The Direct Operation of The Holy Spirit Pt. 2

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man again sad this time less your beanie oh praise the mighty name of Jesus thank God for the world I'll say thank God for the word it is quick and powerful it is sharper than a two-edged sword and so we thank God for the word we thank God for the word open the word to an old familiar verse acts 2 and we are going to read verse 36 37 38 praise the name of Jesus praise the mighty name of Jesus Acts chapter number 2 verse number 36 and 37 38 and 39 the Apostle Peter one of God's great apostles history says that for the for his proclamation of the gospel of Christ they crucified Him history also says that Peter himself requested not to be crucified right-side up but upside down because he felt in his heart he was not worthy to be crucified like the Son of God that's Josephus in his entered Tikrit is one of the great Jewish historians but Peter one of God's great great apostles speaking to a mass of people of a day of Pentecost gather there in Jerusalem over million Jews for the Jewish celebration and the Bible says that Edward the day of Pentecost were fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly they gave a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house when they were City and that appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and they set up on each of them now of course this is that day of the authority of the Holy Ghost of God Peter stood up with the twelve and began to preach that Jesus of Nazareth whom you have taken by wicked hands crucified and slain God has raised him up making him both Lord and Christ now in the 36 verse Peter is coming to the conclusion of course when you read the text Peter didn't say I'm finished they cried out while he was there preaching they became converted and convicted while he was just preaching and the Bible says now as he as he comes to the end of his message we think that was the end and the reason we think that was the end because the people cried out and he had to deal with it but there's no indication that he was he wasn't ready to quit but they interrupted him now we're going to read verse number 36 those who have it say Amen those who do not have a mechanism in your hands just look at the jumbo screen and you can follow expeditiously the reading of the word let's read read they are falling all the house of Israel no asserting that now when they heard this Manon brothering every one of you fall and to your children and to all them better far off verse number 38 verse number 38 then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost look at your neighbor as a neighbor vid ah Rick operation of the Holy Spirit you maybe see the direct operation of the Holy Spirit one are the great messages to be preached in the 21st century is a message of the Holy Spirit the greatest person on earth today or the greatest deity on earth today is the Holy Spirit now you understand that there has been three dispensations the dispensation of God Jehovah the dispensation of Jesus Christ the dispensation of the Holy Spirit understand that God had his way over 1500 years with his people over 1500 years our God dealt with his people that is Israel beginning with Abraham and Genesis chapter number 12 and all the way up to Exodus 19 when God called Moses upon Mount Sinai to give him the law that began the mosaic dispensation first dispensation lasted fifteen hundred years this is the father personally dealing with his people now would you get to sign the I the nineteen chapter of the book of Exodus God gives Moses the law and he is still dealing with his people God is still dealing with Israel Israel became a very stubborn people God became disgusted with them and then of course in Genesis 12 he says I'm going to raise up a sea and he says from you Abraham all of the nations of the earth are going to be blessed and then Moses said the step to is not going to depart from Judah now the lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come as I said and there was a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and he shall be called wonderful counselor the lasting father with the Prince of Peace the prophets prophesy about the coming of Jesus Christ Matthew chapter number one Gabriel speaks to a virgin and says thou shalt conceive and bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Emmanuel for he shall save his people from their sins 2500 years now God has been dealing all the way up to Malachi God Jehovah God Yahweh has been dealing with his people and they rejected him they turned their backs on him he sent the prophets and they killed them he sent them judges and they ignored them they wanted a king he gave him a king and they became worse so they rejected God the Father so for 2,500 years God Jehovah dealt with his people now when you go to matthew chapter number 1 and mary the virgin shall bring forth a child now shall call his name Jesus for he shall save his people from their sin thus begins the dispensation of Jesus Christ now note what I'm doing the Godhead the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit all three of them have been dealing with man trying to save him God dealt with it dealt with his people for 2,500 years they rejected God now we have Jesus and what we call the incarnation the incarnation is means the virgin birth of Jesus Christ unusual unprecedented miraculous never was one before it never was one after miraculous a miracle of God and so Mary brought forth a child they called his name Jesus Emmanuel God with us well the way the man you willed me I shall call his name Emmanuel Michael chapter 1 verse 22 thou shalt call his name Emmanuel which means God with us count with us now note this Jehovah has already been dealing with his people for 2,500 years they rejected him now we have the Incarnation that is the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and his name is Emmanuel which means God with us in other words now after the father has dealt 2500 years with his people and they rejected him now we have the son the second person of the Godhead dealing with the people of God so God in His dispensation dealt with them dealt with his people 2500 years now we have price and bless my soul they rejected him they rejected the father very ended so the father sins the second of the night here which is Jesus Christ himself and so he comes born of a virgin ear ear wrapped in swaddling clothes laid in a manger and they rejected him he hungered and died on the hilltops of Calvary got up early Sunday morning as send it back to glory sat down on the right hand of God that brings us to the 16th chapter of the book of st. john turned there the sixteenth chapter of the book of st. John Jesus is having a discussion with his disciples I don't forget what I just told you the farmer came among his people dealt with them tried to straighten them keep them in the right path 2500 years and they rejected him now Jesus comes Jesus comes and for thirty three and a half years Tabernacle on this earth what for trying to bring man back to the Father trying to bring man back into reconciliation with the father they got tired of him so they decided to kill him they rejected him and they killed him but early Sunday morning you know the story how he got it now we find him getting ready to go back to the old way he has come he has died he has been resurrected and now he's getting ready to go back to glory but before he goes back to glory he has a conversation with his disciples 16 chapter the book of flame job verse number 8 he has been rejected the people has killed that's what Peter said in that chapter 2 the same Jesus whom you have taken by wicked hands crucified and slain what did he come for he came to reconcile man back to God he came to bring men back to the Father they had already rejected the father Israel had already rejected me and now they're rejecting Jesus Christ so now he has done his part it is amazing how that people can will enjoy the blessings of God yet rejected God the Jehovah God Yahweh he didn't come to kill he came to reconcile what he was doing in here's gregariousness his association with israel he was trying to save them but in so many words they said we don't want to be safe and so the father didn't give up and this shows the love of God he didn't give up he he put the fairest flower in the paradise of God and he sent to us Jesus Christ and he came walking straight down there any news of prophecy posed under the blinking stars of Bethlehem wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger Jesus God's blessed son what are you coming for John chapter 6 and verse 38 the Jesus and I came out in the world I came not into the world to do my will but the will of him that sent me so he came to save and they rejected him they spit on him he nailed him to the old rugged cross but he carried out the will of his father now he's ready to go back to glory but before he goes back he has a conversation with his disciples and the Bible says and when you get me get to me let's let's go to verse 7 in verse number 7 the Bible says nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away I've come I've served I have suffered death hell and the grave to reconcile man back to God but my mission now is over and I'm gonna have to go back I have done what my father sent me to do and now I'm gonna have to go back now their hearts were touched because of that they didn't want Jesus to leave them they had become accustomed tour and they loved him and they didn't want him to go back but here he is with a conversation with them and here's what he's saying to them nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you it is better for you that I go away it's going to be better for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you now what does that mean that mean God has a plan God had a plane and the plan was that that Jehovah would work with the people to secretly reconcile them if not he had another plan he was sin his son the secret he'd get them to accept Jehovah and accept reconciliation he had a play and Jesus knew what the plan was and Jesus says now I'm gonna have to go because my time is up and he said and it's gonna be better for you because you see he had 12 that loved him 12 that he had trained 12 men that he had trained and he said now I'm going to go and it's going to be better for you man time is up I'm gonna have to go back to my go back to heaven I got to go back to my father but it's gonna be better of you if I go away or if I do not go if I stay down here on this earth like you all want me to based on your trouble heart because he already told him he says now in the end 14th after he told him let not your hearts be troubled if you believe in God believe also in me and my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for though I gotta go and if I don't go then we'll walk the Holy Ghost is not gonna come and if the Holy Ghost doesn't come you all are not going to be made able to make it in this world so it's better for you that I go now we're trying to explain that but I don't have time to explain it when you when he says ha-ah it is better that I go I mean it's better for you if I go away because you see I think I may have told you one time because usually when I talk about this I always make this illustration so I'm sure I told you he says now is better for me to go it's better for you to that go and he says if I go for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will I will send him Wow is it so much in their limits they're gonna break this down and truncate this it is better for you in the works freedom for you that I go away it how is it better how is it better for you to leave us how is that better well his eyes gonna be better because of the comforter is is going to come now the Holy Ghost that I am going to send you he is going to be a confident and he's going to be with you and he's going to be in you well now this is how this is this is how this is this is how this is this is better now coming in us this is how this is better stop writing Raymond coming up here what I want you to come up there it is it is better that I go it is better that I go and the reason that it's better that I go is better for you that I go because when I'm here I'm with you and and and everywhere I go you win and when you wanted to be with me you have to find me I kept company with you and whenever the time came that you strolled a desire I had a desire to be with me you could be with me all you had to do was just find me and if you wanted me you had to be with me in order to help me now if I am over here Jesus if Jesus is over here I was over there he loves me but he is not are y'all getting this so it is better for me to go now I love you it's no question about that and I'm going to take care of you I'm gonna pray with you but in all if I stay here in order for you to be together with me I'm gonna have to be with you but now it is better for me to go because he who I am going to sit what do you see he who I am going to save is going to be better than my being with you he's gonna be in he's gonna be in you now before if you wanted to be with me you had to find me you had to find where the Christ was if you wanted to be with the Christ you had to find where the Christ was and then you have to put your feet in the street and go find him in other words not only did you have to put forth an effort then go find him but you had to know where he was in order to find it but the one that I'm going to sin you don't have to go to West Palm Beach to find are you only goodness you know I gotta have to go to Miami to find it I'm gonna put him in you and wherever you are he that's why it is better for me to go and not only is he going to be in you he is going to comfort you he is gonna walk with you and talk with you and guy you don't have to go to a church building to be properly guided I'm gonna put someone in you that if you were listening to him through the word you are getting the right guidance because he's gonna be in you you don't have to come to my house to find me you don't have to come to my house to find Christ you don't have to come to my house to find God because I'm putting that in you and that's why it's breath and so the Holy Spirit is in you well how is that better because he wherever you walk he walks wherever you go he goes you see what I'm saying and that's better until he says high-five and you bigger bhakti see brother Holy Spirit he says now I anything speed if you go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will sing I will sit here that has a whole nother thing I will see him I was in him I will sing him don't when you cut your TV on you see folk praying for the Holy Spirit they pray him for the Holy Spirit we pray loss in the hardest Marie Laurencin the power to hash Jesus says I'm gonna send him what you up to prep friend and Hagen law sent the power of the Holy Spirit he's already been said I will sing him and then he says I will sit him under you that person of my first memory I said and when he is his personality you see that's gender when he million gender when he is come he will reprove the world that he's what he's gonna do when he gets here when the Holy Spirit comes this is gonna be his word when he comes he is going to reprove that word means to convict when he comes he is going to convict the world of what and of what and of what that's his job that's the job of the Holy Spirit now if you ever wanted to know what was his what is his job what is the Holy Spirit job on earth that's his job what is his job his job is to reprove the world of sin his job is to convict you know how does the Holy Spirit convict the Holy Spirit convicts through the way he doesn't convict any other way he only convicts to the world how does the Holy Spirit touch your heart through the line nowhere no Holy Spirit you see that's why you need to be in Bible class that's why you need to be in wisdom and teaching that's why you need to be in church that's why you need to give the Lord and His Word your best attention because that's how the Holy Spirit dwells he think I've gone over that he dwells through this word that's how he dwells he dwells through the word and the word is in you so does the Holy Spirit in you no word no Holy Spirit if you want to hold his spirit to work in your life you got to get the word in there he can't work this is their modus this is the medium this is the medium you see this is the medium now the direct operation of hospital how does he operate he operates through agency he operates through a medium and that medium is the word that's how he operates how does he convicted through the word we read it in acts 2 where the Bible says when they heard this when they heard what when they had arrived when they heard the lad who's been convicted in there is no word there was no conviction so when you find members of the body of Christ you know when they are like add a circle when when they are diffident when they are when they are more morose if not satisfied and then just find fault with everything and then I've done nine games wrong every hit is up and and got suddenly fussing about hidden stuff they don't see nothing good the problem is the Holy Spirit is absent and when the Holy Spirit is absent in your life that person is hard to get along with because ain't nothing right that's nothing right I don't care how much you do and it doesn't matter how well you do it it does not matter matter because all they see is what they want to say and what you have to do is you have to pray for those four and when you see them coming Jesus I'm just mad as their good mornings at the gluing because you know what's coming at you because the Holy Spirit wacky hidden working the Holy Spirit is a Holy Spirit of loud understand a sympathy empathy that's the work of the Holy Spirit yeah big at least in Chapter number five delicious up number five right this is just an introduction I haven't gotten to the body of the lesson yet but I'm at least but this is good at Galatians chapter five and and I want you to look at verse number verse number nineteen Galatians chapter five and verse number nineteen I've read that before what is read it again I'll read it again verse them 18 first time 18 verse 18 the Bible says what but if you're right if you be made of the spirit but if you be which means that there is a high probability that you were being led by someone else now only at home I'm just preaching the word here and the Bible says but if ye be led of the Spirit if you had not led in this bird you don't see nothing good ain't nothing right I don't care what you do I don't know what they do it ain't right right if some people do not like some other folk those other folk cannot do anything right in that sight can't do anything right even though they're doing it right just them is wrong say it man thing here I'm talking about those places where doc bustling this morning oh I'm not I'm preaching the word but if you'd be led of the Spirit ye are not under the law that's a whole nother subject right there praise a table it's ISA good if he be led of the Spirit you know I'm in the law first of all 18 verse 19 now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these adultery fornication uncleanness lasciviousness verse 20 on dollar trade witchcraft hatred variance emulations wrath I wish I tended define all this stuff strike strike strive strive strive strive stars on the spot it could be right any right it just ain't right either help you I'll see why y'all sittin that I hear bees try right these are focused not led by the Holy Ghost nothing right your way it is not right didn't make no difference oh you're what they said is not right and it's not right not because it's not right it's not right because I say it's not right I'm done by the Holy Ghost try startin something one of the most one of the most repulsive thing in the world is for somebody not started so why are you saying that just starred and song do you know that no I can tell who died and made you Jesus alright we move on strike and praise the name of Jesus I stop you don't know nothing on that lady no but she thinks she's something how do you know that but I just know it okay okay let's let's let's let's move on here now all right strike response I fix up stop fix up their star son up talking about that woman down that you don't know where she do it we're sings in the were running and mob and doing nothing and you have to put up with them preacher have a hard time well I'd say to the truth yes sir I know you don't mean oh yeah but I have two strikes but these are the folks that don't have the Holy Ghost holy than those people had the holy ghost in 50 years they've been in the church but 51 years and the only reason they got the hold of those then their Lord gave it to him strife all right we move it off sedition a fool yard [Laughter] sedition ah heresy even if people love that want me to move on it's written all right I'm moving I'm moving out these are people that do not have the Holy Ghost in their lives I'm not talking about shooting somebody by lying over somebody just lied just lied but how you know that I just know you know you've met those folks who say well I just know I just know I just know I know what I'm talking about you better listen because I know what I'm talking about you know that's somebody with a miserable life I feel sorry for at this hour longer I feel sorry for those phone they are so miserable they want to make somebody else miserable it's never miserable I'm praying for you the things get better for you okay anybody be that mean and hateful and conniving miserable lying on folk murderers and this is in the Bible y'all I'm not just this in the Bible matter drunkenness revelation such lack of the which i tell you before as i've also told you in time past that they would do what shall not run there it is right there it is there it is as Holy Ghost say did you see these are people all the I'm not y'all can say hey man how's it see y'all here yeah I'm talking about them folk good night so you tell the folk who won here this morning you tell them dr. o talked about y'all ah shall not inherit the kingdom of God that's the kingdom of God that's that's that's heaven itself that's heaven itself alright now the next verse first we verse 22 now you see the I see these are people with the Holy Ghost CV see these are people that you can get alone with them other folk over there you know what strike no you can't get along with this you can't get along because nothing is ever going to be done right nothing but what it is nothing and some people outside nothing I don't hear what you're wearing it doesn't fit people who are full of strife it don't matter it just doesn't matter you cannot put on anything that they would appreciate nothing and when you find a person who cannot say something good about somebody it doesn't care whether that dude is it drinks every day and whether or not he's ever been in it in a church building before and and he may take a hit twice a week if you think long enough you can find something good about it that's right nobody's all bad now that's a good in the best of us but there's some bad in the rest of us now here's the fruit of the Spirit now how can I tell that you have the Holy Spirit working in your life I don't have to live with you I don't have to live a little bit all right I do not have to live in your neighborhood I do not have to ride with you in a carpool to work everyday but this is how you identify members of the body of Christ who have the Holy Spirit working in their lives because they have the fruit they have the fruit and the fruit is love love you know it's amazing how fokin dislike certain people and you had that same kind of person are worse in your house you know what I'm saying and then when you get a case from yeah well you got a sister wow wow that boy use he'd been in and out of jail and he's on drugs but you still look because love and everything I can't stand I can't teaching you to to wicked said I'm not teaching you to look over sin did you when I am teaching is folk who tried to be so holy and so right and gasping at the net this in somebody else's eye and you have a be no you have a long in York and the only way to handle that is love because love covers a multitude of sin love Kevin duck is not teaching you to put up with see it that's not what I'm teaching I am teaching you that if you love a person you don't tell them down you try to bail them out that's what I'm saying when you start trying to take folk down that's not love that's hate that's jealousy that's strife that's what that is Holy Ghost this is the work of the Holy Ghost in your lives you love that dude in spite of himself you love her in spite of herself Jesus says a new commandment I give you that you love one another but he didn't stop there love you he's saying to his disciples he is st. Peter listen when I'm going back to glory I want you to love one another well how do you want me to do it Lord as I have loved you in other words Peter when you walk up on someone that you think you can't love when you walk up with someone that you think you better than [Applause] that I love you when you was overhearing and God I seem like a drug man you over in the garden rustling and then fight and I love you in spite of it and not only that but you were to you you stood on the outside of my trial and you start lying about who you were so when you find somebody over here that you have a difficulty in laughs and don't think you are better than they are because just the other day just the other day you was pressing in life but I didn't do away with you I still love you I still got along with you so when you find someone Peter that doesn't come up your standard don't you get the big head don't you walk around like a peacock I love you so when you meet someone they are not as strong as you and then I can stand as much as you and you may have graduated from high school and they didn't get out of elementary school don't you get the big head you treat everyone the way you want everyone to treat you even if you have to bite your tongue bite it anyway this is how you know that we as children of God have the Holy Spirit because we manifest the fruit but the fruit of the Spirit is love you see I can know that you are no good I can know that you are no good rascal Jesus says love him anyway now if you think that's easy that's not easy and the reason it is not easy because you are a physical person and you and being physical in your physicality your physicality demand a reciprocity now that big word simple to me if I'm if I'm about you a tire you need to buy me one there's reciprocity say we won't reciprocity but that's not what the scripture is teaching the scripture says here but the fruit of the Spirit is love in his choice peace is long-suffering no to the degree that you can put up with someone who may not be as perfect as you it will be to that degree that good will come back to you see what I'm saying that's why those of us who are parents that's why we have to be careful who how we treat both of people soon we have about that you catch a treat other people children any town away because you got some children to be careful how you do that because Paul says be not deceived God is not God whatsoever a man soweth see what I'm saying the Holy Ghost this is how you know you have the Holy Ghost love joy do that that make peace don't be a divider I know you know I'm saying you know sure there's a wonderful warm yeah but you don't know what I know nobody asked you in other words that that's saying you know the enemy of my enemy is my friend and as deep you figured out later but the enemy of my enemy is my friend love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness faith then the next verse says meekness temperance against such there is no law you see this is how you know you have no space you see and this is what the host period does the whole spirit brings you these things the Holy Spirit helps you to be more loving and more understanding they're more peaceful the Holy Spirit knocks all that craziness out of you and all that stuff inside of you the Holy Spirit knocks all that selfishness on you if nuts all that me is about of you what about me what about me what about you it ain't about me it's not about you it's about Jesus what's this about this about you well I'm closing the direct operation of the Holy Spirit when the host bit down when the whole spirit operates on you directly this is what he brings you because he you know somebody's sterilizing your name here you know somebody out there lying on you here you know somebody out there putting your name in the street and then you have to smile at him and shake their hand and you know they stabbing you in the back that's not easy but God never promised us a rose God now if perhaps there are those of you here who want to respond to the invitation because you have not given control of your life to the Holy Spirit you're controlling it yourself you're doing that would satisfy you and you have not yet given your life over to the Holy Spirit I would ask me to do it today I would ask you just just say to the Holy Spirit makes me make me a vessel that's pleasing to you Holy Spirit I just I just need you to - to better feel my life because I'm all missing I'm all messed up because all that stuff that doc preached about Adam I don't have the joy and peace and love and now I love the folks who love me but then folk would all love me I don't care nothing was it not see that now you you need the Holy Spirit so you need the Holy Spirit in your life right now blessed are you when men shall revive you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and that's not easy that's not easy I know you stabbing me in my back and grinning in my face and I know you don't mean me any good well I gotta find a way to kind of smile back at you and that is because what I really want to do but you can't do that it be a Christian like that Brotherhood when did they told that brother said you know Jesus he was complaining about how bad folk was doing it and and and and this Christian poll and the brother says now you know what Jesus saying if they smack you on one cheek turn the other and the brother says oh but let me ask you something did he tell you what to do after they hit in the second all right I turn the other cheek okay did you say anything in other words I'm free after that to get my revenge if you were here and you want to say yes to the Lord if you here and you want the Holy Spirit to have a a greater impact in your life and you want to invite the Holy Spirit into your life so that you can have that joy you can have that love you can have that peace you know you're gonna have to have it but it's not easy but you're gonna have to happen and the only way to have it is practice it every day practice it every day right go ahead and shake hands but that's us now you know she don't like you and really you don't like her either but well go ahead and shake hands with it and see how that feels see how that feels and that that's not so bad and try it again next time you know keep trying keep trying it now keep trying - don't stop keep trying you know keep trying I mean it's like a ghost of castor oil but that's alright just hang with it hang with love your enemy it's that easy that's not easy but if you practice did it get better you won't be perfect it'll get better you know folks if practice make you perfect in order to be in basketball practice does make perfect shoe The Hunger today practice make perfect don't you never believe practice make perfect may never go boys those boys know that go to practice every day and sometime they shootin a hundred free throws every day and in the game mrs. Pam practice all the week all the summer of the every day and still keep so practice doesn't make perfect but practice half you be perfect but practice doesn't make perfect because they ain't nobody where ever you interested see perfect me never miss and that's that's not so sometime to get out there on that Court and you lose your man like Junior [Applause] [Music] you can be under so much pressure until you lose your limb and you only think about what gee I didn't favor the Cavaliers gee I would have been got the ball and took home in the Bronze Age where are you going man it happens if you here this morning and you want to say yes to the Lord I want you to do it now if the Holy Spirit is lacking in your life you're sitting there trying to figure about how do I deal with that woman how do I deal with that man how do I deal with this husband how do I deal with this wife how do I deal with this situation how do I deal with these people over the job how do I really deal with this but what you really need is you really need a real filling of the Holy Spirit and you need to ask the Lord to give you the strength give you the strength to do it and he will he will but you have to ask and if you want that we pray for you that God would give you that strength to love your enemies and to do good to them that despitefully use you will pray for it and if you were here and you're not remember the Church of Christ if you hear yet and you know Kristen you're here and you want to be a part of our worship you want to be a be a member of our church you want to join our fellowship and be added to the Church of Christ you can do it today if you're not a Christian not at all of God if you were believe in Jesus that he is who he say he is and that you're willing to repent of all of your past sins and confess his name that he is the son of the Living God we were baptized you this morning and God will add you to the church now we ready to pray for you if you need us to pray and we're ready to receive you if you want to be a member of the church and we're gonna give you an opportunity right now does everybody stand and while
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 3,453
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. W.F. Washington, New Golden Heights Church of Christ, Jesus, GOD, Jesus Christ, How to be saved, What must I do to be saved, One true Church
Id: q-5s7AsSceg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 23sec (3863 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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