The Desi Wedding Of The Century! | My Big Fat Desi Wedding | OMG

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[Music] foreign [Music] for the staff of saffron events you better stop following me wedding season is in full swing pleasure's on for 10 minutes there's a lot happening every single weekend you know some weekends we can have maybe 10 events so yeah it is really busy and it's a lot to dig in [Music] chefs are cooking for like to 300 400 500 maybe even 600 but still has to be nothing less than the best they definitely have their hands full I'm just finishing off 125 cushions for one function so it's a lot of cushions there's no such thing as a typical day for us get in there it's a lot of pressure because you want everything to be right and you want everything to be perfect [Music] oh look how nice he's walking there among the many couples looking for Perfection are shiv and Zara you go who are just a few days away from tying the knot how did we meet him oh well do you want to start okay then we met online which is how most people meet these days and then he sent me a voice message and that lovely Scottish accent it kind of Scottish yeah yeah it was a deep and that was lovely so we met up yeah and that was it fast forward six months and shiv and his kind of Scottish accent was popping the question I went down on one knee the traditional way didn't I and I gave her a list of reasons why I love her and hoped that she'd say yes and then you responded by screaming didn't you which is like yeah really high-pitched so and then it was just been yeah smooth sailing since well not quite being from a Sikh family chefs dream of a small wedding soon went out the window you went from 50 to 300. pretty quickly yeah before I knew it there was people coming from all over the world you know Myanmar America France Spain Canada I think Japan India England so while they wanted intimate I think this is the lull before the storm minu a practicing Sikh is having it her way we're using every room and a bed for two people I don't know who's going to stay here but some two people will sleep here so now there's close to 300 guests due to arrive at any moment they're all staying on the Royal Mile and in the West End of Edinburgh I mean for Scotland it's very big but for an Indian wedding I mean I've been for weddings with this tuna two and a half thousand people it's an open house for four or five days from fourth fifth sixth and seventh it's very difficult to cut people off the list because you know we when a ship would say who's this I've never met him and I said well we've been for their son's wedding or their daughter's wedding so we need to invite them so initially there was a bit of a tussle on that but he finally uh agreed that you know we're doing it so we just let us do whatever we want [Music] at first I was naive to think the wedding is just about me and Zara it's actually about kind of two families and everything else around it the compromise is a celebration where East Meets West combining elements of the Sikh religion with a humanist wedding ceremony I don't think I would have been happy if it was a religious wedding you know I've got respect for people of different faiths absolutely but I can't do something me and Zara both don't feel right you know so I think they were absolutely fine with that and I think most importantly my grandma who's the Sikh was was fine with it too foreign events which is where saffron comes in it's their job to organize a Sangeet right okay I'll find out from Hassan and I'll call you back which will be followed by a wedding that's not only humanist but follows Scottish tradition as well everything from Kilts to Keeley dancing I don't think we've ever had achilla in Asian reading oh we're waiting the Enemy No but I think that would be a nice surprise for their guests because they've got people coming over from like Canada India England so be a nice surprise even I think for their Scottish guests I'll be honest it'd be really nice yeah I think a lot of people will be coming in expecting like Bollywood soundtracks and Bangla dancing like crazy light bulbs pop the duck Pat with the dog and stuff yeah so I think it'll be a nice surprise for you I guess I just how did that work but that's not that's not how we do it yeah but that's like yeah we don't like we did and you're starting off then but like when you plant August like this yeah no you don't pattern as Scottish Asians are proud to be Scottish I know certainly I am um so any wedding that you go to you do find elements of it and it doesn't need to be a kind of mixed race wedding for it to come in and they can be Asian you know through and through and they're proud to be Scottish and bring elements of the Scottish culture into the weddings these are the signs I got pretty oh nice so that's for your parents these are gifts in the spirit of East Meets West Zara is Keen to embrace all things seek I've said to shiv's family that I wanted it to be as kind of traditional and authentic as possible so to just tell me what to do and I'm up for doing it so um hopefully it all just kind of falls into place and I don't look out of place I think what got you thinking about that was when we went to India didn't we and he fell in love with like all the colors and the culture and the diversity of the country I said to shoot somebody that um I feel like I'm Indian like I want to be Indian yeah I was Indian in a previous life I just love it all yeah and he did the Bollywood theme in your hand dude didn't you see that all that boy would dance I love it all I think it's brilliant so we're going to India every year now yeah yes we are yeah though first there's the more pressing matter of a wedding and all those guests we've just started throwing stuff around so in all the hotel rooms I'm going to leave a bag with with the program for the next four days and also in the bag will be sorry for the woman and I'm going to put some Scottish stuff I'm going to put a couple of cans of iron Brew some Highland Spring Water some tablets some shortbread and some oat cakes and things like that just just little nibbles and trying to make it into a real indoor Scott is trying to sort of impress them with Scotland while minu has her hands full shiv's dad sanjoy is taking a back seat [Music] though funky guitar lick Society does have one job to do and it's a biggie Zara asked me to walk her down the aisle and uh well I've got two boys and I've always wanted to have a daughter so this is a fantastic thing but as I realized as soon as I took it it's also a huge feeling of responsibility I was very very flattered by it and I'm happy to take on this very responsible role I did think like what if Chevron Zara have a fight one day whose side will I take and I will obviously take Zara's you know while shiv and Zara are having a humanist wedding a traditional Sikh ceremony would take place at a Gurdwara like this one on glasgow's South Side Run by Diljit and his wife for 42 years also named Diljit quite a colorful event people like to come here and get married you know it should be just like every other wedding lovely colorful exciting oh this is coming but unlike the average Scottish wedding it's the bride who arrives first in our community we don't own any of the dream side to trade so she comes in quite early and we sneak her into a room with her bridesmaids parents close relatives [Music] it's a long day for the bride she's up at what four o'clock in the morning getting ready [Music] arriving with a bang and usually in a Flash car enter the groom [Music] followed by the Milne where the groom's family formally meets the brides Bright's father and the Grim's father meet Dave's father put a gardened over their Grim's father and the grandfather would do the same giveaway hug and get a photo [Music] as the introduction of the post family you know if you own the bright side of bridegroom side they know who's a uncle who is the father who is a brother he's a sister you know all just introduction he's cool after the Milne they will come to the kitchen and they will have a nice breakfast everything will be fresh and so all the volunteer as well you know they actually have been here since it's six o'clock they've been making like chapatis brontes samosas [Music] with bellies full finally the ceremony can begin their um one time that can the groom be brought to the front then the bride joins the party and as she sits next to the groom she must hold on to a sash called Apollo [Music] no time must she let go of that color while the sun is happening because that is just like give a responsibility of the Bride to the bridegroom you know you have to look after it [Music] the couple must also Circle the holy scriptures four times each lap symbolizing a different stage of their spiritual journey together no matter who's letting us actually alive and that happens after a final blessing and signing the register this couple are officially husband and wife [Music] foreign HQ it's all go okay so we're looking for some sofas and lo and behold look at this it's like a little Ally's cave it's Sabrina's job to organize Shivan Zara Sangeet which for a start means scouring 20 000 square feet of storage as you can see we've got tables and things here containing every wedding accessory imaginable covers and cushion covers how do you know where anything is in is it do you know what this is chaos but organized chaos um everything is in its place and it must be when we do wedding after wedding after wedding Hassan's hoarding is absolutely ridiculous I mean we're out of space even before we had moved in completely this is probably some things that Hassan should just get rid of but he refuses to get rid of so we have to fit somewhere and not surprised he's gonna hit me we can have a yard sale that's what we can do with that stuff which right now isn't much help to Sabrina if we're looking for the the multi-colored sheets to put down on the floor I think they might be one of these boxes to be honest where I don't know it's good I might see a spider or something oh what find some but Sabrina's not the only one with her hands full so these are that's the money that's my mom and my mom and dad need to understand the meaning behind the Traditions Zara's turned to Manu and sanjoy for help so good looking both of you and they in turn have brought out their own wedding photos this album is from the time we met up to our honeymoon you look completely different I know it literally he looks like a different person isn't it you have to wear that turban in the Sikh wedding and uh you can't really wear it without a mustache at least it just looks too hard and that's that's well she's the one who introduced us yep we met at a Hyatt Regency uh coffee bar and I was wearing a suit with uh no tie with no tie which she hates right you look like a Sri Lankan cricketer [Laughter] before long minu and sanjoy were planning this in git which thanks to the dawn of video will live on forevermore and it was I'm talking 78 years ago when my mom got married Bride of the groom's sisters or sisters-in-laws would go to the neighborhood and call all the women and say come and have a cup of tea and let's sing these wedding songs foreign and it was a party that often lasted for up to eight days that time it was mainly held in the house so they would have dual key the drums and all day every day in the houses it was much more personal because there weren't so many people it would just be the family the neighbors and a few friends ironically there were only 80 guests at minu Sangeet roughly a third of the people she's invited to Shivan Zara shindig that's that's me uh wearing a sari given by my mother-in-law the Reds I want to wear red [Music] as Traditions evolve these days many families go all out when it comes to entertaining their guests [Music] from the Sangeet or mendi through to the big day itself often every step is the work of a wedding choreographer foreign people they'll get people in to help them help them do a dance routine or you know help them with some move the whole competition side with the guys and the girls it's it gets heated at times those guys mean business [Music] one choreographer who's really making a splash is vasuda Roy you can make that into slow mo it'll be a 10 minute video [Music] at more than 80 weddings she's helped family members create stunning dance numbers questions now people really take a wedding choreography very seriously people want to get a choreographer and structure everything make it look nice have a concept around it make it look exciting down add up while the suit is based in Mumbai her latest job has seen her travel a little further afield to Glasgow it's really sweet lady and she texts me and she's like I love your work I'm like that's so sweet of you she's like I stay in UK and would you like to come here and teach me how to dance one and two I said uh well UK is not surely that close so how do we do this and she said well I really love your work and I would want you so I said okay then uh let's do this and then she comes to you that lady with shafia so take a tour looking to help her sister Sadia create the perfect wedding for her son now just turn in place and then come back up she's a Charming lady but she's a strict teacher so we have to she's a you need to be perfect you have to be perfect yeah so that's her hard work with us down with your right down with your left over the last 10 days vasudas lived here with the family and had them in constant rehearsal one two walk walk hit hit perfect that's the one yeah it's uh primarily Bollywood it's a lot of Bollywood songs from famous actors actresses whatever's trending you guys are going to hold each other in Ballroom position I thought that I am a bit shy in dancing and I'm not really you know flexible but she taught me all the moves that I needed so now I think I'm quite confident to Rock On The Dance Floor one two three four awesome brilliant I found it difficult because every time she was saying the right hand my mind is Left-Handed so I was just don't know what can I do a pro and extend and hand weight change in my profession when you see them grow you know sometimes when they walk in they just go like I can't dance you I don't know what you're even trying to do here and then on the main day they're like you made me do this and I'm so happy that I did it I think that is why I love dance so much it's magic for me one two three four okay all right guys that was awesome that was so good for shafia Sadia and the rest of their family this is the last rehearsal you don't need me anymore you guys are so good as vasudas headed home to Mumbai so emotional right now because I just know I've taught them dance I've seen the way they've grown since day one I do it because it makes me so happy it makes me it makes my day better foreign [Music] draws closer who was this for Malika Malika the help of her sisters under the watchful eye of the family matriarch I'm just sitting and looking after their 88 year old mom two three now she's done she's done shield and she's the mother of the group and she has done everything yeah she's giving birth to the group to organizing the venues to deciding the men uh menu to deciding the seating she's done everywhere are you happy to share some of the workload with them or no no no no I'm very happy to share all the workload with them excuse me it's all the workload it's not some it's complete Workshop given over to us yes she just walks around while minu and her sisters debate the workload afron it's up to head chef Rasheed the masses once we are busy we have to be very very fast I have to grill on the charcoal and then I have to make some lamb rice vegetarian sag small canopies things like that you know food is the most important part at a wedding so it doesn't matter how beautiful your Venue is how beautiful your dress is how gorgeous the decorate is if food is not on point then that's what they'll be talking about we always have a saying that we don't live to eat we eat no way we we don't eat how do you say we don't love to eat we eat to live so food is no no no you don't eat to live We Live to eat yeah [Laughter] let's try and remember it now fortunately rasheed's been in the business for 35 years and is used to cooking for big groups our Chef is fantastic hello and he has more than one wedding a day how many people do you normally 500 600 300 250. foreign for Asian weddings the kitchen's probably the most manic Place it'll be crazy everybody have a different ways to cook the food but I cook food as a traditional no corner cut though with up to 50 different dishes at a typical event in this kitchen the pressure is always on where it is just rice and a curry and a dessert now you've got four starters you've got a check-in you've got a lamb you've got prawns in there you've got a salmon in there there's just so much more to it now my mother used to make a this sag she teach me like this say this is the best way your fit skit either way is fantastic if it's rubbish no point I'm going to be waiting she shouldn't have bothered going that's that's what it's like fortunately the shiv and Zara Sangeet Chef has everything under control but with the big event now just 24 hours away Zara also needs to look the parts see what's happening today along with the bridesmaid Ashley she's come for a final fitting hi I'm here to get my dress of course yeah thank you that's it there what do you think Ashley yeah yeah look at the detail Made in India the dress is a gift from Minner okay are you ready yeah can I come out uh-huh what do you think oh my God obviously I love it I think it's very pretty it's exactly what we wanted sparkly I only got this a few days ago and it was just far too big so we've had to rush here to these amazing people who had to take the top all uh like apart and put it all back together again and just saved me basically I'm really excited now I'm really really excited and I can't wait to get my nails done a bit later because it's gonna match the this outfit and then put the shoes on with it and I think it's all coming together now so yeah I am so happy for you this is a very exciting wedding I don't know what to expect why I've got everything this is like a workout for miles [Music] even at the most traditional weddings the Scottish influence is always present a lot of the boys do we are tartan it's not something we used to see that often but as Times Gone by we're seeing it a lot more regularly now you know it's these kind of Scottish and Asian mixes it's really good to see [Music] increasingly this cultural mashup is also being reflected in Scotland's favorite fabric there's different designs and different colors now that are associated for different cultures so you get an Islamic Tartan there is a seek Tartan as the Asian community of embrace Scotland in Scotland's definitely embrace the Asian Community as well to date there are more than 15 Asian tartans many of them seek this is one of the newest a bold creation by Tartan designer Brian Wilton the beauty of tartan is that it probably is the world's greatest identifier in fabric his latest creation has been commissioned by Ranjit Gill I've never worn a kilt before and I'm interested to see what it feels like nice and tight okay throw it fall down it says gift to his daughter Nina who's marrying a Scotsman called Mike feels lovely actually it feels nice and snug and so far no chafing which is also nice at the very least what we're going to do is have the top material made into scarves for all the men and pashminas for all the ladies and some of the guys in our family have decided they will wear a kilt but hopefully we can just increase that number a little bit further there is some hesitation but I can assure them it is very comfortable and elegant and liberating I feel almost Scottish yeah oh yes yeah well how nice to meet you at long last how nice to meet you and and look at that you're a Bonafide Scotsman so Brian um where are we up to with uh getting the material uh made well you'll be delighted to hear it's actually on the loom yes uh up in the middle and Keith wow that's great thank you that's excellent they've produced this excellent printout which will be very close very close to the the finished cloth yes the good thing about doing one for the Sikhs is that there's a lot of symbolism that orange is one of the principal colors in the Sikh religion together with the royal blue so there's lots of lots of room there for incorporating uh the religious symbolism into the design and the white lines we wanted to have to capture my mum who passed away uh a few years ago and my brother and I wanted to capture her favorite color in the pattern as well so that you know we we remember and respect her memory yeah [Music] your history is woven into that time to a certain extent it's not going to change and as long as Kilts are going to be worn well which is going to be another thousand years I'm sure given how comfortable they are [Music] wedding Tartan is one of the most romantic ideas imaginable more people should do it [Music] in edinburgh's New Town Zara wants to add even more bling to a Sangeet hi hi good how are you good so she's asked Wendy a regular manicurist to go full on Bollywood yes I've done some mock-ups so I've just left one plane in case we want to try and something and they're going so pretty a couple of the ones the diamantees and then I was thinking that for your toes yes glitter I think I've changed my mind after seeing my outfit okay what are you thinking I'm thinking some of the gold bits would look nice in some of the names right okay this doesn't seem too much you know what I just would pop in and I'd be like oh that looks like a lot it is very fancy I don't think I could be I think we should really go through not unless there's more situations foreign she knows none of it would be possible without a fabulous mother-in-law to be she's brilliant um it's just wonderful closer through the wedding and organizing the wedding she's just brilliant I really like her and she's just kind of welcomed me into the family sleep she wants grandchildren I want babies so I think we're on the same page with with a lot of things which is good so yeah how does that look are you happy with that I love that [Music] he sent another WhatsApp yeah hide and see it while Zara couldn't ask for better in-laws the feeling is mutual you know she was like a fish in water in India in December she was just perfect absolutely she loved the colors she loved the culture she loved the people on the road she was waiting to try all the food till her stomach of course she got a deli belly and but she was just absolutely enjoying but when he met her was she always like this yeah yeah she was first time when I met her I think it must have been about a year ago we haven't dated that long decided to get married very quickly after they started dating I remember she came in and it sort of got along I said oh she's small like us you know from description at least of what he's described of all his girlfriend she was the best because he's been dating all sorts of girls you know and it never worked out but with her I thought oh my God if he doesn't keep this going then I'll have to disown him because she was just perfect for him you know so yeah yeah so she seems to be yeah she nice yeah wedding a good fit in the family yeah [Music] as the sun rises over the capital yeah it's the day of shiv and Zara's Sangeet which marks the coming together of two families taking place at shiv's old high school the prestigious Edinburgh Academy it's up to Sabrina to make sure everything goes without a hitch so we've got 220 guests coming tonight and start time is six o'clock so at the moment we are sitting at just before half past one which means we've got is it four and a half libraries Mass isn't great um four and a half hours to set up as you can see around it's very traditional but very bare looking at the moment so we're just waiting for the team to come and you know do their magic moments later Sabrina's crack team is pulling up outside is that our boasting 12 people several van loads of furniture and hundreds of decorative touches hi hi hello you're here I heard on that noise and I thought it has to be saffron stuff how are you good how are you I'm good thank you nice to see you yeah so we've got this room to set up this is where most of the activities here and the entertainment will be so you're going to put the sofa set in front of the stage and the sheets in front there'll be a lot of singing and it'll be very colorful but of course there's one other challenge to think about so the dining hall is out on the other side I think it was locked I'll get it opened from here serving a traditional banquet for a staggering 220 or so people now we've got to blast out and set the venue up it's all hands on deck across town Zara's also undergoing a transformation I love what we're doing but we're going for a more Smoky bronzy look blown out and just building that up steadily and seeing how her skin kind of takes it though despite the skills of makeup artist Alia Zara does have one slight disadvantage basically I'm not Indian if you haven't noticed so she manages to do it in a way that is kind of Indian style but suits me it's brilliant it tastes a lot trickier I didn't get with a lighter skin tones because what I find is that um you can't look like a raccoon or a panda you know with the big kind of smokes but um but Zara I can't really do that I have to kind of limit it and kind of compliment her skin tone as well I'm so excited I can't wait to see the pictures and I can't wait to see it all together because we've only done the hair and the makeup separately how you feel like quite nervous yeah but I'm really happy you're here and that you're helping me get ready yeah have you had a drink yeah not yet not yet I think a glass of Prosecco is needed before we leave but Zara's not the only one starting to feel those pre-wedding jitters it's just one of those days that you can't find anything you know it's I thought I was very organized but I'm not that organized actually I can't find as the person who insisted on a big wedding is now up to menu to be the hostess with the mostest I'm feeling a bit nervous um because I have to talk to all the 230 people that I invited there we've had 65 people for lunch today we had a lot of people who arrived yesterday so what's it now it's time for me to get ready and rush now okay come on everybody let's go let's go we're going come but while both Manu and Zara have their hands full shift schedule is more relaxed uh this is what we call the kurta pajama so I'm going to be wearing this tonight this will take me five minutes to put on I'll moisturize myself you know maybe brush my teeth and that's pretty much it I feel very um lucky to be a man sometimes my favorite color as Zara knows is black I always love wearing black uh maybe because I like heavy metal but um this is the traditional Indian Ware this is the the trouser is obviously the coupe which goes over it I think the nerves are going to start to kick in when I put it on at the moment I'm all right ish I'm not shaking but um yeah hope Zara likes it that's the main thing she's really really given 110 um and she Embraces the kind of Indian culture she loves it she's been doing her makeup for a wolf a couple hours three hours I'm sure she'll look great but she naturally looks beautiful all the time speaking of the Blushing Bride she has one more tradition to embrace and that's the jewelry I've been gifted this beautiful 24 karat gold um necklace and earrings from um shiv's Auntie the earrings are really really heavy so I've had to practice wearing them and then I've got my Tikka um which is beautiful and it hangs down onto my forehead I'm not quite sure how it attaches um and it's got a bit of red at the bottom to match my my outfit and then I don't know if this has a name um but um I asked Manu for this because I've seen it in uh Indian bridal pictures it kind of hooks on your nose and goes behind your ear um so I'm really pleased I got one of these as well I don't know if it'll suit me or how it'll look but you really are going all out oh definitely definitely you've got to do it well I think you should do it properly immerse yourself and go for it so that's what we're trying to do amongst the Pomp and ceremony of a wedding all eyes are on the braid but to create the perfect outfit the jewelry can be even more important than the dress back in the day a lot of emphasis was put on at being real gold jewelry that the blade would wear as times has evolved dresses have evolved and now the jewelry is involved with that as well and now commonly it's artificial jewelry that's used by Brides because it complements the dress better these earrings here and these are very traditional they're called junkas which is what inspired fashion designer chasma Rahman to go into business creating bespoke costume jewelry so I'll show you one of the earrings I've designed felt there was a gap in the marketplace for Asian jewelry this just clips into your hair so I actually started off making prom dresses and then it led to this with a client base crammed full of brides to be chasma designs everything from tickers earrings and bangles beets are very in fashion to the biggest blingiest necklaces you have ever seen right now the trend is a lot of embrides are layering up on their jewelry so they have like a choker necklace um and a longer um necklace and the nose ring is now coming back in fashion as well hello how are you okay I'm good back in the days everybody used to wear Asian gold and it's just yellow gold stuff it's the very very expensive stuff and if you didn't wear it it was just seen as you know why is she not wearing gold on her wedding day but now we've just come away from that because it doesn't match your outfit it it just looks really yellow the drummer sits like that with our jewelry what we do it's plated in different shades so you could get like a darker gold or a lighter gold the stones can also be customized I actually feel like I'm pretty good yes so no I love that yeah 99 of the time they don't have their outfit with them because the outfit takes about a year to make have you got your wedding outfit yet and nobody I've designed it and I've sent pictures okay I keep getting sent pictures of the embroidery so I need to basically work with the images that they have so that's it they are oh that's lovely right okay other times I'll need to work with like a Swatch of embroidery a lot of detail there but while the Modern Bride tends to be a big fan it's lovely conditions sometimes struggle with the notion of gold-plated jewelry there are people who are very cultured and they do expect their daughters or daughter-in-laws to wear gold but obviously the bride has something else in mind um so yes that can be a wee bit difficult but it's just trying to convince them that you know the jewelry that the daughters picked it will look better there you are that's your things there you're welcome thank you thank you very much take care and send me pictures okay take care then okay bye [Music] is now less than 30 minutes away and stress is in the air somebody help me with this please I'm just trying to get ready and get there in time but I should have been there 10 minutes ago and nobody can find anything without my help also shiv's dad sanjoy his focus is trying not to tear up emotional person so you get so no I don't get it anybody getting married anybody passing the driving test anybody passing an exam and tears rolled down his eyes I'm the strong one in the family I'm the organizer I'm the strong one are you all ready to go everybody's ready okay let's go yeah there he is my boy so yes Zara just texting saying what time we're getting there I'm getting this soon shiv I'm heading out now I'm leaving while the entire family is running a little late team saffron is moving Heaven and Earth in order to transform the Academy's main hall into a Vibrance and Geet the amount of props and detail that's involved in events you know you do usually have that last minute Panic of whether you've forgotten some part of something so it's usually a Mad Dash back to the warehouse pick that up get it back in time and get it set up and have it looking just perfect right wow it's really nice happy I'm very happy yeah I was a little bit worried uh because we were running a little bit late earlier on but um we managed to get everything done we managed to set up on time for six o'clock before the guests arrived so all this Sangeet needs now is a bride [Music] here we go Sangeet is basically we are you're having food you're singing you're dancing everything's colorful everything's great and generally everybody's just having a good time it's a party [Applause] I was pretty nervous when I walked in but as soon as you kind of just have half a glass of Prosecco and Shake everyone's hand or whatever then I think the nerves begin to disappear traditionally it's the bride's female relatives who sing songs that not only introduce the two families but also poke fun there are some cheeky ones like for example this is whoever's wife's fat so that person needs to stand up and like you know because she's the fat one or the tallest woman will stand up I like so there are some tricky songs but nobody ever really takes it personal it's just a bit of fun sangeet's going well and everybody's having a good time I don't think they can stop singing it's very hard for them to stop once they start singing especially my friends who come from India and all over the world that's Punjabi music it's very infectious it's difficult for them to stop saying so I don't have to get them up to come and have some dinner go lead the way okay [Music] listen you need to move the gulab jamun open to one yourself yeah it's um I feel host just now it's seen um oh 220 seem to be in this Hall um although we've got two Buffet stations that can still get quite busy um and we've got a lot on the menu as well so it is really really really pity at the moment s [Music] come on come on Sangeet is where people will be out there on that dance floor this is where everyone you know gets their dance moves out and you know giving it the hardest they've been practicing their moves in front of the mirror [Applause] it's been none constantly singing dancing meeting people seeing people we know I think that the whole thing is just amazing I loved at the moment when my grandma came up and started started dancing when she came up and she was giving oh that makes me quite emotional to see yeah the walking the walking stick was put to one side [Music] but this celebration is far from over in less than 12 hours shiv and Zara will say I do in a humanist wedding ceremony I'm looking forward to the fact there's going to be a totally different type of day be terrified about tomorrow still there's so many especially the women here who are saying oh what are you wearing can't wait to see you in your dress tomorrow's the big day and I'm thinking oh don't remind me [Music] though after months of planning and expanding the guest list from just 50 people to 300. and who's got the red one there's one person who couldn't be more excited so just make sure that shiv's guilt is absolutely spot on tonight I'm officially the mother-in-law foreign but I need a break before my other son decides to get married today it's sanjoy's turn to step up even though he's father of the groom he'll be the one walking Zara down the aisle quite a significant event for me because I really am gaining a doctor thank you it makes me feel like the daddy don't cry too much no control over that the ceremony is taking place at the Hub an old church just a few doors down from Edinburgh Castle [Music] very nervous very nervous but excited at the same time conducting the humanist wedding is celebrant Ian whiteclaw how are you going to feel as you are walking Zara down the aisle very proud very proud okay so the neighbors will go at that point yeah let me see your hands I'm fine no you're looking perfect [Music] I think the beautiful thing about chevron's Auto is that it is not just one person coming into a new a new culture and accepting new traditions it is two people meeting in the middle and and becoming part of the Scottish culture [Music] welcome to Chev van Zara's wedding ceremony here in the heart of Scotland's capital city Edinburgh Zara was walked in by shiv's dad sanjoy he's definitely smiling I do not see a tear [Music] it's nice because it's just two cultures that are coming together I should sincerely declare that I accept you Zara as my lovely wedded wife they're taking a bit of this culture and a bit of this culture putting it together is going to come forward with the second ribbon a very rare seek tartan it's called The Sing tartan that's what makes it more interesting and more like wow this is great I've never seen this before and if your right hand comes up and not so that you've just tied symbolizes the fact that you and your feminists are good together you're stronger than you are individually I hereby declare that you shiv and you Sarah I'm now married does husband and wife you make us your right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as ever evolving is ever-changing I think raising rooms want something which is a bit more bespoke a bit more tailored to kind of dead events so I don't see this balloon bursting anytime soon [Applause] foreign [Music] ceremony I've ever been to actually and it was completely different it was a totally new experience for me it was lovely everyone was dressed in different attires we were all just a big family honestly and it was fantastic thank you for so much for coming we've all known shift since the day was born and welcoming Zara into the family has been really special I'm so pleased to have Zara in my life I mean I had two sons now I have two sons and a daughter yeah guys thank you for coming appreciate it congratulations I think it's the best wedding I've attended but it's between Zara and me we organized it and it's gone very smoothly it was it was brilliant I'm very happy and pleased the way it went yeah yeah yeah exactly yeah so I've seen the blending of the two families and the love and the warmth and the welcoming of both sides you know to their respective families has been amazing yeah should we put our glasses up means and if we celebrate a day of love happiness laughter and to the beautiful and gorgeous Zara [Applause] thank you [Music] I absolutely definitely 100 think it's been amazing everything I wanted let's be beyond our expectation it just went so well didn't it it did it's been fantastic so you're gonna go forwards two three though for the international guests there's one more culture shock in store [Music] and that's learning to dance the gay Gordons [Music] spin Fair Lady don't forget to walk around the circle very nice dancing let's send the blood you know like if someone was to play a good beat on like a Dustbin like you'd see us like just kind of shrugging our shoulders and screwing in a light bulb somewhere so it's definitely in the blood [Music] though for this crowd deproving much more challenging [Music] start again what is the future hold babies yes babies a long life together long life together long life of health happiness and babies yeah babies [Music] don't forget to bear in curtsy next time an online romance has brought one couple to the wedding planners desperate for a day they'll never forget but they might need to convince the mother of the bride on a few things first hello my lovely what do you think of Sultan okay he's okay [Music]
Channel: OMG Weddings
Views: 41,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tlc uk, big fat gypsy wedding, indian wedding, indian wedding video, big fat desi, big fat desi wedding series, desi wedding tik tok, big fat desi wedding full episode, indian weddings, sikh wedding, what are indian weddings like, indian american wedding, sikh wedding 2022, desi, desi wedding dress, my big fat desi wedding tv show, desi weddings tiktok, desi weddings be like, getting hitched asian style, getting hitched asian style episode 1, bollywood, bollywood wedding
Id: zxth6EqQ1FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 50sec (3350 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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