40K DARK ORIGINS [2] War in Heaven & Aeldari Mythology | WARHAMMER 40,000 history/lore

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we return now to continue to investigate the dark mysteries of the past we will discover new fragments of knowledge some perhaps not so commonly held we will explore how the pieces of the puzzle begin to come together and formulate for us an understanding of some of the most significant events and entities the galaxy is known and with that knowledge we might hope to come to a further understanding that the knowledge needed to save humanity need not necessarily come from the Emperor and his lap dogs like rogue or dawn in some respects this process has already begun what we will explore ties in very well with my last thoughts on the Emperor that he was arrogant to believe that he alone could be the savior for humanity or indeed that he still very well could be even now the mechanicus of Mars after the events of Cadia have began to explore and harvest the material known as black stone for this could hold the key to sealing the void that has torn the galaxy apart the nekron knew this and they'd used it for millions of years to hold the warp at bay as well as their enemies and psychos that are an anathema to them the Eldar knew it too for the elder would also be among the first to use it in the crafting of the black stone fortresses otherwise known as the talismans of all of all being the elder smith god the finest craftsmen ever known he would be responsible for some of the elders most lasting achievements but the tale of his and their gods is one of betrayal and tragedy it is of course true that the elder were once very much at one with the warp itself they did not fear it as they do now they embraced it bathed in its energy it was only when they came to understand the power and subjective evil that could be brought into existence therein that allowed them to see while I was treated with care even retreat from it to a degree this was long before the for with the passage of time and stirring forces within the warp it finally unleashed the means of their own destruction we will ultimately reach our goal of concluding the chaos gods origins in part 3 today they will be talking extensively about the elder you would be fair in wondering why [Music] well for one it should be obvious by now that the Eldar have had a huge influence across the whole history of the galaxy they have been far more involved with the warp than many other races but this is not the only reason there are other important factors and through exploring the elder we can understand more and learn about the warp and psychic forces the elder culture is rich and fascinating as is their history and mythology but most specifically will consider the souls of their kind and all mortal races and it is by positioning the events of the galaxy upon one another and by comparing differences between the Elder and humanity that enables us to reach the most logical in my opinion anyway conclusions regarding the chaos gods there is so very little written about the chaos gods origins and about the nature of things like time in the warp as we looked at previously and we'll expand on this further as well in the third video when you have so little direct information is necessary to approach matters almost by a process of elimination whatever you're left with after discounting all other factors no matter how improbable must be the truth of things luckily for us I think the conclusions after linking all the information available not all that difficult or improbable lastly in reference to the war in heaven it's most commonly known that there were two periods known as the war in heaven the first war between the old ones and the Necron tier and later between the old ones and Nelda versus Qatar and necron as you may be aware this is confusingly not the only periods that are referred to as the war in heaven and one other thing that seems to confuse many is that the neck want ear and neck Ron a lot of ways referred to as such in a clearly defined way in relation to their history what I mean by this is that some races like the elder seem to still refer to them as necron tier even in the current age even after they've suffered through the process of bio conversion to become necron so this can be really misleading because if you read Necron tier as always referring to the early pre-cut on period this can make things in terms of time very muddled so as always knowing the context around who they're referring to it's fairly important we'll begin by exploring some things I have long struggled to fully comprehend because there is a great deal of contradict and subjective interpretation surrounding elder mythology it also has no definitive timeline order or even real structure the elder mythology is of importance to us because it deals with some of the first Warped creations and it's deeply connected with the very center of who the elder are as a race and indeed their own origins most importantly though through exploring the elder as I say it helps us come to further conclusions about our ultimate goals the chaos gods [Music] how would they come into existence no one will likely ever truly know now from the fragmented scraps of information that survived it is said that they were the first to walk among the stars of the galaxy mysterious beings remembered now by a rare few and they were the old ones they were the creators they would seed worlds with life they saw the value in all living creatures and beings and they were eternal they were not constrained by the passage of time appearing godlike to some yet they were also immortal these benefits not apparent for those with whom they shared the galaxy the ancient race of the neck frontier it's people ravaged by the extreme solar radiation damaging their DNA fundamentally altering their race genetically crippling their lifespan the necron tears planet orbited too close to their Sun and for this they suffered greatly the society became obsessed with escaping this inescapable sentence of death their only options seemingly to escape their homeworld and as they set out to explore the galaxy they did so in stasis ships because they had discovered to their horror that this generational damage had shortened their lifespans and no matter where they traveled they were followed by this shadow of death and this greatly limited the expansion of their race yet expand they did but even when they were free of their damaging proximity to the Sun they could not escape the eternal shadow hanging over them when a Necron tear would finally encounter the old ones they would learn of their seemingly immortal lifespan consumed by envy they were desperate for a Lodge that would enable them to turn the tables of fate but the old ones resisted them this was their knowledge it was not for the net Kronk the Necron tear as a race had been strong through its unity but as they expanded they became somewhat fractured over millennia some vying for independence from the ruling Treyarch and this would lead to what was known as the first war of secession the ruling Treyarch struggled to maintain control and in an attempt to prevent the civil war that was already spanning entire realms from turning into an outright disaster they needed something to once again reunite their people as they had been before something to allow the heavily damaging self-destruction to cease they saw the ideal way to achieve this would be by using the bitter resentment that had grown from the old ones rejection of gifting the Necron tear their secrets of long life the tree ark would unite their people with this goal as their prize and wage a war against he's stubborn a much hated first once and it was this first galactic war which became known as the war in heaven an important detail I feel is often overlooked is that the Nek frontier and highly advanced technology even at this time it's certainly questionable they may have found other means to extend their lives if they were given time it was only the desire of the ruling Treyarch who wished to prevent the disintegration of a unified nekron tyr so while the old ones secrets of long life were their superficial goal this was not the main objective a fact which in retrospect seems much more troubling given the events which would ultimately come to pass well the net quantity were an advanced race by this time their technology was still no match for the old ones who would use a powerful technology of their own known now as the web way to travel vast distances with ease the web way is essentially a space that exists outside of material space but separated from the warp it enables those within to pass from one area of the galaxy to another with extremely reduced travel time not entirely dissimilar to something like a wormhole traveling through the web way though is also achieved by psychic power it also operates as a psychic communication that not simply pathways to travel through so this enabled the old ones a powerful tactical advantage to always be a step ahead of the Necron tier not just in movement but knowing and talking and communicating about where they're going to be and this meant the Necron tier could never make any real games versus the old ones eventually the Necron tier be pushed back to their own star system and the old ones having bested them of these now consider the Necron tier to be nothing more than an irritation and a civilization who if necessary could be pushed back again the Necron tier as a result of this miserable defeat and failure to acquire the old ones secrets of extended life would descend into yet more infighting and this would consequently Herald the second Wars of secession the governing Necron trio were now desperate to again maintain control and avoid the already weakened Necron tier civilization from just tearing itself apart or what little now remained of their crippled civilization as fate would have it a means to accomplish this would become apparent for them except the Necron tier could never have imagined the cost that would be demanded of them in order for them to achieve the goals they now sort more bitterly than ever for the Necron tier detected strange entities that appeared to be feeding and the very stars of the galaxy they had for the longest time studied and paid close attention to the star of their own system and upon noticing some strange occurrences it he said that the necron tier either found a way to contact these beings or that their burning hatred for the old ones sang out so strongly across space that it would attract these entities the truth of such matters is not particularly relevant but what seems to be the case is that these beings when first discovered were in fact fairly passive or at least unaware of such things as mortal races they were just entities who had existed since the dawn of time who were hungry for sustenance and they had seemingly found this through the energy of stars themselves which they would then devour knowing that to truly understand the mortal world these beings could never comprehend without manifesting in a form similar to their own and the Necron tier used their knowledge of living metal to forge bodies for these Dark Star gods to transfer into these incomprehensible forces were compressed into the false living metal bodies provided by the neckroll tier and these entities were the coton incarnate taking the form of the necron tiers half-forgotten gods the coton provided the neck on tier with more advanced weapons and inertialess drives sidestepping the problem had hindered them in the past a katana known as the deceiver would come before the Necron tear leader the silent King and this Katan claimed that they had fought the old ones before and lost and I had a desire to together with the Necron tear wage a war against the old once again an alliance that would not any reunite the necron tear but achieved their long sought-after prize of immortally long life if any of this were actually true is unknown but despite some in the royal court of the necron tier raising concerns over this alliance and what it might mean for their race the silent King would agree to the alliance the immortality the nekron tier had desired for so long was revealed to be not as they had imagined the coton would give the Necron tier what they wanted but only through a process of bio transference with the pact sealed the neck courtier who began the process of entering the colossal bio furnaces that never ceased in the operation of harvesting the life of the neck multi-processing them and leaving them trapped in bodies of their own living metal the coton swarmed these sites and feasted upon the life energy but not all of the net quality would go so willingly because they were still a sentient free-thinking race at this time when it eventually would become clear that no amount of persuasion could appease those who resisted those individuals would attempt to rebel and resist but would ultimately be crushed these surviving rebel necrons here would be dragged against their will into the vast bio furnaces to have their identity stripped away these resistance necron tier dynasties would like to be punished for this by being placed in campaigns that had too slim chances of success and despite their regenerative ways would suffer the most damage much later in time when the Necron would turn against the coton these leaders of their people these resistance who had kept some semblance of their former selves would fight the most ferociously against their god-like leaders the silent king realized he had made a terrible mistake one that now could not be reversed like many Necron tyranny born he felt invigorated and refreshed to be rid of the aches and fears that organic life brought with it but at the same time he felt somehow hollow empty and he came to realize that this was no passing feeling that feeling of an empty void that this process had not been simply the stripping away of organic material it had been the stripping away of his soul that the coton had consumed all of the souls of the net frontier they had lost all that they were and now only existed as soulless automatons known as the necron if the neck run in these new bodies had achieved what the coton promised they were immortal and diseased or damaged from their sun's radiation were no longer going to be a threat or a concern for them they were indeed united though perhaps not how they originally envisaged the Necron had been embedded through their creation process with command protocols that forced them into loyalty to obey the silent king empowered from their gluttonous orgy of devouring what had been the Necron tear coupled with their powerful army the necrons the katana and silent King waged war upon the old ones and what would become known as the second war in heaven the coton now at full power unleashed forces beyond anything that can be comprehended in the modern day of the Imperium across the galaxy spread the ancestors of the Living Dead raging war against the old ones that had been the creators and protectors of the infant eldery they dominated the galaxy and the old ones were totally besieged worse the coton had found an ever plentiful source of sustenance as the races that had been crafted and nurtured by the old ones now became like cattle for the hunger of the guitar it is even said that amid this orgy of destruction the coton fought amongst themselves for their entertainment planets were raised Suns extinguished in entire systems devoured by black holes via the reality-warping powers of the star gods it is even suggested as mortal races became more scarce the gods would turn on one another until only a few remained the katana seemingly somewhat preoccupied with their galactic war destruction against everything and even themselves we're not paying as focused attention to the old ones as had been their assertion to the silent King and this lack of focus again raises the question of just if they had indeed fought a war against the old ones in the past was it just some kind of manipulation to ensure the Necron tear would provide them with the soul energy they needed to launch this galactic gorging the old ones were by now desperate and needed a means to try and turn the situation around for the longest time they'd seeded life across the galaxy for the sake of creation and they believed all life to be of value yet now they did say with an urgent and necessary purpose they would create many new life-forms but among the most important of these would be the elder Theodore II despite the ongoing war in heaven the elder would grow into a race with great potential over Lenya not always under the watchful guidance of the old ones who were forced into returning so as to continue fighting the war in heaven these early elder would reach into the immaterial perhaps as was their nature in which at this time was far more accessible apparently overlapping with reality what clearly separated as it is today they're natural-born Talent enabled them to play an experiment with the warp learning to use it in crafting their works and culture which were of course glorious to behold but these peaceful times would not last as the first ones returned from the darkness beyond the sky their strange and vast vessels scarred and worn their presents had dimmed from what the elder remembered the old ones returned to inspect their elder creations were they ready to join the fight when they discovered the elders warp experimentation that would encourage the elder to each further into the material and discover ever more skill and creativity there [Music] now here we interject with an important tangent we leave our main historical timeline and put a pin in our place where the old ones are now desperate and hopeful there psychically powerful elder creations will be able to aid them because now we attempt to deal with the elder mythology of what this all means there are no truly definitive guidelines and the origins of the Elder Gods have we know that as Sir Ian was the ruler of their Pantheon he is described as the embodiment of all psychic power in the universe and it seems reasonable to position him as the first modern elder II of the 41st millennium often referred to as the Ussery Ani or the craft world elder as they are they're descendants of Assyria the Inari are the disciples of in aood now firstly much to the annoyance of all some of the myths surrounding the war in heaven and the elder are deliberately contradictory and that many of the tales and surrounding mythology even with the best and most conscientious documenting and rationalizing leave us far from any concrete conclusions it's also important to remember most this takes place 60 million years before the current age of the Imperium and that even for the elder the truth of these times is at this point distorted overlapping and simply very clouded what this means for us is that sometimes even when there is a reference to something it could even within the law itself be mistaken or muddled and originally meant to reference something else entirely so any and all of these references from this age this mythological age should be viewed with a lot of skepticism now keeping this in mind most often when people read about tales of Elder mythology they often and to be fair understandably take them purely at face value and very literally most would assume for example that the Elder Gods as described were sentient walking entities because they're spoken about in that way much like how you might see an avatar of the elder in the modern 41st millennium we'll say a demon prince or even a greater demon of chaos so you get the general idea except that often with any religion from millennia before these tales and myths often not meant to be taken literally they may instead be an allegory that is to say a story with another or a hidden meaning perhaps more moral or simply an emotionally described history lesson for future generations the very simplistic literal interpretation of the Elder Gods had been how I saw this all for a long time because firstly the Elder have seemingly always presented it as such and secondly I never bothered to put a great deal of thought into it not to mention that one of the most difficult things about elder mythology is that it's fragmented all over the place across decades of books so there's not a single account summary which just documents the whole thing I always envisage the gods as powerful semi-sentient psychic weapons created by the elder because this is referenced and it fits well within the intentions of the old ones now that part of it is still entirely plausible especially remembering that when the old ones came to creating the newer races like the elder and the croc they were desperate and backed into a corner the katana in the neck Ron had been decimating them and the old ones powerful as they were were seemingly not as powerful with the war as there soon to blossom creations the elder the old ones were I believe well aware of the dangers this new race could represent but when you're backed into a corner often calm rational and reasonable thinking goes out the window and that seems to be what happened the old ones essentially gambled that the elder would be their salvation they had achieved either accidentally or deliberately in creating a race that had immense psychic power and sensitivity with the war and we have nowhere near enough information to know just how competent the old ones were when it came to creating a life well they just seeding planets almost a random and waiting to see what happened or perhaps they had the knowledge to be able to craft specifically exactly the life that they wanted given how they're seemingly revered figures I would lean in on them being very adept at this but at the very least I would guess they had a level of competency in genetic manipulation regardless on seeing the potential power held by this burgeoning race and then in realizing this was just what they needed to vanquish the coton the old ones in their desperation encouraged the elder to develop their emergent warp skills and to do this as fast as possible and this is where things become even more unclear it's very possible the elder had created weapons from the wharf that channeled and worked with their natural psychic ability it's also possible that by working closely with the elder some of the old ones who had more of an affinity with them came to be viewed as gods well the elder created entities that were beyond their comprehension during this time forging entities on instinct rather than learned experience and knowledge and then in so doing the elder perceives them not as their own creations but as God's wood sprung forth from the warp to aid them it is also possible that the elder collectively unintentionally created sentient beings with godlike qualities but that these were reflective extensions of themselves we know that the warp reflects the thoughts and collective feelings of mortal and psychically sensitive creatures yet this is a point of contention because you remember that very common question about why they're no good gods in the warp why they're no positive chaos gods and if the Elder Gods were created by the elder this seems counterintuitive to our understanding of the warp manifesting negative traits but the answer to this is fairly simple the warp in the 41st millennium the age of the Imperium is a health scape that anything positive born into it would be immediately shredded consumed or worse before it knew what was what now this also becomes problematic because we start dealing with the issues of time but the evidence we have in terms of their mythology and what he's talked about you can assume that the warp was very different at that time but this is really what I was talking about before in the first video which is that we seemingly have linear descriptions of periods in time and in the warp there's supposed to be no time and all things can happen at any time and so trying to reconcile those two things together and make sense of it all in any way is very difficult so instead you kind of have to say well we're just not going to worry too much about that and we're going to look at what we have a documented linear timeline in terms of just history or mythological events whatever it is we're going to look at the information described there and then from that because it's something tangible we're going to draw our conclusions so as I said the warp in the 41st millennium is a hellscape but if we were to see entities formed by positive and constructive attributes it's likely that their consciousness would be entirely peaceful and positive but it's precisely because of this that they're unable to even comprehend acts that we would seen as being mildly negative or aggressive actions they would essentially be extremely naive and ignorant of reality because they're formed from untainted goodness and purity and this would surely lead to them them being brutally murdered without giving any resistance which altima T seems like it would be the case if any good were to be born into the warp in the 41st millennium anyway why mention this at all but because when the elder were their earliest stages of development the warp was seemingly a very different place than it is now not on nightmarish hell but instead a peaceful beautiful sea of psychic energy and how do we know this but for one just by logical assumption and the other a relative descriptions because there are no descriptions in our mythology during the beginnings of their race of Horrors consuming them or having the battle against untold entities nor did they fear for their souls as the modern Eldar do for by now the well-established reasons of she who thirsts there is nothing to suggest otherwise that I have seen in the only descriptions of any dangers or predators in the warp come much later so at the end of the war in heaven but not at all during this early period or even throughout the elders establishment during the war in heaven so what we can conclude is that during this early emerging period for the elder it's very possible that they were able to manifest either intentionally or not positive creations from the war that represented powerful characteristics of themselves and these were their gods such as Assyrian Asia and Vall yet simultaneously they also brought forth gods they came the god of war and destruction except that Cain was not a being constructed from the darkest of dark desires he was brutal yes but brought forth as a representation of the Elders need to express and feel the need for violence and war not necessarily as purely negative as it sounds but more as most if not all mortal creatures can feel the need for self-preservation this feeling this instinct is as we know an extremely powerful one a basic instinct that's lying there in you waiting to be used and that link that technical description of how that functions is very critical but of course for the elder with their powerful emotions this was a much stronger feeling and it's possible that some of the entities referred to the Elder Gods could have been or were at one time old ones perhaps they were old ones initially but as the Eldar shifted their own perceptions later these were reassigned it's unlikely we'll ever know any of the specifics of these matters with certainty there is though another idea tied to these fluid identities and I would say that this was semi speculative thinking because it does have some logical rough says to the law but it's not explicitly stated and this is the idea that the Elder Gods are in fact not God's at all not in the senses portrayed anyway and they're nothing like the gods of chaos is combative literal entities nor are they the seemingly sentient anthropomorphised entities is described in elder mythology the other gods could represent something more akin to metaphorical aspects of the elder themselves and the gods may have simply become figures to better enable the elder to retell the power of these cultural traits in their mythology the gods may be representative of the elders powerful psychic presence as well as the significant force present in all of their motions and ambitions we can find evidence for this in the rise of the Inari book wildrider the simplest example to give would be the one people know best the avatars of the god Kain now in the modern age the elder god Kain does not exist as a whole entity but instead shards of him the supposedly present in all crafts worlds and commonly this is described where they sacrifice one of their X ox who's given the title of the young king and this is in reference to an ancient elder and his elder Nash the young king will be taken to the avatars throne room on that craft world although it has seemingly also happened on the battlefield and after various ceremonies be apparently consumed by Cain with nothing left of their previous body they then will walk forth as the avatar of the bloody-handed god que la Mancha came now in a sense the most simple rationalization would be to say that those individuals are being consumed by the remnants of the entity Kain in order to bring him forth into mortal reality much like demons are able to use a living host to breach reality from the war this thought process makes plenty of logical sense on the face of it you could easily assume a similar process is happening here except that of course I don't believe that's what's happening the process of calling forth the avatar of Kain is not the same as what's occurring with chaos demons consuming mortals as a portal from the war and this is illustrated in wildrider when one of them calls forth the avatar as they are in battle the description of once having trod on the path but holding back gives us the sense that it's not that they're channeling a God into their bodies as a vessel or being consumed completely but this is something present in all elder sitting behind their skin present in their spirits always fighting to get out by letting go of their control over the true raging psychic power in themselves they allow it to become unleashed and this is manifested as the avatar came and it is that psychic unleashing which ultimately consumes them because cane represents their rage and bloodless that desire for war and violence it's their sense of having to fight for survival it seems likely the reason only the most well disciplined warriors allowed to become an avatar would be because there may be the only ones able to keep it reasonably contained and in check and under control for any others once they unleash it perhaps then it could not be contained and as is commonly said an elder who allows their emotions to run under constraint will be ultimately destroyed by them the description as follows from the Codex when elder fighting battle they divorced their mind from events around them the spirit of canes suffusing them in this way they're able to perform the horrific acts of violence that war necessitates I was keeping their minds free from its corruption elder young Kings allow themselves to be consumed by came in a sense but we're not seeing a God as you might envisage from a conventional understanding so here's another short extract more than once he had trodden that path each time holding back the savagery and bloodlust that K element chicane and placed in him learning what he could of war without succumbing to the lure of the bloody handed one now the embodiment of Kain resided within him he could no longer deny his nature head and heart ward with each other but in the end consensus was reached the heart of elderness kicked at his touch welcoming and vital and the autarky felt the heat building beneath his fingers and let go his last restraint welcoming the rush of battle hearing the din like martial drums the heap becoming the fire of vengeance from within the flames of Kain burst free emulating him with black and red his distending figure grew thrice and sized plates of pitted iron replacing flesh and armor boiling magma searing through him where his blood had run moments before the hand upon his breast wept thick blood the curse for elder nishes murder while in his other his spear transformed into the Kingslayer infamous Widowmaker sword of myth that which he had been faded becoming just a part of the entity known as the war shard whose spirit it is simulated in the well of the dead he looked with the demigods eyes the scintillating play of energy that raged around him now it's important to note that Caine's avatar represents only a fragment of the original God came it's difficult to fully envisage how such a figure would have been represented in the ancient times of the elder but I'll expand on this later in the third video now as I mentioned before perhaps some of the gods themselves were physical entities to a degree remembering the psychic weapons supposedly used in the war in heaven and again as I just said we'll look more closely at this after we look at the mythology itself what to keep in mind is that just as the gods of chaos or I should probably say the three gods of chaos are the reflections of human mortality the elder gods are themselves reflections of the extreme nature of the elder spirit and they should not be thought of as being the same as the chaos gods which had distinct separate entities within the realm of the war while undoubtedly the Elder Gods are from the war they are seemingly or might say were seemingly not fully constrained to it as the chaos gods are another good example comes from the novel path of the warrior and this gives us further insight to the details regarding the Elder Pantheon and their mythology one reference though gives a very clear indication of how the Elder Gods may not represent literal entities but instead could represent more like the cultural knowledge developed by the Elder themselves and this has a somewhat mystical appearance maybe even the elder now no longer understand much of it not as severely yet not entirely dissimilar to the Dark Age of Technology in the impairment of man in the 41st millennium especially when you consider much of the elders knowledge was gained and/or developed over a period of some sixty million years you could forgive them for misplacing when and how they discovered certain achievements it's reasonable that over time they've begun to attribute some of these more powerful cultural characteristics to their mythology now there was a passage which describes how isha the elder mother and god of life had to give up a lock of her immortal hair so that elder Nash a great ancient hero of the elder and all of his descendants could be healed by Isha's love for them now this isolation just sounds like a piece of a mythological except in path of the warrior touch he referenced several times in direct regard to the elders knowledge of healing you are in the care of Asia's healers said the voice kolandra could not tell if it was male or female so softly spoken was the tone nothing can harm you here you're safe you must heal you must release the power from the Tres of Isha the pain is too much whispered Calandra the pain is not of your body but of your spirit the Tres of Isha will free you from your pain I am sura 'the lie will help you I've induced a paralysis fear and safety sir Earth said the wound is bound but little must help your body complete the healing process you must draw on the Tres of Isha 20 more when the halls of healing some of them fighting with little hope against wounds even the tress of Isha could not heal it seems that the tress of Asia was described in the mythology is also a very real thing even in the modern elder civilization so what was YCJA was she a god an old one was she perhaps some early elder who is dedicated to learning more of themselves both in genetics and generally something that would be seen by humans as a great scientist it's impossible to say but as some elder have exclaimed maybe in another million years they may be talked about as if they were gods so the sense of such things is not even lost on the elder themselves it's also possible that the elder have even forgotten how they originally manifested the other gods and is thinking not only allows us to look at the elder and their mythology in a different way but it also more importantly enables us to look at the chaos gods in the warp in a different way helping us to reach further conclusions later with them as well as I said in the first video whether you're looking at everything as having a process of cause and effect and despite lacking the constraints of the mortal realm like it or not the warp is tethered to our reality so consequently however you might want to try and cut it there were some things that even in the walk with its lack of time and causality cannot be avoided or changed if rain of the Inari has this realization multiple times throughout the course of her journey to unleash an aid with a sudden sense of profound realization of rain saw the pattern within the cycle of the old diary that she sought to turn full circle in aid was not simply the spirits of the old Dori the sum of the reborn given life she was the full incarnation of the the mother and Crone in a ed was Lilith grant her visions Aisha birth giver to the outdoor e and more I had hold her fate she stood reeling while the power of the revelation cost through her it made glorious and yet terrifying sense did the gods not also have souls when the great enemy attempted to devour its eldery creators not all were consumed Sega Rack escaped Cain was shattered into the avatars of the bloody-handed other fragments might have survived a piece or pieces of every God scattered throughout the our diary born again and again into mortal form just as the souls of the elder II themselves she almost fainted with the weight of understanding the rain resolved that the revelation was true but that she could not yet reveal the purpose to others they seemed ignorant of their own divine heritage and perhaps for good reason the myths of the gods were full of deceit infighting and treachery better than none of them harbored a higher ambition than the service of in aired before we turn to the mythology itself that mention here of infighting and treachery and there isn't a great deal mentioned of it but as we learn about the early period of the eldan the war in heaven you will see that there was more going on here than just mythological figures acting out cultural tales for the sake of history in fact it seems with a strong degree of certainty there was some form of civil war which occurred among the Elder themselves during this time in many elder tales they're often references to Hawks Falcons and other birds and it seems these may refer to early factions of Elder pre-war in heaven not dissimilar to the differing craft world exudate and Harlequin elder in modern age factions essentially representative of different sections in the elder civilization maybe with different views different outlooks and this is why we also have a sense that the war in heaven refers collectively to the whole period of these times one of unending war perhaps things became so muddled and clouded or simply so much time just passed by that things have became unclear that it was just easier to refer to the whole period as one war all that after a certain point it was not really relevant what it was called and the classic phrase of having been fighting for so long that they'd forgotten why they were fighting comes to mind and so the whole thing becomes eventually known as the in heaven if the elder did have a civil war at some point as seems to be the case this could have been a result of some simple internal disagreement as unsurprisingly most civil wars are the true origins of this could involve a variety of factors perhaps some elder felt that they must honor and stand with the old ones while others felt that this was not their war to fight who knows maybe some felt that they should be worshipped as gods others not maybe this could explain for very practical reasons why these developed into these grand mythological tales regardless of any such speculation the truth will likely never be known as we now look into elder mythology you'll see how as I've said the signs that point toward an internal elder conflict occurring toward the beginning of and during the war in heaven it is important to note that there are various versions of some details which overlap and contradict there also no specific time periods whatsoever attributed which will give us an idea of when these things may have begun or ended there's nothing which signifies this with this in mind I have attempted to combine the various mythological events into a more coherent timeline that makes sense to me and there are no real subjective elements here that is to say I have added very little of my own rationalization or speculation I've simply arranged all the established reference that I was able to find albeit often very fragmented references so let's build this picture [Music] all things have a beginning and for the web way the beginning took place the well of harmonies some legends claim that this world was where L Dinesh first sired the elder people where Cain cast down his bloody spear to create the war in heaven there were some philosophers who say that well of harmonies never existed except as a metaphor for everything is a cycle that begins nowhere never ending whether there was once a single place from which sprang the existence of the elder Empire ever it was that they were to be reborn again and again every subsequent generation knowing tragedy in the times before the war in heaven even before the elder it is said that the gods schemed planned and engaged in games between one another Kuras Lord of the hunt was the lover of Lilith of the Moon and they enjoyed the blessings of Assyrian and the friendship of other gods except that of Cain for he desired Lilia for himself not for her beauty but solely because Curtis had him for himself he tried to impress Lilith his crude efforts were never anything that could best that of Curtis and he became consumed with the desire to possess her Cain demanded Lilith from Assyrian who told Cain she would not be taken by force and if he could not win her heart that he could not have her Cain was consumed with rage and swore that if he could not possess her then no one would taking his sword he carved into the void taking Lilith he cast her into the void where no light could shine for a thousand days the heavens were dark until CONUS brave and resourceful dared the rift rescued Lilith so that her light would return when the Eldar first rose it is said that they were nourished by the tears of Asia Azorean would give them wisdom to know themselves Ayesha gave them love to know one another vol gifted them artifice to enable the crafting of their dreams Lilith goddess of dreams and fortune gave them joy to know happiness Kono's gave them desire for them to know prosperity more I had the Crone bestowed them with foresight they should know their place in the world and Cain gave them anger to protect all that the gods had given to during the earliest days of the Eldar the serein granted alder national life yet that world was barren and devoid of life seeing el dinesh so saddened by the desolate nature of their home ayesha mother of life and harvest sharing his grief shed a tear upon the elders world her sorrow brought joy and it filled the world with beauty and life an elder - felt no more sadness and gave thanks to Isha for what she'd gifted the elder the myth known by the elder was the tears of aja recalls how the elder race was born as the mortal children of Asia and Kerner's Malaya dreamed the cane would be torn into a hundred pieces by a great mortal army when the God of War cane learned of this he resolved to destroy the Eldar knowing this aisha wept the syrian heard the weeping of Isha and learned of lillius dream and of Caine's plan in order to save the elder the Syrian would divide the two realms placing between them a barrier separating gods and mortals for eternity Aisha now only wept all the more because her mortal children had been separated from her and so she and Connor's pleaded with Vall the Smith to help them for new Assyrian would never change his mind but his heart was softened by Isha's please Vall woodcraft the first spirit stones to enable Asia to still see and talk to her mortal children Hisham Kona's taught the elder much of this knowledge until one day came over her disha as she spoke to her children information he would immediately convey to a Syrian who is enraged that his commands had been disobeyed the Crone goddess more I had sought to partake of the wisdom contained in her divine blood knowing there was only one with the power to harm a god she sent her daughter's to haunt their father cane steps with their piercing screams the infernal noise drove cane into a bloody rage that saw his mind begin to unravel promising an end to this curse the Crone goddess bade cane cut off her hand that she might drink deep from her own veins but this deed boy had gained the knowledge of blood and the aspect of the ban she was granted to Cain and returned Assyrian told Cain that as Asia and Kona's had betrayed him he now considered them unworthy of his protection Cain quickly made Asia and Karnas his prisoners and they were submitted to the fiery torments of Cain's confinement for many years bound by bonds of flame and scorching iron the God and Goddess were cast into a burning pit out of the sight of both mortals and gods alike of all the gods only Vall would plead with Cain on their behalf eventually he managed to strike a bargain and sworn oath to Cain that he would make 100 of the very finest swords in exchange for their release even a single blade forged by his hand was of inconceivable value when the time came for war to deliver his weapons he still had one unfinished blade and to conceal the shortfall Vall took an ordinary mortal blade and mixed it amongst the other master works the reasons for this are unclear as to whether this was part of an intentional deceit to create a weakness in Cain or have all merely wanted to be sure to complete his oath on schedule for Cain but first Cain failed to spot the deception and any later when each Icarus involve a far-away did he discover the forgery Cain ward with anger called out to vald as a cheat and swore that he would have vengeance this was the beginning of the long struggle between Kane and Vaal the war in heaven war would now forge a great blade the final sort that he'd failed to finish to settle his debt with Cain it was vastly more powerful than any that had come before it for as he had imbued the weapon with all the art of his mastery he called it an aris meaning light of dawn with this sword in hand he strode out to do battle with the war god the fight was long and vall caused Grievous wounds to his nemesis but in the end Cain overpowered the Smith God toppling him out of heaven it was as a result of this confrontation that vol is said to have suffered the injuries that left him crippled Cain shackling vol 2 his anvil with chains of iron wrought by the Smith God himself and iris eventually passed into the hands of the more to a hero el Dinesh Hawkin falcon both messengers of the gods were close friends and loved to compete and challenge one another one day in a test to see who could snatch their prey first they swooped down upon it Hawk was faster at first but Falcon beat his wings to harder and overhead not willing to give up the victory Hawks surged on cutting in front of Falcon annoyed by his friends maneuver Falcon batted a wing against Hawks tail sending his rival off course Hawk returned quickly flying into Falcon two slowed down his dive and their wings became entangled and the two of them fell out of the skies their prey flew away laughing merrily and the both of them went hungry that night before the time of the war in heaven Lord of the Eldar hawk friend lived all Dinesh greatest warrior of the elder he was their sworn defender yet knew he could not bear this burden alone and so he would reach out to also Nash the second greatest warrior of the elder the friends fought side by side and none could stand against them if their ambitions were also odds with one another an elder Nash not entertain any such discussions and so it banished his friend author Nash who is sent out to walk the desert weari author Nash would rest upon a rock where he would sit and consider the wrongs of the universe and the dishonor put upon him Cain saw the distress of alternation and saw an opportunity he broke the tip of one of his fingers and cast it into the shadow of the rock it became a scorpion and would sting or finish the poison consuming him as he writhed in agony for days all tarnish was strong and he resisted the fever and pain of the poison and found himself suddenly at peace he had survived and had not needed out an ash to do so this brought to all tarnish the realization that he did not require elder Nash's protection that he restrained himself and he could stand on his own thus the house of Ulthar Nash was founded in the strife of the elder began [Music] a consort of the great hawk would retrieve Vols mighty sword allowing it to pass into the hands of the mortal hero al Dinesh L Dinesh and previously feared in battle not for himself but for the lives of his warriors and it was in this doubt and fear the cane would arrive in the battlefield fire blooded spear and shield in hand the two shared no love but cane would protect the elder from their enemy l Dinesh's fear was quashed by the presence of Kaine and the elder would know victory over their foes with cane now at his side in an iris in hand none could stand against L Dinesh and the might of the war god cane would congratulate elder Nash and his victories and promised there would be many more Kain granted eldena shhhhht vision by releasing a drop of his fiery blood upon L Dinesh his forehead the vision showed him a future where the enemies of the elder was slain in great numbers and the power of the elder grew beyond imagination all would bow before the strength and greatness of L Dinesh and give thanks for his leadership after this vision Kain explained to L Dinesh that he would put aside his animosity toward the children of Isha if L Dinesh would swear loyalty to Cain himself but L Dinesh had no care for the future drowned in blood that Cain had shown to him and refused his loyalty test in an instance of pure rage King with war as he struck down L Dinesh and the war in heaven began it is said that the followers of L Dinesh cordis spilling blood in seven cups to give it safe from the war God cane fought to reclaim the life in spirit of his victim but L Dinesh's people and held the war God's armies at bay preserving elder Nash's spirit forever around the Eldar homeworld three moons orbited Lilith the maiden canis the hunter and Al Dinesh who is set into the sky as a constant reminder of his bloody death this red moon is said to be a symbol of bad fortune and even if an elder of the current age should see the vision of a red moon it is perceived as a bad omen a sign of impending disaster in the moment between Cain's blade landing upon elder Nash and his death Assyrian the Phoenix King Lord of the Elder Gods came down from heaven and L Dinesh asked where it was that the elder had to die the Syrian would laugh he would tell Dinesh that he could not die that the father of the elder would live on in the spirit and memory of his children reborn anew in every generation as they prospered he would be immortal as death-grip tell Dinesh Assyrian gave him one final message the gods had no descendants only they could truly die a serene though was so appalled by the murder of L Dinesh that he cursed the war God so that ever after he was known as kala men chicane came the bloody-handed God [Music] at the dawn of the war in heaven Assyrian asked a crane goddess more a hag what would be the fate of the gods she would look to the future and discern what would become of the gods long she would follow overlapping threads following each on its course until the end of the universe yet she could find no answer for the Lord of lords all paths took her into a place of fire and death where she could venture no further to find the answer she followed came the bloody-handed who has seemed to wage war on the other gods and mortals she took from him a thimble full of his blood returning she set the blood of the war God upon her balance on the other side of her scales she coiled the thread of fate blind to L Dinesh all was equal more a hag returned to Assyrian and told him that the fate of the gods was not his to know the mortal elder nation his people would decide if the gods survived or not as Cain continued to unleash his rage upon the elder Luther Nash refused to fight claiming that this was an issue for the house of El Dinesh not with all elder Kane's wroth though was not so confined and there were those in the house of El Dinesh who remembered well the bitter parting with orphanage those tainted by Cain fell upon earth anisha's followers there was a great war between the houses Cain saw his work and he was pleased all tarnish finally relented and decided it was time for himself to enter the battle spear in hand yet not to wage war upon the house of El Dinesh know his grievance was with Cain seeing that her children would forever be divided the goddess aja gave thanks to mighty Assyrian the all-seeing and asked that he part the torrent and allow the folk of El Dinesh and the folk of all tarnish to once more come together the Syrian could not bring himself to intervene to such a degree but he would pass a cooling breath to still the waters of division it would freeze the rapids between the two and allow them to cross over at times this would floor and divide them again but it would also freeze and unite them this winter gulf could serve to create a union or barrier between the two upon seeing their common enemy the house of El Dinesh made peace with those of alternate and they fought together as the Warriors evolved there were those however who were by now so consumed with the passion of war that they would slay any foe regardless of their house they became creatures of the bloody hand of God turned now against their own kind as the war in heaven raged on Cain and his followers slew evermore elder of the two houses mother Aisha feared the elder might be exterminated and so she went before a Syrian who begged for his intervention a Syrian also feared that Cain's unrelenting rage would destroy not only the elder but the gods themselves he agreed to aid Asia and her request but that he required a lock of her immortal hair this he bound into the hair of Alden ash that all of his descendants could be healed by Isha's love for them when the war in heaven was at its height the followers of Cain with the greatest enemy of both houses for they had been consumed by their bloodlust and have given in to the whispers and promises of Cain he had one by one they fell Cain would not relinquish them so easily instead he would arm them so they may continue the battles yet still they were defeated until eventually vol the Smith God refused to Forge any more supplies for the armies of came despite Cain's threats and torches vol would not comply Cain still would not release the spirits of those who'd sworn their loyalty to him and so he would instead crush them together in his iron fist so that the many would fight as one filled with the coursing Roth of Cain in their blood the spirit warriors of the bloody-handed God slaughtered many children of Elder national finish where they came such anger in them that these spirits now fell even to fighting among themselves each spirit vied for control of the whole and they splintered Cain's spirit army fell to ruin as they finally fled his grip the war in heaven was over with Assyrian never having taken a sign instead looking on and passively but he said that in doing so he wisely remained the Lord of all [Music] the fall of the Eldar itself is already widely known we'll look at this in more detail later but for our purposes of the gods and the mythology it's enough to say that millions of years later the great enemy of the aldol race would be born violently into existence Laura Hank would be the first of the other gods to be consumed by she who thirsts as with Lilith and asourian seemingly destroyed as well Cain died would bring his rage to she who thirsts but such was fleshes uncontestable strength he was quickly overpowered slow NESH and then corn would fight for possession of Cain's spirit but he belonged to neither of them and as they both rested for control of Cain ultimately the bloody-handed god would fall from heaven into the world of immortals shattering into fragments no longer able to exist as one whole Cain now awaits the quarter battle when blood awakens him and his desire for vengeance and war called forth from the infinity circuits of Elder craft world all of this was too much for Asia who wept and cried out in despair at the horror unfolding before slash could consume her Nergal the Lord of despair would hear her caused and stole her out of the gaping maw of destruction I need to descend into new hellish fate for Isha would find herself caged within the chambers of Nergal where she is the god of life and healing is forced to taste to all the poisons and corruptions that Nergal designs dependent on Isha's reactions Nergal may reign them down upon the mortal realm seeding worlds with plague and corruption or vomit them back into his korenev bite some say aja still whispers into the mortal realm to aid where she can gifting mortals with the cures to heal and save them from the plagues and physical horrors of grandfather Nergal cigarettes the laughing god it is said evaded the clutches of sloan ash and escaped into the web way where he remains as the master of the elder Harlequins and there it would all end were it not for the Inari Aeneid is another god of the elder who the Inari believe are meant to save all the souls of the elder it is said this can only occur when all the elder meet their final reckoning and in that process in aid will rise to destroy sluggish and finally enable the elder to once again be reborn in a had promises that even after the last elder have died they will become the reborn a terrifying sacrifice for a race still coming to terms with their mortality in many ways but through this they would gain spiritual salvation and freedom from slash the Inari are attempting to bring in erred into existence but doing so without all of the elder having to die they're looking for the five Crone sorts to try and bring forth in a it more i hag gave up a hand to Cain so that she might drink her in blood and know her fate from those finger bones vol woodcraft the Crone sorts as m41 would come toward its clothes rain had only found four of the five Crone sorts and in a it was only partially awakened if the very evident power of an aid was demonstrated when if rain managed to call the avatar of an aid which proved that their beliefs were not crazy imaginings but a very real and tangible goal this has led to the followers of an a at the Inari continuing to grow in numbers and strength from the end of the 41st millennium the Inari though may have other issues beyond Sloane ash and the need to try and bring more elder on board with their goals cultural conflict for one because the Inari accept Dark Eldar craft world exudates Corsairs and Harlequins they essentially accept any elder into their group how the difference is between all of those groups and the various ways they've learned to live and fight in evades flesh will have to be resolved what kinds of fractured groups and problems that could create our unknown and another unknown is just what the future holds for the Inari what they have had so far some debatable initial success it's unlikely things will be smooth sailing it's difficult to know if they have really achieved positive gains in the grand scheme of things or have simply furthered the already very fractured out dari more than they already were the only major achievement was to shine for once a very real and very visible ray of hope now I should note that while it's still widely talked about the only actual reference I could find which talks about this struggle between corn and / / cane is from first edition so feel free to view that with skepticism whether our contradictions though are related to the order and events of cane and El Dinesh the following description is a transcribed imperial witness to an El dari Harlequin dance there was a time when the Eldar were not racked by fear and did not live their lives in mortal apprehension of the dark fate that awaited them upon death a warrior could meet foes without a thought for his mortal shell his soul would live on reborn as a phoenix from the flame in that manner did the elder join their gods to wage war against the inga the coton the immortal of stars born that plagued the universe with their eternal thirst and undying warriors their minions a silvered host parted like a sea before Kane's wrath and his followers the most battle-hardened of all blazed a flaming path across the galaxy author Nash and El Dinesh noble kings of their houses fought at Kings side lands lacked the Swift and jure Nia thrice blessed led their peoples and none could stand before them then came Kahless robbed the Death Bringer its rampage stained the Stars with blood and none could stand against it for it wielded the power of death itself populations foul before its size it's very gays killed even the greatest of alder heroes those that died lost everything even their souls but the gods of the elder had strengths other than force of arms the greatest among the soul dancers had begun to convince the coton to turn their hunger inward to consume their brethren now the holy feasts of star flesh Kahless raw took its blade to it skinned and butchered them without mercy as it had the sons of isha while the Death Bringer sought ever darker ways to slake its unquenchable thirst Cain was not idle he struck a bargain with all the Smith God in exchange for CONUS and Isha's release from Cain's dungeon war would Forge 100 swords for Cain's war against the Inga thus were born the swords of all the blade race Cain led his people to war once more his rage incandescent the remnants of his army aflame at the heat of vengeance a hundred elder each armed with a blade race faced a horde of silvered necron tear so vast the horizon glittered with metal bodies in every direction yet they knew no dread the elder fought in a great circle the swords of all flashing and the necron tear could not penetrate their defense the soul might contained within the swords invigorated their wielders and every blow smashed a part in a hurry phone Kane was unstoppable and his warriors fought with the knowledge that their God was pleased the battle lasted seven days in seven lights before the elder began to fall the katana servants had found a weak spot in the circle Lance Rocke the Swift was tiring his face pale his imperfect sword dull and blunt the ring of warriors buckled and broke in the ground shook was came bellowed his anger of all had cheated him one of the swords was lifeless from the ground beneath them burst Kahless raw the night bringer and the elder fell back for they knew their doom was at hand with a gesture kaleswara slew all those near it with a glance it condemned the souls of great warriors to an eternity of dust with a great roar cane leveled his spear and charged silence spear clashed over a mound of corpses in a struggle that tore the skies asunder Cain's speed and skill a breathtaking for the night bringer was a being of shadow the spear of Cain could not find its mark Kahless Rael at its flow exhaust his rage with the patience of death without warning the Lightbringer swung mightily with his side and aimed for Cain's throat but Canaan heeded the Council of the laughing God well and as the night bring his form became solid to deliver its blow came lunged and a tip of his spear drive clean through the coton chest hey let's rob Burst Apart in an explosion of silvered shards and nearly cleft Canaan to as the coton essence tall free of physical form the silvered warriors around him fell to the earth as the impact spread ever outward returning to the ground from whence they came soon and he came remained howling his victory however all was not well shards of the coton flesh driven deep into Cain's body by the cataclysmic demise of his foe melted in the fires of the war God's wrath the silver poison flowed into his bloodstream and forever tainted his physical incarnation with the aspect of the Reaper Kailas raw cannot truly die for it is death incarnate raging at his defeat its quintessence held throughout space entering every one of the elder race and cursing them with the terror of the grave thus it was the seed of the outdoors downfall was sown and ultimately the way of reincarnation was closed to them forever now it's difficult to know how much of this story is accurate because this description overlaps with other accounts of Elder mythology it also contradicts more recent accounts that describe that was the neck on themselves who were responsible for the destruction of the night bringer Qatar in the Elder mythology the war in heaven begins by Cain slang el Dinesh but here in the Harlequins remembrance we see the houses of the two elder heroes fighting alongside Kane so you would assume that this takes place seemingly after the elders own internal which fits somewhat into this confusing timeline we do know that the coton were being destroyed only toward the end of the war in heaven and the night bring is credited as bringing the fear of death to all mortal races so this would again only be occurring late in the timeline of the much damage had already been caused to the galaxy more interestingly though is that reference to the destruction of the light bringer and it's bringing about the end to the elders ability to reincarnate this is a difficult and questionable statement because as far as we know the elder and he lost their ability to be reborn from the walk after the fall so this reference is unclear it could simply allude to the fact that the elder became aware that while they could be reborn there was such a thing as death that they were entirely unfamiliar with from their own perspective previously before the light bringer destroyed them and consumed their souls but also this description of silver poison flowing into Caine's bloodstream it could be a reference to this Katan somehow infecting the elders psychic shared presence or perhaps diminishing it in some way it could be that the elder were unable to so easily resist the predatory nature of the warp and found it more difficult to safely reincarnate except that this great somewhat against the belief of the Inari that when the elder god of the dead finally destroys sloane ash yell double again be able to reincarnate from the warp which would eliminate the fear of death but then i suppose that's the entire point of na and either way the description doesn't really sit well with me as it also clashes with some other details about the elder soul in a worst-case scenario it could even point to perhaps a suggestion that the katana as we know do shatter into shards when destroyed that perhaps these shards entered cain that then when he himself was later shattered these shards which were apparently distributed to the elder craft world so as to enable his presence as the avatar to come forth could perhaps be katana shards or elements or pieces of this again I think it's quite a stretch and it's only coming from this one reference but it's very unclear about the descriptions here and how they fit into the whole picture now the elder soul for me is actually critical to all of this we learn fragmented pieces from the mythology about it here and there we will get into the meat of this in our next video and I'll lay it all out for you but it has heavy implications for me on the origins of the chaos go on the elder mythology is one of the more difficult pieces of law to wrap your head around this is mainly because of how vague and symbolic much of their descriptions surrounding them seem to be that does seem to be something of a physical material element to them yet it also seems very likely that they're nothing more than metaphors or an allegory for the elder themselves in the various ways their culture and technology have developed over millions of years so much of it is told as ancient tales with little context of actual events so we're left to infer and read between the lines and there are few references to this time for example he thought about the endless lives he had lived lives he did not recall but could still feel in his immortal soul and of the great cycles of the universe how many wars in heaven had there been he asked struck by sudden thought Necron tear and eldery created these vaults together did all of this happen before scant references like these though are all we have to even vaguely reference this time beyond the mythology or Necron accounts and it's unclear if we'll ever really know the truth some might say it's the pursuit of knowledge that's important if indeed you ever truly know anything after all what is knowing and for the older time and perception perhaps the most important part of their entire civilization it maybe this is why they teach their history through dance and culture more than endless archives that after a certain point become more problematic than useful as the Imperium itself has seen for the elder perhaps the most important thing for us to know is that the literal details may not be all that important it's the larger understanding that is more necessary it's something few among their own toward the end of the 41st millennium have come to understand armed with such knowledge it's possible that the elder who have stared total annihilation in the face and been drifting lost for millenia may have finally the vision to spark a rise that could position them once again as a galactic power with no limitations this should be something that concerns the impairment of man significantly the Imperium mankind who are now evermore consumed by their own affairs for it is known that the elder at one time had the power to extinguish stars and planets and then rebuild them they had technology that allowed them to simply imagine a thing and that it would manifest a chair a a soldier an army a planet and Armada they had this power and far more importantly they had the ability to be reborn over and over again with no fear of death and everything we know about the old ones my personal inclination is that this was not part of evolution this was by design the elder were designed to fight a war of unending attrition and if they're able to recapture that most powerful aspect this could be immensely threatening to the rest of the galaxy if the inari and in aid can destroy Sloane ash for the Elder and the galaxy as a whole the ultimate impact upon other races could be devastating the elder are seen by other races as broken and insignificant indeed as once the elder had looked down upon all of them the yanari are determined to see that this will all change [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 695,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Fall, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition, Chaos, Daemon, Origins, Eldar, War In Heaven, Necron, Necrontyr, Avatar, Khaine, Isha, Aeldari, Ynnead, Ynnari, Yvraine, Old Ones, First Ones, Ctan, C'tan
Id: hP_23Z_hmR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 4sec (4384 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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