The Disturbing Impact of Andrew Tate: TikTok's Toxic Masculinity Exposed

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if you've ever accidentally scrolled through  the men's coaching hashtag on Tik Tok you've   undoubtedly encountered a fair share of creators  who bravely act as the modern-day saviors of   masculinity how by reinforcing dated stereotypes  labeling themselves as motivational speakers and   launching generic online courses that help spread  their toxic white dude wisdom in order to combat   today's unfair suppression of quote unquote real  men in fact these coaches despite all evidence   regarding the global distribution of power and  privilege hold the opinion that in 2024 there   are no other groups of people as misfortunate as  cisgender straight men and you know what I agree   with them I literally can't think of anything  worse look at how they dress and the things that   they watch on TV and tell me that those aren't the  most depressing creatures ever to crawl across the   Earth's crust I barely survived being matched with  a sis hat man for a secret Santa gift exchange how   long do you think I would last if I had to live  my life as one of them thankfully with the rise in   popularity of social media alpha males like Andrew  Tate and Dan Bilzerian manly men everywhere have   a blueprint on how to uphold the gold standard of  masculinity so that all of these guys being dudes   can once again hold their heads High armed with  the pseudo science that Fosters their sense of   biological superiority with the same misinformed  confidence and undeserved Swagger of every other   unfair Advantage they receive in life today we're  recognizing the aspiring Andrew Tates of Tik Tok   these are smaller creators who have their own  completely unique yet totally unoriginal take   on how to teach the guys to be guys once again  make guys men again Alexander finigan that's   the man's name so strap on your dick to learn  how each learned Sage on this list preaches the   gospel of modern day masculinity through the use  of Highly confusing and ineffective metaphors an   alarming sense of nostalgia for a time period  when segregation was a thing and Fancy Pants   fashion that declare the bank I belong to  has vastly overextended exended my credit   on today's super straight testosterone  flooded semen soaked installment of clip breakdown hello television viewers my name is  Nick thank you so much for joining me once again   on my channel for another installment of clip  breakdown this is the playlist where we dive into   to our favorite movies TV movies and other such  content here on the web so that we can break it   down like the beta bro in your CrossFit class and  uh verbally accuse it of being being an inferior   being who has feminine Tendencies which as far  as I'm concerned is the same as being a piece of   by looking at each individual clip and deciding  if that's satire if it's what did I say I think   I already said it all but before we get into it  make sure you give this video a big oh my God   I really lost the script on this one make sure  you give this video a big thumbs up that way I   know you want to see even more of this whatever  this is but most importantly if you're new here   I would love to have you click that subscribe  button that way you never miss new videos from   me hit the thumbs up Bell Bell icon or whatever  the one that lets me know that you want to know   whenever I have a new video coming out of my mouth  into your face like vomit out of a bug a bug a fly   who vomits on its food and melts it that they  can eat it again that's who I am today anyway   I obviously knew who Andrew Tate was and if you  don't know who Andrew Tate was then he was like   one of the first toxic masculinity influencers to  come to the Forefront of Pop Culture mainly known   in the mainstream media because of his recent  indictment I believe he's on house arrest at this   point for accusations or you know actual charges  of human trafficking which by all accounts if we   believe victims which we do here on this channel  are absolutely horrifying and true it's like the   use of relational abuse romantic partner abuse to  then foray somebody into this like sort of webcam   model sex worker through no choice of their own  if you want to be a sex worker I love that for you   but if you are not hoping to do that at the same  rate or in the same way that your romantic partner   is coercing you to do in any way then no mama  we got to make a change and Andrew Tate is scum   as far as I'm concerned he looks like a forkin  and that's what he probably smells like so it   makes me mad he's there on house durest with his  segue and his bubble guns and his literal little   boy birthday party toys but he still has this huge  audience and he makes almost $800 million through   his social media presence but also through these  courses he sells on how to be an alpha male which   are basically pickup courses like teaching men how  to bag the hottest women possible by reinforcing   horrible gender stereotypes and sexist beliefs so  of course with Andrew Tate there come a thousand   other underlings who want to be just like him you  have the people who are promoting Andrew Tate's   content then you have the people who are trying to  replicate it Dan Bilzerian the former like Playboy   of Instagram who we have now since found out had  not been the the brilliant businessman that we   thought he was but actually was just taking his  father's paycheck from prison when his father was   illegally working for that company that he started  he's launching a course about how to teach guys to   be guys which is essentially the like dog whistle  if if you're like an incel a redpilling incel who   is like oh yeah men are just not men today and  women are taking too much like of the piece of   the pie and it's like how in what world do you  think women are getting an unfair advantage over   cisgender straight men and the way that they're  constantly assaulted by you and the way that they   are paid 7 cents on the dollar for you like where  is the advantage where is the advantage we would   love to see it so today we're going to start  by looking at a I don't know I'm just going   to refer to them as men's coaches they all have  something different in their Instagram bio when   really I don't like any of this I don't like  any of this anything that they stand for with   sexism and misogyny like homophobia transphobia  are soon to follow which we see pretty soon on   with our first example here Sebastian enzz  inas ings we don't know all we know is the   vest and he's about to tell us about it gossip  is poison I almost never see men gossip although   in this day and age they're changing rapidly but  normally I never see men gossip that isn't tied   to a woman somewhere don't believe me back to us  what the [ __ ] I'm saying if you had a bunch of   guys sitting around gossiping they'd look at  each other and be like what the [ __ ] are we   doing right it's not generally going to happen  you laugh cuz most of you are like yeah and if   you're not laughing it's like well [ __ ] you may  want to check your orientation oh good call I just   checked and I'm gay but after sitting through this  seminar I know that's not my ideal orientation I   would rather be on a spaceship that's flying into  the Sun but Sebastian please help me understand   does gossiping make me a woman or does it make  me gay and fellas is is it gay to be a woman I   can't figure it out because I'm already having  PTSD flashbacks from the sound of those girls in   the back of the class giggling at his homophobic  comment if Sebastian wasn't a masculinity coach he   would have been great as my seventh grade English  teacher who desperately needed 12-year-olds to   like him but unfortunately for us he encountered  his first blooming Dale's tuxedo vest early enough   in life that he was led down the path of becoming  the wise thought leader we see before us in this   rented lecture hall dressed like Colonel  Sanders's eldest son on the first day of his   sexual assault assault trial since he is such an  informed expert can he cite his sources for this   toxic gossip trained demographic women are the  only ones who gossip according to him but well   according to actual scientific studies men tend to  gossip up to 30% more than women there was a study   from the University of California Riverside that  showed men gossip at least as much as women do   although they tend to not even consider it gossip  they call it networking or venting or other words   besides gossip which are just assigned to women  talking about anybody who's not in the room there   are also studies that suggested that men share  confidential information within 3 hours of hearing   it on average whereas women often on average go 3  hours and 40 minutes that's a different also with   social media there have been surveys indicating  that 33% of men engage in Mobile gossip every day   compared to 26% of women what is the truth Andrew  Sebastian Tate back test that theory get a group   full of men together and they'll be like what are  we doing here you're gossiping because you decided   to gossip because you love gossiping you little  F sorry I was actually going to make this video   about something completely different but then I  came across some sort of video from Sebastian here   with his suit vest or whatever they call it from  the men's section of Target and it's like oh God   and as I looked back through his previous videos  I was like it's always been a thing this is not   astrophysics here what are people paying to see  you say this kind of stuff obviously enough for   you to buy these mid-level Fashions I was negative  $187 in my business bank account in 2012 I taken   myself off my salary and that's as much of that  story as I'm going to allow you to tell because   I just caught a glimpse of that ratty Little  ponytail on the back of your head which indicates   to me that there is nothing from with inside of  your skull cavity that I want entering my airspace   be it an unoriginal hustle culture quote or your  pre-workout protein shake breath that makes every   room you enter feel like an episode of Joe Rogan's  podcast has recently been recorded there did you   think the black and white filter would hide That  Hideous hairstyle the one that you copied from   let me look at his stupid Tik Tok to make sure Tik  Tok Sebastian douchebag he's the CEO of his Alpha   mail course that he sells speaker and performance  coach message me on IG listen he has 1.2 million   followers on Tik Tok and he's still encouraging  people to message him on Instagram I have like   3/10 of what he has on YouTube and I would never  encourage someone to to DM me on Instagram like   there's a good chance I won't read it I don't  have the time to that like how are you the CEO of   whatever doing and you're reading those messages  and getting back to people like I don't buy it   there's something fishy I don't know if you bought  these followers or if you just don't do anything   all day and you're just a clout monster but either  way I don't see anything in there about being a   psychologist or somebody who knows anything about  human behavior so tell me why you're so eager   to assert your understanding of the difference  between men and women and also using the women   in your life as test subjects to like make this  Theory come to life for all of these desperately   horny men who wish that they could bag half the  women that you do don't talk about bagging women   by the way that's like super kidnappy I know he  didn't say it but I'm assuming he would kidnap a   woman if he could allegedly it's an opinion I had  two friends equally beautiful one girl no guy will   even with other girl is getting hit on left and  right in the most inappropriate ways I knew both   of their back stories one was very whole healthy  had a complete identity all the [ __ ] guys were   like don't with that one it was the whole energy  they just knew other girl very broken had some   really things happen her past her energy was  validate me and I was sitting with both of them   so we had a discussion about it later oh I get it  so what you're telling us with this story is that   the women who go out with you feel safer using  the buddy system all right ladies you heard them   pair up if you're at all curious about whether  this guy's attitude is inversely or directly   proportional to the function of his penis oh we  had a discussion about it later as a punishment   for one of them calling me smarmy oh I wish I  were a fly on the wall for that discussion Sarah   only you guys wanted to sleep with you tonight  because they could sniff out how your stepdad   sexualized you as a teenager and Jessica no men  wanted to sleep with you tonight because you have   brown hair and an office job I'd be like oh very  insightful we don't know why women didn't want   to sleep with you although somebody in the lady's  room did ask why her friend was sweating through   a silk vest in a nightclub and mentioned that you  look like an involuntarily celibate attacus Finch   so I don't know if that helps imagine being  so proud of yourself for not gossiping and   then using this story about two women who went out  with you and tell about their back stories as like   proof of your intelligence and just in general  don't tell me that you don't like to gossip at   best that means you're no fun to work with at  Starbucks and at worst you're not a girls girl   face it Sebastian If This Were the 1800s you would  be accusing your own wife of Witchcraft just to   distract from your own well-documented impotence  there's not a lentil stew with a frog in it that   could ever save that you need modern medicine  which was invented by women nurses save lives   men can be nurses too but you know historically  women were nurses there's a lot of misogyny in   the gay community as well like CIS gay men often  Overlook the the role that women both CIS straight   women and lesbian and queer women trans women  women of all kinds played during like the gay   rights movement and also the AIDS epidemic it was  up to the women either trans or lesbian or just   straight Ally women who rallied around gay men  and they saved lives and they they helped ease the   trauma of many people who were suffering like the  greatest of their lives you know it's like that's   not often commended enough I don't I don't think  a transom through the first brick at Stonewall   youing idiot I don't know who I'm talking to now  but I'm passionate about it what I love about   Sebastian here is that he's trying so hard to come  off like he knows everything he's saying is a fact   when I don't even know that he's done the basic  research like for example that statistic about   men not gossiping when they in fact do why not as  a academic a scholar of human behavior help unpack   why did men gossip but they're seen as networking  where women are seen as like gossiping you can't   even get through that service level sexism  to understand the basics of human behavior   so it's no wonder why the rest of the stuff the  facts that you're spewing are not even factual   they're just things that you think you remember  well look at how many people go bankrupt after   signing big ass contracts fact there was a dude  who wrote a book I need to buy it and like frame   it so I could talk about this more I believe the  name of the book is I want my life back there was   a guy in Arkansas I think his he won $85 million  and within 5 years was bankrupt I believe he was   going into prison or was being indicted did  you say you need to buy the book and frame it   because it sounds like you need to buy the book  and read it there pocket watch Johnny he's like   there was this book that changed my life and it  was about this dude who had a terrible home life   as a child I believe he had no parents because  they were abandoning him or they were murdered   perhaps and then on his 11th birthday or maybe  it was his 12th birthday he found out he was a   wizard then he spent the rest of his days having  fun adventures at a school for witchcraft or I   believe it was Wizardry don't quote me on this I  am not not yet ready for chapter books like okay   guy maybe don't post that as a highlight on your  Instagram of your big speech if it's like just   you making conjecture about a book that you did  not read and you do not know any of the facts for   sure on he's like yeah but I know I read like a  article about the book about the headline of the   book um in over's favorite things last June okay  well I paid $2,000 to hear you talk about this and   all I'm getting is some hunk in a vest who needs  to shave why does his hairstyle and beard length   change so frequently between these videos it's  like did you do these once a year for the last   3 years and you're just trying to milk as much  content as you can out of it I ask I ask you   deeply you can DM me Sebastian angz if you see  this video I would love for you to DM me it'll   be in my request folder so I might not get back to  you until my beard is the length of an old wizard   but you know then we can Dumbledore each other  on a fun train why did I say that why did I say   that he's not not hot but like that kind of makes  it more douchy when someone's hot and saying this   kind of sh like girl take a page from the book of  Dwayne men coach on Tik Tok he manages to be just   as douchy without all of that hotness Society has  lied to all of us about our gender roles they told   women they don't need no man and they told men  to be softer you want to know the problem with   this it's completely backwards to our biological  wiring sir you were hired to tell us about our   electrical wiring and whether or not we needed  to buy a new dishwasher so maybe we could jump   ahead to that stage of human evolution in this  conversation like let's get real your rating   on Yelp has already dropped three stars since you  asked to use our bathroom as soon as you got here   like you were too good for the deep forest ditch  we dug out for the straight men that some of our   guests bring with them that's two stars you have  remaining are you really sure you want to Bill   Andy the Science Guy right now okay this is Dwayne  and he's got his finger on the pulse of what makes   men men that's right he's in the business where  men work are you a guy that plays video games let   me tell you a story so I was doing a job the other  day changing out a water heater that is once again   as much of that story as I'm willing to allow you  to tell because all I heard there was that you   are a full-time contractor even though I don't  think that was one of the # job titles in your   Tik Tok bio was it I mean we have # men's coach #  divorced dude # estranged father wow that says so   much about you except for what you actually do  for a living or any of your qualifications for   doing those things okay I doubt it I doubt I don't  see it for me but not all of these douchebags are   aspiring douche bags some of them have actually  written self-published books allow me to introduce   you to Dave deeply coaching competition to my  neighbor whose username is Dave deeply fisting   different like approaches to the same science  he understands why men are no longer masculine   which is such a concrete term you know it's not  subjective at all like what does masculine mean   we know exactly what it means there's a scientific  measurement for it so we can say that men are less   this or that as you may know I'm gender nonbinary  which for me essentially means I do not subscribe   to this idea that there is is a masculine  or feminine like what does masculine mean   what does feminine mean nothing if you disregard  what puritanical Colonials have like imposed upon   people in Western Society since they started  killing natives hundreds of years ago this   is all Christian [ __ ] I don't need it I don't  need it biologically yes they're maybe male and   female people in terms of how they play a role  in reproduction but that is no longer an issue   people reproduce without any genitals you know  like being involved in it there's insemination   there's ex vitro fertilization like what are we  doing by then and telling me what I can or can't   do telling anybody what they can or can't do but  you know Dave is here to tell us exactly why I'm   wrong about all that a man who needs to be praised  is a man who wants to be mothered ladies stop   praising your man a man who wants to be praised  a man who wants reassurance is a man wallowing   in his wounded feminine energy this ladies and  gentlemen is trauma and so a man when he was a   child if he experienced too much codling too much  spoiling too much sappy praise too much overgiving   giving from either his mother or father then as a  man as he's growing up will want and crave praise   and reassurance and a constant need for someone  else to tell him that he belonged is it just me   or are his hand gestures on absolute crack right  now can someone take the cell phone away from pop   pop he forgot to take his beta blockers and  now he's making 2minute long Tik Tok videos   of pure rambling again anyway according to David  men's masculine energy gets traumatized when they   receive too much praise as children which is great  parenting advice for those who would like to raise   a serial killer be withholding to your sons it  will make them better at watching football games I   seriously doubt that David Lee was not excessively  praised for the things he did as a child this is   the exact prototype of a man who acts like he's  been told his eye color was pretty way too often   in his life it doesn't mean you can let go of  the rest of your face and if his mom didn't   love everything he did there is no way he would  have the confidence to talk into his camera for   120 seconds with nothing more than his Angry Bird  our motions to try and entertain us like wears the   B- roll sis that is not a good content strategy  and I'm sorry you didn't have a mother or gay   Uncle who is smart enough to make sure that you  knew you needed to go do some theater classes or   some [ __ ] if you had any point on being in  front of the public eye see that I'm allowed   to believe that your parents you up it goes both  ways H anyway let me calm down I should probably   give David another chance since right now the  only thing I know for sure about his philosophy   on being a man's man is that it makes him above  having to wear any sort of concealer when sitting   in direct sunlight recording himself on an iPhone  with the entire solar system glaring off of his   broken capillaries what do I know luckily he  did kind of sum up all of his beliefs on the   topic into one easyto read graphic let's read  it to dive in deeper to his beliefs as a men's coach oh okay I didn't know it was going to be   quite this text heavy or in a scrolling  Carousel slow down David I'm trying to read God damn it's like trying to read the first  page of Moby Dick off the side of a bus I   saw something about your face being in pain I  guess that explains the redness I God this is hard okay you know what f it this whole Manifesto  is secondary to his cool and confident body   language in the photo itself see the one that his  wife took of him on the porch that's a power pose   that says I reserve my right to bear arms now  that I've cured my pla orias with OT Tesla but   for real even if you're a woman who's trying to  understand what it means to be a woman and serve   men and everything that you do or if you're some  other gender that like we don't even consider real   then perhaps you should go default over to David's  wife who he brought over into the fold of his   business because someone needs to give a feminine  touch the ladies who don't know what the's going   on and don't worry you'll get the same hip on the  pulse social media cont content strategy from two   people who refer to their Tik toks as a Tik Tok  Channel Tik Tok Channel no one calls it that but   thank you so much lady and gent we are so happy  to be masculine and masculine forever here on   the nicto masculine Channel we're rebranding what  did you guys think of your masculinity today does   it feel like it's throbbing and hard and engorged  like a huge masculine let me know in the comments   below also give this video a big thumbs up if  you want to see even more rock hard masculinity   courses like this but most importantly if you're  new to my channel I would love to have you click   that subscribe button right over here that way  you never miss new videos from me I upload two new   ones every week it would mean so much to me if you  subscribe and engage with this video as I'm trying   to repair my algorithmic disadvantage that might  be coming my way thanks to YouTube and me but also   thank you for your support I mean so much to me I  also have merch and a patreon where you can access   exclusive bonus watch parties and episodes you  guys are all the greatest thank you so much for   getting your power pose and no Tesla injections  with me today I will see you next time look
Channel: Nick DiRamio
Views: 80,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick diramio, nick diramio youtube, youtube nick diramio, nick dimario, andrew tate, disturbing, toxic masculinity on tiktok, tiktok, nick diramio clip breakdown, nick d, clip breakdown, reaction, sebastian enges, david lea, mens coach, mens course, masculinity course, movie reaction, first time watching, tik tok, gender stereotypes in the media, gender roles, reaction video, video essay, commentary channels, dan bilzerian, commentary, film reaction, full movie reaction
Id: 3SSad9RzMlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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