40 Facts and Lore on Chaos Spacemarine in Warhammer 40K

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welcome back to another episode of 40 facts about the 40k universe I am your host Gershwin and today we're going to be talking about chaos Space Marines if you're new to the channel subscribe we push Warhammer 40k lore videos every single day if you have any suggestions please comment down below and if you enjoy our content think our patrons on patreon it is because of them that we can do this link in the description if you guys want to support us but with that said let's get into 40 facts on the chaos Space Marines long-ago humanities Guardians the Space Marines were brothers in our they were all recruited from the greatest warrior peoples / genetically enhanced to superhuman levels and were trained in the highest degree in the art of war and equipped with the finest weapons they were united in their loyalty to the Emperor of mankind had marched beside him on his great crusade to bring long isolated human worlds into the protection of the Imperium it was a golden age of great deeds and unsurpassed heroism then came the apocalyptic Civil War remembered as the Horus heresy the Imperium was sundered every world and every institution felt the pain at the center of it all was an act of betrayal there remains unforgivable 10,000 years later fully half of the Space Marines renounce their allegiance to the Emperor this was no mere rebellion the traitor Marines had fallen under the diabolical influence of the gods of chaos infernal warp entities who not at the edge of reality hungry for the ripe souls of humanity's billions the chaos God's promised immortality and the power to indulge in the traitor Marines deepest darkest desires it would be beyond punishment with a universe there's for the taking chaos beckoned and the legions of the lost and the damned followed eventually they were defeated by an act of supreme sacrifice on the part of the Emperor and the unflinching loyalty of the Space Marines they once called brothers in defeat they were driven beyond the realm of man into the gaping wound in reality known as the eye of Terror now in forever they had become chaos Space Marines despised and feared as traitors and heretics throughout the galaxy acting as slaves of darkness they takes from their bottomless well of hatred and bitterness the chaos Space Marines harness the patronage of the chaos gods and raged ceaselessly against the Imperium and its Emperor they will wage war without in it until the Emperor is cast down and the chaos gods ruled over all each Legion that betrayed the Emperor followed a path into damnation that either led them to one of the four major chaos gods or simply venerated chaos itself believing that all four chaos gods should be worshipped equally defeated and desperate the majority of the Emperor's traitorous sons fell into the latter category worshipping chaos undivided the Alpha Legion the word bearers the iron warriors the knight Lords and the sons of Horus later known as the Black Legion became the playthings of all for chaos gods now acting as the pawns to the forces of chaos these once a unified traitor Legion splintered in fighting over the blessings of the chaos gods drove the legions into Anarchy at the same time that their brother were hunting them down hundreds of chaos war bands were created out of these traitors that shared beliefs common goals or simply had no choice but to fight on their own former Legion captains were displeased with the lack of worship to a particular God while other traders believed that the Legion was dedicating too much time to a particular chaotic force different chaotic mutations began to manifest and every chaos Space Marine was now able to act on their own desires and so independently chase their own chaotic enhancements promised by their different chaos gods some lucky war bands managed to hold on to their planets or gifted worlds by their chaos gods inside these dreadful places the trader Marines acted as God Kings to the enslaved population perk that was impossible during the Great Crusade for those trader legions that did decide to worship one particular God exclusively the effects of their patron were felt almost immediately and every one of these traders changed both mentally and physically as a result of the blessings of their particular chaos god those trader Marines that allowed themselves to be overcome by and bloodless deep in their two hearts fell to corn the God of War these chaos Space Marines are now known as corn berserkers corn bruisers are chaos space marines dedicated to glorifying the chaos khat corn through brutal melee combat driven solely by their raging desire to spill blood and take lives a berserker sole purpose in life is to destroy their enemies in the name of the blood god and take life in the most brutal and barbaric fashion imaginable the first coronet Berserker among mankind emerged from the gruesome experiments of Angra the primark of the world leaders legion upon taking control of a space marine legion the bloody-handed prime mark enacted many changes knowing how successful his own cortical implants were at boosting a warrior's prowess in battle and Grodd ordered his apothecary on to insert the same butchers nail implants within each Astarte of the world eaters legion to enhance aggression and pain tolerance far beyond that which even a gene engineered flesh of a member of a space marine legion was capable the nails removed all sense of fear in danger and then heightened the rush his warriors experienced in combat the majority of those who start ease implanted with this technology were absorbed back into the 12th legions line units while those deemed perhaps too unstable for such tasks joined a growing number of near Berserker assault units known as rampage ER squads and even within these units those too far gone to be anything but restrained as savages between battles became known as butchers a frightening portrayal of what was soon to come for the entirety of the twelfth Legion in the aftermath of the slaughter of the drop site Massacre on its fan 5 an event that the Masters of BOTS learned of after the fact a delegation of senior world-eater apothecaries aidid and of eyes by peers from the emperor's children and word bares legion arrive there unannounced they quickly assumed command of the induction facilities and instigated a series of revisions to the 12th legions recruitment practices it was long-established that the twelve legions implantation protocols sat at the extreme end of the spectrum of Tolerance and there have been many calls from taro and from other legions to rein in these practices but in the aftermath of the drop site massacre and with the arrival of the new overlord cadre our restraints were removed it was said that the raw fuel for the new process had been harvested from the blood-soaked killing fields of the overall depression ritually gathered by the sons of lor gar and alchemy eclis rendered down by the fel genius of the emperor's children it was to the world eaters apothecaries that the final duty of implantation would fall the result was hideous using the raw material of the waste dwelling newman gun cleaners the apothecaries created a new generation of recruits where the process of creating a warrior of the legion assest arty would ordinarily been painstakingly undertaken over a period of years this new generation was brought into being in months the process was shockingly wasteful and while many aspire and simply perished in the bio vats many more underwent catastrophic biological destabilization necessitating the purging of the implantation chambers by fire and radiation those few who survived fell far short of the transhuman ideal the emperor had intended for the legion s Astarte even for the world leaders these were monsters made flesh their body swollen by forbidden processes and their brains flooded with burning automatic stimulators that in conjunction with a so called butchers nail implants standard throughout the legion induced a permanent state of hyper aggression furthermore the flash indoctrination protocols to which each aspired was subjected invested him with the sole memories of a hundred thousand killings a flickering montage of other warriors lives and deaths cycling through their consciousness in an internal loop from the moment each awoke from the gene vats he believed himself a red-handed champion and a veteran of account las' wars his only desire was to shed blood his enemies or his own in the name of his prime or this was the birth of the first Coronet Berserker when the world eaters legion swore itself to the bloody worship of the blood god Korn the berserkers were no longer bound to imperial battle doctrines and were given full rein to exercise their bloodthirsty skills they have since become the ultimate close combat shock troops entering in the uncontrollable frenzies in the heat of battle those chaos Space Marines who wish to fully dedicate themselves to Korn usually join the world leaders to undergo the complex psycho surgery they employ once the procedure is complete they are one with their angry chaos God feeling nothing but the desire to kill maim and burn after the world leaders legion was sundered at the battle of scale attracts most coronet berserkers formed separate war bands and many bastard ice practices of lobotomy Shion spread to other chaos Space Marine Forces alongside them coronet berserkers are rightfully feared by their allies and their enemies alike having sworn their souls to the God of War and murder buzzer kurz find the need to spill blood for the blood god simply overpowering denied the chance to engage in constant slaughter a berserker will become almost uncontrollably enraged and will turn on any living thing whose life can be extinguished to satisfy his sheer need for carnage coronet berserkers will gladly slaughter even their own allies when their blood loss has been stoked by the thrill of battle or simply because they have run out of enemies this situation most famously engulf the mightiest of the coronet berserkers Korn the betrayer a captain of the world eaters traitor legion coronet berserkers sheer bloodthirstiness has earned them a fearsome reputation yet their uncontrollable urge to slaughter and kill often leads them being unable to form a cohesive and mutually supportive military unit this inability as well as the berserkers need to kill using primarily melee weapons often leads them at a disadvantage when facing opponents who are willing to use basic strategies against the berserkers unreasoning savagery and sheer ferociousness berserker war bands show a wide variety in numbers and unit strength and will essentially lend their aid to whichever side in combat offers them the greatest chance to kill and slaughter and the blood gods name even if these actions actually aid the Imperium or another of the chaos mortals enemies savage fighters that revel in the bloodiest hand-to-hand fighting in the perpetual quest to offer blood and skull to Korn buzzer kurz carry many vicious close combat weapons into battle many wielding roaring adamantium bladed chain axes although the chain sword is ultimately favored the chaos champion that led each coordinate war band can sometimes be seen hefting heavy baroque weapons aligned with diamond sharp teeth that can chew through enemy vehicles and get at the crew inside ritual knives are worn into battle the blades of which are only ever used to hack heads from necks after they have taken the heads of every enemy soldier within arm's reach the Warriors of corn will even decapitate their own fallen and offer their skulls to their chaos God before plunging back into the fray the stark truth is that the Brethren of the blood god care little how they spill the blood of those around them as far as the berserkers are concerned bare fists or a heavy rock will do if nothing else is available the berserkers of corn relish their role as the blood God's sacred destroyers and are fanatical in the extreme their delight in pain and death is so strong that they have been known to attack their comrades in blind rage and if no other opponent is present even to fall upon their own weapons as sacrifices to corn even though corn at berserkers suffer from their feral bloodlust they are still a star teased at heart and most can draw on the experience of millennia of bad and slaughter to remain alive and overwhelm their foes berserker tactics are anything but subtle usually consisting of a massive frontal attack coupled with flanking maneuvers from the fastest amongst them with war bands often transported into battle in a rhino land Raider or assault bike it is also a common sight to see berserkers make heavy use of drop pot assaults where their unexpected arrival can spell doom for the unprepared in battle buzzer kurz work themselves into hollowed frenzies of insane fury before charging straight into the heart of their enemy's ranks where they can quickly bring their melee weapons to bear the danger of such suicidal attacks is of no consequence to these traders Space Marines and they willingly brave all manner of enemy fire and hazards to come to grips with their foes however some champions of corn are in nominal control of their rage and their warriors and can easily display a feral cunning that one would never expect from blood-crazed Mad Men these stratagems include ambushes where berserkers lie in wait for their opponent an attempt at infiltration before unleashing their blood-crazed fury those chaos Space Marines willing to sacrifice their own sanity in order to gain an understanding of the war turn to the chaos gods each the lucky ones became chaos sorcerer the majority of these traitors were caught in Xena's web of lies and became rubric marines rubric marines also known by the high gothic term rubric a are the spectral remnants of those estar DS of the thousand suns legion who are now trapped within their suits of ancient power armor as mindless automatons the tale of how the rubric marines came upon their unique fate is a twisted one it has its beginnings in the time when the emperors prime marks were mysteriously scattered from their incubation upon Tara the one who would be called Magnus came to rest upon the remote colony world of Prospero he could hardly have been more fortunate Magnus was a Rudy skin mutant who would have been feared and most probably slaughtered had he arrived at any other world in the Imperium instead he was delivered upon a hidden planet of kindred spirits because as fortune would have it a commune of outcasts human psychos had settled the planet of Prospero Magnus quickly reached maturity having grown into a giant in the psychic intellectual and physical sense he lived in the lone city upon Prospero which was nestled deep in the planets ventral mountain range Magnus too showed great psychic attributes he did not just channel power from the immaterial but instead the primark could see into the very realm Magnus the read quickly went from addict to absolute master the emperor had perceived and recognized his prodigy through the warp and made haste to find him it was said that the two knew each other immediately their minds having long since found each other across the immaterial the emperor immediately granted Magnus command of the fifteenth Legion of Space Marines the thousand sons they had been created from his own genetic profile and thus far had already shown a strong tendency towards psychic mutation the first thing Magnus did upon taking control over the thousand sons was to halt the flesh curse mutation that had swept through his ranks although finding the knowledge in the warp to achieve this cost Magnus and I next Magnus led the thousand sons to join the Great Crusade the epic campaign that swept outward from Terra it was the Emperor's plan to reclaim humanity's lost colonies and to establish a galaxy-wide Empire during the far sweeping conflict the thousand sons made extensive use of their psychic power in battle it was their way to avoid close combat instead relying upon their sorceress ways to carry the day that the thousand sons accomplished their triumph through deception as often as by strength of arms did not initially draw concern the victory was victory after all however the further out the Emperor's realm expanded the more tenacious through the opposition more and more frequently the legions of space marines would make planetfall and find out colonies of mankind eager to join the fold of the Imperium but societies of mutants and psychos who violently oppose them many of those they encountered were enthralled to demonic forces of the war these new folds were granted powers that few could fail to notice were much akin to those widely used by the thousand sons at Magnus gradually it emerged that there were some amongst the imperial court that were suspicious of the thousand sons methods throughout the fleeting Imperium many called for the purging of the psychic mutations to solve the growing dilemma the Emperor himself convene a meeting on a planet of Nicaea to debate this event would later be known by Imperial scholars as the Council of Nicaea the Emperor made Magnus to cease the practice of sorcery and the pursuit of knowledge in the related field of arcane arts it is said that the cyclopean prime marks face appeared as stone as he received his father's command Magnus bowed pleading that he and his Legion would obey before the Horus heresy Magnus perceived the betrayal of war master Horus and attempted to warn the Emperor only to destroy the psychic defenses of Terra and the web Way project it was said that the Emperor broke contact with Magnus is projected vision with such force that the psychic Ward's throughout the palace were filled with lightning and shattered Magnus's warning was delivered but unheeded and the emperor directed Lehmann rust to lead his space wolves to capture Magnus upon Prospero Lehmann Russ and his Legion were tricked by horse into outright attacking the world of Prospero and rampaging through the cities Magnus had created this became known as the burning of Prospero following the burning of Prospero during the opening days of the Horus heresy the thousand sons settled upon a world prepared for them by their patron chaos gods each the changer of ways given the potent psychic heritage of the Primark it can be no surprise that the thousand sons legion was always prone to mutation prior to the outbreak of the Horus heresy stringent and genetic purity checks and relentless discipline had kept mutation at bay while the starties of the 15th legion simultaneously developed their potent psychic powers having steeped themselves in the raw power of chaos the thousand sons fell prey to the rampant and uncontrolled mutation they called the flesh change to such an extent that the Cabal of the legion senior librarians led by the chief librarian as erick arimin determined that something drastic must be done to save the legion from complete resolution with the legions primark magnus the red retired to the highest tower of the City of Light on the planet of the Sorcerer's I Ramon and his cabal of like-minded Kaos sorcerers set about enacting a mighty spell that would purge the Legion of mutation and impurity Ahriman delve deeper into the pages of the book of Magnus a massive tome compiled by Magnus during the Great Crusade that was filled with the forbidden lore and knowledge of the warp from ancient forgotten days Ahriman believed the book of magnus held the key to his legion salvation in the labyrinthian collection of formulas incantations and rites Ahriman devised what he believed would be the beginning of a mighty arcane spell to undo all that had befallen his battle brothers known as the rubric of Ahriman Ahriman and his cabal cast his rubric and the skies over the planet of sorcerers erupted into an etheric storm of unprecedented proportion the spell brought was of such unimaginable power that even the demonic horrors fled before the roaring Maelstrom the planet of sorcerers was enveloped in an impenetrable storm of blue and yellow forks of titanic energies arcing across the planet to strike down each of the thousand suns all but magnus in his Tower and Ahriman's cabal of servers had been scoured by the mighty rubric but when the storm receded re man saw the awful truth of what he had brought those that possess the greatest psychic powers found their abilities augmented and they arose from the lightning strikes as the most dangerous sorcerers in the galaxy the majority of the thousand suns however had a much sinister fate instead of purging the flesh of ravaging mutation each of the thousand suns had been transformed the seals and joints of their power armor had been welded shut and the body were thin and turned to ashes what remain was a suit of animated armor inhabited by a captive Spectre devoid of mutation but of all independent will as well the newly created Rubik Marines were living suits of ancient power armor which still moved and function and can respond to order just like a sentient man though they were now little more than otama Thomas the thousand sons sorcerers used these rubric Marines as bodyguards and enforcers as well as guardians for the great libraries and vaults of ancient scrolls established on the planet of the sorcerers the rubic Marines are quite excellent at the latter role for they have no spark of curiosity left and are utterly loyal if promised knowledge and an opportunity to enhance their psychic power the sorcerers are willing to offer the service of their unliving warriors to others in battle the thousand suns chaos sorcerers enhance their weapons and those of their unliving bodyguards their bolts blazing with baleful sorceress energies and exploding with sorceress blasts that burn the souls of their targets as much as they do physical damage the suits of armor that had once been worn by a proud Space Marine from the thousand sons Legion can magically move and function thanks to the rubric of Ahriman but the mindless shell needs order to do so they respond to the mental commands of a sorcerer obeying him to the letter upon completion of their task the sentence of the Rubik Marines will once again lapse without a sorcerer nearby to issue new directions the rubric Marines freeze in place appearing for all intents as statues mere displays of ancient power armor the thousand son sorcerers have many uses of the rubric marines when they travel from the eye of terror in search of arcane knowledge or to acquire slaves to fuel their magical experiments they take with them the silent relentless warriors they make excellent enforcers in the midst of combat something of their former selves returns during such actions the rubric Marines are able to move with clarity and purpose for as long as the battle lasts they are a formidable fighter and can shrug off horrendous wounds there are countless reports of the Rubik marine sustaining great rents in their armor their breastplates blown apart by plasma blasts or run through with a power blade the arcane powers that surround and animate the armored shell allows them to sustain the damage better than any being made of flesh and blood could ever manage when the rubric marines fire their vultures they do so with a special shell filled with rune inscribed fury the shells burn a blue-white contrail of flame and hit with the ability to blast through power armor and shear their targets very soul on the battlefield while the automatons provide a solid bastion of firepower the sorcerer himself is free to work with the incantations sending out his own arcane doom bolts as they are empty vessels the rubric Marines made excellent Guardians they will stand on guard for a day weeks months years or even centuries yet should any breach the ward of their sorceress master they will lurch into action as if mere seconds had passed the enchantments ensure that their armor never rusts or malfunctions and that they do not suffer the weakness of flesh having no need to ever eat or sleep the rubric Marines are also impossible to destroy and only the total destruction of their power armor is enough to release the spirit trapped inside in audio both sigh a cloud of dust escapes and drifts away into nothingness how or even if the rubric marines are reinforced is a secret only the sorcerers of the thousand suns and zj-- himself know it has been theorized that the sorcerers can use spells of reincarnation to reinstall those spirits freed by the destruction of their armored forms rebinding them within a new tomb of power armor perhaps Ahriman himself has had his hand in recreating this infamous spell of old for Ahriman remains the most powerful of the thousand son sorcerers and has been endlessly active since his banishment over the millennia he has raided more magical knowledge and stolen more arcane Scrolls than any other his guarded hoard nearly as a sizeable as that of Magnus however they are sustained the rubric Marines remain relentless enemies of the Imperium as they have been for nearly 10,000 years as recent as the 990 eighth year of the 41st millennium furious battle erupted in the Twilight Realm of the web way as the chaos Space Marines of the thousand suns Legion fight their way to within sight of the black library protected by the indomitable advance of their automaton of rubric marines the sorcerers wreak terrible havoc their leader the master sorcerer Ahriman is only stopped when the powerful force of Elder Harlequins and allies from both craft world both weigh and craft world Logan Earth counter-attack several major arteries of the web Way are choked with a dead before the Warriors of the thousand suns are driven from the secret path the breach is runic Li sealed but many neighbouring sections of the web way are lost to Kaos forever it should only be a matter of time before another such attack is launched those fallen brethren that aloud fear of pain and death to lead them down the path of chaos fell victim to Nergal the god of decay these repulsive chaos space marines are known as plague Marines plague Marines are those chaos face marines who have wholly dedicated their lives and souls to the service of the chaos got Nergal the plague marines have dedicated their lo some existence to spreading corruption and decay across the universe the plague fleets of Nergal that periodically spew forth from the eye of terror are captained by the plague marines spreading father nerville's warp spawned pestilence across the star systems of the galaxy forever spreading the death and decay that are the hallmarks of Naugles Kingdom the origins of the plague Marines can be traced back to the early 31st millennium during the opening days of the Horus heresy Ignatius Gregor was the commander or captain of the death guard legions second grand company during the massacre of the trader legions loyalists honest fan 3 that initiated the heresy Gregor was posted on an imperial frigate eisenstein to kill the loyalists captain Nathaniel Garo and his hundred strong company of death Garda starties rogue or was initially killed in a firefight on the gun decks of the eisenstein after a stray bolter pistol shot released a life Eater virus that had been intended to be used against the loyalists to start ease of his van 3 after the successful escape of the eisenstein and the following trip through the warp the body of Gregor was reanimated by the will of Nergal as the first of the plague Marines after a desperate battle grow Gore's body was destroyed once the eisenstein made an emergency transition into real space his soul banished into the war the plague Lord eventually raised grow go as one of his demon Prince's in the year 999 of the 41st millennium Grigore would return to haunt the Imperium during the forces of chaos assault upon Medusa 5 the plague Marines later appeared in Mass at the start of the Horus heresy the death guard legion had become becalmed and trapped within the warp or the destroyer plague later known to the Imperium as neural rod attack their bodies for death guard there was nothing more terrifying than the plague that rendered their legendary resilience meaningless these were warriors who were immune to disease contagions toxins and pollutions that bedeviled normalmente what the death card endure was unimaginable yet none suffered more than more Tyrion himself unable to endure the suffering any longer the primarch and his legion offered themselves up to the service of the Lord of decay in return for their lives their bodies became bloated and swollen with corruption festering within them but they no longer felt the agony of the war pox and did not die from the horrific symptoms when the death guard legion emerged from the war they bore little resemblance to the proud of starties who had entered their once gleaming gray armor and the proud heraldry of the once Imperial champion was no more in their stead was a sickly pale of greenish hue each Astarte was now a bloated grotesque covered in pock marks and boils scabs and sores they bore the stink of corruption as the very air about was clouded with swarming flies even their weapons and war machines had been mutilated and were now powered by the sickly sorcery of chaos glowing with lamented green energy and oozing Gingras pus the death guard had become walking pestilence carriers they had become plague Marines many plague Marines particularly those who were originally members of the Death Guard Legion still prefer to wear the mark 3 iron pattern suits of power armor first used during the Great Crusade even though more modern marks of the power armor had become available to them before the Horus heresy the death guard retained a large stockpile of the heavier mark 3 pattern preferring it both for its durability and the ease with which they could customize it to better handle the rigorous of the often toxic battle zones in which the Legion excelled the armor of the plague Marines regardless of its type usually suffered from severe corrosion and structural breaches over its millennia service within the corrupted Astarte plague marine power armor is often further modified with the inclusion of a heretical pattern open Ventura backpack and blasphemous iconography as well as swelling or even cracking like a broken egg shell to contain the grotesquely mutated physique of its wearer the stench alone given off by the plague Marines is enough to incapacitate many enemy troops yet the seemingly neurotic and decaying flesh makes the plague Marines almost impossible to kill with small arms fire and they are able to shrug off injury and damage that would destroy even the superhuman physiology of a standard of starting when imperial forces enter combat against these horrific servants of chaos the mass concentrated firepower of weapons more commonly employed to deal with armored vehicles is recommended as the key to bringing down these monsters of corruption the plague Marines decaying flesh also attracts maggots and flies these insects commonly accompany all of the nargis forces and some of his faithful even cultivate them considering them sacred animals it is not uncommon for a plague marine to maintain a hive of maggots in his body which constantly produces a new cloud of large black lines through the structural cracks of his power armor plague Marines often make use of Horus heresy era or more updated versions of standard Imperial ranged weaponry intended for the adept Astarte including Boulter's filter pistols plasma pistols missile launchers and other standard weapons these weapons often developed the same signs of corruption and ill repair as the plague Marines power armor and the tortured machine spirits of these weapons make them prone to catastrophic failures that would likely kill even a Space Marine yet given the plague Marines unhallowed tolerance to injury and pain these dangers often prove inconsequential for one of nerville's chosen since the days of the Horus heresy many chaos Space Marines have dedicated themselves to Nergal and though few achieve the vaulted ranks of the death guard those who truly wish to join these most faux tile of followers must first prove their loyalty to the demon primarch more Terrio only then will Nergal bestow upon them the corrupting plague that created the plague marines outside of the death guard a favored few chaos sorcerers of Nergal know the secrets of the plague Marines and Abaddon of the Black Legion has won many of these spell casters to his calls in return for loyalty and long service these so-called blight mages will bestow their pestilent gifts in the cause of chaos undivided plague Marines prefer short range firefights where they can see the festering wounds inflicted upon their enemies while they shrug off the bolts and last blast directed back at them their decaying brains are inert to the agony of their bodily corruption that runs rampant in their diseased carcasses making them all but immune to the pain or discomfort of battle wounds when their enemies close with an assault range the plague Marines make use of their blight grenades and release their toxins that they contain which proceeds to eat away at armor and fill the air with thick noxious clouds of blinding spores the more flamboyant of these blight grenades are made from the severed decaying heads of their fallen enemies the plague fleets of Nergal carry nerville's followers to inhabited worlds where the plague marines destructive rates are followed by massive outbreaks of no less destructive contagious once these plague ships are abandoned or their crews finally destroyed their hulks float back into the warp and eventually find their way back to the plague planet where they may be recruited for new incursions into the material universe plague marines have an inhuman tolerance for pain enduring injuries that would even other space marines their nerves dulled by disease or even mostly rotted away which is the plague Lord's greatest enhancement of those who embrace him plague Marines are normally armed with some manner of bolter with which they unleash a steady rain of firepower but they may also carry other weapons they sometimes armed themselves with a close-combat Power Sword that can communicate nerville's rot to the victim the ability to spread Nergal rod is a special psychic power granted to a plague marine through his connection to the plague lore that follows him to summon the horrific plague of Nergal from the orb and unleash them upon the enemy those not tightly armored against biological infestation are instantly affected and quickly killed by the infection plague memories make up the majority of the death card trader legions of chaos space marines but not all plague marines are members of the death guard any chaos space marine or renegade Space Marine who dedicated himself to the plague lord merkel may become a plague memory alone amongst the emperor's traitorous sons there were those that killed for lust they murdered their own brother to possess their brothers lands these were the puns of slow nosh known as noise Marines noise Marines or chaos space marines or wholly dedicated to the chaos gosselin ash the Prince of pleasure these corrupted authorities are completely dedicated to pushing their minds and bodies to the absolute limits of sensation all have spent centuries enraptured in the throes of slow nauseous service and their ceaseless devotion has corrupted their bodies until only the most extreme of sensations hold any satisfaction in their pleasure filled synapses now their every thought has been wholly towards their own self-gratification in their imaginations insatiably overflowed with insane visions of reckless and lonesome indulgence along with the fabled trans human physiology of an Astarte noise Marines also possess an extraordinary sense of hearing this auditory acuteness is a blasphemous mutational gift from sloan ash himself extending far beyond that of a normal humans sensitive enough to distinguish shuttle changes in pitch in tone within even the most cacophonous noises this felt blessing also warps the way their brains interpret oral stimulation causing them to undergo feelings of you for an emotion that increases in proportion to the volume and frequency of the sounds they experience noise Marines relish in these sensations above all others and are entirely obsessed with indulging and their unique abilities often subjecting themselves to the most overwhelming and chaotic noises imaginable at the slightest provocation the most beloved way for a noise marine to indulge this craving of deafening sound is to immerse himself in the frenzied clamor of battle there the harsh cacophony of combat and the shrill screams of the dying are like music to the noise Marines callous ears and his mind quickly fills with powerful emotions of unrivaled intensity that rapidly overpower every other concern however the deafening roar of the battlefield is still not enough for most noise Marines and he adds to the ear-splitting bin with devastating blast from the sonic Arsenal for which they are named the first creation of the noise Marines goes back to the days immediately preceding the Horus heresy the noise Marines a name comes from their preference for weapons that use concentrated sound in sonic waves the sonic blaster and outwardly resembling a bolter it produced discordant blasts of sound also the blast master a rifle like weapon that produced different sonic frequencies that overpower senses and can even destroy flesh and finally the doom siren a loudspeaker surgically melted into the chaos space marines body that enhanced his own screams into violent torrents of pure sonic force that can knock even the largest enemy off their feet all of the sonic weapons descended from the musical instruments invented by the famed composer back Kinski of terra will accompany the emperor's children 28th expeditionary fleet as of remembrancer aboard the battle fleet pride of the Emperor during the Great Crusade Kinski was a jagged musician always in search for further sensations to create more exhilarating and all-encompassing music which made her an easy target for slander she corruption after Kenz accompanied many of the 28th expeditionary remembrances to the temple dedicated to slash and the xenos world of Lorraine she was touched by the chaos corruption of that foul plays slowly sought to create the ultimate orchestral piece that she believed would capture the wondrous sounds she had heard within the lair temple her ultimate masterpiece was a symphony she named the Mara Villa which she performed to a fogger and all the assemblée starties of the emperor's children in this report personnel within the remembrancer lounge called La Fenice aboard the pride of the Emperor to recreate the sound she had her kinsuka created new musical instruments whose sonic powers could also be used for destruction when employed by an individual already corrupted by slash as the maravilla began the cacophony of sound unleashed by these instruments acted as a sorceress ritual that opened the link between real space and war and allow the powers of slash to directly touch the audience during the performance it was noted the musical instruments were able to produce effect they were disorienting stimulating and downright murder is chaos mutations ran rampant through the audience and the estar DS and humans alike were so overwhelmed by the sensation and uncontrollable emotions they unleashed in an orgy of both sensual hedonism and the most face form of murder upon one another ultimately the music summoned five lesser demons of sloane ash known as demoness from the war who possessed the bodies of Kinski and several of her singers who joined in in the slaughter during this part of the concert several emperor's children left their seats and took up the instruments to try and keep the chaos music playing and in the course of their untrained fumbling with the instruments discovered that they could unleash waves of destructive sonic power filled with the strength of chaos when the emperor's children engaged the Imperial loyalists during the drops like massacre on his fan five some emperor's children Space Marines took to the field armed with these modified sonic weapons becoming the first noise Marines these corrupted Emperor's children of starties soon organize themselves into a unit known as a cacophony which was under the command of the legions third captain Marius Virizion after the heresy the early noise Marines took their deviant behaved to a new level to their dedication to the patron chaos god for the years of bloody warfare with the Imperium they have honed their bodies to possess such extreme sensory perception that nothing can stir their emotions other than the din of battle and the screams of the dying since the days of the Horus heresy the emperor's children have splintered but regardless of the faction war band or traitor legion they belong to you noise marines where power painted in all manner of striking in bold colors pinks blacks and purples are used / dumped in bizarre patterns all over the armored legs arms gauntlets helmets and shoulder blades their senses are so distorted that only the most extravagant shades and patterns register as pleasing to their mind above all else fear is simply another sensation to these servings of / they delight in inflicting pain as much as they enjoy experiencing edge yet despite the novelty and pleasure of death noise Marines are in no hurry to partake in it preferring instead to sample the Marauder lines to be found in the service of chaos they readily accept the many boons of slow nosh and eagerly deal with a deep or warlord able to offer them a delicious new access many even gaze with undisguised envy upon the seemingly immortal demonic entities whose ursula nash and long to experience the limitless freedom these diabolical beings enjoy and so pursue the path to demon hood annoys Murray indulges in a plethora of uniquely vile experiences and sensations in order to fulfill their unrelenting yearning it for the many temptations that await them within the galaxy the lust for auditory stimulation is the most enticing of all whether achieved through pitched battle or arcane devices noise Marines go to any lake to attain their desire there are many forbidden xeno artifacts and devices in the galaxy capable of bestowing indescribable sensations on who dare wield or even look upon them for any length a nose Marines frequently encounter such items in their travels and many even develop a taste for these exotic delights and inhuman vibrations yet their pleasure often turns to obsession as these warriors attempt to contrive ever more imaginative in novel ways of incorporating their discoveries into their ceaseless indulgences these noise marines are known as in ocean's their frantic mania can either be a boo or a bane to those who become entangled and their endless passions of additional relics and alien sensations other noise Marines demand tribute in the form of slaves which they then incorporate into their own horriffic glorification of the Prince of pleasure each captain is fit with a bizarre array of sonic amplifiers and Vox speakers which caused the recipient great pain and amplify every tortured croc and terrifying gasp to skull shattering hides thus prepare these beautiful creatures accompany their masters into battle staggering behind their captors in vast proceedings bound together with golden chains each adorned with savage and delicate hooks their the many cries of intolerable agony encouraged with blows from cruelly barbed and toxic lashes rise together and screech it is cordoned adulation for the many pleasures of slen ash although many of the chaos Space Marines encountered today can trace their lineage to one of these first founding legions there are also many traitors that fell to the temptations of the four major chaos gods after the horse heresy but no matter how they worship chaos all heretic authorities are ultimately united by a sheer hunger to prove that their betrayal was justifiable the truth is that there was no positive ending for those space marines that decide to turn to chaos in the end their souls will always remain damned and those were 40 facts on the chaos Space Marines I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did don't forget to share it with your friends on Facebook reddit whatever social media you guys use it really helps out the channel when you do so and if you guys have any suggestions for any other topics please comment down below but with that said this was gosh one with one mind syndicate signing out [Music] [Music]
Channel: OneMindSyndicate
Views: 164,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, chaos spacemarine lore, chaos spacemarine, chaos lore, spacemarine, spacemarine lore, gamesworkshop, 40k lore, card games, table top games, cinematic trailer, warhammer tv, daily life, battle report, bat rep
Id: XJDjrElcqbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 47sec (2927 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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