The Direct Operation of The Holy Spirit Pt. 4

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i shat the long 16th chapter of the book of st. John because the day's a day we are producing for television and I am obligated to go a certain amount of time in order to be able to facilitate our program but I swing John the sixteenth chapter and the fourteenth verse if we can get that on the Jumbo the sixteenth chapter of the book of st. John and very similar fourteen will read verse 13 and then again indifference the time we may not read everything but I need to read verse 14 I need to read verse 15 but I will decide by the time we get to the end of the 13th person swings on the sixteenth chapter verse number thirteen those who have that say Amen now if you don't have a Bible then of course the jumbo screen is provided for you that you might be able to look and follow us expeditiously now then let's read read happy when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will died for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak now we'll read verse number fourteen verse number 14 the Bible says what he's a glorify me for he shall receive of mine they're less readable 15 verse number 15 said we'd all things of the Father therefore say I that he shall take of mine well let's do verse number 16 is where verse number 16 the Bible says a little while and he shall now finished and again a little while and you shall see me because I go to my father look at your neighbor and say they love the Dalek dwelling of the holy spirit we're going to talk about that you may have just god bless god bless now of course it's important to understand that a study of the Holy Spirit is very very important not only to unbelievers but believers but before we get into that let me welcome the TV audience and the radio audience across the world we want you to know that you are watching and listening to a worship service you are part of and in a worship service of the new golden heights of ice reading in the building here in Fort Lauderdale 20:51 Northwest 31st Avenue Fort Lauderdale Florida those of you in TV land those of you in radioland just know that you're welcome to share with us either by radio with television or if there are questions about anything we teach or anything you might see all here then just know that you are welcome to write or to call and we'll be happy to facilitate whatever it is that you so desire god bless and if you are ever in the area for Lauderdale Florida Miami West Palm Beach if you're in the area do come back our doors here with the new golden light so suffice when opened on the welcome hinges and you will welcome at all time to share with us in the teaching of the word of God and so we welcome you god bless and for those of you who are supporting us those of you who are certainly contributions we want you to know that they go to night advice to appreciate that so very much and it is used for the promulgation of the gospel of Jesus Christ by way a worldwide television our every week every Saturday at 7 a.m. depending upon where you are but at 7 a.m. every Saturday morning you are welcome and invited to watch and listen to the back to the Bible program now let's go to work in the sixteenth chapter of the book of John we have a statement by Jesus about the Holy Spirit and what he's going to do when he comes now this is most important usually at night I talk to of the audience about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in children of God how does he dwelt in children of God he does dwell in children of God and we will deal with that or tonight about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that's why those of us who are believers there is no question that the Holy Spirit dwells in every child of God but I've been dealing with for the last few Sundays form the direct operation of the Holy Spirit and and that is whether or not the Holy Spirit Himself is involved in conversion and if he is what is his job or what is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit in the conversion of a sinner now what is conversion conversion is a turning of a man or a woman to God conversion is a turning of a man or a woman from sin to God that's what we call conversion well now the question on the floor is what role does the Holy Spirit play in that conversion we want to stipulate from the beginning and for your benefit and for your knowledge that the Holy Spirit works and the Holy Spirit operates in reconversion an every conversion the Holy Spirit is at work because that's what his job is in the sixteenth chapter of the book of Saint John and verse number 7 and verse number eight Jesus speaks with his deposit apostles he speak with his disciples and he tells them that something is about to happen the sixteenth chapter of the book of st. John and verse number seven the Bible is clear number one nevertheless say Jesus I told you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away but comforter that's the Holy Spirit will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him on to you I'm going to send the Holy Spirit but he's not going to come until I go away now I've already explained all of that and that is the three dispensation of the dispensation of God the dispensation of Christ the dispensation of the Holy Spirit I've already explained that I don't want to go over that again except to say that God spent at least 1,500 years during the page of our local dispensation dealing with men and then Jesus Christ came and spent thirty three and a half years on this earth died on the old wicked fall Barrett in Joseph Newton and went and ascended back up into glory and then he says when I go away when he ascended back to glory after the resurrection he went back to heaven and when he went back to heaven he sat down on the right hand of God and began his mediatory administrate and in the same time he sent the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit did not show until Jesus went back to glory that's what he's talking about you know the words God has had his part with with man 1500 is God dealt with man 2500 years under mosaic dispensation our God dealt with man and in the person dispensation we are not in the Christian dispensation Jesus came spent thirty three and a half years they rejected him they rejected God under the patriarchal dispensation and the mosaic dispensation they rejected Jesus when he came to earth and lived here thirty three and a half years died and went back to glory they rejected him and then after he went back to go away he sent the Holy Spirit now the Holy Spirit is the dispensation in which we are now living we are living in the Holy Spirit dispensation when you are baptized for the remission of your sin in water the Holy Spirit comes into your life and he dwells with you Jesus comes into your life and he dwells with you as well how do you were that hopefully today if I have a moment to deal with that but now the Holy Spirit has come what is the job of the Holy Spirit now the Holy Spirit came jesus said him without a question that's what Jesus said he was going to do so he sipped the Holy Spirit now what does the Holy Spirit do what was his purpose for coming now jesus said nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him on to you now verse number eight verse to me and when he has come he shall reprove that word means convict when the Holy Spirit comes he shall reprove the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment now what are you doing preacher I'm giving you the purpose of the Holy Spirit and why the hole is very same and why did Jesus in him and in sending him what was and what is his job what is his work on the earth what is his work today what is the Holy Spirit doing today what is the Holy Spirit doing today in conversion what is the Holy Spirit doing today in you those of you who are believer those of you who are Christians what is the Holy Spirit doing in your life and then the question becomes are you allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work in your life so many times we grieve the Holy Spirit we grieve the Holy Spirit because we do not allow the Holy Spirit to do his work in our life this morning we talked about our thought pattern and how Paul in Philippians chapter 4 and verse number 8 when he said found a brother within central etc etc what the Holy Spirit does is for Holy Spirit assist us the Holy Spirit guides us the Holy Spirit leads up those of us who want to believe us he guides us and he leads us and he brings to our remember us what we have read are in in the word now the Holy Spirit purpose for coming into the world is to reprove the world of sin convict the world of sin that's the reason for the Holy Spirit coming to convict the world of sin what do you mean convicting the world obviously three things that the Holy Spirit came for number one the Holy Spirit came to convict the world of sin number one and of righteousness and of judgment that's why he came he came to convict the world of sin to convict the world of righteousness and to convict the world of judgment that's why the Holy Spirit came the Holy Spirit came to remind us through the word I've said the Holy Spirit came because he Jesus and died for our sick now the Holy Spirit comes to remind us to lead us to cause us not to forget the purpose of Jesus coming he came to death for the sins of the world so the whole spring comes in to convict the world of sin the world is topsy-turvy insane it is saying that's causing all of our problems well the president truck well he may be an agent but he is not the cause the falls are the problems in our world is sin and you don't want to forget that saying is the problem and the only one that can cure the world is seeing this Jesus Christ John chapter one in verse number twenty nine Jesus comes on to the banks of the Jordan and John the Baptist sees him and he says in verse 29 behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sin there is no s own sin and that's important he takes away the s/n because sin is the problem of the world whatever was going on in the world does contrary to the plan of God whatever was going on in the world that's contrary to the plan of God is because of sin now Isaiah the prophets were very prolific about that Isaiah said the Lord's name is not short that it cannot save nor is it as vivid that he cannot hear what you sing have separated between you and your God and he will not hear so we see that separates man from God so Holy Spirit what are you going to do I'm going to go down to her and I am going to convict I am going to reprove I am going to make sure that the world knows that the problem of the world is seeing next his job that's his job now how is he going to do it how is he going to convict the world of sin how is he going to convict the world of righteousness how is he going to convict the world of judgment now of sin I've explained that all righteousness Holy Spirit was their job your job is to convict the world of righteousness that is the righteousness of God your job is to make sure that the world understands that God has a righteousness and that righteousness is different from the mosaic or the righteousness of the law for the Bible is playing on that brother and Paul says my heart desire pray to God for Israel is that they might receive four amazing word they have mercy in the Gulf Burnett according to knowledge for baby for God's righteousness now what are you going to do Holy Spirit I'm going down there and I am going to commit I am going to reprove the world of the righteousness of God because the world is ignorant of the righteousness of God and therefore my job is to make sure that they understand that God has a righteousness and Deborah's only one way to receive the righteousness of God and that's luck the Eternal Word says that's his job of judgment what would he mean of judgment how is the Holy Spirit going to convict the world of judgment tell them make sure they understand that the devil and Satan and sin has already been judged make sure they understand that make sure that they understand that the Son of God has already conquered the devil make sure they understand that the devil has already been judged make sure that the world understand that the devil has no power all power is in the hand of Jesus Christ and so that's the job of the Holy Spirit number one he's going to convict the world of sin number two all righteousness number three AB judgment that's his job but now the question of the floor is how is he going to do it now we know what he's supposed to do because the Bible is here he is gonna convict the world of sin he's gonna convict the world of righteousness he's gonna convict the world of judgment how is he gonna do it what I'll tell you how he's going to do it he's gonna do it through the word that's how he's gonna do it he's gonna do it through the word he is not going to do it independent of the word he is not going to do it independent of what Jesus said now what did Jesus say turn to the seventeenth chapter of the book obviously of the book of st. John what did Jesus say we have to understand what Jesus said in order to know is that the holy spirit are is going to do in the 17 subject optimal of st. John and verse number six the 17 chapter of the book of Saint John in verse number six Jesus is praying to the Father and here's what he is saying to his father he says now I have many festered by name on to the men which thou gave me out of the world dies they were and God gave them me and they have done what kept the world so what did Jesus do he gave the word to his disciples he gave the word to be apostles apostle now the very next verse in verse number seven well as reverse eight indifference to time verse 8 the Bible says what for I have given unto them the way I've given it now here's what I need you to on the line I need you to underline in verse number six I have manifested thy name unto the man once I gave me out of the world dime they were and by giving is with me and they have kept the word I need you to highlight word be the best important they have kept the word mercy for I have given unto them what what are you doing preacher I'm trying to explain to you how the Holy Spirit is going to do what we read a few minutes ago but he is supposed to do what is it brother preacher number one he's going to convict the world I'm saying he's going to convict the world of righteousness he is going to convict the world of judgment now the question on the floor is how is he going to do it so then I am NOT proving how the Holy Spirit is going to do it I'm the only way he can't do it now Jesus is what I have done all right before he left he said to his father he said in verse number 6 I've given them that word and they have kept the word he said in verse number 8 for I have give it unto them the words which I gave in me and they have received them verse 14 I have given them bow what my word and the word has hated them and the world always will do that may you try to tell folk what the word says and they don't want to hear what the word says you try to tell people the Bible says one Lord one faith one baptism that then they don't want to hit they don't want to hear this one this thing I'll get to that in just a moment hopefully in our personal 14 I have given them thy word and the word and the world has hated it verse number 17 sanctify them through thy truth down what word is true verse number 20 neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through their word that's what it is you see Jesus gave to his apostles his disciples the word well how are how are they to preach they are to preach was in the water how might the Holy Spirit convict the only way to convict is through the word that Jesus gave his disciples there was no other way for the Holy Spirit to convict he cannot predict outside of the word he through the word and by the word because Jesus left forward with his apostles he left the word with his disciples so the only way that the Holy Spirit can convict of sin of righteousness of judgment is through what Jesus that just before he went back to glory and that was in the word so how then does the Holy Spirit do what it is that he's supposed to do he will do it through the word now the sixteenth chapter of the book of st. John the sixteenth chapter of the book of st. John and verse number thirteen we've already read that howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come for he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself he shall not speak of himself when the Holy Spirit come he is not going to talk about himself when the Holy Spirit come the Holy Spirit is not going to advertise himself when the Holy Spirit calmed he is not gonna set up some Bolly ghost meeting when the Holy Spirit called the Holy Spirit is not to have a Holy Ghost good time when the Holy Spirit come he is not born to call attention to himself you will be you will not know that if you had not read that and you would not believe that the Bible said that had you not read that because if you watch television all they do is shake rolling road and crane is the Holy Ghost and they prayed for the Holy Ghost Holy Ghost Holy Ghost we have the Holy Ghost holy ghost got him got in her the Holy those made him and the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost well the Bible says when he does come he would not speak of himself he would not testify on himself he would not call attention to in other words you don't even know easier and the only way you know he's here is because I'll be the fact that he's telling the world about Jesus I want to say that again they're all the way you know the Holy Spirit is available is because of what he says about Jesus look what the Bible says happy everybody this bitter truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he should not speak of himself there will be no Holy Ghost meetings there will be no comeback tomorrow night the Holy Ghost gonna be here never be never be no we gonna have the Holy Ghost not for me what kind of meeting is that what a meeting of the Holy Ghost meeting the Holy Ghost is respected he's restricted he came but he is under restriction in other word Jesus Christ is going to send the Holy Spirit to finish the job that he started but he gave the Holy Spirit instruction now don't you go down you something big change your plan don't go down there talking about yourself don't go down there showing out don't go down there making the folk think that you mister are you mister somebody no no when you get down there you talk about me you don't talk about yourself you talk about me but when you look at TV is just holding those hooks now that doesn't did mean being from so the Holy Spirit I'm not demeaning the influence of the Holy Spirit I'm not demeaning the power of the Holy Spirit I'm simply saying that he is restricted he's restricted in other words he cannot come down to earth and spa own show that's what I'm saying he could not come down here inside his own show no no he is he would just continue what Jesus has already started see Jesus came to do battle with sin Jesus came to do battle with sin now Holy Ghost you go down there and you finish this battle you show my disciples you showed the Apostles how to stand up against sin because that's why I came you go down there and you show them how to be righteous you go down and you show them how to become a righteous child of God you go down there and tell them that you cannot make your own self righteous you go down there and tell them that you cannot have you that men and women cannot have their own righteousness you go down there and you tell them that the righteousness is of Jesus Christ and we become righteous when we obey Jesus through faith and obedient in water baptism for remission of sin that's what you do Holy Ghost the question on the floor is how does he do it how does he do it does he grab somebody and shake them and make them Swami at the mouth and make them shake rattling whoa and do the challah go oh how did he do it he does it through the word that's how he does it he does it through the word the word he convicts but he convicts through the word now I've already explained this view and that is here you are sinner you're not a member of the Church of Christ you have not been baptized for mission of your sins and you hear me preach the word you hear me preach because that's what I'm preaching I'm preaching as a word and why you are listening to the word you say to yourself that makes it because what the man is preaching is the word he's giving us book trapped in verse and I'm not a Christian I'm not a child of God I'm gonna try to go on and I need to be a churchgoer I need to obey the gospel where the Holy Spirit goes to work the Holy Spirit convicts you he convicts you by syphilis not audible now the whole spirit doesn't walk down there and tap you on the shoulder and say hey buddy get on up there know what I'm saying I'm saying the Holy Spirit through his influence that is window work but you got to understand didn't you you got a win standard hose where does not work in every conversion but he works in every true conversion when the word because that's all the Apostles head was the word now of course our Jesus sent the Holy Spirit for them to be able to teach the word in different languages all over the world that's why he gave them the baptism a measure of the Holy Spirit to confirm the world that they met they spoke but now the Holy Spirit gives you impetus the Holy Spirit helps you change your mind but now the Holy Spirit does not arbitrarily shake you and talks to you talk to you and whisper in your ear no when the word is preached as I'm preaching it now as the word is preached you are convicted you are convicted and you are honest the Holy Spirit we're gonna work on you if you are honest now there is no direct feeling admit you shaking rattling no no go ahead it's a mind thing it's a mind thing when the word is preached when the lag is please the Holy Spirit convicts is almost like a conscience he commits see she doesn't see there was a spirit in every one of us in every woman and every man there was a spirit and that spirit is the good part of us even in that even even even and even in the person who shot all those folks in jail he still has a spirit in here because their business 30 job says in every man and that's a good product now we of course what we do is we've had a spirit down we want it that's real enough you know but if you decide to do something good that's because of the spirit in you not so flesh but that's the spirit in you and doesn't mean you saved on your way to heaven that mean that at all it's a symptom mean that there is some good in the worst of us and there was some bad in the best of us so the best of us can talk for about the west of us because there was some bad in all of us yeah I thought it was pretty good so so so so what happened is when the word is preached because that's where Jesus gave to the apostles in John 17 he gave them the word and when the word is preached the Holy Spirit has the power to convict you see he has the proper to submit in other words the Holy Spirit has the power to lead you through the world now he doesn't grab you and shake you and make you come to be baptized he doesn't do that he can mix you through this word when the word is preached and you make up your mind that you know what I need to obey I need to be baptized I need to give my soul to Jesus Christ there is nothing for me out here in this world because I'm like the back I'm making tracks and then getting nowhere so what I need to do I need to give my life to Jesus Christ you see that's the Holy Spirit convicting you but I don't see him you ain't supposed to see him because he's a spirit this is spirit and you can't see our spirit you see but he's a spirit and he's everywhere and he convicts everybody that obeys the word he convicts everybody that's accessible to the word so you see when you read the word and you say okay that's wow that's it that's that's that's it yeah there it is right there hmm praise the name of Jesus you see and then you humble yourself when you read it that's kind of fiction that's conviction and you are convicted by the Holy Spirit you see that conviction and how many other ways ever does convict you to do what why the devil come fix you to do wasn't wrong you see any time you hear the word read the word and is convicted by the word that's the Holy Spirit leading you that's his job your job is to convict this is gonna be but how can he do that is it wait what does he look like just play don't go there that's it you know don't go there because I have side deal with that you know except to say he is a spirit and his spirit has not flesh and blood so you can't see a spirit but he convicts you see you have a conscience but you can't see the conscience huh wear something tell you no no no no no no no no you need I mean you go and send me leaven and cop-tur the brothers come in there did you know and holding up 7-eleven and you in line waiting to get your snuff and and then all at once you see those guys over there with the gun and they hit it away something tells you you see something tells you that and speaks to you and says in a still small voice you know something goes all over you and your feet begin do you know what I'm saying I mean you don't see what's talking to you but something is telling you it's time to put your feet in the street and get out of there so what I'm saying to you is that you don't see the Holy Spirit but there is a conviction there is a conscience that tells you what you need to do and when you make it but you got to hear the word I can't get better there for me you got to hear the word you can't be convicted by something that's not a word I think I've already spoken to you about fall spirits now there are other spirits you see you may be sitting here this morning and you're not a Christian you know that I love God you know remember the Church of Christ and you know you should be you know you should today give your life to Jesus not to the preacher what to Jesus not to love not to the Deacons but to Jesus and you're sitting here today and something is telling you brother sister you tried everything and ain't nothing working I mean you tried women you tried wine you tried well I mean you tried dope you tried everything you tried shoe-polish alcohol you try everything and nothing is working nothing is working nothing so all I'm saying no yes let the Holy Spirit have his way because what the Holy Spirit wants you to do is be convicted by the way what else they want you to do the Holy Spirit wants you to use your right mind and listen to the word and the word says today that you hear the Holy Spirit is speaking to you right now and then I mean I just bring stuff back and let him talk to you he talking to you right now you cannot be sitting in this audience and in this room right now with the way I'm preaching and the Holy Spirit not working now you may say well I'll tell what he's saying doing it that's your business but there was a good part in you that says today you hit a voice of God that's the day you ought to say yes to Jesus are you not the wait some folks say well well when can I go up there right now I was you know we've conditioned folks to come doing the invitation but when I preach I tell folks any time during this irma that you are ready to say yes to Jesus get up and come on up here and say some fun wanted and then some members here for no no no no no wait wait wait wait until we stand up if that person you brought here is ready to go you bring that person on there this is no wait forgive me have a heart attack before I get through because sometime I please so long you know this is highly possible you see what you want to do is you the day that you hear is what the Holy Spirit says yes the acceptable time behold is the day salvation these are uh bridge I'm going to the next week I'm going home and read some of the stuff you say that's good that's that's their prerogative to do that all thing I'm saying is the Holy Spirit when the word is breached the Holy Spirit begins to work on and he is not something that you fear now that brings you back to my subject are the direct operation of those brick what I am contending what I am contending propositional II what I am continuing is that the Holy Spirit does not tell a direct operation and that independent of the word in your conversion that means that if if you are sitting there waiting for the Holy Spirit to ultimately tell you something or for for a streak of lightning that hit you then you never will obey the truth you see because what you have to obey is the teaching of the word but I'm just waiting for God to say so God has already said what he is going to say God is not gonna say anything else I don't know I do not know what is your God to say because God has said God who hath in sundry times and in divers manners spake Pistons in time pass to the Father but in these last day these we should be sure he did God had in these last days spoken already my son how did his son speak long in the fire he's already spoke and so there was nothing for you to do never make up your mind to say the Bible is right because Jesus did the apostles of the word and the holy spirit so you can turn to Holy Spirit own without the work he doesn't work without the word I mean you got a beautiful lectures at the end his brand new 2017 lenses but if that bad boy ain't got no gas in it you know it's not going anywhere so what I'm saying the Holy Spirit will is working if you're not a Christian if you're not a child of God if you're not a member of the Church of Christ and what the Jesus died for the Holy Spirit isn't working on you right now you're working on I don't see you but I know you and if you're not a Christian I know what the Holy Spirit does and the reason I know is not because I'm a fortune-teller but the reason I know is because when the word is preached Holy Spirit is work now you may turn your back on the Holy Spirit and say no to the whole planet that's good but if you are convicted and if in your mind you know that you need to come to Jesus because of the word that you are here in freeze that's the Holy Ghost convicting you and I'm saying to you don't turn your back on it [Applause] don't turn your back on and you know some folks said well I'm just waiting for the Holy Ghost to say something to me oh I'm just waiting for God to say something to me I just proved you he's already spoke as a matter of fact in the in the East chapter of the book of God in each chapter or of the of the other book of Acts when the universe was only his way home back to Ethiopia having been to Jerusalem to worship the Bible says that angel spoke to Philip and the eunuch I mean he's still gone on the hill unsane unsane but he's still on his way home angel has come down from heaven spoke to the preacher because the preacher had to work or you only get this oh I'm driving this boy I mean this is good this is good angel spoke to the preacher and danger and the eunuch still unsafe going evil and the preacher was contacted by the spirit the spirit told the preacher go join yourself to the child and you spare it when told back to him this ferret hadn't seen one fire till his name the angel heaven said one word to the man that was lost a just been here spare has been here what woman did not directly contact the sooner had to be contacted by the one they had are y'all missing me the Bible says the preacher ring caught that man and saw him reading and said do you understand what you read you see you can read the word and not understand do you understand what you read and demands of how can i except some man should guard me and began and preached the word unto him so so so it has to be the what if the word has not been preached to you and it has not been preached properly you may not be saved I change that if you have been preached to and you have not been preached to properly you are not saying if you're going to be saved you have to be saved through proper preaching and teaching of the word you see now the question is are you now ready to let the Holy Spirit come into your life you see the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit not only does he convicted for he'll come in and dwell because just like that you see if you in the house oh say yes you know the whole spirit not only cook Vic sinners for the whole spirit could be Christmas can be Christmas too because if you sit in there looking looking at me you know and and you were part in all there's night I'll just say Amen when you can you not say Amen right here but but what whatever you think say man this might not be a good spot just say Amen then the Holy Spirit is convicting you too the Holy Spirit is in you need to confess your sins the Holy Spirit is saying you need to ask for prayer because you know you can't have two churches I mean you cannot have a club number seven and then in church the price if you can't have both of those I'm just saying man when you can you know is either the church on a club you can't have both because trying to have both it is like walking straddle a barbed wire fence you don't know what about what fence is this yeah you can't run a barbed wire fence and something wrong well y'all don't think that's alright don't think I'm over you can't is something to rip and you write about that it's either do and not do he's doing I do and you need to come to Jesus while you have breath you need to get your soul right while there is time because he's going to put one foot on the land and the other foot on the seat and the car about the God that made you and everything there in the car mother God they made the sea everything there in the car will be no longer and so knives of time to let the Holy Spirit in your life now is the time to say yes to the Holy Spirit so why did the Holy Spirit complicate he came to perfect and how does he convict the sinner he convicts tercera through the way and if anybody here waiting for the Holy Spirit touch him on the shoulder and whisper in the air it had never happened and if you want the conviction of the Holy Spirit you need to listen to what the word says for the worst things there is no direct operation of the Holy Spirit in conversion direct operation the Holy Spirit does not save you the Holy Spirit does not Oliver live whisper in your ear and say go up there bro no the Holy Spirit of vixx he allows you to use what you have to accept Jesus Christ because you see you have everything in you to accept price you have the mind you have the wherewithal you have everything in you to accept Jesus God has given you everything you need to accept him the Holy Spirit wants you to use what you have they come to Jesus what he wants you to do because he does not directly shake anybody audible they to cause him to do anything and not only that the Holy Spirit does not save anybody directly independent of the world in conversion know what he doesn't hope it doesn't say he convict but he doesn't say he doesn't save anybody independent of this world and all for you to be saved in order for me to be safe we have to hear and believe the word not wait for some boys I'll wait for some voice no you just have to hear and believe the world and if you hear and believe the word and you make a new decision to come to Christ then Jesus Christ is waiting to receive yeah you're waiting to receive and if you're willing to make that confession that you believe he is the son of God and you're willing to go down in water to be baptized for a mission of yours and Jesus you meet the blood of Jesus and their water and the blood of Jesus is so powerful that it will wash away all your past sins whatever you've ever done you shot somebody it was in jail you stole money from your mama you stole it isn't that once you go down in the water of baptism you meet the blood of Jesus and the blood of Jesus cleanses you see if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all of our sins you see and Jesus is weak and final image is not final but if the Holy Spirit saved anybody without the word then it fell apart the Great Commission because Jesus says go into all the world and yeah mark 16 first the gospel about the twenty says and teach all nations what if the Holy Spirit is going to save you without the word there we don't need the Great Commission you see direct operation of the Holy Spirit in conversion nullifies the Great Commission direct operation in when I said that let me show you understand what I'm talking about when I say direct operation and daddy one folk tell you you know I'm just walking down the street subject me I was out there pidgin cognate and some and and I looked up and I saw I saw a sign I saw I saw some writing and hid and I will guide me feel and he said ah a big two three big letters came and said gee P see and I knew there that the law was calling me to preach because g pc go preach christ so i knew i had to say [Music] so this woman ran in the rep ran up to the hop left the field ran to the house and told her husband so Deus sign and that's the Holy Spirit talking to and this sign says ji ki see and let me go free Christ my husband said no no no no no no if you saw GPC that means you need to go pick them chicken it because it's I need there is no horrible sign it's an inside thing if you will believe if you will believe with all of your heart that Jesus Christ is the son of God that is it's an inside thing if you will confess with your mouth inside thing not an outside thing it's just so easy to say yes to Jesus Christ it's just so easy to say lord I ain't much but I'm all I got take me and use me through your glory into your life and this whole business about folks and the Holy Ghost came and somebody hit me and I felt something hit the Papa it went all over my body and went at the bottom of my foot well well expected me some I think one thing you mean you ain't got it no more cause it's gone praise the name of Jesus but today you sitting right here now you can you can make up your mind and say yes to Jesus not yesterday's preacher yes Jesus yeah yes and if you here and you don't have the Holy Spirit in your life that I deal with it tonight and that is the holy s--t if you only believer you remember the Church of Christ the Holy Spirit dwells in you he takes up residence in you you are walking around with the Holy Spirit in you do that powerful you are the Bible says if a man will love me and keep my word and my father will love him and we will come in unto him and make our you not only have the Holy Spirit in you but you have the father in you you have Jesus Christ in you you some back you are you in other word you dangerous the bid say you somebody did that nobody has any business messing with because you have him in you and if you want heaven in you then you need to say yes to Jesus Christ will you accept the Holy Spirit are you convinced have you been touched by the word if you have we're gonna give you an opportunity to say yes to Jesus I don't want you to come to me Angad Negi I want you to come Jesus I did not give the invitation Jesus gave the invitation Jesus has come unto me all ye that Labour and I heaven Leighton not the preacher will give you rest would you say yes to Jesus today all you got to do is just get up I'm all that you convicted get up coming get up coming I don't get up I mean no sign up said well maybe tomorrow maybe maybe I already here already yet you know because we gonna have we don't have a party tonight I mean if I go up there today and I go to that party tonight well let me give you another supposition you may be dead denied so don't take a chance on your soul do you need prayer you need the church to pray for you is there something in your life you need to trust Jesus more about a little something something here but that I need to trust the Lord a little bit more right in there and I just need strength to trust him more right long in there I mean I have a habit of responding to vote based on how they respond to me they need get all up in my face I get him out of my face and I really shouldn't do that as a Christmas so I need I need the church to pray for me that I can handle that a little different trust Jesus more fall and we're free point and if you here in another Christian do it right now don't don't don't wait don't wait don't wait don't wait what is your life it is even as a vapor that appears for a short time then vanishes away now is the acceptable time to hold now is the day of salvation the day you hear my voice harden not your heart if you're here and you want to be saved for it should come and if you need prayer don't be ashamed it's not coming right now that is to give a space
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 2,568
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. W.F. Washington, New Golden Heights Church of Christ, Jesus, GOD, Jesus Christ, How to be saved, What must I do to be saved, One true Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 32sec (3932 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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