The Diplomatic Druid - Baldur's Gate 3 - Ep 192

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well let's see what we can do about breaking this Con enough movement really okay you can see it from here can you reach the staircase no you're telling me I really won't be able to oh yeah I can from this side [Music] perfect better get to it in all right we're going to hit this guy and we're going to make sure to use Divine Smite even if it's not a crit we're not going to save we want to deal maximum damage to this guy is anything else I mean there's funky things with command that we could do no I think just hitting him as hard as possible with the vine Smite is the correct answer makes two saving throws oh my God if I still had a bonus action I drink a speed potion I this guy's nearly dead why couldn't I break his concentration and asterian dominated Ain is going to go first before we get a chance to break it dude I mean I guess they they were only DC 10 all right you rolled an 11 yeah you'd have to roll a four or less one two three or four so only 20% chance to fail but he did four rolls for it I'm a little disappointed oh right they have advantage on these as well um yeah it's showing him as rolling 2D 20 I don't see it as rolling 2D2 but oh well I guess that's that uh highly disappointing m i mean it'll suck if we lose the M right now because he's good source of damage but he just soaks a bunch of attacks hardly blow burn baby burn uh they have a or for they have Advantage built in in this fight they have a a trait tactical dominance or something it's giving me advantage on all ability checks and saving throws apparently why is the staring going first wait is he oh no there it is IES it say is he just not acting [Music] what what are you doing buddy come on I got [ __ ] to do stop concentrating on Hunter's Mark what wait are you just standing next to a grenade is that your turn your turn was I'm just going to go stand next to a grenade I mean I'm happy he didn't decide to like skew the hell out of us I guess wow um this guy acts oh that guy acts right before Shadow heart which is annoying but I could try shooting him I don't think that makes much sense I think we just go and rip this person apart uh disarming strike open up go and death can't make the jump I can do I have the thing where I can throw was a bonus action no that's the Berserker um Barbarian right or is that what we are where's the frenzy throw oh it's there enraged throw I can grab one of these attendants or yeah just throw a random object like literally anything I will throw and the the traits on it doesn't matter we can't kill this guy anyway but we may as well fling something at him eat great sword halfth interrupted by what cuz I can still move I can't tell what's actually interrupting the path it's just somewhere over here over there there it is no [Music] what is there a low ceiling here there we go my little trick eat sword all right is there anyone left on the ground floor I don't think so there's just this one dude left all right we can jump up there next turn I guess Dell can you finish this guy off magic Missile is not going to cut it in this case I can't really I can't really bar aort myself up there I guess I just Ray a frost you I mean I could hit you with a million magic missiles and hope that increases the chance of breaking your concentration yeah Dell could Missy step up although I'm not sure what he would do once he's [Music] there oh wait uh Thorn whip Target can't be pulled huge in size but yeah maybe we can yon him down oh wait hold on that's interesting oh it's too late for car if I'd been able to Y him down I could have used a reckless strike ah nothing important is ever easy will give us an extra chances to break his concentration although then Shadow heart won't be able to attack him yeah she could just jump down she might fall though this is not going to kill him CR eight probably 1 D6 falling damage I don't I'm not convinced there's any strong option we could try to do a quick C person to break the spell but I don't think that matters I'm just going to go I'm just going to go and Ray of frost Shadow heart's going to be able to kill him on his turn sorry did I crit oh no no we're going for the explosions oh my God oh I have the insta kill thing Dell has the kill on low Health thing I completely forgot about that which case I would use magic Missile cuz it would have been guaranteed to hit and bring him low enough to trigger that I completely forgot about that ability so there's a lot of dead people here hope I'm expecting most of these dudes not to have anything I got to make sure to go and pick up my sword on The High Ground there these things yeah really aren't worth any money the armor is you know what let's have um let's have Carly pick up things um Carly oh you were lethargic for a second there nothing I guess more infernal iron y I don't know if we can do anything else with it plus one Shield that's nice yeah see it's been so long since we played this save that kill on low Health yeah I forget that's like I remember we went through like a whole stream where I kept trying to snipe people with magic missiles and Trigger that and it wouldn't work and then no time to rest randomly looked at the passes over here and it had been turned off I don't know why but it had been turned off and I was like oh my God wow too much for carlac really we are picking up a lot of stuff this armor is pretty heavy oh my God we can send people I didn't realize we could send stuff to people in Camp now I know that patch 1.5 made it so you could tweak people's um inventory without them being in the party that's really handy um but you had to be in the camp to do that on my way K some stews why not not stealing if no one can see you do it plus at this point I think we're kind of Beyond you know being accused of petty Larsen got ad bre coming up uh I will make sure I don't proceed with the uh the critical story bits until the ad break is over I'll just keep looting stuff here here oh I'll start the ad break early go well there was 45 seconds left on the timer I'm like let's start it now while I'm still doing the Looting two hand Gros plus one what is this my character from my freaking Iron Man game My Honor mode game Cal spear oh yeah got a few of those yeah these steel Watchers oh yeah no no they do have infernal iron although at this point it might just be worth for selling not sure it's for anything else I'll probably send a bunch of stuff to Camp actually I think we're going to I think I'm going to pop out of here and long rest what are your characters RAC in classes orar there should be an overlay available I think it'll be on the Le hand side of the window you can click on that expand it and see all my character classes and race and all that sort of stuff L inventory which is rapidly getting bigger and bigger [Music] yeah Shadow heart's pretty strong now got to remember that I like the little icon warning you that it will over burden people so I'm not going to open any of these doors she's encumbered again I don't even know if there's anything more we want to buy but we are actually sitting on infinite money so seems like it might be worth picking up everything with silver in the name again while we're waiting for an adberg to play anyway yeah no the overlay uh orar is is amazing isn't it like that's the thing balers Gate 3 the devs laran they did everything right it's amazing and let me know if you've got any questions about the uh the builds I'm running okay we got gort's Blacklist I better be on it I require list of all Pat planning to absent themselves from my coronation a request they be brought to my private offices at the earliest possible moment that I may see if they might be brought round to the New Order of our city probably to get brain wared Journal over here roll call 22 y0 one abstained resolve Parliament appears declares intention name envar who abstained enriched infernal iron wonder if any of that's worth keeping uh what's my actual I'm just going to send this plate to actually to Dell without becoming over encumbered we're all good excellent okay so let's walk out of the danger zone and go have a sleep in Camp um oh there we go this wasn't highlighting I thought are we are we strapped M you still stream dwar Fortress uh we don't currently have a dwar fortress run going on right now now but yeah they're yeah we we finished one um not that long ago couple weeks ago I think something like that uh we will be returning more to war foress at some point 100% oh the God's truly this Petty why did your wound trigger there is just random or did something happen Okay we're out of the danger zone let's go to Camp actually I guess we could go and do some selling really quick I suppose in balers gate proper would be the best way did know you could have three two classes sourcer and Drew both uh orar you can you could have your level 12 character could have one of every class if you wanted it wouldn't be very helpful but yeah multiclassing is a function in in DND d um and it is present here in balers Gate 3 and it is pretty powerful some classes are some classes are just stronger if you just like level 12 the same class the whole way um and sometimes multiclassing can make your character much worse the best place to sell you know what we'll go to here betting the Armory is a good place to sell and D andd as well yeah and D andd as well so depend uh it does depend a little bit on what Edition you play the rules for multiclassing change uh so we're going south east or [Music] west ah right these [Music] people yeah um and in fifth edition there's actually requirements you need a certain number of amount of stats in your primary class and the class you want to um multiclass into uh you have to meet certain requirements which that isn't implemented in bers Gate 3 so there's a lot more flexibility about multiclassing in this game but yeah [Music] how my suppl mates aren't in a alemy bag do I not have an Alchemy pack on me I don't have but Shadow heart has two okay hold on S to Dell we're going to do here is me Resort by type Alchemy pouch is there I'm going to select everything my inventory I'm going to drag it I know it's grayed out but if you do that anything that could go into it would except I didn't see it happen oh I think when you get handed on Alchemy pouch does autoc collect everything um that could go into it okay we might be selling some of these magic items I'm not sure these notes I mean these things don't sell for much nor do they weigh for much some Jade Ates at to it's going to be a little bit more convenient for me to do this now than in the shop I mean in the end we're clicking similar amounts I'm sending that these outfits I want to keep that's another outfit so I'm just going to send that to Camp so we can play more dress up later on so you have a bunch of alchemy stuff as well these bits [Music] here yeah these elements uh yeah no reason to keep the breast plate plus one studded leather plus one scale mail plus two I don't know it's pretty good we might keep it I don't know a lot of this stuff is fairly redundant is oh I guess I could have sent a bunch of food stuff to Camp that would have saved us a bunch of weight I go and do that now we go camps no not throwables camp supplies grab all them send to Camp grab all them send to Camp there that'll save us some weight okay let go trade with fits need something for defense or maybe offense and it finally remembers this like selected tab there was an option added a few patches ago to do that but it never actually worked keep your distance daring there you go what's this purple bow the Deadshot oh yeah it's pretty good but okay uh I didn't tag that for selling I think I'm holding on to these mostly for sentimental value same as all these Scrolls these are my um uh these are my um moral support Scrolls what do I call them emotional support scrs what's the thing like when you get um like a service dog that comes with you on a flight or something like that it's your something something like animal pet it's Scroll of comfort yeah bre plate what one can sell that the studded leather plus ones yeah we don't need that Shield plus one is interesting emotional support Scrolls that's the word I'm thinking of um out of curiosity so Dell right catherick Shield's pretty good The adment Shield's pretty good yeah okay I don't I don't think we need to keep that Shield plus three something caught your ey then careful most of my Wares can take an eye right out probably one on using these brain drain gloves either no all right good all my wear love using Deadshot for carlac just to improve well that's true because if it's in her secondary slot she still benefits from it right right things stay even while she's not wielding it I'm not sure I think that's the case with the in balers Gate 3 take ey right out we might have sold this but it's actually not that expensive so we should just buy it throw it in here replace heral then I could probably sell Herold hand crossbow plus one yeah these we can sell as well deal damage or be baned I mean that's still kind of cool no the stver baby M yes I think I put it in the um the camp uh box that I wouldn't accidentally sell it or something like that wonder if the gods are watching me looks like this spear plus one wouldn't actually be theft out of my face fine um let's go to camp no I'm sure there's tons more items I could be dumping here usually I do inventory management in between episodes um yeah let's end the day does anyone want to talk to us nope we're not cool all right oh man in my game today my honor mode game I actually had a um an Auto Select that selected exactly 80 out of 80 I know apparently it can happen I'm shocked okay it's a stack of 19 potatoes here that's now [Music] say I don't know if I can fast travel right to worm's Rock because it is the danger zone apparently I can the honor mode save for some reason takes a lot longer to load I don't know why okay let's do all our booths we're going going to freedom of movement on oh let me do my summons first uh us and HRA Elemental water midan go what's next [Music] Aid is oh yeah down here these are my PRS um up the maximum I don't cast Aid with anyone else do I I guess I'm just thinking when uh Shadow heart was a cleric it was getting cast at a really high level let's get on with it let's do it I mean she doesn't have as many spell slots but I think it's still worthwhile 15 HP on everyone ain't bad um she may as well cast speak with animals ritual she likes the aminals all right d Freedom Movement on yourself on aarion on carlac Shadow heart has a ring Fort so she doesn't need it Dell will speak with animals Dell will ritual cast long Strider on everyone we are in a natural recovery a level four spell [Music] slot trying to remember all the things here I think we like do some things with some items to regain our spells as well um carlac we have a another Colossus Elixir yeah let's just give you one of those I like my big lady and then for aarion um I wonder what it looks to we give him I think I just gave him a blood lust last time I could just give him a random resistance one uh you know what we could give him the Elixir viciousness just for the crit range I still have carlac selected that's not what I wanted just drink that and then for the other two I'll just do Arcane cultivation here's an extra level one spell slot for you and actually maybe I won't even bother with Dell not going to do much oh Soul coin I think we have a bunch Bank too uh the increased size I don't believe that has an effect on Armor class in this game never a dull moment I don't think it hasn't changes um Swift as my feet can carry me I don't think it changes right reach in this game either there was like shield now still breathing we're fine so from here where are we going where down to the hall to find a way forward up through here need a pre-flight checklist yes exactly spoilers the auto deploy uh position leads on packs off so we got that there's some side doors but we I mean we're I think we're fairly like Mission focused here should mind my step big door over there oh there's one over here that's open oh that's goes outside to not a whole heck of a lot let's see where does this go somewhere we don't have a key really funny is no joke but I have such a headache ah a back way into the throne room how interesting oh and it's open here it's not open the other side so that oh no it is okay time to press ahead there's a little upper area over here just for you know I guess people to go and clean the windows all right where the hell do I go this just going to leave me back the there are a couple of side doors in the throne room so I guess it's that breathe deep and move there we go up at the stairs the taking another outside area light on my feet huh watch how you go there's a trap what is it think I remember that that right click uh false movement in trouble navigating this area too oh dear someone's left a trap out for us I mean we could walk around these presumably and they're only stun they don't do damage we can just wait them out okay this is an excessive amount of traps I guess we could probably avoid them if we're not walking directly in the middle but there's another little vent there I'm wondering if that's the sign of the traps oh the other's only the one was next to a vent or drain I suppose be careful there are traps about it's not like balers gate one and two where we're getting XP for doing this although all our characters are level 12 now they're all we're all max level we don't get any any more XP we could check these Trunks and things but I'm not really expecting anything really value oh bomb's nice big old door oh dear someone's left a trap out for us is it underneath the body oh it's right there knock knock F someone up there oh we're getting an auto save that always tells you you're going to a good place now the question is what point do we easy just strike first and ask questions later we assume everyone here is compromised I mean I think a staring is very much in the favor of yep yep let's assume everyone here is against us is this even a door it is not okay I want to pull this rope I want to see this receipt for a painting let's see here receipt uh recent receipt fee paid for a full length portrait of the god Bane with a side note and gort's PR handwriting now he is doubly immortal failed coup I like how carlac is stealthing while she's huge and on fire all right there's Gordy yeah okay so we're going to assume everyone here is bad I kind of expect a um a dialogue here it might be annoyingly a mandatory dialogue now what we could do I love the lighting in here what we could do is leave a bunch of people out here just dgroup Dell and he could walk in and do that it might mean we lose the opportunity of having other people contribute snark to the dialogue but it might mean that they can start the battle stealth and on their own timing or it's possible everyone's going to get pulled into the dialogue regardless which we've seen happen before Shadow best be on my way all right we we got to give them a chance to monologue I'm not just going to open with an attack spell although we could consider if things go badly that we're going to you know cuz realistically why would we ever not just sneak attack these guys but we I need to give the villain a chance to monologue come on let carlac speak with him oh you're right carlac should really be in there you know what more than me more than Dell I wonder if I cast haste and sentrin right away that would be the ideal cuz Delle can cast something else in round one of combat don't burn yourself dealth her I've got a long road ahead quickly Haster now run in go go go go go go go it's your moment Carly um there it is oh she looks so good once more carac pitiful bring your leader if you wish to speak to me I don't waste time on flunking you [ __ ] heal I can't wait to kill you not if I kill you first oh okay this city is hang on we have to compare and contrast hang on I need to see what happens when we walk in with Dell instead right so carlac doesn't get a dialogue w w or doesn't get a monologue um I'm worried that I can't open with haste depending on the timing well if I'm quick enough as soon as the conversation ends this timer is going to go the timer might be going while the conversation is going as well if she's not in it okay then what I'm going to do then is I'm going to bring in with Dell cuz they'll both be in the conversation so the haste timer with her will be paused don't risk being in open view okay let's do that uh K all right let's go the through it's hard to keep a good woman down isn't it car I don't know you managed it for a solid decade now we getting it I never me to harm you dear merely to help you realize your vast potential you sent me to the hells you let zarel take why couldn't this have happened when she was alone as though any of it was yours he's not even talking to me the greater good carac something I wouldn't expect you to understand you feel no regret do you all right how about fear I like the slow zoom in on her right now you do quite misunderstand I've already made a deal with your companion we you thought each other do we know um never mind that Gort we've heard all we need from the likes of you unless I'm misreading this this is what I want to go this like like no there there's no deal I could just say nothing and let them keep bantering what do we think I think one is where we want to go just to get more more evil banter but if I say two is that better because it just lets um carlac continue it got to a couple votes in chat for two but the poll is definitely in favor of one you should be able to click on your screen by the way all right never mind that gach we've heard all we need from the likes of you you ought to reconsider divided the Elder brain will create an elth arm me yourself in okay we're going to kill the other brain too together unless you're on mobile no vot's on mobile I'm sorry you feel wronged by how things ended between us all those years ago but now we must look to the Future such such a gaslighting [ __ ] oh friends but that wasn't it you sold her into slavery to a devil I respected you it was my job to protect you and that's what I did oh yeah if you use Apple TV to watch and PC just chat that's true too I didn't recognize evil when I saw it when you turned on me I was too dumb struck to realize what was happening no way he'd hurt me I thought he betrayed me for reasons I still don't quite understand but I suppose evil has no real cause it just is until it isn't why did I even have to be in this conversation you're going to burn this place down good yeah look at the smile on Dell H say goodbye C carlac stop this you're burning too hot no no no no get out of here while you can Gort no say goodbye Gort no you have to stop her do it now I mean if she explodes and kills us all that will be somewhat inconvenient did you just burble yourself all right what you got going on here sh resistance as immunity to thunder damage resistance to physical and Elemental for one turn extra bonus action 3 meters movement speed while is within 3 meters of the force curtain one turn remaining which I'm assuming keeps refreshing itself deranged Force curtain deranged malfunctioning malfunctioning Force curtain is making gorach vulnerable to Elemental damage [Music] and there's a Micro Drone so hold on let's kill this one let's let this one get applied and he might still get some defensive stuff but be vulnerable to Elemental we really don't do Elemental damage that's not really what any of our builds are based on so unfortunately Carly doesn't have initiative which is too bad Dell does miran's good as well and then we can bring in our other folks into combat over here um I mean I don't think there's anything actually very fancy to do with Shadow heart she's just going to run in and smite things so she can probably just go ahead and do that watch for that grenade you can throw it back it's funsies oh which probably does Elemental damage um and if we're raging with her she could just toss so we could rage toss the grenade although currently he's resistant to Elemental damage cuz the the busted one is not currently in effect do we have levers no these are the incineration casters not sure we have any levers we can control let's have some fun now round one I mean I think we take out his his flunkies first before him I mean he's got tons of hit points and he's going to be shielded all the time I think reducing the damage makes sense um booping some of these incineration casters might also make a a lot of sense we're already hidden although that's a little unnecessary for round one we could start things off with an ining strike since we don't care like it's going to matter a little bit I don't know if we snare one of these guys to start things off that actually does seem like a pretty good [Music] thing I can drink some speed potions too we might oh not I don't know if that counted as like sneak attack opener though or just a spell need to press on W we'll have to go to however go to the um ins snared person cuz we should maintain advantage and yeah let's assume we're going to go and unload with Divine SM instantly hungry for the slaughter yeah he he he's still got to move certainly got that you still you do have your bonus action I'm wondering if we can just have him full attack kill this guy and then use the bonus action to hide rather than do a Hunter's Mark this turn I think is what I'm going to try [Music] [Music] here [Music] yeah now I'm not sure that's going to work out so I will drop the hunter oh [ __ ] hell why is this not like solasta where it tells you when you're going to do something that's going to break your own concentration why why why Ah that's so frustrating um I'm not going to use paralyzing critical that guy only has three hit points left Dell no choice but to keep going why don't you plan on doing some magic Missile stuff over here ah it's so frustrating just level one I mean unless D should do something else there's another guy over here I don't know getting the smooth little kill on this guy makes a lot of sense just the level one version unless are these things vulnerable to force [Music] damage okay they are not resistance to force damage although it feels fairly unlikely that we'll get a kill but if I were to go and do the maximum level magic Missile hit this guy for one even if it doesn't kill him our our thing will proc and all the rest of them actually I should check specifically on this one but no and just drop eight damage oh hold on you're sturdy I can't magic Missile you because of sturdy dang it that would have been a swell way to do this okay probably just a level one magic Missile then finish that guy off and then just drop some damage on someone random and Dell is maintaining concentration so he wants to get out of attack range cuz we don't want to uh break things on Carly so I'm move back here I don't think we'll be slow down covered by either of these two things there's theoretically some line of sight but there's really no way to avoid it I mean that's not true I can temp to flight into a corner oh there's some dudes over here too right if I just go put myself over here that should keep our haste nice and secure so meanwhile I wonder oh it's still 100% % chance to hit make it hurt a Oh no I got it this one was only eight H Point hit points good okay now we're all clustered around the grenade oh there's another one over [Music] there get there I could action search and actually hold on I've got more more [ __ ] I could be doing here oh I didn't realize that [Music] also apparently is turning to face [Music] him it's been mentioned that the grenade throw we're we're hoping to do that with carlac and right now he is um he's resistant to all the unal damage but that will change in a scooch still just 55% to [Music] hit I'm not sure that the best use of our aent surge on uh staring is that they're not actually immune to piercing it was a it's a slightly misleading tool tip they're immune to damage that is less than 10 they're resist they are resistant at piercing but it was same I mean unless this one is different but no it's just it's just very resistant and then you have to hit it for at least 10 so um Teran has to have a high damage rle the damage so you can't do a [Music] throw
Channel: quill18
Views: 1,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: isERnJEylaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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