Words of Wisdom Pt.2 | Pastor Hart Ramsey

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for the last couple of times I've been live here I've been dealing with this topic of just sharing fatherly wisdom you know this past Sunday was Father's Day and it just came on my heart to just kind of share with you on the wisdom that I've shared with my kids and spiritual children over the years um and I believe that it's gonna be a blessing to you um go ahead and do this when we go to share share this start a watch party what are you gonna do um to get people involved I want them to partake of this wisdom today I believe it's gonna be a blessing before we get started let's pray father we love you today and we thank you for just the access that we have to you access is huge we understand O God that whoever approaches you the Bible said that we're blessed and able to approach unto you you said to come boldly to the throne of grace though we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need and so the father here we are our hearts are open my ears are open we desire to understand what thus saith the Spirit of God so speak to us God we're listening and we trust your God to give us exactly what we need in Jesus name Amen and amen all right so I want to begin again as I said I want to pick up and when we left off just give me the wisdom of God as it relates to how I perceive life from the Word of God I've been walking with the Lord for about 38 years and in ministry for 37 of those 38 years and out of that comes a lot of information today I'm going to share some things with you that I believe will change your life in problems chapter one and verse eight the Bible says my child listen when your father corrects you don't neglect your mother's instruction give me a home official standard I want to show you this from different translations again just to set it up because I believe this is important it says my son listen or listen my son rather to your father's instruction and don't reject your mother's teaching the word instruction and the word arm of teaching here in the King James I believe all the terms instructions and law or instruction and law and why this is important is because in the Hebrew these words have really really poignant meanings one is instruction is correction based on lived experience and a lot of people who claim to be experts at different things they claim to know what they're talking about but nothing trains you and teaches you like having lived through something a matter of fact I believe that there's certain parts of the Word of God that will not make sense to you until you have actually obeyed the Lord and been in the pressure of the situation to arm to experience what the Word of God feels like in real time so this work instruction of your father is wisdom of your father gift to you based on what he's going through um because there are no perfect father's in Scripture the only perfect father in Scripture is God from Genesis to Revelation then that means the father's experience is going to be um I would say tainted but I would say arm it is on or ornamented by successes and failures that means your father's instruction to you will come from a place of this is what I did and this have a one or this is what I did in this how I lost and this our recovered so there's good information to know um so you won't fall into the same pitfalls and then though it speaks of the law of your mother the waters Torah which means the rules of the guidelines I assume I like to use this term guard guard lines or guard rails um that you were raised with these are things that your mothers would say to you that she probably got from her parents and she would give them to you as kind of values to live by the Bible says do not forsake or do not reject them when you get to a place when you believe you're old enough to make decisions on your own in proverbs chapter three and verse one I'm just setting this up before we go and I just like to give you the the preliminaries this is my child never forget the things I've taught you store my commands in your heart verse two says uh if you do this you will live many years and your life will be satisfying now I want to share something with you because I believe this this is worth saying when I was studying the Bible years ago while my heard noted Bible teachers say that the book of Proverbs literally means the book of probabilities and when I heard that I liked all the probabilities and he was saying that he says his line of thinking was that oh they're specific things in the Bible for example in the book of trouble it says train up a child in the way he must go and when he is old he will not depart from it well many of you have raised children in in the way they must go or the way you thought they should go and they did apart from it so so the Bible of the promise that God gives you there is the this is the probable outcome of you doing this now of course the human will is involved but God is pushing them in the direction that he promised it's up to the person especially the promise or the proverb is about a person it's gonna be up to the person to all comply with God and ultimately submit to what God wants so it says here if you do these things if you if you take this wisdom that's given to you about your father these guidelines and guardrails that your mother instilled in you it says the wisdom of this is it tends to a satisfying life and who doesn't want to have a satisfying life so I want to add this to what I shared on Wednesday evening is that God gives wisdom to us through various sources and I want to kind of get you to take notes of this I go kind of fast I'm going to try to take my time today um God gives us wisdom through various sources number one the Holy Spirit illuminating the Word of God when God wants to give wisdom to us God will have us matter of fact I believe that you should have a set Bible study time and then when there when you have downtime for any reason have scriptures that you're studying or passage of Scripture you're studying they always go back to and finish up getting revelation on because not the number one way that we receive wisdom from God is through the illumination of the Holy Spirit in the Word of God now I want you to be careful of this be careful of walking around day-to-day without reading your word and then hearing something in your heart and saying the Holy Spirit told me a lot of times you have to be careful the different voices there's there's the voice of there's my own voice first of all my own thoughts and then there's the seductive voice that would be in my ear and there's the voice of the Holy Spirit I have to be able to discern between the three the voice of me my flesh the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voice of course um of seduction this is important for you to discern that so you could know in the Holy Spirit is speaking to you and so I suggest that you always go to the Word of God and let the Holy Spirit kind of zoom in on the scripture and an axe for understanding let him give you wisdom from that number two is we get we gain wisdom from parental guidance um sometimes is good if you have parents that are wise you have parents that know the Lord or even parents that know life you call them and ask them for their perspective you may not always take their perspective but at least that balance is what you're thinking what you're seeing there's the voice of parental guidance then number three wisdom comes to us through counselors now this counseling on wisdom is a broad base and I want to talk just for a minute about that wisdom will come to you through counselors and that includes trusted leaders trusted family members trusted friends notice now you can see this this adjective trusted before everyone trusted that means that when I say trusted that means they have a track record of wisdom be careful of people trying to advise you about things that they've never experienced be careful of that the reason for that is because um people will stand from their safe place and tell you how you are doing such and such or you should have done something and they never even attempt it so you need to be careful to make sure these people have a track record that can be trusted trusted leaders trusted family members you know if you're married and you seeking counsel it's I mean I understand you have a single girlfriend but if I heard I said I'll just leave him she ain't got a man okay so you gotta be careful um taking wisdom from people that are not in your situation that have never been in your shoes trusted friends trusted counselors there are times when you need a therapist amen now when I see a therapist I'm somewhat a person that has that is trained it understands how the body and the emotions and the mind work and they could help you work through what I call the peripheral issues issues that seem to be overwhelming or overextending your present base of knowledge you need someone who's trained in counseling okay um before you say well my pastor counsels me if you're past that does not have a constant degree he does not counsel you he gives you spiritual guidance and there's a difference we can give spiritual guidance but if we don't have a counselor if you're not training counseling most most ministers don't have counsel counsel okay so you are trusted counselors or trusted teachers people who you've submitted to them it may be and I hate to use this term life coaches that that's a whole another topic but but and there's some legitimate ones but some out there who try and tell you what to do because they don't do it themselves I want to speak to that but that's a real thing and so the number four for us or number three for us is council we councils a way to get wisdom and then number four is a life experiences god will give us wisdom through our own life experiences if you go through a life experience especially if it's distasteful and you come out of it without the lesson you have robbed yourself you have tricked yourself you have cheated yourself if nothing else he we didn't get the money if you didn't get the relationship if you didn't get anything as get the lesson take it with you and build upon it so from there as we deal with this topic of wisdom today and and how a father's wisdom or people's wisdom can be a blessing to you I want to pick up now and and I want to try to get at least seven in today okay seven in 49 minutes not if I can't do it then actually more than this I think you have about 49 minutes and if I could do it praise God if not today we'll see what happens so the first one I want to begin with is is a simple lesson don't let anyone control the way you see yourself do not let anyone control the way you see yourself and I'm going to tell you something when you go out into the world most times when we got into the world we don't know who we are I remember leaving the Virgin Islands or in 1979 I was rushing to Miami or to catch the birth of my first child and I and I left home and I was pretty secure and what I did I was a prodigy musician I was in a band and that's my one family had a family that loved me I come I went to Miami and when I got there the world was so different and people were thrown off by my the language I was speaking I was actually speaking a dialect it's by part way a dialect of English that they couldn't understand and so I find myself trying to learn America English but trying to fit in and the danger of trying to fit it is sometimes you become or you seek to become someone that's acceptable and not something that is all that someone is authentic your authentic self is more important than you accept itself and here's a reason why because if you start changing who you are shape-shifting based on the crowd you're trying to assimilate into the problem is if every time you go into a new crowd into a new scenario you have to change who you are again I like I just like to think that you just be your authentic self and people who are for you will accept you and the ones that are not just won't okay but it's a lesson I had to learn over the years so reject every rejection that was intended to damage you God will use rejection to direct you rejection it's in God's arm point of view is direction and sometimes protection but also um the enemy will use rejection to try to damage your soul to try to get you to think less of yourself I'll try to get you to try to arm to compromise who God has created you to be so that you could be accepted by others so I want to say this to you regardless of what you go through what God is what happens to you part of the wisdom I give to people is never give up on yourself regardless of how you may have disappointed others or yourself never give up on yourself I want to show you a story this is the story of David so David is running from Salt he has all these people traveling with him um that they call his mighty men when they came to him the Bible says they were the people indebted they were discouraged or they were discontent they came to the cave of our deulim and in the cave of our do LOM David taught them how to worship he taught them how to fight um they became they went from becoming the scoundrels of society they becoming a mighty army and David let him in different places as he was running from Saul but they were given a piece of property it was called Ziklag a city called Ziklag by a Philistine King and the Bible says that all when when Debbie was kind of found out that he was playing two sides of the story or two two sides against the middle um they went or somewhere to I guess on an ambush and when they came back from their raid a group people come and burnt Ziklag to the ground now they'd left their wives and their children they left all the house one that goes there but this this band of Raiders came in they didn't kill anyone but they kidnap everyone but they burned the city to the ground and and you have to understand his men had just marched about 80 miles back from where they were coming it doesn't long track I think it took him about three days to get there and when they finally got home tired and beat up they come to say clack and his burned down and the Bible says when David and his men saw the ruins and realized what had happened to their families verse 4 it says they wept until they could weep no more no I don't have you've ever been there where were you or your heart is so broken that you cry until they just you know your tears just dry up there's nothing left on your numb there's nothing left to feel and the Bible says David's two wives a he know him and jazz are from Jezreel and Abigail they would have neighbor from Camp Carmel where among those captured verse 6 says David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters and they began to talk of stoning him now here's what happens to David um these people are experiencing hardship in life because they're following a man who they have heard from his mouth and from the others who knew that he had been anointed to be king some years ago some and some years ago Samuel came to him and noted him to be king but now he's running from Saul and they they were kind of gambling or bargaining that one day he would become king what they didn't know was that day was through only three days away but here they were they come back to the clackers burnt to the ground and they thinking if listen let's just stall him go back and get pardon from Saul and we'll be good but the Bible says something about says what David found his strength of the Lord switch this now to all another translation I want to show them what this last part said because many of you know this I'll give me King James if you don't mind because I believe the King James may be better than the Holman Christian right here this is what I'm looking for the Bible says but David encouraged himself in the Lord he encouraged himself in the Lord world next verse um we're gonna talk about encouraging yourself in a minute and David said be eight of the priests a him Alex son I pray thee bring me head of the ephod and I be ever brought it off theater the e-40 David look at verse 8 I didn't plan to read as much but might as well and David inquired at the Lord saying shall I pursue after this troop shall I overtake them and he answered pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all the Bible says what happened saves that David he caught it not only does he encouraged himself in the Lord I want to tell you what it's about but he calls for the priest mom he didn't person he did not take it upon himself to pray with himself he called for the priests against the ephod and he asked the priest to kind of label with him what he sought the Lord and he uses uses the Urim and the Thummim and I wish I time to explain what those stones were but by the these two stones God will either answer yes or no and the Bible says that David asks simple questions of the Lord shall I pursue these these people they took our families the Lord says yes pursue and David say okay well I overtake them because I'm not gonna pursue you could tell me to pursue what's gonna happen in God says you without fail recover all he got the wisdom of God to do what needed to be done but it began with him encouraging himself in the Lord when people are talking about stoning you when people are judging you for failure because you disappointed disappointed in you you can listen you could take it in you can even have a moment where you're a down but you cannot allow that to change the way you see yourself do not allow people to label you a failure because you failed do not allow people to tell you that you're invincible when you know you're not do not allow people to push you up or further than you then you know you should be listen do not allow anyone to control the way you see yourself always have a measured and tempered vision of who you are trust your mirror God is there anointing in mirror to show you exactly who you are okay now that's number one number two is I have so much on here that let me take a simple one if you burn a bridge for every infraction committed against you you will soon have no bridges left to make progress with now this is a simple one and I tell people this all the time don't be so quick to burn bridges sometimes getting to your future or requires bridges because there are no left like look at the situation that we're in right now a lot of the roads the main highways I'm speaking figuratively now in in metaphors I'm not talking my literal roads outside I'm talking about um some of the open doors that you had in your life are now closed and most of the people who are succeeding right now is succeeding because of the connections they have I want you to understand this I'm sometimes getting - your future will require that you have a bridge you're going to need people I speak of bridges I'm talking about people or and relate your relationship with people the bridges are connections listen to this definition bridges are connections from one solid situation to another solid situation okay sometimes your life will be fluid that their time when your life is going to be fluid when Norn or got on the ark he was in a fluid situation for quite a long time and when it was time for him to get back into a solid situation he didn't rush into it he took his time he said that birds to make sure that that the ground was dry and it was solid and it could handle him you're going to need a bridge trust me you're gonna need someone when Paul before he became thought he was still solved he first got saved um he was fighting for the Lord but people remembered what he had done now what is not so he had he had the Christians who he persecuted who afraid of him he had the Jews who he represented who am not mad at him and every time you preach there would be a big stir and so that the church had to let him down over a wall in a basket so he could escape but when it was time for him to be re-acclimated or readmitted into society the Bible says that Barnabas went and got him and brought him to the church in Antioch Barnabas became his bridge and it was Barnabas who got him brought to Antioch he taught there for a year or so and his ministry got legs his ministry took wings why because he had a bridge Barnabas was his bridge don't be so quick to burn bridges I said this on Wednesday evening I want to repeat this everyone that comes into your life will have a measure of imperfection that something is gonna be wrong with them the only thing you should require of them and I believe this is important is is that they acknowledge that they're flawed I think it's important for a person to know that they've Flor it's a difficult thing to try to hold a mirror up in front of a person that I don't think we should be in relationships where we all have to keep telling people the Florida I love to be around self-aware people one of the worst things to me it's being a relationship with the person that's not self-aware and every time I'm a flaw or one of their for us has to be brought to the open you have to tell them about it now they think that all you do is find fault but no it's like if you can't tell what's wrong then someone got to tell you you got it so I think you should require a person to be self-aware enough and sensitive enough about themselves and others where they could tell it listen I'm not perfect but I'm working I'm at or I'm growing you got it and once that's the case and if the person messes up let's say you have to take a minute to kind of get yourself together I understand that but I'm gonna share something with you that's important every relationship that's a long-term has gone through seasons of challenge do not ever enter into relationship with people who do fragile relationship if the relationship could go through is a simple thing and it falls apart it's not even worth it best friends are not chosen they are born they are born through the worst seasons of life they're born through adversity so if you have a best friend it means that you've been to hell and back together it means that you know things about each other you've seen each other naked miss not literally and sometimes it is literally you know you know everything about the person but you love them nonetheless that's the best friend okay if every time something goes left in a situation you ready to throw people away you're gonna grow old alone and be miserable take my take my word for that I understand this I know what I'm talking about there's some relationships I could look back at some people that are literally time I was done and when I looked back about five years later I said you know what that was not not that was not a big deal as you made it and then are there other people when they show you who you are you believe them you trust them you tell you thanking for the lessons learned and you go on but be discerning enough to know the difference okay now number three you need a crew okay now I know it sounds simple enough but you need a crew you need people who pull you up you need others who push you forward now I'm not you need I learned this from dr. Ivy Hill you pullers and you need pushers you need pullers and he pushes water pullers and pushes okay so let me help you out a polar is someone you look up to that as you climb the ladder of life with a lot of success they're there to pull you up now in order for puller to know who you are and to honor what you're about the puller has to listen I unlocked the Pulis potential in my life by honoring them not by criticizing them not by coming around competing with them I listen I honor them sometimes you sew into them when the Bible says a man's gift will make room for him and bring before great men he's not talking about the gift you have he saw about the gift you give they gift a man's gift the gift that I give draws attention to me you got it no what you said well I'm buying relationship it's not a buying of relationship it's a principal of Honor and if you're not wise enough to know how that works then I need you to go back and read on first angle chapter one I want you to read about how Saul became king and how when he needed wisdom unto his father's donkeys word he went to send him but the man the young man was solved solved him he said listen from this honorable man a prophet nearby but we have nothing to give him because the order was you came he brought a gift and the gift was to honor the gift in the person the gift you gave to the person literally drew it out of them you got it oh it's a principle of nature that you that you and you want to pull in your life if you want someone who is already established to even look in your direction you honor it is I have no money it doesn't have any money it could be service you could come and serve a lot of people who work for me now who a ministry will be now served first before I even knew them I discovered them through their service I was discovered through my service you got it not through resume or me boasting the bragging it's through my service the gift I gave you need a crew you need pullers number two you need pushers and someone is pulling you up watch this now you need someone behind you that's so hot on your heels that they're literally pushing you forward so if you have a puller and you have a pusher you can't help but make progress the many people is all you ever pull a but no pusher now I want to explain for the people who are 40 and older because when you hear pushing you think drug I talking about your drug dealer okay I gotta push it no no no that's not what we talked about well I talked about you I mean you never push it I'm you ever heard of her before yeah my cruel hate about your window or pushes y'all use the drugs okay don't answer that but but but a pusher is a person who is hot on your heels while someone is mentoring you you're mentoring someone else when someone is teaching you you're teaching someone else that balance keeps you humble as a student and what just not and keeps you engaged as a teacher you as you learn it you teach it and what it does it gives you it gives you the ability to live it that works um in in different order but we'll talk about it another time okay so you need a crew you need people who pull you need people who push you and it's important that they are with you for you listen to me your crew has to be with you for you there's nothing worse than having a crew with you that's only with you for what they could get and once you see that you have a crew around you that me you know good is all about them i'ma help you out do not prolong it that's that's the time that you say yo I don't want our relationship and other times watch it's not other times you have to discern that you may be there to serve them loaves and fishes you have to discern that but in certain seasons the cruellest smith you have to be with you for you they have to know that them serving with you or serving you is gonna benefit them a lot of stuff I learned in life I learned from my service serving others gives you proximity and nothing beats proximity proximity is just another word for access it gives you access to certain places that you will never had the ability to go where you're not carrying a briefcase where you're not toting a keyboard or something I learned a lot from people I got closed up and behind the scenes to some really really incredible people through service through just being a part of the crew okay so I want to give you scriptures to go along with this because this is this seems to be a challenge sometimes for people go to proverbs chapter 13 and verse 20 probably up to 30 verse 20 here's what it says and says walk with the wise and become wise associate with fools and you will get in trouble walk with the wise and become wise if you associate with fools you know here's the prop someone told me the other day in social media the Bible says you shouldn't call a personal fool listen to me beloved if the Bible says that there are people that are fools you better know that they out there they're wise people you got it there people with the Bible call simple and then there are fools okay they just fooled now I'm gonna share how this works much of who you will become and what you will accomplish is directly connected listen to this to the energy and the conversation you experience with those connected to you listen to I said the energy in the conversation say I don't believe in energy I see it not that's where you that's where you misunderstanding your Christian beliefs let me take my energy there is a thing called negative energy everything that come out their mouth is negative they have nothing good to say about nobody all they do want me to talk about people you do not need that cruel you need your crew needs to be invested in ideas York you need to be invested in strategy your crew needs to be about what are we gonna do how we gonna solve the problem listen to me you need fault finders in your circle I'm gonna tell you why you need for finders you need fault finders because a fault finders nothing but an immature problem solver but the benefit of having a fault finder and I don't suggest you eliminate them or quickly it's because they normally acquit they anointed to find fault so they're gonna tell you the things that's wrong with you especially the stuff that you don't know so you use that but you want to make sure your fault finders are on their way to becoming problem solvers okay the Bible says there if I if my crew involves wise people I'm looking for wise people I want thinkers I want feelers I want strategizes I want I want people are kind of creative I want I want people who want to be something don't listen the worst thing you can do is go back to the block you came from go back to your own neighborhood and try to try to hang out with people listen I'm not saying that you're better than them I'm saying if you want to really help them maybe you can't hang out with them I have to walk wise people the Bob says walk with the wise and become wise I want to change one word walk too with the wise to become wise if listen do your best to be hanging around wise people and let me tell you something wisdom wisdom does not come in age that's that's gonna be one of the things I'm talk about today wisdom does not come with age wisdom comes with a commitment to be wise a commitment to be better than you are so number one is under under this topic of you need a crew is much of who you will become and what you accomplish is directly connected to the energy and to the conversation you experience but those are you connected to okay number the second thing I want to show you is that everyone can't build with you everyone cannot build with you there are some people that are not qualified to build with you in is reach apt to four verse one I want to read three verses of this everyone can't be with you the Bible says that the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were rebuilding a temple to the Lord the God of Israel look at verse truth and the Bible says so they approach the room Erbil and the other leaders and said let us build with you for we worship your God just as you do we have sacrificed to him ever since King extra-high Asha had on of Assyria brought us here look at verse three and the Bible says but zerubabbel Yeshua and other leaders of Israel replied his mother says you may have no part in this work you say let us build with you they said no you can't build with us he said we alone will build a temple for the Lord the God of Israel just as King Cyrus of Persia commanded us here's what he said you can't be with us why there's a reason for it he says man listen everybody's not qualified the ability and their whole thing was um the whole thing is we are we worship the same God you worship let's do what you're doing and NATO only be follow this story what you're gonna find is when they tell him you can't build then the same crew who said let us build with you try to stop them from building try to sabotage what they were doing that was in their heart the whole time so be careful everyone is not qualified to build with you to dream if you stop telling your business plans to people you meet with randomly stop posting what you're gonna do on social media stuff listen move in silence that way listen I know a story family member one time who was gonna start a bridal shop and meet everyone everyone should miss you say oh I'm gonna start about a shop she told us one lady I'm looking at miss this store downtown you know the lady did the lady went down to the people that owned the building and rented the building before she could get it when she went out they said we just rented to another person the family was like oh my god so few months later driving by the lady that rent it was one of her friends that she told about the business too so instead of a rider shopping became a thrift shop be careful who you tell your dreams to everyone does not qualify to be with you number three under you need a crew is pay attention to people's hearts pay attention there listen their words will always reveal their hearts the Bible says Jesus said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks your mouth is the overflow valve of your heart whatever your heart is full of it comes out your mouth every one of us and here's what the Bible says in the book of James in the book of James chapter 3 the Bible says literally that our tongues really I like a fight it says no one can tame the tongue listen to that no one can tame the tongue and and in that context it speaks something differently but I want to show you it from this light the reason that God has it set up or we can't tame our tongues is because God wants to make sure that people could always tell what's in your heart by what your what your tongue is saying how many of you understand that you got it okay so this is important um pay attention to people's hearts look at Acts chapter 8 verse 18 so so Philip goes down to Samaria he preaches the gospel to the city of Samaria and the box of the whole city gets saved even Simon the sorcerer he was local or warlock or magician whatever you want to call him and literally in the in the Greek he was the dope dealer because it the word warlock or the world are on a saucer in the Greek means of is the word pharmakeia which is in which in the legal term is a pharmacist well what's an illegal pharmacist call a drug dealer so yeah so you know we're going from pusher to Who am I speaking to today we're doing drugs this is for you your drug dealer is you then he's your pharmacist okay we'll deal with that later again in another topic that we're dealing with the Bible says in acts 8 and 18 when Simon saw that the spirit was given let me get over here when Simon saw that the spirit was I was given when the Apostles laid their hands on the people he offered them money to buy their power look at verse 19 verse 19 says um let me have this power - he gets exclaim so that when I lay my hands on people they will receive the Holy Spirit but look at look at the response that Peter gave in verse 20 but Peter replied say may your money be destroyed with you for thinking God's gift can be bought and he goes to verse 21 here's what he says he says you can have no part in this and here's what he said he said you can't build with us you can't you can't serve God with us you can't do you can't role that you can be a part of our crew in his way he says for your heart is not right with God listen to me beloved hearts are important when you're picking your crew when you're picking you crew pay attention to people's hearts I don't care if they're not skilled I don't listen I don't care I don't care if they're poor I don't get nothing should disqualify them but their hearts I don't if they have them if they have good money and a bad heart emphasize the bad heart it's about I need the money listen to me right now you need to understand something that scripture that says as a man thinking his heart so is he it's talking about a wrist atomic eating at the table of rich people the context of that scripture is sitting out with a rich person and they tell you eat all you want you but in their heart they be grudging it so if a person is even blessing you financially and their hearts are wrong it's gonna come back to bite you in the long run the Bible is a wise book one more scripture as it relates to your crew because this is important because people are wrecking themselves in the wrong circles form a circle of people who are skilled and engaged notice what I said form a circle of people communion City I told you I want out the theme or the other our our motto for communion city is circles don't have sides circles don't have size and we're the reason that's important is because if you if you say these people in my it means that these people are equals you may be the leader but you are chief among equals they're not only you they're not working for you know we equals there's a chief the guard always has a chief among equals but we are equals now I'm gonna show you this in Isaiah chapter 41 verse 5 verses 5 through 7 it's a very interesting passage of scripture you don't ever hear people talk about this but I want you to form a circle people who are skilled and engaged because because the people are skilled and engaged will not encourage you here's what the Bible says it says the island see and they're afraid the ends of the earth tremble they approach and arrive verse 6 as this each one helps the other give me King James I want to show you something in the King James I think it says um they helped each everyone his neighbor give me a New Living Translation I just want keeps showing different angles of this because here's the thing it says that in this case its opponent to automaker's I'm not sure at this time my automakers but it says the item occurs encourage one another that's that's one because they encourage one another good arm back to Holman Christian I want to show you this these scriptures in this context each one helps the other one says to the other one take courage look at verse 7 it says the craftsmen encourages the metalworker the one who flattens the hammer or supports the one who strikes the with the anvil this is important to have a circle people who encourage each other who speak to who they know what you're doing they understand what you're doing so listen man you could do this you continue to do all the watches now they don't do what you do I got people in my circle right now I'm gonna tell you this right now that I have people in my circle who called me say hey what you doing they in the music industry how's the church going when y'all going back and met pastor listen we want you to keep your courage because we need you I got I got people who are in business they'll call me up and say man listen I need I need your PayPal or whatever because I want to sort you I want to encourage you because I'm someone my family listens to you you need a server former circle people who are stealing engaged and know how to encourage okay now I want to go to my next point I hope this is blessing you because if not then this one is going to certainly offend you this is the most this number four number four okay listen to this one it's gotta be be conscious of the people in your life who add to you in one area but drain you in several other areas be conscious of the people in your life who add to you in one area but they drain you in several other areas or divide your focus your allegiance to God orange are your resources I want to say it again be conscious of the people in your life who add to you in one area they benefit in one area but then they drain you to become a deficit in several other areas by dividing your focus or compromising your allegiance to God or draining your resources they always need but they never give to you now let me show you why this is important let's look at the scriptures first and then I'll talk about this in mark chapter 8 verse 27 everyone knows this story mark chapter 8 and verse 27 I'm from the New Living Translation mark chapter 8 the Bible says Jesus went out with his disciples Jesus Jesus and His disciples left Galilee and went up to the villages near Caesarea Philippi as they were as they were walking along he asked them who do people say I am you know everyone knows a story about how look at verse 28 um it says well they replied some say John the Baptist some say Elijah and others say you are one of the prophets verse 29 then he asked them but who do you say I am and the Bible says Peter replied you are the Messiah now let me show us critical about this Peter is the person in Jesus life above all others who has a revelation of who Jesus is he understands who Jesus is later on you know Jesus saw him and flesh and blood did not reveal this to you my father showed you this but go down now to verse 33 and the Bible says that our method go to verse 32 I want to get a little bit of context in verse from verse 32 back in as he talked about this openly he was talking about him going to the cross and dying on with his disciples the Bible says Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things not on the one hand Peters encouraging people Peter brings benefit to his life but now here's his time at a critical time his life and Peter's reprimanding him look at verse 33 Jesus turned around looked at his disciples then he reprimanded Peter get away from me Satan he said you were seeing things from merely seeing things merely from a human standpoint a point of view not from God's now this is critical you're seeing things from a human point of view there are people in your life who they are blessing on one hand but it could be there could be a burden in many other areas now I don't want you to start I know you something you're gonna I know exactly who we talking about no it could be you in other people's life so you need be merciful okay but what I'm saying to you is just be conscious be aware that they're there so that when you deal them you know how to deal with them when you deal with them you understand that this is the area that they got to grow in and I'm going to show you something that's gonna blow your mind as I was I was researching this and kind of looking into this this is something that I really believe um about us as leaders especially in people who are growing into our influence is that God will send all kinds of people to you but you have to not handle every kind of person but I want to start by saying this when you have people in your life like I just described you must set boundaries with them so you have to set boundaries you love them but you require them to begin their journey towards maturity listen to me it's the way I just said when you have people in your life who at value to your life but in one area but in several other areas they're draining you you have got to set boundaries with them you love them but you tell me I need you to grow are you you listen you you require them to begin the journey towards maturity no I want to show us just in for our insight that's gonna help you that's gonna blow your mind so the Spirit of God challenges challenges me with this and I'm anyone the way God deals with me sometimes just amazing so that's what the Lord asked me but I was looking at this as like wow this is interesting and the Lord just asked me a random question and the Lord asked me this he said he says do plants ever stop growing now here's a rule when God asked you a question it's because the answer he wants to give you some blow your mind when God asked you a question the questions of God are more potent and impacting than the answers of men the questions of God are more important and potent than the answers of men God asked me to plan every plans ever stopped growing I'm like I don't know so I googled it you know you you thought a revelation came from heaven I google it and when I googled it here's what I found unlike people and animals plants do not have a set age or set size where they're considered mature enough or even old enough I'll say like this they never have an age where they consider mature or old so we say there's an old tree but input but as far as the plants are concerned in the kingdom of the vegetation there's no such thing as being mature or old plants experience a thing that's called indeterminate growth indeterminate growth Ezra says if conditions are right plants just keep growing with no limitations I want I'm gonna speak to that in a minute if conditions are right plants will keep growing without limitations this is a thing called and I want you to listen everybody get a little technical it's called being perpetually embryonic perpetually embryonic the word perpetually means ongoing ever-increasing embryonic literally means to be in an unborn unformed States I'm bout to help your world only choose relationships but if possible with people that understand or a willing tip to arm to buy into this idea that we are all pretty much like plants as far as growth is concerned perpetually embryonic it's in this sense it means that we're always living with future potential within us okay and it's why plants keep growing indefinitely I'm gonna add this again if the conditions are right almost I'm warning I want to talk about this term again perpetually embryonic perpetually embryonic means there's always something in me that's underdeveloped there's always something in me that's unformed in complete or immature watches now if the person in your life has the ad benefit to you their blessing to you but they have a lot of areas where they we do not discard them do not burn the bridge listen communicate to them this principle a big be perpetually embryonic and understand that you yourself must be professionally embryonic okay and what again I want to explain to you it means that there's always something in you this under undeveloped something in you just unformed something in you just incomplete something in you just immature you listen I always think of yourself I'm always emerging I'm always emerging there's always the always room for me to emerge and to get better to grow stronger different parts of my growth required different conditions now understand me um you said are we could do so many of us are people who like to hold on to a situation we hate change but I'm gonna tell you this right now the reason that God was sometimes since sin even abrupt change into our lives is because under God understand this idea of perpetually being perpetually embryonic God understands watch it's not that if conditions are right you can grow you said I just forgot stop drawn your conditions are not right sometimes watch isn't ready for this sometimes you're in a comfort zone and nothing grows in comfort comfort zones nothing comfort zones are not designed for growth they're designed for comfort so what God would do is that God would God would gut you like someone got a prophecy last year next year the Lord just says the Lord I'm gonna bring you into a new season of life you're gonna be a better you and then you come into 2020 and nothing seems to be going right here's the thing you need to understand there's things in you that cannot emerge until trouble comes adversity is designed by God turbulence trials tribulation they're designed by God watch is not to unlock your creativity you are more creative when you have to think on your feet then when you in a comfortable situation when there's no pressure it's difficult to be creative improvisation is one of the greatest tools in a musicians to churches if you could improvise that means you're fast on your feet in this situation here I must understand and tell myself the different parts of my growth regret require different conditions different parts of my put sure will bloom under the right conditions there things in me right now that will never bloom they will never come to light they will never grow they will never become proficient at them in the condition that I had before and so God has not thrust me into this new scenario into this new situation would this new circumstance so that I can grow and here's the thing about growth when in seasons of growth make a note of this God ignores the familiar in your life what it means is this the thing that you're accustomed to if you pray about it say God what about this God will usually ignore the familiar in order to develop in you was unfamiliar to you God in these seasons is going after the unfamiliar alright I pray that that won't bless you how much time I got I got some time to get some more all right I wish I can see what people were saying on on their facebook comments all right let me give you another one are they mad in the comments no all right I want to give you another one and this one is for is for the people who are fighters by Nature you cannot fight battles on multiple fronts in your own strength and be successful to this number 5 you cannot fight battles on multiple fronts in your own strength and be successful you must choose battles based on level of importance and the spoils to be gained now let me tell you I this word spoils the word spoils to speak to what comes out of a struggle what comes out of a fight is it worth my time it spoils deals with with all the goods that come out of a war on what I what I what I take out of the lessons or the profit I take out of a situation um ask yourself before you get engaged is it worth it the question even before you respond is it worth it you know many of us spend time in arguments that are never won or lost you and your mate been argument the same thing for 5-10 years are y'all never settled it so the next time it the topic comes up unless unless they ready to settle it don't even engage it is a useless argument past what I do just shut up silence silence speaks volumes just don't say anything because until the person is ready to deal to sit down and communicate about the issue with the intent of resolving it then that battle is is a lost cause you got it so the thing is I must learn to fight battles only battles that are worth it never fight pride battles listen to me what's the pride battle it's a battle perception never never never exchange words or get into a conflict with anyone or anything just just to offer people to to see you differently or just to just to fulfill your need to win an argument or to win us no leave it alone I'm gonna show you something in Matthew chapter 6 verse 34 is one of the most powerful scriptures and many people ignore it because go to verse 33 I want to show why people ignore the scripture um in verse 33 it says seek ye first the kingdom of God give me King James it says seek ye first the kingdom of God and all of his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you and then we were at will in right there but in verse 34 is a powerful scripture it says take take therefore no thought for tomorrow don't worry about it but tomorrow it says for the more shall take care or take thought for itself are the things of itself I want to go over the screen to show you this it says sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof now let me let me break this down for you sufficient unto the day is it evil thereof here's what it means it means that I'm gonna give you all the heart Ramsey from Greek translation of this it means that every day God gives you sufficient strength to deal with the potential for harm in that day the word evil is a work or paneros that means arm hurt or harm or or being in a position where your heart is of such a composure or disposition that your heart is just bent on hurting people or producing harm in people's lives it says God has only given me enough resources to deal with the potential for harm of that day I listen goodness and mercy follow me and I have enough of what I need to deal with what's coming at me that day I listen what I attended if I worry about things that's past that's that's wasted potential because I can't change the past and if I worry about the things of tomorrow I'm squandering today's energy on tomorrow's problems and I can't even solve them the Bible says Jesus said earlier in this chapter you can't add a inch to or cubit to your stature you can't you can't cause yourself to grow by worrying he says so if you focus you begin to focus on what's before you you choose your battles and your actions have this question is this battle worth it and the answer is no do not engage sometimes people say aw yeah are you tall and people celebrate the idiot yeah yeah you told them off or you you show them and what did they show you just just walk away from it it's not worth you listen um especially social media fools are bound social media is the megaphone for stupid people sometimes and what you do is you block them you mute them you and follow and in your own personal space you you guard let's say you should idiot-proof your space I'm gonna tell you right now stop fighting battles with people and I'm gonna tell you nothing to if you're trying to get people to see what you see because of what you experience is what you need to understand blind people will never see regardless of how much light you give them because a blind person's problem and many of you who have been following me for years on find my ministry for years know what I'm gonna say a blind person's problem is not sight and it's not light rather it's sight they can't see so no matter how much light you give them they need eyes not light and only God can give eyes to see ears to hear and hard to understand stop fighting multiple battles in fronts especially battles that they're not important and then those sports to be game okay that was number five and I think it has six minutes I'm trying to get a short one if there is such a thing as a short one and so let me let me pick one and give me a second I want to pick the right one yeah yeah there's so many let me get this one might as well give this one how you behave when you're disappointed I want to speak to that one um there are times when life is going to disappoint you and what that means is a disappointment by definition is becoming sad or emotionally affected because of the non fulfillment of things you hope for or things you were expecting and and I want to speak to that real quickly and I pray this is blessed you know well what we tend to do and I want to explain to you let me go to scripture first put on the screen for me problems chapter 13 verse 12 I want to speak from this perspective and then maybe I could add some insight you promise chapter 13 and verse 12 um you've heard us before it says Hope deferred makes the heart sick but a dream fulfills the Tree of Life I want to speak to UM from the bottom of this that the term tree of life there arm the term tree of life is only found in three books in the Bible um you find the term tree of life in the book of Genesis in the book of Proverbs in the book of Revelation only three times about three books address the Tree of Life um and if you want now if you go to Genesis and try to understand I'm sorry revelation I try to understand the tree of life you'll miss it in order to understand the concept of the Tree of Life go back to Genesis and what we the first time is introduced is when God gave Adam and Eve he says they're two trees in the midst of the garden he said do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but God never mentioned initially what the other tree was we don't know what the other tree was we would never know whether other tree was had Adam not eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil after that the Bible says God is having a conference with himself the Father Son Holy Spirit and God says oh the Bible says that God God decided to put Adam and Eve out of the garden and to guard the path to the Tree of Life and he said lest the man put forth his hand his words were the man has become as one of us to know good and evil not unless he put forth his hand and eat of the tree and and parenthetically and stay perpetually in State we must guard the path to the Tree of Life what God was indicating was the Tree of Life the idea of the Tree of Life is a tree that perpetuates like it continues to give life that's important life comes out of life and and and continues to reproduce life so the Bible says when my dream is fulfillment God puts a dream in my heart and it's full filled out of that dream or comes other dreams out of that out of that life comes other life that's important now the idea of Hope deferred makes the heart sick the word deferred means B to be delayed for prolong period of time or even arm out of reach it's continued out of reach the Bible says Hope deferred the thing I look forward to happening it was deferred it makes my heart sick now whenever we teach this we never talk about the sickness part I want to deal with the sickness in a minute but before I do that I want to I want to give you this what number is this number five no six five six okay acting out because you're disappointed doesn't cure your disappointment it just adds to your stress it adds to your shame and it may even bring charges up against you if you act out your disappointment listen to me let me tell you what that means when I'm a dealing someone with the sickness of the heart but the heart sickness can manifest as depression it starts out as this verses disappointment disappointment can become discouragement and the experiment can become just what I call a simple depression and simple depression can become clinical depression I saw our exchange on my Facebook feed yesterday where were a friend of mine who's a clinician or therapist I posted a lot of two pictures of a picture of two brains um one was a depressed brain was a normal brain and show the difference are clinically how is there's a physiological difference in the brains and and some deep sisters um deep white sister comes online and comes on the post and just went off telling she's serving a false god and and become demonic let me tell you something okay if your Christianity precludes you from seeking psychological and medical help it is a false Christianity for years I've known people who need to go see a therapist for years I'm gonna say something that's going mine I knew people who committed suicide because their denomination told them that going the psychologies of the devil and and in turn all you need to believe God and you know in the pathing the person was literally clinically depressed and they needed medicine for balance why would you take medicine for headache but not take but not go to doctor to get balanced he said well I took God could hear God could heal or whatever he wants to but if that's if that's the mentality you're taking then let's not take medicine empty your medicine cabinet out don't take nothing he said but what about when I hurt him in pain don't take nothing because in your mind you know in your mind you don't need medicine it's foolishness do not allow people to do that to you you're not required to have a lobotomy because you're saved the past was a lot bother me it means your brain is scooped out and put in a dish you dip that when you come to church you stop thinking no this is important this doing the Bible tells us when my dreams are put on hold it arm and it seemed like the I mean everything I do I can do good I can do positive things and I'll get a negative result if you always get a negative result for your positive effort you're gonna start telling yourself it makes no difference what you do you start thinking like a throwaway and once you start thinking like a throwie guess what you start living like a throwaway and we started living like a throwaway you will do anything because your goal remember this your heart is sick and when your heart is sick what happens to use you start to feel pain and and I've seen it I've been there maybe translucent for a minute I've been in a situation where my life hurts so badly that I didn't care what the medication was I don't care who offered it I think it was god of the devil I got to the play I was so low in my life and here's the crazy part you could get you could be low in your life at the peak of your success at the pinnacle of your success you can be low in your heart because one single part of your dream didn't did not manifest and you can become so hurt and so so damaged in your soul that the enemy could tell you um just do this because at least you won't hurt anymore and you find I had preacher friends who won't taking cocaine maybe I said what is wrong with you they were hurting they won't do it they were successful and he's a reason but they were failing in another arena and and they would do anything once you think like a throw away you will live like one just you will do you try to do anything to feel something different it's not the will of God for you what what about you deal with the heart sickness there's a statement that in this season that I'm making I want to make it to dinner I'm gonna continue to make it the Spirit of God spoke to me and when I was dealing with this issue trying to figure out this racism issue and the law says um you'll never get a revelation of a thing if you keep ignoring its Genesis and a lot of people want revelation but they don't they will look to Genesis what's Genesis is the history of the thing go back to it listen um Satan is called in in the book of Revelation the great dragon why would God come to the great dragon because God has watched him over time versus the in Genesis he's introduced as a serpent if you study a dragon dragons are in the serpent family so God watched him get strong and strong and strong as he deceived more more people from the beginning to the end he gets to be a dragon because he started as a serpent if you don't understand him as a serpent you can't defeat him as a dragon you got to understand the genesis of a thing even the genesis of your heart sickness why is your heart hurting why you sick why are you depressed why you always traumatize why are you so defensive you've got to answer these questions because if you don't answer these questions where the enemy is gonna do he will tell you a point to emulate that you be blade is that person for that part and it's you you've been through something and sometimes you go back and it's something as simple as your life didn't turn out the way you wanted me to turn out it could be something as simple as someone hurts you and it embarrassed you something as simple as you experience hurt in church and now you do it's something simple as God didn't answer your prayer you don't pray anymore sometimes say something as simple as you found it a simple error in scripture so you don't trust any script it could be something really little a serpent that grew into a mighty dragon in your life the sickness the word sick here is a powerful word it literally means to be wounded diseased or ill and the Bible says your heart can be healed and when I point in my heart I'll actually point to my goodness because my heart is this is this is my pumping heart that's my physical heart but the heart of a man is his gut and the problem about the problem with your gut is that's what your intuition is you got it that's that's why you that's what your worship comes from your gut and if it's sick then everything that comes out of it is sick you'll be you'll be calling suspicion discernment right because your heart sick and it goes back to a deferred Hope Hope deferred makes the heart sick so not get this so when I act out do not allow yourself to act out because you're disappointed manage yourself when you're disappointed I understand this what you do when you're disappointed is caused by the non-fulfillment some non fulfillment of your hopes dreams and expectations know what it is and and speak to it this is what I do I'm in with this I always go to God and I asked the Lord like David acts I say God my soul is disquieted I'm really disappointed I would actually say the god I had I'd expected that if you told me to do this then you know come through for me in the scripture there's this a story I can't quite remember where it is is it it's neither or first or second say maybe maybe the book of Judges I'm not sure but I'll tell you the story you search it out so so many of you know the story by heart or because we write songs about it or we preach about worship sins on sin Judah first but let me tell the story by send you the first Benjamin that the tribe of Benjamin was rebelling against God and they were doing all kinds of craziness and so Israel went before they basically separate themselves from from Israel and they would acting like they were a whole nation by themselves and just raising up wars and doing dumb stuff and so the Bible says that that Israel went to God and said should we attack this this is our brothers I mean we're all one family so we're tightening the losses just attack them so so um they went out and they attacked and Benjamin just we've slaughtered them so they came back to the Lord again and they're praying that crying God what did we do wrong you told us to go out against them we inquired of you and you told us to go and you tossed you know God never told me they were wind God just says go yaks permission and go when they came back the second time his way they said should we go against Benjamin again and if we go his with axe guard not like that David David actually I pursue what I overcome didn't asked but i overcome this is shall we go out against Benjamin and hence we ask God and if we do go who should go up first and God says send Judah first so you think if God says sent you the first man in the church man if the Lord in the word of the Lord sends you the first man that means praise we can break out in a praise break right but when they went in here's what we don't teach about that send you the first they went to that battle and they lost 18,000 more of their men were killed it came back to God they fasted for 7 days and what did we do wrong and God says God says this if shall we go out again and God says go again and you read the story they went out a couple more times and and it was until he asked God for a strategy when they asked God ok when we go this time are we gonna win a gun says God says you're gonna win this time and when they as they were going God gave him a plan and they were able to surround Benjamin and win the battle but the hizzle thing I want to show you God had told him to go out again and they lost sometimes God will tell you to do something not because if you're gonna win but because remember I taught earlier because sometimes your potential is not released until you in a situation that's uncomfortable sometimes I'm gonna tell you something I remember going through a major failure in my life I had to take six months off for ministry I'm gonna tell you what I learned more in that six months I was going over the notes that I made i call them notes from the underbelly the things i learned just from looking at my success from from the underbelly of what god built through me the things i learned yes my heart was sick my hope was deferred but the lessons i've learned when I came back there people tell me I learned how to recover from failure through you I hope today the things that I share with you as far as wisdom is concerned have been a blessing to you i'ma tell you this you know as I walk with the Lord especially through the season there's so many things there's so many things that I wish that I had known back then but in this season that we're in right now I've learned to trust God through every situation every situation and this situation is no different I want to pray with you are we still up okay I want to pray I won't pray with you before we depart my fact we can still I receive our offering community city but I want to pray with you father I lift every person watching today up before you I ask in Jesus name that you would cause your people to take in what they heard to process it tonight just say it was good teaching or something I needed but to take it for what it was worth to them and to immediately begin to apply the things that were heard cause wisdom and the truth of this wasn't to go down into the inner parts draw people back to yourself cause their hearts to reconnect in areas that where they've disconnected and let every answer that we received today bring glory to you and honor and Thanksgiving is my prayer in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Pastor Hart Ramsey
Views: 3,712
Rating: 4.9058824 out of 5
Id: ZXUowVCoRkg
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Length: 68min 12sec (4092 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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