I Have To Stop Hurting Myself

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also gotta say man David said from the rising of the Sun he said from the rising of the Sun this did not come from a voice that was immature it takes maturity anyone can quote the scriptures but only a few can testify he says from the rising of the Sun to the going down of this same eye not you but I will bless the name of the law young a man can't write those words it takes a seasoned person to say I was once young now am i old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread young people this is not to talk about you but you have to live a certain age before you can say here the conclusion of the whole matter I was running around in my 20s I wasn't trying to hear the conclusion of the whole matter you get to a certain age maturity and you see where God has brought you from now you can say Hitler conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his Commandments anyone can worship God when the Sun is going up when the check is in the mail you just spent your vacation in the Caribbean but when the Sun begins to go down you begin to be stricken with leukemia and pestilence and disease cancer in lupus but authorities' in gout begins to embrace the body can you still say I will still bless the name we get quiet now of the Lord it was Joel who said he though he slay me yet will I trust him let me tell you something God is looking for some of us if not all of us to get to that level that whether who's beside you in front of you or behind you no one can worship God for you no one no matter who sings in front of you who sings behind you their voice Skippy is gold in a sluice Evandro God is not looking for the quality of the note but the spirit of your Hall and some folk in the church not down in Florida but I know some folk who can sing with a straight face and won't talk to you after service you know is something wrong with that picture anybody here if you tell the truth I like talking to real people yeah but just had to come to church and say Lord create in me a clean because I know my spirit is not right church people can be the most phony you ever want to meet in your life not all but kiss you and just talked about you last night and and and we come dressed looking good handsome beautiful but crazy on the inside I don't know about you but there's some days I know I have to plead the blood of Christ create in me a clean heart have you ever ran into somebody you said Lord created me or clean maybe I'm preaching to the wrong Church but I'll tell you what if you're living and you're attempting to live right there comes a day you have to say to God wash me again cleanse my thoughts cleanse my my heart and give me the mind of Christ that heaven can be well pleased I am deeply honored to stand behind his sacred death of a man who had admired for years his family I used to come here now I'm gonna tell you something if I just turned 51 then I know I owe them a yogurt that's just Christian humor doctors people they kill me they were seeing you a long time and I get I was raised in the church I get them back to you know they thank you supposed to be you know look a certain way just all in your life so they get you at the back though look at you but you be go see them you already do you not gonna write back I said look at you with your big old seal I can't stay 16 all my life hey you man and I'm gonna tell you something else it's the blessing to know how old you are I'm not trying to run out there play basketball no 17 18 year old boy fall one time you take the whole team to get you up but it's good to be back after all these years and to see so many faces that we have seen and known throughout the years and also to meet those who we have not met before we bid all of you Godspeed pray for my father most of you who've been in the church in the length of time through the years we thank God for golden Heights gave a very beautiful advertisement and the retired our father's retirement this year he has stage 4 cancer but God is good and as I said I said this morning in class it's a blessing when you don't look like what you've been through yeah when you can walk in here and people don't realize what you just came out of that's the blessing from God pray for he my lovely mother who's by his side the God to continue to bless him he retires this year and my father is just like you'll preacher pastor I don't think the word retirement is in their spirit appreciate him the other day I said look my father is consumed with the ministry he might retire but he's not done y'all not saying nothing better sorry see we read scriptures and don't understand the prophetic meaning Paul says presents your body is what God just doesn't want your foot or your arm he wants all of you to be consumed by his presence and the reason that you have a few men left and this Brotherhood like dr. Washington is because he's consumed no no he can be sick he gonna find his way to this building am I talking to somebody I thought we got mad at me the other day I said I said well the fire must be too hot because you know anytime you put on the altar this fire so I walked up to him I said pop I said man you don't feel like going I know what I'm doing the my mother she whispered my ear just do what he got to do that's it I won't let him do it but he's consumed I loved he mocked my father not very close and but he he like dr. Washington had a few more the ministry is their heart is their life it is what they do and they can't nobody do it like they do it the reason why some folk in the church ain't bless is because you haven't learned the principle of blessing others you want Bible for that God told Abraham I will bless them that bless thee do you not know is a blessing to be a blessing because when you bless the one who's blessed the blessing falls back on you y'all still didn't get that you sitting up there hatin how he drives how he looks and how he preaches that's why you're not getting the full blessing you got to be happy for other people that God is blessing so the blessing can fall back on you and then he told Abram he says and I will curse them that curse thee boy if I had time that time I could show you what Paul meant when he talked about how he's the possessor of all things but owns nothing I possess all things and all nothing I'm explaining this real quick going to the lesson so we don't keep you long okay I love cars I'm telling y'all this now as your brother if I ever come this is real real real money y'all will see me in Fort Lauderdale or in Miami pick it out I'm not gonna ship it back I'm gonna put a radar in that thing I'm gonna drive all the way back to Mission let me show you what I mean by possessing all things and only nothing I live in the Farmington Hills was a city right outside of Detroit one day this is a few about a month ago told about the gas station my little car got low for nothing a training month of the car and trying to cut back on fails and stuff this dude drove up $400,000 boo got some time I asked myself God would in my door wrong I'm trying to serve you I'm just trying so I said I said he right next to my car so he got out shut the door I said man has bad looked at me and said what I had to catch myself now before I preach I gotta find some real faces I need because some of y'all to sanctify I need to find some real people have you ever had somebody to get smart with you and you had to check yourself I just get so he sold so he got out I said I said man that's bad what I said that's a real nice car thank you that's cool pump this got my gas he came out slammed his door both half-a-million-dollar car and drove off this is what happened I possessed it because I had more joy than he had I just wasn't stuck with the Cardinal [Applause] see there are people get this there are people who have things you admire and you get more joy out of it here's a man driving off into something that most men would dream of but didn't have the spirit to receive a compliment and this a pitiful thing what you sow into yourself that somebody can't even pay you a compliment without you rejecting it because you haven't learned how to be a possessor of all the things I don't care how much money Oprah has the sunrise on the Caribbean looks as good to me as it does to her the difference is she might be on a yacht and I might be on the beach but her her sensual perception is no greater than mine and church should be thankful when you can wake up in the morning and be happy for other people be happy for other people you'll be surprised how much God will bless you to have you know sit-up Edmund I'm honored to be here honored to be in a celebration honored to be able to say that's my brother my friend a mentor at a distance one who we've looked up to for a long time one who has suffered with me from a distance because he knows some of the things I've been through and yet he had the tenacity in the boldness to allow me to come after all these years I am eternally grateful eternally grateful before we give you the scriptures and read those of you who are not members of Church of Christ is very simple it's very simple I want you to listen to this if you did not remember the Church of Christ it's very simple we don't apologize for baptism don't apologize that is in the scriptures we don't apologize about the one Lord and the one faith one baptism that is also in the scriptures but just just listen to me from Genesis all the way to Malachi it talks about his coming the Old Testament is showing us from Genesis to Malachi he's on his way Matthew Mark Luke and John testified he came okay Matthew Mark Luke and John testify that he came the Old Testament talks about his coming the Gospels proved that he came ax is the place called history the history book which shows us how the church had her beginning in the city of Jerusalem it was prophesied in the days of old so this is why they were during the apostles or during the Apostolic days there were no other churches because the apostles were set in the church first therefore the Bible that you're reading now was not complete that's why you either went up to Jerusalem or you came down from Jerusalem it was the apostles who still had the ability to speak in tongues it's not jibber jabber or some strange language but they had the power to speak other men's languages so that the gospel could spread throughout the world during their lifetime it's very simple to understand during a lifetime they prophesied and show that the days would come that when they no longer existed grievious wolves would enter into this flock not sparing her and as a result this church began to break her up and what we know has denominationalism men fighting men and putting labels on top of labels on top of labels over doctrinal issues but the Church of Christ still holds fast to that form of doctrine that you still can read about in your Bible so from Genesis to Malachi it talks about his coming the Gospels prove that he came acts is the history of the church and the epistles explain why he came if you keep reading it shows he's coming again the gospel is basically this it is the virgin birth it is the virgin birth because Christ existed long before he came to the earth in Genesis 1 we read all of Genesis when God says let us the Godhead God the Father the Son the Holy Spirit is just that Christ was not manifested in the flesh but he was with God all the time this is why he had to find a version because he didn't need a man for the one who already existed he just needed a house for him to come through he didn't beam him down like Scotty he let him come through the womb of a woman so he could be tested and tried just like you and I but thank God there was no vowel found in his mouth and there was nothing they could do except hate him to the point of crucifixion what you got to understand about this is this the the gospel is simply his virgin birth it is his life his sinless life his ministry ultimately his death his crucifixion his resurrection his ascension his ascension into heaven and with witnesses seeing that they saw him rise from the grave and they touched and handled him so they prove that he came back from the grave and in the gospel also we believe he is coming back for his church it's not a black things and a white thing in Christ there's neither Jew nor Greek neither bond nor free there is neither male nor female Jesus told us long time ago go into this world preach this gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved he that believeth not shall be damned and he's damned already tell people be smart water by itself doesn't save you that's the case go down to the beach and jump in water is the element that is used because faith is never passive is active therefore you might not see anything in it and you're not supposed to you have faith in the one who told you to go don't play with me it was named and who had us this thing called this thing called leprosy Lane he got upset because aren't their waters cleaner and closer and you mean it tell me I gotta go salvation is not to be negotiated choose your own house choose who you want to get married choose where you want to go your vacation choose what kind of car you going back to when it comes to salvation is on his term water becomes the element of a test of faith it's a beautiful picture because one it should not only do we follow what he says was a beautiful picture because one the old man dies when a man dies he is buried the water represents a graveyard whereby God Himself performs the operation and then one should raise out of the water that is a picture of the new life and also the resurrection that we have in Jesus Christ that's why we still teach and believe there's but one Lord is one faith there's one baptism and we still believe that the Lord is taking care of his people it's taking care you just taking care of us if you want to share that with any visitors that are not members of the body of Christ because we don't want you to feel intimidated a shame afraid to surrender your life to Jesus Christ can the church say Amen now can we brag about God I mean it's okay to talk about God three scriptures quickly line upon line precept upon precept we're gonna let you go first scripture Deuteronomy chapter number 5 verse 8 verse number 10 did you follow me quickly Deuteronomy 5 verse 8 through verses number 10 and then are we gonna go to 1st Samuel chapter 5 verse 1 through verse number 4 4 Samuel chapter 5 verse 1 through verse number 4 and finally Daniel chapter 3 verse number 14 through verse number 18 that will be the last Scripture Daniel chapter 3 commence reading the verse 14 and in verse number 18 Deuteronomy chapter number 5 listen to God thou shalt not make the any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters beneath the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them nor serve them for I am the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquities of thy father's upon the children and the third and fourth generation of them that hate that hate me yet showing mercy to thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments Dokka feel it now can I just be me don't you make nothing because you don't have the ability to even comprehend who I how can you paint or sculpture something that is omniscient even in your painting you limit me even in your statue you limit me don't you make nothing to bow down to other than me I don't care what other nations do don't get stuck on one name I will be whatever I need to be God let's go to seminary god is so bad he's not young and he's not old someone since I hold up now Thompson maybe that's why you ain't been here in 20 years hey never in my life didn't heard that God is not young and he's not old because if he were young he would have the potential to get older and there's no potentiality in him getting old when you and I live right and do right as we get older we should become smarter and become wiser therefore God isn't young God is not old because in this life when you get old you get weak and there's no weakness in God when you get old you get off righties but there's no other IDs in God and if you get old you're getting older and there's no way possible that God is getting older and as you get older you're facing death and God is not facing death so that's why Moses was confused who do you tell Pharaoh who you are you tell him I'm too much to be explained I am say it with me I am that I am I am uncreated you cannot create anything though I will be what I need to be God is this let's see him from different angles for some of you he's been a bridge over troubled waters for some of you has been a doctor that your doctor couldn't do anything about for some of you he became your mother that she had never had for some of you he became Jehovah Rapha he became your healer for some of you he became Jehovah Nissi the banner over my head it says love for some of you he became the mountain in your fortress for some of you he was a pillar of fire by to heal a pillar of fire by night and a crowd by day God says don't lock me in no picture don't you make anything about me because I'm too much to be explained I'll be whatever I need to be you lock me into some little picture or some little statue that you think that's all I'm about so he tells the Israel don't you make nothing she worshiped other than me does that make sense now now follow me on this real quick go to 1st Samuel chapter 5 and look at verse number 1 through 4 dr. Washington I believe just like Israel became superstitious on one occasion church folk the same way i'ma prove it to you in a minute now before we read this look this way so I can tell you the story real quick see you and I and God knows this you don't fall in love with somebody you never met unless you've gone the internet you just gone crazy it's not natural for you to look at it's not natural view to being loved you never met him never hurt them you never shook their hand you just I'm in love put with what so what God does now one of the first thing he does for Israel to help them I want you to build the Ark of the Covenant which is symbolic of me but it's not me the outer court the inner court the holy place where the Shekinah glory of God was there it was there well you had the golden terrible's whose wings were outstretched touching each other and they were looking down and is what is called a mercy seat because the angels are still amazed when they look down from heaven and see God's mercy upon us it is an X Ain treasure chest that same box that same company if you were to take mercy off and lift it inside you had Aaron's rod that but you had the law that was there and you also had a plate full of manna that reminded them of what he did for them in the wilderness on one occasion Israel got beside themselves and said let us fetch the Ark of the Covenant they thought we could go in here and grab this thing put it before our enemies and we're gonna win so God says in layman's terms you gonna test me like that you think because I left you a artifact that's gonna cause you to beat of the be victorious going out there and try man when the Philistines saw that they were like oh that's that's that's the presence of their God and they said forget it this manner and they follow and they lost in the enemy took they took what belonged to Israel and placed it in there that's what we're about to read they placed it in their temple next to their God what we just read God is a jealous God he doesn't want no other God it's gonna get good in a minute just stay with me no other God besides him brother Samson what do you mean that church people can be superstitious have you ever thought about this not down in Florida where I'm from out of five ordinances of worship to are tangible all five are spiritual but two are tangible the offering in the Lord's Supper when why don't folks sometimes say JA I'm running late the golden heights but as long as I can get there you don't miss half the lesson you don't miss five songs by brother snare you don't miss three prayers long as I get there to take two offering so what makes you think that grabbing grabbing the communion I should say makes you right with God better yet that brother washes at me and my family are going it thank God you do this but it still don't get you off the hook me and my family going on vacation and we're gonna leave you are all free pray I have a good time and life goes on because you felt like if I did one or the other I still get the victory with God I don't like that kind of that represents him but it's not him and the moment I turned that in to him I can get here late and don't feel nothing matter of fact take it with the wrong attitude and still feel nothing drop my money in the trade because I get motive hat people in this church but your attitude is wrong which means you steal contradicts Scripture so what happened now they got superstitious put him out there this is what happened I'm gonna come to the main thrust and let you go it says in verse number 1 iakh I mean just snatched of God and brought it unto heaven ease into a Shaw and when the Philistines took the Ark of God they brought it into the house of Dagon and set it by Dagon when they pass shot arose early in the morning behold dining was falling upon his face to the earth before the Ark of the Lord and they took Dagon I'm so glad I serve a God I don't have to put up and set up and put it I'm not talking to somebody I said I wanted to brag about God I'm glad I don't have to wind him up and set him on a table I'm glad I don't have to pick him up when he has fallen because I need him to pick me up when I have fallen talk to me I'm glad I don't have to fix him and dress him up I'm thankful that the God we serve it's an awesome God what an awesome God we serve from heaven and earth be rain they woke up the next morning they found him the next time get this first for him when they arose early on the morning behold Dagon was falling upon his face to the ground before the Ark of the Lord and the head of Dagon and both his palms which is showing that you serve that can't help you and his hands were cut off upon the threshold only the stop of dagon was left to him now we get ready to have church go to First Samuel Chapter number no Daniel chapter number three Daniel chapter number three and listen to this very familiar story but I want you to hear the audacity of this man who's called Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel chapter 3 and in verse number 14 Bible says and they became as a spake and said unto them is it true o satrap Meshach and Abednego do not he serve my gods and worship the golden image which I have set up now if B if he be ready that at what time he hear the sound of the cornet the flute the heart the suck book the soul tree the dulcimer and all kinds of music he fall down and worship the image which I have made well but if you were shall not you shall be cast into the same hour into the midst of the burning fiery furnace and who is this that shall deliver you out of my head Shadrach Meshach and Abednego answered and said unto the king o Nebuchadnezzar we're not careful to answer thee you're not afraid of you in this matter if it be if it be so our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and get this he will deliver us out of that name the somebody just shout their ass if somebody shout the nerve get this he did not say who is this God that shall deliver you from the fire who is this God that can deliver you from my hair turn to your neighbor and say neighbor you bout to find out [Applause] it was important to understand that in the Old Testament Wars it was normally wars between their gods and our God and because God did not want an image of himself it was difficult at times for Israel to truly see God even though he manifested himself so many times Israel wanted to be like other nations they wanted to be like other countries and have physical King and God was saying in so many words am I not enough have I not proven unto you who I am and so and so this is why the Egyptians they worshiped the Cobra you would see it on many of their crowns and diadem's they would have the Beatle represents on their fingers they would represent or some strange things that God would not accept at his altar you see at God's altar you never saw a snake but in the witch's house you saw one he would not accept bats Tigers spiders any Ravens or things that was ace that was sinful or destructive God always had a pattern on worship so it is here that they come in contact with a man and you already know the story I already talked about the fire I won't talk about the seven times turned up hotter I want to talk about the nerve and bring it home and let you go it's called the spirit of manipulation here it is one philosopher sets this and I want you to listen to me whoever this is for is the past ever the past because if the past has passed why does my past affect my present and if the past is affecting my present then evidently the past has not passed how is it I can be out of a relationship but they still bother me how is it possible I haven't seen them in years and get something cold goes through my body how is it possible after all that they have done to me I still think about them in my mind and in my spirit listen to what the King is saying who has the power maybe he might get you out of the fire but is he strong enough to get rid of my influence over your life Oh since you look strange let's bring it home honey who is this God that when I knock you upside your head every weekend instead of you leaving and getting yourself together you cry for a little while and come right back and stay in my house who is this God that you serve coming to golden Heights and yet you won't give the money that you know that you've been blessed to have who is this God that's going to deliver you from making a u-turn and coming right back straight to me so what you go to church I still got the drugs so what you you got out of the fire of rehab but you still got me on your mind see prophetically what the devil is saying to us right now is who is this God that can take you from me the hand of the past Oh y'all been divorced 15 years and every time you have to see him it's just like it was yesterday so I still control you in your spirit cannot go deeper there a folk who are mad at you right now because they've been trying to get you fired cuz you're still there but what they enjoy is they still control you in your mind it's a blessing when you're not only out of the fire but you don't let people control your mind the way you used to at one time I'll tell you who his god is he is the bright the morning star he is the Alpha and the Omega he is the beginning and he is the heir he's a guy that I let he's a god that I let me step into the fiery furnace and he says where there two or three got it together in my name I promise to be in the midst and that's why you can't smell me to know what I've been through because God has been good to me I'll tell you who this God is he's the God that I let you go into the lion's den see some of you need to realize there's certain things God may not stop but he holds you in the process while you're going through God is that kind of God he can take Lions and shut them down and that you have a good night's sleep God is that God when a storm comes called euroclydon that's in the book of Acts when Paul told them that is not good we should sail and that little soft wind y'all know about the hurricane sometime he gets real steel then a soft wind blows gently and you come to the conclusion we're gonna be all right and they set sail anyway brother dr. Washington you know that's some good preaching because when things start coming apart it was Paul who said unless these abide in the ship you could not be saved this is a God who if you make up your mind to touch the hem of His garment you will be made whole every woman in here that knows how to sew clothes the hem is to place where all loose ends come together and whenever you make up your mind to break ties with people controlling you and your relationship with God God will show up and show you who he really is I wish I had a witness here I serve and we serve a god that is God all by himself anything that tries to cut in his dance he'll knock it over he showed them and he's showing us no one can help you but there's no other God that's why John says in the beginning was the word the Word was with God and the Word was God all things not some all things were made by him and without him there was nothing made that was made yeah I really want to invite first of all two groups of people the unsaved and the same to really need to let that grill be broken and it's funny how when Egypt or when Israel got God out of Egypt after a while their taste buds start acting up some of them wanting to go back to what God called Oh nada that's what he was really saying is your God strong enough that maybe he took you out of the situation but you still have therefore I keep you tormented just by my presence Church that's no way to live you need I don't know how you prayed out here I'm not afraid to ask God for a breakthrough I wish I could preach that I said I'm not afraid to ask God see you heard that so many times is nomination the world on TV you're scared to say it no I know how to say it and I know what I'm saying there's a stronghold which means there's some memories that I still messing me up with my present moment and I need God to break it I need to break it so I can be the man that he called me to be I could be the woman that he called me to be why do I give these people this kind of control over my if you're saved how're you doing here I want you to stand up come forward for prayer because God wants to prove himself to you once and for all he's more than enough he's more than enough to deliver you we tell you something God can get you to heaven what makes you think he can't get you to the weekend is there anything too hard for the Lord I want to share myself with this I promise to let you go and I pray is not an offense I don't say this because I'm out here looking and come down here to do nothing with preach and go home I got to a point years ago and it's not a thing you you're happy to say but it's true some of you who have been through it you can understand it those of you who are faking it you won't say nothing but for me in my house I knew how we got married I knew the struggles that we went through even when I was preaching here in my 20s I got to a point my father he was right here he'll tell you he said I hope somebody wouldn't mess with you cuz I can testify what my son went through I said by the time I turned 40 if this don't work I cannot live a lie so scripturally legally I'll put her away not happy to say that not looking for no wife I Know Who I am at 51 does God like marriage new I mean divorce no but he still loves the one who still left behind you can say what you want to say I'll tell you something you can live a lie as well as you can tell what she and I are good friends she does her thing but my father told me something I want to share with you that he set me down with his wisdom he was taking chemo and my father says let me tell you one things on if I see it or not and hopefully I will before I die he says but you gotta stop letting your pass Jade you from what you could have right now you are so afraid of getting hurt again that you won't fool around and miss up something good because your past though is past it has not passed and that thing rules me in my mind now this might be some different kind of teaching I don't know I just have to be me I'm a practical kind of guy I believe in telling the truth you got people hurt in the church right now because they marriages didn't work in the church just look out Mike they got some type of strange disease and I've discovered something everybody has coped up together they not together well I'm at homeless I can't say it all Kim said I miss your head with some of the things I went through since I've seen you all last I should be in a crazy house drinking water and taking a whole bottle of medication with a little sandwich under the door but God kept me I said God kept me I'm gonna tell you something else I'm gonna tell you something else he's keeping you in one and I'm sharing myself with you no I'm not I'm not happy to tell you that I hit bragging about something to brag about but see you don't need to walk out of here with Miss information for this man to wait this long and the spirit allowed him to call me back I'm humbled by that so I'm not down here as a little mark the boy but as a man that's still growing I know now the power of I'm not saying I have mastered anything but men like this who stayed in the trenches when young men like myself went sideways he men like my father who stayed in the trenches whatever you do for he and his wife he deserves everything that comes his way he didn't tell me to say that it's coming from the heart some of you right now is over in the natural it's not over in the spirit what you got to do is see Satan looking at you smile and saying who is this God that can truly take you from me today prove it by repentance I said by repentance by repentance confession and prayer for those of you who are not Christians who is this God that would make you go to some water for what you cool you stop smoking you stop drinking be thankful for that you don't really have to come to church except for Christmas and Thanksgiving so Louis this card is gonna make you turn your life over to him over me tell him right now you bout to see anyone here that needs prayer for that stuff to be broken and to prove to the devil once and for all you don't hold me like that and I'm not bowing down to you or any other thing you put before me if you had any category I want you to come quickly as we stand
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 9,337
Rating: 4.8117647 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ
Id: QpUJ4GieR_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 31sec (3271 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2017
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