions and emanations of mortals collectively so ensuring chaos unrest death destruction misery and even hedonistic pleasures are all part of their aims the total destruction of humanity or all mortal races would not be to their own best interests whether they're aware of it or not or whether they even care about that or not without us they would slowly cease to exist in their current form and would likely dissipate back into the warp until it was again a calm balanced realm in that respect races like the tyranids are far more literally dangerous however it is the insidious nature of chaos that makes it so despised it is so often not an enemy in plain sight in hides corrupts and distorts the innocent [Music] whether the gods are truly aware of how reliant they are on mortals is another matter they show little signs of concern for this and their ongoing battle to destroy and corrupt continues even evermore severely in the 42nd millennium now the great rift has torn through the galaxy enabling the forces of chaos to have an ever more violent and invasive capacity now we will further explore the gods and forces of chaos in the future they stand as the keepers of nightmarish hellscape that most mortals dared to even imagine chaos has already inflicted untold damage on many races in the galaxy most obviously the Elder and the impairment man and they show no signs of relenting in the ever ongoing quest to dominate all yet there is always hope always but the grim darkness of the far future looks ever darker with the strength and reach of the chaos gods being ever more pronounced but there are those who care little about the forces of chaos and the gods therein creatures like the orcs and tyranids they also remain those like the Eldar and mankind who all too well aware of the danger that cows poses to the entire galaxy to turn it into a warped distorted realm of complete total and literal chaos and then there were the younger races like the Tao who only now are beginning to understand the true nature of chaos high Inquisitor braless laws once known to have said that if my time in the black library taught me anything it was controversially that chaos is already very much part of us it deals in the currency of mortal souls and feeds off states and emotions that are in essence natural without us there would be no chaos good and evil right and wrong these are binary opposition's that the inhabitants of this galaxy use to comfort and define themselves I'm afraid much of the god Emperor's work is done in the gray area in between this is the more truly worrying reality the humanity is chaos and chaos is humanity chaos is the ugly horror of ourselves it's the side of ourselves we cannot face it is the darkness that we define upon each other it is the evil that men do it is the distilled nature of mortals the Imperium suffers because of chaos this will always be so but humans butcher torture repress abuse and conspire against one another do we do all this because we want it to be so or do we do this because the dark gods require do we know that humanity has free will or are we being dance like puppets to the tune and the whispers of the Dark Lord's more powerful than any mortal can understand now there are always many powerful quotes around the more defined chaos gods of corn Nergal and Sun ash but I think I would finish with something as inch would have it that the Imperium is founded on chaos [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 1,937,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer 40K, Chaos, Gods, Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Nurgle, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Eldar, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Sisters of Battle, Heresy, Traitor, Legion, Horus, The Emperor of Man, Lore, Beginners Guide, History, Guide, 40K, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop
Id: IfiJCya9iSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2018
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